Is it possible to stringreplace rtf to clipboard? Topic is solved

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Is it possible to stringreplace rtf to clipboard?

07 Mar 2018, 16:54

Hi everyone,
I have a blob of formatted text ,for example:
Car Survey Report

Registration []
Make: []
Model: []
Year: []
Engine: []cc

I want to be able to copy that text to the clipboard,
Read that text line by line and manipulate/replace strings ([] if present),
Then paste the entire clipboard whilst still retaining formatting.

Car Survey Report

Registration EXM357Y
Year: 1994
Engine: 3000cc

Is that possible? Many thanks in advance!! Here's my code so far but all I get is plain text

Code: Select all

clipboard =
Txtline2 =
blank = 0
sleep 200
send ^a^c{Home}						;copies all text to clipboard
sleep 400
n = 300

Loop, %n% 
	linet =
	needle =
	Number := (A_Index)
	CurrentEdit := (Edit%Number%)
	StringSplit, line, clipboard, `r`n		;splits clipboard into lines
	line := % line%Number%
	if line = 			
		blank := (%blank%+1)
		if blank >3
	needle := "[]"						;look for []
	If InStr(line, Needle, True)
		StringReplace, line, line, [],, All
	Txtline2 = %Txtline2%`n%line%			;combines lines together again
clipboard = %Txtline2%
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Re: Is it possible to stringreplace rtf to clipboard?

08 Mar 2018, 01:41

Well, the AHK help is your friend - have you already checked ClipBoardAll ?
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Re: Is it possible to stringreplace rtf to clipboard?

08 Mar 2018, 15:57

Hey BoBo,
Thanks for the reply. Yeah tried ClipBoardAll and end up with what looks like chinese lettering

I might be able to do something with winClip...
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Re: Is it possible to stringreplace rtf to clipboard?  Topic is solved

08 Mar 2018, 21:52

This worked for me. Have WordPad open with some formatted text ready, including the word 'qwerty'.

Code: Select all

q:: ;copy RTF to clipboard, edit RTF, paste
WinActivate, ahk_class WordPadClass
Clipboard := ""
Send, ^a^c
ClipWait, 3
if ErrorLevel
	MsgBox, % "error"
vRtf := JEE_ClipboardGetRtf()
;MsgBox, % "[" vRtf "]"
vRtf := StrReplace(vRtf, "qwerty", "QWERTY")
Clipboard := ""
;MsgBox, % "[" vRtf "]"
Send, ^v


JEE_ClipboardGetText(vFormat:=0xD, vEnc:="")
	;CF_OEMTEXT := 0x7 ;CF_TEXT := 0x1
	if !DllCall("user32\IsClipboardFormatAvailable", UInt,vFormat)
	if !DllCall("user32\OpenClipboard", Ptr,0)
	if !hBuf := DllCall("user32\GetClipboardData", UInt,vFormat, Ptr)

	pBuf := DllCall("kernel32\GlobalLock", Ptr,hBuf, Ptr)
	vSize := DllCall("kernel32\GlobalSize", Ptr,hBuf, UPtr)
	VarSetCapacity(vOutput, vSize, 0)
	DllCall("msvcrt\memcpy", Ptr,&vOutput, Ptr,pBuf, UPtr,vSize, "Cdecl Int")
	if !(vEnc = "")
		vOutput := StrGet(&vOutput, vSize, vEnc)
	VarSetCapacity(vOutput, -1)

	DllCall("kernel32\GlobalUnlock", Ptr,hBuf)
	return vOutput


	vFormat := DllCall("user32\RegisterClipboardFormat", Str,"Rich Text Format", UInt)
	return JEE_ClipboardGetText(vFormat, vEnc)


;FormatTime, vDate
;vRtf := "{\rtf{\b " vDate "}}"
;JEE_ClipboardSetRtf(vRtf, "e")
;vHtml := "<b>" vDate "</b>"
;SendInput, ^v

;vOpt: e (empty clipboard before setting contents)
JEE_ClipboardSetRtf(vRtf, vOpt:="")
	vFormat := DllCall("user32\RegisterClipboardFormat", Str,"Rich Text Format", UInt)
	vSize := StrPut(vRtf, "CP0")
	VarSetCapacity(vData, vSize, 0)
	StrPut(vRtf, &vData, vSize, "CP0")

	hBuf := DllCall("kernel32\GlobalAlloc", UInt,0x42, UPtr,vSize, Ptr)
	pBuf := DllCall("kernel32\GlobalLock", Ptr,hBuf, Ptr)
	;DllCall("kernel32\RtlMoveMemory", Ptr,pBuf, Ptr,&vData, UPtr,vSize)
	DllCall("msvcrt\memcpy", Ptr,pBuf, Ptr,&vData, UPtr,vSize, "Cdecl Int")

	hWnd := A_ScriptHwnd ? A_ScriptHwnd : WinExist("ahk_pid " DllCall("kernel32\GetCurrentProcessId", UInt))
	DllCall("kernel32\GlobalUnlock", Ptr,hBuf)
	DllCall("user32\OpenClipboard", Ptr,hWnd)
	if InStr(vOpt, "e")
	DllCall("user32\SetClipboardData", UInt,vFormat, Ptr,hBuf, Ptr)

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Re: Is it possible to stringreplace rtf to clipboard?

09 Mar 2018, 00:28

Perfect! Just what I needed. Thanks jeeswg!
Posts: 1736
Joined: 22 Jan 2017, 19:37

Re: Is it possible to stringreplace rtf to clipboard?

10 Mar 2018, 17:09

Very nice indeed, jeeswg, it will be useful. Thank you!
Edit: Even more useful than I thought. If I replace

Code: Select all

WinActivate, ahk_class WordPadClass

Code: Select all

WinActivate, ahk_class OpusApp
it works with Word for .docx and .rtf, and I wasn't sure it would.
So a little extra code and it'll work with any editor that handles .docx or .rtf, I'm hoping.
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Re: Is it possible to stringreplace rtf to clipboard?

29 Aug 2021, 12:57

Is this possible with a copied webpage?

Its been a few years since this post, is there a better way of doing this now?

I tried copying one and pasting it to Wordpad but it does not retain the images as docx would.

I have exactly the same scenario listed above but rather I need to retain all formatting from a copied webpage as would be found on clipboardall, I just need to modify the text with a few regex.

Your help is appreciated.

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