Code: Select all
AhkDllRank% A_index%: = AhkDllThread(%ScriptDir%\autohotkey_H_unicode_32.dll)
ScriptPath: = A_ScriptDir. "\ ". A_index. ". ahk "
SFile: = FileOpen (ScriptPath, "r ")
SText: = SFile.Read ()
SFile.Close ()
AhkDllRank% A_index% .AhkTextDll(SText)
[Error Continuable exception_access_violation
Mouse and Keyboard hooks have benn disabled.
-Press Yes to exit thread and continue execution
-Press no to continue thread (debug).
-Press cancel to exit application
exception was caused in thread id : 8004]
My guess is that there is a maximum limit for multithreading in A's,
Is there a way to perform 1000 indexes ... and even 10000 indexes without difficulty
edit: duplicate post removed