improvement to counter strafe script csgo

Post gaming related scripts
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Joined: 16 Jul 2016, 12:11

improvement to counter strafe script csgo

16 Jul 2016, 12:17

I discovered this counter strafing script and have been using it for a while and it is weird to just move around. I think improving it by changing the time is counter strafes would be better. So instead of pressing the key to counter strafe when you let go of a key, it would be more natural to counterstrafe as you press the fire button. So you strafe out a corner, counter strafe fire, and then keep going. Im not proficient enough in this scripting language to even get started but I would assume others would like to see a script like this and might help me out.

Code: Select all

ScriptActive = 1

~*w up::
If ScriptActive = 1 
if(GetKeyState("s","P")) ; if w is pressed, do not perform sub
Send {s down}
While (!GetKeyState("s","P") && A_TickCount<start) ; if w is pressed, exit this While loop. Exit after 100 ms regardless
Sleep 10
If !GetKeyState("s","P") ; if you are holding w down physically, you don't want to send a w up keystroke
Send {s up}

~*a up::
If ScriptActive = 1
if(GetKeyState("d","P")) ; if w is pressed, do not perform sub
Send {d down}
While (!GetKeyState("d","P") && A_TickCount<start) ; if w is pressed, exit this While loop. Exit after 100 ms regardless
Sleep 10
If !GetKeyState("d","P") ; if you are holding w down physically, you don't want to send a w up keystroke
Send {d up}

~*d up::
If ScriptActive = 1
if(GetKeyState("a","P")) ; if w is pressed, do not perform sub
Send {a down}
While (!GetKeyState("a","P") && A_TickCount<start) ; if w is pressed, exit this While loop. Exit after 100 ms regardless
Sleep 10
If !GetKeyState("a","P") ; if you are holding w down physically, you don't want to send a w up keystroke
Send {a up}

~*s up::
If ScriptActive = 1
if(GetKeyState("w","P")) ; if w is pressed, do not perform sub
Send {w down}
While (!GetKeyState("w","P") && A_TickCount<start) ; if w is pressed, exit this While loop. Exit after 100 ms regardless
Sleep 10
If !GetKeyState("w","P") ; if you are holding w down physically, you don't want to send a w up keystroke
Send {w up}

If ScriptActive = 1
ScriptActive = 0
SoundBeep, 400, 400
else if ScriptActive = 0
ScriptActive = 1
SoundBeep, 1000, 100
SoundBeep, 1000, 100
This is the code im referring to.

Re: improvement to counter strafe script csgo

19 Jun 2017, 04:04

;Basically i am no expert but what happens is you run the script get into your csgo game right click to turn it off ( IF IT IS ON! IT WILL BE NOTICEABLE WHEN YOU MOVE AROUND ). Then when you get into an engagement youll press mouse one to shoot and that will toggle the script and enable counterstrafe. After that press mouse to or right click to turn it off.

ScriptActive = 1

~*w up::
If ScriptActive = 1
if(GetKeyState("s","P")) ; if w is pressed, do not perform sub
Send {s down}
While (!GetKeyState("s","P") && A_TickCount<start) ; if w is pressed, exit this While loop. Exit after 100 ms regardless
Sleep 10
If !GetKeyState("s","P") ; if you are holding w down physically, you don't want to send a w up keystroke
Send {s up}

~*a up::
If ScriptActive = 1
if(GetKeyState("d","P")) ; if w is pressed, do not perform sub
Send {d down}
While (!GetKeyState("d","P") && A_TickCount<start) ; if w is pressed, exit this While loop. Exit after 100 ms regardless
Sleep 10
If !GetKeyState("d","P") ; if you are holding w down physically, you don't want to send a w up keystroke
Send {d up}

~*d up::
If ScriptActive = 1
if(GetKeyState("a","P")) ; if w is pressed, do not perform sub
Send {a down}
While (!GetKeyState("a","P") && A_TickCount<start) ; if w is pressed, exit this While loop. Exit after 100 ms regardless
Sleep 10
If !GetKeyState("a","P") ; if you are holding w down physically, you don't want to send a w up keystroke
Send {a up}

~*s up::
If ScriptActive = 1
if(GetKeyState("w","P")) ; if w is pressed, do not perform sub
Send {w down}
While (!GetKeyState("w","P") && A_TickCount<start) ; if w is pressed, exit this While loop. Exit after 100 ms regardless
Sleep 10
If !GetKeyState("w","P") ; if you are holding w down physically, you don't want to send a w up keystroke
Send {w up}

If ScriptActive = 1
ScriptActive = 0
SoundBeep, 400, 400

ScriptActive = 1
SoundBeep, 1000, 100
SoundBeep, 1000, 100

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