Macro Pulover image search help

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Macro Pulover image search help

15 Jul 2022, 10:43

Hello AHK and Macro lovers, i have problem regarding Macro Pulover image search.

However there's nothing special i want to do, i only want Macro Pulover to search the screen, a game, and when OK appears, to click on it and proceed with the recording.
I've been trying a lot, watched all videos on tubuyu and not any shows exactly how to do it.

I went through the procedure:

- did show where the coordinates of image where OK appears are
- captured image inside Macro Pulover image search when you need to capture the image with right click
- statement IF, it's not always visible to "check", i wanted to do, when finds the image, to pause/break, for the start, but couldn't get it to work, sorry i'm dumb i don't know, i did check search until found
- in "search options" "Coord" do i need to choose Window, Screen or Client? Already tried with window and screen and still doesn't work
- where to put the lines i get when create image search, 3 lines that appears after do image search? I understand the line with END must be at the end, but the previous ones, must be before "win_activate" line or after? I can't anyhow to "blue" put my recording inside/included in image search...

I have some computer knowledge and been using Macro Pulover for 2 years now, and it's ok, i'm good with it, but just didn't had much time to setup this image search, whenever i tried i got stuck with this, so of course wasn't able to proceed further, decided today after 2 years of use to ask here for help.
Is there any glitch with image search?

I'm running out of nervs and started asking myself how come i'm that idiot to not be able to setup this...?

Please let me know if you need any other information or screen shots, i want just to make a simple ahk with image search, the recording is about 1 minute, nothing special, just few clicks..

Thanks a lot and have a great weekend
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Re: Macro Pulover image search help

15 Jul 2022, 14:45

For ImageSearch the only tips I can give is to make sure the window is in the foreground (WinActivate) and to add some variation in the command settings. It might not work with games though.
Rodolfo U. Batista
Pulover's Macro Creator - Automation Tool (Recorder & Script Writer)
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Re: Macro Pulover image search help

20 Jul 2022, 20:21

Hi, sorry for delay, i now figured it out, yeah i need to show him every movement by "commands" and not by recording the same movements, but now i am stuck because the "mouse" under "commands" adds double click instead of one, i tried, checked again and i only set it up to click once.

Do you maybe know how to only click once?
It just clicks 2 sometimes 3 times instead of 1 click, i have set up "click count" to 1 and "repeat" to 1 as it was on default, help please?

Thanks a lot

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