15 minute rest timer for gamers to prevent playing non-stop

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Joined: 10 Jan 2024, 04:26

15 minute rest timer for gamers to prevent playing non-stop

14 Jan 2024, 06:28

Hey, i've written this script to help you with non-stop playing. It will close the app (defined in 5th row) after PlayTimer.limit minutes. It will also warn you after PlayTimer.warningLimit minutes. If at any time you have the app inactive for more then 15 minutes (RestTimer.allowLimit), the timer will reset and you can play again!
I also recommend closing the game with the warning, since the automatic closing procedure might be violent (for example without saving the game). If you have ideas how to safely and automatically close the game, i would be glad to read your suggestions.

P.s.: This is my first script here, i would be very happy to see, that my script has helped someone, please reply if so. I wrote it for my little brother playing minecraft for so long as possible. I did try to use microsoft family, but there you can only limit overall app usage, not limit non-stop gaming sessions. So you could also set the script running for your child, hoping they don't realise exiting the script removes the limitation ;)

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#Requires AutoHotkey v2.0

secondsMultiplier := 60 ; if set to 60, the precision of timer is one minute
app := "ahk_exe javaw.exe"
threadPriority := 21474836 ; if set to 0, will not work with some games (see: ahk setTimer priority)

play := PlayTimer()
rest := RestTimer()

Loop {
if WinWaitActive(app) 
    if rest.Enough() {
        play.allow := True
        play.count := 0
        OutputDebug "play timer is set to 0"
    if play.allow
        OutputDebug "You are allowed to play"
        rest.count := 0
        OutputDebug "Not allowed to play yet. Wait " rest.allowLimit-rest.count " intervals" 
        WinKill app 
        MsgBox "Подожди еще"
if WinWaitNotActive(app) ;
    OutputDebug "App is not active. play=" play.count ", rest=" rest.count

class RestTimer {
        this.allowLimit := 15
        this.interval := 1000 * secondsMultiplier
        this.count := 0
        ; Tick() has an implicit parameter "this" which is a reference to
        ; the object, so we need to create a function which encapsulates
        ; "this" and the method to call:
        this.timer := ObjBindMethod(this, "Tick")
    Enough() {
        if this.count >= this.allowLimit 
            return True
        return False
    Start() {
        SetTimer this.timer, this.interval, threadPriority
        ; ToolTip "rest Counter started"
    Stop() {
        ; To turn off the timer, we must pass the same object as before:
        SetTimer this.timer, 0, threadPriority
        ; ToolTip "rest Counter stopped at " this.count
        ; ToolTip this.count

class PlayTimer {
        this.warningLimit := 70
        this.limit := 76
        this.warning := "Приложение закроется через " this.limit-this.count " минут! Лучше выйти сейчас, чтобы сохраниться"
        this.allow := True

        this.interval := 1000 * secondsMultiplier
        this.count := 0

        ; Tick() has an implicit parameter "this" which is a reference to
        ; the object, so we need to create a function which encapsulates
        ; "this" and the method to call:
        this.timer := ObjBindMethod(this, "Tick")
    Start() {
        SetTimer this.timer, this.interval, threadPriority
        ; ToolTip "Counter started"
    Stop() {
        ; To turn off the timer, we must pass the same object as before:
        SetTimer this.timer, 0, threadPriority
        ; ToolTip "Counter stopped at " this.count
        ; ToolTip this.count
        if this.count = this.warningLimit
            MsgBox this.warning
        if this.count = this.limit {
            this.count := 0
            this.allow := False
            WinClose app
            SetTimer () => EnsureClose() , -5000, threadPriority
            MsgBox "Приложение было закрыто автоматически"
    if WinExist(app)
    play.count := 0

    OutputDebug "CURRENT STATUS:"
    OutputDebug "play.count = " play.count
    OutputDebug "rest.count = " rest.count
    OutputDebug "play.allow = " play.allow
    OutputDebug "rest.Enough() = " rest.Enough()

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