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ocr code of the web

Posted: 15 Dec 2017, 03:24
by xuezhe
I use the WmCode.dll for ocr the code of web. something error happens when running the following code .
I guess it because the type of str(Ansi or Unicode),but I have no idea about the usage of it.Could you help me,thx very much.

Code: Select all

dllpath:=A_SCRIPTDIR "\WmCode.dll"
Msgbox DllCall("LoadLibrary","Str",dllpath)
filePath:=A_SCRIPTDIR "\网易论坛.dat"
MsgBox DllCall(dllpath "\LoadWmFromFile","AStr",filePath,"AStr","163","Int")  ;password="163"
ImgFile:=A_SCRIPTDIR "\temp.jpg"
VarSetCapacity(code, 255)
MsgBox DllCall(dllpath "\GetImageFromFile","Str",ImgFile,"Uint",&code,"Int") 
MsgBox code

vb 6.0 for example

Code: Select all

Private Declare Function URLDownloadToFile Lib "urlmon" Alias "URLDownloadToFileA" (ByVal pCaller As Long, ByVal szURL As String, ByVal szFileName As String, ByVal dwReserved As Long, ByVal lpfnCB As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function LoadWmFromBuffer Lib "WmCode.dll" (ByVal FileBuffer As Long, ByVal FileBufLen As Long, ByVal Password As String) As Boolean
Private Declare Function LoadWmFromFile Lib "WmCode.dll" (ByVal FilePath As String, ByVal Password As String) As Boolean
Private Declare Function GetImageFromFile Lib "WmCode.dll" (ByVal FilePath As String, ByVal Vcode As String) As Boolean
Private Declare Function GetImageFromBuffer Lib "WmCode.dll" (ByVal ImgBuffer As Long, ByVal ImgBufLen As Long, ByVal Vcode As String) As Boolean
Private Declare Function SetWmOption Lib "WmCode.dll" (ByVal OptionIndex As Long, ByVal OptionValue As Long) As Boolean

Private Sub Command1_Click()
Dim Image() As Byte
Dim ImgFile As String
Dim ImgURL As String
ImgFile = "temp.jpg"
ImgURL = txtURL.Text
Call URLDownloadToFile(0, ImgURL, ImgFile, 0, 0)
Picture1.Picture = LoadPicture(ImgFile)
End Sub

Public Function MyReadFile(FilePath As String, FileBuffer() As Byte)
Dim FileSize As Long '文件长度
FileSize = FileLen(FilePath) '获取文件长度
ReDim FileBuffer(FileSize - 1) As Byte
Open FilePath For Binary As #1
Get #1, , FileBuffer
End Function

Private Sub Command2_Click()
Dim Image() As Byte
Dim ImgFile As String
Dim Vcode As String
Vcode = "      " '必须先对这个变量赋多个空格,空格数量要比验证码字符数量多1
ImgFile = "temp.jpg"

Call MyReadFile(ImgFile, Image)

'If (LoadWmFromFile(ImgFile, Vcode)) Then
  'Text1.Text = Vcode
'End If

If (GetImageFromBuffer(VarPtr(Image(0)), UBound(Image), Vcode)) Then
   Text1.Text = Vcode
End If
End Sub

Private Sub Command3_Click()
'请根据自己的情况修改dat所在路径,字库密码为 163
If (LoadWmFromFile(txtPath.Text, "163") = False) Then
  MsgBox "载入识别库出错。"
End If
If (SetWmOption(6, 90) = False) Then
MsgBox "设置最小相似度出错。"
End If

Command1.Enabled = True
Command2.Enabled = True
End Sub

Python for example

Code: Select all

#本代码文件在32位的python 3.4.3版测试通过
import urllib
import time
import string
import ctypes
from ctypes import * 

dll = ctypes.windll.LoadLibrary('WmCode.dll')

other language for example and the dll have been uploaded to the site.

googledrive ... FMJbkS0iK4