Trouble getting first AHK V2 script working

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Trouble getting first AHK V2 script working

04 May 2024, 20:09

I have zillions of text shortcuts.
I have a massive file in V1.
I'm having trouble making work in V2.

This is what I have so far:

Code: Select all

	tempClipboard := Clipboard
	Clipboard = 
		#NoEnv ; Recommended setting for new AHK scripts. Makes sure AHK doesn't access empty variables.

		#SingleInstance force
		Put code details here.

		MsgBox, ,, AutoHotKey ##`%A_ScriptName`%## now loaded and ready to be used, 1.5

		; Start coding in the line below.

		MsgBox Hey, there my first kinda function!


		^#F10::Reload ;<- Windows Key + F10 causes the script to reload itself


		MsgBox, ,, AutoHotKey ##`%A_ScriptName`%## Code about to close, 2.5
		ExitApp ;<- Exit the app


	SendInput ^v
	Sleep 200
	Clipboard := tempClipboard
When I want to create a new AHK file, I type ]ahk
And I get a ready made template.

What is wrong with what I have above?
Works OK in V1.

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Re: Trouble getting first AHK V2 script working

04 May 2024, 20:12


You are going to have to use v2 syntax for v2 scripts.

Read here:

V2 uses expressions throughout, so you'll need to translate most of your statements into v2 syntax. The documentation shows you examples of nearly all of the v2 functions and statements.
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Re: Trouble getting first AHK V2 script working

04 May 2024, 20:36


I've looked at the link you gave and came up with this to test:

Code: Select all

	tempClipboard := ClipboardAll() 

    A_Clipboard := "
        This text is placed on the clipboard,

        and will be pasted below by sending Ctrl+V.
	SendInput "^v"
	Sleep 200
	A_Clipboard := tempClipboard
The output comes out on one single line

What am I doing wrong?

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Re: Trouble getting first AHK V2 script working

04 May 2024, 20:46

What made you decide upon this code?

Code: Select all

What is your belief about what it does?

Have you read the documentation section about it?
JoinString: Specifies how lines should be connected together. If this option is not used, each line except the last will be followed by a linefeed character (`n). If String is omitted, lines are connected directly to each other without any characters in between. Otherwise, specify for String a string of up to 15 characters. For example, Join`s would insert a space after each line except the last. Another example is Join`r`n, which inserts CR+LF between lines. Similarly, Join| inserts a pipe between lines. To have the final line in the section also ended by String, include a blank line immediately above the section's closing parenthesis.
Source: Scripts - Definition & Usage | AutoHotkey v2
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Joined: 22 Oct 2015, 17:56

Re: Trouble getting first AHK V2 script working

04 May 2024, 21:01

>> What made you decide upon this code?
Oh :)
I used what they had on the example code they gave
I didn't read what it said

I now have:

Code: Select all

	tempClipboard := ClipboardAll() 

    A_Clipboard := "
        This text is placed on the clipboard,

        and will be pasted below by sending Ctrl+V.
	SendInput "^v"
	Sleep 200
	A_Clipboard := tempClipboard
That works fine

I did loooads of googling and asked ChatGPT and Gemini - couldn't find the answer - until you pointed it out


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