How is CryptAES() supposed to be used? Is this a bug? Topic is solved

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How is CryptAES() supposed to be used? Is this a bug?

01 Feb 2019, 12:36

Using latest version Ahk_h v1 from GitHub. W10 64 bits.

I have this script:

Code: Select all

; prep
VarSetCapacity(str, 128) ; Strlen*2 due to unicode
len := StrPut("testingstringthatcontains64characters123456885464562132132222452", &str)
fileappend % StrGet(&str) "`n", result.txt, UTF-16
; encrypt
loop, 100
	size := CryptAES(str, len*2, "asd", true) ; len*2 due to unicode
	fileappend % StrGet(&str) "`n", result.txt, UTF-16
	fileappend % size "`n", result.txt, UTF-16
; decrypt
CryptAES(str, size, "asd", false)
fileappend % StrGet(&str) "`n", result.txt, UTF-16

CryptAES(ByRef lp,sz,pw,e:=1,SID:=256){
	static AES_128:=0x660E,AES_192:=1+AES_128,AES_256:=1+AES_192,SHA1:=1+0x8003 ; MD5
	If !DllCall("Advapi32\CryptAcquireContext","Ptr*",hP,"Uint",0,"Uint",0,"Uint",24,"UInt",0xF0000000) ;PROV_RSA_AES, CRYPT_VERIFYCONTEXT
	|| !DllCall("Advapi32\CryptCreateHash","Ptr",hP,"Uint",SHA1,"Uint",0,"Uint",0,"Ptr*",H )
	|| !CryptHashData(H,&pw,StrLen(pw)*2,0)
	|| !CryptDeriveKey(hP,AES_%SID%,H,SID<<16,getvar(hK:=0))
	|| !CryptDestroyHash(H)
		return 0
	if e
	return sz
Problems I found:
1. It never reaches the 100 repetitions, the script closes itself after a random amount.
2. All results are different and when I try to decrypt them (reading it from another script) the output is not even close to the input.
3. Sometimes it outputs weird things like for example:
That's the path to my script.

For example:
Output from first script (without the loop, 100):

Code: Select all

Now using the second line on that output (the encrypted string):

Code: Select all

VarSetCapacity(str, 128) ; Strlen*2 due to unicode
StrPut("㜀ꌑ襥ᛉ﹉垍챭嚟芐提잵䶝ꪋ㡖鮒נ憏蕤흧⥑ᦝ薒�霢嶌气�娝ͳ�퍧:덐㪹뢦䤘˽ૡ˨⽭鼏물颷墿ᙥ뱲⡄㠯甘娹�ਇଂ⺅裢旌흆鐐鷻郴㪶幡", &str)
size = 144

; decrypt
CryptAES(str, size, 5 10 "asd", false)
fileappend % StrGet(&str) "`n", result.txt, UTF-16

CryptAES(ByRef lp,sz,pw,e:=1,SID:=256){
	static AES_128:=0x660E,AES_192:=1+AES_128,AES_256:=1+AES_192,SHA1:=1+0x8003 ; MD5
	If !DllCall("Advapi32\CryptAcquireContext","Ptr*",hP,"Uint",0,"Uint",0,"Uint",24,"UInt",0xF0000000) ;PROV_RSA_AES, CRYPT_VERIFYCONTEXT
	|| !DllCall("Advapi32\CryptCreateHash","Ptr",hP,"Uint",SHA1,"Uint",0,"Uint",0,"Ptr*",H )
	|| !CryptHashData(H,&pw,StrLen(pw)*2,0)
	|| !CryptDeriveKey(hP,AES_%SID%,H,SID<<16,getvar(hK:=0))
	|| !CryptDestroyHash(H)
		return 0
	if e
	return sz
The output is: testingstringthatcontain踑Ϟ䰸�ꇾ邼뽒킂釦ۡ輏␾틁ᵁ4萵68స54645621321峴녪猪ﳲ쇳ﵣ釛

Is this intended? If it is, how can I achieve the following?:

1. From Script1 using CryptAES() to encrypt an string and saving it to a txt.
2. From Script2 read the encrypted string saved on a txt and decrypt it using CryptAES()

Thanks in advance.
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Joined: 29 Sep 2013, 18:35

Re: How is CryptAES() supposed to be used? Is this a bug?

