Problem getting info from controls (with right button mouse)

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Problem getting info from controls (with right button mouse)

19 Oct 2018, 14:24

Hello everyone! I can get both the names of the variables that stores the images & its respective URLs in the following script with the left button of the mouse, but that info is elusive and do not refresh when I try to get them via right click, if the images are not focused. Every other data collected is ok, even if you click on a image not focused. What's wrong with my code?

#SingleInstance Force
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%

Gui, Principal: New
Gui, Principal: Show, w890 h602, Test Window

Gui, secondgui: New, +OwnerPrincipal -Caption, ba01
Gui, secondgui: Add, Picture, vimage01 gmoveWindow x0 y0, 01.gif
Gui, secondgui: Show, w73 h114, ba01
WinSet, Region, w75 h116 2-2, ba01

Gui, thirdgui: New, +OwnerPrincipal -Caption, co01
Gui, thirdgui: Add, Picture, vimage02 gmoveWindow x0 y0, 02.gif
Gui, thirdgui: Show, w73 h114, co01
WinSet, Region, w75 h116 2-2, co01


PostMessage, 0xA1, 2,,, A
MouseGetPos, , , id, control
WinGetTitle, title, ahk_id %id%
WinGetClass, class, ahk_id %id%
GuiControlGet, nameofcontrol, Name, %control%
GuiControlGet, urlcontrol, , %control%
ToolTip, ahk_id %id%`nahk_class %class%`n%title%`nControl: %control%`nName of Control: %nameofcontrol%`nURLControl: %urlcontrol%

MouseGetPos, , , id, control
WinGetTitle, title, ahk_id %id%
WinGetClass, class, ahk_id %id%
GuiControlGet, nameofcontrol, Name, %control%
GuiControlGet, urlcontrol, , %control%
ToolTip, ahk_id %id%`nahk_class %class%`n%title%`nControl: %control%`nName of Control: %nameofcontrol%`nURLControl: %urlcontrol%


Thanks in advance!

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