Theme10 - win10 (and probably others) High Contrast theme creator.

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Theme10 - win10 (and probably others) High Contrast theme creator.

24 Mar 2017, 13:43

Download | Screenshot
(requires ahk_h)

Don't make your eyes bleed with bright OS windows.
I wanted to make a theme for win10, only way is high-contrast. Built-in theme options are limited and no preview, so I made this.
It might also work for Classic theme (the win98 look). but win10 removed that style option so I cannot test. If it does, it should give access to more color options. High Contrast only seems to use a few of them.
More info is on github.

- Tested on win10 64bit home.
- Once you apply a theme, your start menu might become unresponsive for 5-10 seconds. That's not my fault.
- Not all windows will look the same. Many programs theme stuff differently, or override defaults. So like all High Contrast themes, it'll probably look ugly on some/most windows. Don't blame me. Also, this was made for Windows 10. The created themes may or may not work on older OS's.

rawr. fear me.
Is it December 21, 2012 yet?
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Re: Theme10 - win10 (and probably others) High Contrast theme creator.

24 Mar 2017, 18:17

That looks really great, thanks for sharing. (already using Delightful Sprout.theme :) )
Would be good to have a button to apply theme (Run ...\Test Theme.theme), it was not obvious that theme needs to be saved and double clicked / opened first before 'Show Test Window' would show the new theme ;)
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Re: Theme10 - win10 (and probably others) High Contrast theme creator.

24 Mar 2017, 19:10

Thanks :D
I was going to add a button to apply it, but just in the very off chance something happened, I didn't want it to be my programs fault for screwing up the apply. Didn't want my program incharge of changing OS settings, just create the file(s). I might reconsider. Applying is also covered on github readme.

Also, the "Show Test Window" window has some text in the menu bar explaining so :) This is also why I have the preview window to the side, because you can't apply a theme to just 1 window, afaik. Needed to simulate it.
rawr. fear me.
Is it December 21, 2012 yet?
Posts: 2364
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Re: Theme10 - win10 (and probably others) High Contrast theme creator.

24 Mar 2017, 21:01

How about including test window in the code, something like this:

Code: Select all

Name: Theme10
Version 1.0 (Friday, March 24, 2017)
Created: Friday, February 24, 2017
Author: tidbit
	Tank: CrossHair()
	maestrith: color picker: Dlg_Color()
	just me: controlcolors class
	ctrl+s     = Save
	ctrl+alt+s = Save to clipboard
	ctrl+alt+s = Open/load a .theme file
	arrows     = While color picker (crosshair) is active, moves cursor by 1 pixel


#NoEnv  ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%  ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.
; #singleInstance, off
#singleInstance, force
setBatchLines, -1
; #includes are at the bottom


onExit, goBackToYourUglyOS

template:=A_ScriptDir "\theme\Template-DO_NOT_EDIT.theme" 
iniread, loaded, %template%, Control Panel\Colors
gosub, loadPrev

; this gets around the expression length limit
text,Window|mode,2|fg,255 255 255|bg,100 080 030
text,Window Frame|mode,2|fg,255 255 255|bg,100 080 030
text,Background|mode,2|fg,255 255 255|bg,100 080 030
text,Window Text|mode,1|fg,255 255 255|bg,255 080 030
text,Gray Text|mode,1|fg,255 255 255|bg,100 080 030
text,Info Window|mode,2|fg,255 255 255|bg,100 080 030
text,Info Text|mode,1|fg,255 255 255|bg,100 080 030
text,Active Border|mode,2|fg,255 255 255|bg,100 080 030
text,Gradient Active Title|mode,2|fg,255 255 255|bg,100 080 030
text,Active Title|mode,2|fg,255 255 255|bg,100 080 030
text,Title Text|mode,1|fg,255 255 255|bg,100 080 030
text,Inactive Border|mode,2|fg,255 255 255|bg,100 080 030
text,Gradient Inactive Title|mode,2|fg,255 255 255|bg,100 080 030
text,Inactive Title|mode,2|fg,255 255 255|bg,100 080 030
text,Inactive Title Text|mode,1|fg,255 255 255|bg,100 080 030
text,App Workspace|mode,2|fg,255 255 255|bg,100 080 030
text,Button Face|mode,2|fg,255 255 255|bg,100 080 030
text,Button Text|mode,1|fg,255 255 255|bg,100 080 030
text,Button Alternate Face|mode,2|fg,255 255 255|bg,100 080 030
text,Button Light|mode,2|fg,255 255 255|bg,100 080 030
text,Button Light Text|mode,3|fg,255 255 255|bg,100 080 030
text,Button Hilight|mode,2|fg,255 255 255|bg,100 080 030
text,Button Shadow|mode,2|fg,255 255 255|bg,100 080 030
text,Button Dk Shadow|mode,2|fg,255 255 255|bg,100 080 030
text,Hilight|mode,2|fg,255 255 255|bg,100 080 030
text,Hilight Text|mode,1|fg,255 255 255|bg,100 080 030
text,Hot Tracking Color|mode,2|fg,255 255 255|bg,100 080 030
text,Menu|mode,2|fg,255 255 255|bg,100 080 030
text,Menu Text|mode,1|fg,255 255 255|bg,100 080 030
text,Menu Bar|mode,2|fg,255 255 255|bg,100 080 030
text,Menu Hilight|mode,2|fg,255 255 255|bg,100 080 030
text,Menu Hilight Text|mode,3|fg,255 255 255|bg,100 080 030
text,Scrollbar|mode,2|fg,255 255 255|bg,100 080 030

