Frustrated trying to insert date in hotkey

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Frustrated trying to insert date in hotkey

29 Apr 2024, 20:52

Hi all;

I'm trying to create hotkeys that have a text string, followed by the current date in MMddyyy format, using v2.

I've tried everything I know (and apparently I don't know enough)

Here's the code I have lately:

Code: Select all

          send, "Extended Forecast Report " %A_MM%%A_DD%%A_YYYY%
I got an error that I need a "(". So I added them.

Code: Select all

          (send, "Extended Forecast Report " %A_MM%%A_DD%%A_YYYY%
Now, I get an error "Invalid option".



[Mod edit: Added [code][/code] tags. Please use them yourself when posting code.]
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Re: Frustrated trying to insert date in hotkey

30 Apr 2024, 01:02

You must be looking at the wrong documentation, because almost everything about your code looks like v1 rather than v2: Comma after the function name, using % around variables, using return to mark the end of a multi-line hotstring (not hotkey) instead of braces { }, which is what the error message said was missing, not parentheses.

With fixes:

Code: Select all

#Requires AutoHotkey v2.0

::XFR:: {
	Send "Extended Forecast Report " . A_MM . A_DD . A_YYYY


Code: Select all

#Requires AutoHotkey v2.0

:X:XFR::Send "Extended Forecast Report " . A_MM . A_DD . A_YYYY
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Joined: 29 Apr 2024, 20:41

Re: Frustrated trying to insert date in hotkey

07 May 2024, 07:44


I am using v2. Specifically v2.09.

I changed the coding to the first response, and it seems to be working.


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