ChroPath - great tool for grabbing selectors.

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ChroPath - great tool for grabbing selectors.

23 Sep 2019, 13:29

Get ChroPath as a Chrome or Firefox extension. Generate custom relative Xpath, absolute Xpath, or CSS selectors in (literally) seconds. You can download a series of selectors - click on record, right-click on an element, click inspect, right-click on the next element, click inspect, and so on - then you download a .xls file with all the selectors. I just watched a webinar on it, the tool is amazing. Free. The Chrome version is better at the moment, but Firefox is set to catch up by the end of September. Too many features to describe. Write an automation in a few minutes instead of a few hours.
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Joined: 13 Dec 2020, 03:15

Re: ChroPath - great tool for grabbing selectors.

13 Dec 2020, 03:17

Important update: This is Sanjay Kumar, Creator of ChroPath.
I have stopped development and support on ChroPath. You will not get any update on ChroPath from me.
Please upgrade to my new XPath tool SelectorsHub which is very much advanced than ChroPath.
SelectorsHub is absolutely FREE community tool. It is a browser plugin available for all the browsers Chrome, Firefox, Edge and Opera. SelectorsHub download link👇

Please share this info in your network, it will help many

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