Autoselect Menu in Silica Game

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Autoselect Menu in Silica Game

22 May 2023, 23:07

Just learned about AutoHotKey last night so my first script probably has some pitfalls. Came across a need for a script-based clicker for a game called Silica. Right now Silica only supports P2P listen servers, but you can't leave your server running and walk away because if you don't hit a button at the beginning of each round then the game becomes unplayable. My script looks for pixel colors during the Team Selection screen to see if anyone won the round yet.

When a team loses then the team's icon gets crossed out with red scratches. The idea is the script will detect who wins and loses, log it, and then wait for the next screen to repeat the same gamemode. Would welcome feedback on anything that could be improved or a topic I should learn more about within the scripting language.

Code: Select all

; Silica Listen Server Mode Select AutoHotKey Script
; Copyright (C) 2023 by databomb
; * Description *
; For Silica listen servers, automatically detects the round winners
; and losers and allows server to automatically select the next 
; gamemode without manual operator intervention. This is only for use
; where the host is not actively playing them game and is staring at
; the team selection screen.
; * Version History *
; v1.0.0 22 May 2023 Initial public release
; * License *
; This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
; (at your option) any later version.
; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
; GNU General Public License for more details.
; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
; along with this program.  If not, see <>.

#Requires AutoHotkey v2.0

Logging := 1

; Validate config setup hotkey
; Test setup instructions: 
; 1) Launch Server in Humans vs. Aliens mode
; 2) Activate console
; 3) Type `cheats` in console
; 4) Type `delete structure` in console
; 5) Type `destroy` in console
;    Both Human and Alien should now have the red loss scratches
; 6) Ctrl + Alt + Z
	GrabSilicaColors(&HumanSolColor, &AlienColor, &HumanCentauriColor, 1)
	if (HumanSolColor = 0xc00000 and AlienColor = 0xc00000)
		MsgBox "Setup Validated"
		MsgBox "Adjustments Needed! Found Alien Color: " AlienColor " Human Sol Color: " HumanSolColor

; Main Loop to identify a losing team
	GrabSilicaColors(&HumanSolColor, &AlienColor, &HumanCentauriColor)
	if (AlienColor = 0xc00000 and HumanSolColor = 0xc00000)
		MsgBox "Error. Found multiple victory conditions."
	else if (AlienColor = 0xc00000)
		; wait for endgame screen to disappear
		while (AlienColor = 0xc00000)
			GrabSilicaColors(&HumanSolColor, &AlienColor, &HumanCentauriColor)
	else if (HumanSolColor = 0xc00000)
		; wait for endgame screen to disappear
		while (HumanSolColor = 0xc00000)
			GrabSilicaColors(&HumanSolColor, &AlienColor, &HumanCentauriColor)

; Selects from the 3 availble Silica gamemmodes
; mode 0 = "Humans vs. Humans"
; mode 1 = "Humans vs. Aliens"
; mode 2 = "Humans vs. Humans vs. Aliens"
SelectNextGameMode(mode := 1)
	; switch to the game's window
	FindSilicaScreen(&GameMidPosX, &GameMidPosY, &topX, &topY, 1)
	CoordMode "Mouse", "Screen"
	GameModeMidAdjustX := (GameMidPosX // 3)
	; adjust X coordinate to select one of the three gamemodes
	Switch mode
		; mode 0 = "Humans vs. Humans"
		Case 0: ClickPosX := topX + GameMidPosX - GameModeMidAdjustX
		; mode 1 = "Humans vs. Aliens"
		Case 1: ClickPosX := topX + GameMidPosX
		; mode 2 = "Humans vs. Humans vs. Aliens"
		Case 2: ClickPosX := topX + GameMidPosX + GameModeMidAdjustX
	ClickPosY := topY + GameMidPosY
	MouseMove ClickPosX, ClickPosY
	MouseClick "left"

; Find the color in the middle of the Human and Alien team banners
GrabSilicaColors(&HumanSolColor, &AlienColor, &HumanCentauriColor, debug:=0)
	; TODO: Fix later to support HvHvA
	HumanCentauriColor := 0
	FindSilicaScreen(&GameMidPosX, &GameMidPosY, &topX, &topY)
	; Find if we have 2 teams or 3 teams by looking for Alien in middle
	CheckAlienMidAdjustY := (GameMidPosY // 6)
	CheckAlienMidPosX := topX + GameMidPosX
	CheckAlienMidPosY := topY + GameMidPosY + CheckAlienMidAdjustY
	CoordMode "Pixel", "Screen"
	CheckAlienMidColor := PixelGetColor(CheckAlienMidPosX, CheckAlienMidPosY)
	if (CheckAlienMidColor = 0xFFFFFF)
		; TODO: Fix later to support HvHvA
		MsgBox "Alien Team is Mid"
	GameMidAdjustX := (GameMidPosX // 5)
	GameMidAdjustY := (GameMidPosY // 72)
	HumanPosX := topX + GameMidPosX - GameMidAdjustX
	AlienPosX := topX + GameMidPosX + GameMidAdjustX
	HumanPosY := topY + GameMidPosY - GameMidAdjustY
	AlienPosY := topY + GameMidPosY - GameMidAdjustY
	if (debug = 1)
		MsgBox "Human Position Silica is at " HumanPosX "," HumanPosY " and Silica starts at " topX "," topY
	CoordMode "Pixel", "Screen"
	HumanSolColor := PixelGetColor(HumanPosX, HumanPosY)
	AlienColor := PixelGetColor(AlienPosX, AlienPosY)

FindSilicaScreen(&GameMidPosX, &GameMidPosY, &topX, &topY, switch_context := 0)
	UniqueID := WinExist("ahk_exe Silica.exe")
	if (switch_context = 1)
	WinGetPos(&topX, &topY, &Width, &Height, UniqueID)
	GameMidPosX := (Width // 2)
	GameMidPosY := (Height // 2)

	if (Logging = 1)
		Switch Winner
			Case 1: WriteLogEntry("Human (Sol) Victory")
			Case 2: WriteLogEntry("Alien Victory")
			Case 3: WriteLogEntry("Human (Centauri) Victory")

	FileAppend A_NowUTC ": " text "`n", A_ScriptDir "\WinnerLog.txt"
Posts: 2
Joined: 22 May 2023, 22:06

Re: Autoselect Menu in Silica Game

22 May 2023, 23:41

Second try at posting the picture of the team selection screen that the script looks at:
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Re: Autoselect Menu in Silica Game

23 May 2023, 08:08

Wouldn't this fit better into the game section rather than scripts and functions? :? ;) (don't get me wrong of course)
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Re: Autoselect Menu in Silica Game

23 May 2023, 08:20

Animan8000 wrote:
23 May 2023, 08:08
Wouldn't this fit better into the game section rather than scripts and functions? :? ;) (don't get me wrong of course)
Yes, I moved the topic to the 'Gaming' subforum.

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