Pulover Macro Creator: Unable to Activate Window

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Pulover Macro Creator: Unable to Activate Window

27 Mar 2017, 07:53

I'm using Pulover Macro Creator (PMC) and I am unable to activate one window when it has been minimized. It works when the window is not minimized. I have tried WinActivate, WinRestore, and WinMaximize. I have tried to get PMC to left click on the icon on the taskbar for the window but PMC is not able to recognize the icon and only selects the entire taskbar. I also tried using the image recognition tool to select the icon image but PMC also did not recognize the icon image. I noticed that when I minimize the window the title of the window is different. I wonder if the window has different identifiers when it is minimized but do not know how to get the identifiers when it is minimized.
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Re: Pulover Macro Creator: Unable to Activate Window

27 Mar 2017, 10:32

Run this script (replacing "YourWindowTitleHere" with the title of your window) when your window is visible, then minimize it, and it should show you the title after it becomes minimized. Your other option is to get the ID (Hwnd) of the window before it's minimized since it should remain the same after it's minimized, so you can still refer to as that like this script does. I don't know enough about PMC to tell you exactly how you do that in there, but I would think you can.

Code: Select all

WinGet, ID, ID, YourWindowTitleHere
	WinGetTitle, WinTitle, ahk_id %ID%
	ToolTip, Window title:`n %WinTitle%`n(Press Esc to exit)
	Sleep, 100

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Re: Pulover Macro Creator: Unable to Activate Window

29 Mar 2017, 21:21

I tried using the Title and the ID with the window minimized but I still can't restore the window. Any ideas?
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Re: Pulover Macro Creator: Unable to Activate Window

29 Mar 2017, 22:09

When it's minimized, do you use the title that it changes to after it's minimized? Can you give some specifics of the window and your script?

Re: Pulover Macro Creator: Unable to Activate Window

07 Dec 2017, 10:11

boiler wrote:When it's minimized, do you use the title that it changes to after it's minimized? Can you give some specifics of the window and your script?
I have the same problem.
The window title contains spaces. Like 'Hello World'.
Does this perhaps need special attention?

Thank's for help!
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Re: Pulover Macro Creator: Unable to Activate Window

07 Dec 2017, 10:51

As long as you include the spaces (and everything else) exactly, it should match. Did you check to see if the title changes when it's minimized?
dr Nutzar
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Re: Pulover Macro Creator: Unable to Activate Window

08 Dec 2017, 00:42

... now I am registered in the AHK forum. :-)
Yes, I checked it. I could not see any differences.
I saw in the ToolTip of PMC that WinTitle is always empty when I use the mouse in the notification area to go over the application icons.
Can it be that this is the problem?
If so, is there another option?

Thank's for help!
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Re: Pulover Macro Creator: Unable to Activate Window

08 Dec 2017, 06:36

Try running the script I posted several posts above when your window is not minimized (put your actual window title in the script), then while the script is running, see if the ToolTip from the script shows that the title changes when you minimize the window.
dr Nutzar
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Re: Pulover Macro Creator: Unable to Activate Window

11 Dec 2017, 02:31

after minimizing the application, the title becomes empty.
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Re: Pulover Macro Creator: Unable to Activate Window

11 Dec 2017, 10:35

The get the unique ID (HWND) as shown, and refer to it as that (ahk_id %ID%) instead of the title.
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Re: Pulover Macro Creator: Unable to Activate Window

11 Feb 2024, 15:02

Had similar issue with not being able to run or activate any window (Windows doesn't allow Pullover to accept input from mouse location, etc.) but it's because Windows 11 needed me to run Pulover's Program 'as Administrator'.
Rightclick your Pulover's Macro Creator Icon
Select Properties/Compatibility
Checkbox "Run this program as an administrator"

After doing this, now the "..." from within my WinWaitActive Command Box will actually work and show you what Title, Class, Process I am hovering over/selecting. Also updates the WinTitle info to the 'Output Variable Box' properly.

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