01 Feb 2019, 18:37

You forgot the terminating char in VarSetCapacity:

Code: Select all

; prep
VarSetCapacity(str, 130) ; Strlen*2 due to unicode + terminating char
len := StrPut("testingstringthatcontains64characters123456885464562132132222452", &str)
; encrypt
size := CryptAES(str, len*2, "asd", true) ; len*2 due to unicode
; decrypt
CryptAES(str, size, "asd", false)
MsgBox % StrGet(&str)

CryptAES(ByRef lp,sz,pw,e:=1,SID:=256){
	static AES_128:=0x660E,AES_192:=1+AES_128,AES_256:=1+AES_192,SHA1:=1+0x8003 ; MD5
	If !DllCall("Advapi32\CryptAcquireContext","Ptr*",hP,"Uint",0,"Uint",0,"Uint",24,"UInt",0xF0000000) ;PROV_RSA_AES, CRYPT_VERIFYCONTEXT
	|| !DllCall("Advapi32\CryptCreateHash","Ptr",hP,"Uint",SHA1,"Uint",0,"Uint",0,"Ptr*",H )
	|| !CryptHashData(H,&pw,StrLen(pw)*2,0)
	|| !CryptDeriveKey(hP,AES_%SID%,H,SID<<16,getvar(hK:=0))
	|| !CryptDestroyHash(H)
		return 0
	if e
	return sz
Posts: 340
Joined: 09 Jan 2016, 19:20

Re: How is CryptAES() supposed to be used? Is this a bug?

01 Feb 2019, 20:26

Nop, same thing.

Result when running first script:

Code: Select all

Still getting the weird results:
㜀ꌑ襥ᛉ﹉垍챭嚟芐提잵䶝ꪋ㡖鮒נ憏蕤흧⥑ᦝ薒�霢嶌气�娝ͳ�퍧:덐㪹뢦䤘˽ૡ˨⽭鼏물颷墿ᙥ뱲⡄㠯甘娹�ਇଂ⺅裢旌흆鐐鷻郴㪶幡SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Cryptography\Defaults\Provider Types\Type 024

And when I try to decrypt this line: 㜀ꌑ襥ᛉ﹉垍챭嚟芐提잵䶝ꪋ㡖鮒נ憏蕤흧⥑ᦝ薒�霢嶌气�娝ͳ�퍧:덐㪹뢦䤘˽ૡ˨⽭鼏물颷墿ᙥ뱲⡄㠯甘娹�ਇଂ⺅裢旌흆鐐鷻郴㪶幡
I get this:

This is the changed code:

Code: Select all

; prep
VarSetCapacity(str, 130) ; Strlen*2 due to unicode
len := StrPut("testingstringthatcontains64characters123456885464562132132222452", &str)
fileappend % StrGet(&str) "`n", result.txt, UTF-16
; encrypt
	size := CryptAES(str, len*2, "asd", true) ; len*2 due to unicode
	fileappend % StrGet(&str) "`n", result.txt, UTF-16
	fileappend % size "`n", result.txt, UTF-16

VarSetCapacity(str, 130) ; Strlen*2 due to unicode
StrPut("㜀ꌑ襥ᛉ﹉垍챭嚟芐提잵䶝ꪋ㡖鮒נ憏蕤흧⥑ᦝ薒򳼢嶌气􁸝ͳ􃭧:덐㪹뢦䤘˽ૡ˨⽭鼏물颷墿ᙥ뱲⡄㠯甘娹𴸇ଂ⺅裢旌흆鐐鷻郴㪶幡", &str)
size = 144
; decrypt
CryptAES(str, size, "asd", false)
fileappend % StrGet(&str) "`n", result.txt, UTF-16
; AES_128_vf, AES_192_vf, AES_256_vf, SHA1_vf, hP_vf, ache_vf

CryptAES(ByRef lp,sz,pw,e:=1,SID:=256){
	static AES_128:=0x660E,AES_192:=1+AES_128,AES_256:=1+AES_192,SHA1:=1+0x8003 ; MD5
	If !DllCall("Advapi32\CryptAcquireContext","Ptr*",hP,"Uint",0,"Uint",0,"Uint",24,"UInt",0xF0000000) ;PROV_RSA_AES, CRYPT_VERIFYCONTEXT
	|| !DllCall("Advapi32\CryptCreateHash","Ptr",hP,"Uint",SHA1,"Uint",0,"Uint",0,"Ptr*",H )
	|| !CryptHashData(H,&pw,StrLen(pw)*2,0)
	|| !CryptDeriveKey(hP,AES_%SID%,H,SID<<16,getvar(hK:=0))
	|| !CryptDestroyHash(H)
		return 0
	if e
	return sz
When running a loop, 100 on the f1 part it crashes at random, and all results are different.
Posts: 2364
Joined: 29 Sep 2013, 18:35

Re: How is CryptAES() supposed to be used? Is this a bug?

