class. I found it easier to use than the
For a script that I am working on I dealt with a server that, at times, never responded so I modified the class to include a
parameter as a static variable in the class. I set the default value to 5 seconds. See the updated class below. I marked the modified lines with a
Code: Select all
; class Socket by GeekDude -
; modified by iPhilip to incorporate a timeout check in the Recv() method - see the lines marked by ; <<<
class Socket
static WM_SOCKET := 0x9987, MSG_PEEK := 2
static FD_READ := 1, FD_ACCEPT := 8, FD_CLOSE := 32
static Blocking := True, BlockSleep := 50
static Timeout := 5000 ; <<<
static Init
if (!Init)
DllCall("LoadLibrary", "Str", "Ws2_32", "Ptr")
VarSetCapacity(WSAData, 394+A_PtrSize)
if (Error := DllCall("Ws2_32\WSAStartup", "UShort", 0x0202, "Ptr", &WSAData))
throw Exception("Error starting Winsock",, Error)
if (NumGet(WSAData, 2, "UShort") != 0x0202)
throw Exception("Winsock version 2.2 not available")
Init := True
this.Socket := Socket
if (this.Socket != -1)
if (this.Socket != -1)
throw Exception("Socket already connected")
Next := pAddrInfo := this.GetAddrInfo(Address)
while Next
ai_addrlen := NumGet(Next+0, 16, "UPtr")
ai_addr := NumGet(Next+0, 16+(2*A_PtrSize), "Ptr")
if ((this.Socket := DllCall("Ws2_32\socket", "Int", NumGet(Next+0, 4, "Int")
, "Int", this.SocketType, "Int", this.ProtocolId, "UInt")) != -1)
if (DllCall("Ws2_32\WSAConnect", "UInt", this.Socket, "Ptr", ai_addr
, "UInt", ai_addrlen, "Ptr", 0, "Ptr", 0, "Ptr", 0, "Ptr", 0, "Int") == 0)
DllCall("Ws2_32\freeaddrinfo", "Ptr", pAddrInfo) ; TODO: Error Handling
return this.EventProcRegister(this.FD_READ | this.FD_CLOSE)
Next := NumGet(Next+0, 16+(3*A_PtrSize), "Ptr")
throw Exception("Error connecting")
if (this.Socket != -1)
throw Exception("Socket already connected")
Next := pAddrInfo := this.GetAddrInfo(Address)
while Next
ai_addrlen := NumGet(Next+0, 16, "UPtr")
ai_addr := NumGet(Next+0, 16+(2*A_PtrSize), "Ptr")
if ((this.Socket := DllCall("Ws2_32\socket", "Int", NumGet(Next+0, 4, "Int")
, "Int", this.SocketType, "Int", this.ProtocolId, "UInt")) != -1)
if (DllCall("Ws2_32\bind", "UInt", this.Socket, "Ptr", ai_addr
, "UInt", ai_addrlen, "Int") == 0)
DllCall("Ws2_32\freeaddrinfo", "Ptr", pAddrInfo) ; TODO: ERROR HANDLING
return this.EventProcRegister(this.FD_READ | this.FD_ACCEPT | this.FD_CLOSE)
Next := NumGet(Next+0, 16+(3*A_PtrSize), "Ptr")
throw Exception("Error binding")
return DllCall("Ws2_32\listen", "UInt", this.Socket, "Int", backlog) == 0
if ((s := DllCall("Ws2_32\accept", "UInt", this.Socket, "Ptr", 0, "Ptr", 0, "Ptr")) == -1)
throw Exception("Error calling accept",, this.GetLastError())
Sock := new Socket(s)
Sock.ProtocolId := this.ProtocolId
Sock.SocketType := this.SocketType
Sock.EventProcRegister(this.FD_READ | this.FD_CLOSE)
return Sock
; Return 0 if not connected
if (this.Socket == -1)
return 0
; Unregister the socket event handler and close the socket
if (DllCall("Ws2_32\closesocket", "UInt", this.Socket, "Int") == -1)
throw Exception("Error closing socket",, this.GetLastError())
this.Socket := -1
return 1
