[GUI] Use HTML and CSS for your GUIs!

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Re: [GUI] Use HTML and CSS for your GUIs!

26 Jan 2018, 19:02

kczx3 wrote:I can't get it to happen, though I am not using webapp.ahk. I simply used my own ActiveX control and modified the gui_KeyDown function from the AHK installer code. Maybe it is crashing because you are allowing all keys through as accelerators. I simply let through A/C/V and haven't seen your problem.

Code: Select all

; OnMessage handler used to block/allow certain accelerator keys in a webbrowser control.
; This one actually allows Ctrl + A/C/V
gui_KeyDown(w, l, nmsg, hwnd) {
	global doc
	ControlGetFocus, currFocus
	if (!InStr(currFocus, "Internet Explorer_Server"))
	if (Chr(w) ~= "[B,D-U,W,Y-Z]" || w = 0x74) ; Disable Ctrl+O/L/F/N and F5.
	pipa := ComObjQuery(doc, "{00000117-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}")
	VarSetCapacity(kMsg, 48), NumPut(A_GuiY, NumPut(A_GuiX
	, NumPut(A_EventInfo, NumPut(l, NumPut(w
	, NumPut(nMsg, NumPut(hWnd, kMsg)))), "uint"), "int"), "int")
	Loop 2
		r := DllCall(NumGet(NumGet(1 * pipa) + 5 * A_PtrSize), "ptr", pipa, "ptr",&kMsg)
	; Loop to work around an odd tabbing issue (it's as if there
	; is a non-existent element at the end of the tab order).
	Until w != 9 || doc.activeElement != ""
	if r = 0 ; S_OK: the message was translated to an accelerator.
		return 0
Apologies on the delay in respose! I've implemented your idea of toning down what I let through (as you said, I was listening on all keys.)

I modified your line to:
if (Chr(wParam) ~= "[B,D,E,G-U,W,Y-Z]" || wParam = 0x74) ; Disable Ctrl+O/L/F/N and F5.

As "CONTROL + F" is important in my app. and we'll see what happens!

Thank you very much, I really feel like this is this answer I'll let ya'll know!
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Re: [GUI] Use HTML and CSS for your GUIs!

26 Jan 2018, 19:05

Thought I would share what I've been building for the last 5 months. I keep it for myself as....well I won't lie, it makes me look REALLY good at work to be done with most my work within a week when everyone else takes 25 days.

I'm an account manager for a website company and I built an app using webapp.ahk and about.....15000 lines of custom code to automate most of my little processes.

It uses webapp.ahk, PHP, JS, HTML,CSS,SQL, and SOQL (Salesforce version of SQL)

https://drive.google.com/file/d/14VwXVx ... sp=sharing

check it out =)

Thanks again Joedf!
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Re: [GUI] Use HTML and CSS for your GUIs!

26 Jan 2018, 20:51

Very impressive!
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Re: [GUI] Use HTML and CSS for your GUIs!

26 Jan 2018, 22:34

That's awesome! I'm really happy you saw the potential in this. :+1: :D
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Re: [GUI] Use HTML and CSS for your GUIs!

27 Jan 2018, 15:29

I’d be curious how you’re using PHP and what JavaScript framework you’re using, if any.
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Re: [GUI] Use HTML and CSS for your GUIs!

01 Feb 2018, 22:21

Looks great, thanks. :D
A soon as there is a convenient method to implement context help on the GUIs, then perhaps we can all dispense with the venerable HTMLHelp entirely!
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Re: [GUI] Use HTML and CSS for your GUIs!

02 Feb 2018, 08:25

Well right now the new docs is implemented in JavaScript and preprocessed by ahk... essentially the htmlHelp still there as a browser display I guess?
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Re: [GUI] Use HTML and CSS for your GUIs!

05 Feb 2018, 16:20

Hey Joe, this thread is great -- I'm new to coding and have been eagerly learning my way towards this direction. Is it possible to also implement GSAP with this method? The ability to easily tween and ease would make a world of difference for the kind of GUI animation I'm after.
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Re: [GUI] Use HTML and CSS for your GUIs!

05 Feb 2018, 20:39

That should be completely possible assuming that it is compatible with Internet Explorer.
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Re: [GUI] Use HTML and CSS for your GUIs!

05 Feb 2018, 22:25

as with what kczx3 has said, I don't see why it wouldnt work. :+1:
I say go ahead and try it out by playing with the example html files, let me know how it goes! ;)
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Re: [GUI] Use HTML and CSS for your GUIs!

