Code: Select all
; Script: ImagePut.ahk
; Author: iseahound
; License: MIT License
; Version: 2020-05-22
; Release: 2020-09-14
; ImagePut - Windows Image Transformation Library
; Copy and paste functions from this reference libary as you wish.
; -> All put_XXX functions map from a pBitmap to XXX.
; -> All from_XXX functions map from XXX to a pBitmap.
; Or use ImagePut functions as part of your standard libary.
; Puts the image into a file format and returns a base64 encoded string.
; extension - File Encoding | string -> bmp, gif, jpg, png, tiff
; quality - JPEG Quality Level | integer -> 0 - 100
ImagePutBase64(ByRef image, extension := "", quality := "")
=> ImagePut("base64", image,,, extension, quality)
; Puts the image into a GDI+ Bitmap and returns a pointer.
ImagePutBitmap(ByRef image)
=> ImagePut("bitmap", image)
; Puts the image into a GDI+ Bitmap and returns a buffer object with GDI+ scope.
ImagePutBuffer(ByRef image)
=> ImagePut("buffer", image)
; Puts the image onto the clipboard and returns ClipboardAll().
ImagePutClipboard(ByRef image)
=> ImagePut("clipboard", image)
; Puts the image as the cursor and returns the variable A_Cursor.
; xHotspot - X Click Point | pixel -> 0 - width
; yHotspot - Y Click Point | pixel -> 0 - height
ImagePutCursor(ByRef image, xHotspot := "", yHotspot := "")
=> ImagePut("cursor", image,,, xHotspot, yHotspot)
; Puts the image behind the desktop icons and returns the string "desktop".
; scale - Scale Factor | real -> A_ScreenHeight / height.
ImagePutDesktop(ByRef image, scale := 1)
=> ImagePut("desktop", image,, scale)
; Puts the image into a file and returns a relative filepath.
; filepath - Filepath + Extension | string -> *.bmp, *.gif, *.jpg, *.png, *.tiff
; quality - JPEG Quality Level | integer -> 0 - 100
ImagePutFile(ByRef image, filepath := "", quality := "")
=> ImagePut("file", image,,, filepath, quality)
; Puts the image into a device independent bitmap and returns the handle.
; alpha - Alpha Replacement Color | RGB -> 0xFFFFFF
ImagePutHBitmap(ByRef image, alpha := "")
=> ImagePut("hBitmap", image,,, alpha)
; Puts the image into a file format and returns a hexadecimal encoded string.
; extension - File Encoding | string -> bmp, gif, jpg, png, tiff
; quality - JPEG Quality Level | integer -> 0 - 100
ImagePutHex(ByRef image, extension := "", quality := "")
=> ImagePut("hex", image,,, extension, quality)
; Puts the image into an icon and returns the handle.
ImagePutHIcon(ByRef image)
=> ImagePut("hBitmap", image)
; Puts the image into a file format and returns a pointer to a RandomAccessStream.
; extension - File Encoding | string -> bmp, gif, jpg, png, tiff
; quality - JPEG Quality Level | integer -> 0 - 100
ImagePutRandomAccessStream(ByRef image, extension := "", quality := "")
=> ImagePut("RandomAccessStream", image,,, extension, quality)
; Puts the image on the shared screen device context and returns an array of coordinates.
; screenshot - Screen Coordinates | array -> [x,y,w,h] or [0,0]
; alpha - Alpha Replacement Color | RGB -> 0xFFFFFF
ImagePutScreenshot(ByRef image, screenshot := "", alpha := "")
=> ImagePut("screenshot", image,,, screenshot, alpha)
; Puts the image into a file format and returns a pointer to a stream.
; extension - File Encoding | string -> bmp, gif, jpg, png, tiff
; quality - JPEG Quality Level | integer -> 0 - 100
ImagePutStream(ByRef image, extension := "", quality := "")
=> ImagePut("stream", image,,, extension, quality)
; Puts the image as the desktop wallpaper and returns the string "wallpaper".
ImagePutWallpaper(ByRef image)
=> ImagePut("wallpaper", image)
; Puts the image in a window and returns a handle to a window.
; title - Window Caption Title | string -> MyTitle
ImagePutWindow(ByRef image, title := "")
=> ImagePut("window", image,,, title)
; ImagePut() - Puts an image from anywhere to anywhere.
; cotype - Output Type | string -> Case Insensitive. Read documentation.
; image - Input Image | image -> Anything. Refer to ImageType().
; crop - Crop Coordinates | array -> [x,y,w,h] could be negative or percent.
; scale - Scale Factor | real -> 2.0
; terms* - Additional Parameters | variadic -> Extra parameters found in toCotype().
ImagePut(cotype, ByRef image, crop := "", scale := "", terms*)
=>, image, crop, scale, terms*)
class ImagePut {
static call(cotype, ByRef image, crop := "", scale := "", terms*) {
; Take a guess as to what the image might be. (>90% accuracy!)
try type := this.DontVerifyImageType(image)
type := this.ImageType(image)
; Qualify additional parameters for correctness.
_crop := IsObject(crop)
&& crop[1] ~= "^-?\d+(\.\d*)?%?$" && crop[2] ~= "^-?\d+(\.\d*)?%?$"
&& crop[3] ~= "^-?\d+(\.\d*)?%?$" && crop[4] ~= "^-?\d+(\.\d*)?%?$"
_scale := scale != 1 && scale ~= "^\d+(\.\d+)?$"
; Make a copy of the image as a pBitmap.
pBitmap := this.toBitmap(type, image)
; Crop the image.
if (_crop) {
pBitmap2 := this.BitmapCrop(pBitmap, crop)
DllCall("gdiplus\GdipDisposeImage", "ptr", pBitmap)
pBitmap := pBitmap2
; Scale the image.
if (_scale) {
pBitmap2 := this.BitmapScale(pBitmap, scale)
DllCall("gdiplus\GdipDisposeImage", "ptr", pBitmap)
pBitmap := pBitmap2
; Put the pBitmap to wherever the cotype specifies.
coimage := this.toCotype(cotype, pBitmap, terms*)
; Clean up the pBitmap copy. Export raw pointers if requested.
if !(cotype = "bitmap" || cotype = "buffer")
DllCall("gdiplus\GdipDisposeImage", "ptr", pBitmap)
return coimage
static DontVerifyImageType(ByRef image) {
if !IsObject(image)
throw Exception("Must be an object.")
; Check for image type declarations.
; Assumes that the user is telling the truth.
if ObjHasOwnProp(image, "clipboard") {
image := image.clipboard
return "clipboard"
if ObjHasOwnProp(image, "object") {
image := image.object
return "object"
if ObjHasOwnProp(image, "buffer") {
image := image.buffer
return "buffer"
if ObjHasOwnProp(image, "screenshot") {
image := image.screenshot
return "screenshot"
if ObjHasOwnProp(image, "window") {
image := image.window
return "window"
if ObjHasOwnProp(image, "desktop") {
image := image.desktop
return "desktop"
if ObjHasOwnProp(image, "wallpaper") {
image := image.wallpaper
return "wallpaper"
if ObjHasOwnProp(image, "cursor") {
image := image.cursor
return "cursor"
if ObjHasOwnProp(image, "url") {
image := image.url
return "url"
if ObjHasOwnProp(image, "file") {
image := image.file
return "file"
if ObjHasOwnProp(image, "monitor") {
image := image.monitor
return "monitor"
if ObjHasOwnProp(image, "hBitmap") {
image := image.hBitmap
return "hBitmap"
if ObjHasOwnProp(image, "hIcon") {
image := image.hIcon
return "hIcon"
if ObjHasOwnProp(image, "bitmap") {
image := image.bitmap
return "bitmap"
if ObjHasOwnProp(image, "stream") {
image :=
return "stream"
if ObjHasOwnProp(image, "RandomAccessStream") {
image := image.RandomAccessStream
return "RandomAccessStream"
if ObjHasOwnProp(image, "hex") {
image := image.hex
return "hex"
if ObjHasOwnProp(image, "base64") {
image := image.base64
return "base64"
if ObjHasOwnProp(image, "sprite") {
image := image.sprite
return "sprite"
throw Exception("Invalid type.")
static ImageType(ByRef image) {
; Throw if the image is an empty string.
if (image == "")
throw Exception("Image data is an empty string.")
if IsObject(image) {
; A "clipboard" is a buffer object containing binary data returned by ClipboardAll()
if (image.base.HasOwnProp("__class") && image.base.__class == "ClipboardAll")
return "clipboard"
; An "object" is an object that implements a Bitmap() method returning a pointer to a GDI+ bitmap.
if image.HasOwnMethod("Bitmap")
return "object"
; A "buffer" is an AutoHotkey v2 buffer object.
if image.HasOwnProp("pBitmap")
return "buffer"
; A "screenshot" is an array of 4 numbers.
if (image[1] ~= "^-?\d+$" && image[2] ~= "^-?\d+$" && image[3] ~= "^-?\d+$" && image[4] ~= "^-?\d+$")
return "screenshot"
; A "window" is anything considered a Window Title including ahk_class and "A".
if WinExist(image)
return "window"
; A "desktop" is a hidden window behind the desktop icons created by ImagePutDesktop.
if (image = "desktop")
return "desktop"
; A "wallpaper" is the desktop wallpaper.
if (image = "wallpaper")
return "wallpaper"
; A "cursor" is the name of a known cursor name.
if (image ~= "(?i)^(IDC|OCR)?_?(A_Cursor|AppStarting|Arrow|Cross|Help|IBeam|"
. "Icon|No|Size|SizeAll|SizeNESW|SizeNS|SizeNWSE|SizeWE|UpArrow|Wait|Unknown)$")
return "cursor"
; A "url" satisfies the url format.
if this.is_url(image)
return "url"
; A "file" is stored on the disk or network.
if FileExist(image)
return "file"
if IsInteger(image) {
; A non-zero "monitor" number identifies each display uniquely; and 0 refers to the entire virtual screen.
if (image >= 0 && image <= MonitorGetCount())
return "monitor"
; An "hBitmap" is a handle to a GDI Bitmap.
if (DllCall("GetObjectType", "ptr", image) == 7)
return "hBitmap"
; An "hIcon" is a handle to a GDI icon.
if DllCall("DestroyIcon", "ptr", DllCall("CopyIcon", "ptr", image, "ptr"))
return "hIcon"
; A "bitmap" is a pointer to a GDI+ Bitmap.
try if !DllCall("gdiplus\GdipGetImageType", "ptr", image, "ptr*", type:=0) && (type == 1)
return "bitmap"
; Note 1: All GDI+ functions add 1 to the reference count of COM objects.
