CNG (Cryptography API: Next Generation)

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CNG (Cryptography API: Next Generation)

15 Sep 2016, 07:25

Class CNG
AutoHotkey wrapper for Cryptography API: Next Generation (msdn-docs)

Cryptography API: Next Generation (CNG) is the long-term replacement for the CryptoAPI.
CNG is designed to be extensible at many levels and cryptography agnostic in behavior.

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; ===============================================================================================================================
; AutoHotkey wrapper for Cryptography API: Next Generation
; Author ....: jNizM
; Released ..: 2016-09-15
; Modified ..: 2020-09-15
; Github ....:
; Forum .....:
; ===============================================================================================================================

class Crypt

	; ===== PUBLIC CLASS / METHODS ==============================================================================================

	class Encrypt

		String(AlgId, Mode := "", String := "", Key := "", IV := "", Encoding := "utf-8", Output := "BASE64")
				; verify the encryption algorithm
				if !(ALGORITHM_IDENTIFIER := Crypt.Verify.EncryptionAlgorithm(AlgId))
					throw Exception("Wrong ALGORITHM_IDENTIFIER", -1)

				; open an algorithm handle.
				if !(ALG_HANDLE := Crypt.BCrypt.OpenAlgorithmProvider(ALGORITHM_IDENTIFIER))
					throw Exception("BCryptOpenAlgorithmProvider failed", -1)

				; verify the chaining mode
				if (CHAINING_MODE := Crypt.Verify.ChainingMode(Mode))
					; set chaining mode property.
					if !(Crypt.BCrypt.SetProperty(ALG_HANDLE, Crypt.Constants.BCRYPT_CHAINING_MODE, CHAINING_MODE))
						throw Exception("SetProperty failed", -1)

				; generate the key from supplied input key bytes.
				if !(KEY_HANDLE := Crypt.BCrypt.GenerateSymmetricKey(ALG_HANDLE, Key, Encoding))
					throw Exception("GenerateSymmetricKey failed", -1)

				; calculate the block length for the IV.
				if !(BLOCK_LENGTH := Crypt.BCrypt.GetProperty(ALG_HANDLE, Crypt.Constants.BCRYPT_BLOCK_LENGTH, 4))
					throw Exception("GetProperty failed", -1)

				; use the key to encrypt the plaintext buffer. for block sized messages, block padding will add an extra block.
				cbInput := Crypt.Helper.StrPutVar(String, pbInput, Encoding)
				if !(CIPHER_LENGTH := Crypt.BCrypt.Encrypt(KEY_HANDLE, pbInput, cbInput, IV, BLOCK_LENGTH, CIPHER_DATA, Crypt.Constants.BCRYPT_BLOCK_PADDING))
					throw Exception("Encrypt failed", -1)

				; convert binary data to string (base64 / hex / hexraw)
				if !(ENCRYPT := Crypt.Helper.CryptBinaryToString(CIPHER_DATA, CIPHER_LENGTH, Output))
					throw Exception("CryptBinaryToString failed", -1)
			catch Exception
				; represents errors that occur during application execution
				throw Exception
				; cleaning up resources
				if (KEY_HANDLE)

				if (ALG_HANDLE)
			return ENCRYPT

	class Decrypt

		String(AlgId, Mode := "", String := "", Key := "", IV := "", Encoding := "utf-8", Input := "BASE64")
				; verify the encryption algorithm
				if !(ALGORITHM_IDENTIFIER := Crypt.Verify.EncryptionAlgorithm(AlgId))
					throw Exception("Wrong ALGORITHM_IDENTIFIER", -1)

				; open an algorithm handle.
				if !(ALG_HANDLE := Crypt.BCrypt.OpenAlgorithmProvider(ALGORITHM_IDENTIFIER))
					throw Exception("BCryptOpenAlgorithmProvider failed", -1)

				; verify the chaining mode
				if (CHAINING_MODE := Crypt.Verify.ChainingMode(Mode))
					; set chaining mode property.
					if !(Crypt.BCrypt.SetProperty(ALG_HANDLE, Crypt.Constants.BCRYPT_CHAINING_MODE, CHAINING_MODE))
						throw Exception("SetProperty failed", -1)

				; generate the key from supplied input key bytes.
				if !(KEY_HANDLE := Crypt.BCrypt.GenerateSymmetricKey(ALG_HANDLE, Key, Encoding))
					throw Exception("GenerateSymmetricKey failed", -1)

				; convert encrypted string (base64 / hex / hexraw) to binary data
				if !(CIPHER_LENGTH := Crypt.Helper.CryptStringToBinary(String, CIPHER_DATA, Input))
					throw Exception("CryptStringToBinary failed", -1)

				; calculate the block length for the IV.
				if !(BLOCK_LENGTH := Crypt.BCrypt.GetProperty(ALG_HANDLE, Crypt.Constants.BCRYPT_BLOCK_LENGTH, 4))
					throw Exception("GetProperty failed", -1)

				; use the key to decrypt the data to plaintext buffer
					throw Exception("Decrypt failed", -1)

