PingPong game

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PingPong game

10 Mar 2018, 13:54

Hi, sharing my created PingPong game based only on AHK.

Code: Select all

#SingleInstance, force
SetControlDelay, -1
SetBatchLines, -1 ; for delay precision
Process, Priority, , R ; high CPU cooperation (maxed at 50 on dual affinity, use H otherwise)
SendMode, Input ; no Send delay

DllCall("SystemParametersInfo", UInt, 0xB, UInt, 20, UIntP, 0, UInt, 0) ; 0xB is SPI_SETKEYBOARDSPEED. 31 is the max speed, 0 is the min.
DllCall("SystemParametersInfo", UInt, 0x17, UInt, 0, UIntP, 0, UInt, 0) ; 0x17 is SPI_SETKEYBOARDDELAY. the first 0 is the shortest delay 250ms, 3 is the highest 1 sec

gui, ping: new
gui, ping: Default
gui, color, Black
gui, font, cWhite s12 bold
Gui, Add, Button, ReadOnly x5 y5 h10 w100 0x10 vPC_Ping
Gui, Add, Button, ReadOnly x5 y485 h10 w100 0x10 vUser_Ping
Gui, Add, Button, ReadOnly x240 y240 h10 w10 0x10 vPong
GuiControl, ping: Hide, Pong

gui, font, cWhite s100 bold
gui, add, text, x200 y170 vT1, 3
gui, add, text, x200 y170 vT2, 2
gui, add, text, x200 y170 vT3, 1
gui, add, text, x130 y170 vT4, GO!

Loop, 4
	GuiControl, ping: Hide, T%A_Index%

gui, font, cBlack s8, Verdana
Gui, Add, StatusBar,
gui, show, w500 h520, PingPong

Hotkey, IfWinActive, PingPong
Hotkey, Right, PingPong_Right 
Hotkey, Left, PingPong_Left


GuiControlGet, User_Ping, ping:Pos
if (User_PingX <= 400)
	GuiControl, ping: Move, User_Ping, % "x" User_PingX+15

GuiControlGet, User_Ping, ping:Pos
if (User_PingX >= 0)
	GuiControl, ping: Move, User_Ping, % "x" User_PingX-15

if (First_Game = true)
		GuiControlGet, Pong, ping:Pos
		GuiControlGet, User_Ping, ping:Pos
		GuiControlGet, PC_Ping, ping:Pos
		User_Full_Ping_Start := User_PingX ; user ping width coordinates
		User_Full_Ping_End := User_PingX + 100
		User_Ping_Middle := User_PingX + 50
		if (PongY = 475 and (PongX >= User_Full_Ping_Start and PongX <= User_Full_Ping_End)){
			gosub, Pong_Moves_UP
		else if (PongY < 490){
			GuiControl, ping: Move, Pong, % "y" PongY+5
			sleep 25
		if (PongY > 485){
			Your_Score += 0
			PC_Score += 10
			if (Your_Score = 100){
				MsgBox, You have won! Your score is %Your_Score% vs PC score %PC_Score%
			if (PC_Score = 100){
				MsgBox, You have lost! Your score is %Your_Score% vs PC score %PC_Score%
			SB_SetText("You have lost! Your score " . Your_Score . " vs PC score " . PC_Score)
			sleep 2000

if (First_Game = false)
		GuiControlGet, Pong, ping:Pos
		GuiControlGet, User_Ping, ping:Pos
		GuiControlGet, PC_Ping, ping:Pos
		User_Full_Ping_Start := User_PingX ; user ping width coordinates
		User_Full_Ping_End := User_PingX + 100
		User_Ping_Middle := User_PingX + 50
		if (PongY = 475 and (PongX >= User_Full_Ping_Start and PongX <= User_Full_Ping_End)){
			gosub, Pong_Moves_UP
		else if (PongY < 490){
			If (rotation = "Left" and PongX > 0){
				GuiControl, ping: Move, Pong, % "x" PongX-Rand(4, 6) "y" PongY+5
				sleep 20
			If (rotation = "Left" and PongX <= 0){
				rotation := "Right"
				GuiControl, ping: Move, Pong, % "x" PongX+Rand(4, 6) "y" PongY+5
				sleep 20
			If (rotation = "Right" and PongX < 490){
				GuiControl, ping: Move, Pong, % "x" PongX+Rand(4, 6) "y" PongY+5
				sleep 20
			If (rotation = "Right" and PongX >= 490){
				rotation := "Left"
				GuiControl, ping: Move, Pong, % "x" PongX-Rand(4, 6) "y" PongY+5
				sleep 20

		if (PongY > 485){
			Your_Score += 0
			PC_Score += 10
			if (Your_Score = 100){
				MsgBox, You have won! Your score is %Your_Score% vs PC score %PC_Score%
			if (PC_Score = 100){
				MsgBox, You have lost! Your score is %Your_Score% vs PC score %PC_Score%
			SB_SetText("You have lost! Your score " . Your_Score . " vs PC score " . PC_Score)
			sleep 2000

