Cannot Install or Run SciTE4 3.1.0

The popular SciTE-based AutoHotkey Script Editor
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Joined: 20 Sep 2017, 18:53

Cannot Install or Run SciTE4 3.1.0

11 Jan 2023, 18:22

When I try to install, I get an error saying that "Could not find existing AutoHotkey installation"

I assume this is because it's installed in a non-standard directory - essentially a portable install on my work PC because they won't give me admin rights.

So... I tried the portable. When I run the portable, I get a different error:
Error while launching:
""C:\MyPrograms\AutoHotkey\SciTE\InternalAHK.exe" with Params:
""C:\MyPrograms\AutoHotkey\SciTE\toolbar\Toolbar.ahk" 1376398 1116528"
The operation was canceled by the user.

I tried creating my own install package from Github, but I don't have the necessary prerequisites to do that either.

I'm able to get the old version working without issue, but it has... well... its own issues.
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Joined: 05 May 2017, 09:28

Re: Cannot Install or Run SciTE4 3.1.0

22 Jul 2023, 10:25

Did you ever figure out a fix this issue? I'm having the exact same problem. The app still launches. But it's annoying and I don't know what side effects there are to leaving it like that. I'm running the AHK
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Joined: 20 Sep 2017, 18:53

Re: Cannot Install or Run SciTE4 3.1.0

07 Aug 2023, 16:24

@marcgii No, I didn't get it to work, so I have been using the old version of SciTE4AHK. I'm trying again... and planning to see if I can find the source to see what SciTE4AHK is looking at to check for AHK so I can correct that.
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Re: Cannot Install or Run SciTE4 3.1.0

07 Aug 2023, 20:42

The culprit appears to be at the top of the Util Lib file - the only check is for InstallDir in the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE registry.

Here's my suggestion, but I'm not good enough with Git to create a new Install EXE file. Perhaps someone else can update the source or create a new install file.

Code: Select all

	RegRead, ov, HKLM, SOFTWARE\AutoHotkey, InstallDir
	if !ov 
		RegRead, ov, HKCU, SOFTWARE\AutoHotkey, InstallDir
	if !ov && A_Is64bitOS
		q := A_RegView
		SetRegView, 64
		RegRead, ov, HKLM, SOFTWARE\AutoHotkey, InstallDir
		if !ov 
			RegRead, ov, HKCU, SOFTWARE\AutoHotkey, InstallDir
		SetRegView, %q%
	if !ov
		FileSelectFolder, ov, %A_ProgramFiles%,,Select your AutoHotkey Install Folder
	return ov
Here's the link to the Git repository:

@marcgii I was finally able to get it to work on the machine that was causing problems by installing it on another machine and copying the whole folder over, though that may not be an option if you're machine is a restricted work machine like mine.
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Joined: 05 May 2017, 09:28

Re: Cannot Install or Run SciTE4 3.1.0

06 Oct 2023, 07:32

Excellent! I will give it try.
(sorry for late response)
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Joined: 22 Nov 2023, 09:30

Re: Cannot Install or Run SciTE4 3.1.0

22 Nov 2023, 09:56

Thanks for including the registry info, @fatodubs! Because of that, this works as a simple workaround for anyone who used the per-user install option for AHK and doesn't want to mess with code/modified executables/etc...:
  • In the registry, create a new key at HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\AutoHotkey
  • Inside this new AutoHotkey registry key, create a new "String" value called InstallDir, and a new "String" value called Version
  • Locate these same entries under the HKCU branch (HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\AutoHotkey)
  • Copy the values for both InstallDir and Version from the HKCU branch entries to the new ones in HKLM
  • Re-run the SciTE4 installer and it should now find your installation

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