AHk doesnt work and the "hotkey" becomes unusable.

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AHk doesnt work and the "hotkey" becomes unusable.

30 Apr 2017, 11:03

so i am using the program pulover macro creator which has the option to export the macro into an ahk file.
my macros works perfectly fine on pulovers program but when i try to run them with AHk it does not work,
i run it as an admin,the icon is showing on the bar but nothing happens(not in games or browser or anything) the only thing that happens is that my "hotkeys" become unavailable so for example if i have a script set to the hotkey "R" my R wont do anything(wont run the script but also will not type the letter R) literally as if my key doesnt work(but it does obv) same goes for all the keys i set to be as hotkeys.

*the reason i wanna use ahk is because i think theres an option to toggle the scripts on and off with a single button whenever i want,i cant seem to find an option like that in pulovers macro but sadly something is wrong with my ahk
and the weirdest thing is that im pretty sure it worked for me couple of months ago(i tried reinstalling and it didnt work)

thanks in advanced

*thats my ahk file exported from pulovers
copy pasted the entire file:

; This script was created using Pulover's Macro Creator
; www.macrocreator.com

SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%
CoordMode, Mouse, Window
SendMode Input
#SingleInstance Force
SetTitleMatchMode 2
SetControlDelay 1
SetWinDelay 0
SetKeyDelay -1
SetMouseDelay -1
SetBatchLines -1

; UserGlobalVars

Send, {r Down}
Sleep, 375
Send, {r Up}

Send, {LShift Down}
Sleep, 80
Send, {LShift Up}{d Down}
Sleep, 600
Send, {d Up}
Last edited by bonochi on 30 Apr 2017, 12:13, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: AHk doesnt work and the "hotkey" becomes unusable.

30 Apr 2017, 12:03

We'd like to see the script if you can share it. Typically the reason a hotkey does nothing is if it's like r::return or has some if statement in there such that it just jumps straight to executing a return. Without seeing your script, we can't identify the problem. I've also never used pulover's macro creator so IDK if it has any known problems.
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Re: AHk doesnt work and the "hotkey" becomes unusable.

30 Apr 2017, 12:14

Exaskryz wrote:We'd like to see the script if you can share it. Typically the reason a hotkey does nothing is if it's like r::return or has some if statement in there such that it just jumps straight to executing a return. Without seeing your script, we can't identify the problem. I've also never used pulover's macro creator so IDK if it has any known problems.
thats my ahk file exported from pulovers
copy pasted the entire file:

SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%
CoordMode, Mouse, Window
SendMode Input
#SingleInstance Force
SetTitleMatchMode 2
SetControlDelay 1
SetWinDelay 0
SetKeyDelay -1
SetMouseDelay -1
SetBatchLines -1

; UserGlobalVars

Send, {r Down}
Sleep, 375
Send, {r Up}

Send, {LShift Down}
Sleep, 80
Send, {LShift Up}{d Down}
Sleep, 600
Send, {d Up}
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Re: AHk doesnt work and the "hotkey" becomes unusable.

30 Apr 2017, 12:32

Try making your hotkeys into $r:: and $d::. The $ modifier prevents recursion - where the hotkey activates itself.
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Re: AHk doesnt work and the "hotkey" becomes unusable.

30 Apr 2017, 12:47

Exaskryz wrote:Try making your hotkeys into $r:: and $d::. The $ modifier prevents recursion - where the hotkey activates itself.
whoaaaaaa i was stuck for hours :() works like magic,thnak you very much!!
dont wanna bother you too much but if you can help me with 2 more things it will be great
1.how do i set my macro to activate and deactivate in a single button?(what i want is when i press Z my "hotkeys" will go back to normal keys and when i press Z again it will serve as a hotkey again)
2.what do i need to do inorder for my macro to be activated even when im holding the shift button(used for a game)

thanks alot :P
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Re: AHk doesnt work and the "hotkey" becomes unusable.

30 Apr 2017, 21:42

z::Suspend is the easiest way. Note that z will permanently be a hotkey in this way and wouldn't retain its normal function.

You would probably want the * modifier to allow it to work with shift being held down.

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