Hypixel Skyblock Farm Script

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Hypixel Skyblock Farm Script

14 May 2024, 13:57

This AutoHotkey script is designed to automate farming tasks in Hypixel Skyblock. Let's break down its functionality and describe what each part of the script does:

Function Definitions:
PressDButton(duration): This function simulates pressing the D button (presumably a key in the game) for a specified duration in seconds.
PressAButton(duration): This function simulates pressing the A button (presumably another key in the game) for a specified duration in seconds.
These functions will be used to simulate the actions of pressing keys in the game.

ButtonOKClick Function:
This function is triggered when the "OK" button in the GUI is clicked.
It first submits the values entered in the GUI for D and A button durations (DDuration and ADuration).
It then waits for 4 seconds (Sleep, 4000), likely to allow the player to get ready in the game.
It then simulates pressing the J button (potentially for activating a certain function in the game) continuously in a loop.
Within the loop, it checks if the farming sequence should start with pressing D or A (StartWithD or StartWithA), and accordingly, it calls the PressDButton and PressAButton functions.

Main Function:
This function sets up the GUI (Graphical User Interface) for the script.
It adds input fields for specifying the durations of pressing the D and A buttons (vDDuration and vADuration).
It adds radio buttons to choose whether the farming sequence should start with pressing D or A (vStartWithD and vStartWithA).
It adds an "OK" button that triggers the ButtonOKClick function when clicked.
Finally, it displays the GUI (Gui, Show).

Overall, this script is intended to automate repetitive farming tasks in Hypixel Skyblock by simulating key presses according to specified durations and starting conditions.

Code: Select all

#SingleInstance Force
SetBatchLines, -1

; Function to press the D button for a specified duration
PressDButton(duration) {
    Send, {d down}
    Sleep, duration * 1000
    Send, {d up}

; Function to press the A button for a specified duration
PressAButton(duration) {
    Send, {a down}
    Sleep, duration * 1000
    Send, {a up}

; Function to handle the OK button click event
ButtonOKClick() {
    global DDuration, ADuration, StartWithD, StartWithA
    Gui, Submit, NoHide
    Sleep, 4000
	Send, {j down}
	Loop {
		if (StartWithD) {
		else if (StartWithA) {

; Main function to start the script
Main() {
    Gui, Add, Text,,Enter Duration for D Button (seconds):
    Gui, Add, Edit, vDDuration
    Gui, Add, Text,,Enter Duration for A Button (seconds):
    Gui, Add, Edit, vADuration
    Gui, Add, Radio, vStartWithD Checked, Start with D
    Gui, Add, Radio, vStartWithA, Start with A
    Gui, Add, Button, Default gButtonOKClick, OK
    Gui, Show, w250 h200, Control Panel



[Mod action: Moved topic to the v1 section since this is v1 code. The main section is for v2.]

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