hotkeys for android .

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Shekhar Singh
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hotkeys for android .

09 Feb 2023, 06:00

hi , is there any application similar to ahk available for phone / tablet .

[Mod action: Moved topic from “Ask for Help” which is for help with using AHK]
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Re: hotkeys for android .

25 Feb 2023, 05:30

Yes, there are several applications available for Android devices that provide similar functionality to AutoHotkey (AHK). Here are a few options:

Tasker: Tasker is a popular automation app for Android that allows you to create custom scripts and automate various tasks on your device. It's a powerful app that can perform a wide range of actions based on triggers, such as time, location, or other events.

MacroDroid: MacroDroid is another automation app for Android that allows you to create custom macros and automate tasks on your device. It offers a simple and intuitive interface and allows you to create macros based on a wide range of triggers, such as incoming calls, battery level, or Bluetooth connectivity.

Automate: Automate is an app that allows you to create custom automation flows using a simple drag-and-drop interface. You can create flows that perform a wide range of actions, such as sending text messages, playing music, or launching apps, based on various triggers.

Button Mapper: Button Mapper is an app that allows you to remap the buttons on your Android device to perform different actions. You can create custom button mappings and assign them to perform a wide range of tasks, such as launching apps, executing macros, or triggering system functions.

These are just a few examples of the many automation apps available for Android devices. I recommend checking them out to see which one works best for your needs.

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Re: hotkeys for android .

13 Jul 2023, 12:20

i also want to learn tasker. feel free to ask your problem. i might be able to learn and share
John ... you working ?

Re: hotkeys for android .

23 Oct 2023, 08:32

I am trying to switch some letters on my keyboard to another letters on the extern keyboard for android. is it possible?

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