; Note 2: GDI+ pBitmaps that are queried cease to stay pBitmaps.
; A "stream" is a pointer to the IStream interface.
try if ComObjQuery(image, "{0000000C-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}")
return "stream"
; A "RandomAccessStream" is a pointer to the IRandomAccessStream interface.
try if ComObjQuery(image, "{905A0FE1-BC53-11DF-8C49-001E4FC686DA}")
return "RandomAccessStream"
; A "hex" string is binary image data encoded into text using hexadecimal.
if (StrLen(image) >= 116) && (image ~= "(?i)^\s*(0x)?[0-9a-f]+\s*$")
return "hex"
; A "base64" string is binary image data encoded into text using only 64 characters.
if (StrLen(image) >= 80) && (image ~= "^\s*(?:data:image\/[a-z]+;base64,)?"
. "(?:[A-Za-z0-9+\/]{4})*+(?:[A-Za-z0-9+\/]{3}=|[A-Za-z0-9+\/]{2}==)?\s*$")
return "base64"
; For more helpful error messages: Catch file names without extensions!
for extension in ["bmp","dib","rle","jpg","jpeg","jpe","jfif","gif","tif","tiff","png","ico","exe","dll"]
if FileExist(image "." extension)
throw Exception("A ." extension " file extension is required!")
throw Exception("Image type could not be identified.")
static toBitmap(type, ByRef image) {
if (type = "clipboard")
return this.from_clipboard()
if (type = "object") ; Special
return image.Bitmap()
if (type = "buffer")
return this.from_bitmap(image.pBitmap)
if (type = "screenshot")
return this.from_screenshot(image)
if (type = "window")
return this.from_window(image)
if (type = "desktop")
return this.from_desktop()
if (type = "wallpaper")
return this.from_wallpaper()
if (type = "cursor")
return this.from_cursor()
if (type = "url")
return this.from_url(image)
if (type = "file")
return this.from_file(image)
if (type = "monitor")
return this.from_monitor(image)
if (type = "hBitmap")
return this.from_hBitmap(image)
if (type = "hIcon")
return this.from_hIcon(image)
if (type = "bitmap")
return this.from_bitmap(image)
if (type = "stream")
return this.from_stream(image)
if (type = "RandomAccessStream")
return this.from_RandomAccessStream(image)
if (type = "hex")
return this.from_hex(image)
if (type = "base64")
return this.from_base64(image)
if (type = "sprite")
return this.from_sprite(image)
throw Exception("Conversion from type " type " is not supported.")
static toCotype(cotype, ByRef pBitmap, term1 := "", term2 := "", *) {
; toCotype("clipboard", pBitmap)
if (cotype = "clipboard")
return this.put_clipboard(pBitmap)
; toCotype("buffer", pBitmap)
if (cotype = "buffer")
return this.put_buffer(pBitmap)
; toCotype("screenshot", pBitmap, screenshot, alpha)
if (cotype = "screenshot")
return this.put_screenshot(pBitmap, term1, term2)
; toCotype("window", pBitmap, title)
if (cotype = "window")
return this.put_window(pBitmap, term1)
; toCotype("desktop", pBitmap)
if (cotype = "desktop")
return this.put_desktop(pBitmap)
; toCotype("wallpaper", pBitmap)
if (cotype = "wallpaper")
return this.put_wallpaper(pBitmap)
; toCotype("cursor", pBitmap, xHotspot, yHotspot)
if (cotype = "cursor")
return this.put_cursor(pBitmap, term1, term2)
; toCotype("url", pBitmap)
if (cotype = "url")
return this.put_url(pBitmap)
; toCotype("file", pBitmap, filename, quality)
if (cotype = "file")
return this.put_file(pBitmap, term1, term2)
; toCotype("hBitmap", pBitmap, alpha)
if (cotype = "hBitmap")
return this.put_hBitmap(pBitmap, term1)
; toCotype("hIcon", pBitmap)
if (cotype = "hIcon")
return this.put_hIcon(pBitmap)
; toCotype("bitmap", pBitmap)
if (cotype = "bitmap")
return pBitmap
; toCotype("stream", pBitmap, extension, quality)
if (cotype = "stream")
return this.put_stream(pBitmap, term1, term2)
; toCotype("RandomAccessStream", pBitmap, extension, quality)
if (cotype = "RandomAccessStream")
return this.put_RandomAccessStream(pBitmap, term1, term2)
; toCotype("hex", pBitmap, extension, quality)
if (cotype = "hex")
return this.put_hex(pBitmap, term1, term2)
; toCotype("base64", pBitmap, extension, quality)
if (cotype = "base64")
return this.put_base64(pBitmap, term1, term2)
throw Exception("Conversion to type " cotype " is not supported.")
static DisposeImage(ByRef pBitmap) {
return DllCall("gdiplus\GdipDisposeImage", "ptr", pBitmap)
static BitmapCrop(ByRef pBitmap, crop) {
; Get Bitmap width, height, and format.
DllCall("gdiplus\GdipGetImageWidth", "ptr", pBitmap, "uint*", width:=0)
DllCall("gdiplus\GdipGetImageHeight", "ptr", pBitmap, "uint*", height:=0)
DllCall("gdiplus\GdipGetImagePixelFormat", "ptr", pBitmap, "uint*", format:=0)
; Are the numbers percentages?
crop[3] := (crop[3] ~= "%$") ? SubStr(crop[3], 1, -1) * 0.01 * width : crop[3]
crop[4] := (crop[4] ~= "%$") ? SubStr(crop[4], 1, -1) * 0.01 * height : crop[4]
crop[1] := (crop[1] ~= "%$") ? SubStr(crop[1], 1, -1) * 0.01 * width : crop[1]
crop[2] := (crop[2] ~= "%$") ? SubStr(crop[2], 1, -1) * 0.01 * height : crop[2]
; If numbers are negative, subtract the values from the edge.
crop[3] := (crop[3] < 0) ? width - Abs(crop[3]) - Abs(crop[1]) : crop[3]
crop[4] := (crop[4] < 0) ? height - Abs(crop[4]) - Abs(crop[2]) : crop[4]
crop[1] := Abs(crop[1])
crop[2] := Abs(crop[2])
; Round to the nearest integer.
crop[3] := Round(crop[1] + crop[3]) - Round(crop[1]) ; A reminder that width and height
crop[4] := Round(crop[2] + crop[4]) - Round(crop[2]) ; are distances, not coordinates.
crop[1] := Round(crop[1]) ; so the abstract concept of a distance must be resolved
crop[2] := Round(crop[2]) ; into coordinates and then rounded and added up again.
; Variance Shift. Now place x,y before w,h because we are building abstracts from reals now.
; Before we were resolving abstracts into real coordinates, now it's the opposite.
; Ensure that coordinates can never exceed the expected Bitmap area.
safe_x := (crop[1] > width) ? 0 : crop[1] ; Zero x if bigger.
safe_y := (crop[2] > height) ? 0 : crop[2] ; Zero y if bigger.
safe_w := (crop[1] + crop[3] > width) ? width - safe_x : crop[3] ; Max w if bigger.
safe_h := (crop[2] + crop[4] > height) ? height - safe_y : crop[4] ; Max h if bigger.
; Clone
, "int", safe_x
, "int", safe_y
, "int", safe_w
, "int", safe_h
, "int", format
, "ptr", pBitmap
, "ptr*", pBitmapCrop:=0)
return pBitmapCrop
static BitmapScale(ByRef pBitmap, scale) {
; Get Bitmap width, height, and format.
DllCall("gdiplus\GdipGetImageWidth", "ptr", pBitmap, "uint*", width:=0)
DllCall("gdiplus\GdipGetImageHeight", "ptr", pBitmap, "uint*", height:=0)
DllCall("gdiplus\GdipGetImagePixelFormat", "ptr", pBitmap, "uint*", format:=0)
safe_w := Ceil(width * scale)
safe_h := Ceil(height * scale)
; Create a new bitmap and get the graphics context.
, "int", safe_w, "int", safe_h, "int", 0, "int", format, "ptr", 0, "ptr*", pBitmapScale:=0)
DllCall("gdiplus\GdipGetImageGraphicsContext", "ptr", pBitmapScale, "ptr*", pGraphics:=0)
; Set settings in graphics context.
DllCall("gdiplus\GdipSetPixelOffsetMode", "ptr", pGraphics, "int", 2) ; Half pixel offset.
DllCall("gdiplus\GdipSetCompositingMode", "ptr", pGraphics, "int", 1) ; Overwrite/SourceCopy.
DllCall("gdiplus\GdipSetInterpolationMode", "ptr", pGraphics, "int", 7) ; HighQualityBicubic
; Draw Image.
DllCall("gdiplus\GdipCreateImageAttributes", "ptr*", ImageAttr:=0)
DllCall("gdiplus\GdipSetImageAttributesWrapMode", "ptr", ImageAttr, "int", 3) ; WrapModeTileFlipXY
, "ptr", pGraphics
, "ptr", pBitmap
, "int", 0, "int", 0, "int", safe_w, "int", safe_h ; destination rectangle
, "int", 0, "int", 0, "int", width, "int", height ; source rectangle
, "int", 2
, "ptr", ImageAttr
, "ptr", 0
, "ptr", 0)
DllCall("gdiplus\GdipDisposeImageAttributes", "ptr", ImageAttr)
; Clean up the graphics context.