gui, main: font, s%fontSize%

colWidth:=fontSize*9+3+30 ; font * ??? + margin + button size

gui, main: margin, 3, 3
gui, main: add, text, xm ym r1.5 0x200, Theme Name:
gui, main: add, edit, x+m yp w%ttt% hp 0x200 vname gnewName, Test Theme
gui, main: add, Button, x+3 yp w45 hp grandomize vrname, R

gui, main: add, text, xm y+10 w%descWidth% center, Description
gui, main: add, text, x+m yp w%colWidth% center, RGB Color


for k, ttt in strSplit(defaults, "`n", "`r")
	loop, parse, ttt, |
		stuff:=strSplit(A_loopField, ",")
		name:=strReplace(stuff[2], " ")
		if (!cpColors.hasKey(name) && A_index=1)
			, var:=name
		; if (stuff[1]="fg" || stuff[1]="bg")
			; stuff[2]:=hexToRGB(stuff[2])
	text:=cpColors[var, "text"]
	gui, main: add, text, xm y+0 w%descWidth% r1.5 0x200 hwndh%var%t vt%var%, % " " text

	if (jjj["mode"]=3)
		CtlColors.attach(h%var%t, randC, "ffffff")
	gui, main: add, edit, x+m yp w%colWidth% hp vfg%var%, % getColor(var)
	gui, main: add, button, x+m yp w30 hp vbfg%var% gcolDLG, ...

	gui, main: font, s%fontSize%, wingdings
	gui, main: add, button, x+m yp w30 hp vp%var% gpickColor, 8
	gui, main: font,
	gui, main: font, s%fontSize%

; msgBox % st_printArr(cpColors)

; preview gui loopkup table
; preview gui : main gui
,"InactiveBtn1"     :"ButtonFace"
,"InactiveBtn2"     :"ButtonFace"
,"InactiveBtn3"     :"ButtonFace"
,"InactiveBorder"   :"InactiveTitle"
,"InactiveMain"     :"ButtonFace"
,"ActiveTitle"      :"ActiveTitle"
,"ActiveTitleText"  :"TitleText"
,"ActiveTitleBtn1"  :"Window"
,"ActiveTitleBtn2"  :"Window"
,"ActiveTitleBtn3"  :"Window"
,"ActiveBorder"     :"ActiveTitle"
,"ActiveMenu"       :"ButtonFace"
,"ActiveMenu2"      :"MenuBar"
,"ActiveText"       :"MenuText"
,"Main"             :"ButtonFace"
,"EditBG"           :"Window"
,"ScrollMain"       :"ButtonHilight"
,"ScrollThing"      :"ButtonFace"
,"EditText"         :"WindowText"
,"selBG"            :"Hilight"
,"selFG"            :"HilightText"
,"TextEnabled"      :"WindowText"
,"TextDisabled"     :"GrayText"
,"TextLink"         :"HotTrackingColor"
,"Btn"              :"ButtonFace"
,"BtnText"          :"ButtonText"
,"BtnH"             :"Hilight"
,"BtnHText"         :"HilightText"
,"BtnDB"            :"GrayText"
,"BtnD"             :"ButtonFace"
,"BtnDText"         :"GrayText"}


menu, copypaste, add, Copy, menuh
menu, copypaste, add, Paste, menuh
menu, copypaste, add, Reset, menuh

menu, fmenu, add, Open...`tO, menuh
menu, fmenu, add, Open Save Location`tL, menuh
menu, fmenu, add,
menu, fmenu, add, Save`tS, save
menu, fmenu, add, Save To Clipboard`tC, save
menu, fmenu, add
menu, fmenu, add, Undo All Changes`tU, menuh
menu, fmenu, add
menu, fmenu, add, Quit`tQ, menuh
menu, menubar, add, &File, :fmenu
menu, menubar, add, Randomize &Dark, randomize
menu, menubar, add, Randomize &Light, randomize
menu, menubar, add, Show / Hide &Test Window, menuh

gui, frame: menu, MenuBar

if (first=1)
	gosub, load

gui, frame: +hwndMYFRAME +scroll +resize
gui, main: +hwndMYGUI +scroll +parentframe -border
gui, prev: +hwndPREVGUI parentframe -border +Disabled


GoSub, testGui

Gui, frame: Add, Gui,x6 y0 w892 vTestGui,test
ControlGetPos,,,,hhh,,ahk_id %hTestGui%
GuiControl, frame: Hide, TestGui
gui, frame: show, w500 h800 hide, %_name_% - %_version_%
gui, main: show, x0 y0 w%ttt% h%hhh% , %_name_% - %_version_%

gui, prev: show, x%ttt% y0, %_name_% - Preview

winGetPos,,,www,, ahk_id %PREVGUI%
winGetPos,,,www2,hhh, ahk_id %MYGUI%
gui, frame: show, w%www% h%hhh%

