[2.0.2]cimgui--An attempt of dynamic binding

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[2.0.2]cimgui--An attempt of dynamic binding

04 Feb 2023, 05:36

this library depends on cJson and Struct library
I have now no example for using it, but it can call all methods in ".json" and all props can be read.
you can also create a struct like ImGuiIO.

; some useless example

Code: Select all

#include <data\debug>
#include <cimgui\cimgui>
debug cimgui.ImDrawFlags_Closed
io := cimgui.igGetIO()
struct_imguiio := cimgui.struct("ImGuiIO", ptr := io)
fontsptr := struct_imguiio["Fonts"]
struct_imguiio["BackendFlags"] := 1
debug struct_imguiio["BackendFlags"]
; ...
Source Code:

Code: Select all

#Include <cjson\cjson>
#Include <struct\struct>

flag := cimgui.dll_file("cimgui\lib\cimgui.dll")
if flag
    dllcall("LoadLibrary", "str", flag)
    throw error("cimgui.dll is not existed.")

defs_cjson := cJson()
impl_defs_cjson := cJson()
const_cjson := cJson()
typedef_cjson := cJson()

class cimgui
    static defs_var := ["args", "argsT", "argsoriginal", "call_args", "cimguiname", "defaults", "funcname", "location", "ov_cimguiname", "ret", "signature", "stname", "templated"]
    static warning := ""
    static dll_file(dll_name)
        if !dll_name
            return false
        if fileexist(dll_name)
            return dll_name
        else if fileexist(format("{}\lib\{}", regread("HKLM\SOFTWARE\AutoHotkey", "InstallDir", ""), dll_name))
            return format("{}\lib\{}", regread("HKLM\SOFTWARE\AutoHotkey", "InstallDir", ""), dll_name)
        else if fileexist(format("{}\lib\{}", a_scriptdir, dll_name))
            return format("{}\lib\{}", a_scriptdir, dll_name)
            return false
    static strBuffer(str, encoding := "utf-8")
        buf := buffer(strput(str, encoding))
        strput(str, buf, encoding)
        return buf
    static __get(prop_name, param)
        if instr(prop_name, "_")
            prefix := strsplit(prop_name, "_")[1] "_"
            target := const_cjson["enums"][prefix]
            loop target.length
                if target[a_index - 1]["name"].get() = prop_name
                    ret := cimgui.simple_eval(target[a_index - 1]["value"].get())
                    cimgui.%prop_name% := ret
                    return ret
            return ""
        return ""
    static __call(name, param)
        if defs_cjson.has(name)
            tmp := defs_cjson[name][0]
        else if impl_defs_cjson.has(name)
            tmp := impl_defs_cjson[name][0]
            return ""
        argsT := tmp["argsT"]
        real_param := []
        defaults_flag := 0
        loop argsT.length
            tmp2 := argsT[a_index - 1]
            tmp3 := [tmp2["name"].get(), tmp2["type"].get()]
            if tmp["defaults"].has(tmp3[1])
                defaults_flag += 1
        if (param.length < argsT.length - defaults_flag) || (param.length > argsT.length)
            cimgui.warning .= name " input number of func is false`n"
            dllfunc := dllcall.bind("cimgui\" name)
            loop argsT.length
                tmp_value := a_index > param.length ? cimgui.toahkvalue(real_param[a_index][3]) : param[a_index]
                real_bind := cimgui.toahktype(real_param[a_index][2], tmp_value)
                if real_bind.length && (instr(real_bind[1], "struct ") || instr(real_bind[1], "union "))
                    if tmp_value is cimgui.struct
                        real_bind := tmp_value.struct.exportself()
                    else if tmp_value is struct
                        real_bind := tmp_value.exportself()
                    else if tmp_value is array
                        real_bind := tmp_value
                        real_bind[1] := "ptr"
                dllfunc := dllfunc.bind(real_bind*)
            ret := dllfunc()
            ret_type := tmp["ret"].get()
            if ret_type != "void" && !(ret_type is cJson.Null)
                real_type := cimgui.toahktype(ret_type, "")
                if real_type[1] = "ptr"
                    if real_type[2] is buffer
                        return strget(dllfunc("ptr"), , "utf-8")
                return ret
    static defaults_eval(_string)
        if _string is number
            return _string
            _string := rtrim(_string, ")")
            array_string := strsplit(_string, "(", , 2)
            struct_name := trim(array_string[1])
            if array_string.length = 2
                array_string := strsplit(array_string[2], ",")
                tmp_struct := cimgui.struct(struct_name, 0).struct
                for member in array_string
                    tmp_value := trim(member)
                    tmp_value := isnumber(tmp_value) ? tmp_value : cimgui.%tmp_value%
                    tmp_struct[tmp_struct.exports[1][a_index]] := tmp_value
                return tmp_struct
                return isnumber(struct_name) ? struct_name : cimgui.%struct_name%
    static simple_eval(expression)
        if isnumber(expression)
            return integer(expression)
        else if instr(expression, "<<")
            value := strsplit(expression, "<<")
            ret := trim(value[1])
            loop value.length - 1
                ret := ret << trim(value[a_index + 1])
            return ret
        else if instr(expression, "|")
            value := strsplit(expression, "|")
            ret := cimgui.%trim(value[1])%
            loop value.length - 1
                ret := ret | cimgui.%trim(value[a_index + 1])%
            return ret
            return ""
    static sizeof(struct_name)
        if const_cjson["structs"].has(struct_name)
            return cimgui.struct(struct_name, 0).struct.size