				; receive the decrypted plaintext
			catch Exception
				; represents errors that occur during application execution
				throw Exception
				; cleaning up resources
				if (KEY_HANDLE)

				if (ALG_HANDLE)
			return DECRYPT


	class Hash

		String(AlgId, String, Encoding := "utf-8", Output := "HEXRAW")
				; verify the hash algorithm
				if !(ALGORITHM_IDENTIFIER := Crypt.Verify.HashAlgorithm(AlgId))
					throw Exception("Wrong ALGORITHM_IDENTIFIER", -1)

				; open an algorithm handle
				if !(ALG_HANDLE := Crypt.BCrypt.OpenAlgorithmProvider(ALGORITHM_IDENTIFIER))
					throw Exception("BCryptOpenAlgorithmProvider failed", -1)

				; create a hash
				if !(HASH_HANDLE := Crypt.BCrypt.CreateHash(ALG_HANDLE))
					throw Exception("CreateHash failed", -1)

				; hash some data
				cbInput := Crypt.Helper.StrPutVar(String, pbInput, Encoding)
				if !(Crypt.BCrypt.HashData(HASH_HANDLE, pbInput, cbInput))
					throw Exception("HashData failed", -1)

				; calculate the length of the hash
				if !(HASH_LENGTH := Crypt.BCrypt.GetProperty(ALG_HANDLE, Crypt.Constants.BCRYPT_HASH_LENGTH, 4))
					throw Exception("GetProperty failed", -1)

				; close the hash
				if !(Crypt.BCrypt.FinishHash(HASH_HANDLE, HASH_DATA, HASH_LENGTH))
					throw Exception("FinishHash failed", -1)

				; convert bin to string (base64 / hex)
				if !(HASH := Crypt.Helper.CryptBinaryToString(HASH_DATA, HASH_LENGTH, Output))
					throw Exception("CryptBinaryToString failed", -1)
			catch Exception
				; represents errors that occur during application execution
				throw Exception
				; cleaning up resources
				if (HASH_HANDLE)

				if (ALG_HANDLE)
			return HASH

		File(AlgId, FileName, Bytes := 1048576, Offset := 0, Length := -1, Encoding := "utf-8", Output := "HEXRAW")
				; verify the hash algorithm
				if !(ALGORITHM_IDENTIFIER := Crypt.Verify.HashAlgorithm(AlgId))
					throw Exception("Wrong ALGORITHM_IDENTIFIER", -1)

				; open an algorithm handle
				if !(ALG_HANDLE := Crypt.BCrypt.OpenAlgorithmProvider(ALGORITHM_IDENTIFIER))
					throw Exception("BCryptOpenAlgorithmProvider failed", -1)

				; create a hash
				if !(HASH_HANDLE := Crypt.BCrypt.CreateHash(ALG_HANDLE))
					throw Exception("CreateHash failed", -1)

				; hash some data
				if !(IsObject(File := FileOpen(FileName, "r", Encoding)))
					throw Exception("Failed to open file: " FileName, -1)
				Length := Length < 0 ? File.Length - Offset : Length
				if ((Offset + Length) > File.Length)
					throw Exception("Invalid parameters offset / length!", -1)
				while (Length > Bytes) && (Dataread := File.RawRead(Data, Bytes))
					if !(Crypt.BCrypt.HashData(HASH_HANDLE, Data, Dataread))
						throw Exception("HashData failed", -1)
					Length -= Dataread
				if (Length > 0)
					if (Dataread := File.RawRead(Data, Length))
						if !(Crypt.BCrypt.HashData(HASH_HANDLE, Data, Dataread))
							throw Exception("HashData failed", -1)

				; calculate the length of the hash
				if !(HASH_LENGTH := Crypt.BCrypt.GetProperty(ALG_HANDLE, Crypt.Constants.BCRYPT_HASH_LENGTH, 4))
					throw Exception("GetProperty failed", -1)

				; close the hash
				if !(Crypt.BCrypt.FinishHash(HASH_HANDLE, HASH_DATA, HASH_LENGTH))
					throw Exception("FinishHash failed", -1)

				; convert bin to string (base64 / hex)
				if !(HASH := Crypt.Helper.CryptBinaryToString(HASH_DATA, HASH_LENGTH, Output))
					throw Exception("CryptBinaryToString failed", -1)
			catch Exception
				; represents errors that occur during application execution
				throw Exception
				; cleaning up resources
				if (File)

				if (HASH_HANDLE)

				if (ALG_HANDLE)
			return HASH

		HMAC(AlgId, String, Hmac, Encoding := "utf-8", Output := "HEXRAW")
				; verify the hash algorithm
				if !(ALGORITHM_IDENTIFIER := Crypt.Verify.HashAlgorithm(AlgId))
					throw Exception("Wrong ALGORITHM_IDENTIFIER", -1)

				; open an algorithm handle
				if !(ALG_HANDLE := Crypt.BCrypt.OpenAlgorithmProvider(ALGORITHM_IDENTIFIER, Crypt.Constants.BCRYPT_ALG_HANDLE_HMAC_FLAG))
					throw Exception("BCryptOpenAlgorithmProvider failed", -1)

