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Make Docs2 more newbies friendly

Posted: 02 Dec 2023, 05:13
by vmech
None of the pages below contain information about the orientation of the coordinate system:
Variables : CoordMode

If I wanna use MouseGetPos in my script at the first time, then I need to «jump» through MouseGetPos -> CoordMode, where click the WinMove link in the Remarks section (!!!) to now know that The top left pixel of the screen is at position 0, 0.

And not a single word about mouse coordinates.

Very useful... indeed.

Re: Make Docs2 more newbies friendly

Posted: 03 Dec 2023, 04:51
by neogna2
I guess AutoHotkey inherits its coordinate system from Windows. Could be useful to describe in some of the topics you mention. Do you have a suggestion for how to phrase it and where in those documentation articles to put it? Such suggestions can help Ragnar or others who update the documentation.

I looked for documentation on the WinAPI/Windows coordinate system and found , which is not ideal perhaps since the context is GDI, but I didn't quickly find a better source general source.

Re: Make Docs2 more newbies friendly

Posted: 04 Dec 2023, 08:30
by vmech
neogna2 wrote:
03 Dec 2023, 04:51
I guess AutoHotkey inherits its coordinate system from Windows.
Oh really?!
Imagine, there are people on this planet who use a computer every day, but nevertheless, almost every word in your sentence is eureka for them!
neogna2 wrote:
03 Dec 2023, 04:51
Could be useful to describe in some of the topics you mention. Do you have a suggestion for how to phrase it and where in those documentation articles to put it? Such suggestions can help Ragnar or others who update the documentation.
It's not for me to tell these people what and how to do.
But I would place a separate small section about mouse things in the article designed to learn newbies with Autohotkey. And I made every word «coordinates» in articles about mouse functions a link to this section.

Re: Make Docs2 more newbies friendly

Posted: 04 Dec 2023, 23:08
by lmstearn
Since the (searched) coordinate entry in the LH tree selector redirects to CoordMode, would this help?
Sets coordinate mode for the co-ordinate systems used in various built-in functions to be relative to either the active window, client window, or the screen.