combinations and permutations (and anagrams)

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combinations and permutations (and anagrams)

09 Jul 2017, 15:37

Has anybody released any good functions for calculating the number of combinations/permutations for the following:
- combinations (without repetition)
- combinations with repetition
- permutations (without repetition)
- permutations with repetition

Or are there any relevant MSDN functions available?

I have written functions both to calculate the numbers (what I'm asking for), and to generate lists of combinations/permutations, however they are very complicated and dependent on other functions, so I would be interested in any alternative approaches. Thanks. (I will release them soon.)


Some related links:

[started by wolf_II]
Permutations() - AutoHotkey Community
Anagrams - AutoHotkey Community ... 19&t=34240

[started by littlegandhi1199]
Anagram Solver by Littlegandhi1199 - AutoHotkey Community
(Scrabble) Anagram Solver N/4-15 - AutoHotkey Community ... 19&t=34285


'who's in the photo' (order doesn't matter)
combinations: 'aab' and 'baa' are equivalent
combinations with repetitions (10): aaa,aab,aac,abb,abc,acc,bbb,bbc,bcc,ccc
combinations with no repetitions (1): abc

'how are the people in the photo lined up' (order matters)
permutations: 'aab' and 'baa' are not equivalent
permutations with repetitions (27): aaa,aab,aac,aba,abb,abc,aca,acb,acc,baa,bab,bac,bba,bbb,bbc,bca,bcb,bcc,caa,cab,cac,cba,cbb,cbc,cca,ccb,ccc
permutations with no repetitions (6): abc,acb,bac,bca,cab,cba

I'm looking to get those numbers: 10, 1, 27, 6, I'm not concerned about generating the lists.


Part of the difficulty with calculation, is that you quickly reach numbers above what AutoHotkey can handle. The formulas typically use factorial, for example, 20! can be handled by AutoHotkey, but not 21!. E.g. 5! = 5*4*3*2*1 = 120. So I've had to use workarounds, like listing the prime factors of two different numbers, and cancelling them out, before applying a calculation.

One reason you'd want to know the numbers, is to calculate how much space will be required to store the list.


Excel: COMBIN(n,k)
when k <= n: n! / (k!(n-k)!)
when k > n: 0
e.g. Fact(3) / (Fact(3)*Fact(3-3)) = 1

Excel: COMBIN(n+k-1,k)
Excel: FACT(n+k-1) / (FACT(n-1)*FACT(k))
when applicable: (n+k-1)! / (k!(n-1)!)
e.g. Fact(3+3-1)/(Fact(3-1)*Fact(3)) = 10

Excel: PERMUT(n,k)
when k <= n: n! / (n-k)!
when k > n: 0
e.g. Fact(3) / Fact(3-3) = 6

Excel: k^n
when applicable: k^n
e.g. 3**3 = 27
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Re: combinations and permutations

09 Jul 2017, 16:38

I have this one ready to post:

Code: Select all

; combinations with repetitions (10): aaa,aab,aac,abb,abc,acc,bbb,bbc,bcc,ccc
MsgBox, % Combine(3, 3) ; 10

Combine(n, k) { ; number of combinations with repetitions
    Return, Choose(n + k - 1, k)

Choose(n, k) { ; return "n choose k", binomial coefficients
    ; calculate n! / [k! * (n-k)!]
    ; number of combinations without repetitions
    ; e.g. 5 cards out of deck of 52 cards = Choose(52, 5)
    Result := (n >= k) ; return zero for n < k

    While n > k {
        Result *= n--
        Result /= A_Index

    Return, Result
I keep the number somewhat small by dividing after each multiplication. This also keep them as integers, rather than floats.
Edit: deals with n<k
Edit2: added example from wikipedia
Last edited by wolf_II on 13 Jul 2017, 04:18, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: combinations and permutations

09 Jul 2017, 19:01

Maybe what would be better than looking at the prime factors, would be some big number functions, that do maths via string manipulation. Or possibly some Winapi functions for big numbers.

I.e. if I'm going to be manipulating strings (i.e. lists of factors), I might as well be manipulating strings with general-purpose 'big numbers' functions, instead of esoteric functions.

[EDIT:] This is a great library:
Scientific Maths - infinite precision Mathematics Library - Scripts and Functions - AutoHotkey Community ... s-library/
autohotkey-scripts/Maths.ahk at master · aviaryan/autohotkey-scripts · GitHub ... /Maths.ahk

What could be good is some external tool, so that I can verify the calculations in this library and in any custom big number functions that I make.

For manual checking, there is the Wolfram Alpha website.
Wolfram|Alpha: Computational Knowledge Engine

Using Excel for testing:

Code: Select all

oXl := Excel_Get()
vN := 3, vK := 3
vOutput .= Round(oXl.WorksheetFunction.Combin(vN, vK)) "`r`n"
vOutput .= Round(oXl.WorksheetFunction.Combin(vN+vK-1, vK)) "`r`n"
vOutput .= Round(oXl.WorksheetFunction.Permut(vN, vK)) "`r`n"
vOutput .= vK**vN
MsgBox, % vOutput
oXl := ""
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Re: combinations and permutations

09 Jul 2017, 22:24

jeeswg wrote:What could be good is some external tool, so that I can verify the calculations in this library and in any custom big number functions that I make.
I used in the past preccalc (32/64 bit versions available) from
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Re: combinations and permutations (and anagrams)

11 Jul 2017, 16:21

I have some functions for calculating the number of, and generating lists of combinations/permutations (with/without repetitions).