				; create a hash
				if !(HASH_HANDLE := Crypt.BCrypt.CreateHash(ALG_HANDLE, Hmac, Encoding))
					throw Exception("CreateHash failed", -1)

				; hash some data
				cbInput := Crypt.helper.StrPutVar(String, pbInput, Encoding)
				if !(Crypt.BCrypt.HashData(HASH_HANDLE, pbInput, cbInput))
					throw Exception("HashData failed", -1)

				; calculate the length of the hash
				if !(HASH_LENGTH := Crypt.BCrypt.GetProperty(ALG_HANDLE, Crypt.Constants.BCRYPT_HASH_LENGTH, 4))
					throw Exception("GetProperty failed", -1)

				; close the hash
				if !(Crypt.BCrypt.FinishHash(HASH_HANDLE, HASH_DATA, HASH_LENGTH))
					throw Exception("FinishHash failed", -1)

				; convert bin to string (base64 / hex)
				if !(HMAC := Crypt.Helper.CryptBinaryToString(HASH_DATA, HASH_LENGTH, Output))
					throw Exception("CryptBinaryToString failed", -1)
			catch Exception
				; represents errors that occur during application execution
				throw Exception
				; cleaning up resources
				if (HASH_HANDLE)

				if (ALG_HANDLE)
			return HMAC

		PBKDF2(AlgId, Password, Salt, Iterations := 4096, KeySize := 256, Encoding := "utf-8", Output := "HEXRAW")
				; verify the hash algorithm
				if !(ALGORITHM_IDENTIFIER := Crypt.Verify.HashAlgorithm(AlgId))
					throw Exception("Wrong ALGORITHM_IDENTIFIER", -1)

				; open an algorithm handle
				if !(ALG_HANDLE := Crypt.BCrypt.OpenAlgorithmProvider(ALGORITHM_IDENTIFIER, Crypt.Constants.BCRYPT_ALG_HANDLE_HMAC_FLAG))
					throw Exception("BCryptOpenAlgorithmProvider failed", -1)

				; derives a key from a hash value
				if !(Crypt.BCrypt.DeriveKeyPBKDF2(ALG_HANDLE, Password, Salt, Iterations, PBKDF2_DATA, KeySize / 8, Encoding))
					throw Exception("CreateHash failed", -1)

				; convert bin to string (base64 / hex)
				if !(PBKDF2 := Crypt.Helper.CryptBinaryToString(PBKDF2_DATA , KeySize / 8, Output))
					throw Exception("CryptBinaryToString failed", -1)
			catch Exception
				; represents errors that occur during application execution
				throw Exception
				; cleaning up resources
				if (ALG_HANDLE)
			return PBKDF2


	; ===== PRIVATE CLASS / METHODS =============================================================================================

		CNG BCrypt Functions
	class BCrypt
		static hBCRYPT := DllCall("LoadLibrary", "str", "bcrypt.dll", "ptr")
		static STATUS_SUCCESS := 0

			DllCall("bcrypt\BCryptCloseAlgorithmProvider", "ptr", hAlgorithm, "uint", 0)

		CreateHash(hAlgorithm, hmac := 0, encoding := "utf-8")
			if (hmac)
				cbSecret := Crypt.helper.StrPutVar(hmac, pbSecret, encoding)
			NT_STATUS := DllCall("bcrypt\BCryptCreateHash", "ptr",  hAlgorithm
			                                              , "ptr*", phHash
			                                              , "ptr",  pbHashObject := 0
			                                              , "uint", cbHashObject := 0
			                                              , "ptr",  (pbSecret ? &pbSecret : 0)
			                                              , "uint", (cbSecret ? cbSecret : 0)
			                                              , "uint", dwFlags := 0)

				return phHash
			return false

		DeriveKeyPBKDF2(hPrf, Password, Salt, cIterations, ByRef pbDerivedKey, cbDerivedKey, Encoding := "utf-8")
			cbPassword := Crypt.Helper.StrPutVar(Password, pbPassword, Encoding)
			cbSalt := Crypt.Helper.StrPutVar(Salt, pbSalt, Encoding)
			VarSetCapacity(pbDerivedKey, cbDerivedKey, 0)
			NT_STATUS := DllCall("bcrypt\BCryptDeriveKeyPBKDF2", "ptr",   hPrf
			                                                   , "ptr",   &pbPassword
			                                                   , "uint",  cbPassword
			                                                   , "ptr",   &pbSalt
			                                                   , "uint",  cbSalt
			                                                   , "int64", cIterations
			                                                   , "ptr",   &pbDerivedKey
			                                                   , "uint",  cbDerivedKey
			                                                   , "uint",  dwFlags := 0)

				return true
			return false

			DllCall("bcrypt\BCryptDestroyHash", "ptr", hHash)

			DllCall("bcrypt\BCryptDestroyKey", "ptr", hKey)

