League Tools V6.05 - 05-07-18

Post gaming related scripts
Posts: 174
Joined: 14 Jul 2014, 10:39

Re: League Tools V5.3 - 11-11-16

11 Nov 2016, 12:31

Changelog - V5.3

Added check for update
Streamlined pro streamer api calls
Posts: 7
Joined: 18 Sep 2016, 06:02

Re: League Tools V5.3 - 11-11-16

21 Nov 2016, 05:53


You have made great changes. It's really good.
I have some ideas to send you.

First, you can add the summoner's icon in the loadings account.

Code: Select all

;get the current release folder
DestPattern = C:\Riot Games\League of Legends\RADS\projects\lol_air_client\releases
SplitPath, DestPattern, , OutDir, , ,
var := InStr(FileExist(OutDir), "D")

if var = 1
	Loop, C:\Riot Games\League of Legends\RADS\projects\lol_air_client\releases\*, 1
		release= %A_LoopFileName%

;Function to get the id of the profile icon
	global summonerstat
	StringLower, searchsummoner, sNomInvocateur
	InvocateurURL = https://euw.api.pvp.net/api/lol/euw/v1.4/summoner/by-name/%searchsummoner%?api_key=%apiKey%
    WebRequest := ComObjCreate("WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5.1")
    WebRequest.Open("GET", InvocateurURL)
    str := WebRequest.ResponseText(), ComObjError(0)
    sSearchInvocateurID = %searchsummoner%.profileIconId
    sInvocateurProfilID =  % json(str,sSearchInvocateurID)
    return sInvocateurProfilID

;Loadings Accounts
Menu, Accounts, Add, %l%, Tools
IDSummonerProfil := GetInvocateurProfilID(l,Key)
Menu, Accounts, Icon, %l%, C:\Riot Games\League of Legends\RADS\projects\lol_air_client\releases\%release%\deploy\assets\storeImages\content\summoner_icon\profileIcon%IDSummonerProfil%.jpg,,35
Then, it could be a good idea to add the rotating game of the week.

Code: Select all

	monurl = http://euw.leagueoflegends.com/en/news
	if n > 0
		monurl = %monurl%?page=%n%

	whr := ComObjCreate("WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5.1")
	whr.Open("GET",monurl, true)
	page1 := whr.ResponseText
	if page1 not contains /en/news/game-updates/gameplay/rotating-game-mode-queue-now-live
		n += 1
		Goto, suivant
	Loop , parse , page1 , `n
  		line := A_LoopField
  		if line contains /en/news/game-updates/gameplay/rotating-game-mode-queue-now-live
         Needle = href="
         StringGetPos, pos, line, %Needle%
         StringTrimLeft, line, line, %pos%
         StringTrimLeft, line, line, 6
         Needle = "
		 StringGetPos, pos, line, %Needle%
         if pos >= 0
         OutputVar := StrLen(line)
         finam := OutputVar - pos
         StringTrimRight , urlrota, line, %finam%


  	monurlrota = http://euw.leagueoflegends.com/%urlrota%
  	rotanb := SubStr(urlrota,-4)
  	Needle = -
    StringGetPos, pos, rotanb, %Needle%
    StringTrimLeft, rotanb, rotanb, %pos%
    StringTrimLeft, rotanb, rotanb, 1