First_Game := false
	GuiControlGet, Pong, ping:Pos
	GuiControlGet, User_Ping, ping:Pos
	GuiControlGet, PC_Ping, ping:Pos
	PC_Ping_Start := PC_PingX ; user ping width coordinates
	PC_Ping_Middle := PC_PingX + 50
	PC_Ping_End := PC_PingX + 100
	Pong_End := PongX + 10
	if (PongY = 15 and (PongX >= PC_Ping_Start and PongX <= PC_Ping_End)){
		gosub, Pong_Moves
	if (PC_Ping_Middle < PongX){
		GuiControl, ping: Move, PC_Ping, % "x" PC_PingX+4
	if (PC_Ping_Middle > Pong_End){
		GuiControl, ping: Move, PC_Ping, % "x" PC_PingX-4
	if (PongY <= 485){
		If (rotation = "Left" and PongX > 0){
			GuiControl, ping: Move, Pong, % "x" PongX-Rand(4, 6) "y" PongY-5
			sleep 20
		If (rotation = "Left" and PongX <= 0){
			rotation := "Right"
			GuiControl, ping: Move, Pong, % "x" PongX+Rand(4, 6) "y" PongY-5
			sleep 20
		If (rotation = "Right" and PongX < 490){
			GuiControl, ping: Move, Pong, % "x" PongX+Rand(4, 6) "y" PongY-5
			sleep 20
		If (rotation = "Right" and PongX >= 490){
			rotation := "Left"
			GuiControl, ping: Move, Pong, % "x" PongX-Rand(4, 6) "y" PongY-5
			sleep 20

	if (PongY < 10){
		Your_Score += 10
		PC_Score += 0
		if (Your_Score = 100){
				MsgBox, You have won! Your score is %Your_Score% vs PC score %PC_Score%
		if (PC_Score = 100){
				MsgBox, You have lost! Your score is %Your_Score% vs PC score %PC_Score%
		SB_SetText("PC have lost! Your score " . Your_Score . " vs PC score " . PC_Score)
		sleep 2000

	Loop, 4
		sleep 100
		GuiControl, ping: Show, T%A_Index%
		sleep 900
		GuiControl, ping: Hide, T%A_Index%
	GuiControl, ping: Move, Pong, % "x" 240 "y" 240
	GuiControl, ping: Show, Pong
	sleep 400
	First_Game := true
	gosub, Pong_Moves

	if (User_Ping_Middle > PongX)
		rotation := "Left"
	if (User_Ping_Middle < PongX)
		rotation := "Right"
	return, rotation

	if (PC_Ping_Middle > PongX)
		rotation := "Left"
	if (PC_Ping_Middle < PongX)
		rotation := "Right"
	return, rotation

Rand( a=0.0, b=1 ) {
   IfEqual,a,,Random,,% r := b = 1 ? Rand(0,0xFFFFFFFF) : b
   Else Random,r,a,b
   Return r
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Re: PingPong game

10 Mar 2018, 14:32

Cool, impressive to make a game with so little code :clap:. Thanks for sharing :thumbup:.
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Re: PingPong game

10 Mar 2018, 14:51

F*$1N AWESOME!! :bravo:

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Re: PingPong game

10 Mar 2018, 15:49

Very good game. Works great :bravo:
Helgef wrote:I changed the hotkeys to make the _____ a bit more responsive, and make the game easier 8-)
:shh: :arrow: bindMove() p_move() :ugeek: Amazing stuff !! :ugeek:

Thanks for sharing :wave:
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Re: PingPong game

10 Mar 2018, 17:30

Helgef wrote:Cool, impressive to make a game with so little code :clap:. Thanks for sharing :thumbup:.
aaayeah, that's I was looking for, now the game is complete, thanks Helgef! :)
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Re: PingPong game

10 Mar 2018, 22:00

Very nicely done.

Here's a version with some sounds added. At least these exist and sound good on my version of Windows 10. Microsoft seems to change them all the time, so they might not exist or sound different on other systems, but it's easy enough to change the sound files near the top of the script.

