WinMove [AutoHotkey_1.1.29.00] Topic is solved

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WinMove [AutoHotkey_1.1.29.00]

25 May 2018, 03:22


Code: Select all

WinMove, X, Y

Code: Select all

WinMove,,, X, Y [, Width, Height, ExcludeTitle, ExcludeText]
But this doesn't work:

Code: Select all

WinMove, WinTitle, WinText, X, Y [, Width, Height, ExcludeTitle, ExcludeText]
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Re: WinMove [AutoHotkey_1.1.29.00]

25 May 2018, 03:33

Confirmed from version v1.1.28.02-13 + g52f9e5d
The script will close in WinMove
In Version v1.1.28.02 works well

Code: Select all

oVersion :=  "`nVersion: " "v" A_AhkVersion " " (A_PtrSize = 4 ? 32 : 64) "-bit / " (A_IsUnicode ? "Unicode" : "ANSI")   ;*[AHK ShowVersion]
	. "`nType:" A_Tab A_OSType . "`nOS:" A_Tab A_OSVersion     
Gui, Add, Text, , % oVersion
Gui, Show, w300 h100, WinMove TEST
winmove, WinMove TEST,, 200, 500
WinMove.png (7.36 KiB) Viewed 8325 times
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Re: WinMove [AutoHotkey_1.1.29.00]

25 May 2018, 07:16

@rousni: please provide your code that you say does not work as it should. Showing the command syntax does not show what does not work.
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Re: WinMove [AutoHotkey_1.1.29.00]

25 May 2018, 15:54

I confirm that the script is crashing when you use the command WinMove:
; Problem signature:
; Problem Event Name: APPCRASH
; Application Name: AutoHotkey.exe
; Application Version:
; Application Timestamp: 5b0762f3
; Fault Module Name: AutoHotkey.exe
; Fault Module Version:
; Fault Module Timestamp: 5b0762f3
; Exception Code: c0000005
; Exception Offset: 00001226
; OS Version: 6.1.7601.
; Locale ID: 2057
; ...

, % "ahk_id "A_ScriptHwnd,, 0, 0
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Re: WinMove [AutoHotkey_1.1.29.00]

25 May 2018, 16:31

I confirm this problem, had to downgrade. The following code crashes the script:

Code: Select all

WinMove, %A_ScriptName%, , 0, 0
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WinMove fails in

25 May 2018, 16:56


Code: Select all

#NoEnv  ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
DetectHiddenWindows, On
SetTitleMatchMode, 2

While 1=1 {
#IfWinExist, ahk_class TMain ahk_exe sr.exe
BottomWindow("ahk_class TMain")
    WinGetPos,,, Width, Height, %WindowName%
    ; Crashes when it hits the next line.
    WinMove, %WindowName%,, (A_ScreenWidth/2)-(Width/2), (A_ScreenHeight)-(A_ScreenHeight*.05)
Works fine in AHK_L U64 (and has since 1.1.26), crashes in AHK_L U64
If I put a msgbox in right before the WinMove directive it'll run till there, then crashes on exiting the msgbox.

Edit: It occurs to me I have not considered other possibilities - perhaps the failure is in A_ScreenWidth or A ScreenHeight ???

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v1.1.29.00 script close after winmove

25 May 2018, 19:01

If i use winmove to resize windows:

Code: Select all

WinMove, EPOCA RADIO,,,,, 124
the script freeze and crash after a short time.
Last edited by goldeneyesrj on 25 May 2018, 21:23, edited 1 time in total.

Re: WinMove [AutoHotkey_1.1.29.00]

25 May 2018, 20:20

I have essentially the same problem with AutoHotkey_1.1.29.00.
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Re: WinMove [AutoHotkey_1.1.29.00]

25 May 2018, 21:51

I have a fix, but it seems there might be other issues. For now, you can revert to a previous version or use the Last Found Window (omit WinTitle and WinText).
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Re: WinMove [AutoHotkey_1.1.29.00]

26 May 2018, 09:05

Hello guys,

Following this topic I also have a custom made WindowManager which probably has bad coding in some points but it worked good in
In 1.1.29 it doesnt work at all and crashes automatically when pressing the Hotkey that triggers the WinMoves

Code: Select all

#NoEnv  ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
SendMode Input  ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%  ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.
SetTitleMatchMode, RegEx
#SingleInstance, Force