		Decrypt(hKey, ByRef String, cbInput, IV, BCRYPT_BLOCK_LENGTH, ByRef pbOutput, dwFlags)
			VarSetCapacity(pbInput, cbInput, 0)
			DllCall("msvcrt\memcpy", "ptr", &pbInput, "ptr", &String, "ptr", cbInput)

			if (IV != "")
				cbIV := VarSetCapacity(pbIV, BCRYPT_BLOCK_LENGTH, 0)
				StrPut(IV, &pbIV, BCRYPT_BLOCK_LENGTH, Encoding)

			NT_STATUS := DllCall("bcrypt\BCryptDecrypt", "ptr",   hKey
			                                           , "ptr",   &pbInput
			                                           , "uint",  cbInput
			                                           , "ptr",   0
			                                           , "ptr",   (pbIV ? &pbIV : 0)
			                                           , "uint",  (cbIV ? &cbIV : 0)
			                                           , "ptr",   0
			                                           , "uint",  0
			                                           , "uint*", cbOutput
			                                           , "uint",  dwFlags)
				VarSetCapacity(pbOutput, cbOutput, 0)
				NT_STATUS := DllCall("bcrypt\BCryptDecrypt", "ptr",   hKey
			                                               , "ptr",   &pbInput
			                                               , "uint",  cbInput
			                                               , "ptr",   0
			                                               , "ptr",   (pbIV ? &pbIV : 0)
			                                               , "uint",  (cbIV ? &cbIV : 0)
			                                               , "ptr",   &pbOutput
			                                               , "uint",  cbOutput
			                                               , "uint*", cbOutput
			                                               , "uint",  dwFlags)
					return cbOutput
			return false

		Encrypt(hKey, ByRef pbInput, cbInput, IV, BCRYPT_BLOCK_LENGTH, ByRef pbOutput, dwFlags := 0)
			;cbInput := Crypt.Helper.StrPutVar(String, pbInput, Encoding)

			if (IV != "")
				cbIV := VarSetCapacity(pbIV, BCRYPT_BLOCK_LENGTH, 0)
				StrPut(IV, &pbIV, BCRYPT_BLOCK_LENGTH, Encoding)

			NT_STATUS := DllCall("bcrypt\BCryptEncrypt", "ptr",   hKey
			                                           , "ptr",   &pbInput
			                                           , "uint",  cbInput
			                                           , "ptr",   0
			                                           , "ptr",   (pbIV ? &pbIV : 0)
			                                           , "uint",  (cbIV ? &cbIV : 0)
			                                           , "ptr",   0
			                                           , "uint",  0
			                                           , "uint*", cbOutput
			                                           , "uint",  dwFlags)
				VarSetCapacity(pbOutput, cbOutput, 0)
				NT_STATUS := DllCall("bcrypt\BCryptEncrypt", "ptr",   hKey
			                                               , "ptr",   &pbInput
			                                               , "uint",  cbInput
			                                               , "ptr",   0
			                                               , "ptr",   (pbIV ? &pbIV : 0)
			                                               , "uint",  (cbIV ? &cbIV : 0)
			                                               , "ptr",   &pbOutput
			                                               , "uint",  cbOutput
			                                               , "uint*", cbOutput
			                                               , "uint",  dwFlags)
					return cbOutput
			return false

			NT_STATUS := DllCall("bcrypt\BCryptEnumAlgorithms", "uint",  dwAlgOperations
			                                                  , "uint*", pAlgCount
			                                                  , "ptr*",  ppAlgList
			                                                  , "uint",  dwFlags := 0)

				addr := ppAlgList, BCRYPT_ALGORITHM_IDENTIFIER := []
				loop % pAlgCount
					BCRYPT_ALGORITHM_IDENTIFIER[A_Index, "Name"]  := StrGet(NumGet(addr + A_PtrSize * 0, "uptr"), "utf-16")
					BCRYPT_ALGORITHM_IDENTIFIER[A_Index, "Class"] := NumGet(addr + A_PtrSize * 1, "uint")
					BCRYPT_ALGORITHM_IDENTIFIER[A_Index, "Flags"] := NumGet(addr + A_PtrSize * 1 + 4, "uint")
					addr += A_PtrSize * 2
			return false

			NT_STATUS := DllCall("bcrypt\BCryptEnumProviders", "ptr",   pszAlgId
			                                                 , "uint*", pImplCount
			                                                 , "ptr*",  ppImplList
			                                                 , "uint",  dwFlags := 0)

				addr := ppImplList, BCRYPT_PROVIDER_NAME := []
				loop % pImplCount
					BCRYPT_PROVIDER_NAME.Push(StrGet(NumGet(addr + A_PtrSize * 0, "uptr"), "utf-16"))
					addr += A_PtrSize
			return false