Code: Select all

#SingleInstance, force
SetControlDelay, -1
SetBatchLines, -1 ; for delay precision
Process, Priority, , R ; high CPU cooperation (maxed at 50 on dual affinity, use H otherwise)
SendMode, Input ; no Send delay

PingSound := % A_WinDir "\media\Windows Pop-up Blocked.wav"
BonkSound := % A_WinDir "\media\Windows Information Bar.wav"
MissSound := A_WinDir "\media\Windows Default.wav"
WinSound := % A_WinDir "\media\tada.wav"
LoseSound := % A_WinDir "\media\Windows Hardware Fail.wav"

DllCall("SystemParametersInfo", UInt, 0xB, UInt, 20, UIntP, 0, UInt, 0) ; 0xB is SPI_SETKEYBOARDSPEED. 31 is the max speed, 0 is the min.
DllCall("SystemParametersInfo", UInt, 0x17, UInt, 0, UIntP, 0, UInt, 0) ; 0x17 is SPI_SETKEYBOARDDELAY. the first 0 is the shortest delay 250ms, 3 is the highest 1 sec

gui, ping: new
gui, ping: Default
gui, color, Black
gui, font, cWhite s12 bold
Gui, Add, Button, ReadOnly x5 y5 h10 w100 0x10 vPC_Ping
Gui, Add, Button, ReadOnly x5 y485 h10 w100 0x10 vUser_Ping
Gui, Add, Button, ReadOnly x240 y240 h10 w10 0x10 vPong
GuiControl, ping: Hide, Pong

gui, font, cWhite s100 bold
gui, add, text, x200 y170 vT1, 3
gui, add, text, x200 y170 vT2, 2
gui, add, text, x200 y170 vT3, 1
gui, add, text, x130 y170 vT4, GO!

Loop, 4
	GuiControl, ping: Hide, T%A_Index%

gui, font, cBlack s8, Verdana
Gui, Add, StatusBar,
gui, show, w500 h520, PingPong

Hotkey, IfWinActive, PingPong
rfnon := bindMove(2, 1)
rfnoff := bindMove(2, 0)
Hotkey, Right,  % rfnon
Hotkey, Right up,  % rfnoff
lfnon := bindMove(1, 1)
lfnoff := bindMove(1, 0)
Hotkey, Left, % lfnon
Hotkey, Left up, % lfnoff

bindMove(dir, state){
	return func("p_move").bind(dir, state)
p_move(dir, state){
	settimer % dir == 1 ? "PingPong_Left" : "PingPong_Right", % state ? 25 : "off"

GuiControlGet, User_Ping, ping:Pos
if (User_PingX <= 400)
	GuiControl, ping: Move, User_Ping, % "x" User_PingX+15

GuiControlGet, User_Ping, ping:Pos
if (User_PingX >= 0)
	GuiControl, ping: Move, User_Ping, % "x" User_PingX-15

if (First_Game = true)
		GuiControlGet, Pong, ping:Pos
		GuiControlGet, User_Ping, ping:Pos
		GuiControlGet, PC_Ping, ping:Pos
		User_Full_Ping_Start := User_PingX ; user ping width coordinates
		User_Full_Ping_End := User_PingX + 100
		User_Ping_Middle := User_PingX + 50
		if (PongY = 475 and (PongX >= User_Full_Ping_Start and PongX <= User_Full_Ping_End)){
			SoundPlay, %PingSound%
			gosub, Pong_Moves_UP
		else if (PongY < 490){
			GuiControl, ping: Move, Pong, % "y" PongY+5
			sleep 25
		if (PongY > 485){
			SoundPlay, %MissSound%
			Your_Score += 0
			PC_Score += 10
			if (Your_Score = 100){
				SoundPlay, %WinSound%
				MsgBox, You have won! Your score is %Your_Score% vs PC score %PC_Score%
			if (PC_Score = 100){
				SoundPlay, %LoseSound%
				MsgBox, You have lost! Your score is %Your_Score% vs PC score %PC_Score%
			SB_SetText("You have lost! Your score " . Your_Score . " vs PC score " . PC_Score)
			sleep 2000