WinTitlesArray:=  [ "AutoHotkey.Help",   "AHK Studio",   "ahk_class Chrome_WidgetWin_1",   "Window.Spy",   "WinSpy",   "ahk_class CabinetWClass",   "DataSage50",   "INFOS.CLIENT",   "TempsTravail",   ".SAI",   "Ventes|Revenus|Produits ahk_class*)_r38_ad1",   "Achats|fournisseurs|Charges ahk_class*)_r38_ad1",   "Bilan ahk_class*)_r38_ad1",   ".tat des r.sultats ahk_class*)_r38_ad1",   "Rapport.*Rapprochement ahk_class*)_r38_ad1",   "Rapport.*sommaire ahk_class*)_r38_ad1",   "Encaissements ahk_class #32770",	"Paiements ahk_class #32770",    "Virer des Fonds ahk_class #32770",		 "Rapprochement & d.p.ts ahk_class #32770",    "Journal.g.n.ral ahk_class #32770",    "REGISTRE_KM",   "TauxStatsCan.csv",    "Visual Studio Code",   "Accessible.Info.Viewer",   "D.tails chronologiques des clients"  ]

SetBatchLines, -1
SetWinDelay, 0
SaveWindows(WinTitlesArray)		; Function call

SetBatchLines, -1
SetWinDelay, 0
RepositionWindows(WinTitlesArray) 	; function call

; Functions
SaveWindows(WinTitlesArray) 		; SaveWindows( **WinTitles Array**)
	MsgBox,262180,Sauvegarder la position des fenêtres?,Voulez-vous sauvegarder la position des fenêtres, ou non?`n`nSi Oui, le fichier WinTitleStats_%A_ComputerName%.ini sera actualisé en conséquence des changements analysés.
	ifMsgBox No
	WinClose, WinTitleStats_%A_ComputerName%
	WinGetActiveTitle, LastActiveWindowSaved
	For Each, WinTitle in WinTitlesArray
		This_WinTitle:= WinTitle
		if WinExist(This_WinTitle)
			IniRead, Ini_x, WinTitleStats_%A_ComputerName%.ini, %This_WinTitle%, x
			IniRead, Ini_y, WinTitleStats_%A_ComputerName%.ini, %This_WinTitle%, y
			IniRead, Ini_w, WinTitleStats_%A_ComputerName%.ini, %This_WinTitle%, w
			IniRead, Ini_h, WinTitleStats_%A_ComputerName%.ini, %This_WinTitle%, h
			IniRead, Ini_MinMax, WinTitleStats_%A_ComputerName%.ini, %This_WinTitle%, MinMax
			WinActivate, %This_WinTitle%
			WinGetPos,Current_x,Current_y,Current_w,Current_h, %This_WinTitle%
			WinGet, Current_MinMax, MinMax, %This_WinTitle%
			if (Current_x != Ini_x) or (Current_y != Ini_y) or (Current_w != Ini_w) or (Current_h != Ini_h) ;or (Current_MinMax != Ini_MinMax)
				IniDelete, WinTitleStats_%A_ComputerName%.ini, %This_WinTitle%
				IniWrite, %Current_x%, WinTitleStats_%A_ComputerName%.ini, %This_WinTitle%, x			
				IniWrite, %Current_y%, WinTitleStats_%A_ComputerName%.ini, %This_WinTitle%, y
				IniWrite, %Current_w%, WinTitleStats_%A_ComputerName%.ini, %This_WinTitle%, w
				IniWrite, %Current_h%, WinTitleStats_%A_ComputerName%.ini, %This_WinTitle%, h
				IniWrite, %Current_MinMax%, WinTitleStats_%A_ComputerName%.ini, %This_WinTitle%, MinMax
				IniWrite, %A_Space%, WinTitleStats_%A_ComputerName%.ini, %This_WinTitle%, _________________________________________________________________________________________
				;IniWrite, Value	, Filename							  , Section		  , Key
	WinActivate, %LastActiveWindowSaved%