21 Feb 2018, 11:29

kczx3 wrote:I’d be curious how you’re using PHP and what JavaScript framework you’re using, if any.

Sorry about the delayed response here.

I use a mixture of php/ahk as my main drivers, I'll list the languages used and how below.

PHP runs on page load, it does some INI read/write so I don't have crazy long URL strings, but mostly I use PHP to:
1. Provide context sensitive links
a. If I've built my monthly presentation for client X then it shows a link to pop up the PDF. If I haven't built the presentation, it runs a function that auto-builds said presentation in powerpoint via COM interface.
b. It checks the status of my monthly "client review" case in salesforce and offers me an option to only open the case in salesforce, or to open the case in salesforce + 3 other links, depending upon its' status
2. Consume SalesForce & other APIs
a. Because my SalesForce team won't give me the access to cURL the SalesForce API, I found a pre-built interface for PHP that hits the SOAP API, so I had to build in PHP to use it.

SOQL is used to request information from SalesForce via the SOAP API, it's similar to SQL, but is their own dialect.

JavaScript passes information to AHK, calls AHK functions. I also use it in a few key places for table sorting.

AHK handles all navigation requests, and any/all input required - although I finally figured out what was causing my previous crashing issue, AHK guis/input boxes are still faster than drawing them on the app's page during the page load event.

HTML/CSS used as the basic building blocks

Hit me up via PM if you want to see a video demo I made - We were going to roll it out to the rest of our team but decided not to.
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Re: [GUI] Use HTML and CSS for your GUIs!

08 Mar 2018, 21:59

Eitherway, nice work! :+1:
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Re: [GUI] Use HTML and CSS for your GUIs!

11 Mar 2018, 02:31

Thank you joedf!

I'm trying to log very long script steps...


Code: Select all

class HtmlLogClass {

	__New(GuiName := "HtmlLog", W := "", H := "", MyCss := ""){

		if FileExist(MyCss)
			FileRead, MyCss, % MyCss

		MyCss := RegExReplace(MyCss, "i)\<(\/|)style.*?\>")

				<style type="text/css">
					body  		{ font-family: Segoe UI,Frutiger,Frutiger Linotype,Dejavu Sans,Helvetica Neue,Arial,sans-serif; font-size:15px;}
					img   		{ vertical-align: text-baseline; padding-right:5px;}
					a img 		{ border: 0 none; }
					#Content	{ Margin-bottom:30px;}
					#StatusBar  { overflow: hidden; background-color: silver; position: fixed; left:0; width: 100`%; bottom: 0; }
				<body><div class="Content" id="Content"></div><div id="StatusBar"></div></body>

		this.Name := GuiName

		Gui, % this.Name ":New"
		Gui, % this.Name ":Default"

		Gui, Margin, 0, 0

		Gui, +hwndhGui +Resize -DPIScale
		this.hGui := hGui

		Gui, Add, ActiveX, % "vWB HWNDhWb +VScroll +HScroll " . " w" (W ? W : "400") . " h" (H ? H : "300"), about:<!DOCTYPE html><meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge" charset="UTF-8">
		ComObjConnect(Wb, new HtmlLogEvents)

		this.Wb			:= Wb
		this.Wb.silent	:= True
		this.hWb		:= hWb


		this.StatusBar 	:= this.Wb.Document.GetElementById("StatusBar")
		this.Doc		:= this.Wb.Document.GetElementById("Content")

		OnMessage(WM_SIZE := 0x05		, objbindmethod(this, "GuiSize"))
		OnMessage(WM_SYSCOMMAND:=0x112	, objbindmethod(this, "GuiClose"))
	Show(X := "Center", Y := "Center", Title := ""){
		Gui, % this.Name ":Show", % "AutoSize" . " x" X . " y" Y, % this.Title := Title

	; https://autohotkey.com/board/topic/90598-simple-custom-gui-close-events-onmessage/
	; ==================================================================================
	GuiClose(wP, lP, msg, hwnd) {
		if (wp = 0xF060) && (this.hGui = Hwnd)

	; https://autohotkey.com/boards/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=42292
	; =======================================================
	GuiSize(wParam, lParam, msg, hwnd){
		if this.hGui != Hwnd

		w := lParam & 0xFFFF, h := lParam >> 16 

		Gui, % this.Name ":Default"
		GuiControl, MoveDraw, % this.hWb, % "w" w " h" h

		Gui, % this.Name ":Hide"
		this.IsHide := 1
		Sleep, % ms

		WinSet, AlwaysOnTop, % OnOff, % "ahk_id" this.hGui
		this.Doc.innerhtml := ""