    If !(FileExist(A_ScriptDir "\" ScriptName "\News\rotations" rotanb ".png"))
		  	whr := ComObjCreate("WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5.1")
	whr.Open("GET",monurlrota, true)
	page1 := whr.ResponseText
	Loop , parse , page1 , `n
  		line := A_LoopField
  		if line contains Weekly
         Needle = href="
         StringGetPos, pos, line, %Needle%
         StringTrimLeft, line, line, %pos%
         StringTrimLeft, line, line, 6
         Needle = "
		 StringGetPos, pos, line, %Needle%
         if pos >= 0
         OutputVar := StrLen(line)
         finam := OutputVar - pos
         StringTrimRight , imgurl, line, %finam%
         imgurl = %imgurl%
         RotationURL = https://api.imageresizer.io/images?url=%imgurl%
         global RotationCount
   		 WebRequest := ComObjCreate("WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5.1")
   		 WebRequest.Open("GET", RotationURL)
    	 str := WebRequest.ResponseText(), ComObjError(0)
		StringReplace, str, str, `",,All	;"
		StringReplace, str, str, `,, %A_Space%,All
		StringReplace, str, str, id, id, UseErrorLevel
		RotationCount := ErrorLevel
		Pos = 1
		Loop, %RotationCount%
			Pos := (RegExMatch(str, "id:(.*?)\swidth:", Champs, Pos)) + 2
			idimg = %Champs1%
		imgurl = https://im.ages.io/%idimg%?height=400
         UrlDownloadToFile, %imgurl%, rotations%rotanb%.png 


	return rotanb

nbrota := GetRotations()
SplashImage, rotations%nbrota%.png, M2 H450 W750, Rotating game, , Rotating game
Sleep 3000
You can do the same with the news, you display the title and when you click u are redirect to the news.

Keep doing your amazing job ! :bravo:

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Joined: 06 Sep 2016, 19:47

Re: League Tools V5.3 - 11-11-16

21 Nov 2016, 15:40

Can anyone make a script to use the skills on the nearest enemy champion? Is that possible in Ahk?
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Joined: 06 Sep 2016, 19:47

Re: League Tools V5.3 - 11-11-16

21 Nov 2016, 15:41

Can anyone make a script to use the skills on the nearest enemy champion? Is that possible in Ahk?
Posts: 174
Joined: 14 Jul 2014, 10:39

Re: League Tools V5.3 - 11-11-16

22 Nov 2016, 11:24

VinoGamer wrote:Can anyone make a script to use the skills on the nearest enemy champion? Is that possible in Ahk?
Yes it is possible, but you probably are not going to find anyone to do it for you. This is a much larger task than it appears on the surface and you are asking for many hours of research, coding and testing. If you would like to learn such a thing I can point you in the right direction via the AHK documentation but you are unlikely to find someone to just create it for you. Welcome to AHK.
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Joined: 06 Sep 2016, 19:47

Re: League Tools V5.3 - 11-11-16

22 Nov 2016, 20:49

Ruevil2 wrote:
VinoGamer wrote:Can anyone make a script to use the skills on the nearest enemy champion? Is that possible in Ahk?
Yes it is possible, but you probably are not going to find anyone to do it for you. This is a much larger task than it appears on the surface and you are asking for many hours of research, coding and testing. If you would like to learn such a thing I can point you in the right direction via the AHK documentation but you are unlikely to find someone to just create it for you. Welcome to AHK.
Yes, I would like to learn. <3
Posts: 174
Joined: 14 Jul 2014, 10:39

Re: League Tools V5.4 - 11-23-16

23 Nov 2016, 17:26

5.4 Changelog

Fixed issue with loading API keys
Refactor and rearrange code
Fixed issue with Streamers updating, now updates every 10 min
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Re: League Tools V5.4 - 11-23-16

25 Nov 2016, 15:20

update Autohtokey to the latest version
Posts: 4
Joined: 29 Nov 2016, 11:58

Re: League Tools V5.4 - 11-23-16

29 Nov 2016, 12:06

hi, really nice work but is there a way to use parts of these scripts? im using a low end computer. i'd like the auto queue/auto accept and login function only. how do i edit this code?
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Joined: 14 Jul 2014, 10:39

Re: League Tools V5.4 - 11-23-16

29 Nov 2016, 18:03

Gtblaze45 wrote:hi, really nice work but is there a way to use parts of these scripts? im using a low end computer. i'd like the auto queue/auto accept and login function only. how do i edit this code?

Absolutely! If you look at the last post on the first page of this thread, I have posted some bits of code that turn the auto login and auto start features into callable functions. This should get you started, if you aren't looking to get into coding I might be convinced to add an option to turn off the other functions in the future.