RepositionWindows(WinTitlesArray) 	; RepositionWindows( **WinTitles Array**)
	WinClose, WinTitleStats_%A_ComputerName%
	WinGetActiveTitle, LastActiveWindowSaved
	For Each, WinTitle in WinTitlesArray
		This_WinTitle:= WinTitle
		if WinExist(This_WinTitle)
			;IniRead, Ini_MinMax, WinTitleStats_%A_ComputerName%.ini, %This_WinTitle%, MinMax
			;if (Ini_MinMax = 1)
				;WinMaximize, %This_WinTitle%
			;else if (Ini_MinMax = -1) ;and (LastActiveWindow !== %This_WinTitle%)
				;WinMinimize, %This_WinTitle%
			;else if (Ini_MinMax = 0)
				;IniRead, OutputVar, 	Filename			   , Section		, Key	 [, Default]
				IniRead, Ini_x, WinTitleStats_%A_ComputerName%.ini, %This_WinTitle%, x
				IniRead, Ini_y, WinTitleStats_%A_ComputerName%.ini, %This_WinTitle%, y
				IniRead, Ini_w, WinTitleStats_%A_ComputerName%.ini, %This_WinTitle%, w
				IniRead, Ini_h, WinTitleStats_%A_ComputerName%.ini, %This_WinTitle%, h
				WinGetPos,Current_x,Current_y,Current_w,Current_h, %This_WinTitle%
				WinGet, Current_MinMax, MinMax, %This_WinTitle%
				WinGet, MatchingTitle, List, %This_WinTitle% ; Compare this WinTitle contained in the Array to count how many matches with All existing windows and retrieve IDs of these in pseudo-array
				if (MatchingTitle > 1) ; If there is more than 1 existing window matching with This_WinTitle
					;MsgBox % "Inside Loop Layer1`n`nSearching for This_WinTitle in all existing windows to count matches:`n`n" WinTitle "`n`nNumber of Matches found:`n" MatchingTitle
					Loop, %MatchingTitle% ; loop for the amount of matches we found
						This_WinTitle:= "ahk_id " MatchingTitle%A_Index% ; MatchingTitle contient le no. de MATCH| MatchingTitles1, MatchingTitles2, MatchingTitles3, etc.. = Unique ID of This_WinTitle
						;MsgBox % "Inside Loop Layer2`n`nAnalysed Match " A_Index "/" MatchingTitle " for`n" This_WinTitle "`n`nThis Matching Window's unique ID is:`n" This_WinTitle
						if (Current_MinMax = 0) and (Current_x != Ini_x) or (Current_y != Ini_y) or (Current_w != Ini_w) or (Current_h != Ini_h)
							WinMove, %This_WinTitle%,, %Ini_x%, %Ini_y%, %Ini_w%, %Ini_h%
						else if (Current_MinMax != 0) and (Current_x != Ini_x) or (Current_y != Ini_y) or (Current_w != Ini_w) or (Current_h != Ini_h)
							;WinRestore, %This_WinTitle%
							WinMove, %This_WinTitle%,, %Ini_x%, %Ini_y%, %Ini_w%, %Ini_h%
				else if (Current_MinMax = 0) ; Normal state (not Minimized or Maximized)
					if (Current_x != Ini_x) or (Current_y != Ini_y) or (Current_w != Ini_w) or (Current_h != Ini_h)
						;WinMove, WinTitle	    ,WinText,X, 	Y [, Width  , Height, ExcludeTitle, ExcludeText]
						WinMove, %This_WinTitle%,, %Ini_x%, %Ini_y%, %Ini_w%, %Ini_h%
						;MsgBox MinMax = 0 and Ini_positions are not matching Current Positions: Continuing back to LoopTopLabel
				else if (Current_MinMax = 1) ; Maximized
					if (Current_x != Ini_x) or (Current_y != Ini_y) or (Current_w != Ini_w) or (Current_h != Ini_h)
						WinRestore, %This_WinTitle%
						WinMove, %This_WinTitle%,, %Ini_x%, %Ini_y%, %Ini_w%, %Ini_h%
						;MsgBox MinMax = 1: do nothing: Going LoopTopLabel
				else if (Current_MinMax = -1)
						;WinRestore, %This_WinTitle%
						;WinMove, %This_WinTitle%,, %Ini_x%, %Ini_y%, %Ini_w%, %Ini_h%
						;MsgBox MinMax = -1: do nothing: Continuing back to LoopTopLabel
		WinActivate, %LastActiveWindowSaved%

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Re: WinMove [AutoHotkey_1.1.29.00]

01 Jun 2018, 11:45

"Seven Days"
Samara from The Ring kill today. :LOL:
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Re: WinMove [AutoHotkey_1.1.29.00]  Topic is solved

02 Jun 2018, 00:34

DRocks, you are not using the workaround I noted in my previous post.

Now I suggest you update to v1.1.29.01.
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Re: WinMove [AutoHotkey_1.1.29.00]

02 Jun 2018, 10:32

lexikos Thankx for new version.
AHK is the most important tool for me.
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Re: WinMove [AutoHotkey_1.1.29.00]

13 Jun 2018, 12:20

lexikos wrote:DRocks, you are not using the workaround I noted in my previous post.

Now I suggest you update to v1.1.29.01.
Thank you Lexikos
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Re: WinMove [AutoHotkey_1.1.29.00]

15 Jan 2019, 13:00

Thanks and so glad this is fixed.

But I still find that AHKv1 and Windows 10 disagree on which monitor is which :)

Per Windows Display settings: Monitors are laid out as: 3 2 1
Per Sysget: 2 3 1

AHK seems to switch monitors 2 and 3 (or W10 is switching it?):

Monitor1name \\DISPLAY1
Monitor1 Work Area
Monitor1 Work Area Bottom 687
Monitor1 Work Area Left 1920
Monrtor1 Work Area Right 3286
Monitor1 WorkAreaTop 0

Monitor2name \\DISPLAY3
Monitor2Work Area Bottom 969
Monitor2Work Area Left -1680
Monitor2Work Area Right 0
Monitor2Work Area Top 0

Monitor3name \\DISPLAY2
Monitor3Work Area Bottom 999
Monitor3Work Area Left 0
Monitor3Work Area Right 1920
Monitor3Work Area Top 0

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