DllCall("gdiplus\GdipDeleteGraphics", "ptr", pGraphics)
return pBitmapScale
static is_url(url) {
; Thanks splattermania -
regex := "^(?i)"
. "((https?|ftp)\:\/\/)" ; SCHEME
. "([a-z0-9+!*(),;?&=\$_.-]+(\:[a-z0-9+!*(),;?&=\$_.-]+)?@)?" ; User and Pass
. "([a-z0-9-.]*)\.([a-z]{2,3})" ; Host or IP
. "(\:[0-9]{2,5})?" ; Port
. "(\/(?:[a-z0-9-_~!$&'()*+,;=:@]\.?)+)*\/?" ; Path
. "(\?[a-z+&\$_.-][a-z0-9;:@&%=+\/\$_.-]*)?" ; GET Query
. "(#[a-z_.-][a-z0-9+\$_.-]*)?$" ; Anchor
return (url ~= regex)
static from_clipboard() {
; Open the clipboard.
Loop 6 ; Try this 6 times.
if (A_Index > 1)
Sleep (2**(A_Index-2) * 30)
until (result := DllCall("OpenClipboard", "ptr", 0))
if !(result)
throw Exception("Clipboard could not be opened.")
; Prefer the PNG stream if available considering it supports transparency.
png := DllCall("RegisterClipboardFormat", "str", "png", "uint")
if DllCall("IsClipboardFormatAvailable", "uint", png, "int") {
hData := DllCall("GetClipboardData", "uint", png, "ptr")
DllCall("ole32\CreateStreamOnHGlobal", "ptr", hData, "int", true, "ptr*", pStream:=0)
DllCall("gdiplus\GdipCreateBitmapFromStream", "ptr", pStream, "ptr*", pBitmap:=0)
; Fallback to CF_BITMAP.
else if DllCall("IsClipboardFormatAvailable", "uint", 2, "int") {
hBitmap := DllCall("GetClipboardData", "uint", 2, "ptr")
DllCall("gdiplus\GdipCreateBitmapFromHBITMAP", "ptr", hBitmap, "ptr", 0, "ptr*", pBitmap:=0)
DllCall("DeleteObject", "ptr", hBitmap)
return pBitmap
static from_screenshot(ByRef image) {
; Thanks tic -
hdc := DllCall("CreateCompatibleDC", "ptr", 0, "ptr")
bi := BufferAlloc(40, 0) ; sizeof(bi) = 40
, NumPut( "uint", 40, bi, 0) ; Size
, NumPut( "int", image[3], bi, 4) ; Width
, NumPut( "int", -image[4], bi, 8) ; Height - Negative so (0, 0) is top-left.
, NumPut("ushort", 1, bi, 12) ; Planes
, NumPut("ushort", 32, bi, 14) ; BitCount / BitsPerPixel
hbm := DllCall("CreateDIBSection", "ptr", hdc, "ptr", bi, "uint", 0, "ptr*", pBits:=0, "ptr", 0, "uint", 0, "ptr")
obm := DllCall("SelectObject", "ptr", hdc, "ptr", hbm, "ptr")
; Retrieve the device context for the screen.
sdc := DllCall("GetDC", "ptr", 0, "ptr")
; Copies a portion of the screen to a new device context.
, "ptr", hdc, "int", 0, "int", 0, "int", image[3], "int", image[4]
, "ptr", sdc, "int", image[1], "int", image[2], "uint", 0x00CC0020 | 0x40000000) ; SRCCOPY | CAPTUREBLT
; Release the device context to the screen.
DllCall("ReleaseDC", "ptr", 0, "ptr", sdc)
; Convert the hBitmap to a Bitmap using a built in function as there is no transparency.
DllCall("gdiplus\GdipCreateBitmapFromHBITMAP", "ptr", hbm, "ptr", 0, "ptr*", pBitmap:=0)
; Cleanup the hBitmap and device contexts.
DllCall("SelectObject", "ptr", hdc, "ptr", obm)
DllCall("DeleteObject", "ptr", hbm)
DllCall("DeleteDC", "ptr", hdc)
return pBitmap
static from_window(ByRef image) {
; Thanks tic -
; Get the handle to the window.
image := WinExist(image)
; Restore the window if minimized! Must be visible for capture.
if DllCall("IsIconic", "ptr", image)
DllCall("ShowWindow", "ptr", image, "int", 4)
; Get the width and height of the client window.
Rect := BufferAlloc(16) ; sizeof(RECT) = 16
DllCall("GetClientRect", "ptr", image, "ptr", Rect)
, width := NumGet(Rect, 8, "int")
, height := NumGet(Rect, 12, "int")
hdc := DllCall("CreateCompatibleDC", "ptr", 0, "ptr")
bi := BufferAlloc(40, 0) ; sizeof(bi) = 40
, NumPut( "uint", 40, bi, 0) ; Size
, NumPut( "int", width, bi, 4) ; Width
, NumPut( "int", -height, bi, 8) ; Height - Negative so (0, 0) is top-left.
, NumPut("ushort", 1, bi, 12) ; Planes
, NumPut("ushort", 32, bi, 14) ; BitCount / BitsPerPixel
hbm := DllCall("CreateDIBSection", "ptr", hdc, "ptr", bi, "uint", 0, "ptr*", pBits:=0, "ptr", 0, "uint", 0, "ptr")
obm := DllCall("SelectObject", "ptr", hdc, "ptr", hbm, "ptr")
; Print the window onto the hBitmap using an undocumented flag.
DllCall("PrintWindow", "ptr", image, "ptr", hdc, "uint", 0x3) ; PW_RENDERFULLCONTENT | PW_CLIENTONLY
; Additional info on how this is implemented:
; Convert the hBitmap to a Bitmap using a built in function as there is no transparency.
DllCall("gdiplus\GdipCreateBitmapFromHBITMAP", "ptr", hbm, "ptr", 0, "ptr*", pBitmap:=0)
; Cleanup the hBitmap and device contexts.
DllCall("SelectObject", "ptr", hdc, "ptr", obm)
DllCall("DeleteObject", "ptr", hbm)
DllCall("DeleteDC", "ptr", hdc)
return pBitmap
static from_desktop() {
; Find the child window.
windows := WinGetList("ahk_class WorkerW")
if (windows.length == 0)
throw Exception("The hidden desktop window has not been initalized. Call ImagePutDesktop() first.")
Loop windows.length
hwnd := windows[A_Index]
until DllCall("FindWindowEx", "ptr", hwnd, "ptr", 0, "str", "SHELLDLL_DefView", "ptr", 0)
; Maybe this hack gets patched. Tough luck!
if !(WorkerW := DllCall("FindWindowEx", "ptr", 0, "ptr", hwnd, "str", "WorkerW", "ptr", 0, "ptr"))
throw Exception("Could not locate hidden window behind desktop.")
; Get the width and height of the client window.
Rect := BufferAlloc(16) ; sizeof(RECT) = 16
DllCall("GetClientRect", "ptr", WorkerW, "ptr", Rect)
, width := NumGet(Rect, 8, "int")
, height := NumGet(Rect, 12, "int")
; Get device context of spawned window.
sdc := DllCall("GetDCEx", "ptr", WorkerW, "ptr", 0, "int", 0x403, "ptr") ; LockWindowUpdate | Cache | Window
hdc := DllCall("CreateCompatibleDC", "ptr", 0, "ptr")
bi := BufferAlloc(40, 0) ; sizeof(bi) = 40
, NumPut( "uint", 40, bi, 0) ; Size
, NumPut( "int", width, bi, 4) ; Width
, NumPut( "int", -height, bi, 8) ; Height - Negative so (0, 0) is top-left.
, NumPut("ushort", 1, bi, 12) ; Planes
, NumPut("ushort", 32, bi, 14) ; BitCount / BitsPerPixel
hbm := DllCall("CreateDIBSection", "ptr", hdc, "ptr", bi, "uint", 0, "ptr*", pBits:=0, "ptr", 0, "uint", 0, "ptr")
obm := DllCall("SelectObject", "ptr", hdc, "ptr", hbm, "ptr")
; Copies a portion of the hidden window to a new device context.
, "ptr", hdc, "int", 0, "int", 0, "int", width, "int", height
, "ptr", sdc, "int", 0, "int", 0, "uint", 0x00CC0020) ; SRCCOPY
; Convert the hBitmap to a Bitmap using a built in function as there is no transparency.
DllCall("gdiplus\GdipCreateBitmapFromHBITMAP", "ptr", hbm, "ptr", 0, "ptr*", pBitmap:=0)
; Cleanup the hBitmap and device contexts.
DllCall("SelectObject", "ptr", hdc, "ptr", obm)
DllCall("DeleteObject", "ptr", hbm)
DllCall("DeleteDC", "ptr", hdc)
; Release device context of spawned window.
DllCall("ReleaseDC", "ptr", 0, "ptr", sdc)
return pBitmap
static from_wallpaper() {
; Get the width and height of all monitors.
width := DllCall("GetSystemMetrics", "int", 78)
height := DllCall("GetSystemMetrics", "int", 79)
hdc := DllCall("CreateCompatibleDC", "ptr", 0, "ptr")
bi := BufferAlloc(40, 0) ; sizeof(bi) = 40
, NumPut( "uint", 40, bi, 0) ; Size
, NumPut( "int", width, bi, 4) ; Width
, NumPut( "int", -height, bi, 8) ; Height - Negative so (0, 0) is top-left.
, NumPut("ushort", 1, bi, 12) ; Planes
, NumPut("ushort", 32, bi, 14) ; BitCount / BitsPerPixel
hbm := DllCall("CreateDIBSection", "ptr", hdc, "ptr", bi, "uint", 0, "ptr*", pBits:=0, "ptr", 0, "uint", 0, "ptr")
obm := DllCall("SelectObject", "ptr", hdc, "ptr", hbm, "ptr")
; Paints the desktop.
DllCall("PaintDesktop", "ptr", hdc)
; Convert the hBitmap to a Bitmap using a built in function as there is no transparency.