		WinWaitClose, % "ahk_id" this.hGui

		WinActivate, % "ahk_id" this.hGui

		this.Doc.InnerHTML .= this.MyHtml(html)

	AddToLastTag(HTML, LastTag, StartNewTag := ""){

		if StartNewTag

		this.Doc.GetElementsByTagname(this.CleanTag(LastTag))[this.Doc.GetElementsByTagname(this.CleanTag(LastTag)).Length-1].innerhtml .= this.MyHtml(HTML)

	; HTML must include tags to replace outerHTML
	; ===========================================
	ReplaceLastTag(HTML, LastTag, StartNewTag := ""){

		if StartNewTag

		this.Doc.GetElementsByTagname(this.CleanTag(LastTag))[this.Doc.GetElementsByTagname(this.CleanTag(LastTag)).Length-1].Outerhtml := this.MyHtml(HTML)

		this.Doc.GetElementsByTagname(this.CleanTag(LastTag))[this.Doc.GetElementsByTagname(this.CleanTag(LastTag)).Length-1].Outerhtml := ""

		Return RegExReplace(LastTag, "[</>\s]")


		Return RegExReplace(html, "href=""(?!#)", "href=""GETTHISLINK://") ; no anchor

		this.wb.document.documentElement.ScrollTop := this.wb.document.body.scrollHeight

	Save(HtmlFile, OverWrite := 0){

		;MsgBox, % Path ; ???? show C:\Windows\system32;C:\Windows;C:\Windows\System32\Wbem;C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\
		SplitPath, % HtmlFile,, HtmlDir,, HtmlNameNoExt
		ImgsDest := HtmlDir "\" HtmlNameNoExt "_files"

		if OverWrite
			FileDelete, % HtmlFile
			FileRemoveDir, % ImgsDest, 1
		if !FileExist(ImgsDest)
			FileCreateDir, % ImgsDest

		html := this.wb.document.documentElement.OuterHTML

		; i cant loop img src because it shows full paths in case of A_ScriptDir "\..\FolderUp"
		; =====================================================================================
		obj := [], pos := 1
		While pos := RegExMatch(html, "i)src\=\""(file:/+|)\K.*?(?=\"")", src, StrLen(src)+pos)

		for i, _Path in obj
			SplitPath, % _Path, FileName

			if FileExist(_Path)
				FileCopy, % _Path, % ImgsDest "\" FileName
			else if RegexMatch(_Path, "i)(https?://|www\.|)[a-zA-Z0-9\-\.]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,3}(/\S*)?")
				UrlDownloadToFile, % _Path, % ImgsDest "\" FileName
			;MsgBox, % "Copy <" _Path ">`n`n<" ImgsDest "\" FileName ">`n`nError " ErrorLevel
			html := StrReplace(html, _Path, HtmlNameNoExt "_files\" FileName)

		FileAppend, % StrReplace(Html, "href=""GETTHISLINK://", "href="""), % HtmlFile

	; https://autohotkey.com/boards/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=4588&start=20
	; https://www.w3schools.com/jsref/dom_obj_event.asp
	; i dont know why i must rebind all ids on html changes for working binds
	; =======================================================================

		static Ids := []
		if id
		for i, id in Ids
			this.wb.document.getElementById(Id).onclick := Func(Id).Bind(this.wb)

class HtmlLogEvents
	BeforeNavigate2(wb, NewURL)

		if RegExMatch(NewURL, "i)^GETTHISLINK://\K.*", Link)
			if Link := StrReplace(Link, "%20", A_Space)
					Run % Link

	DocumentComplete(wb, NewURL){

		static doc
		ComObjConnect(doc:=wb.document, new HtmlLogEvents)

	; https://autohotkey.com/board/topic/76777-help-with-copy-and-pasting-with-shellexplorer/?p=488306
	; ================================================================================================
	OnKeyPress(doc) {
		static keys := {1:"selectall", 3:"copy", 22:"paste", 24:"cut"}
		;static keys := {1:"selectall", 3:"copy"}
		keyCode := doc.parentWindow.event.keyCode
		if keys.HasKey(keyCode)

