[BUG]Associative Arrays Topic is solved

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[BUG]Associative Arrays

02 Jan 2018, 13:47


Code: Select all

cntr:= 2
loop cntr {
	key:= val:= A_Index
	List[key]:= val
	;List[A_Index]:= A_Index ;the same as above
msgBox("after Set")
for key, val in List {
	msgBox(key " := " val)
for key, val in List {
msgBox("after Del")
for key, val in List {
	msgBox(key " := " val)
Delete method delete all but last one.
The Code represent how Delete method detele all but last item in the list (Associative Array).
Check when cntr:= 10 and cntr:= 100 the result List contain 1 item when all items Delete(byKey).
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Re: [BUG]Associative Arrays

02 Jan 2018, 14:19

This is typical for-loop behaviour, from the docs,
For wrote:Existing key-value pairs may be modified during the loop, but inserting or removing keys may cause some items to be skipped or enumerated multiple times
Same quote exists in v1 and v2.

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Re: [BUG]Associative Arrays

02 Jan 2018, 15:02

- I discussed the issue of deleting keys in a loop in these links:
Easy Quesion about Array - AutoHotkey Community
https://autohotkey.com/boards/viewtopic ... 10#p170310
objects: loop and delete keys - AutoHotkey Community
- A backwards for loop might be useful cf. the registry loop, but I don't know what the programming costs of that would be.
- Note: listing the key names in a new array, and then deleting them in reverse order, may be the best approach, it's easier to remove a key from the end of an array than the beginning.

I also mentioned about multiple enumerators here, although these are more ideas, and not feature requests.
objects/object classes: new features from a newbie-friendly perspective - AutoHotkey Community

Code: Select all

q:: ;an unsuccessful attempt at deleting each key in a for loop (half the keys remain)
oArray := {}
Loop, 26
	oArray[Chr(96+A_Index)] := Chr(96+A_Index)
for vKey, vValue in oArray
vOutput := ""
for vKey, vValue in oArray
	vOutput .= vKey " " vValue "`r`n"
;oArray := ""
MsgBox, % vOutput


w:: ;attempt to delete each key in a for loop
oArray := {}
Loop, 26
	oArray[Chr(96+A_Index)] := Chr(96+A_Index)
oRemove := []
for vKey in oArray
vOutput := ""
for vKey, vValue in oArray
	vOutput .= vKey " " vValue "`r`n"
MsgBox, % vOutput
Loop, % vIndex := oRemove.Length()
oRemove := ""
vOutput := ""
for vKey, vValue in oArray
	vOutput .= vKey " " vValue "`r`n"
;oArray := ""
MsgBox, % vOutput
[EDIT:] Added failed and successful remove key attempts.
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Re: [BUG]Associative Arrays

03 Jan 2018, 06:49

Existing key-value pairs may be modified during the loop, but inserting or removing keys may cause some items to be skipped or enumerated multiple times. One workaround is to build a list of keys to remove, then use a second loop to remove the keys after the first loop completes.
Removing ALL items by key (short solution) by only ONE loop

Code: Select all

loop 13 {
	list[A_Index * 111]:= A_Index
ISEMPTY: ; the code --------------
	for key in list {
	} ; --------------------------
msgBox("Delete complete!")
for key, val in List {
	msgBox(key " := " val)
list contain 13 key:val pairs and the code loops exactly 13 times.
In other words loops key numbers times.
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Re: [BUG]Associative Arrays  Topic is solved

03 Jan 2018, 11:07

The easiest solution would be:

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for key, val in list.clone() {
	list.delete( key )
This way doubles the array in lists for the duration of the for loop - but unless the list contains a massive amount of data such as strings it shouldn't be an issue.
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Re: [BUG]Associative Arrays

03 Jan 2018, 13:06

Ofc, if you need to do this you have a design flaw in your program, please help my poor imagination :D . If you need to dispose of the items in a list, then list := [] is going to be fastest, and easiest, but not equivalent. If you only want do delete integer keys, you can easily use the delete range functionallity of delete, eg,

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list.delete(1, list.length()) ; alt. min/maxIndex
You can delete a range of string keys too.

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Re: [BUG]Associative Arrays

03 Jan 2018, 13:40

Imagine you have a Game Loop iterating over any entity inside the game world. The happenings inside the game world, might end up deleting the entity, thus removing it from the list currently being iterated over.
It took me ~6 hours of debugging since the object that should have been deleted was not iterated over since I forgot about the for loop issue and AHK exited ungracefully - I was constantly looking for a circular reference or a stack overflow or an issue with the connected COM plugin only to find nothing.
There are tons of points where you iterate over elements in a list and take actions on them that might end up deleting them.
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Re: [BUG]Associative Arrays

03 Jan 2018, 14:00

nnnik wrote:The easiest solution would be:

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for key, val in list.clone() {
	list.delete( key )
This way doubles the array in lists for the duration of the for loop - but unless the list contains a massive amount of data such as strings it shouldn't be an issue.
Not acceptable for me due to duplication of pairs.

