ScriptVar - Object deep clone, compile, and parse

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ScriptVar - Object deep clone, compile, and parse

11 Mar 2024, 13:06

ScriptVar - Object deep clone, compile, and parse

ObjDeepClone(): Deep clone an object.
ObjCompile() : Convert a user class object to a string packet.
ObjParse() : Convert a compiled packet back to object.

These can be used for string communication between scripts.

This is the part of ScriptSock project.

Need test more!

Update: Version: 2024.03.17

Update ObjDeepClone(), ObjCompile(), ObjParse():
- Improve checking of object types.
- Add skipping of Prototype object. (ObjCompile())

Current Limitation:
- Unable to check and skip static property[]{Get, Set}. (ObjCompile())

Update: Version: 2024.03.15
Update: Version: 2024.03.14
Update: Version: 2024.03.13.2
Update: Version: 2024.03.12.2

Test Class:

Code: Select all

	Class ClassMain
		A := 1
		B := ClassB()
		J :=
			K: 8,
		L := 9

		M :=
			N: [10, 10],

			return (iVar)

	Class ClassB
		C := 2
		D := Map(
			"E", 3,
			"F", [4, {G: "5:5"}, 6]
		H := ClassH()

	Class ClassH
		I := 7

ObjDeepClone() Example:

Code: Select all

	oClassMain := ClassMain()
	oTarget := ScriptVar.ObjDeepClone(oClassMain)

	oClassMain.B.D["F"][2].G := "X:X"

	MsgBox(oClassMain.B.D["F"][2].G " - " oTarget.B.D["F"][2].G) ; -> X:X - 5:5

ObjCompile() and ObjParse() Example:

Code: Select all

	; Result packet:
	; @ClassMain{A:1;B:@ClassB{C:2;D:@Map{E:3;F:@Array{1:4;2:@Object{G:5^DESCRIPTOR^5};3:6}};H:@ClassH{I:7}};J:@Object{K:8};L:9;M:@Object{N:@Array{1:10;2:10}}}

	sSourcePacket := ScriptVar.ObjCompile(ClassMain())
	A_Clipboard := "[S]: " sSourcePacket

	oTarget := ScriptVar.ObjParse(sSourcePacket)
	sTargetPacket := ScriptVar.ObjCompile(oTarget)
	A_Clipboard := "[T]: " sTargetPacket

	oTarget.O(10) ; -> 10

	MsgBox((sSourcePacket = sTargetPacket) ? "Same (O)" : "Different (X)") ; -> Same (O)

ScriptVar Main

Code: Select all

; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; ScriptVar
; Packet creator: Object deep clone, compile, and parse
; AutoHotkey V2 (2.0.11)
; Author: AstraVista
; Version: 2024.03.17
; Part of ScriptSock project:
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

class ScriptVar
	; Attribute are defined as a name in base, and a value in the class.
	static Attribute :=
		; TEST1
		aAttribute: Map(),

	; Property are defined as a name in the class, and a value in the class instance.
	static Property :=
		sTargetScript: "",
		sSourceScript: "",
		sCommand: "",
		aData: Map(),
		aMsg: Map(),
		aFlag: Map(),

	; Externals are defined only in the class.
	static External :=
		; TEST1
		sExternal: "",

	; Internals are defined both the class and the class instance. Therefore, it can accessed with "this." in both.
	static Internal :=
			PACK: ";",
			DESC: ":",
			KIND: "@",
			OBJS: "{",
			OBJE: "}",

	static __New()

		; OwnProps() returns not in defining order but randomly.
		; Thus, creating order is random.
		for vName, vValue in ScriptVar.OwnProps()
			if (vName = "Attribute")
				for vName, vValue in ScriptVar.%vName%.OwnProps()
					ScriptVar.base.DefineProp(vName, {Value: vName})

				for vName, vValue in ScriptVar.%vName%.OwnProps()
					ScriptVar.DefineProp(vName, {Value: vValue})

			if (vName = "Property")
				for vName, vValue in ScriptVar.%vName%.OwnProps()
					ScriptVar.DefineProp(vName, {Value: vName})

				for vName, vValue in ScriptVar.%vName%.OwnProps()
					ScriptVar.Prototype.DefineProp(vName, {Value: vValue})

			if (vName = "External")
				for vName, vValue in ScriptVar.%vName%.OwnProps()
					ScriptVar.DefineProp(vName, {Value: vValue})

			if (vName = "Internal")
				for vName, vValue in ScriptVar.%vName%.OwnProps()
					ScriptVar.base.Prototype.DefineProp(vName, {Value: vValue})