; Test Gui code
menu, dummy1, add, Save, menut
menu, dummy1, add, Save As, menut
menu, dummy1, add, blah long item, menut
menu, dummy1, add
menu, dummy1, add, Exit, menut

menu, dummy2, add, Copy, menut
menu, dummy2, add, Paste, menut
menu, dummy2, add
menu, dummy2, add, Poptart, menut
menu, dummy2, add
menu, dummy2, add, Settings, menut
menu, dummy3, add, Help, menut

menu, dummy3, add, About, menut

menu, mbar, add, File, :dummy1
menu, mbar, add, Edit, :dummy2
menu, mbar, add, `tHelp, :dummy3
menu, mbar, add, This window only shows what controls look like AFTER the theme is applied, menuh
menu, mbar, disable, This window only shows what controls look like AFTER the theme is applied
gui, test: menu, mbar

gui, test: +theme +ownDialogs -Caption +hwndhTestGui

gui, test: default
gui, test: add, text, w200, ENABLED STUFF
gui, test: add, edit, w200, edit aaa bbb ccc
gui, test: add, edit, w200 r9, Sapiente reprehenderit perspiciatis et in quasi numquam.`nCam neque molestias nihil nam necessitatibus magni.`nExpedita, commodi ex ad nam numquam esse?`nIn, quos quibusdam ipsam dignissimos.`nEsse velit hic impedit quasi?`nEarum at maiores fugit officiis nam, obcaecati?`nCam minima aperiam, molestiae veritatis excepturi accusantium.`nFugiat in, fugiat maxime dolorum minima!`nExplicabo numquam enim vitae aut fugiat!
gui, test: add, edit, w200, 78
gui, test: add, UpDown,, 78
gui, test: add, button, w200, &button
gui, test: add, button, w200 r2, BUTTON
gui, test: add, checkbox,, checkbox
gui, test: add, checkbox, x+0 yp checked, CHECKBOX
gui, test: add, checkbox, x+0 yp, check
gui, test: add, radio, xs checked, radio
gui, test: add, radio, x+0 yp, RADIO
gui, test: add, radio, x+0 yp, radio radio
gui, test: add, DropDownList, xm w200 r7, aaa|ddl||ccc|ddd|eee|fff|ggg|hhh|iii
gui, test: add, ComboBox, w200 r7, aaa|bbb|ccc|combobo||eee|fff|ggg|hhh|iii
gui, test: add, ListBox, w200 r5, aaa|ListBox|commodi ex ad nam numquam esse|ddd||eee|fff|ggg|hhh|iii

gui, test: add, link, w200, links: <a id="1">this</a> or <a id="2">thaaaat link</a>
gui, test: add, hotkey, w200, ^+a

gui, test: add, slider, w200, 32
gui, test: add, slider, w200 tickInterval15 toolTip, 80
gui, test: add, progress, w200, 32
gui, test: add, progress, w200 backgroundgreen cred, 72
gui, test: add, progress, w200 -theme, 80

gui, test: add, text, ym w200 disabled section, DISABLED STUFF
gui, test: add, edit, w200 disabled, edit aaa bbb ccc
gui, test: add, edit, w200 r9 disabled, Sapiente reprehenderit perspiciatis et in quasi numquam.`nCam neque molestias nihil nam necessitatibus magni.`nExpedita, commodi ex ad nam numquam esse?`nIn, quos quibusdam ipsam dignissimos.`nEsse velit hic impedit quasi?`nEarum at maiores fugit officiis nam, obcaecati?`nCam minima aperiam, molestiae veritatis excepturi accusantium.`nFugiat in, fugiat maxime dolorum minima!`nExplicabo numquam enim vitae aut fugiat!
gui, test: add, edit, w200 disabled, 78
gui, test: add, UpDown,, 78
gui, test: add, button, w200 disabled, &button
gui, test: add, button, w200 disabled r2, BUTTON
gui, test: add, checkbox, disabled, checkbox
gui, test: add, checkbox, x+0 yp disabled checked, CHECKBOX
gui, test: add, checkbox, x+0 yp disabled, check
gui, test: add, radio, xs disabled checked, radio
gui, test: add, radio, x+0 yp disabled, RADIO
gui, test: add, radio, x+0 yp disabled, radio radio
gui, test: add, DropDownList, xs w200 disabled r7, aaa|ddl||ccc|ddd|eee|fff|ggg|hhh|iii
gui, test: add, ComboBox, w200 disabled r7, aaa|bbb|ccc|combobo||eee|fff|ggg|hhh|iii
gui, test: add, ListBox, w200 disabled r5, aaa|ListBox|commodi ex ad nam numquam esse|ddd||eee|fff|ggg|hhh|iii

gui, test: add, link, w200 disabled, links: <a id="1">this</a> or <a id="2">thaaaat link</a>
gui, test: add, hotkey, w200 disabled, ^+a

gui, test: add, slider, w200 disabled, 32
gui, test: add, slider, w200 disabled tickInterval15 toolTip, 80
gui, test: add, progress, w200 disabled, 32
gui, test: add, progress, w200 disabled backgroundgreen cred, 72
gui, test: add, progress, w200 disabled -theme, 80

gui, test: add, ListView, ym w200 r5, 78|45678|ENABLED STUFF
loop, 20
	random, rrr, -78, 152
	lv_add("", rrr, rrr*3, round(rrr*1.77, 2))
gui, test: add, treeView, w200 r5
P1 := TV_Add("First parent")
P1C1 := TV_Add("Parent 1's first child", P1)  ; Specify P1 to be this item's parent.
P2 := TV_Add("Second parent",, "Expand")
P2C1 := TV_Add("Parent 2's first child", P2)
P2C2 := TV_Add("Parent 2's second child", P2)
P2C2C1 := TV_Add("Child 2's first child", P2C2)