DllCall("gdiplus\GdipCreateBitmapFromHBITMAP", "ptr", hbm, "ptr", 0, "ptr*", pBitmap:=0)
; Cleanup the hBitmap and device contexts.
DllCall("SelectObject", "ptr", hdc, "ptr", obm)
DllCall("DeleteObject", "ptr", hbm)
DllCall("DeleteDC", "ptr", hdc)
return pBitmap
static from_cursor() {
; Thanks 23W -
; struct CURSORINFO -
ci := BufferAlloc(16+A_PtrSize, 0) ; sizeof(CURSORINFO) = 20, 24
, NumPut("int", ci.size, ci)
DllCall("GetCursorInfo", "ptr", ci)
; cShow := NumGet(ci, 4, "int") ; 0x1 = CURSOR_SHOWING, 0x2 = CURSOR_SUPPRESSED
, hCursor := NumGet(ci, 8, "ptr")
; xCursor := NumGet(ci, 8+A_PtrSize, "int")
; yCursor := NumGet(ci, 12+A_PtrSize, "int")
; Cursors are the same as icons!
pBitmap := this.from_hIcon(hCursor)
; Cleanup the handle to the cursor. Same as DestroyIcon.
DllCall("DestroyCursor", "ptr", hCursor)
return pBitmap
static from_url(ByRef image) {
req := ComObjCreate("WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5.1")
req.Open("GET", image)
IStream := ComObjQuery(req.ResponseStream, "{0000000C-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}")
DllCall("gdiplus\GdipCreateBitmapFromStream", "ptr", IStream, "ptr*", pBitmap:=0)
return pBitmap
static from_file(ByRef image) {
DllCall("gdiplus\GdipCreateBitmapFromFile", "wstr", image, "ptr*", pBitmap:=0)
return pBitmap
static from_monitor(ByRef image) {
if (image > 0) {
MonitorGet(image, Left, Top, Right, Bottom)
x := Left
y := Top
w := Right - Left
h := Bottom - Top
} else {
x := DllCall("GetSystemMetrics", "int", 76)
y := DllCall("GetSystemMetrics", "int", 77)
w := DllCall("GetSystemMetrics", "int", 78)
h := DllCall("GetSystemMetrics", "int", 79)
return this.from_screenshot([x,y,w,h])
static from_hBitmap(ByRef image) {
; struct DIBSECTION -
; struct BITMAP -
dib := BufferAlloc(64+5*A_PtrSize) ; sizeof(DIBSECTION) = 84, 104
DllCall("GetObject", "ptr", image, "int", dib.size, "ptr", dib)
, width := NumGet(dib, 4, "uint")
, height := NumGet(dib, 8, "uint")
, bpp := NumGet(dib, 18, "ushort")
; Fallback to built-in method if pixels are not 32-bit ARGB.
if (bpp != 32) { ; This built-in version is 120% faster but ignores transparency.
DllCall("gdiplus\GdipCreateBitmapFromHBITMAP", "ptr", image, "ptr", 0, "ptr*", pBitmap:=0)
return pBitmap
; Create a handle to a device context and associate the image.
sdc := DllCall("CreateCompatibleDC", "ptr", 0, "ptr") ; Creates a memory DC compatible with the current screen.
sbm := DllCall("SelectObject", "ptr", sdc, "ptr", image, "ptr") ; Put the (hBitmap) image onto the device context.
; Create a device independent bitmap with negative height. All DIBs use the screen pixel format (pARGB).
; Use hbm to buffer the image such that top-down and bottom-up images are mapped to this top-down buffer.
; pBits is the pointer to (top-down) pixel values. The Scan0 will point to the pBits.
hdc := DllCall("CreateCompatibleDC", "ptr", 0, "ptr")
bi := BufferAlloc(40, 0) ; sizeof(bi) = 40
, NumPut( "uint", 40, bi, 0) ; Size
, NumPut( "int", width, bi, 4) ; Width
, NumPut( "int", -height, bi, 8) ; Height - Negative so (0, 0) is top-left.
, NumPut("ushort", 1, bi, 12) ; Planes
, NumPut("ushort", 32, bi, 14) ; BitCount / BitsPerPixel
hbm := DllCall("CreateDIBSection", "ptr", hdc, "ptr", bi, "uint", 0, "ptr*", pBits:=0, "ptr", 0, "uint", 0, "ptr")
obm := DllCall("SelectObject", "ptr", hdc, "ptr", hbm, "ptr")
; This is the 32-bit ARGB pBitmap (different from an hBitmap) that will receive the final converted pixels.
, "int", width, "int", height, "int", 0, "int", 0x26200A, "ptr", 0, "ptr*", pBitmap:=0)
; Create a Scan0 buffer pointing to pBits. The buffer has pixel format pARGB.
Rect := BufferAlloc(16, 0) ; sizeof(Rect) = 16
, NumPut( "uint", width, Rect, 8) ; Width
, NumPut( "uint", height, Rect, 12) ; Height
BitmapData := BufferAlloc(16+2*A_PtrSize, 0) ; sizeof(BitmapData) = 24, 32
, NumPut( "uint", width, BitmapData, 0) ; Width
, NumPut( "uint", height, BitmapData, 4) ; Height
, NumPut( "int", 4 * width, BitmapData, 8) ; Stride
, NumPut( "int", 0xE200B, BitmapData, 12) ; PixelFormat
, NumPut( "ptr", pBits, BitmapData, 16) ; Scan0
; Use LockBits to create a writable buffer that converts pARGB to ARGB.
, "ptr", pBitmap
, "ptr", Rect
, "uint", 6 ; ImageLockMode.UserInputBuffer | ImageLockMode.WriteOnly
, "int", 0xE200B ; Format32bppPArgb
, "ptr", BitmapData) ; Contains the pointer (pBits) to the hbm.
; Copies the image (hBitmap) to a top-down bitmap. Removes bottom-up-ness if present.
, "ptr", hdc, "int", 0, "int", 0, "int", width, "int", height
, "ptr", sdc, "int", 0, "int", 0, "uint", 0x00CC0020) ; SRCCOPY
; Convert the pARGB pixels copied into the device independent bitmap (hbm) to ARGB.
DllCall("gdiplus\GdipBitmapUnlockBits", "ptr", pBitmap, "ptr", BitmapData)
; Cleanup the hBitmap and device contexts.
DllCall("SelectObject", "ptr", hdc, "ptr", obm)
DllCall("DeleteObject", "ptr", hbm)
DllCall("DeleteDC", "ptr", hdc)
DllCall("SelectObject", "ptr", sdc, "ptr", sbm)
DllCall("DeleteDC", "ptr", sdc)
return pBitmap
static from_hIcon(ByRef image) {
; struct ICONINFO -
ii := BufferAlloc(8+3*A_PtrSize, 0) ; sizeof(ICONINFO) = 20, 32
DllCall("GetIconInfo", "ptr", image, "ptr", ii)
; xHotspot := NumGet(ii, 4, "uint")
; yHotspot := NumGet(ii, 8, "uint")
, hbmMask := NumGet(ii, 8+A_PtrSize, "ptr") ; x86:12, x64:16
, hbmColor := NumGet(ii, 8+2*A_PtrSize, "ptr") ; x86:16, x64:24
; struct BITMAP -
bm := BufferAlloc(16+2*A_PtrSize) ; sizeof(BITMAP) = 24, 32
DllCall("GetObject", "ptr", hbmMask, "int", bm.size, "ptr", bm)
, width := NumGet(bm, 4, "uint")
, height := NumGet(bm, 8, "uint") / (hbmColor ? 1 : 2) ; Black and White cursors have doubled height.
; Clean up these hBitmaps.
DllCall("DeleteObject", "ptr", hbmMask)
DllCall("DeleteObject", "ptr", hbmColor)
hdc := DllCall("CreateCompatibleDC", "ptr", 0, "ptr")
bi := BufferAlloc(40, 0) ; sizeof(bi) = 40
, NumPut( "uint", 40, bi, 0) ; Size
, NumPut( "int", width, bi, 4) ; Width
, NumPut( "int", -height, bi, 8) ; Height - Negative so (0, 0) is top-left.
, NumPut("ushort", 1, bi, 12) ; Planes
, NumPut("ushort", 32, bi, 14) ; BitCount / BitsPerPixel
hbm := DllCall("CreateDIBSection", "ptr", hdc, "ptr", bi, "uint", 0, "ptr*", pBits:=0, "ptr", 0, "uint", 0, "ptr")
obm := DllCall("SelectObject", "ptr", hdc, "ptr", hbm, "ptr")
; This is the 32-bit ARGB pBitmap (different from an hBitmap) that will receive the final converted pixels.
, "int", width, "int", height, "int", 0, "int", 0x26200A, "ptr", 0, "ptr*", pBitmap:=0)
; Create a Scan0 buffer pointing to pBits. The buffer has pixel format pARGB.
Rect := BufferAlloc(16, 0) ; sizeof(Rect) = 16
, NumPut( "uint", width, Rect, 8) ; Width
, NumPut( "uint", height, Rect, 12) ; Height
BitmapData := BufferAlloc(16+2*A_PtrSize, 0) ; sizeof(BitmapData) = 24, 32
, NumPut( "uint", width, BitmapData, 0) ; Width
, NumPut( "uint", height, BitmapData, 4) ; Height
, NumPut( "int", 4 * width, BitmapData, 8) ; Stride
, NumPut( "int", 0xE200B, BitmapData, 12) ; PixelFormat
, NumPut( "ptr", pBits, BitmapData, 16) ; Scan0
; Use LockBits to create a writable buffer that converts pARGB to ARGB.
, "ptr", pBitmap
, "ptr", Rect
, "uint", 6 ; ImageLockMode.UserInputBuffer | ImageLockMode.WriteOnly
, "int", 0xE200B ; Format32bppPArgb
, "ptr", BitmapData) ; Contains the pointer (pBits) to the hbm.
; Don't use DI_DEFAULTSIZE to draw the icon like DrawIcon does as it will resize to 32 x 32.