	__New(sTargetScript := "", sCommand := "", aData := Map(), aMsg := Map(), aFlag := Map())
		for vName, vValue in ScriptVar.Property.OwnProps()
			this.%vName% := vValue

		this.sTargetScript := sTargetScript
		this.sSourceScript := A_ScriptFullPath
		this.sCommand := sCommand
		this.aData := aData.Clone()
		this.aMsg := aMsg.Clone()
		this.aFlag := aFlag.Clone()

	Call(sTargetScript := "", sCommand := "", aData := Map(), aMsg := Map(), aFlag := Map())
		this.__New(sTargetScript, sCommand, aData, aMsg, aFlag)

	; ==============================================================================================================================
	; ObjDeepClone() Method
	; ==============================================================================================================================

	static ObjDeepClone(oSource)
		bDebugA := true
		bDebugB := false

		; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		; Clone Object
		; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

		; Object must have Clone() method. But, use try {}.
		if (bDebugB)
			MsgBox("Type " Type(oSource) " is cloning.")

			oTarget := oSource.Clone()
			if (bDebugA)
				MsgBox("Type '" Type(oSource) "' is skipped in Clone() of ObjDeepClone().")
			return (oSource)

		; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		; Enumerate Properties
		; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

		if (Type(oTarget) = "Array")
			for vPropName, vPropData in oTarget
				if (IsObject(vPropData))
					if (bDebugB)
						MsgBox("Array Start: " vPropName " -> Data: " Type(vPropData))
					oTarget[vPropName] := this.ObjDeepClone(vPropData)
					if (bDebugB)
						MsgBox("Array End: " vPropName " -> Data: " Type(oTarget[vPropName]))
		else if (Type(oTarget) = "Map")
			for vPropName, vPropData in oTarget
				; If Map has an object in the left side, it has to be skipped.
				; For, if the left side object is cloned, Map cannot search the object with the same name any more unfortunately.
				if (IsObject(vPropName))
					if (bDebugA)
						MsgBox("[" Type(oTarget) " Property Left] Reference `"" Type(vPropName) "`" is skipped in the enumeration of ObjDeepClone().")
					if (IsObject(vPropData))
						if (bDebugB)
							MsgBox("Map Start: " vPropName " -> Data: " Type(vPropData))
						oTarget[vPropName] := this.ObjDeepClone(vPropData)
						if (bDebugB)
							MsgBox("Map End: " vPropName " -> Data: " Type(oTarget[vPropName]))
		; Object must have OwnProps() method.
		else if (oTarget is Object)
			oEnumerator := 0
				oEnumerator := oSource.OwnProps()
			if (oEnumerator)
				for vPropName, vPropData in oEnumerator
					if (IsObject(vPropData))
						if (bDebugB)
							MsgBox("Object Start: " vPropName " -> Data: " Type(vPropData))

						; Down to the next level.
						oTarget.%vPropName% := this.ObjDeepClone(vPropData)
						if (bDebugB)
							MsgBox("Object End: " vPropName " -> Data: " Type(oTarget.%vPropName%))

		if (bDebugB)
			MsgBox("Type " Type(oTarget) " is returning.")

		return (oTarget)

	; ==============================================================================================================================
	; ObjCompile() Method
	; ==============================================================================================================================

	static ObjCompile(oSource, &sPacket := -1)
		bDebugA := true

		; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		; Top Level
		; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

		if (sPacket = -1)
			sPacket := ""

			if (Type(oSource) = "Array")
				sPacket .= this.Delim.KIND "Array"
			else if (Type(oSource) = "Map")
				sPacket .= this.Delim.KIND "Map"
			else if (oSource is Object)
					if (bDebugA)
						MsgBox(" Type `"" Type(oSource) "`" is skipped in Call() of ObjCompile().")
					return ("")

				sPacket .= this.Delim.KIND Type(oSource)