gui, test: add, GroupBox, w200 r4 section, GroupBox yo
gui, test: add, dateTime, xs+10 ys+20 w180

gui, test: add, tab, w200 r5 y+80 vtab1, aaa||bbb|ccc|ddd
gui, test: tab, aaa
gui, test: add, button, xp+10 yp+30 w100 r2, beep`nboop
gui, test: tab

gui, test: add, ListView, ym w200 disabled r5, 78|45678|DISABLED STUFF
loop, 20
	random, rrr, -78, 152
	lv_add("", rrr, rrr*3, round(rrr*1.77, 2))
gui, test: add, treeView, w200 disabled r5
P1 := TV_Add("First parent")
P1C1 := TV_Add("Parent 1's first child", P1)  ; Specify P1 to be this item's parent.
P2 := TV_Add("Second parent",, "Expand")
P2C1 := TV_Add("Parent 2's first child", P2)
P2C2 := TV_Add("Parent 2's second child", P2)
P2C2C1 := TV_Add("Child 2's first child", P2C2)

gui, test: add, GroupBox, w200 disabled r4 section, GroupBox yo
gui, test: add, dateTime, xs+10 ys+20 w180 disabled

gui, test: add, tab, w200 disabled r5 y+80, aaa|bbb|ccc||ddd
gui, test: tab, ccc
gui, test: add, button, xp+10 yp+30 w100 r2 disabled, ccc tab`nbutton
gui, test: tab

gui, test: add, StatusBar,,
SB_setText("status bar", 1)
SB_setText("`t`tright status bar", 2)
SB_setText("`tcenter status bar", 3)
; •Text, Edit, UpDown, Picture
; •Button, Checkbox, Radio
; •DropDownList, ComboBox
; •ListBox, ListView, TreeView
; •Link, Hotkey, DateTime, MonthCal
; •Slider, Progress
; •GroupBox, Tab, StatusBar
guiControlGet, pos, test: pos, tab1

; SysGet, cap, 4
; ttt:=posy+posh+20
; gui, test: add, progress, x%posx% y%ttt% w300 h%cap% section cred, 100
; gui, test: add, text, xp+15 yp w300 h%cap% backgroundTrans 0x200, Inactive Title Text

; gui, test: add, progress, xs+15 y+-5 w300 h%cap% section cblue, 100
; gui, test: add, text, xp+15 yp w300 h%cap% backgroundTrans 0x200, Active Title Text

;~ gui, test: show,, The title of this test window.

	msgBox, 35, msgbox title, You clicked %A_thisMenuItem%`nFrom: %A_thisMenu%

#if (usingPicker=1)
	up::mouseMove,0, -1,, R
	down::mouseMove,0, 1,, R
	left::mouseMove,-1, 0,, R
	right::mouseMove,1, 0,, R

; ~esc::

	winMove, ahk_id %MYGUI%,,0,0,,%A_guiHeight%
	; gui, main: show, h%A_guiHeight% na

	menuCont:=strReplace(A_guiControl, " ")
	menuCont:=subStr(menuCont, 2)
	if (subStr(A_guiControl, 1, 1)="t")
		menu, copypaste, show

	guiControlGet, name, main:
		winSetTitle, ahk_id %MYFRAME%,, %_name_% - %_version_% - %name%
	; winSetTitle, ahk_id %PREVGUI%,, %_name_% - Preview - %name%

	cont:=subStr(A_guiControl, 4)
	ttt:=strSplit(getColor(cont), " ")
	ttt:=ttt[3] " " ttt[2] " " ttt[1] ; make it BGR
	selColor:=format("{:06}", RGB(dlg_color("0x" rgbToHex(ttt), MYGUI)))
	; toolTip % ttt "/" selColor ":" selColor2 "/" rgbToHex(ttt)
	guiControl, main:, fg%cont%, %selColor%

	; msgBox % menuCont "//" subStr(menuCont, 2) "//" originals[subStr(menuCont, 2)]
	; menuCont2:=subStr(menuCont, 2)
	if (A_thisMenuItem="Quit`tQ")
	if (A_thisMenuItem="Show / Hide &Test Window"){
		if DllCall("IsWindowVisible","PTR",hTestGui)
			GuiControl,frame: Hide, TestGui 
		else GuiControl,frame: Show, TestGui 
	if (A_thisMenuItem="Open Save Location`tL")
		run, %A_scriptDir%\theme
	if (A_thisMenuItem="Copy")
		clipboard:=cpColors[menuCont, (cpColors[menuCont, "mode"]=1) ? "fg" : "bg"]
	if (A_thisMenuItem="Paste")
		if (clipboard~="(?:(?:#|0x)?[a-fA-F0-9]{6}|\d{1,3} \d{1,3} \d{1,3})")
			guiControl, main:, fg%menuCont%, %clipboard%
	if (A_thisMenuItem="Reset")
			guiControl, main:, fg%menuCont%, % originals[menuCont]
	if (A_thisMenuItem="Undo All Changes`tU")
		for k, color in originals
			guiControl, main:, fg%k%, %color%
			; guiControl, main:, fg%menuCont%, % originals[menuCont, (originals[menuCont, "mode"]=1) ? "fg" : "bg"]
	if (A_thisMenuItem="Open...`tO")
		gosub, load
		; msgBox, 4, But why, 
		; ( join
		; Wouldn't it be nice if this program could load files? It would, wouldn't it.
		; `nThere are two reason why it doesn't allow Loading (yet?):
		; `n1) I'm lazy.
		; `n2) Theme files have a lot of optional stuff that fall-back onto OS defaults. 
		; I do not know how to retrieve those defaults.
		; `n`nChoose carefully:
		; )