Do the champ list and live stream calls take a long time on your PC?
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Joined: 29 Nov 2016, 11:58

Re: League Tools V5.4 - 11-23-16

29 Nov 2016, 19:38

Yeah they do, freezes my computer a bit. League was already demanding. and do i copy them with { between them? i've learnt that that signals the end of a function?
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Joined: 29 Nov 2016, 11:58

Re: League Tools V5.4 - 11-23-16

29 Nov 2016, 20:07

all i did was copy your last file. what about the other above 2?

i tried running it, it didnt work, the script didnt open.
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Joined: 14 Jul 2014, 10:39

Re: League Tools V5.4 - 11-23-16

30 Nov 2016, 11:41

Gtblaze45 wrote:all i did was copy your last file. what about the other above 2?

i tried running it, it didnt work, the script didnt open.
Yeah those scripts are more for people who would like to code their own GUI using my core functions. Download the new script(5.5 at this point), run it and let it load once. Close the script and open the _config.ini file and set the Toaster variable to 1. This will disable the outbound API calls and will make the script much faster. Also disables champion guides, champ sales, skin sales and pro streams. Should be auto start and auto login only. Give it a try and let me know.
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Joined: 29 Nov 2016, 11:58

Re: League Tools V5.5 - 11-30-16

01 Dec 2016, 04:48

amazing! thankyou it works.
i changed login to Home, someone showed me some keylists (https://autohotkey.com/docs/KeyList.htm)
lastly i just want to know how to assign join a queueu with a speific key. i get into Main lobby with Home, how about if i was to join a rank5s or soloq or normal queue? the theory here is
that it auto accepts queue after i select roles and (I or the program) start the queue. Normal queue works fine.

if it requires you creating an additional scripts then dont worry it was only for my convience, i'll get used to selecting queue from tray.

Thanks once again for your time and effort!
Posts: 174
Joined: 14 Jul 2014, 10:39

Re: League Tools V5.5 - 11-30-16

01 Dec 2016, 13:43

Changelog v5.5

Added toaster mode
UpdateCheck call converted to asynchronous to prevent menu hanging issue
Posts: 28
Joined: 27 Jan 2016, 12:20

Re: League Tools V5.3 - 11-11-16

27 Dec 2016, 11:28

VinoGamer wrote:Can anyone make a script to use the skills on the nearest enemy champion? Is that possible in Ahk?
Should point out that this most definitely a bannable use of scripting and will 100% get your account banned if detected.
Posts: 28
Joined: 27 Jan 2016, 12:20

Re: League Tools V5.5 - 11-30-16

27 Dec 2016, 11:31

Ruevil2 wrote:Changelog v5.5

Added toaster mode
UpdateCheck call converted to asynchronous to prevent menu hanging issue
Hey man, long time.
Any luck adapting this to the beta client?
Posts: 174
Joined: 14 Jul 2014, 10:39

Re: League Tools V5.5 - 11-30-16

27 Dec 2016, 12:39

randomguy9472 wrote:
Ruevil2 wrote:Changelog v5.5

Added toaster mode
UpdateCheck call converted to asynchronous to prevent menu hanging issue
Hey man, long time.
Any luck adapting this to the beta client?

I haven't downloaded the beta client yet. I've been heavy into this season of D3 and it's almost over now, i'm about to break into this season leaderboard for wizards. Do you think you could pm me some screenshots of the new client so I can get an idea of what to get changed?
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Re: League Tools V5.5 - 11-30-16

08 Jan 2017, 03:23

First of all NICE WORK! I know a bit of time went into making all that work!

Secondly I have an Idea to run past you, since we have to edit the .ini you should make it easily accessible by adding it to the right click menu. (so us lazy folk dont have to go find it)

or maybe something such as "about script" on there and you can open it from there or read about the script or something

Thirdly I have found a bug, When entering my information at the start I entered the wrong password by mistake. Your program was running in the background so I went and edited the .ini to make my password correct. I reloaded your script but for some reason it overwrote the .ini to the wrong password and wouldnt let me log in. I had to close your program out and then edit the .ini and then rerun your program.

also in the future if you need/want any GFX work done I can do some. I love me some photoshop :)

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