Clicking a specific button

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Re: Clicking a specific button

12 Nov 2018, 03:30

Any ideas guys?
just me
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Location: Germany

Re: Clicking a specific button

12 Nov 2018, 04:54

One last attempt. Do you see your button in the list?

Code: Select all

WinTitle := "Sage 50 Accounts Professional - GRP(UK)LTD" ; the window's title
WinGet, CtrlList, ControlListHwnd, %WinTitle%
Gui, Add, ListView, w600 r10, Class|Text
Loop, Parse, CtrlList, `n
   HWND := A_LoopField
   WinGetClass, WinClass, ahk_id %HWND%
   If !InStr(WinClass, "Button") ; remove this line and the following if your button is not shown in the ListView
   WinGetText, WinText, ahk_id %HWND%
   LV_Add("", WinClass, WinText)
FoundControls := LV_GetCount()
Gui, Show, , Found %FoundControls% Controls
Posts: 72
Joined: 14 Mar 2018, 09:37

Re: Clicking a specific button

12 Nov 2018, 05:22

Hi I get a window found 184 controls?

Class & Text headings accross the top. Blank under text heading Under class:

#SG32DTBUTTON; loads of that same entry going down but no button number on the end of it.

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Re: Clicking a specific button

12 Nov 2018, 11:48

ControlClickByControlText(),written for such an occasion...
live ? long & prosper : regards
Posts: 72
Joined: 14 Mar 2018, 09:37

Re: Clicking a specific button

13 Nov 2018, 03:47

Thanks guys.

Cylon I'll have a look at this in the afternoon if I have time at work.

Many Thanks
just me
Posts: 9458
Joined: 02 Oct 2013, 08:51
Location: Germany

Re: Clicking a specific button

13 Nov 2018, 06:04

Sorry, I made a silly mistake using WinGetText instead of ControlGetText. :facepalm:

This might have a better chance to find your button:

Code: Select all

WinTitle := "Sage 50 Accounts Professional - GRP(UK)LTD"    ; the window's title
BtnClass := "#SG32DTBUTTON"                                 ; the fix leading part (the class name) of the ClassNN
BtnText  := "EMail"                                         ; the button's caption
BtnFound := False
WinGet, CtrlList, ControlListHwnd, %WinTitle%
; MsgBox, 0, Found controls, %CtrlList% ; <<<<< added
Loop, Parse, CtrlList, `n
   HWND := A_LoopField
   WinGetClass, CtlClass, ahk_id %HWND%
   If (CtlClass <> BtnClass)
   ControlGetText, CtlText, , ahk_id %HWND%
   If (CtlText <> BtnText)
   BtnFound := True
   ControlClick, , ahk_id %HWND%
If (BtnFound)
   MsgBox, 0, Found, Found and tried to click the button!
   MsgBox, 16, Error, Did not find the button!
Posts: 72
Joined: 14 Mar 2018, 09:37

Re: Clicking a specific button

14 Nov 2018, 07:02

Hi justme,

Aprreciate you adjustsing that.

Get a window 'Found and tried to click the button!' ?

Whats the next step please?

Posts: 72
Joined: 14 Mar 2018, 09:37

Re: Clicking a specific button

14 Nov 2018, 07:03

Hi Cylon,

I dont pretend to understand all that ha.

But when I have more than 5 mins I'll have a look

Many thanks
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Joined: 22 Dec 2013, 12:50

Re: Clicking a specific button

14 Nov 2018, 08:15

I must learn these controls ... just a short example to auto click button 'TEST2'
( at the moment works , but Button1 must have variable ending with '1' ( or example BT01 ... ) must new rewrite .... )
take a look also to CyL0N 's function ....

Code: Select all

WinTitle := "HWND_TEST"
Gui,2:add,button, x20 y20  h30 w200 gA0 vBT01,TEST1
Gui,2:add,button, x20 y60  h30 w200 gA0 vBT02,TEST2
Gui,2:add,button, x20 y100 h30 w200 gA0 vBT03,TEST3

Gui,2:show,x10 y10 h150 w400,%wintitle%
BtnText  := "TEST2"     ;- Click this button
BtnFound := False
WinGet, CtrlList, ControlListHwnd, %WinTitle%
Loop, Parse, CtrlList, `n
HWND := A_LoopField
ControlGet     ,btn%a_index%  ,Hwnd ,,Button%a_index%,%wintitle%
ControlGetText ,btx%a_index% ,,ahk_id %aa%
   if (ac<>btntext)
   BtnFound := True
   ControlClick, , ahk_id %HWND%

p := LTrim(p, "0")    ;- remove leading zero
ControlGet     ,btn%p%  ,Hwnd ,,Button%p%,%wintitle%
ControlGetText ,btx%p% ,,ahk_id %aa%
af:= btx%p%
msgbox, 262208, ,clicked to`nButton Variable= %r%`nButtonName=%af%,
;===================== END script =====
Posts: 211
Joined: 27 Sep 2018, 09:58

Re: Clicking a specific button

14 Nov 2018, 11:16

The topmost example is to click on button from garry's example above,where as the hotkey's are to ControlClick on your pesky button, as per your description of: ButtonText,ButtonClassNN,WinTitle.