	coordMode, mouse, screen
	coordMode, pixel, screen
	cont:=subStr(A_guiControl, 2)
	; while (getKeyState("lbutton", "p"))
		sleep, 25 ; because why not.
		if (getKeyState("rbutton", "p"))
		mouseGetPos, mx, my
		pixelGetColor, selColor, %mx%, %my%, RGB
		; if (mx=mxp && my=myp || selColor=colp)
		if (selColor=colp) ; this makes it feel weird, but in a good way. it lets you know when a color is different
		toolTip, % selColor " - " hexToRGB(subStr(selColor,3)) "`nClick to select`nRight click to cancel"
		; mxp:=mx
		; myp:=my
	until (getKeyState("lbutton", "p"))

	gui, main: show
	if (ttt!=1)
		guiControl, main:, fg%cont%, % hexToRGB(subStr(selColor, 3))

	guiControlGet, rname, main:
	if (A_guiControl="rname")
		name:=(rand(5)=1) ? ((lastM="Randomize Light") ? "Light " : "Dark ") : ""
		name.=(rand(2)=1) ? words1[rand(words1.length())] " " : ""
		name.=(rand(3)>1) ? words2[rand(words2.length())] " " : words2[rand(words2.length())] " " words2[rand(words2.length())]
		guiControl, main:, name, %name%
	lastM:=A_thisMenuItem ; used for the names
	if (A_thisMenuItem="Randomize &Dark")
		for k, v in cpColors
			if (inStr(k, "text") || inStr(k, "HotTracking"))
				guiControl, main:, fg%k%, % rand(90,255) " " rand(90,255) " " rand(90,255)
				guiControl, main:, fg%k%, % rand(80) " " rand(80) " " rand(80)
			; sleep, 500
			; toolTip % k
	if (A_thisMenuItem="Randomize &Light")
		for k, v in cpColors
			if (inStr(k, "text") || inStr(k, "HotTracking"))
				guiControl, main:, fg%k%, % rand(80) " " rand(80) " " rand(80)
				guiControl, main:, fg%k%, % rand(120,255) " " rand(120,255) " " rand(120,255)

#if (winActive("ahk_id " MYFRAME))
; #if (winActive("ahk_id " MYGUI) || winActive("ahk_id " PREVGUI))
^o:: goto, load ; load
^s:: ; save
!s:: ; save to Clipboard
	gui, main: +ownDialogs
	if (A_thisMenuItem="Save`tS" || A_thisHotkey="^s")
		gui, main: submit, nohide
		splitPath, toLoad,, ttt
		name:=regExReplace(trim(name, "`r`n `t"), "[*.""\/\\\[\]:;|=,]")
		toSave:=ttt "\" name ".theme"
		if (fileExist(toSave))
			msgBox, 36, Overwrite?, Do you want to overwrite the existing file:`nPath: %toSave%`nFile: %name%.theme
			ifMsgBox, no
		; msgBox % toSave
		if (toSave="")
			msgBox,16 , Error 23857c, The files name cannot be blank.`nName: %toSave%
		FileCopy, %toLoad%, %toSave%, 1
		for k, v in cpColors
			; out.=k "=" getColor(k) "`n"
			IniWrite, % getColor(k), %toSave%, Control Panel\Colors, %k%
		IniWrite, %name%, %toSave%, Theme, DisplayName
		IniWrite, {46BA21B1-54E6-4846-98C9-B09A8EAB89E8}, %toSave%, Theme, ThemeId
		; IniWrite, % ComObjCreate("Scriptlet.TypeLib").Guid, %toSave%, Theme, ThemeId
		; msgBox %out%
	if (A_thisMenuItem="Save to clipboard`tC" || A_thisHotkey="!s")
		guiControlGet, name, main:
		fileRead, ttt, %toLoad%
		for k, v in cpColors ; is this dumb or genius?
			ttt:=regExReplace(ttt, "i)" k "=.*", k "=" getColor(k))
		ttt:=regExReplace(ttt, "i)DisplayName=.*", "DisplayName=" name)
		ttt:=regExReplace(ttt, "i)ThemeId=.*", "ThemeId={46BA21B1-54E6-4846-98C9-B09A8EAB89E8}")
		; ttt:=regExReplace(ttt, "i)ThemeId=.*", "ThemeId=" ComObjCreate("Scriptlet.TypeLib").Guid)

	if (first=1)
		fileSelectFile, toLoad,, %A_ScriptDir%\theme
	iniread, loaded, %toLoad%, Control Panel\Colors
	; separate this stuff so we can keep it in the listed order. and other things.
	for k, ttt in strSplit(loaded, "`n", "`r")
		stuff:=strSplit(ttt, "=")
		if (cpColors[var, "mode"]=1)
			cpColors[var, "fg"]:=stuff[2]
			cpColors[var, "bg"]:=stuff[2]
		text:=cpColors[var, "text"]

		if (cpColors[var, "mode"]=3)
			CtlColors.attach(h%var%t, cpColors[var, "fg"], cpColors[var, "bg"])
		guiControl, main:, fg%var%, % getColor(var)
		guiControl, main: +gupdate, fg%var%
		; gui, main: add, edit, x+m yp w%colWidth% hp hwndh%var%e vbg%var% gupdate,
		; gui, main: add, button, x+m yp w30 hp vbbg%var%, ...
		; changeColor(var, cpColors[var, "fg"], cpColors[var, "bg"])
	iniread, ttt, %toLoad%, Theme, DisplayName
	guiControl, main:, name, %ttt%
	winSetTitle, ahk_id %MYFRAME%,, %_name_% - %_version_% - %ttt%
	; winSetTitle, ahk_id %PREVGUI%,, %_name_% - %_version_% - %ttt%

