Canvas library although it is well documented and easier to use than GDIP lacks basic usage examples.
That's why I made this little tutorial
One of the advantages of the library is that you can easily show all the drawings in a GUI control like a text box.
You can download Uberi's AHK-Canvas here:
Uberi's Canvas is splitted in 6 files:
Put all the 6 files in your library or create a Lib folder in your script folder.
The tutorial is made in 2 parts:
1. Darw shapes automatically in a gui control (very easy)
2. Draw shapes manually in a gui control (less easy)
Follow the step by step comments in the script to have a basic understanding of how to use the library.
Remember this tutorial is just an overview for beginners (like me ).
You can do many more things with this library.
Feel free to post your own usage examples or comments.
PART 1 : Darw shapes automatically in a gui control:
Code: Select all
; =================================================================================================================================
; Name: AHK-CANVAS Basic tutorial 1
; Description: Show basic usage of Uberi's Canvas Library
; Credits: Speedmaster
; Topic:
; Sript version: 1.0
; AHK Version: Unicode x32
; Tested on: WIN_7 64bit
; =================================================================================================================================
#SingleInstance force
#include <canvas> ; initiate Canvas Class
; Library >>
; Documentation >>
;Canvas library is splitted in 6 files: Brush.ahk, Canvas.ahk, Font.ahk, Pen.ahk, Surface.ahk and Viewport.ahk
;Put these six files in your default library or create a "Lib" folder in your script folder
;------------------------ CREATE PENS AND BRUSHES --------------------------------------------------------
; create pens for drawing (to use only to draw lines and borders)
; (ARGB Hex Colors) Transparency is controlled by the alpha channel (AA in #AARRGGBB)
; all pens have a thickness set by default to 6
AQUA_pen := new Canvas.Pen(0xFF00FFFF, 6)
BLACK_pen := new Canvas.Pen(0xFF000000, 6) ; Pen(ARGB_color, thickness)
BLUE_pen := new Canvas.Pen(0xFF0000FF, 6)
FUCHSIA_pen := new Canvas.Pen(0xFFFF00FF, 6)
GRAY_pen := new Canvas.Pen(0xFF808080, 6)
GREEN_pen := new Canvas.Pen(0xFF008000, 6)
LIME_pen := new Canvas.Pen(0xFF00FF00, 6)
MAROON_pen := new Canvas.Pen(0xFF800000, 6)
NAVY_pen := new Canvas.Pen(0xFF000080, 6)
OLIVE_pen := new Canvas.Pen(0xFF808000, 6)
PURPLE_pen := new Canvas.Pen(0xFF800080, 6)
RED_pen := new Canvas.Pen(0xFFFF0000, 6)
SILVER_pen := new Canvas.Pen(0xFFC0C0C0, 6)
TEAL_pen := new Canvas.Pen(0xFF008080, 6)
WHITE_pen := new Canvas.Pen(0xFFFFFFFF, 6)
YELLOW_pen := new Canvas.Pen(0xFFFFFF00, 6)
; create some brushes (to use only with filled forms)
; (ARGB Hex Colors) Transparency is controlled by the alpha channel (AA in #AARRGGBB)
; all brushes have a transparency set by default to AA (semi-transparent)
AQUA_brush := new Canvas.Brush(0xAA00FFFF)
BLACK_brush := new Canvas.Brush(0xAA000000) ; Brush(ARGB_color)
BLUE_brush := new Canvas.Brush(0xAA0000FF)
FUCHSIA_brush := new Canvas.Brush(0xAAFF00FF)
GRAY_brush := new Canvas.Brush(0xAA808080)
GREEN_brush := new Canvas.Brush(0xAA008000)
LIME_brush := new Canvas.Brush(0xAA00FF00)
MAROON_brush := new Canvas.Brush(0xAA800000)
NAVY_brush := new Canvas.Brush(0xAA000080)
OLIVE_brush := new Canvas.Brush(0xAA808000)
PURPLE_brush := new Canvas.Brush(0xAA800080)
RED_brush := new Canvas.Brush(0xAAFF0000)
SILVER_brush := new Canvas.Brush(0xAAC0C0C0)
TEAL_brush := new Canvas.Brush(0xAA008080)
WHITE_brush := new Canvas.Brush(0xAAFFFFFF)
YELLOW_brush := new Canvas.Brush(0xAAFFFF00)
gui, font, s14
gui, add, text, ym cblue, Draw shapes automatically
;------------------------ CREATE A GUI TEXT OR PICTURE CONTROL -----------------------------------------------------------------
; One of the big advantages of Canvas is that you can very easily use it to draw in a Gui control.