Code: Select all

#NoEnv  ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
;#Warn  ; Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors.
SendMode Input  ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%  ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.

;-->EXAMPLE To Click on button's from Garry's example above...
;BOTH ARE VALID, the one on top is however more accurate in identifying target buttons...
ControlClickByControlText("TEST1", "Button1", "HWND_TEST")	;click on button with specified name,class NN & window title of gui with button
ControlClickByControlText("TEST1")	;click on any button with button text 'TEST1'

;Usage: ControlClickByControlText(buttonText, buttonControlClassNN, winTitle)
;buttonControlClassNN & winTitle ARE OPTIONAL!

;-->One of the following below is certain to work,unless it's especially unique GUI,in which case you can't use ControlClick...
F9::ControlClickByControlText("EMail", "#SG32DTBUTTON", "Sage 50 Accounts Professional - GRP(UK)LTD")
F10::ControlClickByControlText("EMail", "#SG32DTBUTTON")
F11::ControlClickByControlText("EMail",, "Sage 50 Accounts Professional - GRP(UK)LTD")

;NOTE: if any text in control is underlined that letter must be prefixed by '&' as in the first example above...
ControlClickByControlText(searchStr, controlName:="", winTitle:="",passes:=1){	;loops through all visible windows and clicks on any window with a control that contains a matching string.}
	Loop % passes{	;the more passes the more reliable it is,though rarely necessary to go beyond 2
		WinGet, id, list
		Loop, %id%{
			this_id := id%A_Index%
			WinGet, thisControlList, ControlList, ahk_id %this_id%
			WinGetTitle, thisTitle, ahk_id %this_id%
			If thisControlList{
				Loop, Parse, thisControlList, `n
					ControlGetText, thisControlText, %A_LoopField%, ahk_id %this_id%
					If !winTitle
						( thisControlText = searchStr AND !controlName AND WinExist("ahk_id " . this_id) ? ControlClick(A_LoopField, "ahk_id " this_id) : (thisControlText = searchStr AND controlName = A_LoopField AND WinExist("ahk_id " . this_id) ? ControlClick(A_LoopField, "ahk_id " this_id) : "" ) )
						( thisControlText = searchStr AND !controlName AND winTitle = thisTitle AND WinExist("ahk_id " . this_id) ? ControlClick(A_LoopField, "ahk_id " this_id) : (thisControlText = searchStr AND controlName = A_LoopField AND winTitle = thisTitle AND WinExist("ahk_id " . this_id) ? ControlClick(A_LoopField, "ahk_id " this_id) : "" ) )

ControlClick(ControlOrPos:="", WinTitle:="", WinText:="", WhichButton:="", ClickCount:="", Options:="", ExcludeTitle:="", ExcludeText:=""){
	ControlClick, % ControlOrPos, % WinTitle, % WinText, % WhichButton, % ClickCount, % Options, % ExcludeTitle, % ExcludeText

ControlGetText(Control:="", WinTitle:="", WinText:="", ExcludeTitle:="", ExcludeText:=""){
	ControlGetText, controlText, % Control, % WinTitle, % WinText, % ExcludeTitle, % ExcludeText
	Return controlText

	If (doWhat = "restore"){
		SetBatchLines, % OB
		OB := ""
	}Else If (doWhat = "fastest"){
		OB := !OB || A_BatchLines <> -1 ? A_BatchLines : OB
		SetBatchLines, -1
live ? long & prosper : regards
just me
Posts: 9458
Joined: 02 Oct 2013, 08:51
Location: Germany

Re: Clicking a specific button

14 Nov 2018, 11:36

gazmoz17 wrote:Get a window 'Found and tried to click the button!' ?
Whats the next step please?
Well, we can put the code into a small function which can be called whereever you need it:

Code: Select all

ClickSageMailButton() {
   WinTitle := "Sage 50 Accounts Professional - GRP(UK)LTD"    ; the window's title
   BtnClass := "#SG32DTBUTTON"                                 ; the fix leading part (the class name) of the ClassNN
   BtnText  := "EMail"                                         ; the button's caption
   WinGet, CtrlList, ControlListHwnd, %WinTitle%
   Loop, Parse, CtrlList, `n
      HWND := A_LoopField
      WinGetClass, CtlClass, ahk_id %HWND%
      If (CtlClass = BtnClass) {
         ControlGetText, CtlText, , ahk_id %HWND%
         If (CtlText == BtnText) {
            ControlClick, , ahk_id %HWND%
            Return True
   Return False
If the function finds the button it tries to click it and returns True (1), otherwise False (0). You might want to try whether it does what you want.
Posts: 3770
Joined: 22 Dec 2013, 12:50

Re: Clicking a specific button

15 Nov 2018, 12:07

@CyL0N & just me , thank you for scripts / function / examples

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