		FinishHash(hHash, ByRef pbOutput, cbOutput)
			VarSetCapacity(pbOutput, cbOutput, 0)
			NT_STATUS := DllCall("bcrypt\BCryptFinishHash", "ptr",  hHash
			                                              , "ptr",  &pbOutput
			                                              , "uint", cbOutput
			                                              , "uint", dwFlags := 0)

				return cbOutput
			return false

		GenerateSymmetricKey(hAlgorithm, Key, Encoding := "utf-8")
			cbSecret := Crypt.Helper.StrPutVar(Key, pbSecret, Encoding)
			NT_STATUS := DllCall("bcrypt\BCryptGenerateSymmetricKey", "ptr",  hAlgorithm
			                                                        , "ptr*", phKey
			                                                        , "ptr",  0
			                                                        , "uint", 0
			                                                        , "ptr",  &pbSecret
			                                                        , "uint", cbSecret
			                                                        , "uint", dwFlags := 0)

				return phKey
			return false

		GetProperty(hObject, pszProperty, cbOutput)
			NT_STATUS := DllCall("bcrypt\BCryptGetProperty", "ptr",   hObject
			                                               , "ptr",   &pszProperty
			                                               , "uint*", pbOutput
			                                               , "uint",  cbOutput
			                                               , "uint*", pcbResult
			                                               , "uint",  dwFlags := 0)

				return pbOutput
			return false

		HashData(hHash, ByRef pbInput, cbInput)
			NT_STATUS := DllCall("bcrypt\BCryptHashData", "ptr",  hHash
			                                            , "ptr",  &pbInput
			                                            , "uint", cbInput
			                                            , "uint", dwFlags := 0)

				return true
			return false

		OpenAlgorithmProvider(pszAlgId, dwFlags := 0, pszImplementation := 0)
			NT_STATUS := DllCall("bcrypt\BCryptOpenAlgorithmProvider", "ptr*", phAlgorithm
			                                                         , "ptr",  &pszAlgId
			                                                         , "ptr",  pszImplementation
			                                                         , "uint", dwFlags)

				return phAlgorithm
			return false

		SetProperty(hObject, pszProperty, pbInput)
			bInput := StrLen(pbInput)
			NT_STATUS := DllCall("bcrypt\BCryptSetProperty", "ptr",   hObject
			                                               , "ptr",   &pszProperty
			                                               , "ptr",   &pbInput
			                                               , "uint",  bInput
			                                               , "uint",  dwFlags := 0)

				return true
			return false

	class Helper
		static hCRYPT32 := DllCall("LoadLibrary", "str", "crypt32.dll", "ptr")

		CryptBinaryToString(ByRef pbBinary, cbBinary, dwFlags := "BASE64")
			static CRYPT_STRING := { "BASE64": 0x1, "BINARY": 0x2, "HEX": 0x4, "HEXRAW": 0xc }
			static CRYPT_STRING_NOCRLF := 0x40000000

			if (DllCall("crypt32\CryptBinaryToString", "ptr",   &pbBinary
			                                         , "uint",  cbBinary
			                                         , "uint",  (CRYPT_STRING[dwFlags] | CRYPT_STRING_NOCRLF)
			                                         , "ptr",   0
			                                         , "uint*", pcchString))
				VarSetCapacity(pszString, pcchString << !!A_IsUnicode, 0)
				if (DllCall("crypt32\CryptBinaryToString", "ptr",   &pbBinary
			                                             , "uint",  cbBinary
			                                             , "uint",  (CRYPT_STRING[dwFlags] | CRYPT_STRING_NOCRLF)
			                                             , "ptr",   &pszString
			                                             , "uint*", pcchString))
					return StrGet(&pszString)
			return false

		CryptStringToBinary(pszString, ByRef pbBinary, dwFlags := "BASE64")
			static CRYPT_STRING := { "BASE64": 0x1, "BINARY": 0x2, "HEX": 0x4, "HEXRAW": 0xc }

			if (DllCall("crypt32\CryptStringToBinary", "ptr",   &pszString
			                                         , "uint",  0
			                                         , "uint",  CRYPT_STRING[dwFlags]
			                                         , "ptr",   0
			                                         , "uint*", pcbBinary
			                                         , "ptr",   0
			                                         , "ptr",   0))
				VarSetCapacity(pbBinary, pcbBinary, 0)
				if (DllCall("crypt32\CryptStringToBinary", "ptr",   &pszString
				                                         , "uint",  0
				                                         , "uint",  CRYPT_STRING[dwFlags]
				                                         , "ptr",   &pbBinary
				                                         , "uint*", pcbBinary
				                                         , "ptr",   0
				                                         , "ptr",   0))
					return pcbBinary
			return false