Code: Select all

class Task {
	static List:=[]
	__new(name) {
		Task.List[this]:= name ;key:reference to object | val:some string
		;run(name) ;run no wait
	del() {
		;close ProcessXXX
		;clear ProcessXXX aditional files
		;and so on
		Task.List.Delete(this) ;free last reference to object

loop 10
	new Task("Process" A_Index)

__onExit {
	for key in Task.List {
}	}
Array.Delete(key) must clear reference to object.
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Re: [BUG]Associative Arrays

03 Jan 2018, 14:01

There are tons of points where you iterate over elements in a list and take actions on them that might end up deleting them.
Thank you nnnik, however, I have no problems imagining the need to delete items from a list, my imagination is lacking when it comes to the need of deleting all items unconditionally, where list := "" wouldn't do the job, or where you couldn't design your program such that it would.
It took me ~6 hours of debugging since the object that should have been deleted was not iterated over since I forgot about the for loop issue
I've been there too, unfortunately more than once, and I don't trust myself to not end up there again :( :lol:.

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Re: [BUG]Associative Arrays

03 Jan 2018, 14:09

@ _3D_, once the loop is over, the cloned object is released. In your example, you could do task.list := [] ( :oops: Edit: and __delete instead of del() ) ;)
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Re: [BUG]Associative Arrays

03 Jan 2018, 16:06

Reason to keep del() instead of __delete()

Code: Select all

class Task {
	static List:=[]
	__new(name, mode) {
		this.mode:= mode
		Task.List[this]:= name
	del() {
		msgBox(Task.List[this] "|" this.mode) 
		Task.List.Delete(this) ;call destructor (__delete)
	__delete() {
		msgBox(Task.List[this] "|" this.mode) ;This.List[this] not exist
		;Task.List.Delete(this) ;call destructor (__delete)

new Task("task1", "222 222") ;task1
new Task("task3", "123 123") ;task3
new Task("task3", "456 456") ;task3 again
new Task("task1", "111 111") ;task1 again

CLOSE_TASK3: ;close first
for key, val in Task.List {
	if inStr(val, "3") { ;conditional destruct
}	}
CLOSE_ALL:	;close all
for key, val in Task.List {
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Re: [BUG]Associative Arrays

04 Jan 2018, 07:12

Reason to keep del() instead of __delete()
Indeed, and the reason is a flawed design ;).

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CLOSE_TASK3: ;close first
for key, val in Task.List {
	if inStr(val, "3") { ;conditional destruct
}	}
That is probably the most inefficent way one could think of. I suggest, as per the for documentation,
build a list of keys to remove, then use a second loop to remove the keys after the first loop completes.
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Re: [BUG]Associative Arrays

04 Jan 2018, 14:16

Helgef wrote:
Reason to keep del() instead of __delete()
Indeed, and the reason is a flawed design ;).

Code: Select all

CLOSE_TASK3: ;close first
for key, val in Task.List {
	if inStr(val, "3") { ;conditional destruct
}	}
That is probably the most inefficent way one could think of. I suggest, as per the for documentation,
build a list of keys to remove, then use a second loop to remove the keys after the first loop completes.
Let I guest if we have 100 pairs:
- first need 100 iterations to determinate "right" keys
- second need +number iterations to delete "right" keys
SO my code will do ALL with 100 iterations instead of 100 + number. (think about 100 + 55 it mean 55% more iterations)
:beer: Cheers (sorry no wine)
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Re: [BUG]Associative Arrays

04 Jan 2018, 21:18

Your code will never terminate if a single val contains the string "3".
But yeah what makes your code slow is the the constant construction and destruction of iterators.
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Re: [BUG]Associative Arrays

05 Jan 2018, 06:13

Without comment about slow code.
Anyone can try.

Code: Select all

class Task {
	static time:= 0
	static tick:= 0
	static List:= []
	__new(name, mode:= 0x13) {
		this.mode:= mode
		this.name:= name
		Task.List[this]:= "" ;no value for key
	end() {	 ;initate destruct
		if !Task.time
			Task.time:= A_TickCount
		Task.List.Delete(this) ;self kill
	;Task.List:= ""
	__delete() { ;destruct idea by Helgef
		if !Task.time
			Task.time:= A_TickCount
		this.name:= ""
		Task.tick:= A_TickCount - Task.time