, "ptr", hdc, "int", 0, "int", 0
, "ptr", image, "int", 0, "int", 0
, "uint", 0, "ptr", 0, "uint", 0x1 | 0x2 | 0x4) ; DI_MASK | DI_IMAGE | DI_COMPAT
; Convert the pARGB pixels copied into the device independent bitmap (hbm) to ARGB.
DllCall("gdiplus\GdipBitmapUnlockBits", "ptr", pBitmap, "ptr", BitmapData)
; Cleanup the hBitmap and device contexts.
DllCall("SelectObject", "ptr", hdc, "ptr", obm)
DllCall("DeleteObject", "ptr", hbm)
DllCall("DeleteDC", "ptr", hdc)
return pBitmap
static from_bitmap(ByRef image) {
DllCall("gdiplus\GdipCloneImage", "ptr", image, "ptr*", pBitmap:=0)
return pBitmap
static from_stream(ByRef image) {
DllCall("gdiplus\GdipCreateBitmapFromStream", "ptr", image, "ptr*", pBitmap:=0)
return pBitmap
static from_RandomAccessStream(ByRef image) {
; Get the Class ID from a GUID string.
CLSID := BufferAlloc(16, 0)
if result := DllCall("ole32\CLSIDFromString", "wstr", "{0000000C-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}", "ptr", CLSID, "uint")
throw Exception("CLSIDFromString failed. Error: " . Format("{:#x}", result))
; Convert RandomAccessStream to stream.
DllCall("ShCore\CreateStreamOverRandomAccessStream", "ptr", image, "ptr", CLSID, "ptr*", pStream:=0, "uint")
; Read stream to pBitmap.
DllCall("gdiplus\GdipCreateBitmapFromStream", "ptr", pStream, "ptr*", pBitmap:=0)
; Manually free the pointer to an IStream.
return pBitmap
static from_hex(ByRef image) {
; Trim whitespace and remove header.
image := Trim(image)
image := RegExReplace(image, "^(0[xX])")
; Converts the image to binary data by first asking for the size.
, "ptr", StrPtr(image), "uint", 0, "uint", 0x0000000C, "ptr", 0, "uint*", size:=0, "ptr", 0, "ptr", 0)
bin := BufferAlloc(size, 0)
, "ptr", StrPtr(image), "uint", 0, "uint", 0x0000000C, "ptr", bin, "uint*", size , "ptr", 0, "ptr", 0)
; Makes a stream for conversion into a pBitmap.
pStream := DllCall("shlwapi\SHCreateMemStream", "ptr", bin, "uint", size, "ptr")
DllCall("gdiplus\GdipCreateBitmapFromStream", "ptr", pStream, "ptr*", pBitmap:=0)
return pBitmap
static from_base64(ByRef image) {
; Trim whitespace and remove header.
image := Trim(image)
image := RegExReplace(image, "^data:image\/[a-z]+;base64,")
; Converts the image to binary data by first asking for the size.
, "ptr", StrPtr(image), "uint", 0, "uint", 0x00000001, "ptr", 0, "uint*", size:=0, "ptr", 0, "ptr", 0)
bin := BufferAlloc(size, 0)
, "ptr", StrPtr(image), "uint", 0, "uint", 0x00000001, "ptr", bin, "uint*", size , "ptr", 0, "ptr", 0)
; Makes a stream for conversion into a pBitmap.
pStream := DllCall("shlwapi\SHCreateMemStream", "ptr", bin, "uint", size, "ptr")
DllCall("gdiplus\GdipCreateBitmapFromStream", "ptr", pStream, "ptr*", pBitmap:=0)
return pBitmap
static from_sprite(ByRef image) {
; Create a source pBitmap and extract the width and height.
if DllCall("gdiplus\GdipCreateBitmapFromFile", "wstr", image, "ptr*", sBitmap:=0)
if !(sBitmap := this.from_url(image))
throw Exception("Could not be loaded from a valid file path or URL.")
; Get Bitmap width and height.
DllCall("gdiplus\GdipGetImageWidth", "ptr", sBitmap, "uint*", width:=0)
DllCall("gdiplus\GdipGetImageHeight", "ptr", sBitmap, "uint*", height:=0)
; Create a destination pBitmap in 32-bit ARGB and get its device context though GDI+.
; Note that a device context from a graphics context can only be drawn on, not read.
; Also note that using a graphics context and blitting does not create a pixel perfect image.
; Using a DIB and LockBits is about 5% faster.
, "int", width, "int", height, "int", 0, "int", 0x26200A, "ptr", 0, "ptr*", dBitmap:=0)
DllCall("gdiplus\GdipGetImageGraphicsContext", "ptr", dBitmap, "ptr*", dGraphics:=0)
DllCall("gdiplus\GdipGetDC", "ptr", dGraphics, "ptr*", ddc:=0)
; Keep any existing transparency for whatever reason.
hBitmap := this.put_hBitmap(sBitmap) ; Could copy this code here for even more speed.
; Create a source device context and associate the source hBitmap.
sdc := DllCall("CreateCompatibleDC", "ptr", ddc, "ptr")
obm := DllCall("SelectObject", "ptr", sdc, "ptr", hBitmap, "ptr")
; Copy the image making the top-left pixel the color key.
, "ptr", ddc, "int", 0, "int", 0, "int", width, "int", height ; destination
, "ptr", sdc, "int", 0, "int", 0, "int", width, "int", height ; source
, "uint", DllCall("GetPixel", "ptr", sdc, "int", 0, "int", 0)) ; RGB pixel.
; Cleanup the hBitmap and device contexts.
DllCall("SelectObject", "ptr", sdc, "ptr", obm)
DllCall("DeleteObject", "ptr", hBitmap)
DllCall("DeleteDC", "ptr", sdc)
; Release the graphics context and delete.
DllCall("gdiplus\GdipReleaseDC", "ptr", dGraphics, "ptr", ddc)
DllCall("gdiplus\GdipDeleteGraphics", "ptr", dGraphics)
return dBitmap
static put_clipboard(ByRef pBitmap) {
; Standard Clipboard Formats -
; Synthesized Clipboard Formats -
; Open the clipboard.
Loop 6 ; Try this 6 times.
if (A_Index > 1)
Sleep (2**(A_Index-2) * 30)
until (result := DllCall("OpenClipboard", "ptr", 0))
if !(result)
throw Exception("Clipboard could not be opened.")
; Clear the clipboard.
; #1 - Place the image onto the clipboard as a PNG stream.
; Thanks Jochen Arndt -
pStream := this.put_stream(pBitmap, "png")
DllCall("ole32\GetHGlobalFromStream", "ptr", pStream, "uint*", hData:=0)
DllCall("SetClipboardData", "uint", DllCall("RegisterClipboardFormat", "str", "png", "uint"), "ptr", hData)
; #2 - Place the image onto the clipboard in the CF_DIB format in ARGB using 3 color masks. (Extra 12 byte offset.)
; Thanks Nyerguds -
; Get Bitmap width, height, and format.
DllCall("gdiplus\GdipGetImageWidth", "ptr", pBitmap, "uint*", width:=0)
DllCall("gdiplus\GdipGetImageHeight", "ptr", pBitmap, "uint*", height:=0)
DllCall("gdiplus\GdipGetImagePixelFormat", "ptr", pBitmap, "uint*", format:=0)
; Get Bitmap bits per pixel, stride, and size.
bpp := (format & 0x00FF00) >> 8
stride := (bpp >> 3) * width
size := stride * height
; struct DIBSECTION -
hdib := DllCall("GlobalAlloc", "uint", 0x42, "uptr", 40 + 12 + size, "ptr")
pdib := DllCall("GlobalLock", "ptr", hdib, "ptr")
, NumPut( "uint", 40, pdib, 0) ; Size
, NumPut( "int", width, pdib, 4) ; Width
, NumPut( "int", -height, pdib, 8) ; Height - Negative so (0, 0) is top-left.
, NumPut("ushort", 1, pdib, 12) ; Planes
, NumPut("ushort", bpp, pdib, 14) ; BitCount / BitsPerPixel
, NumPut( "uint", 0x3, pdib, 16) ; Compression
, NumPut( "uint", size, pdib, 20) ; SizeImage (bytes)
; The following bitfields when masked extract the respective color channels.
, NumPut( "uint", 0x00FF0000, pdib, 40) ; Red
, NumPut( "uint", 0x0000FF00, pdib, 44) ; Green
, NumPut( "uint", 0x000000FF, pdib, 48) ; Blue
; Transfer data from source pBitmap to the global memory manually.
Rect := BufferAlloc(16, 0) ; sizeof(Rect) = 16
, NumPut( "uint", width, Rect, 8) ; Width
, NumPut( "uint", height, Rect, 12) ; Height
BitmapData := BufferAlloc(16+2*A_PtrSize, 0) ; sizeof(BitmapData) = 24, 32
, NumPut( "uint", width, BitmapData, 0) ; Width
, NumPut( "uint", height, BitmapData, 4) ; Height
, NumPut( "int", stride, BitmapData, 8) ; Stride
, NumPut( "int", format, BitmapData, 12) ; PixelFormat
, NumPut( "ptr", pdib + 52, BitmapData, 16) ; Scan0
, "ptr", pBitmap
, "ptr", Rect
, "uint", 5 ; ImageLockMode.UserInputBuffer | ImageLockMode.ReadOnly
, "int", 0x26200A ; Format32bppArgb
, "ptr", BitmapData) ; Contains the pointer (pdib) to the hData.
DllCall("gdiplus\GdipBitmapUnlockBits", "ptr", pBitmap, "ptr", BitmapData)
; Unlock the memory as it is complete.
DllCall("GlobalUnlock", "ptr", hdib)
; Add CF_DIB as a format to the clipboard.
DllCall("SetClipboardData", "uint", 8, "ptr", hdib)
; Close the clipboard.
return ClipboardAll()
static put_buffer(ByRef pBitmap) {
buffer := {pBitmap: pBitmap}
.DefineMethod("__New" , (self) => (this.gdiplusStartup(), self)) ; Increment GDI+ reference count
.DefineMethod("__Delete", (self) => (this.gdiplusShutdown("smart_pointer", self.pBitmap)))
.__New() ; On deletion the buffer object will dispose of the bitmap. And it will decrement this.gdiplus.
return buffer
static put_screenshot(ByRef pBitmap, screenshot := "", alpha := "") {
; Get Bitmap width and height.