		; msgBox % st_printArr(originals)
		; msgBox % st_printArr(cpColors)

	; set the "child" text's to the approprate "parent" bg color
	cpColors["WindowText", "bg"]       :=cpColors["background", "bg"]
	cpColors["GrayText", "bg"]         :=cpColors["background", "bg"]
	cpColors["MenuText", "bg"]         :=cpColors["Menu", "bg"]
	cpColors["ButtonText", "bg"]       :=cpColors["ButtonFace", "bg"]
	cpColors["MenuHilightText", "bg"]  :=cpColors["MenuHilight", "bg"]
	cpColors["MenuHilightText", "fg"]  :=cpColors["MenuText", "fg"]
	cpColors["InfoText", "bg"]         :=cpColors["InfoWindow", "bg"]
	cpColors["HiLightText", "bg"]      :=cpColors["Hilight", "bg"]
	cpColors["ButtonLightText", "bg"]  :=cpColors["ButtonLight", "bg"]
	cpColors["ButtonLightText", "fg"]  :=cpColors["ButtonText", "fg"]
	cpColors["TitleText", "bg"]        :=cpColors["ActiveTitle", "bg"]
	cpColors["InactiveTitleText", "bg"]:=cpColors["InactiveTitle", "bg"]
	cpColors["HotTrackingColor", "fg"] :=cpColors["HilightText", "fg"]
	; first:=1
	for k in cpColors
	gosub, redraw
	; first:=0

	cont:=subStr(A_guiControl, 3)
	mode:=cpColors[cont, "mode"]
	guiControlGet, color, main:, %cont2%
	color:=trim(color, "`r`n `t")
	; col:=cont
	if ((color~="(?:#|0x)?[a-fA-F0-9]{6}"))
		color:=strReplace(strReplace(color, "0x"), "#")
		guiControl, main: -g, %cont2%
		guiControl, main:, %cont2%, %color%
		guiControl, main: +gupdate, %cont2%
		GuiControlGet, OutputVar, main: Hwnd, %A_guiControl%
		sendMessage, 0xB1, 0, % strLen(color),, ahk_id %OutputVar% ; 0xB1 = em_setsel
	else if (!(color~="^\d{1,3} \d{1,3} \d{1,3}$"))

	; CtlColors.Change(h%cont%t, colorHex, "ffffff")
	changeColor(cont, colorHex, "")
	if (cpColors[cont, "mode"]=2)
		cpColors[cont, "bg"]:=color
		; , cpColors[cont, "fg"]:="255 0 255" ; adjust brightness of bg text
		cpColors[cont, "fg"]:=color

	ttt:=strSplit(color, " ")

	if (first=0)
	if (cont="background")
		cpColors["WindowText", "bg"]:=color
		, cpColors["GrayText", "bg"]:=color
		, toUpdate.push("WindowText", "GrayText")
	if (cont="Menu")
		cpColors["MenuText", "bg"]:=color
		, toUpdate.push("MenuText")
	if (cont="ButtonFace")
		cpColors["ButtonText", "bg"]:=color
		, toUpdate.push("ButtonText")
	if (cont="MenuHilight")
		cpColors["MenuHilightText", "bg"]:=color
		, toUpdate.push("MenuHilightText")
	if (cont="MenuText")
		cpColors["MenuHilightText", "fg"]:=color
		, toUpdate.push("MenuHilightText")
	if (cont="InfoWindow")
		cpColors["InfoText", "bg"]:=color
		, toUpdate.push("InfoText")
	if (cont="Hilight")
		cpColors["HiLightText", "bg"]:=color
		, toUpdate.push("HiLightText")
	if (cont="ButtonLight")
		cpColors["ButtonLightText", "bg"]:=color
		, toUpdate.push("ButtonLightText")
	if (cont="ButtonText")
		cpColors["ButtonLightText", "fg"]:=color
		, toUpdate.push("ButtonLightText")
	if (cont="ActiveTitle")
		cpColors["TitleText", "bg"]:=color
		, toUpdate.push("TitleText")
	if (cont="InactiveTitle")
		cpColors["InactiveTitleText", "bg"]:=color
		, toUpdate.push("InactiveTitleText")
	if (cont="HilightText")
		cpColors["HotTrackingColor", "fg"]:=color
		, toUpdate.push("HotTrackingColor")

	gosub, redraw

	for k, v in toUpdate
		changeColor(v, cpColors[v, "fg"], cpColors[v, "bg"])
		; msgBox % v "`n" cpColors[v, "fg"] "`n" cpColors[v, "bg"]

	gui, prev: default
	gui, prev: submit, nohide

	; msgBox % st_printArr(pvLookup)
	for prevC, mainC in pvLookup
		mode:=cpColors[mainC, "mode"]
		color:=(mode=2) ? cpColors[mainC, "bg"] : cpColors[mainC, "fg"]
		guiControlGet, val, prev:, %prevC%
		; val:=%prevC%
		; sleep, 300
		; toolTip % %prevC% ": " prevC ": " val
		if (inStr(prevC, "Text"))
			guiControl, prev: +c%color% +backgroundTrans, %prevC%
			; guiControl, prev:, %color%
		else if (val>0)
			guiControl, % "prev: +c" color " +background" rgbToHex(cpColors["ButtonText", "fg"]), %prevC%
			guiControl, prev: +Background%color%, %prevC%
		; guiControl, prev:, %prevC%, % rand(75)