            return struct.type_map.%cimgui.toahktype(struct_name, "")[1]%[2]
    static toahktype(cimfunctype, value)
        cimfunctype := trim(strreplace(cimfunctype, "const"))
        if const_cjson["enums"].has(cimfunctype)
            return ["int", value]
        if value is object && !(value is array)
            value := value.ptr
        if instr(cimfunctype, "struct ") || instr(cimfunctype, "union ")
            return [cimfunctype, value]
        if value = "nullptr" || value = "NULL"
            return []
        if (instr(cimfunctype, "*") && cimfunctype != "char*")
            return ["ptr", value]
        if cimfunctype = "char*"
            return ["ptr", cimgui.strBuffer(value)]
        map_type := 
            bool: "char",
            char: "char",
            %"signed char"%: "char",
            %"unsigned char"%: "uchar",
            short: "short",
            %"signed short"%: "short",
            %"unsigned short"%: "ushort",
            int: "int",
            %"signed int"%: "int",
            %"unsigned int"%: "uint",
            long: "int",
            %"signed long"%: "int",
            %"unsigned long"%: "uint",
            size_t: "uint",
            float: "float",
            double: "double"
        if !map_type.hasprop(cimfunctype)
            if typedef_cjson.has(cimfunctype)
                return cimgui.toahktype(typedef_cjson[cimfunctype].get(), value)
            return []
        return [map_type.%cimfunctype%, value]
    static toahkvalue(cimfuncvalue)
        if cimfuncvalue = "nullptr" || cimfuncvalue = "NULL" || cimfuncvalue is struct
            return cimfuncvalue
        else if substr(cimfuncvalue, -1) = "f"
            return float(rtrim(cimfuncvalue, "f"))
        else if substr(cimfuncvalue, -1) = "l"
            return integer(rtrim(cimfuncvalue, "l"))
        return cimfuncvalue
    class struct
        __new(name, ptr)
            struct_array := cimgui.struct.get_struct_array(name)
            this.struct := struct(struct_array)
            this.ptr := ptr
        __item[name, param*]
                tmp := this.struct[name]
                if tmp = "" || this.ptr = 0
                    return ""
                tmp_addr := this.struct[name, "addr"]
                tmp_type := this.struct[name, "type"]
                tmp2 := tmp
                while tmp2 is struct
                    if a_index > param.length
                        return tmp
                    tmp2 := tmp[param[a_index]]
                    tmp_addr += tmp[param[a_index], "addr"]
                    tmp_type := tmp[param[a_index], "type"]
                    tmp := tmp2
                return numget(this.ptr, tmp_addr, tmp_type)
                tmp := this.struct[name]
                if tmp = "" || this.ptr = 0
                    return ""
                tmp_addr := this.struct[name, "addr"]
                tmp_type := this.struct[name, "type"]
                tmp2 := tmp
                while tmp2 is struct
                    if a_index > param.length
                    tmp2 := tmp[param[a_index]]
                    tmp_addr += tmp[param[a_index], "addr"]
                    tmp_type := tmp[param[a_index], "type"]
                    tmp := tmp2
                if tmp2 is struct
                    flag := false
                    if value is array
                        flag := true
                        put_array := value
                    else if value is struct
                        flag := true
                        put_array := value.exportself()
                    else if value is cimgui.struct
                        flag := true
                        put_array := value.struct.exportself()
                    if !flag
                    for key in tmp2.exports[2]
                        tmp := param.clone()
                        this[name, tmp*] := put_array[a_index * 2]
                return numput(tmp_type, value, this.ptr, tmp_addr)
        static get_struct_array(struct_name)
            struct_array := []
            if const_cjson["structs"].has(struct_name)
                tmp_array := const_cjson["structs"][struct_name]
                loop tmp_array.length
                    tmp_object := tmp_array[a_index - 1]
                    tmp_name := tmp_object["name"].get()
                    tmp_size_flag := tmp_object.has("size")
                    tmp_type := tmp_object.has("template_type") ? tmp_object["template_type"].get() : tmp_object["type"].get()
                    if substr(tmp_type, 1, 5) = "union"
                        struct_array.push(["union", cimgui.struct.get_union_array(tmp_type)])
                        real_type := cimgui.toahktype(tmp_type, "")[1]
                        if substr(real_type, 1, 7) = "struct "
                            struct_array.push(["struct", tmp_name, cimgui.struct.get_struct_array(substr(real_type, 8))])
                            struct_array.push([real_type, tmp_name])
                        if tmp_size_flag
                            struct_array[-1].push({size: integer(tmp_object["size"].get())})
            return struct_array
        static get_union_array(union_string)
            struct_array := []
            union_array := union.eval(union_string)
            for member in union_array
                real_type := cimgui.toahktype(member[1], "")[1]
                if substr(real_type, 1, 7) = "struct "
                    struct_array.push(["struct", member[2], cimgui.struct.get_struct_array(substr(real_type, 8))])
                    struct_array.push([real_type, member[2]])
            return struct_array
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Re: [2.0.2]cimgui--An attempt of dynamic binding