gui, add, text, w500 h500 x50 y50 hwndMainBox border, ;create a container control (a Gui or a Gui contol that will receive all the drawings) for ex. a gui picture or text control and specify an hwnd name for it (for ex: "hwndMy_container_box_name")
;------------------------ SHOW THE GUI -----------------------------------------------------------------
gui, +resize
gui, show, w800 h600, UBERIS CANVAS BASIC TUTORIAL 1 by Speedmaster
;------------------------ CREATE A SURFACE (LAYER) -------------------------------------------------------
surface1 := new Canvas.Surface(500,500) ;create a new drawing area (= a new layer for drawing)
surface1.Clear(0xFFFFFF99) ;clear the surface and color it with ARGB lightYellow (0xFFFF99)
surface1.Smooth := "Best" ;antialiasing (improves the image rendering) .Smooth := "None" "Good" or "Best"
;------------------------ CREATE A VIEWPORT --------------------------------------------------------------
Viewport := new Canvas.Viewport(MainBox).Attach(Surface1) ;attach the drawing area (surface) to the gui text control (MainBox)
;------------------------ REFRESH THE VIEWPORT --------------------------------------------------------------
Viewport.Refresh() ; update the vieuwport to see the changes in the gui.
;------------------------- MESSAGE BOX COMMENT (Msgbox 1) ---------------------------------------------------------
msgbox,, AHK-CANVAS TUTORIAL 1 , Downloard and include Uberi's Canvas (6 AHK files)`n Create Pen and Brush colors `n Create a Surface `n Create a GUI text box `n Create a Viewport `n Attach the viewport to the text box `n Refresh the viewport`n`n If all went well you should see a yellow square `n`n Click OK to draw the shapes
;------------------------ DRAW SHAPES EXAMPLES IN THE SURFACE -----------------------------------------------------------------
; Be careful! to draw a line or a border use a Pen color
Surface1.DrawRectangle(AQUA_Pen,10,10,277,50) ;Draw an aqua rectangle (Pen,X,Y,Width,Height)
Surface1.DrawRectangle(RED_Pen,10,80,100,75) ;Draw a red rectangle (Pen,X,Y,Width,Height)
Surface1.DrawEllipse(Purple_Pen,125,180,100,50) ;Draw a Ellipse (Pen,X,Y,Width,Height)
Surface1.Line(Blue_Pen,10,200,300,290) ;draw a blue Line (Pen,X1,Y1,X2,Y2)
; Be careful! to draw a filled shape use a Bush color
Surface1.FillRectangle(GREEN_Brush,170,280,150,80) ;Draw a filled green rectangle (Bush,X,Y,Width,Height)
Surface1.FillEllipse(MAROON_brush,150,330,70,70) ;Draw a filled maroon circle
; Be careful! to draw borders use a Pen color
Surface1.DrawPolygon(Fuchsia_Pen,[[30,400-30],[30,500-30],[100,500-30]]) ;draw a polygon (triangle) (Pen, [X,Y], [X,Y], [X,Y])
;------------------------ REFRESH THE VIEWPORT --------------------------------------------------------------
Viewport.Refresh() ; update the vieuwport to see the changes in the gui.
