Programm to make backups

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Programm to make backups

15 Jul 2017, 12:00

So i am trying to create a script that makes a backup off a certain file/folder by making it a rar and placing it in a folder named Backup

i allready got the guis completed but i just don't know where to start the scripting for the progress bars i would like to make it so that there is a icon that moves forward by leaving a trail "Bar" behind it so here is what i got

Code: Select all

#NoEnv  ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
; #Warn  ; Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors.
SendMode Input  ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%  ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.

Gui, Home:Add, Text, x20 y10 w270 h100, Please select Create Backup to create a backup off a certain file/folder if you wanna use the Backup File/Folder select Use Backup
Gui, Home:Add, Checkbox, x20 y80 w120 h15, Create Backup
Gui, Home:Add, Checkbox, x20 y100 w90 h15, Use Backup
Gui, Home:Add, Button, x255 y175 w43 h23, Close
Gui, Home:Add, Button, x205 y175 w43 h23, Next
Gui, Home:Show, w306 h201, Backup Filer


Gui, Drag:Add, Text, x10 y15 w300 h25, Please select the file/folder you want to make a backup from
Gui, Drag:Add, Edit, x10 y45 w240 h25, File Path
Gui, Drag:Add, Button, x250 y45 w25 h25, ....
Gui, Drag:Add, Button, x275 y150 w43 h23, Close
Gui, Drag:Add, Button, x230 y150 w43 h23, Next
Gui, Drag:Show, w322 h175, Backup Filer


Gui, Drop:Add, Text, x10 y15 w235 h30, Are you sure you want to use the backup file?
Gui, Drop:Add, Button, x245 y145 w43 h23, No
Gui, Drop:Add, Button, x200 y145 w43 h23, Yes
Gui, Drop:Show, w292 h172, Backup Filer


Gui, Progress:Add, Progress, x20 y75 w300 h30, 25
Gui, Progress Filer:Add, Text, x55 y15 w230 h15, Please wait while we are creating your backup
Gui, Progress Filer:Add, Text, x20 y60 w70 h15, Current File:
Gui, Progress:Show, w349 h116, Backup Filer

Backup FilerGuiClose:

Gui, Used:Add, Text, x25 y15 w235 h15, Please wait while we are placing your Backup File
Gui, Used:Add, Progress, x15 y85 w260 h30, 25
Gui, Used:Add, Text, x15 y70 w60 h15, Current File:
Gui, Used:Show, w290 h132, Backup Filer


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