04 Feb 2023, 06:56

Thank you. If possible, could you add an example of displaying a gif? The forum currently does not have a perfect solution for loading gifs.
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Re: [2.0.2]cimgui--An attempt of dynamic binding

04 Feb 2023, 07:33

crocodile wrote:
04 Feb 2023, 06:56
Thank you. If possible, could you add an example of displaying a gif? The forum currently does not have a perfect solution for loading gifs.
there have a example,https://github.com/sxzxs/imgui4ahk/blob/master/autohotkey_v2/demo2.ah2
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Re: [2.0.2]cimgui--An attempt of dynamic binding

06 Feb 2023, 10:30

crocodile wrote:
04 Feb 2023, 06:56
Thank you. If possible, could you add an example of displaying a gif? The forum currently does not have a perfect solution for loading gifs.
In QPV, written in ahk, on this forum, you can find how to load and display GIFs in ahk, using GDIp, but it's in v1

Best regards, Marius.
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Re: [2.0.2]cimgui--An attempt of dynamic binding

19 Feb 2023, 15:27

crocodile wrote:
04 Feb 2023, 06:56
Thank you. If possible, could you add an example of displaying a gif? The forum currently does not have a perfect solution for loading gifs.
You can use an ActiveX "HTML" control to display gifs. Both local and online gifs

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