02 Feb 2019, 06:06

If you want to read it directly you will need to include terminating character, otherwise StrGet will also read the memory after end of string.
Also you forgot to change F2:: VarSetCapacity to correct size:

Code: Select all

; prep
VarSetCapacity(str, sz:=StrLen(string)*2+(A_IsUnicode?2:1)) ; Strlen*2 due to unicode
StrPut(string, &str)
; encrypt
	sz := CryptAES(str, sz, "asd", true) ; len*2 due to unicode
	MsgBox % StrGet(&str)

; decrypt
CryptAES(str, sz, "asd", false)
MsgBox % StrGet(&str)
So if you don't want to crypt terminating char, you have to tell StrGet how much to read, otherwise it might crash because it is accessing invalid memory:

Code: Select all

; prep
VarSetCapacity(str, (sz:=StrLen(string)*2)+(A_IsUnicode?2:1)) ; Strlen*2 due to unicode
StrPut(string, &str)
; encrypt
	sz := CryptAES(str, sz, "asd", true) ; len*2 due to unicode
	MsgBox % StrGet(&str,sz/(A_IsUnicode+1))

; decrypt
sz:=CryptAES(str, sz, "asd", false)
MsgBox % StrGet(&str,sz/(A_IsUnicode+1))
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Joined: 09 Jan 2016, 19:20

Re: How is CryptAES() supposed to be used? Is this a bug?

02 Feb 2019, 09:43

Thanks for the answer, let me ask this to see if I got it right:

Code: Select all

; prep
string:="testingstringthatcontains64characters123456885464562132132222452" ;<-64 character strings
VarSetCapacity(str, (sz:=StrLen(string)*2)+(A_IsUnicode?2:1)) ; Strlen*2 due to unicode ;<- This means 64*2=128+2=130 because unicode
:VarSetCapacity(str, 130) ;<-This is the same as `that line right?
StrPut(string, &str)
; encrypt
	sz := CryptAES(str, sz, "asd", true) ; len*2 due to unicode
	;sz := CryptAES(str, 130, "asd", true) ; <- This is the same at ^that line right?
	MsgBox % StrGet(&str,sz/(A_IsUnicode+1))
	;MsgBox % StrGet(&str,sz/(A_IsUnicode+1)) <- This is the same at ^that line right?

msgbox % VarSetCapacity(str) ; 130
msgbox % size ; 144
msgbox % StrLen(StrGet(&str,size/2)) ; 72
msgbox % str
VarSetCapacity(str, 130) ; 130
size := 144
StrPut("㜀ꌑ襥ᛉ﹉垍챭嚟芐提잵䶝ꪋ㡖鮒נ憏蕤흧⥑ᦝ薒򳼢嶌气􁸝ͳ􃭧:덐㪹뢦䤘˽ૡ˨⽭鼏물颷墿ᙥ뱲⡄㠯甘娹𴸇ଂ⺅裢旌흆鐐鷻郴㪶幡", &str)
msgbox % VarSetCapacity(str) ; 130
msgbox % size ; 144
msgbox % StrLen(StrGet(&str,size/2)) ; 72
msgbox % str ; same string
size:=CryptAES(str, size, "asd", false)
MsgBox % StrGet(&str,size/2)
The problem is where I use StrPut, for some reason the string is different but Idk where or how it is different. I checked the msgboxes to see if something changes but everything is the same before and after y do StrPut. You said something about a terminating character but to be honest Idk what that is hahaha. What should I change on that StrPut to make it work?
Tried doing this:
StrPut("㜀ꌑ襥ᛉ﹉垍챭嚟芐提잵䶝ꪋ㡖鮒נ憏蕤흧⥑ᦝ薒򳼢嶌气􁸝ͳ􃭧:덐㪹뢦䤘˽ૡ˨⽭鼏물颷墿ᙥ뱲⡄㠯甘娹𴸇ଂ⺅裢旌흆鐐鷻郴㪶幡" Chr(0), &str)
Still didn't work.
Last edited by kyuuuri on 02 Feb 2019, 09:54, edited 1 time in total.
Posts: 340
Joined: 09 Jan 2016, 19:20

Re: How is CryptAES() supposed to be used? Is this a bug?

02 Feb 2019, 09:48

The crash problem in the loop 100 comes from the StrGet or the fileappend command, nothing related to the CryptAES function.
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Joined: 29 Sep 2013, 18:35

Re: How is CryptAES() supposed to be used? Is this a bug?

02 Feb 2019, 15:46

It is not StrGet or FileAppend, it is VarSetCapacity(str, 130), it should be VarSetCapacity(str, 144)!
Posts: 340
Joined: 09 Jan 2016, 19:20

Re: How is CryptAES() supposed to be used? Is this a bug?

02 Feb 2019, 15:54

But the first string in the f1 part is a 64 characters string, doing 64*2 = 128 + 2 because terminator character in unicode = 130
For the f2 part I can't find the problem, I'm simulating the exact same as if I would have called f1 part first but for some reason the output is different, I know the problem is where I do the StrPut but I don't know what needs to be changed.
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Re: How is CryptAES() supposed to be used? Is this a bug?