;------------------------ MESSAGE BOX COMMENT (Msgbox 2)--------------------------------------------------------------
msgbox,, AHK-CANVAS TUTORIAL 1 , If all went well you should see the shapes :) `n`n End of the basic tutorial 1`n`n by Speedmaster
;------------------------ EXIT THE SCRIPT -------------------------------------------------------------------
Code: Select all
; =================================================================================================================================
; Name: AHK-CANVAS Basic tutorial 2
; Description: Show basic usage of Uberi's Canvas Library
; Credits: Speedmaster
; Topic:
; Sript version: 1.0
; AHK Version: Unicode x32
; Tested on: WIN_7 64bit
; =================================================================================================================================
#SingleInstance force
#include <canvas> ; initiate Canvas Class
; Library >>
; Documentation >>
;Canvas library is splitted in 6 files: Brush.ahk, Canvas.ahk, Font.ahk, Pen.ahk, Surface.ahk and Viewport.ahk
;Put these six files in your default library or create a "Lib" folder in your script folder
;------------------------ CREATE PENS AND BRUSHES --------------------------------------------------------
; create pens for drawing (to use only to draw lines and borders)
; (ARGB Hex Colors) Transparency is controlled by the alpha channel (AA in #AARRGGBB)
; all pens have a thickness set by default to 6
AQUA_pen := new Canvas.Pen(0xFF00FFFF, 6)
BLACK_pen := new Canvas.Pen(0xFF000000, 6) ; Pen(ARGB_color, thickness)
BLUE_pen := new Canvas.Pen(0xFF0000FF, 6)
FUCHSIA_pen := new Canvas.Pen(0xFFFF00FF, 6)
GRAY_pen := new Canvas.Pen(0xFF808080, 6)
GREEN_pen := new Canvas.Pen(0xFF008000, 6)
LIME_pen := new Canvas.Pen(0xFF00FF00, 6)
MAROON_pen := new Canvas.Pen(0xFF800000, 6)
NAVY_pen := new Canvas.Pen(0xFF000080, 6)
OLIVE_pen := new Canvas.Pen(0xFF808000, 6)
PURPLE_pen := new Canvas.Pen(0xFF800080, 6)
RED_pen := new Canvas.Pen(0xFFFF0000, 6)
SILVER_pen := new Canvas.Pen(0xFFC0C0C0, 6)
TEAL_pen := new Canvas.Pen(0xFF008080, 6)
WHITE_pen := new Canvas.Pen(0xFFFFFFFF, 6)
YELLOW_pen := new Canvas.Pen(0xFFFFFF00, 6)
; create some brushes (to use only with filled forms)
; (ARGB Hex Colors) Transparency is controlled by the alpha channel (AA in #AARRGGBB)
; all brushes have a transparency set by default to AA (semi-transparent)
AQUA_brush := new Canvas.Brush(0xAA00FFFF)
BLACK_brush := new Canvas.Brush(0xAA000000) ; Brush(ARGB_color)
BLUE_brush := new Canvas.Brush(0xAA0000FF)
FUCHSIA_brush := new Canvas.Brush(0xAAFF00FF)
GRAY_brush := new Canvas.Brush(0xAA808080)
GREEN_brush := new Canvas.Brush(0xAA008000)
LIME_brush := new Canvas.Brush(0xAA00FF00)
MAROON_brush := new Canvas.Brush(0xAA800000)
NAVY_brush := new Canvas.Brush(0xAA000080)
OLIVE_brush := new Canvas.Brush(0xAA808000)
PURPLE_brush := new Canvas.Brush(0xAA800080)
RED_brush := new Canvas.Brush(0xAAFF0000)
SILVER_brush := new Canvas.Brush(0xAAC0C0C0)
TEAL_brush := new Canvas.Brush(0xAA008080)
WHITE_brush := new Canvas.Brush(0xAAFFFFFF)
YELLOW_brush := new Canvas.Brush(0xAAFFFF00)
gui, font, s14
gui, add, text, ym cblue, Draw shapes manually (Ctrl + Left Mouse)
;------------------------ CREATE A GUI TEXT OR PICTURE CONTROL -----------------------------------------------------------------
; One of the big advantages of Canvas is that you can very easily use it to draw in a Gui control.
