IE COM get active tab

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IE COM get active tab

20 Apr 2017, 02:44

How to get an active IE tab if there is 2 or more tabs With the same name? It's easy to get one With uniq name, but how about the same name? If I use the code bellow, it Works if there is only one Tab With that name, but if there is 2 Service Tabs, then the code doesn't work (I need that it Works on the active "Service" tab.

Code: Select all

pwb.Visible := True
pwb := IEGet("Service")
    sleep 100
	one := pwb.document.getElementById("contentIFrame0").contentDocument.getElementById("IFRAME_EditTask").contentDocument.getElementsByTagName("DIV")[48].innerText
    if (one <> "some text"){
        pwb := IEGet("Service")
        one := pwb.document.getElementById("contentIFrame0").contentDocument.getElementById("IFRAME_EditTask").contentDocument.getElementsByTagName("DIV")[48].innerText
        sleep 100
}until (one = "some text")
msgbox %one%

IEGet(Name="")        ;Retrieve pointer to existing IE window/tab
    IfEqual, Name,, WinGetTitle, Name, ahk_class IEFrame
        Name := ( Name="New Tab - Windows Internet Explorer" ) ? "about:Tabs"
        : RegExReplace( Name, " - (Windows|Microsoft) Internet Explorer" )
    For pwb in ComObjCreate( "Shell.Application" ).Windows
        If ( pwb.LocationName = Name ) && InStr( pwb.FullName, "iexplore.exe" )
            Return pwb
} ;written by Jethrow
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Re: IE COM get active tab

21 Apr 2017, 04:56

"When there is no gravity, there is absolute vacuum and light travel with no time" -Game changer theory
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Re: IE COM get active tab

21 Apr 2017, 05:38

how it should help me? there is tips for catching an active IE or creating a New one if there is no old one. In my scenario there is allready 2 tabs in IE With the same Title and I searching ways to show the code witch tab the code should take in that scenario (the active one).
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Re: IE COM get active tab

21 Apr 2017, 08:33

euras wrote:
how it should help me? there is tips for catching an active IE or creating a New one if there is no old one. In my scenario there is allready 2 tabs in IE With the same Title and I searching ways to show the code witch tab the code should take in that scenario (the active one).
WB := IEGET() gona work for active window .... at least working for me just give it a try ... ;)
"When there is no gravity, there is absolute vacuum and light travel with no time" -Game changer theory
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Re: IE COM get active tab

21 Apr 2017, 08:45

Xeo786 wrote:
euras wrote:
how it should help me? there is tips for catching an active IE or creating a New one if there is no old one. In my scenario there is allready 2 tabs in IE With the same Title and I searching ways to show the code witch tab the code should take in that scenario (the active one).
WB := IEGET() gona work for active window .... at least working for me just give it a try ... ;)
so you are saying I should use

Code: Select all

pwb := IEGET()
instead of

Code: Select all

pwb := IEGet("Service")
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Re: IE COM get active tab

21 Apr 2017, 08:55

euras wrote:
so you are saying I should use

Code: Select all

pwb := IEGET()
instead of

Code: Select all

pwb := IEGet("Service")
haven't you seen the example by blackholyman

Code: Select all

IE := IEGet()   ; this will going to put handles to active window
if !IE              ; if no internetexplorer is running then  
    IE := ComObjCreate("InternetExplorer.Application") ; create application if needed
IEGet(name="") {
   IfEqual, Name,, WinGetTitle, Name, ahk_class IEFrame     ;// Get active window if no parameter
   Name := (Name="New Tab - Windows Internet Explorer")? "about:Tabs":RegExReplace(Name, " - ((Windows|Microsoft) Internet Explorer|Internet Explorer)")
   for wb in ComObjCreate("Shell.Application").Windows
      if wb.LocationName=Name and InStr(wb.FullName, "iexplore.exe")
         return wb
this will work even if you have two IE windows having more then one tab, only active internet window with active tab going to be accessed ... :D
"When there is no gravity, there is absolute vacuum and light travel with no time" -Game changer theory
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Re: IE COM get active tab

24 Apr 2017, 08:28

Xeo786 wrote:
euras wrote: this will work even if you have two IE windows having more then one tab, only active internet window with active tab going to be accessed ... :D
well, it doesn't work at all. I have 2 (or more) TABS in the same window With the same name and the code bellow takes the first tab With that name instead of active one.