DllCall("gdiplus\GdipGetImageWidth", "ptr", pBitmap, "uint*", width:=0)
DllCall("gdiplus\GdipGetImageHeight", "ptr", pBitmap, "uint*", height:=0)
x := (IsObject(screenshot) && screenshot[1] != "") ? screenshot[1] : Round((A_ScreenWidth - width) / 2)
y := (IsObject(screenshot) && screenshot[2] != "") ? screenshot[2] : Round((A_ScreenHeight - height) / 2)
w := (IsObject(screenshot) && screenshot[3] != "") ? screenshot[3] : width
h := (IsObject(screenshot) && screenshot[4] != "") ? screenshot[4] : height
; Convert the Bitmap to a hBitmap and associate a device context for blitting.
hdc := DllCall("CreateCompatibleDC", "ptr", 0, "ptr")
hbm := this.put_hBitmap(pBitmap, alpha)
obm := DllCall("SelectObject", "ptr", hdc, "ptr", hbm, "ptr")
; Retrieve the device context for the screen.
ddc := DllCall("GetDC", "ptr", 0, "ptr")
; Copies a portion of the screen to a new device context.
, "ptr", ddc, "int", x, "int", y, "int", w, "int", h
, "ptr", hdc, "int", 0, "int", 0, "int", width, "int", height
, "uint", 0x00CC0020) ; SRCCOPY
; Release the device context to the screen.
DllCall("ReleaseDC", "ptr", 0, "ptr", ddc)
; Cleanup the hBitmap and device contexts.
DllCall("SelectObject", "ptr", hdc, "ptr", obm)
DllCall("DeleteObject", "ptr", hbm)
DllCall("DeleteDC", "ptr", hdc)
return [x,y,w,h]
static put_window(ByRef pBitmap, title := "") {
WindowProc(hwnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam) {
if (uMsg = 0x2) {
; MsgBox "NICE TRY! LOL!"
; return
if (uMsg = 0x201) {
parent := DllCall("GetParent", "ptr", hwnd)
hwnd := (parent != A_ScriptHwnd && parent != 0) ? parent : hwnd
PostMessage 0xA1, 2,,, hwnd
return DllCall("DefWindowProc", "ptr", hwnd, "uint", uMsg, "uptr", wParam, "ptr", lParam, "ptr")
; Make it permanent.
void := ObjBindMethod({}, {})
Hotkey "^+F12", void, "On"
; Get Bitmap width and height.
DllCall("gdiplus\GdipGetImageWidth", "ptr", pBitmap, "uint*", width:=0)
DllCall("gdiplus\GdipGetImageHeight", "ptr", pBitmap, "uint*", height:=0)
class_name := "ImagePut"
pWndProc := CallbackCreate("WindowProc", "Fast")
hCursor := DllCall("LoadCursor", "ptr", 0, "ptr", 32512, "ptr") ; IDC_ARROW
;hBrush := DllCall("CreateSolidBrush", "uint", 0x00F0F0F0)
hBrush := DllCall("GetStockObject", "int", 5) ; Hollow_brush
; struct tagWNDCLASSEXA -
; struct tagWNDCLASSEXW -
WNDCLASSEX := BufferAlloc(A_PtrSize=8 ? 80:48, 0) ; sizeof(WNDCLASSEX) = 48, 80
, NumPut( "uint", WNDCLASSEX.size, WNDCLASSEX, 0) ; cbSize
, NumPut( "uint", 0, WNDCLASSEX, 4) ; style
, NumPut( "ptr", pWndProc, WNDCLASSEX, 8) ; lpfnWndProc
, NumPut( "int", 0, WNDCLASSEX, A_PtrSize=8 ? 16:12) ; cbClsExtra
, NumPut( "int", 0, WNDCLASSEX, A_PtrSize=8 ? 20:16) ; cbWndExtra
, NumPut( "ptr", 0, WNDCLASSEX, A_PtrSize=8 ? 24:20) ; hInstance
, NumPut( "ptr", 0, WNDCLASSEX, A_PtrSize=8 ? 32:24) ; hIcon
, NumPut( "ptr", hCursor, WNDCLASSEX, A_PtrSize=8 ? 40:28) ; hCursor
, NumPut( "ptr", hBrush, WNDCLASSEX, A_PtrSize=8 ? 48:32) ; hbrBackground
, NumPut( "ptr", 0, WNDCLASSEX, A_PtrSize=8 ? 56:36) ; lpszMenuName
, NumPut( "ptr", StrPtr(class_name), WNDCLASSEX, A_PtrSize=8 ? 64:40) ; lpszClassName
, NumPut( "ptr", 0, WNDCLASSEX, A_PtrSize=8 ? 72:44) ; hIconSm
; Registers a window class for subsequent use in calls to the CreateWindow or CreateWindowEx function.
DllCall("RegisterClassEx", "ptr", WNDCLASSEX, "ushort")
WS_VISIBLE := 0x10000000
WS_SYSMENU := 0x80000
WS_CHILD := 0x40000000
WS_EX_LAYERED := 0x80000
WS_CAPTION := 0xC00000
WS_SIZEBOX := 0x40000
WS_CLIPCHILDREN := 0x2000000
WS_POPUP := 0x80000000
WS_BORDER := 0x800000
WS_CLIPSIBLINGS := 0x4000000
rect := BufferAlloc(16, 0)
, NumPut("int", Floor((A_ScreenWidth - width) / 2), rect, 0)
, NumPut("int", Floor((A_ScreenHeight - height) / 2), rect, 4)
, NumPut("int", Floor((A_ScreenWidth + width) / 2), rect, 8)
, NumPut("int", Floor((A_ScreenHeight + height) / 2), rect, 12)
DllCall("AdjustWindowRectEx", "ptr", rect, "uint", style, "uint", 0, "uint", styleEx)
x := NumGet(rect, 0, "int")
y := NumGet(rect, 4, "int")
w := NumGet(rect, 8, "int") - NumGet(rect, 0, "int")
h := NumGet(rect, 12, "int") - NumGet(rect, 4, "int")
hwnd0 := DllCall("CreateWindowEx"
, "uint", styleEx
, "str", "ImagePut" ; lpClassName
, "str", title ;"Pichu" ; lpWindowName
, "uint", style
, "int", x ; X
, "int", y ; Y
, "int", w ; nWidth
, "int", h ; nHeight
, "ptr", A_ScriptHwnd ; hWndParent
, "ptr", 0 ; hMenu
, "ptr", 0 ; hInstance
, "ptr", 0 ; lpParam
, "ptr")
;if transparent
WinSetTransColor "F0F0F0", hwnd0
hwnd := DllCall("CreateWindowEx"
, "uint", vWinExStyle ; dwExStyle
, "str", "ImagePut" ; lpClassName
, "str", "Pikachu" ; lpWindowName
, "uint", vWinStyle ; dwStyle
, "int", 0 ; X
, "int", 0 ; Y
, "int", width ; nWidth
, "int", height ; nHeight
, "ptr", hwnd0 ; hWndParent
, "ptr", 0 ; hMenu
, "ptr", 0 ; hInstance
, "ptr", 0 ; lpParam
, "ptr")
;DllCall("ShowWindow", "ptr", hwnd, "int", 1)
hdc := DllCall("CreateCompatibleDC", "ptr", 0)
hbm := this.put_hBitmap(pBitmap)
obm := DllCall("SelectObject", "ptr", hdc, "ptr", hbm)
;DllCall("gdiplus\GdipCreateFromHDC", "ptr", hdc , "ptr*", gfx:=0)
, "ptr", hwnd ; hWnd
, "ptr", 0 ; hdcDst
,"uint64*", 0 | 0 << 32 ; *pptDst
,"uint64*", width | height << 32 ; *psize
, "ptr", hdc ; hdcSrc
, "int64*", 0 ; *pptSrc
, "uint", 0 ; crKey
, "uint*", 0xFF << 16 | 0x01 << 24 ; *pblend
, "uint", 2) ; dwFlags
;MsgBox Format("{:X}", Style) " | " Format("{:X}", WinGetStyle(hwnd0))
;MsgBox Format("{:X}", StyleEx) " | " Format("{:X}", WinGetExStyle(hwnd0))
;MsgBox Format("{:X}", vWinStyle) " | " Format("{:X}", WinGetStyle(hwnd))
;MsgBox Format("{:X}", vWinExStyle) " | " Format("{:X}", WinGetExStyle(hwnd))
return hwnd0
static put_desktop(ByRef pBitmap) {
; Thanks Gerald Degeneve -
; Get Bitmap width and height.
DllCall("gdiplus\GdipGetImageWidth", "ptr", pBitmap, "uint*", width:=0)
DllCall("gdiplus\GdipGetImageHeight", "ptr", pBitmap, "uint*", height:=0)
; Convert the Bitmap to a hBitmap and associate a device context for blitting.
hdc := DllCall("CreateCompatibleDC", "ptr", 0, "ptr")
hbm := this.put_hBitmap(pBitmap)
obm := DllCall("SelectObject", "ptr", hdc, "ptr", hbm, "ptr")
; Post-Creator's Update Windows 10. WM_SPAWN_WORKER = 0x052C
DllCall("SendMessage", "ptr", WinExist("ahk_class Progman"), "uint", 0x052C, "ptr", 0x0000000D, "ptr", 0)
DllCall("SendMessage", "ptr", WinExist("ahk_class Progman"), "uint", 0x052C, "ptr", 0x0000000D, "ptr", 1)
; Find the child window.
windows := WinGetList("ahk_class WorkerW")
Loop windows.length
hwnd := windows[A_Index]
until DllCall("FindWindowEx", "ptr", hwnd, "ptr", 0, "str", "SHELLDLL_DefView", "ptr", 0)
; Maybe this hack gets patched. Tough luck!
if !(WorkerW := DllCall("FindWindowEx", "ptr", 0, "ptr", hwnd, "str", "WorkerW", "ptr", 0, "ptr"))
throw Exception("Could not locate hidden window behind desktop.")
