Pixel Color

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Pixel Color

21 Mar 2024, 23:40

Pixel Color
Displays the color of the pixel at the current mouse cursor position. It shows the color code in both hexadecimal and decimal formats for easy reference
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Pixel Color v1.0 20/03/2024
Get pixel color at mouse position

Mesut Akcan

#Requires AutoHotkey v2+
#SingleInstance Force

SetTimer(PixelColor, 200)

form := Gui(,"Pixel color") ; GUI
form.OnEvent("Close", (*) => ExitApp()) ; if gui close, end

form.AddText("x10 y10","Mouse pixel color:")
edColorHex := form.AddEdit("x100 y10 w55")
form.AddButton("vButton1 x+2","Copy").OnEvent("Click", Button_Click) ;button 1

edColorDec := form.AddEdit("x+20 w60")
form.AddButton("vButon2 x+2","Copy").OnEvent("Click", Button_Click) ;button 2

form.AddText("x10 y40","Red:")
edRedHex := form.AddEdit("x50 y40 w25")
edRedDec := form.AddEdit("x+5 w30")
pbRed := form.AddProgress("x+5 w100 h22 cRed BackGroundFFFFFF Range0-255") ;red progress bar

pbColor := form.AddProgress("x+20 w80 h80") ;progres bar for pixel color

form.AddText("x10 y70","Green:")
edGrnHex := form.AddEdit("x50 y70 w25")
edGrnDec := form.AddEdit("x+5 w30")
pbGrn := form.AddProgress("x+5 w100 h22 cGreen BackGroundFFFFFF Range0-255") ;green progress bar

form.AddText("x10 y100","Blue:")
edBluHex := form.AddEdit("x50 y100 w25")
edBluDec := form.AddEdit("x+5 w30")
pbBlu := form.AddProgress("x+5 w100 h22 cBlue BackGroundFFFFFF Range0-255") ;blue progress bar

form.AddText("xm", "[F1] Update:")
txtUpd := form.AddText("x+5 w25",)
form.AddText("x+120", "Mesut Akcan`nmakcan@gmail.com")


upd := true

;Keyboard shortcuts
F1:: ;update
	global upd := not(upd)

PixelColor() {
	global upd
	if (upd = true)	{
		txtUpd.value := "Yes"
		MouseGetPos &MouseX, &MouseY
		color := PixelGetColor(MouseX, MouseY)
		c16 := SubStr(color, 3) ;Color(Hex)
		edColorHex.Value := c16 ;Edit Color Hex

		edColorDec.Value := Format("{:d}", color)
		pbColor.opt("background" c16)

		R := SubStr(color, 3, 2) ; Red
		edRedHex.Value := R
		edRedDec.Value := Fmt(R)
		pbRed.value := edRedDec.Value

		G := SubStr(color, 5, 2) ; Green
		edGrnHex.Value := G
		edGrnDec.Value := Fmt(G)
		pbGrn.value := edGrnDec.Value

		B := SubStr(color, -2) ; Blue
		edBluHex.Value := B
		edBluDec.Value :=  Fmt(B)
		pbBlu.value := edBluDec.Value
	else {
		txtUpd.value := "No"

    Fmt(n) { ; Decimal format function
        return Format("{:d}" , "0x" n)

Button_Click(Button,*) {
	if (Button.Name = "Button1"){
		A_Clipboard := edColorHex.Value
	else {
		A_Clipboard := edColorDec.Value
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Joined: 24 Jul 2023, 04:34

Re: Pixel Color

22 Mar 2024, 01:33

Hi @mesutakcan,

Good day! Works well for me, thank you. :clap:
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Re: Pixel Color

22 Mar 2024, 09:18

Very nice! Thank you!
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Re: Pixel Color

23 Mar 2024, 11:07

Very cool! Thanks for sharing!
ste(phen|ve) kunkel

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