if (First_Game = false)
		GuiControlGet, Pong, ping:Pos
		GuiControlGet, User_Ping, ping:Pos
		GuiControlGet, PC_Ping, ping:Pos
		User_Full_Ping_Start := User_PingX ; user ping width coordinates
		User_Full_Ping_End := User_PingX + 100
		User_Ping_Middle := User_PingX + 50
		if (PongY = 475 and (PongX >= User_Full_Ping_Start and PongX <= User_Full_Ping_End)){
			SoundPlay, %PingSound%
			gosub, Pong_Moves_UP
		else if (PongY < 490){
			If (rotation = "Left" and PongX > 0){
				GuiControl, ping: Move, Pong, % "x" PongX-Rand(4, 6) "y" PongY+5
				sleep 20
			If (rotation = "Left" and PongX <= 0){
				rotation := "Right"
				SoundPlay, %BonkSound%
				GuiControl, ping: Move, Pong, % "x" PongX+Rand(4, 6) "y" PongY+5
				sleep 20
			If (rotation = "Right" and PongX < 490){
				GuiControl, ping: Move, Pong, % "x" PongX+Rand(4, 6) "y" PongY+5
				sleep 20
			If (rotation = "Right" and PongX >= 490){
				rotation := "Left"
				SoundPlay, %BonkSound%
				GuiControl, ping: Move, Pong, % "x" PongX-Rand(4, 6) "y" PongY+5
				sleep 20

		if (PongY > 485){
			SoundPlay, %MissSound%
			Your_Score += 0
			PC_Score += 10
			if (Your_Score = 100){
				SoundPlay, %WinSound%
				MsgBox, You have won! Your score is %Your_Score% vs PC score %PC_Score%
			if (PC_Score = 100){
				SoundPlay, %LoseSound%
				MsgBox, You have lost! Your score is %Your_Score% vs PC score %PC_Score%
			SB_SetText("You have lost! Your score " . Your_Score . " vs PC score " . PC_Score)
			sleep 2000

First_Game := false
	GuiControlGet, Pong, ping:Pos
	GuiControlGet, User_Ping, ping:Pos
	GuiControlGet, PC_Ping, ping:Pos
	PC_Ping_Start := PC_PingX ; user ping width coordinates
	PC_Ping_Middle := PC_PingX + 50
	PC_Ping_End := PC_PingX + 100
	Pong_End := PongX + 10
	if (PongY = 15 and (PongX >= PC_Ping_Start and PongX <= PC_Ping_End)){
		SoundPlay, %PingSound%
		gosub, Pong_Moves
	if (PC_Ping_Middle < PongX){
		GuiControl, ping: Move, PC_Ping, % "x" PC_PingX+4
	if (PC_Ping_Middle > Pong_End){
		GuiControl, ping: Move, PC_Ping, % "x" PC_PingX-4
	if (PongY <= 485){
		If (rotation = "Left" and PongX > 0){
			GuiControl, ping: Move, Pong, % "x" PongX-Rand(4, 6) "y" PongY-5
			sleep 20
		If (rotation = "Left" and PongX <= 0){
			rotation := "Right"
			SoundPlay, %BonkSound%
			GuiControl, ping: Move, Pong, % "x" PongX+Rand(4, 6) "y" PongY-5
			sleep 20
		If (rotation = "Right" and PongX < 490){
			GuiControl, ping: Move, Pong, % "x" PongX+Rand(4, 6) "y" PongY-5
			sleep 20
		If (rotation = "Right" and PongX >= 490){
			rotation := "Left"
			SoundPlay, %BonkSound%
			GuiControl, ping: Move, Pong, % "x" PongX-Rand(4, 6) "y" PongY-5
			sleep 20

	if (PongY < 10){
		SoundPlay, %MissSound%
		Your_Score += 10
		PC_Score += 0
		if (Your_Score = 100){
				SoundPlay, %WinSound%
				MsgBox, You have won! Your score is %Your_Score% vs PC score %PC_Score%
		if (PC_Score = 100){
				SoundPlay, %LoseSound%
				MsgBox, You have lost! Your score is %Your_Score% vs PC score %PC_Score%
		SB_SetText("PC have lost! Your score " . Your_Score . " vs PC score " . PC_Score)
		sleep 2000

	Loop, 4
		sleep 100
		GuiControl, ping: Show, T%A_Index%
		sleep 900
		GuiControl, ping: Hide, T%A_Index%
	GuiControl, ping: Move, Pong, % "x" 240 "y" 240
	GuiControl, ping: Show, Pong
	sleep 400
	First_Game := true
	gosub, Pong_Moves

	if (User_Ping_Middle > PongX)
		rotation := "Left"
	if (User_Ping_Middle < PongX)
		rotation := "Right"
	return, rotation

	if (PC_Ping_Middle > PongX)
		rotation := "Left"
	if (PC_Ping_Middle < PongX)
		rotation := "Right"
	return, rotation

