Uninstalling AutoHotkey

Below you will find instructions on how to uninstall AutoHotkey from your Microsoft Windows system. Depending on which version you have, the steps may somewhat differ.
Please navigate to the instructions for your currently installed version of Windows.

Windows 10

  1. On your computer, close all AutoHotkey all scripts and processes.
  2. Click the Start menu and then Settings.
  3. Click Apps.
    Screenshot of AutoHotkey uninstaller
  4. Under “Apps & features,” find and click AutoHotkey.
  5. Click Uninstall.
    Screenshot of uninstallation
  6. Confirm by clicking Uninstall.
    Screenshot of uninstallation
  7. Click Uninstall.
    Screenshot of AutoHotkey uninstaller

Windows 8, 7, or Vista

  1. On your computer, close all AutoHotkey scripts and processes.
  2. Open the Control Panel:
  3. Click Uninstall a program or Programs and Features.
    Screenshot of uninstallation
  4. Double-click AutoHotkey.
    Screenshot of uninstallation
  5. Click Uninstall.
    Screenshot of AutoHotkey uninstaller

Windows XP

  1. On your computer, close all AutoHotkey scripts and processes.
  2. Click the Start menu and then Control Panel.
  3. Click Add or Remove Programs.
    Screenshot of uninstallation
  4. Click AutoHotkey.
  5. Click Remove.
    Screenshot of uninstallation
  6. Click Uninstall.
    Screenshot of uninstallation