AFK mining macro

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AFK mining macro

07 Dec 2018, 13:40

Hi guys im new to this and pretty bad at programming overall so im not really sure how to do this even tho it sounds so simple, can someone pls help me find out why does this come up with an error when i try to run or sugestions on how to change the code to better?

i intend it to be able to find Minecrafts window on the background and press escape to remove the menu from front and then start holding down the LButton forever until i tell it to stop, the code worked fine before, only that it only worked if i was looking at the window, so i want to take it one step further and make it so i can alt-tab or minimize and it will still run until told to stop

DetectHiddenWindows, on

Toggle := !Toggle
If Toggle
WinGet, id, list, Minecraft
ControlSend {Escape}
ControlClick {LButton Down}, ahk_id %id1%
ControlClick {LButton Up}, ahk_id %id1%

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