		StrPutVar(String, ByRef var, Encoding)
			VarSetCapacity(var, len := StrPut(String, Encoding) * ((Encoding = "utf-16" || Encoding = "cp1200") ? 2 : 1) - 1)
			return StrPut(String, &var, len, Encoding)


	class Verify

			switch ChainMode
				case "CBC", "ChainingModeCBC": return Crypt.Constants.BCRYPT_CHAIN_MODE_CBC
				case "CFB", "ChainingModeCFB": return Crypt.Constants.BCRYPT_CHAIN_MODE_CFB
				case "ECB", "ChainingModeECB": return Crypt.Constants.BCRYPT_CHAIN_MODE_ECB
				default: return ""

			switch Algorithm
				case "AES":                return Crypt.Constants.BCRYPT_AES_ALGORITHM
				case "DES":                return Crypt.Constants.BCRYPT_DES_ALGORITHM
				case "RC2":                return Crypt.Constants.BCRYPT_RC2_ALGORITHM
				case "RC4":                return Crypt.Constants.BCRYPT_RC4_ALGORITHM
				default: return ""

			switch Algorithm
				case "MD2":               return Crypt.Constants.BCRYPT_MD2_ALGORITHM
				case "MD4":               return Crypt.Constants.BCRYPT_MD4_ALGORITHM
				case "MD5":               return Crypt.Constants.BCRYPT_MD5_ALGORITHM
				case "SHA1", "SHA-1":     return Crypt.Constants.BCRYPT_SHA1_ALGORITHM
				case "SHA256", "SHA-256": return Crypt.Constants.BCRYPT_SHA256_ALGORITHM
				case "SHA384", "SHA-384": return Crypt.Constants.BCRYPT_SHA384_ALGORITHM
				case "SHA512", "SHA-512": return Crypt.Constants.BCRYPT_SHA512_ALGORITHM
				default: return ""


	; ===== CONSTANTS ===========================================================================================================

	class Constants
		static BCRYPT_ALG_HANDLE_HMAC_FLAG            := 0x00000008
		static BCRYPT_BLOCK_PADDING                   := 0x00000001

		; AlgOperations flags for use with BCryptEnumAlgorithms()
		static BCRYPT_CIPHER_OPERATION                := 0x00000001
		static BCRYPT_HASH_OPERATION                  := 0x00000002
		static BCRYPT_SECRET_AGREEMENT_OPERATION      := 0x00000008
		static BCRYPT_SIGNATURE_OPERATION             := 0x00000010
		static BCRYPT_RNG_OPERATION                   := 0x00000020
		static BCRYPT_KEY_DERIVATION_OPERATION        := 0x00000040

		static BCRYPT_3DES_ALGORITHM                  := "3DES"
		static BCRYPT_3DES_112_ALGORITHM              := "3DES_112"
		static BCRYPT_AES_ALGORITHM                   := "AES"
		static BCRYPT_AES_CMAC_ALGORITHM              := "AES-CMAC"
		static BCRYPT_AES_GMAC_ALGORITHM              := "AES-GMAC"
		static BCRYPT_DES_ALGORITHM                   := "DES"
		static BCRYPT_DESX_ALGORITHM                  := "DESX"
		static BCRYPT_MD2_ALGORITHM                   := "MD2"
		static BCRYPT_MD4_ALGORITHM                   := "MD4"
		static BCRYPT_MD5_ALGORITHM                   := "MD5"
		static BCRYPT_RC2_ALGORITHM                   := "RC2"
		static BCRYPT_RC4_ALGORITHM                   := "RC4"
		static BCRYPT_RNG_ALGORITHM                   := "RNG"
		static BCRYPT_SHA1_ALGORITHM                  := "SHA1"
		static BCRYPT_SHA256_ALGORITHM                := "SHA256"
		static BCRYPT_SHA384_ALGORITHM                := "SHA384"
		static BCRYPT_SHA512_ALGORITHM                := "SHA512"
		static BCRYPT_PBKDF2_ALGORITHM                := "PBKDF2"
		static BCRYPT_XTS_AES_ALGORITHM               := "XTS-AES"

		static BCRYPT_BLOCK_LENGTH                    := "BlockLength"
		static BCRYPT_CHAINING_MODE                   := "ChainingMode"
		static BCRYPT_CHAIN_MODE_CBC                  := "ChainingModeCBC"
		static BCRYPT_CHAIN_MODE_CCM                  := "ChainingModeCCM"
		static BCRYPT_CHAIN_MODE_CFB                  := "ChainingModeCFB"
		static BCRYPT_CHAIN_MODE_ECB                  := "ChainingModeECB"
		static BCRYPT_CHAIN_MODE_GCM                  := "ChainingModeGCM"
		static BCRYPT_HASH_LENGTH                     := "HashDigestLength"
		static BCRYPT_OBJECT_LENGTH                   := "ObjectLength"

Questions / Bugs / Issues
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Re: CNG (Cryptography API: Next Generation)

15 Sep 2016, 07:25

Creating a Hash with CNG
(MD2 | MD4 | MD5 | SHA-1 | SHA-2 (SHA256, SHA384, SHA512) | PBKDF2)

Create a SHA-1 Hash from String

Code: Select all

MsgBox % Crypt.Hash.String("SHA1", "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog")
; -> 2fd4e1c67a2d28fced849ee1bb76e7391b93eb12

Create a SHA-256 Hash with HMAC from String

Code: Select all

MsgBox % Crypt.Hash.HMAC("SHA256", "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog", "Secret Salt")
; -> 68dba4b3a6d5c36b6e3567e1a925fe87c7386162e8fb6e2e9f17ade4aa7dc262