			; Down to the main level.
			sPacket .= this.Delim.OBJS
			this.ObjCompile(oSource, &sPacket)
			sPacket .= this.Delim.OBJE

			return (sPacket)

		; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		; Main Level
		; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

		oEnumerator := 0

		if (Type(oSource) = "Map" Or Type(oSource) = "Array")
			oEnumerator := oSource
		; Object must have OwnProps() method.
		else if (oSource is Object)
			oEnumerator := oSource.OwnProps()

		if (oEnumerator)
			for vPropName, vPropData in oEnumerator
				if (IsObject(vPropName))
					if (bDebugA)
						MsgBox("[" Type(oSource) " Property Left] Reference `"" Type(vPropName) "`" is skipped in the enumeration of ObjCompile().")


				; All classes have prototype, which is enumerated.
				if (vPropName = "Prototype")
					if (bDebugA)
						MsgBox("[" Type(oSource) " Property Left] `"" vPropName "`" is skipped in the enumeration of ObjCompile().")


				; Limitation:
				; - static Property[]{Get, Set} is included in the enumerator.
				; - But there is no way to check and skip them. So, the name and the value of current data is inserted.

				sPacket .= vPropName
				sPacket .= this.Delim.DESC

				if (IsObject(vPropData))
						if (bDebugA)
							MsgBox("[" Type(oSource) " Property " vPropName "] Type `"" Type(vPropData) "`" is skipped in Call() of ObjCompile().")
						sPacket .= this.Delim.KIND Type(vPropData)

						; Down to the next level.
						sPacket .= this.Delim.OBJS
						this.ObjCompile(vPropData, &sPacket)
						sPacket .= this.Delim.OBJE
					for vName, vValue in this.Delim.OwnProps()
						if (!InStr(vName, this.Delim.TRAN))
							vPropData := StrReplace(vPropData, vValue, this.Delim.%(vName this.Delim.TRAN)%)

					sPacket .= vPropData

				sPacket .= this.Delim.PACK

			sPacket := RTrim(sPacket, this.Delim.PACK)


	; ==============================================================================================================================
	; ObjParse() Method
	; ==============================================================================================================================

	static ObjParse(sPacket, oTarget := -1)
		bDebugA := true
		bDebugB := false

		bUseCallMethod := true
		bUseMapDefault := true

		if (bUseMapDefault)
			sMapDefault := ""

		; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		; Top Level
		; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

		if (oTarget = -1)
			if (Type(sPacket) != "String")
				return (0)

			aPack := StrSplit(sPacket, this.Delim.PACK)
			if (aPack.Length = 0)
				return (0)

			aDesc := StrSplit(aPack[1], this.Delim.DESC)

			vPropData := aDesc[1]

			if (RegExMatch(vPropData, this.Delim.KIND "(.*?)\" this.Delim.OBJS, &sKindName))
				if (bUseCallMethod)
					oTarget := %sKindName[1]%()
					oTarget := {}
					oTarget.base := %sKindName[1]%.Prototype
				return (0)

			if (bDebugB)
				MsgBox("Top level start:`n`nPacket: " sPacket "`n`n" Type(oTarget) "`n`n-> " SubStr(sPacket, InStr(sPacket, this.Delim.OBJS) + 1))

			; Down to the main level.
			sPacket := SubStr(sPacket, InStr(sPacket, this.Delim.OBJS) + 1)
			sPacket := this.ObjParse(sPacket, oTarget)

			if (bDebugB)
				MsgBox("Top level end:`n`n" sKindName[1] "`n`nPacket: " sPacket)

			return (oTarget)

		; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		; Main Level
		; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

			; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
			; Parse Packet
			; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
			aPack := StrSplit(sPacket, this.Delim.PACK)

			if (aPack.Length = 0)
				if (bDebugB)
					MsgBox("Packet: " sPacket "`n`nReturn: End of packet")

				return (sPacket)

			aDesc := StrSplit(aPack[1], this.Delim.DESC)

			if (aDesc.Length <= 1)
				if (aDesc.Length = 1)
					if (InStr(aDesc[1], this.Delim.OBJE))
						if (bDebugB)
							MsgBox("Packet: " sPacket "`n`nReturn: " aDesc[1] "`n`n-> " LTrim(SubStr(sPacket, InStr(sPacket, this.Delim.OBJE) + 1), this.Delim.PACK))