Code: Select all

q:: ;combinations/permutations (with/without repetition)

vOrig := "abc"
;vOrig := "abA"
;vOrig := "Aa"
;vOrig := "ab"
vCaseSen := 1
;vChoose := StrLen(vOrig)
vChoose := 3
;vChoose := 2
;vChoose := 1
vDiag := 0 ;diagnostic mode

if (vChoose > StrLen(vOrig))
	MsgBox, % "warning: k > n"

;permutations (with repetition)
vOrigLF := RegExReplace(vOrig, "(?<=.)(?=.)", "`n") ;pad with LFs
vList := vOrigLF
vCaseSen ? (vSfxC := " C", vSfxCS := " CS") : (vSfxC := vSfxCS := "")
Loop, % vChoose - 1
	vList := JEE_ListItemsPrepend(vOrigLF, vList, "`n")
	if vDiag
		MsgBox, % StrReplace(vList, "`n", ",") " " JEE_StrCount(vList "`n", "`n")
vList2 := JEE_ListItemsAlphabetise(vList, "`n", vSfxCS " st")
Sort, vList2, % "U" vSfxC
vCountPR := JEE_StrCount(vList "`n", "`n")
vCountCR := JEE_StrCount(vList2 "`n", "`n")
vOutput := "permutations with repetition: " vCountPR "`r`n" StrReplace(vList, "`n", ",") "`r`n`r`n"
vOutput .= "combinations with repetition: " vCountCR "`r`n" StrReplace(vList2, "`n", ",") "`r`n`r`n"
if vDiag
	MsgBox, % vOutput

;permutations (without repetition)
vOrigLF := RegExReplace(vOrig, "(?<=.)(?=.)", "`n") ;pad with LFs
vList := vOrigLF
Loop, % vChoose - 1
	vList := JEE_ListItemsPrepend(vOrigLF, vList, "`n")
	if vDiag
		MsgBox, % StrReplace(vList, "`n", ",") " " JEE_StrCount(vList "`n", "`n")
	vList := JEE_StrGetSubwords(vOrig, vList "`n", vSfxCS)
	if vDiag
		MsgBox, % StrReplace(vList, "`n", ",") " " JEE_StrCount(vList "`n", "`n")
vList2 := JEE_ListItemsAlphabetise(vList, "`n", vSfxCS " st")
Sort, vList2, % "U" vSfxC
vCountP := JEE_StrCount(vList "`n", "`n")
vCountC := JEE_StrCount(vList2 "`n", "`n")
vOutput .= "permutations (without repetition): " vCountP "`r`n" StrReplace(vList, "`n", ",") "`r`n`r`n"
vOutput .= "combinations (without repetition): " vCountC "`r`n" StrReplace(vList2, "`n", ",") "`r`n`r`n"

vOutput .= vCountPR " " vCountCR " " vCountP " " vCountC "`r`n"
vN := StrLen(vOrig), vK := vChoose
vCountPR := JEE_Permut(vN, vK, "r")
vCountCR := JEE_Combin(vN, vK, "r")
vCountP := JEE_Permut(vN, vK)
vCountC := JEE_Combin(vN, vK)
vOutput .= vCountPR " " vCountCR " " vCountP " " vCountC "`r`n"
MsgBox, % vOutput


;(can handle larger numbers if include: SM_fact, SM_Multiply, SM_Divide, SM_Greater)



;#Include, %A_ScriptDir%\Lib\Maths.ahk
;Scientific Maths - infinite precision Mathematics Library - Scripts and Functions - AutoHotkey Community
;autohotkey-scripts/Maths.ahk at master · aviaryan/autohotkey-scripts · GitHub


JEE_Combin(vN, vK, vOpt="")
	if InStr(vOpt, "r")
		vN += vK - 1
	if (vK > vN)
		return 0
	else if (vN <= 20) && (vK <= 12) && (vN-vK <= 12)
		return Round(JEE_Fact(vN) / (JEE_Fact(vK)*JEE_Fact(vN-vK)))
		SM_fact := "SM_fact", SM_Multiply := "SM_Multiply", SM_Divide := "SM_Divide", SM_Greater := "SM_Greater"
		if !IsFunc(SM_fact)
			return ""
		vNum1 := %SM_Multiply%(%SM_fact%(vK), %SM_fact%(vN-vK))
		vNum2 := %SM_Divide%(%SM_fact%(vN), vNum1)
		if %SM_Greater%(vNum2, 9223372036854775807) ;0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
			return vNum2
			return vNum2+0


JEE_Permut(vN, vK, vOpt="")
	if InStr(vOpt, "r")
		return vK**vN
	if (vK > vN)
		return 0
	else if (vN <= 20) && (vN-vK <= 20)
		return Round(JEE_Fact(vN) / JEE_Fact(vN-vK))
		SM_fact := "SM_fact", SM_Divide := "SM_Divide", SM_Greater := "SM_Greater"
		if !IsFunc(SM_fact)
			return ""
		vNum := %SM_Divide%(%SM_fact%(vN), %SM_fact%(vN-vK))
		if %SM_Greater%(vNum, 9223372036854775807) ;0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
			return vNum
			return vNum+0


;Scientific Maths - infinite precision Mathematics Library - Scripts and Functions - AutoHotkey Community
;autohotkey-scripts/Maths.ahk at master · aviaryan/autohotkey-scripts · GitHub

vOutput := ""
Loop, 51
	vOutput .= (A_Index-1) "`t" JEE_Fact(A_Index-1) "`r`n"
Clipboard := vOutput
MsgBox, % SubStr(vOutput, 1, -2)

;works for 0 <= vNum <= 20, and larger numbers if SM_fact exists
	if (vNum <= 20)
		vOutput := 1
		Loop, % vNum
			vOutput *= A_Index
		return vOutput
	else if IsFunc("SM_fact") && (SM_fact := "SM_fact")
		return %SM_fact%(vNum)
		return ""


JEE_StrCount(ByRef vText, vNeedle, vCaseSen=0)
	if (vNeedle = "")
		return ""
	vSCS := A_StringCaseSense
	StringCaseSense, % vCaseSen ? "On" : "Off"
	StrReplace(vText, vNeedle, "", vCount) ;seemed to be faster than line below
	;StrReplace(vText, vNeedle, vNeedle, vCount)
	StringCaseSense, % vSCS
	return vCount


JEE_SortStable(vTextA, vTextB, vOffset) ;for use with AHK's Sort command
	vRet := (vTextA "") > (vTextB) ? 1 : (vTextA "") < (vTextB) ? -1 : -vOffset
	return vRet