; Position the image in the center. This line can be removed.
DllCall("SetWindowPos", "ptr", WorkerW, "ptr", 1
, "int", Round((A_ScreenWidth - width) / 2) ; x coordinate
, "int", Round((A_ScreenHeight - height) / 2) ; y coordinate
, "int", width, "int", height, "uint", 0)
; Get device context of spawned window.
ddc := DllCall("GetDCEx", "ptr", WorkerW, "ptr", 0, "int", 0x403, "ptr") ; LockWindowUpdate | Cache | Window
; Copies a portion of the screen to a new device context.
, "ptr", ddc, "int", 0, "int", 0, "int", width, "int", height
, "ptr", hdc, "int", 0, "int", 0, "uint", 0x00CC0020) ; SRCCOPY
; Release device context of spawned window.
DllCall("ReleaseDC", "ptr", 0, "ptr", ddc)
; Cleanup the hBitmap and device contexts.
DllCall("SelectObject", "ptr", hdc, "ptr", obm)
DllCall("DeleteObject", "ptr", hbm)
DllCall("DeleteDC", "ptr", hdc)
return "desktop"
static put_wallpaper(ByRef pBitmap) {
; Create a temporary image file.
filepath := this.put_file(pBitmap)
; Get the absolute path of the file.
length := DllCall("GetFullPathName", "str", filepath, "uint", 0, "ptr", 0, "ptr", 0, "uint")
VarSetStrCapacity(buf, length)
DllCall("GetFullPathName", "str", filepath, "uint", length, "str", buf, "ptr", 0, "uint")
; Keep waiting until the file has been created. (It should be instant!)
Loop 6 ; Try this 6 times.
if (A_Index > 1)
Sleep (2**(A_Index-2) * 30)
until FileExist(filepath)
if !FileExist(filepath)
throw Exception("Unable to create temporary image file.")
; Set the temporary image file as the new desktop wallpaper.
DllCall("SystemParametersInfo", "uint", 20, "uint", 0, "str", buf, "uint", 2)
; This is a delayed delete call. #Persistent may be required on v1.
DeleteFile := Func("DllCall").Bind("DeleteFile", "str", filepath)
SetTimer DeleteFile, -2000
return "wallpaper"
static put_cursor(ByRef pBitmap, xHotspot := "", yHotspot := "") {
; Thanks Nick -
; Creates an icon that can be used as a cursor.
DllCall("gdiplus\GdipCreateHICONFromBitmap", "ptr", pBitmap, "ptr*", hIcon:=0)
; Sets the hotspot of the cursor by changing the icon into a cursor.
if (xHotspot != "" || yHotspot != "") {
; struct ICONINFO -
ii := BufferAlloc(8+3*A_PtrSize, 0) ; sizeof(ICONINFO) = 20, 32
DllCall("GetIconInfo", "ptr", hIcon, "ptr", ii) ; Fill the ICONINFO structure.
, NumPut("uint", false, ii, 0) ; true/false are icon/cursor respectively.
, (xHotspot != "") ? NumPut("uint", xHotspot, ii, 4) : "" ; Set the xHotspot value. (Default: center point)
, (yHotspot != "") ? NumPut("uint", yHotspot, ii, 8) : "" ; Set the yHotspot value. (Default: center point)
DllCall("DestroyIcon", "ptr", hIcon) ; Destroy the icon after getting the ICONINFO structure.
hIcon := DllCall("CreateIconIndirect", "ptr", ii, "ptr") ; Create a new cursor using ICONINFO.
; Clean up hbmMask and hbmColor created as a result of GetIconInfo.
DllCall("DeleteObject", "ptr", NumGet(ii, 8+A_PtrSize, "ptr")) ; hbmMask
DllCall("DeleteObject", "ptr", NumGet(ii, 8+2*A_PtrSize, "ptr")) ; hbmColor
; Loop over all 16 system cursors and change them all to the new cursor.
SystemCursors := "32512,32513,32514,32515,32516,32640,32641,32642,32643,32644,32645,32646,32648,32649,32650,32651"
Loop Parse, SystemCursors, ","
{ ; Must copy the handle 16 times as SetSystemCursor deletes the handle 16 times.
hCursor := DllCall("CopyImage", "ptr", hIcon, "uint", 2, "int", 0, "int", 0, "uint", 0, "ptr")
DllCall("SetSystemCursor", "ptr", hCursor, "int", A_LoopField) ; calls DestroyCursor
; Destroy the original hIcon. Same as DestroyCursor.
DllCall("DestroyIcon", "ptr", hIcon)
; Returns the string A_Cursor to avoid evaluation.
return "A_Cursor"
static put_file(ByRef pBitmap, filepath := "", quality := "") {
; Thanks tic -
; Remove whitespace. Seperate the filepath. Adjust for directories.
filepath := Trim(filepath)
SplitPath filepath,, directory, extension, filename
if DirExist(filepath)
directory .= "\" filename, filename := ""
if (directory != "" && !DirExist(directory))
directory := (directory != "") ? directory : "."
; Validate filepath, defaulting to PNG.
if !(extension ~= "^(?i:bmp|dib|rle|jpg|jpeg|jpe|jfif|gif|tif|tiff|png)$") {
if (extension != "")
filename .= "." extension
extension := "png"
filename := RegExReplace(filename, "S)(?i:^(CON|PRN|AUX|NUL|COM[1-9]|LPT[1-9])$|[<>:|?*\x00-\x1F\x22\/\\])")
if (filename == "")
filename := FormatTime(, "yyyy-MM-dd HH꞉mm꞉ss")
filepath := directory "\" filename "." extension
; Fill a buffer with the available encoders.
DllCall("gdiplus\GdipGetImageEncodersSize", "uint*", count:=0, "uint*", size:=0)
ci := BufferAlloc(size)
DllCall("gdiplus\GdipGetImageEncoders", "uint", count, "uint", size, "ptr", ci)
if !(count && size)
throw Exception("Could not get a list of image codec encoders on this system.")
; Search for an encoder with a matching extension.
Loop count
EncoderExtensions := StrGet(NumGet(ci, (idx:=(48+7*A_PtrSize)*(A_Index-1))+32+3*A_PtrSize, "uptr"), "UTF-16")
until InStr(EncoderExtensions, "*." extension)
; Get the pointer to the index/offset of the matching encoder.
if !(pCodec := ci.ptr + idx)
throw Exception("Could not find a matching encoder for the specified file format.")
; JPEG is a lossy image format that requires a quality value from 0-100. Default quality is 75.
if (extension ~= "^(?i:jpg|jpeg|jpe|jfif)$"
&& IsInteger(quality) && 0 <= quality && quality <= 100 && quality != 75) {
DllCall("gdiplus\GdipGetEncoderParameterListSize", "ptr", pBitmap, "ptr", pCodec, "uint*", size:=0)
EncoderParameters := BufferAlloc(size, 0)
DllCall("gdiplus\GdipGetEncoderParameterList", "ptr", pBitmap, "ptr", pCodec, "uint", size, "ptr", EncoderParameters)
; Search for an encoder parameter with 1 value of type 6.
Loop NumGet(EncoderParameters, "uint")
elem := (24+A_PtrSize)*(A_Index-1) + A_PtrSize
until (NumGet(EncoderParameters, elem+16, "uint") = 1) && (NumGet(EncoderParameters, elem+20, "uint") = 6)
; struct EncoderParameter -
ep := EncoderParameters.ptr + elem - A_PtrSize ; sizeof(EncoderParameter) = 28, 32
, NumPut( "uptr", 1, ep) ; Must be 1.
, NumPut( "uint", 4, ep, 20+A_PtrSize) ; Type
, NumPut( "uint", quality, NumGet(ep+24+A_PtrSize, "uptr")) ; Value (pointer)
; Write the file to disk using the specified encoder and encoding parameters.
Loop 6 ; Try this 6 times.
if (A_Index > 1)
Sleep (2**(A_Index-2) * 30)
until (result := !DllCall("gdiplus\GdipSaveImageToFile", "ptr", pBitmap, "wstr", filepath, "ptr", pCodec, "uint", IsSet(ep) ? ep : 0))
if !(result)
throw Exception("Could not save file to disk.")
return filepath
static put_hBitmap(ByRef pBitmap, alpha := "") {
; Revert to built in functionality if a replacement color is declared.
if (alpha != "") { ; This built-in version is about 25% slower.
DllCall("gdiplus\GdipCreateHBITMAPFromBitmap", "ptr", pBitmap, "ptr*", hBitmap:=0, "uint", alpha)
return hBitmap
; Get Bitmap width and height.
DllCall("gdiplus\GdipGetImageWidth", "ptr", pBitmap, "uint*", width:=0)
DllCall("gdiplus\GdipGetImageHeight", "ptr", pBitmap, "uint*", height:=0)
; Convert the source pBitmap into a hBitmap manually.
hdc := DllCall("CreateCompatibleDC", "ptr", 0, "ptr")
bi := BufferAlloc(40, 0) ; sizeof(bi) = 40
, NumPut( "uint", 40, bi, 0) ; Size
, NumPut( "int", width, bi, 4) ; Width
, NumPut( "int", -height, bi, 8) ; Height - Negative so (0, 0) is top-left.
, NumPut("ushort", 1, bi, 12) ; Planes
, NumPut("ushort", 32, bi, 14) ; BitCount / BitsPerPixel
hbm := DllCall("CreateDIBSection", "ptr", hdc, "ptr", bi, "uint", 0, "ptr*", pBits:=0, "ptr", 0, "uint", 0, "ptr")
obm := DllCall("SelectObject", "ptr", hdc, "ptr", hbm, "ptr")
; Transfer data from source pBitmap to an hBitmap manually.
