Controlling Multiple Trove Windows Topic is solved

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Encrypt3d Shadow

Controlling Multiple Trove Windows  Topic is solved

20 Aug 2017, 10:43

I'm not very good with AHK, so I tried cobbling stuff together from other forum posts. Right now, I'm just seeing if I can get one key to work. I've ended up with the code below.

Code: Select all

WinGet, troveid, list, Trove

KeyWait, w
ControlSend,, {w down} {w up}, ahk_id %troveid1%
ControlSend,, {w down} {w up}, ahk_id %troveid2%
It is supposed to move the two characters forward at the same time, but I am having the strangest issue. Whenever I press W, it moves the characters like it's supposed to, but it also makes them jump. All of my movement keybinds on Trove are default. Why is it doing this?
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Re: Controlling Multiple Trove Windows

21 Aug 2017, 01:22

Hey there, I used to multi-box trove, I spent a LOT of time trying to do this exact same thing until I realized this is NOT the solution. Moving all the characters doesn't work simply because there is no way to reliably move the mouse/screen at the same time. (If you turn around on the active screen the alt accounts will now be going "Backwards"
Its late and this is a quick reply but if you PM me Id love to go over some things about multiboxing trove with you.

While I cant answer why its jumping right now I will say I have a ton of scripts that do various multiboxing things on trove.
I believe I also have a working version of what you have aswell if you just want that.

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