Create a SHA-256 Hash from a File

Code: Select all

MsgBox % Crypt.Hash.File("SHA256", "C:\Program Files\AutoHotkey\AutoHotkey.exe")
; -> 0a9964fe0e0fb3f0679df317a65f9945c474dab8c4370b45b93da64a8b201b9f

Create a PBKDF2 Hash with SHA-1, 1500 Iterations and a Keysize of 192 from a String

Code: Select all

MsgBox % Crypt.Hash.PBKDF2("SHA1", "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog", "Secret Salt", 1500, 192)
; -> 531c1bbae7c3de019d1f53adcac7d85bf2b04caba9d6d6d1
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Re: CNG (Cryptography API: Next Generation)

15 Sep 2016, 07:26

Encrypting Data with CNG
(AES | DES | RC2 | RC4)

Tested Encryption Algorithm
* AES (EBC / CBC / CFB) with Key + IV
* RC2
* RC4

Possible Inputs / Outputs
* Base64
* Hex / Hexraw
* Binary

Encrypt a String with AES + CBC and with Key + IV and Base64 Output

Code: Select all

MsgBox % Crypt.Encrypt.String("AES", "CBC", "abcdefghijklmnop", "1234567890123456", "1234567890123456")
; -> Nn9CFFuC+/O84cV1NiwLYoyd25Z9nmWv16dIFKzf2b4=

Decrypt a String with AES + CBC and with Key + IV and Base64 Input

Code: Select all

MsgBox % Crypt.Decrypt.String("AES", "CBC", "Nn9CFFuC+/O84cV1NiwLYoyd25Z9nmWv16dIFKzf2b4=", "1234567890123456", "1234567890123456")
; -> abcdefghijklmnop

Encrypt a String with AES + ECB + Key and Hexraw Output

Code: Select all

MsgBox % Crypt.Encrypt.String("AES", "ECB", "abcdefghijklmnop", "1234567890123456",,, "HEXRAW")
; -> fcad715bd73b5cb0488f840f3bad7889050187a0cde5a9872cbab091ab73e553

Decrypt a String with AES + ECB + Key and Hexraw Input

Code: Select all

MsgBox % Crypt.Decrypt.String("AES", "ECB", "fcad715bd73b5cb0488f840f3bad7889050187a0cde5a9872cbab091ab73e553", "1234567890123456",,, "HEXRAW")
; -> abcdefghijklmnop
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Re: CNG (Cryptography API: Next Generation)

15 Sep 2016, 17:28

Can't wait for it XD Ahhhhhhhhhhh
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Re: CNG (Cryptography API: Next Generation)

15 Sep 2016, 17:41

Subbed. Coming from you, jNizM, I know this will be solid. :thumbup:
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Re: CNG (Cryptography API: Next Generation)

16 Sep 2016, 15:57

Is there an implementation of SHA-3?
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Re: CNG (Cryptography API: Next Generation)

16 Sep 2016, 18:56

Made an object container for all the hash and hash+hmac functions, submitted pull request. Also, bcrypt_sha512_hmac.ahk has a function name of bcrypt_sha256_hmac(), while still using sha512. Copy/paste error, I presume? ;)
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Re: CNG (Cryptography API: Next Generation)

19 Sep 2016, 01:30

Thank you.
I modified a generic H2 LIB, easy to use, if you do not mind .. :)

Code: Select all

FileRead,s,*c %A_AhkPath%
MsgBox % bcrypt("SHA512",&s,VarSetCapacity(s)) "`n" bcrypt("SHA512",A_AhkPath,0)
MsgBox % bcrypt("MD4","The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog", "","Secret Salt")

bcrypt(type, data, size:="", hmac:=""){
	if (hBCRYPT := DllCall("LoadLibrary", "str", "bcrypt.dll", "ptr"))
		and DllCall("bcrypt\BCryptOpenAlgorithmProvider", "ptr*", hAlgo, "ptr", &StrUpper(type), "ptr", 0, "uint", hmac?0x00000008:0) = 0
		and DllCall("bcrypt\BCryptGetProperty", "ptr", hAlgo, "ptr", &("ObjectLength"), "uint*", cbHashObject, "uint", 4, "uint*", cbResult, "uint", 0) = 0
		and DllCall("bcrypt\BCryptGetProperty", "ptr", hAlgo, "ptr", &("HashDigestLength"), "uint*", cbHash, "uint", 4, "uint*", cbResult, "uint", 0) = 0
		VarSetCapacity(pbHashObject, cbHashObject, 0)
		,hmac	? (VarSetCapacity(pbSecret, cbSecret := StrPut(hmac, "UTF-8"), 0),StrPut(hmac, &pbSecret, "UTF-8"),pb:=&pbSecret,cb:=cbSecret - 1)
			: (pb:=cb:=0)
		,ad:=size ? data
			: size=0
				? (file:=FileRead("*c " data),size:=VarSetCapacity(file),&file)
				: (VarSetCapacity(pbInput, size := StrPut(data, "UTF-8"), 0),StrPut(data, &pbInput, "UTF-8"),size--,&pbInput)

		if DllCall("bcrypt\BCryptCreateHash", "ptr", hAlgo, "ptr*", hHash, "ptr", &pbHashObject, "uint", cbHashObject, "ptr", pb, "uint", cb , "uint", 0) = 0
			and DllCall("bcrypt\BCryptHashData", "ptr", hHash, "ptr", ad, "uint", size , "uint", 0) = 0
			and VarSetCapacity(pbHash, cbHash, 0)
			and DllCall("bcrypt\BCryptFinishHash", "ptr", hHash, "ptr", &pbHash, "uint", cbHash, "uint", 0) = 0
			loop  cbHash
				hash .= Format("{:02x}", NumGet(pbHash, A_Index - 1, "UChar"))