;e.g. with vNeedle = countdown (equivalent to 'cdnnootuw')
;any words containing 2 of c/d/t/u/w are removed (e.g. RegEx needle: '`nm)^.*c.*c.*`n')
;or containing 3 of n/o are removed (e.g. RegEx needle: '`nm)^.*n.*n.*n.*`n')
;also vListRep is checked so that any words
;containing any letter not in 'cdnnootuw' are removed
;vList is an LF-delimited list
JEE_StrGetSubwords(vNeedle, vList, vOpt="", vRange1="", vRange2="", vListRep="abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ")
	vCaseSen := !!InStr(vOpt, "cs")
	vPfx := vCaseSen ? "" : "i"
	vSCS := A_StringCaseSense
	StringCaseSense, % vCaseSen ? "On" : "Off"
	if !(SubStr(vList, StrLen(vList)) = "`n")
		vList .= "`n"
	while !(vListRep = "")
		vChar := SubStr(vListRep, 1, 1)
		vListRep := RegExReplace(vListRep, vPfx ")\Q" vChar "\E", "")
		if InStr(vNeedle, vChar, vCaseSen)
		vList := RegExReplace(vList, vPfx "`nm)^.*\Q" vChar "\E.*`n", "")
	while !(vNeedle = "")
		vChar := SubStr(vNeedle, 1, 1)
		vNeedle2 := RegExReplace(vNeedle, vPfx ")[^" vChar "]*", ".*") vChar ".*"
		vNeedle2 := StrReplace(vNeedle2, ".*.*", ".*")
		vNeedle := StrReplace(vNeedle, vChar, "")
		vList := RegExReplace(vList, vPfx "`nm)^" vNeedle2 "`n", "")
	StringCaseSense, % vSCS
	if (vRange1 vRange2 = "")
		return SubStr(vList, 1, -1)
	vOutput := ""
	VarSetCapacity(vOutput, StrLen(vList2)*2)
	vList := SubStr(vList, 1, -1)
	Loop, Parse, vList, `n
		if ((vRange1 = "") || (StrLen(A_LoopField) >= vRange1))
		&& ((vRange2 = "") || (StrLen(A_LoopField) <= vRange2))
			vList2 .= A_LoopField "`n"
	return SubStr(vList2, 1, -1)


;e.g. ;vOrig: 'A,B,C', ;vList: 'a,b,c'
;output: 'Aa,Ab,Ac,Ba,Bb,Bc,Ca,Cb,Cc'
JEE_ListItemsPrepend(vOrig, vList, vSep=",")
	StrReplace(vList, vSep, "", vCount), vCount += 1
	vList := vSep vList
	VarSetCapacity(vList2, (StrLen(vList)+vCount)*StrLen(vOrig)*2)
	Loop, Parse, vOrig, % vSep
		vList2 .= StrReplace(vList, vSep, vSep A_LoopField)
	return SubStr(vList2, 2)


;e.g. 'qwe,rty,uio,pas,dfg,hjk,lzx,cvb,nm'
;output: 'eqw,rty,iou,aps,dfg,hjk,lxz,bcv,mn'
;vOpt: space-separated list: cs (case sensitive), st (stable)
JEE_ListItemsAlphabetise(vText, vDelim="", vOpt="")
	vSCS := A_StringCaseSense
	StringCaseSense, % InStr(vOpt, "cs") ? "On" : "Off"
	;note: $ has issues as a backreference char in RegEx
	(vDelim2 = "$") ? (vDelim2 := "$$") : (vDelim2 := vDelim)
	vOpt2 := "D" vDelim (InStr(vOpt, "cs") ? " C" : "") (InStr(vOpt, "st") ? " F JEE_SortStable" : "")
	vOutput := ""
	VarSetCapacity(vOutput, (StrLen(vText)+1)*2)
	Loop, Parse, vText, % vDelim
		vTemp := RegExReplace(A_LoopField, "", vDelim2)
		Sort, vTemp, % vOpt2
		vOutput .= StrReplace(vTemp, vDelim) vDelim
	StringCaseSense, % vSCS
	return SubStr(vOutput, 1, -1)


JEE_StrAlphabetise(vText, vUnused="", vOpt="")
	if (vUnused = "")
		Loop, 300
			if !InStr(vText, Chr(A_Index), 0)
				vUnused := Chr(A_Index)
	if (vUnused = "") || InStr(vText, vUnused)
		MsgBox, % "warning: " A_ThisFunc ": no suitable delimiter found"
		return vText
	;note: for vUnused, '$' works here, '$$' is not needed (re. backreferences)
	vText := RegExReplace(vText, "", vUnused)
	if !InStr(vOpt, "st") ;sort unstable
		Sort, vText, D%vUnused%
	else ;sort stable
		Sort, vText, D%vUnused% F JEE_SortStable
	vText := StrReplace(vText, vUnused)
	return vText
Last edited by jeeswg on 14 Jul 2017, 18:58, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: combinations and permutations (and anagrams)

11 Jul 2017, 16:38

Here's a simple example explaining the main principles used:
- [get PR] to generate permutations with repetition: prepend letters to items in a list (explained lower down)
- [PR to P] to go from permutations with repetition to permutations (without repetition): use RegExReplace to remove any items that contain a letter more than once
- [PR to CR] to go from permutations with repetition to combinations with repetition: alphabetise each item, and remove duplicates
- [P to C] to go from permutations (without repetition) to combinations (without repetition): alphabetise each item, and remove duplicates

The trick to generate permutations with repetition:
a,b,c -> ,a,b,c
,a,b,c -> ,aa,ab,ac [replace ',' with ',a']
,a,b,c -> ,ba,bb,bc [replace ',' with ',b']
,a,b,c -> ,ca,cb,cc [replace ',' with ',c']
concatenate (and trim) to give: aa,ab,ac,ba,bb,bc,ca,cb,cc

Code: Select all

q:: ;combinations/permutations with/without repetition
vOrig := "a,b,c", vSep := ","
;vOrig := "a,b,c,d,e", vSep := ","
StrReplace(vOrig, ",", "", vCountOrig), vCountOrig += 1

;note: in this example there is no significance to the use of the StrSplit function,
;I am not using arrays, it is simply used as a hack to count the occurrences
;of a needle string within a haystack string, seeing as AHK doesn't have a StrCount function

;permutations with repetition
vList := vOrig
Loop, % vCountOrig - 1
	MsgBox, % StrSplit(vList,",").Length() "`r`n" vList
	StrReplace(vList, vSep, "", vCount), vCount += 1
	vList := vSep vList
	VarSetCapacity(vList2, (StrLen(vList)+vCount)*StrLen(vOrig)*2)
	Loop, Parse, vOrig, % vSep
		vList2 .= StrReplace(vList, vSep, vSep A_LoopField)
	vList := SubStr(vList2, 2)
MsgBox, % "permutations with repetition: " StrSplit(vList,",").Length() "`r`n" vList
vListPR := vList