						; Up to the previous level.
						sPacket := LTrim(SubStr(sPacket, InStr(sPacket, this.Delim.OBJE) + 1), this.Delim.PACK)
						return (sPacket)
						iPackStartPos := InStr(sPacket, this.Delim.PACK)
						sPacket := (iPackStartPos) ? SubStr(sPacket, iPackStartPos + 1) : ""
					sPacket := ""

			vPropName := aDesc[1]
			vPropData := aDesc[2]

			if (bDebugB)
				MsgBox("Seperate property:`n`nPacket: " sPacket "`n`n" vPropName "`n" vPropData)

			; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
			; Create Object
			; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
			if (InStr(vPropData, this.Delim.OBJS))
				if (RegExMatch(vPropData, this.Delim.KIND "(.*?)\" this.Delim.OBJS, &sKindName))
					oCreateObj := 0
						oCreateObj := %sKindName[1]%()

					if (!oCreateObj)
						if (bDebugA)
							MsgBox("[" Type(oTarget) " Property " vPropName "] Type `"" sKindName[1] "`" is skipped in Call() of ObjParse().")
						; Make a shallow copy of Map's Default property to the created object in only first level.
						; Because, below first level, all structures of object are newly created,
						; and previously created data are all removed already.
						; If avoiding this, must make objects from bottom to top. But this is almost impossible to make.
						; Or do not create object if it already exist, but this makes object's stuctures corrupted.

						if (IsSet(sMapDefault))
							if (Type(oCreateObj) = "Map")
									sMapDefault := oTarget[vPropName].Default
										sMapDefault := oTarget.%vPropName%.Default
								oCreateObj.Default := sMapDefault

						if (Type(oTarget) = "Array")
							oTarget.InsertAt(vPropName, oCreateObj)
						else if (Type(oTarget) = "Map")
							oTarget[vPropName] := oCreateObj
						else if (IsObject(oTarget))
							oTarget.%vPropName% := oCreateObj

					if (bDebugB)
						MsgBox("Object begin:`n`nPacket: " sPacket "`n`n" sKindName[1] "`n`n-> " SubStr(sPacket, InStr(sPacket, this.Delim.OBJS) + 1))

					; Down to the next level.
					sPacket := SubStr(sPacket, InStr(sPacket, this.Delim.OBJS) + 1)
					sPacket := this.ObjParse(sPacket, oCreateObj)

					if (bDebugB)
						MsgBox("Object end:`n`n" sKindName[1] "`n`nPacket: " sPacket)
			; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
			; Input Data
			; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
				iObjEndPos := 0

				if (InStr(vPropData, this.Delim.OBJE))
					iObjEndPos := InStr(sPacket, this.Delim.OBJE)
					vPropData := StrReplace(vPropData, this.Delim.OBJE)

				for vName, vValue in this.Delim.OwnProps()
					if (!InStr(vName, this.Delim.TRAN))
						vPropData := StrReplace(vPropData, this.Delim.%(vName this.Delim.TRAN)%, vValue)

				if (Type(oTarget) = "Array")
					if (oTarget.Has(vPropName))
					oTarget.InsertAt(vPropName, vPropData)
				else if (Type(oTarget) = "Map")
					oTarget[vPropName] := vPropData
				else if (IsObject(oTarget))
					oTarget.%vPropName% := vPropData

				if (iObjEndPos)
					if (bDebugB)
						MsgBox("Set value: `n`nPacket: " sPacket "`n`n" vPropName "`n" vPropData "`nReturn: " "true" "`n`n->" LTrim(SubStr(sPacket, iObjEndPos + 1), this.Delim.PACK))

					; Up to the previous level.
					sPacket := LTrim(SubStr(sPacket, iObjEndPos + 1), this.Delim.PACK)
					return (sPacket)
					if (bDebugB)
						MsgBox("Set value: `n`nPacket: " sPacket "`n`n" vPropName "`n" vPropData "`nReturn: " "false" "`n`n->" SubStr(sPacket, InStr(sPacket, this.Delim.PACK) + 1))

					iPackStartPos := InStr(sPacket, this.Delim.PACK)
					sPacket := (iPackStartPos) ? SubStr(sPacket, iPackStartPos + 1) : ""

		return (sPacket)

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