Code: Select all

#SingleInstance, force
#include, %A_ScriptDir%\HtmlLogClass.ahk

	body			{font-family:Consolas,'DejaVu Sans Mono', "Courier New", Courier, monospace; color: white; background-color: #272822;}
 	.BlueLink, a	{color: #66D9EF; font-style: normal; text-decoration: underline;}
 	.Red 			{color: #F92672;}
 	.Green 			{color: #A6E22E;}
 	.Pink 			{color: #EB939A;}
 	.Yellow 		{color: #E6DB74; font-style: normal;}
 	.Red2 			{color: #FF00FF; font-style: italic;}
 	.Gray			{color: #75715E; font-style: normal; font-style: italic;}
 	.Orange 		{color:#FF8000;}
 	.Orange2 		{font-style: bold; color:#CF2F0F;}
 	.Replace 		{text-align: center; font-size:30px; border-style: dashed;}
 	#MyDiv 			{border-style: dashed; border-color: #75715E; text-align: Center; border-radius: 10px; width: 80`%;}

Global Log := New HtmlLogClass(GuiName := "Sample", W := "600", H := "600", MyCss) ; or "D:\css.css"

Log.Show(X := "10", Y := "10", Title := "HtmlLogClass Sample")
log.Add("<p class='Red2'>" SpanNow() " <span class='Yellow'>Reading </span>'Mycss'</p>")

log.Add("<p class='Yellow'>" . SpanNow() . "Adding Autohotkey.com logo homepage and forum community links on a new div id #MyDiv <span class='Gray'>AddToLastTag()</span>" . "</p>")

log.AddToLastTag("<p>" . "<img id='Anchor' src=""https://autohotkey.com/assets/images/ahk-logo-no-text241x78-180.png"" alt=""ahk logo"" style=""width:241px;height:78px;"">" . "</p>", "div", "<div id=MyDiv></div>")
Log.AddToLastTag("<p>" . "<a href=""https://autohotkey.com"">Home</a>" . "  <a href=""https://autohotkey.com/boards/""> Forum</a>" . "</p>", "div")

Log.Add("<H1 class='Orange'>" SpanNow() " Some text to H1 tag</H1>")

; Link to file, open it by "Run"
; ===============================
UrlDownloadToFile, https://www.google.com/s2/favicons?domain=https://autohotkey.com/, % ahkfavicon := A_ScriptDir "\ahk.png" ; save() cant find file extension and fails
img := "<img src=""" ahkfavicon """ alt''>"
File := A_ScriptDir "\HtmlLogClassSampleFile.html"
FileDelete, % File
FileAppend, % SpanNow() " file open test from HtmlLogClass!", % File
Log.Add("<p>" SpanNow() "<span class='Yellow'>Link to <span class='Pink'>HtmlLogClassSample.txt</span> in favicon </span>" . "<a href=""" File """>" . img . "</a>" . "</p")

; Status bar
; ==========
Log.Add("<p>" . SpanNow() . "Write to default <span class='Red'>Status Bar<br /></span><span class='Gray'>Log.StatusBar (Document.GetElementById(StatusBar))</span>" . "</p>")
Log.StatusBar.Style.textAlign := "center"
Log.StatusBar.Innertext := "Some text to status bar"
Sleep, 500
Log.StatusBar.Innertext := ""

Loop % n := 2
	Log.StatusBar.InnerHtml := "<span style='font-size:30px; color: black;'>Index " . A_Index "/" n . "</span>"
	Sleep, 500
Sleep, 500
Log.StatusBar.InnerHtml 	  := "<b>status bar still here.</b>"

; List
; ====
Log.Add("<p class='Yellow'>" . SpanNow() . "Fill lists <span class='Gray'>AddToLastTag()</span>" . "</p>")
for i, list in [{l: "ul", title: "Unordered List"}, {l: "ol", title: "Ordered List"}]
	Log.Add("<p class='Orange2'>" SpanNow() "<b> " list.title "</b></p>")
	Log.Add("<" list.l ">")

	Loop 2
		Log.AddToLastTag("<li class='Yellow'>" list.title " row n. " . A_Index . "</li>", list.l)
		Sleep, 500

; Clear LOG
; =========
Sleep, 500

; Table and style
; ===============
log.Add("<br /><h4>" . SpanNow() . "Add table and style <span class='Gray'>Add()</span>" . "</h4>")

table 	{border-collapse: collapse; width: 50`%;}
td, th 	{border: 1px solid #dddddd; text-align: left; padding: 8px;}
table, td, th  {border-style: double; border-color: #75715E;}
table	{border-radius: 10px;}

html := "<table>"
      . "<tr class='Red'>" . "<th>Time</th>" 	. "<th>Text</th>" . "</tr>"
      . "<tr>" . "<td>" SpanNow() "</td>" 	. "<td class='Yellow'>text to row 1 col 2</td>" . "</tr>"
      . "<tr>" . "<td>" SpanNow() "</td>" 	. "<td class='Yellow'>text to row 2 col 2</td>" . "</tr>"
      . "</table>"