	; special things
	; msgBox % cpColors["InactiveTitle", "bg"]
	guiControl, prev: +backgroundTrans, selFG
	ttt:=("0x" rgbToHex(cpColors["HotTrackingColor", "bg"]), -35)
	guiControl, prev: +c%ttt%, TextLink
	ttt:=somewhatAccurateBrightnessShift("0x" rgbToHex(cpColors["InactiveTitle", "bg"]), -35)
	guiControl, prev: +Background%ttt%, InactiveBtn1
	guiControl, prev: +Background%ttt%, InactiveBtn2
	guiControl, prev: +Background%ttt%, InactiveBtn3

	gui, prev: color, % somewhatAccurateBrightnessShift("0x" rgbToHex(cpColors["InactiveTitle", "bg"]), 70)
	; gui, main: submit
	gui, main: default
	WinSet, Redraw,, ahk_id %PREVGUI%


	global cpColors
	if (cpColors[item, "mode"]=1)
		return cpColors[item, "fg"]
	return cpColors[item, "bg"]

changeColor(ctrl, fg, bg)
	CtlColors.Change(h%ctrl%t, rgbToHex(bg), rgbToHex(fg))

rgbToHex(rrrgggbbb, delim:=" ")
	for k, v in strSplit(rrrgggbbb, delim)
		if (v!="")
			out.=format("{:02x}", clamp(v, 0, 255))
	return out

hexToRGB(rrggbb, delim:=" ")
	loop, 3
		out.=format("{:d}", "0x" subStr(rrggbb, (A_index=1) ? A_index : A_index+A_index-1, 2)) . delim
	return rtrim(out, delim)

clamp(num, min="", max="")
	return ((num<min && min!="") ? min : (num>max && max!="") ? max : num)

rand(max=100, min=1)
	if (min>max)
		t:=max, max:=min, min:=t
	random, r, %min%, %max%
	return r

somewhatAccurateBrightnessShift(hex, lum=10, mode=2) 
	for k, val in [substr(hex, 3, 2), substr(hex, 5, 2), substr(hex, 7, 2)] ; split the hex into an array of [##,##,##]
		val:=format("{1:d}", "0x" val) ; convert from hex, to decimal values
		, val:=round((mode=1) ? val*lum : val+lum) ; do the math
		, val:=(val<0) ? 0 : (val>255) ? 255 : val ; clamp the values between 0 and 255
		, out.=format("{1:02}", format("{1:x}", val)) ; build it again, make sure each hex thing is 2 chars long
	return out ; we're done!

st_printArr(array, depth=5, indentLevel="")
	for k,v in Array
	list.= indentLevel "[" k "]"
	if (IsObject(v) && depth>1)
		list.="`n" st_printArr(v, depth-1, indentLevel . "    ")
		list.=" => " v
	return rtrim(list)

createFakeWindow(winX:=0, winY:=0, winW:=300, winH:=300)
	iL:=winX+winFrame+borderSize ; workarea left
	iR:=winW-winFrame-borderSize ; workarea right
	iT:=winY-winFrame-borderSize ; workarea top
	iB:=winH-winFrame-borderSize ; workarea bottom
	gui, prev: margin, 0, 0

	; main bg+frame
	gui, prev: add, progress, x%winX% y%winY% w%winW% h%winH% Background0xff4400, 0
	gui, prev: add, progress, xp+%winFrame% yp+%winFrame% wp-%winFrame2% hp-%winFrame2% section Background0x996633, 0

	; border
	gui, prev: add, progress, xp yp+%winFrame% wp h%ttt% Background0x336699, 0
	gui, prev: add, progress, xp+%borderSize% yp+%borderSize% wp-%borderSize2% hp-%borderSize2% section Background0x562368, 0

	; title
	gui, prev: add, progress, xs ys wp h30 Background0x856658, 0
	gui, prev: add, text, xp+50 yp hp 0x200 c0xffffff backgroundTrans, Title Text - this is some more

	; menu
	gui, prev: add, progress, xs y+0 w%ttt% h18 Background0x298357, 0
	gui, prev: add, text, xp+50 yp hp 0x200 c0xffffff backgroundTrans, Menubar text

	; scroll
	gui, prev: add, progress, x%ttt% y+0 w10 h232 Background0xffffff, 0
	; button
	gui, prev: add, progress, xs+100 yp+100 w80 h22 Background0xff4400, 0
	gui, prev: add, progress, xp+%winFrame% yp+%winFrame% wp-%winFrame2% hp-%winFrame2% Background0x336699, 0
	gui, prev: add, text, xp yp wp hp center 0x200 c0xffffff backgroundTrans, Button

	; text
	gui, prev: add, text, xs+20 ys+100 wp hp c0xffffff backgroundTrans, Normal Text
	gui, prev: add, text, xp y+m wp hp c0xfa5679 backgroundTrans, Disabled text
	gui, prev: show