;permutations (without repetition)
;here, rather than filtering the 'permutations with repetitions' list,
;we are generating items, and filtering items, on the fly
vList := vOrig
Loop, % vCountOrig - 1
	MsgBox, % StrSplit(vList,",").Length() "`r`n" vList
	StrReplace(vList, vSep, "", vCount), vCount += 1
	vList := vSep vList
	VarSetCapacity(vList2, (StrLen(vList)+vCount)*StrLen(vOrig)*2)
	Loop, Parse, vOrig, % vSep
		vList2 .= StrReplace(vList, vSep, vSep A_LoopField)
	vList := SubStr(vList2, 2)

	;remove items that contain a letter more than once
	vList := StrReplace(vList, ",", "`n") "`n"
	;e.g. vList := RegExReplace(vList, "`nm)^.*a.*a.*`n", "")
	Loop, Parse, vOrig, % ","
		vList := RegExReplace(vList, "`nm)^.*" A_LoopField ".*" A_LoopField ".*`n", "")
	vList := SubStr(vList, 1, -1)
	vList := StrReplace(vList, "`n", ",")
MsgBox, % "permutations (without repetition): " StrSplit(vList,",").Length() "`r`n" vList
vListP := vList

;combinations with repetition
vListCR := ""
VarSetCapacity(vListCR, (StrLen(vListPR)+1)*2)
Loop, Parse, vListPR, % ","
	vTemp := RegExReplace(A_LoopField, "", ",")
	Sort, vTemp, D,
	vListCR .= StrReplace(vTemp, ",") ","
vListCR := SubStr(vListCR, 1, -1)
Sort, vListCR, D, U
MsgBox, % "combinations with repetition: " StrSplit(vListCR,",").Length() "`r`n" vListCR

;combinations (without repetition)
vListC := ""
VarSetCapacity(vListC, (StrLen(vListP)+1)*2)
Loop, Parse, vListP, % ","
	vTemp := RegExReplace(A_LoopField, "", ",")
	Sort, vTemp, D,
	vListC .= StrReplace(vTemp, ",") ","
vListC := SubStr(vListC, 1, -1)
Sort, vListC, D, U
MsgBox, % "combinations (without repetition): " StrSplit(vListC,",").Length() "`r`n" vListC
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Re: combinations and permutations (and anagrams)

14 Jul 2017, 15:51

Some anagram scripts, see above for the functions: JEE_StrGetSubwords and JEE_StrAlphabetise.

Code: Select all

;see basic example, that doesn't use the function, here:
;Anagrams - AutoHotkey Community

;GitHub - dwyl/english-words: A text file containing 479k English words for fast search auto-completion / autosuggestion.

q:: ;check for words that can be made from 'countdown'
;note: list is all lowercase letters excepts except for 2 hyphens
vPath = %A_Desktop%\words_alpha [dwyl english-words].txt
FileRead, vText, % vPath
vText := JEE_StrGetSubwords("countdown", vText)
vText := StrReplace(vText, "`n", "`r`n")
Clipboard := vText
MsgBox, % "done"


;GitHub - dwyl/english-words: A text file containing 479k English words for fast search auto-completion / autosuggestion.

w:: ;collect anagrams in a list
;note: list is all lowercase letters excepts except for 2 hyphens
vPath = %A_Desktop%\words_alpha [dwyl english-words].txt
FileRead, vText, % vPath
vOutput := ""
VarSetCapacity(vOutput, StrLen(vText)*3*2)
Loop, Parse, vText, `n, `r
	vOutput .= JEE_StrAlphabetise(A_LoopField) "|" A_LoopField ","
vOutput := SubStr(vOutput,1,-1)
;the items are sorted because it's quicker to add keys to an array, in alphabetical order
Sort, vOutput, D,
StrReplace(vOutput, "," , "", vCount), vCount += 1
oArray := {}
Loop, Parse, vOutput, % ","
	vPos := InStr(A_LoopField, "|")
	vKey := SubStr(A_LoopField, 1, vPos-1)
	vValue := SubStr(A_LoopField, vPos+1)
	if (oArray[vKey] = "")
		oArray[vKey] := vValue
		oArray[vKey] := oArray[vKey] "," vValue
vOutput2 := ""
VarSetCapacity(vOutput2, StrLen(vOutput)*2)
for vKey, vValue in oArray
	vOutput2 .= vKey "`t" vValue "`r`n"
Clipboard := vOutput2
;MsgBox, % oArray["aelrst"]
MsgBox, % oArray[JEE_StrAlphabetise("alters")]
oArray := ""
MsgBox, % "done"
Last edited by jeeswg on 18 Jul 2017, 11:44, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: combinations and permutations (and anagrams)

14 Jul 2017, 18:39

jeeswg wrote:Some anagram scripts, see above for the functions: JEE_StrGetSubwords and JEE_StrAlphabetise.

Code: Select all

;see basic example, that doesn't use the function, here:
;Anagrams - AutoHotkey Community

;GitHub - dwyl/english-words: A text file containing 479k English words for fast search auto-completion / autosuggestion.

q:: ;check for words that can be made from 'countdown'
;note: list is all lowercase letters excepts except for 2 hyphens
vPath = %A_Desktop%\words_alpha [dwyl english-words].txt
FileRead, vText, % vPath
vText := JEE_StrGetSubwords("countdown", vText)
vText := StrReplace(vText, "`n", "`r`n")
Clipboard := vText
MsgBox, % "done"


;GitHub - dwyl/english-words: A text file containing 479k English words for fast search auto-completion / autosuggestion.

w:: ;collect anagrams in a list
;note: list is all lowercase letters excepts except for 2 hyphens
vPath = %A_Desktop%\words_alpha [dwyl english-words].txt
FileRead, vText, % vPath
vOutput := ""
VarSetCapacity(vOutput, StrLen(vText)*3*2)
Loop, Parse, vText, `n, `r
	vOutput .= JEE_StrAlphabetise(A_LoopField) "|" A_LoopField ","
vOutput := SubStr(vOutput,1,-1)
;the items are sorted because it's quicker to add keys to an array, in alphabetical order
Sort, vOutput, D,
StrReplace(vOutput, "," , "", vCount), vCount += 1
oArray := {}
Loop, Parse, vOutput, % ","
	vPos := InStr(A_LoopField, "|")
	vKey := SubStr(A_LoopField, 1, vPos-1)
	vValue := SubStr(A_LoopField, vPos+1)
	if (oArray[vKey] = "")
		oArray[vKey] := vValue
		oArray[vKey] := oArray[vKey] "," vValue
vOutput2 := ""
VarSetCapacity(vOutput2, StrLen(vOutput)*2)
for vKey, vValue in oArray
	vOutput2 .= vKey "`t" vValue "`r`n"
Clipboard := vOutput2
MsgBox, % oArray["aelrst"]
oArray := ""
MsgBox, % "done"
Here's a factorial function I've tested accurately up to 15
if n < 3
return n
return n*Factorial(n-1)
Script Backups on every Execution :mrgreen:

Scrabble Solver 4-15 letter word outputs ( :crazy: # of inputs)
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Re: combinations and permutations (and anagrams)

14 Jul 2017, 18:57

Code: Select all

;AHK range: -0x8000000000000000 to 0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
;AHK range: -9223372036854775808 to 9223372036854775807

;20!   = 2432902008176640000 ;within range
;limit = 9223372036854775807
;21!   = 51090942171709440000 ;too big
I've now posted a JEE_Fact function above.
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Re: combinations and permutations (and anagrams)

15 Jul 2017, 11:49

wolf_II wrote: This also keep them as integers, rather than floats.
I just realised, in this case, this applies,
Expressions wrote: When /= is the leftmost operator in an expression and it is not part of a multi-statement expression, it performs floor division unless one of the inputs is floating point

Code: Select all

Msgbox, % a "`n" c
It is fixed in v2 :thumbup:

Edit: To really avoid floats, we can work with rational numbers, primitive example, very briefly tested,

Code: Select all

msgbox % nchoosek(200,10) ; To big number for 32 bit.

	r:=new rational(1,1)
	Loop % k {
	return r.p

class rational {
	; Primitive rational number, r=p/q ∈ ℚ, p,q ∈ ℝ, q != 0
		local p, q
		return this.p . (this.q>1 && this.p!=0 ? "/" . this.q : "")
	; Internal methods
	_reduce(byref num, byref den){
		typedef struct rational {
			long long int	num;
			long long int	den;
		} *rat;
		static type:= A_PtrSize == 4 ? "Int" : "Int64"
		NumPut(num,rat,0, type)
		NumPut(den,rat,A_PtrSize, type)
		DllCall(rational.pred, "ptr", &rat, "ptr", rational.pabs, "ptr", rational.pgcd, "Cdecl")
		num:=numget(&rat,0, type)
		den:=numget(&rat,A_PtrSize, type)
	; Binary code:
	; For 32 bit, all long long int are long int.
		/* c source:
		long long int abs(long long int x){
			return x < 0 ? -x : x;
		local k, i, raw, bin
		static flProtect:=0x40, flAllocationType:=0x1000 ; PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE ; MEM_COMMIT	
		static raw32:=[69485707,701510041,2425406416,2425393296]
		static raw64:=[1221232968,3242772617,826818554,3492366544,2425393347,2425393296,2425393296,2425393296]
		bin:=DllCall("Kernel32.dll\VirtualAlloc", "Uptr",0, "Ptr", (raw:=A_PtrSize==4?raw32:raw64).length()*4, "Uint", flAllocationType, "Uint", flProtect, "Ptr")
		for k, i in raw
		return bin
		/* c source:
		typedef long long int (*pabs)(long long int);
		long long int gcd(long long int a, long long int b, pabs abs){
			int rem;
			if (a < b) {
				int tmp;
				tmp = a;
				a = b;
				b = tmp;
			rem = a % b;
			while (rem != 0) {
				a = b;
				b = rem;
				rem = a % b;
			return b;
		local k, i, raw, bin
		static flProtect:=0x40, flAllocationType:=0x1000 ; PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE ; MEM_COMMIT	
		static raw32:=[3968029526,608471828,611617568,604277032,3280590591,606356619,4280550537,2311272918,2298904001,2311817688,2581105089,3531995639,242602889,1988960235,666668288,0,3364475785,4154055049,1976731131,348423155,1583077513,3955984835,2425393396,2425393296]
		static raw64:=[1213421143,1210117251,2303514505,3506389446,1220774216,3607099785,1220753736,159236489,1220764488,2303249289,3632875713,4148730184,1104315897,678744457,8658703,0,1304987976,2571682147,1237420364,3531995383,1976666433,3230223595,549749576,3277807195,3955788105,2425393392,2425393296,2425393296]
		bin:=DllCall("Kernel32.dll\VirtualAlloc", "Uptr",0, "Ptr", (raw:=A_PtrSize==4?raw32:raw64).length()*4, "Uint", flAllocationType, "Uint", flProtect, "Ptr")
		for k, i in raw
		return bin
		/* c source:
		typedef long long int (*pabs)(long long int);
		typedef long long int (*pgcd)(long long int,long long int,pabs);
		typedef struct rational {
			long long int	num;
			long long int	den;
		} *rat;
		void reduce(rat x, pabs abs, pgcd gcd){
			if (x->num==0){
			if (abs(x->num)==1)
			if (x->num==x->den){
			int maxdiv=gcd(x->num,x->den,abs);
		local k, i, raw, bin
		static flProtect:=0x40, flAllocationType:=0x1000 ; PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE ; MEM_COMMIT	
		static raw32:=[418153299,539253899,3229942667,1137119861,260,415531776,3062743899,0,4280550537,2200183892,3916694008,1401619339,1959803140,608996139,609519908,604276996,136596617,673469695,59490697,2314860441,71535363,2314860441,3296920643,2428721944,66503,2800418816,2425393296,2425393296]
		static raw64:=[1213421143,1210117251,2336803721,3599321097,1221036364,410372485,138659656,1,549749576,3277807195,8658703,0,2202587903,3899916792,1208716104,1208505227,745853241,4293953865,3361949911,1208191816,4193732761,1208191304,1208501131,4193732761,138643784,549749576,3277807195,4202255,17024840,3942645760,2425393311,2425393296]
		bin:=DllCall("Kernel32.dll\VirtualAlloc", "Uptr",0, "Ptr", (raw:=A_PtrSize==4?raw32:raw64).length()*4, "Uint", flAllocationType, "Uint", flProtect, "Ptr")
		for k, i in raw
		return bin
	static pabs:=rational.cAbs()
	static pgcd:=rational.cGcd()
	static pred:=rational.cRed()
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Re: combinations and permutations (and anagrams)

15 Jul 2017, 13:46

A script for doing word searches:

E.g. 'cou?????n' gives 'countdown' and 'courtesan'.

