Internet Explorer crashing when try to save webpage

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Internet Explorer crashing when try to save webpage

12 Jun 2017, 22:07

In the last few days I've been experiencing a problem where Internet Explorer crashes sometimes, (reasonably regularly,) when trying to save webpages, especially this website.

Sometimes it causes other tabs to crash (and reopen) as well, which is terrible if you're listening to/watching something in the background.

My PC is Windows 7, using IE 11.

I virtually never make changes to my PC, the only thing I've done recently that I could think of is having run SeleniumBasic with IE.
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Anyhow I thought I'd mention it in case anybody else has experienced something similar, or has any ideas. Cheers.

Btw it partly prompted this, which I was going to write a script for anyway (for every time I had to delete a partially saved webpage, although I could do a file/folder search by date instead):
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Re: Internet Explorer crashing when try to save webpage

14 Jun 2017, 13:09

I went to the My Pictures folder (my download folder), and clicked the Date column. It took a while to sort, the green bar was there for a while.

I haven't had any problems saving webpages after that, although it's been less than an hour. Possible solution?

[EDIT:] I have still had some crashes after that. But I ran SearchMyFiles to search for text within every file in My Pictures. And I haven't had any problems since then. Basically, it may be that keeping the folder and its subfolders periodically 'refreshed' avoids the problem.
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Re: Internet Explorer crashing when try to save webpage

15 Jul 2017, 16:39

This problem has persisted until just now, where let's say 20% to 33% of the time IE has crashed when trying to save webpages. The times when it crashed being random.

I emptied the Pictures folder, by moving files out, and I it seems to be working now. I saved dozens of webpages without it crashing.

While moving out files, I was notified of an error with one of the folders, so it may have been that causing the problem.
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Re: Internet Explorer crashing when try to save webpage

15 Sep 2017, 07:37

I've had this problem on/off fairly randomly up till today. I installed Windows updates, and it seems that the problem has gone away.

I had wanted to try and reinstall Internet Explorer 11, but the installer said that its version was older than my current version, and so I couldn't run it.

If there is any web browser, that gives you the same control, that Internet Explorer does, i.e. regarding COM, I might be interested in using it, as then I would have a long-term solution for web browser automation. I have never previously been interested in using other browsers, and I'm not sure on what basis people use something other than Internet Explorer. Although I did start using Firefox when IE became out of date on Windows XP. Are there really any good arguments for not using IE or Edge, other than perhaps one that works across Windows/Linux/Apple, or is it a fad when people have their 'special' browser?
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Re: Internet Explorer crashing when try to save webpage

15 Sep 2017, 08:02

I mean... you could use firefox, chrome, edge (if you're using Win 10), hell you could make a browser in AHK.

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Re: Internet Explorer crashing when try to save webpage

15 Sep 2017, 10:42

Yeah I don't think there is any Browser that allows COM control like that - you could use Selenium but the quality just isn't the same.
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Re: Internet Explorer crashing when try to save webpage

19 Sep 2017, 06:48

I'm not sure on what basis people use something other than Internet Explorer.
IE is lacking many features and is not very well supported. I don't know how much longer it will be supported. I am not surprised that you are experiencing issues. However its one great strength is COM access. Maybe we will need to write a browser in AHK with COM capability. :) There are other threads in off-topic relating to this.
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Re: Internet Explorer crashing when try to save webpage

30 Dec 2017, 15:56

- It appears that the problem went away (for some unknown reason) around 29 November 2017, the last deleted folder I had in my recycle bin.
- Annoyingly, I went to download Internet Explorer to reinstall it, but the install file said that it was older than my current version, and so the installation wouldn't take place.
- Since the problem went away, I noticed that the Save As dialog runs very smoothly, almost instantly.
- I had noticed, but I don't know of a definite connection, that sometimes after crashing, I would hear sounds of my external hard drive waking up.
- To anyone making web browsers, there are all sorts of web browsers, my prime consideration would be automation. Perhaps we need an Internet Explorer Classic cf. Media Player Classic. I know that some work is being done on Selenium and Chrome by itself at the moment, so fingers crossed for more progress.
- This is the script I wrote to delete a website folder when it failed to save.

Code: Select all

#IfWinActive, ahk_class IEFrame
^#!q:: ;internet explorer - delete last saved webpage folder
vDir1 := "C:\Users\" A_UserName "\Pictures"
Loop, Files, % vDir1 "\*", D
	vPath := A_LoopFileFullPath
	;vDate := A_LoopFileTimeModified
	vDate := A_LoopFileTimeCreated
	if (vDate > vDate2) || (A_Index = 1)
		vDate2 := vDate, vPath2 := vPath
SplitPath, vPath2, vName
;remove name/date suffixes to get name of last saved webpage
;to confirm we are deleting the correct folder
vName := RegExReplace(vName, "_files$")
vName := RegExReplace(vName, " {2}\K\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}", "`r`n$0")
MsgBox, % vName
FileRecycle, % vPath2
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