; "false" turns it on, "true" turns it off. it's weird.
CrossHair(OnOff=1) {   ; INIT = "I","Init"; OFF = 0,"Off"; TOGGLE = -1,"T","Toggle"; ON = others
    static AndMask, XorMask, $, h_cursor
        ,c0,c1,c2,c3,c4,c5,c6,c7,c8,c9,c10,c11,c12,c13 ; system cursors
        , b1,b2,b3,b4,b5,b6,b7,b8,b9,b10,b11,b12,b13   ; blank cursors
        , h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,h7,h8,h9,h10,h11,h12,h13   ; handles of default cursors
    if (OnOff = "Init" or OnOff = "I" or $ = "") {      ; init when requested or at first call
        $ := "h"                                          ; active default cursors
        , VarSetCapacity( h_cursor,4444, 1 )
        , VarSetCapacity( AndMask, 32*4, 0xFF )
        , VarSetCapacity( XorMask, 32*4, 0 )
        , system_cursors := "32512,32513,32514,32515,32516,32642,32643,32644,32645,32646,32648,32649,32650"
        StringSplit c, system_cursors, `,
        Loop, %c0%
            h_cursor   := DllCall( "LoadCursor", "uint",0, "uint",c%A_Index% )
            , h%A_Index% := DllCall( "CopyImage",  "uint",h_cursor, "uint",2, "int",0, "int",0, "uint",0 )
            , b%A_Index% := DllCall("LoadCursor", "Uint", "", "Int", IDC_CROSS := 32515, "Uint")
    $ := (OnOff = 0 || OnOff = "Off" || $ = "h" && (OnOff < 0 || OnOff = "Toggle" || OnOff = "T")) ? "b" : "h"

    Loop, %c0%
        h_cursor := DllCall( "CopyImage", "uint",%$%%A_Index%, "uint",2, "int",0, "int",0, "uint",0 )
        , DllCall( "SetSystemCursor", "uint",h_cursor, "uint",c%A_Index% )

    if !cc{
    if !ret
    IniWrite,% NumGet(custom,(A_Index-1)*4,"UInt"),color.ini,color,%A_Index%
    IniWrite,% Color:=NumGet(CHOOSECOLOR,3*A_PtrSize,"UInt"),color.ini,default,color
    return Color
    return substr(c,3)

	#include %A_ScriptDir%\lib\prev.ahk

#include %A_ScriptDir%\lib\controlcolors.ahk
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Re: Theme10 - win10 (and probably others) High Contrast theme creator.

25 Mar 2017, 10:26

Fancy. I did plan on a tabbed UI for preview/test window, but just got too lazy to copy/paste :P I do like this more. I'll keep it. Thanks!

I'll add the Apply feature aswell.

edit: gui, add, gui is a thing? :o don't see it in the docs. I should be using that, with auto size stuff. my way feels laggy.
edit edit: I guess I can't. the scrollbar from the sidebar seems to get applied to the main window, so everything scrolls. That's not good.
rawr. fear me.
Is it December 21, 2012 yet?
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Re: Theme10 - win10 (and probably others) High Contrast theme creator.

25 Mar 2017, 16:13

* embedded test window
* creates required files if non-existent
* altered the preview window a bit
* added a better GUID generating system
* added drag-and-drop onto the UI
* there is now an Apply button in the File menu
* other minor things that I don't feel like typing.

added a new theme too.
rawr. fear me.
Is it December 21, 2012 yet?
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Re: Theme10 - win10 (and probably others) High Contrast theme creator.

31 Mar 2019, 04:29

I was sad when I downloaded this and realized that its only for H v1

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Re: Theme10 - win10 (and probably others) High Contrast theme creator.

31 Mar 2019, 12:13 contains the code as .exe so you can still use it.
rawr. fear me.
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Re: Theme10 - win10 (and probably others) High Contrast theme creator.

31 Mar 2019, 20:17

tidbit wrote:
31 Mar 2019, 12:13 contains the code as .exe so you can still use it.
yippee! :D tbh it did not change my theme as I had hoped from the previews.

but it did switch them up and I really like all the extra little design work you threw in here! makes it easier, more fun, and less eye straining to click on/highlight/select many items. I was really looking forward to not having white folder backgrounds anymore :shock: :crazy: :? 8-)

but alas, it did not work for me :(

I saw that you did point out things may not work as expected. I am running a rather up-to-date computer that was issued this year and is Windows 10 - so I don't think that is why.

Thanks for your awesomeness anyways - cool stuff tiddybitty! :bravo:
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Re: Theme10 - win10 (and probably others) High Contrast theme creator.

01 Apr 2019, 10:32

white folder background?
I no longer use high-contrast thanks to win10 having a dark explorer option now (doesn't affect programs, sadly). but I don't get "white backgrounds"?
do you mean the sub-folder images? Those are generated thumbnails by the OS of the files/folders/icons/thumbnails.

Delightful sprout 3:
rawr. fear me.
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Re: Theme10 - win10 (and probably others) High Contrast theme creator.

02 Apr 2019, 19:12


So i checked this out and looks like my computer was already running on dark mode...... but all my explorer files have never had a black background ):


EDIT: so it looks like i have to manually update to the latest build with an ISO - for some reason my device doesn't allow itself to update internally, it blocks itself from even manual updates for some odd reason :p but I really like how your theme makes all my buttons and scrollbars n stuff look so wish I could have both :p

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