gui, add, text, w500 h500 x50 y50 vmainbox hwndMainBox border, ;create a container control (a Gui or a Gui contol that will receive all the drawings) for ex. a gui picture or text control and specify an hwnd name for it (for ex: "hwndMy_container_box_name")
; ----------------------- CREATE RADIO BUTTONS ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Gui, Add, Radio, x+20 yp checked1 vSelectedradio, DrawLine
Gui, Add, Radio,, FillRectangle
Gui, Add, Radio,, DrawRectangle
Gui, Add, Radio,, FillEllipse
Gui, Add, Radio,, DrawEllipse
; ----------------------- CLEAR BUTTON -----------------------------------------------------------------
GUI, add, button, gclear, CLEAR
;------------------------ SHOW THE GUI -----------------------------------------------------------------
gui, +resize
gui, show, w800 h600, UBERIS CANVAS BASIC TUTORIAL 1 by Speedmaster
;------------------------ CREATE A SURFACE (LAYER) -------------------------------------------------------
surface1 := new Canvas.Surface(500,500) ;create a new drawing area (= a new layer for drawing)
surface1.Clear(0xFFFFFF99) ;clear the surface and color it with ARGB lightYellow (0xFFFF99)
surface1.Smooth := "Best" ;antialiasing (improves the image rendering) .Smooth := "None" "Good" or "Best"
;------------------------ CREATE A VIEWPORT --------------------------------------------------------------
Viewport := new Canvas.Viewport(MainBox).Attach(Surface1) ;attach the drawing area (surface) to the gui text control (MainBox)
;------------------------ REFRESH THE VIEWPORT --------------------------------------------------------------
Viewport.Refresh() ; update the vieuwport to see the changes in the gui.
;------------------------- MESSAGE BOX COMMENT (Msgbox 1) ---------------------------------------------------------
msgbox,, AHK-CANVAS TUTORIAL 2 , Downloard and include Uberi's Canvas (6 AHK files)`n Create Pen and Brush colors `n Create a Surface `n Create a GUI text box (Main box) `n Create a Viewport `n Attach the viewport to the Main box `n Refresh the viewport`n`n If all went well you should see a yellow square `n`nSet the COORDMODE of the MOUSE to CLIENT `n`nPress Ctrl + Left Mouse to draw the selected shape`n`nBefore drawing:`nCapture the mouse pointer position X1 Y1`nSubtract the control margin (position X and Y of the main box)`nClone the surface to save it`n`nWhile drawing: `nCapture the mouse pointer position X2 Y2`nSubtract the control margin (Main box X and Y) `nDraw back the previously cloned surface `nthen draw the shape`nRefresh the viewport to see the changes
;----------------------- GET THE MARGING (position X and Y of the main control) ------------------------------------------
guicontrolget, MainBox, pos, % mainbox ; We need to know MainboxX and MainboxY
;---------------------- SET COORDMODE OF THE MOUSE TO CLIENT -------------------------------------------------------------
coordmode, mouse, client
;------------------------ MANUALLY DRAW SHAPES IN THE SURFACE (Ctrl Left Mouse) ------------------------------------------
^lbutton:: ; Press control + left mouse
MouseGetPos, x1, y1 ; capture the position of the first click
x1 -= MainBoxX, y1 -= MainBoxY ; remove the control margin (position x and y of the main box) from the captured pos X1 and X2
ClonedSurface:=Surface1.clone().draw(Surface1) ; clone the current surface to save it
;------------------------ CHECK THE SELECTED RADIO BUTTON ---------------------
gui, submit, nohide ; select a shape to draw (radio buttons)
if (SelectedRadio==1)
gosub draw_line
else if (SelectedRadio==2)
goto draw_filled_rectangle
else if (SelectedRadio==3)
goto draw_rectangle
else if (SelectedRadio==4)
goto draw_Filled_Ellipse
else if (SelectedRadio==5)
goto draw_Ellipse
;-------- DRAW LINES -----------------------------------------------------------------