static FIONREAD := 0x4004667F
if (DllCall("Ws2_32\ioctlsocket", "UInt", this.Socket, "UInt", FIONREAD, "UInt*", argp) == -1)
throw Exception("Error calling ioctlsocket",, this.GetLastError())
return argp
Send(pBuffer, BufSize, Flags:=0)
if ((r := DllCall("Ws2_32\send", "UInt", this.Socket, "Ptr", pBuffer, "Int", BufSize, "Int", Flags)) == -1)
throw Exception("Error calling send",, this.GetLastError())
return r
SendText(Text, Flags:=0, Encoding:="UTF-8")
VarSetCapacity(Buffer, StrPut(Text, Encoding) * ((Encoding="UTF-16"||Encoding="cp1200") ? 2 : 1))
Length := StrPut(Text, &Buffer, Encoding)
return this.Send(&Buffer, Length - 1)
Recv(ByRef Buffer, BufSize:=0, Flags:=0)
StartTime := A_TickCount ; <<<
while (!(Length := this.MsgSize()) && this.Blocking && A_TickCount - StartTime < this.Timeout) ; <<<
Sleep, this.BlockSleep
if !Length
return 0
if !BufSize
BufSize := Length
VarSetCapacity(Buffer, BufSize)
if ((r := DllCall("Ws2_32\recv", "UInt", this.Socket, "Ptr", &Buffer, "Int", BufSize, "Int", Flags)) == -1)
throw Exception("Error calling recv",, this.GetLastError())
return r
RecvText(BufSize:=0, Flags:=0, Encoding:="UTF-8")
if (Length := this.Recv(Buffer, BufSize, flags))
return StrGet(&Buffer, Length, Encoding)
return ""
RecvLine(BufSize:=0, Flags:=0, Encoding:="UTF-8", KeepEnd:=False)
while !(i := InStr(this.RecvText(BufSize, Flags|this.MSG_PEEK, Encoding), "`n"))
if !this.Blocking
return ""
Sleep, this.BlockSleep
if KeepEnd
return this.RecvText(i, Flags, Encoding)
return RTrim(this.RecvText(i, Flags, Encoding), "`r`n")
; TODO: Use GetAddrInfoW
Host := Address[1], Port := Address[2]
VarSetCapacity(Hints, 16+(4*A_PtrSize), 0)
NumPut(this.SocketType, Hints, 8, "Int")
NumPut(this.ProtocolId, Hints, 12, "Int")
if (Error := DllCall("Ws2_32\getaddrinfo", "AStr", Host, "AStr", Port, "Ptr", &Hints, "Ptr*", Result))
throw Exception("Error calling GetAddrInfo",, Error)
return Result
OnMessage(wParam, lParam, Msg, hWnd)
if (Msg != this.WM_SOCKET || wParam != this.Socket)
if (lParam & this.FD_READ)
else if (lParam & this.FD_ACCEPT)
else if (lParam & this.FD_CLOSE)
this.EventProcUnregister(), this.OnDisconnect()
if !this.Bound
this.Bound := this.OnMessage.Bind(this)
OnMessage(this.WM_SOCKET, this.Bound)
if this.Bound
OnMessage(this.WM_SOCKET, this.Bound, 0)
this.Bound := False
if (DllCall("Ws2_32\WSAAsyncSelect"
, "UInt", this.Socket ; s
, "Ptr", A_ScriptHwnd ; hWnd
, "UInt", this.WM_SOCKET ; wMsg
, "UInt", lEvent) == -1) ; lEvent
throw Exception("Error calling WSAAsyncSelect",, this.GetLastError())
return DllCall("Ws2_32\WSAGetLastError")
class SocketTCP extends Socket
static ProtocolId := 6 ; IPPROTO_TCP
static SocketType := 1 ; SOCK_STREAM
class SocketUDP extends Socket
static ProtocolId := 17 ; IPPROTO_UDP
static SocketType := 2 ; SOCK_DGRAM
static SOL_SOCKET := 0xFFFF, SO_BROADCAST := 0x20
if (DllCall("Ws2_32\setsockopt"
, "UInt", this.Socket ; SOCKET s
, "Int", SOL_SOCKET ; int level
, "Int", SO_BROADCAST ; int optname
, "UInt*", !!Enable ; *char optval
, "Int", 4) == -1) ; int optlen
throw Exception("Error calling setsockopt",, this.GetLastError())