How to make desktop gadgets these days? Topic is solved

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How to make desktop gadgets these days?

Post by william_ahk » 23 Jul 2024, 00:47

I tried this and it kind of works. The issue is that when I go Show Desktop (or Win+D) it would disappear. I guess it's not finding the right desktop window?

Code: Select all

#Requires AutoHotkey v2.0
#SingleInstance Force
G := Gui("-Caption +ToolWindow")
G.AddText("w300 h200", "Test Gadget")

SetAsDesktopGadget(hWindow) {
	DetectHiddenWindows 1
	SendMessage(0x052C, 0, 0, , "ahk_id " WinExist("ahk_class Progman"))
	For Window in WinGetList("ahk_class WorkerW") {
	} Until !DllCall("FindWindowEx", "Ptr", Window, "Ptr", 0, "Str", "SHELLDLL_DefView", "UPtr", 0, "Ptr")
	&& hWorkerW := Window
	DllCall("SetWindowLongPtr", "Ptr", hWindow, "Int", -8, "Ptr", hWorkerW, "Ptr")
	DllCall("SetWindowPos", "uint", hWindow, "uint", hWorkerW, "int", 0, "int", 0, "int", 0, "int", 0, "uint", 0x13)

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Re: How to make desktop gadgets these days?  Topic is solved

Post by teadrinker » 23 Jul 2024, 03:54

Code: Select all

#Requires AutoHotkey v2.0

G := Gui("-Caption +ToolWindow")
G.AddText("w300 h200", "Test Gadget")
SetGuiOnDesktop(G, 300, 300)

SetGuiOnDesktop(guiObj, x, y) {
    static GW_CHILD := 5, HWND_BOTTOM := 1, flags := (SWP_SHOWWINDOW := 0x40) | (SWP_NOACTIVATE := 0x10) | (SWP_NOSIZE := 0x1)
    hOwner := DllCall('GetWindow', 'Ptr', WinExist('ahk_class WorkerW') || WinExist('ahk_class Progman'), 'Int', GW_CHILD, 'UInt')
    guiObj.Opt('+Owner' . hOwner)
    DllCall('SetWindowPos', 'Ptr', guiObj.Hwnd, 'Ptr', HWND_BOTTOM, 'Int', x, 'Int', y, 'Int', 0, 'Int', 0, 'UInt', flags)

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Re: How to make desktop gadgets these days?

Post by william_ahk » 23 Jul 2024, 04:39

teadrinker wrote:
23 Jul 2024, 03:54

Code: Select all

Thanks teadrinker, once again you are maintaining the state of GUI in AHK! :thumbup:

Why not use SWP_NOMOVE though? Are there performance considerations, function design?

Code: Select all

SetGuiOnDesktop(GuiObj) {
    Static GW_CHILD := 5, HWND_BOTTOM := 1, Flags := (SWP_SHOWWINDOW := 0x40) | (SWP_NOACTIVATE := 0x10) | (SWP_NOSIZE := 0x1) | (SWP_NOMOVE := 0x2)
    hOwner := DllCall("GetWindow", "Ptr", WinExist("ahk_class WorkerW") || WinExist("ahk_class Progman"), "Int", GW_CHILD, "UInt")
    GuiObj.Opt("+Owner" . hOwner)
    DllCall("SetWindowPos", "Ptr", GuiObj.Hwnd, "Ptr", HWND_BOTTOM, "Int", 0, "Int", 0, "Int", 0, "Int", 0, "UInt", Flags)

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Re: How to make desktop gadgets these days?

Post by teadrinker » 23 Jul 2024, 06:56

If you don't need to specify coordinates, you can use it.

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Re: How to make desktop gadgets these days?

Post by kunkel321 » 23 Jul 2024, 09:12

Cool script! I think this one does similar things. viewtopic.php?f=83&t=89979
name := "ste(phen|ve) kunkel"

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Re: How to make desktop gadgets these days?

Post by e-t-l » 19 Aug 2024, 02:00

teadrinker wrote:
23 Jul 2024, 03:54

Code: Select all

#Requires AutoHotkey v2.0

G := Gui("-Caption +ToolWindow")
G.AddText("w300 h200", "Test Gadget")
Will this only work for AHK GUI windows, or can it be modified to make any window stay visible on the desktop (so it ignores Win+D, etc)? I have a different program that creates a desktop gadget experiencing the same problem.

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Re: How to make desktop gadgets these days?

Post by teadrinker » 19 Aug 2024, 02:56

You can try this:

Code: Select all

#Requires AutoHotkey v2.0

hwnd := WinExist('ahk_class Notepad')
SetWindowOnDesktop(hwnd, 300, 300)

SetWindowOnDesktop(hwnd, x, y) {
    static GW_CHILD := 5, HWND_BOTTOM := 1, GWLP_HWNDPARENT := -8
         , flags := (SWP_SHOWWINDOW := 0x40) | (SWP_NOACTIVATE := 0x10) | (SWP_NOSIZE := 0x1)
    hOwner := DllCall('GetWindow', 'Ptr', WinExist('ahk_class WorkerW') || WinExist('ahk_class Progman'), 'Int', GW_CHILD, 'UInt')
    DllCall('SetWindowLong' . (A_PtrSize = 4 ? '' : 'Ptr'), 'Ptr', hwnd, 'Int', GWLP_HWNDPARENT, 'Ptr', hOwner)
    DllCall('SetWindowPos', 'Ptr', hwnd, 'Ptr', HWND_BOTTOM, 'Int', x, 'Int', y, 'Int', 0, 'Int', 0, 'UInt', flags)
I don't know if this will work with all windows.

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