Rect := BufferAlloc(16, 0) ; sizeof(Rect) = 16
, NumPut( "uint", width, Rect, 8) ; Width
, NumPut( "uint", height, Rect, 12) ; Height
BitmapData := BufferAlloc(16+2*A_PtrSize, 0) ; sizeof(BitmapData) = 24, 32
, NumPut( "uint", width, BitmapData, 0) ; Width
, NumPut( "uint", height, BitmapData, 4) ; Height
, NumPut( "int", 4 * width, BitmapData, 8) ; Stride
, NumPut( "int", 0xE200B, BitmapData, 12) ; PixelFormat
, NumPut( "ptr", pBits, BitmapData, 16) ; Scan0
, "ptr", pBitmap
, "ptr", Rect
, "uint", 5 ; ImageLockMode.UserInputBuffer | ImageLockMode.ReadOnly
, "int", 0xE200B ; Format32bppPArgb
, "ptr", BitmapData) ; Contains the pointer (pBits) to the hbm.
DllCall("gdiplus\GdipBitmapUnlockBits", "ptr", pBitmap, "ptr", BitmapData)
; Cleanup the hBitmap and device contexts.
DllCall("SelectObject", "ptr", hdc, "ptr", obm)
DllCall("DeleteDC", "ptr", hdc)
return hbm
static put_hIcon(ByRef pBitmap) {
DllCall("gdiplus\GdipCreateHICONFromBitmap", "ptr", pBitmap, "ptr*", hIcon:=0)
return hIcon
static put_stream(ByRef pBitmap, extension := "", quality := "") {
; Default extension is TIF for fast speeds!
if !(extension ~= "^(?i:bmp|dib|rle|jpg|jpeg|jpe|jfif|gif|tif|tiff|png)$")
extension := "tif"
; Fill a buffer with the available encoders.
DllCall("gdiplus\GdipGetImageEncodersSize", "uint*", count:=0, "uint*", size:=0)
ci := BufferAlloc(size)
DllCall("gdiplus\GdipGetImageEncoders", "uint", count, "uint", size, "ptr", ci)
if !(count && size)
throw Exception("Could not get a list of image codec encoders on this system.")
; Search for an encoder with a matching extension.
Loop count
EncoderExtensions := StrGet(NumGet(ci, (idx:=(48+7*A_PtrSize)*(A_Index-1))+32+3*A_PtrSize, "uptr"), "UTF-16")
until InStr(EncoderExtensions, "*." extension)
; Get the pointer to the index/offset of the matching encoder.
if !(pCodec := ci.ptr + idx)
throw Exception("Could not find a matching encoder for the specified file format.")
; JPEG is a lossy image format that requires a quality value from 0-100. Default quality is 75.
if (extension ~= "^(?i:jpg|jpeg|jpe|jfif)$"
&& IsInteger(quality) && 0 <= quality && quality <= 100 && quality != 75) {
DllCall("gdiplus\GdipGetEncoderParameterListSize", "ptr", pBitmap, "ptr", pCodec, "uint*", size:=0)
EncoderParameters := BufferAlloc(size, 0)
DllCall("gdiplus\GdipGetEncoderParameterList", "ptr", pBitmap, "ptr", pCodec, "uint", size, "ptr", EncoderParameters)
; Search for an encoder parameter with 1 value of type 6.
Loop NumGet(EncoderParameters, "uint")
elem := (24+A_PtrSize)*(A_Index-1) + A_PtrSize
until (NumGet(EncoderParameters, elem+16, "uint") = 1) && (NumGet(EncoderParameters, elem+20, "uint") = 6)
; struct EncoderParameter -
ep := EncoderParameters.ptr + elem - A_PtrSize ; sizeof(EncoderParameter) = 28, 32
, NumPut( "uptr", 1, ep) ; Must be 1.
, NumPut( "uint", 4, ep, 20+A_PtrSize) ; Type
, NumPut( "uint", quality, NumGet(ep+24+A_PtrSize, "uptr")) ; Value (pointer)
; Create a Stream.
DllCall("ole32\CreateStreamOnHGlobal", "ptr", 0, "int", true, "ptr*", pStream:=0)
DllCall("gdiplus\GdipSaveImageToStream", "ptr", pBitmap, "ptr", pStream, "ptr", pCodec, "uint", IsSet(ep) ? ep : 0)
return pStream
static put_RandomAccessStream(ByRef pBitmap, extension := "", quality := "") {
; Thanks teadrinker -
; Which is faster, bmp or png?
pStream := this.put_stream(pBitmap, extension, quality)
; Get the Class ID from a GUID string.
CLSID := BufferAlloc(16, 0)
if result := DllCall("ole32\CLSIDFromString", "wstr", "{905A0FE1-BC53-11DF-8C49-001E4FC686DA}", "ptr", CLSID, "uint")
throw Exception("CLSIDFromString failed. Error: " . Format("{:#x}", result))
; Create a RandomAccessStream
DllCall("ShCore\CreateRandomAccessStreamOverStream", "ptr", pStream, "uint", 1, "ptr", CLSID, "ptr*", pRandomAccessStream:=0, "uint")
; The handle to the stream object is automatically freed when the stream object is released.
return pRandomAccessStream
static put_hex(ByRef pBitmap, extension := "", quality := "") {
; Default extension is PNG for small sizes!
if !(extension ~= "^(?i:bmp|dib|rle|jpg|jpeg|jpe|jfif|gif|tif|tiff|png)$")
extension := "png"
pStream := this.put_stream(pBitmap, extension, quality)
DllCall("ole32\GetHGlobalFromStream", "ptr", pStream, "uint*", hData:=0)
pData := DllCall("GlobalLock", "ptr", hData, "ptr")
nSize := DllCall("GlobalSize", "uint", pData)
bin := BufferAlloc(nSize, 0)
DllCall("RtlMoveMemory", "ptr", bin, "ptr", pData, "uptr", nSize)
DllCall("GlobalUnlock", "ptr", hData)
DllCall("GlobalFree", "ptr", hData)
; Using CryptBinaryToStringA saves about 2MB in memory.
DllCall("Crypt32.dll\CryptBinaryToStringA", "ptr", bin, "uint", nSize, "uint", 0x4000000C, "ptr", 0, "uint*", length:=0)
hex := BufferAlloc(length, 0)
DllCall("Crypt32.dll\CryptBinaryToStringA", "ptr", bin, "uint", nSize, "uint", 0x4000000C, "ptr", hex, "uint*", length)
return StrGet(hex, length, "CP0")
static put_base64(ByRef pBitmap, extension := "", quality := "") {
; Thanks noname -
; Default extension is PNG for small sizes!
if !(extension ~= "^(?i:bmp|dib|rle|jpg|jpeg|jpe|jfif|gif|tif|tiff|png)$")
extension := "png"
pStream := this.put_stream(pBitmap, extension, quality)
DllCall("ole32\GetHGlobalFromStream", "ptr", pStream, "uint*", hData:=0)
pData := DllCall("GlobalLock", "ptr", hData, "ptr")
nSize := DllCall("GlobalSize", "uint", pData)
bin := BufferAlloc(nSize, 0)
DllCall("RtlMoveMemory", "ptr", bin, "ptr", pData, "uptr", nSize)
DllCall("GlobalUnlock", "ptr", hData)
DllCall("GlobalFree", "ptr", hData)
; Using CryptBinaryToStringA saves about 2MB in memory.
DllCall("Crypt32.dll\CryptBinaryToStringA", "ptr", bin, "uint", nSize, "uint", 0x40000001, "ptr", 0, "uint*", length:=0)
base64 := BufferAlloc(length, 0)
DllCall("Crypt32.dll\CryptBinaryToStringA", "ptr", bin, "uint", nSize, "uint", 0x40000001, "ptr", base64, "uint*", length)
return StrGet(base64, length, "CP0")
; All references to gdiplus and pToken must be absolute!
static gdiplus := 0, pToken := 0
static gdiplusStartup() {
; Startup gdiplus when counter goes from 0 -> 1.
if (ImagePut.gdiplus == 1) {
; Startup gdiplus.
DllCall("LoadLibrary", "str", "gdiplus")
si := BufferAlloc(A_PtrSize = 8 ? 24 : 16, 0) ; sizeof(GdiplusStartupInput) = 16, 24
, NumPut("uint", 0x1, si)
DllCall("gdiplus\GdiplusStartup", "ptr*", pToken:=0, "ptr", si, "ptr", 0)
ImagePut.pToken := pToken
static gdiplusShutdown(cotype := "", ByRef pBitmap := "") {
; When a buffer object is deleted a bitmap is sent here for disposal.
if (cotype == "smart_pointer")
if DllCall("gdiplus\GdipDisposeImage", "ptr", pBitmap)
throw Exception("The bitmap of this buffer object has already been deleted.")
; Check for unpaired calls of gdiplusShutdown.
if (ImagePut.gdiplus < 0)
throw Exception("Missing ImagePut.gdiplusStartup().")
; Shutdown gdiplus when counter goes from 1 -> 0.
if (ImagePut.gdiplus == 0) {
pToken := ImagePut.pToken
; Shutdown gdiplus.
DllCall("gdiplus\GdiplusShutdown", "ptr", pToken)
DllCall("FreeLibrary", "ptr", DllCall("GetModuleHandle", "str", "gdiplus", "ptr"))
; Exit if GDI+ is still loaded. GdiplusNotInitialized = 18
if (18 != DllCall("gdiplus\GdipCreateImageAttributes", "ptr*", ImageAttr:=0)) {
DllCall("gdiplus\GdipDisposeImageAttributes", "ptr", ImageAttr)
; Otherwise GDI+ has been truly unloaded from the script and objects are out of scope.
if (cotype = "bitmap")
throw Exception("Out of scope error. `n`nIf you wish to handle raw pointers to GDI+ bitmaps, add the line"
. "`n`n`t`t" this.prototype.__class ".gdiplusStartup()`n`nor 'pToken := Gdip_Startup()' to the top of your script."
. "`nAlternatively, use 'obj := ImagePutBuffer()' with 'obj.pBitmap'."
. "`nYou can copy this message by pressing Ctrl + C.")
} ; End of ImagePut class.