Rand( a=0.0, b=1 ) {
   IfEqual,a,,Random,,% r := b = 1 ? Rand(0,0xFFFFFFFF) : b
   Else Random,r,a,b
   Return r
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Re: PingPong game

11 Mar 2018, 00:14

Similar using midi!
Edit: On line 98 should be NoteOn(9, 38, 127) ; miss!
Ping Pong.ahk
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Re: PingPong game

11 Mar 2018, 05:45

rommmcek wrote:Similar using midi!
Edit: On line 98 should be NoteOn(9, 38, 127) ; miss!
nice sound effects :D now it's more "alive" :)
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Re: PingPong game

11 Mar 2018, 07:46

@euras: All credit, goes to you due to your awesome recently materialized ideas! (PingPong & Piano)
A little game, a little music and "my" AutoHotkey. (Inspired by: Λίγο κρασί, λίγο θάλασσα και το αγόρι μου.)
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Re: PingPong game

11 Mar 2018, 08:53

rommmcek wrote:Similar using midi!
Similar using midi + colors + internal tile 8-) :P
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Last edited by SpeedMaster on 12 Mar 2018, 08:46, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: PingPong game

11 Mar 2018, 12:01

@SpeedMaster: Great colors!
I'm typical non gamer, but for some reason, am very impressed by this project!
I do have some plans with it!
But I think there might be one or two hidden bugs.
- first marginal: it seems to me that ball and edge of the bat aren't always precisely calculated.
- if true might be cardinal: it seems that after certain number of bat smashes the script crashes. (tested on OP too)
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Re: PingPong game

12 Mar 2018, 06:20

Thanks for the feedback.
rommmcek wrote: - it seems that after certain number of bat smashes the script crashes. (tested on OP too)
- I would rather say after a huge amount of smashes the game crashes. ( :idea: btw, you had a good idea to play the game at full speed. Tanks !)
- I doubt someone will play any AHK game more than 5 min. :roll:
- I'm more interested in how to program a game in AHK and learn some new tricks ;)
because obviously AHK GUI is not the easiest platform for making a game. :geek:
rommmcek wrote: - It seems to me that ball and edge of the bat aren't always precisely calculated.
- You are right. :? I made some small changes to force the bat to stay in playing area... that does not solve the problem but it's better. :problem:
I also remplaced ListView with Progress which seems to have a better redraw.

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Re: PingPong game

12 Mar 2018, 06:24

@ boiler, the sound works good on win7 too :thumbup:
@ rommmcek, great stuff.
@ SpeedMaster :shock: :clap:.

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Re: PingPong game

12 Mar 2018, 08:49

SpeedMaster wrote: Similar using midi + colors + internal tile 8-) :P
Version 1.2 compatible windows 10 ;)
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Re: PingPong game

12 Mar 2018, 14:38

- If the movement for the bat could be slightly more granular, i.e. an option to set it to the pixel would be good, I find when the ball first falls you either *just* miss it, or the next granular step is fairly far along the bat. I can't do the really cool edge hits.
- Also, the left/right hotkeys interfere with other windows.
- Really good game, cheers.

- Btw check out Paddle War, from Keen 4.
[with great commentary]
Commander Keen 4 - Paddle Wars - YouTube
[with old-school sound effects]
Paddle War - YouTube
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Re: PingPong game

12 Mar 2018, 15:03

jeeswg wrote:- If the movement for the bat could be slightly more granular, i.e. an option to set it to the pixel would be good, I find when the ball first falls you either *just* miss it, or the next granular step is fairly far along the bat. I can't do the really cool edge hits.
- Also, the left/right hotkeys interfere with other windows.
- Really good game, cheers.

- Btw check out Paddle War, from Keen 4.
[with great commentary]
Commander Keen 4 - Paddle Wars - YouTube
[with old-school sound effects]
Paddle War - YouTube
Thanks :) My first target for creating this game was to create "an engine" for motions, PC reaction and so on. There is space for improvements for sure and there can be small bugs too. To be honest, I'm still not happy with the engine I created, it looks too "lame" for me, but that's my level so far.
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Re: PingPong game

13 Mar 2018, 15:17

I believe, problem of the bat edge is only on the left side. To firefight it use User_Full_Ping_Start := User_PingX - 15 and PC_Ping_Start := PC_PingX - 15.

The script is using gosub command to jump between Pong_Moves: and Pong_Moves_UP: labels, but the command return is never executed. They accumulate and eventually AutoHotkey runs out of memory. Replacing gosub with goto seems to work.

Now the test would be boring so there is no update.

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