How to fade out a Gui with function + variable?

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How to fade out a Gui with function + variable?

15 Sep 2018, 15:16


I created a script which consists of a Gui with a picture inside of it.
Additionally, there is also a fade-in and a fade-out effect which works perfectly.

I use this Gui in scripts which take some seconds until they have finished.
(Just to inform the user that a script is being run.)

By using the include function, I add my Gui script into any other script.
It looks like this:

Code: Select all

#SingleInstance force
global d = 5 ; Verzögerung in ms
global bild ; Entweder Start, Ende oder Abbruch (Bild wird in der Gui angezeigt)

  bild = Start.png

  bild = Ende.png
  SoundPlay, %A_WinDir%\Media\tada.wav
  Sleep, d

  Gui +E0x20 -Caption +LastFound +ToolWindow +AlwaysOnTop ; Durchklickbar, rahmenlos, zuletzt gefunden, kein Taskleistensymbol, immer im Vordergrund
  Gui, Add, Picture, x0 y0 w500 h250, %A_ScriptDir%\pics\Info-Meldungen\%bild% ; Vorgang erfolgreich-Bild
  Gui, Show, w500 h250 hide, Ende
  fade := 1 ; Variable für Einblend bzw. Ausblend-Effekt
  Loop 25
    fade := fade + 9 ; Einblend-Effekt
    WinSet, Transparent, %fade% ; Pinke Farbe komplett rausfiltern, den Rest einblenden  0xFC62FD 
    if fade = 10 ; Beim ersten Durchgang:
      WinShow, Ende ; Gui anzeigen
    Sleep, 10
  Sleep, 800
  Loop 25
    fade := fade - 9 ; Ausblend-Effekt
    WinSet, Transparent, %fade% ; Pinke Farbe komplett rausfiltern, den Rest einblenden  0xFC62FD 
    if fade = 217 ; Beim ersten Durchgang:
      WinShow, Ende ; Gui anzeigen
    Sleep, 10
I call it from another script by this way:

Code: Select all

#SingleInstance force
#include Info-Meldungen.ahk
global d = 5 ; Verzögerung in ms


When I press F1, the Start image appears but starts disappearing after 800 ms, which is logical.
I would like that it stays until it gets the information/command to disappear.

I think I will need to include a variable which tells the Start() function when to fade out.
Something like this:

Code: Select all

#SingleInstance force
global d = 5 ; Verzögerung in ms
global bild ; Entweder Start, Ende oder Abbruch (Bild wird in der Gui angezeigt)

  bild = Start.png

  bild = Ende.png
  SoundPlay, %A_WinDir%\Media\tada.wav
  Sleep, d

  Gui +E0x20 -Caption +LastFound +ToolWindow +AlwaysOnTop ; Durchklickbar, rahmenlos, zuletzt gefunden, kein Taskleistensymbol, immer im Vordergrund
  Gui, Add, Picture, x0 y0 w500 h250, %A_ScriptDir%\pics\Info-Meldungen\%bild% ; Vorgang erfolgreich-Bild
  Gui, Show, w500 h250 hide, Ende
  fade := 1 ; Variable für Einblend bzw. Ausblend-Effekt
  if mode = 1
    Loop 25
      fade := fade + 9 ; Einblend-Effekt
      WinSet, Transparent, %fade% ; Pinke Farbe komplett rausfiltern, den Rest einblenden  0xFC62FD 
      if fade = 10 ; Beim ersten Durchgang:
        WinShow, Ende ; Gui anzeigen
      Sleep, 10
  if mode = 0
    fade := 226
    Sleep, 800
    Loop 25
      fade := fade - 9 ; Ausblend-Effekt
      WinSet, Transparent, %fade% ; Pinke Farbe komplett rausfiltern, den Rest einblenden  0xFC62FD 
      if fade = 217 ; Beim ersten Durchgang:
        WinShow, Ende ; Gui anzeigen
      Sleep, 10

Code: Select all

#SingleInstance force
#include Info-Meldungen.ahk
global d = 5 ; Verzögerung in ms


In this case, it stays forever when pressing F1 (or better when Start() gets called with 1.
As soon as it gets called with a 0, it starts disappearing, but it looks weird.
- it disappears immediately without any effect
- then it appears again without any effect
- after this is starts disappearing, but it doesn't look as smooth as the first code.

Maybe it's just a small issue.
I realized that the fade value has to be set to 226 in the 2nd code, otherwise the script "forgets" it.
This is how it looks like:

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Re: How to fade out a Gui with function + variable?

17 Nov 2018, 18:01

the offending line is Gui, Show, w500 h250 hide, Ende, but AnimateWindow already does fading(and more), so there's no need to come up with ur own implementation

Code: Select all

#SingleInstance force

hwndStart := makeGUI("Start")
hwndEnde := makeGUI("Ende")

makeGUI(bild) {
	Gui +E0x20 -Caption +LastFound +ToolWindow +AlwaysOnTop +Hwndhwnd ; Durchklickbar, rahmenlos, zuletzt gefunden, kein Taskleistensymbol, immer im Vordergrund
	Gui, Add, Picture, x0 y0 w500 h250, %A_ScriptDir%\pics\Info-Meldungen\%bild%.png ; Vorgang erfolgreich-Bild
	Gui, Show, w500 h250 hide

	return hwnd

fade(hwnd, fadeIn := 0, duration := 200) {
	DllCall("AnimateWindow", "Ptr", hwnd, "UInt", duration, "UInt", fadeIn ? 0x80000 : 0x80000 | 0x10000) ; AW_BLEND := 0x80000, AW_HIDE := 0x10000

Start(mode, duration := 200) {
	global hwndStart
	fade(hwndStart, mode, duration)

Ende(mode, d := 5, duration := 200) {
	global hwndEnde

	SoundPlay, %A_WinDir%\Media\tada.wav
	Sleep d
	fade(hwndEnde, mode, duration)

#SingleInstance force
#include Info-Meldungen.ahk


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