while getKeyState("LButton", "P")
MouseGetPos, x2, y2 ; while the left mouse button is pressed capture the mouse pointer
x2 -= MainBoxX, y2 -= MainBoxY ; subtract the control margin (position x and y of the main box)
Surface1.draw(ClonedSurface) ; draw the cloned surface first
.Line(Red_pen,x1,y1,x2,y2) ; then draw the line
Viewport.Refresh() ; refresh the viewport to see the changes
;-------- DRAW FILLED RECTANGLE -----------------------------------------------------------------
while getKeyState("LButton", "P")
MouseGetPos, x2, y2 ; while the left mouse button is pressed capture the mouse pointer
x2 -= MainBoxX, y2 -= MainBoxY ; subtract the control margin (position x and y of the main box)
w:=abs(x2-x1) ; calculate the width (w) of the rectangle in absolute value abs()
h:=abs(y2-y1) ; calculate the height (h) of the rectangle in absolute value abs()
Surface1.draw(ClonedSurface).FillRectangle(Green_Brush,(x2-x1)>0?x1:X2,(y2-y1)>0?y1:y2,w,h) ; then draw the rectangle taking into account the direction
Viewport.Refresh() ; refresh the viewport to see the changes
;-------- DRAW RECTANGLE -----------------------------------------------------------------
while getKeyState("LButton", "P")
MouseGetPos, x2, y2 ; while the left mouse button is pressed capture the mouse pointer
x2 -= MainBoxX, y2 -= MainBoxY ; subtract the control margin (position x and y of the main box)
w:=abs(x2-x1) ; calculate the width (w) of the rectangle in absolute value abs()
h:=abs(y2-y1) ; calculate the height (h) of the rectangle in absolute value abs()
Surface1.draw(ClonedSurface) ; draw the cloned surface first
.drawRectangle(AQUA_Pen,(x2-x1)>0?x1:X2,(y2-y1)>0?y1:y2,w,h) ; then draw the rectangle taking into account the direction
Viewport.Refresh() ; refresh the viewport to see the changes
;-------- DRAW FILLED ELLIPSE -----------------------------------------------------------------
while getKeyState("LButton", "P")
MouseGetPos, x2, y2 ; while the left mouse button is pressed capture the mouse pointer
x2 -= MainBoxX, y2 -= MainBoxY ; subtract the control margin (position x and y of the main box)
w:=abs(x2-x1) ; calculate the width (w) of the Ellipse in absolute value abs()
h:=abs(y2-y1) ; calculate the height (h) of the Ellipse in absolute value abs()
Surface1.draw(ClonedSurface).FillEllipse(Purple_Brush,(x2-x1)>0?x1:X2,(y2-y1)>0?y1:y2,w,h) ; then draw the Ellipse taking into account the direction
Viewport.Refresh() ; refresh the viewport to see the changes
;-------- DRAW ELLIPSE -----------------------------------------------------------------
while getKeyState("LButton", "P")
MouseGetPos, x2, y2 ; while the left mouse button is pressed capture the mouse pointer
x2 -= MainBoxX, y2 -= MainBoxY ; subtract the control margin (position x and y of the main box)
w:=abs(x2-x1) ; calculate the width (w) of the Ellipse in absolute value abs()
h:=abs(y2-y1) ; calculate the height (h) of the Ellipse in absolute value abs()
Surface1.draw(ClonedSurface) ; draw the cloned surface first
.drawEllipse(FUCHSIA_Pen,(x2-x1)>0?x1:X2,(y2-y1)>0?y1:y2,w,h) ; then draw the Ellipse taking into account the direction
Viewport.Refresh() ; refresh the viewport to see the changes
;------------------------ CLEAR THE DRAWING --------------------------------------------------------------
surface1.Clear(0xFFFFFF99) ;clear the surface with ARGB lightYellow (0xFFFF99)
Viewport.Refresh() ; update the vieuwport to see the changes in the gui.
;------------------------ MESSAGE BOX COMMENT (Msgbox 2)--------------------------------------------------------------
msgbox,, AHK-CANVAS TUTORIAL 2 , Feel free to modify and test. `nGood Luck :) `n`n End of the basic tutorial 2`n by Speedmaster
;------------------------ EXIT THE SCRIPT -------------------------------------------------------------------