Variable not keeping value between hotkeys

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Variable not keeping value between hotkeys

13 Dec 2017, 13:01

(I asked the same question before, but I'm going to rephrase it better)

I'm trying to write a program that will save your mouse position to a file after you hit a specific hotkey, and then have another bit of code that reads the file and moves the mouse to each position listed in the file, and clicks. I've got most things working but I've run into an issue. Everytime you hit the first hotkey I mentioned, want I want to happen is a variable adds 1 to its self (used later in the code) but when I call on the variable in the second hotkey, the variable is blank. How do I fix this issue?
Here is the code so far.
Can someone tell me what I'm doing wrong? I'm very new to this program, and there is most likely an obvious solution. Please help.
Posts: 13
Joined: 15 Dec 2017, 08:53

Re: Variable not keeping value between hotkeys

15 Dec 2017, 13:28

I'm not sure why this works but it seems the Spress variable needs to be Global in the Dkey() function. This worked for me...

Code: Select all


Global SPress += 1
MsgBox, %SPress%
MouseGetPos, xpos, ypos 

), Xcords.txt


), Ycords.txt

Global SPress 	;<--- I added this line here
Loop, %SPress%
Global DLine += 1
FileReadLine, cordX, Xcords.txt, %DLine%
FileReadLine, cordY, Ycords.txt, %DLine%
MouseMove, %cordX%, %cordY%, 5


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