		DllCall("bcrypt\BCryptDestroyHash", "ptr", hHash)
		DllCall("bcrypt\BCryptCloseAlgorithmProvider", "ptr", hAlgo, "uint", 0)
	DllCall("FreeLibrary", "ptr", hBCRYPT)
	return hash
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Re: CNG (Cryptography API: Next Generation)

19 Sep 2016, 08:16

iseahound wrote:Is there an implementation of SHA-3?
Currently not in WinAPI from Microsoft.
Masonjar13 wrote:Also, bcrypt_sha512_hmac.ahk has a function name of bcrypt_sha256_hmac(), while still using sha512. Copy/paste error, I presume? ;)
Thanks. Is fixed.
arcticir wrote:I modified a generic H2 LIB, easy to use, if you do not mind .. :)
Since I do not work with AHK_H v2 feel free...

- Added hash for file
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Re: CNG (Cryptography API: Next Generation)

19 Sep 2016, 17:38

Updated my object to include files. If anyone is interested, here is a direct link:
It is, quite literally, jNizM's code, compiled into an object.
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Re: CNG (Cryptography API: Next Generation)

28 Sep 2016, 04:41

- Added PBKDF2
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Re: CNG (Cryptography API: Next Generation)

28 Sep 2016, 14:42

Added to the hash object.
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Re: CNG (Cryptography API: Next Generation)

28 Sep 2016, 20:43

jNizM and all contibutors, your work is Amazing! Thank you for posting.

Can anyone make comment - are there advantages for or against using these CNG / bcrypt.dll based functions compared to some (older?) LibCrypt.ahk / advapi.dll based functions?

FYI - My work currently concerns AHK-based app to produce hashes (MD5, SHA-1, SHA256...) of files, on Win7 & Win10 workstations (even XP maybe), source files of size 0 ~ 100GB, source files numbering 1 ~ 1000, so reliability across platforms and speed are important to me.

Thank you again :-)
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Re: CNG (Cryptography API: Next Generation)

29 Sep 2016, 00:47

snorkler wrote:jNizM and all contibutors, your work is Amazing! Thank you for posting.
Thank you =)

snorkler wrote:Can anyone make comment - are there advantages for or against using these CNG / bcrypt.dll based functions compared to some (older?) LibCrypt.ahk / advapi.dll based functions?
msdn wrote:Cryptography API: Next Generation (CNG) is the long-term replacement for the CryptoAPI. CNG is designed to be extensible at many levels and cryptography agnostic in behavior. ... s.85).aspx

snorkler wrote:My work currently concerns AHK-based app to produce hashes (MD5, SHA-1, SHA256...) of files, on Win7 & Win10 workstations (even XP maybe), source files of size 0 ~ 100GB, source files numbering 1 ~ 1000, so reliability across platforms and speed are important to me.
If speed is really importand for such an amount of hash-calculations, than a different language would be better than ahk.
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Re: CNG (Cryptography API: Next Generation)

05 Oct 2016, 02:50

Now 2 different locations for the hash functions
win7 -> old and still working function with minimum supported client: windows 7
win10 -> new functions with a wrapper function with minimum support client: windows 10
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Re: CNG (Cryptography API: Next Generation)

05 Oct 2016, 03:58

Do the new functions add Windows 10 support, or is it only an enhancement for W10? If it's an enhancement, what is the actual difference? Will the original functions work on 10? I don't have W10 to test.

Added this to the object, I believe. Don't have W10 to test it.
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Re: CNG (Cryptography API: Next Generation)

05 Oct 2016, 04:21

Minimum support clients:
win7 functions works from win7 till win10
win10 functions works just on win10 and later

The difference:
While Windows 7+ needs BCryptCreateHash, BCryptHashData, BCryptFinishHash, and BCryptDestroyHash

Windows 10 can use the BCryptHash function
msdn wrote:BCryptHash function
Performs a single hash computation. This is a convenience function that wraps calls to BCryptCreateHash, BCryptHashData, BCryptFinishHash, and BCryptDestroyHash.

Minimum supported client Windows 10
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Re: CNG (Cryptography API: Next Generation)

05 Oct 2016, 04:34

Ah, alright. Thanks for clearing that up. In that case, however, you still call BCryptDestroyHash() in the W10 versions, making it redundant, yes?
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Re: CNG (Cryptography API: Next Generation)

05 Oct 2016, 04:38

yeah.. forgot this.. will push a new update
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