Code: Select all

pwb.Visible := True

IE := IEGet()   ; this will going to put handles to active window
if !IE              ; if no internetexplorer is running then  
    IE := ComObjCreate("InternetExplorer.Application") ; create application if needed

pwb := IEGet("Service")
    sleep 100
	one := pwb.document.getElementById("contentIFrame0").contentDocument.getElementById("IFRAME_EditTask").contentDocument.getElementsByTagName("DIV")[48].innerText
    if (one <> "some text"){
        pwb := IEGet("Service")
        one := pwb.document.getElementById("contentIFrame0").contentDocument.getElementById("IFRAME_EditTask").contentDocument.getElementsByTagName("DIV")[48].innerText
        sleep 100
}until (one = "some text")
msgbox %one%

IEGet(Name="")        ;Retrieve pointer to existing IE window/tab
    IfEqual, Name,, WinGetTitle, Name, ahk_class IEFrame
        Name := ( Name="New Tab - Windows Internet Explorer" ) ? "about:Tabs"
        : RegExReplace( Name, " - (Windows|Microsoft) Internet Explorer" )
    For pwb in ComObjCreate( "Shell.Application" ).Windows
        If ( pwb.LocationName = Name ) && InStr( pwb.FullName, "iexplore.exe" )
            Return pwb
} ;written by Jethrow
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Re: IE COM get active tab

24 Apr 2017, 08:52

:shock: just use pwb where ever you want to handle active tab according to your code,

Code: Select all

pwb := IEGet()
not the

Code: Select all

pwb := IEGet("Services")
"When there is no gravity, there is absolute vacuum and light travel with no time" -Game changer theory
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Re: IE COM get active tab

24 Apr 2017, 09:14

Xeo786 wrote::shock: just use pwb where ever you want to handle active tab according to your code,
Nope, it doesn't help :/ If I set pwb := IEGet() in a loop, the loop doesn't run at all. If I set TAB name there - everything Works fine except that the code takes the first one tab instead of the active one :/

Code: Select all

pwb.Visible := True
pwb := IEGet()
    sleep 100
	one := pwb.document.getElementById("contentIFrame0").contentDocument.getElementById("IFRAME_EditTask").contentDocument.getElementsByTagName("DIV")[48].innerText
    if (one <> "some text"){
        pwb := IEGet()
        one := pwb.document.getElementById("contentIFrame0").contentDocument.getElementById("IFRAME_EditTask").contentDocument.getElementsByTagName("DIV")[48].innerText
        sleep 100
}until (one = "some text")
msgbox %one%
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Re: IE COM get active tab

07 Dec 2017, 19:13

try the below code from ... 94#p168894 by jeeswg

Code: Select all

q:: ;get active tab from a specific window
WinGet, hWnd, ID, A
;WinGet, hWnd, ID, ahk_class IEFrame
oWB := WBGet("ahk_id " hWnd)
MsgBox, % oWB.document.title "`r`n" oWB.document.url
oWB := ""


w:: ;loop through all tabs (and get tab by hWnd/title/url)
vOutput := ""
;hWnd := "MyHWnd"
hWnd := 0
for oWB in ComObjCreate("Shell.Application").Windows
	if (!hWnd || (hWnd = oWB.HWND))
	&& (oWB.Name = "Internet Explorer")
		vOutput .= oWB.document.title "`r`n" oWB.document.url "`r`n`r`n"
		;if (oWB.document.title = "MyTitle")
		;	break
		;if (oWB.document.url = "MyUrl")
		;	break
MsgBox, % oWB.document.title "`r`n" oWB.document.url
oWB := ""
Clipboard := vOutput
MsgBox, % vOutput


WBGet(WinTitle="ahk_class IEFrame", Svr#=1) { ; based on ComObjQuery docs
   static   msg := DllCall("RegisterWindowMessage", "str", "WM_HTML_GETOBJECT")
   ,   IID := "{0002DF05-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}" ; IID_IWebBrowserApp
;   ,   IID := "{332C4427-26CB-11D0-B483-00C04FD90119}" ; IID_IHTMLWindow2
   SendMessage msg, 0, 0, Internet Explorer_Server%Svr#%, %WinTitle%
   if (ErrorLevel != "FAIL") {
      lResult:=ErrorLevel, VarSetCapacity(GUID,16,0)
      if DllCall("ole32\CLSIDFromString", "wstr","{332C4425-26CB-11D0-B483-00C04FD90119}", "ptr",&GUID) >= 0 {
         DllCall("oleacc\ObjectFromLresult", "ptr",lResult, "ptr",&GUID, "ptr",0, "ptr*",pdoc)
         return ComObj(9,ComObjQuery(pdoc,IID,IID),1), ObjRelease(pdoc)

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