Code: Select all

;GitHub - dwyl/english-words: A text file containing 479k English words for fast search auto-completion / autosuggestion.

q:: ;word search - Excel-style wildcards e.g. ? for 1 char, * for 0+ chars
vPath = %A_Desktop%\words_alpha [dwyl english-words].txt
FileRead, vText, % vPath
vText := StrReplace(vText, "`r`n", "`n") "`n"
vDefault := "co??????n"
InputBox, vNeedle,, "specify wildcard needle:",,,,,,,, % vDefault

;deal with special characters: \.*?+[{|()^$
vNeedle := RegExReplace(vNeedle, "[\Q\.+[{|()^$\E]", "\$0")
vNeedle := StrReplace(vNeedle, "?", ".")
vNeedle := StrReplace(vNeedle, "*", ".*")

vText := RegExReplace(vText, "`nm)(^" vNeedle "`n)|^.*`n", "$1")
vText := StrReplace(vText, "`n", "`r`n")
Clipboard := vText
MsgBox, % "done"
@Sam_: Cheers for the link.
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Re: combinations and permutations (and anagrams)

18 Jul 2017, 12:44

Anagrams: a script to split words into two words e.g.:
AeHtu kooty|haute|kyoto,tokyo
Aekot Hotuy|atoke|youth
Aekottu Hoy|outtake,takeout|hoy
AHooty ektu|hootay|ketu,teuk,tuke
Akttu eHooy|kutta|hooey,hooye
Aootty eHku|toyota|heuk,huke,kueh
Aottu eHkoy|tatou|hokey
Aotu eHkoty|auto|hotkey
Attu eHkooy|tatu,taut|hookey

Code: Select all

;GitHub - dwyl/english-words: A text file containing 479k English words for fast search auto-completion / autosuggestion.

q:: ;anagrams - split words into two words
;collect anagrams in a list
;note: list is all lowercase letters excepts except for 2 hyphens
vPath = %A_Desktop%\words_alpha [dwyl english-words].txt
FileRead, vText, % vPath
vOutput := ""
VarSetCapacity(vOutput, StrLen(vText)*3*2)
Loop, Parse, vText, `n, `r
	vOutput .= JEE_StrAlphabetise(A_LoopField) "|" A_LoopField ","
vOutput := SubStr(vOutput,1,-1)
;the items are sorted because it's quicker to add keys to an array, in alphabetical order
Sort, vOutput, D,
StrReplace(vOutput, "," , "", vCount), vCount += 1
oArray := {}
Loop, Parse, vOutput, % ","
	vPos := InStr(A_LoopField, "|")
	vKey := SubStr(A_LoopField, 1, vPos-1)
	vValue := SubStr(A_LoopField, vPos+1)
	if (oArray[vKey] = "")
		oArray[vKey] := vValue
		oArray[vKey] := oArray[vKey] "," vValue
MsgBox, % oArray[JEE_StrAlphabetise("one")]
MsgBox, % oArray[JEE_StrAlphabetise("two")]
MsgBox, % oArray[JEE_StrAlphabetise("eleven")]
MsgBox, % oArray[JEE_StrAlphabetise("twelve")]
vListNeedles := "eleven two,twelve one,AutoHotkey"
vOutput := ""
Loop, Parse, vListNeedles, % ","
	vNeedleOrig := A_LoopField
	vNeedle := StrReplace(vNeedleOrig, " ")
	vLen := StrLen(vNeedle)
	vOutputTemp := ""
	oTemp := {}
	Loop, % 2**vLen
		vTemp1 := vTemp2 := ""
		vBin := JEE_Dec2Bin(A_Index-1, vLen)
		Loop, Parse, vBin
			if A_LoopField
				vTemp1 .= SubStr(vNeedle, A_Index, 1)
				vTemp2 .= SubStr(vNeedle, A_Index, 1)
		vTemp1 := JEE_StrAlphabetise(vTemp1)
		vTemp2 := JEE_StrAlphabetise(vTemp2)
		if !oArray.HasKey(vTemp1) || !oArray.HasKey(vTemp2)
		if (vTemp1 > vTemp2)
		if oTemp.HasKey(vTemp1 " " vTemp2)
		oTemp[vTemp1 " " vTemp2] := ""
		vOutputTemp .= vTemp1 " " vTemp2 "|" oArray[vTemp1] "|" oArray[vTemp2] "`n"
	Sort, vOutputTemp, U
	vOutputTemp := StrReplace(vOutputTemp, "`n", "`r`n")
	vOutput .= "[" vNeedleOrig "]`r`n" vOutputTemp "`r`n"
oArray := ""
Clipboard := SubStr(vOutput, 1, -2)
MsgBox, % vOutput


JEE_StrAlphabetise(vText, vUnused="", vOpt="")
	if (vUnused = "")
		Loop, 300
			if !InStr(vText, Chr(A_Index), 0)
				vUnused := Chr(A_Index)
	if (vUnused = "") || InStr(vText, vUnused)
		MsgBox, % "warning: " A_ThisFunc ": no suitable delimiter found"
		return vText
	;note: for vUnused, '$' works here, '$$' is not needed (re. backreferences)
	vText := RegExReplace(vText, "", vUnused)
	if !InStr(vOpt, "st") ;sort unstable
		Sort, vText, D%vUnused%
	else ;sort stable
		Sort, vText, D%vUnused% F JEE_SortStable
	vText := StrReplace(vText, vUnused)
	return vText


;where vLen is the minimum length of the number to return (i.e. pad it with zeros if necessary)
JEE_Dec2Bin(vNum, vLen=1)
	if (SubStr(vNum, 1, 2) = "0x")
		vNum += 0
	if !RegExMatch(vNum, "^\d+$")
		return ""
	while vNum
		vBin := (vNum & 1) vBin, vNum >>= 1
	return Format("{:0" vLen "}", vBin)

	;if (StrLen(vBin) < vLen)
	;	Loop, % vLen - StrLen(vBin)
	;		vBin := "0" vBin
	;return vBin

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Re: combinations and permutations (and anagrams)

19 Jul 2017, 00:59

Just a few links from rosettacode (maybe its useful)
Combinations and permutations
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Re: combinations and permutations (and anagrams)