Log.Add(html . css)

; ReplaceLastTag can create new tag to replace
; ============================================
log.Add("<p class='Red'><br /><br />" . SpanNow() . "Replace last tag creating new one  <span class='Gray'>ReplaceLastTag()</span>" . "</p>")
	Log.ReplaceLastTag("<p class='Replace'>" . TEXT . "</p>", "p", StartNewTag := ((i=1) ? "<p>" : 0))
	Sleep, 1000


Log.ReplaceLastTag("<p class='Red'>Delete this tag too</p>", "p")
Sleep, 2000


; Connect ids to local functions
; ==============================
log.Add("<br /><h4>" . SpanNow() . "Connect ids to local functions <span class='Gray'>OnClick()</span>" . "</h4>")

Log.Add("<p>" SpanNow() "<span class='Yellow'>Connect <input type=""button"" id=""CenterThisWin"" value=""CenterThisWin""> to <span Class='Green'>CenterThisWin()</span></p>")

Log.Add("<p>" SpanNow() "<span class='Yellow'>Connect <input type=""button"" id='CloseStatusBar' value=""CloseStatusBar""> to <span Class='Green'>CloseStatusBar()</span></p>")

Log.Add("<p>" SpanNow() "<span class='Yellow'>Connect <a id=""SaveLog"" href="""">Save log as html</a> to <span Class='Green'>SaveLog()</span></p>")

;log.Add("<p   style='border: 1px solid #cc342e;  border-radius: 15px; font-size: 25px;'>TExt</p>")

; Timeout
; =======
Log.StatusBar.InnerHtml 	  := "<b style='color: Red; font-size:30px;'>TIMEOUT 5 sec</b>"
Log.Timeout(Ms := "5000")

Log.Add("<br /><br /><a class=""Menu"" href=""#Anchor"">Autohotkey logo<a>")
Log.Add(" <a class=""Menu"" href='' id='Reload'>Reload<a>")

Log.Add("<p class='Gray'>" SpanNow() "Waiting close to exit...</p>")

	FormatTime, Now, A_Now, hh:mm:ss
	Return "<span style='font-size:13px;' class='Gray'>" . Now . " </span>"

	Log.Show(,, "")

	Log.StatusBar.Innertext := ""


	FileSelectFolder, Folder, A_ScriptDir
	if ErrorLevel

	Log.Save(File := Folder "\HtmlLogClassSample.html")
	Log.Add("<p>" . "<a href=""" File """>Page saved here " File " </a>" . "</p>")
	Log.Add("<p>" . "<a href=""" Folder """>Open folder " Folder " </a>" . "</p>")

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Re: [GUI] Use HTML and CSS for your GUIs!

12 Mar 2018, 08:27

Seems fancy :+1: but sadly I can’t see the image... :(
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Re: [GUI] Use HTML and CSS for your GUIs!

12 Mar 2018, 08:51

do you mean the screenshot in the post?
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Re: [GUI] Use HTML and CSS for your GUIs!

12 Mar 2018, 14:28

By quoting the post, you can find the original link:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/kgyva6i5k3g4v ... 4.png?dl=1
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Re: [GUI] Use HTML and CSS for your GUIs!

12 Mar 2018, 21:12

Oh I see it now, maybe it was a load issue... Very nice work! :+1:
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Re: [GUI] Use HTML and CSS for your GUIs!

10 Apr 2018, 06:37

joedf wrote:Oh I see it now, maybe it was a load issue... Very nice work! :+1:

So I had an interesting thought. Do you think it would possible to have a web page on a webserver with the js to run an AHK function written in that would interact with the local computer?

For instance I go to a page on the web and AHK opens notepad on my local machine? I don't see how it would be different than opening said web page locally on my computer, as long as I have your webapp.ahk on my computer right?
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Re: [GUI] Use HTML and CSS for your GUIs!

10 Apr 2018, 12:40

My socket library also ships with a super bare-bones HTTP server implementation that you could extend.

https://github.com/G33kDude/Socket.ahk/ ... Server.ahk

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