Windows Capture
DXGI Screen capture by DXGI desktop duplication, support for use in multiple threads and only one instance in the process.
DWM Window capture by DwmGetDxSharedSurface, background windows(excluding minimization) are supported, but some windows are not supported.
WGC Window and Monitor capture by winrt Windows.Graphics.Capture, background windows(excluding minimization) are supported, and only win10 1903 or above is supported.
Image Search
Image search supports RGB three channel color difference, treats the specified color of target image as transparent color (the source image ignores the alpha channel, and the color with alpha < 255 is also regarded as transparent color), similarity (it is allowed to match some pixels) and multiple matching results.
Source image and target image can be loaded by file, Base64 string, memory, capture, etc.
Colors Search
Colors search supports ARGB channel color difference(target colors without alpha will ignore the alpha of the source image color), multiple colors with relative position, similarity (it is allowed to match some pixels) and multiple matching results.
Grayscale and binarization
Generate grayscale or black-and-white images.
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Code: Select all
dxcp := wincapture.DXGI()
F7:: {
t := A_TickCount, i := 0
loop n := 100000
; capture full screen
try {
bb := dxcp.captureAndSave()
} catch TimeoutError ; DXGI_ERROR_WAIT_TIMEOUT
t := A_TickCount - t
MsgBox (t / i) 'ms (valid frame)`n' (t / n) 'ms (total)'
box := Buffer(16,0)
; capture range
x := Random(0, A_ScreenWidth - 200), y := Random(0, A_ScreenHeight - 200)
NumPut("uint", x, "uint", y, "uint", x + 200, "uint", y + 200, box)
if dxcp.waitScreenChange(15000, box)
MsgBox "screen0[" x "," y "," (x + 200) "," (y + 200) "] has changed"
else MsgBox("wait timeout")
; save to bmp
try dxcp.captureAndSave(box).save('1.bmp')
dxcp.freeBuffer() ; It's not necessary
cb := CallbackCreate(revice)
; revice by callback
dxcp.release() ; It's not necessary
revice(pdata, pitch, sw, sh, tick) {
if tick && pdata {
bb := BitmapBuffer(pdata, pitch, sw, sh)
; find picture
t3 := A_TickCount
if bb.findPic(&x,&y, t := BitmapBuffer.loadPicture("1.bmp"))
t3 := A_TickCount - t3, fillcolor(x, y, 0xff0000ff, 40)
; get pixel color
color := bb[Random(0, A_ScreenWidth - 1), Random(0, A_ScreenHeight - 1)]
; search pixel
t1 := A_TickCount
if bb.findColor(&x, &y, color)
t1 := A_TickCount - t1, fillcolor(x, y, 0xff00ff00)
; search multi pixel combination
arr := [], x := Random(0, A_ScreenWidth), y := Random(0, A_ScreenHeight)
loop 9 {
xx := Random(-x, A_ScreenWidth - x - 1), yy := Random(-y, A_ScreenHeight - y - 1)
arr.Push([bb[x + xx, y + yy], xx, yy])
t2 := A_TickCount
if bb.findMultiColors(&x, &y, arr) {
t2 := A_TickCount - t2
for a in arr
fillcolor(a[2] + x, a[3] + y, 0xffff0000)
; preview"src")"dst")
MsgBox "findColor: " t1 "ms`nfindMultiColors: " t2 "ms`nfindPic: " t3 "ms"
fillcolor(x, y, color, r := 20) {
loop r {
i := A_Index - 1
loop r
bb[x + i, y + A_Index - 1] := color