19 Jul 2017, 01:37

Anagrams: a script to split words into multiple words e.g.:
[AutoHotkey][note: selected results, many results removed]
Aekt Hot ouy|kate,keat,keta,take,teak|hot,tho|you
AHot eky otu|oath|key,kye|out,tou
AHt ekoy otu|aht,hat,tha|okey,yoke|out,tou
AHtu eky oot|auth,haut,utah|key,kye|oot,oto,too
Ako eHty otu|ako,koa,oak,oka|hyte,they,yeth|out,tou
Ako eHy ottu|ako,koa,oak,oka|hey,hye,yeh|tout
Ako ety Hotu|ako,koa,oak,oka|ety,tye,yet|hout,thou
Aot ekoy Htu|oat,tao,toa|okey,yoke|hut
Aot eky Hotu|oat,tao,toa|key,kye|hout,thou
***Aotu eky Hot|auto|key,kye|hot,tho***
Attu eky Hoo|tatu,taut|key,kye|hoo,oho,ooh

Code: Select all

;GitHub - dwyl/english-words: A text file containing 479k English words for fast search auto-completion / autosuggestion.

q:: ;anagrams - split words into multiple words
;collect anagrams in a list
;note: list is all lowercase letters excepts except for 2 hyphens
vPath = %A_Desktop%\words_alpha [dwyl english-words].txt
FileRead, vText, % vPath
vOutput := ""
VarSetCapacity(vOutput, StrLen(vText)*3*2)
Loop, Parse, vText, `n, `r
	vOutput .= JEE_StrAlphabetise(A_LoopField) "|" A_LoopField ","
vOutput := SubStr(vOutput,1,-1)
;the items are sorted because it's quicker to add keys to an array, in alphabetical order
Sort, vOutput, D,
StrReplace(vOutput, "," , "", vCount), vCount += 1
oArray := {}
Loop, Parse, vOutput, % ","
	vPos := InStr(A_LoopField, "|")
	vKey := SubStr(A_LoopField, 1, vPos-1)
	vValue := SubStr(A_LoopField, vPos+1)
	if (oArray[vKey] = "")
		oArray[vKey] := vValue
		oArray[vKey] := oArray[vKey] "," vValue
MsgBox, % oArray[JEE_StrAlphabetise("one")]
MsgBox, % oArray[JEE_StrAlphabetise("two")]
MsgBox, % oArray[JEE_StrAlphabetise("eleven")]
MsgBox, % oArray[JEE_StrAlphabetise("twelve")]
vListNeedles := "eleven two,twelve one,AutoHotkey,together"
vOutput := ""
vCountSplit := 3 ;number of words to split word/phrase into
vRange1 := 3 ;minimum number of characters per split
vRange2Orig := "" ;maximum number of characters per split
oTemp := {}
Loop, Parse, vListNeedles, % ","
	vNeedleOrig := A_LoopField
	vNeedle := StrReplace(vNeedleOrig, " ")
	vLen := StrLen(vNeedle)
	vOutputTemp := ""
	oArray2 := {}
	if (vRange2Orig = "")
		vRange2 := vLen-vCountSplit+1
		vRange2Orig := vRange2Orig
	Loop, % vCountSplit**vLen
		vBase := JEE_Dec2BaseCSL(A_Index-1, vCountSplit, vLen)
		Loop, % vCountSplit
			oTemp[A_Index] := ""
		Loop, Parse, vBase, % ","
			oTemp[A_LoopField+1] .= SubStr(vNeedle, A_Index, 1)
		vTemp := "", vListTemp := ""
		vDoContinue := 0
		Loop, % vCountSplit
			if (StrLen(oTemp[A_Index]) < vRange1)
			|| (StrLen(oTemp[A_Index]) > vRange2)
				vDoContinue := 1
			vTemp := JEE_StrAlphabetise(oTemp[A_Index])
			if !oArray.HasKey(vTemp)
				vDoContinue := 1
			vListTemp .= (A_Index=1?"":" ") vTemp
		if vDoContinue
		Sort, vListTemp, D%A_Space%
		if oArray2.HasKey(vListTemp)
		oArray2[vListTemp] := ""
		vOutputTemp .= vListTemp
		Loop, Parse, vListTemp, % " "
			vOutputTemp .= "|" oArray[A_LoopField]
		vOutputTemp .= "`n"
	Sort, vOutputTemp, U
	vOutputTemp := StrReplace(vOutputTemp, "`n", "`r`n")
	vOutput .= "[" vNeedleOrig "]`r`n" vOutputTemp "`r`n"
oArray := ""
Clipboard := SubStr(vOutput, 1, -2)
MsgBox, % vOutput


;handles non-negative integers
;creates a comma-separated list of decimal numbers
JEE_Dec2BaseCSL(vNum, vBase, vLen=1)
	if (SubStr(vNum, 1, 2) = "0x")
		vNum += 0
	if !RegExMatch(vNum, "^\d+$")
		return ""
	if (vNum = 0)
		Loop, % vLen
			vOutput .= "0,"
		return SubStr(vOutput, 1, -1)
	while vNum
		vOutput := Mod(vNum, vBase) "," vOutput, vNum //= vBase
	StrReplace(vOutput, ",", "", vCount)
	if (vCount < vLen)
		Loop, % vLen - vCount
			vOutput := "0," vOutput
	return SubStr(vOutput, 1, -1)


JEE_StrAlphabetise(vText, vUnused="", vOpt="")
	if (vUnused = "")
		Loop, 300
			if !InStr(vText, Chr(A_Index), 0)
				vUnused := Chr(A_Index)
	if (vUnused = "") || InStr(vText, vUnused)
		MsgBox, % "warning: " A_ThisFunc ": no suitable delimiter found"
		return vText
	;note: for vUnused, '$' works here, '$$' is not needed (re. backreferences)
	vText := RegExReplace(vText, "", vUnused)
	if !InStr(vOpt, "st") ;sort unstable
		Sort, vText, D%vUnused%
	else ;sort stable
		Sort, vText, D%vUnused% F JEE_SortStable
	vText := StrReplace(vText, vUnused)
	return vText

@jNizM: Many thanks. I already had so many scripts to look through!
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Re: combinations and permutations (and anagrams)

07 Aug 2017, 05:40

Permutations: a script to get the next permutation e.g. 'aaa' to 'aab', 'zzz' to 'aaaa'.