02 Feb 2019, 16:12

To make it short, let me write the steps:
1. I open the script
2. I press F1
This piece of code is executed:

Code: Select all

VarSetCapacity(str, sz:=StrLen(string)*2+(A_IsUnicode?2:1)) ; Strlen*2 due to unicode
StrPut(string, &str)
; encrypt
sz := CryptAES(str, sz, "asd", true) ; len*2 due to unicode
fileappend % StrGet(&str, size/2) "`n", result.txt, UTF-16
MsgBox % StrGet(&str)
The output is:
2. I Press F2
This piece of code is executed:

Code: Select all

; decrypt
CryptAES(str, sz, "asd", false)
MsgBox % StrGet(&str)
The output is:
3. Now I want to do it WITHOUT encrypting it first on the same script. I want to read the encrypted string from another place and then decrypt it, so I do this:

Code: Select all

VarSetCapacity(str, 130) ; 130
sz := 144
StrPut("㜀ꌑ襥ᛉ﹉垍챭嚟芐提잵䶝ꪋ㡖鮒נ憏蕤흧⥑ᦝ薒�霢嶌气�娝ͳ�퍧:덐㪹뢦䤘˽ૡ˨⽭鼏물颷墿ᙥ뱲⡄㠯甘娹�ਇଂ⺅裢旌흆鐐鷻郴㪶幡", &str)
sz:=CryptAES(str, sz, "asd", false)
MsgBox % StrGet(&str,sz/2)
The output is:
Now why do I write f3 like that?
Because when doing the following steps:
1. Open the script
2. Press F1
this piece of code is executed (the same as before BUT with msgbox telling me each thing I care about)

Code: Select all

VarSetCapacity(str, sz:=StrLen(string)*2+(A_IsUnicode?2:1)) ; Strlen*2 due to unicode
msgbox % VarSetCapacity(str) ; outputs 130
StrPut(string, &str)
msgbox % VarSetCapacity(str) ; outputs 130
; encrypt
sz := CryptAES(str, sz, "asd", true) ; len*2 due to unicode
msgbox % sz ; outputs 144
fileappend % StrGet(&str, size/2) "`n", result.txt, UTF-16
MsgBox % StrGet(&str)
3. Then I press F2
This piece of code is executed: (the same as before BUT with msgbox telling me each thing I care about)

Code: Select all

; decrypt
msgbox % VarSetCapacity(str) ; outputs 130
msgbox % sz ; outputs 144
CryptAES(str, sz, "asd", false)
MsgBox % StrGet(&str)
So at the moment of decryption WHERE THE RESULTS ARE OKAY the capacity of "str" is 130 and the size of "sz" is 144.
Now if we go back to this part:

Code: Select all

VarSetCapacity(str, 130) ; 130
sz := 144
StrPut("㜀ꌑ襥ᛉ﹉垍챭嚟芐提잵䶝ꪋ㡖鮒נ憏蕤흧⥑ᦝ薒�霢嶌气�娝ͳ�퍧:덐㪹뢦䤘˽ૡ˨⽭鼏물颷墿ᙥ뱲⡄㠯甘娹�ਇଂ⺅裢旌흆鐐鷻郴㪶幡", &str)
sz:=CryptAES(str, sz, "asd", false)
MsgBox % StrGet(&str,sz/2)
"Str" has a capacity of 130 like on f5, "sz" is 144 like on f5 BUT the output is:
Where is the error? VarSetCapacity and Size are the same as on f5 and f2.
Posts: 340
Joined: 09 Jan 2016, 19:20

Re: How is CryptAES() supposed to be used? Is this a bug?

02 Feb 2019, 16:28

I think the problem is that when the encrypted string is written on the .txt or when I copy paste it some characters are not the same, how can I solve this?
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Joined: 29 Sep 2013, 18:35

Re: How is CryptAES() supposed to be used? Is this a bug?  Topic is solved

02 Feb 2019, 20:47

The problem is that you StrPut more than you VarSetCapacity!
The string you put is larger than 130!!!!

Code: Select all

VarSetCapacity(str, 130) ; must be 144 excl. terminating char
sz := 144
StrPut("㜀ꌑ襥ᛉ﹉垍챭嚟芐提잵䶝ꪋ㡖鮒נ憏蕤흧⥑ᦝ薒�霢嶌气�娝ͳ�퍧:덐㪹뢦䤘˽ૡ˨⽭鼏물颷墿ᙥ뱲⡄㠯甘娹�ਇଂ⺅裢旌흆鐐鷻郴㪶幡", &str)

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