Code: Select all

q:: ;string get next permutation
vText := "aaa"
Loop, 40
	vOutput .= vText "`r`n"
	vText := JEE_StrPermutNext(vText, "c")
vOutput .= "`r`n"

vText := "ccc"
Loop, 40
	vOutput .= vText "`r`n"
	vText := JEE_StrPermutNext(vText, "e", "c")
vOutput .= "`r`n"

vText := "0"
Loop, 40
	vOutput .= vText "`r`n"
	vText := JEE_StrPermutNext(vText, "1", "0")
vOutput .= "`r`n"

vText := "A"
Loop, 100
	vOutput .= vText "`r`n"
	vText := JEE_StrPermutNext(vText, "_", "A")
vOutput .= "`r`n"

Clipboard := SubStr(vOutput, 1, -2)
MsgBox, % "done"


;e.g. aaa -> aab, aab -> aac, zzy -> zzz, zzz -> aaaa
;vStartChar a, vEndChar z, for aaaa to zzzz
;vStartChar a, vEndChar d, for aaaa to dddd
JEE_StrPermutNext(vText, vEndChar:="z", vStartChar:="a")
	vLen := StrLen(vText)
	if (vLen = 0)
		return vStartChar
	else if (SubStr(vText, vLen) == vEndChar)
		vText2 := ""
		Loop, % vLen
			if (SubStr(vText,vLen+1-A_Index,1) == vEndChar)
				vCount := A_Index, vText2 .= vStartChar
		if (vCount = vLen)
			return vText2 vStartChar
		else if (vCount+1 = vLen)
			return Chr(Ord(SubStr(vText,1,1))+1) vText2
			return SubStr(vText,1,vLen-vCount-1) Chr(Ord(SubStr(vText,vLen-vCount,1))+1) vText2
		return SubStr(vText,1,vLen-1) Chr(Ord(SubStr(vText,vLen))+1)


JEE_StrPermutPrev(vText, vEndChar:="z", vStartChar:="a")
	vLen := StrLen(vText)
	if (vLen = 0)
	else if (SubStr(vText, vLen) == vStartChar)
		vText2 := ""
		Loop, % vLen
			if (SubStr(vText,vLen+1-A_Index,1) == vStartChar)
				vCount := A_Index, vText2 .= vEndChar
		if (vCount = vLen)
			return SubStr(vText2, 1, -1)
		else if (vCount+1 = vLen)
			return Chr(Ord(SubStr(vText,1,1))-1) vText2
			return SubStr(vText,1,vLen-vCount-1) Chr(Ord(SubStr(vText,vLen-vCount,1))-1) vText2
		return SubStr(vText,1,vLen-1) Chr(Ord(SubStr(vText,vLen))-1)
[EDIT:] I added a function to get the previous permutation.
Last edited by jeeswg on 07 Aug 2017, 07:18, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: combinations and permutations (and anagrams)

07 Aug 2017, 05:57

Not sure if this is (somehow) useful. I did this for someone (cant remember) on irc.

Number to Letter from 1 (A) to (e.g.) 18278 (ZZZ)

Code: Select all

arr := []
loop % 18278

; ===============================================================================================================================

Gui, Add, ListView, xm ym w400 h400, % "Number|Letter"
for i, v in arr
    LV_Add("", i, arr[i])
Gui, Show, AutoSize

; ===============================================================================================================================

    while (n != 0)
        t := mod((n - 1), 26), n := (n - t) // 26, l := chr(65 + t) l
    return l

; ===============================================================================================================================


; ===============================================================================================================================
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Re: combinations and permutations (and anagrams)

07 Aug 2017, 06:23

@jNizM: Thanks, that's some very nice code for Excel column numbers to letters:

Excel column letters:
A-Z (1-26) [26^1 = 26]
AA-ZZ (27-702) [26^2 = 676]
AAA-ZZZ (703-18278) [26^3 = 17576]

I'm planning to release some code for Excel column letters <--> numbers in a future Excel tutorial.


A script demonstrating jNizM's ConvertToLetter function, and confirming that it gives the same results as my JEE_StrPermutNext function.

Code: Select all

q:: ;Excel - get next column letter(s)
vText := ""
Loop, 18278
	vText := JEE_StrPermutNext(vText, "Z", "A")
	vText2 := ConvertToLetter(A_Index)
	;if !(vText = vText2)
		MsgBox, % A_Index " " vText " " vText2
MsgBox, % "done"


    while (n != 0)
        t := mod((n - 1), 26), n := (n - t) // 26, l := chr(65 + t) l
    return l
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Re: combinations and permutations (and anagrams)

13 Aug 2017, 17:08

Script for:
- permutations: get next 'word'/get nth 'word'/'word' to n
- Excel: get next column letter(s)/get nth column letter(s)/column letter(s) to n

Introducing functions:
- JEE_StrExcelColNumToLet
- JEE_StrExcelColLetToNum
- JEE_StrPermutNumToWord
- JEE_StrPermutWordToNum

Code: Select all

;note: requires JEE_StrPermutNext from above

q:: ;permutations - get next 'word'/get nth 'word'/'word' to n
;Excel - get next column letter(s)/get nth column letter(s)/column letter(s) to n
vText := ""
vCount := 4
vOrd := Ord("a")
vOutput := ""
VarSetCapacity(vOutput, 1000000*2)
Loop, 18278
	vText := JEE_StrPermutNext(vText, "Z", "A")
	vText2 := JEE_StrExcelColNumToLet(A_Index)
	vNum := JEE_StrExcelColLetToNum(vText)

	;vText := JEE_StrPermutNext(vText, "d", "a")
	;vText2 := JEE_StrPermutNumToWord(A_Index, vCount, vOrd)
	;vNum := JEE_StrPermutWordToNum(vText, vCount, vOrd)

	if !(vText = vText2) || !(A_Index = vNum)
		MsgBox, % A_Index " " vText " " vText2 " " vNum

	vOutput .= A_Index "`t" vText "`r`n"
Clipboard := vOutput
MsgBox, % "done"


	vLet := ""
	while vNum
		vLet := Chr(65+Mod(vNum-1,26)) vLet, vNum := (vNum-1)//26
	return vLet


	vNum := 0
	Loop, % vLen := StrLen(vLet)
		vNum += (Ord(SubStr(vLet,vLen-A_Index+1,1))-64)*(26**(A_Index-1))
	return vNum


JEE_StrPermutNumToWord(vNum, vCount:=26, vOrd:=97)
	vLet := ""
	while vNum
		vLet := Chr(vOrd+Mod(vNum-1,vCount)) vLet, vNum := (vNum-1)//vCount
	return vLet


JEE_StrPermutWordToNum(vLet, vCount:=26, vOrd:=97)
	vNum := 0
	Loop, % vLen := StrLen(vLet)
		vNum += (Ord(SubStr(vLet,vLen-A_Index+1,1))-vOrd+1)*(vCount**(A_Index-1))
	return vNum

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