result:= ""
count:= 50000
; SLOW -----------------------------------------------
loop count
	new Task("name" A_Index)
Task.time:= ""
	for key in Task.List {
msgBOX(result.= "SLOW`t:= " Task.tick "`n")
; FAST -----------------------------------------------
array:= []
loop count
	new Task("name" A_Index)
Task.time:= ""
	for key in Task.List
		array[A_Index]:= key
	loop array.length()
	array:= ""
msgBOX(result.= "FAST`t:= " Task.tick "`n")
; ENUM -----------------------------------------------
loop count
	new Task("name" A_Index)
Task.time:= ""
while (_enum:= Task.List._newEnum()).Next(key, val) {
	loop {
	} until !_enum.Next(key, val)	
msgBOX(result.= "ENUM`t:= " Task.tick "`n")
; LOOP -----------------------------------------------
loop count
	new Task("name" A_Index)
Task.time:= ""
loop {
	isEmpty:= 1
	for key in Task.List {
		isEmpty:= 0
} until isEmpty
msgBOX(result.= "LOOP`t:= " Task.tick "`n")
; Helgef ---------------------------------------------
loop count
	new Task("name" A_Index)
Task.time:= ""
Task.List:= [] ;Task.List:= "" change type from Array to string if further use
msgBOX("Wait for Helgef",, "T2") ;this 2 seconds is out of tick (destruction in background)
msgBOX(result.= "HELL`t:= " Task.tick "`n")
1. SLOW is slowest (nnnik is right)
2. FAST is slower (double counting is any time slow).
3. LOOP and Task.List:= [] is EQUAL fastest.
While the array is being destroyed (Array:= []), all keys are enumerated correctly no mater that they are destroyed (deleted) at the same time.
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Re: [BUG]Associative Arrays

05 Jan 2018, 11:58

How does the .clone method compare to that?
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Re: [BUG]Associative Arrays

05 Jan 2018, 14:04

Hello _3D_ :wave:
Making the enumerators is a waste indeed, but for the particular code I commented on, that is, CLOSE_TASK3:, the main problem isn't the time it takes to make the enumerators, at least not in general. The key issue with CLOSE_TASK3:, which is implied by nnnik's comment, but which you seem to have failed to realise, is that for every key which meets the condition (instr(...)) you have to recheck the condition for all preceeding keys before finding the next match. Horror example, 10000 items, 5000 of them matches the condition, and they are all situated at the end of the list, the two-loop method makes two enumerators, 10000 checks of the condition and 5000 delete iterations, CLOSE_TASK3 makes 25 005 000 checks and 5001 enumerators. Here, the significant part isn't the enumerators, and the facepalm grows at a square rate.

In your test script, your redesign of the class is probably what I would have suggested. You are not using List to store the name, but you put it where it belongs, and you do the (symbolic) clean up in __delete and have the method del only to clear the circular reference :thumbup:. However, the benchmarking is flawed, I think I will use this for a new puzzle :think:.

Cheers :beer: .

Edit: Puzzle 9: Release the bug.
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Re: [BUG]Associative Arrays

05 Jan 2018, 14:53

- Another approach. An example to in effect remove keys from an array, by 'renaming' it, creating a new array with the old name, and moving keys from the old array to the new array.
object reference count of 0 crashes script (ObjAddRef/ObjRelease) - AutoHotkey Community
https://autohotkey.com/boards/viewtopic ... 49#p192849
- If you're going to be searching the text of multiple array items, it might be better to use an LF-delimited string, or perhaps even an LF-delimited string *and* an array (maintained simultaneously), or use a 'StrJoin' function when necessary.
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Re: [BUG]Associative Arrays

06 Jan 2018, 10:26

Helgef wrote:Hello _3D_ :wave:
I try to move all termination actions to __delete() but ... And in last I kept __del() - removing references and __delete() to other actions.

Code: Select all

class Task {
	static List:= []
	__new(name) {
		this.name:= name
		this.mode:= 0
		Task.List[this]:= ""		
	static 	__del:= func("__del")	
			__delete() {
				if this.mode != "" {			;prevent second run
					msgBox(this.name " __delete()")
					this.mode:= this.name:= ""	;prevent second run
}			}	}
__del(byRef this) { ;clear reference in list and in calling var
	this.__delete() ;forced   __delete() if other references
	this:= ""		;autocall __delete() if no more references

var:=	new Task("VAR")
loop 5
	new Task("LOOP " A_Index) 

for key in Task.List
	msgBox(key.name " in List")
var.__del()			;var:= "" cant clear reference in list
msgBox(type(var))	;

Task.List:= [] ;Helgef -------

for key in Task.List
	msgBox(key.name " in List")
It is not so quite stable and cleared but will work. class Task
Thanks for ideas.
Last edited by _3D_ on 07 Jan 2018, 09:54, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [BUG]Associative Arrays

07 Jan 2018, 07:00


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__del(byRef this) { ;clear reference in list and in calling var
	;this.__delete() ;forced   __delete() if other references
	this:= ""		;autocall __delete() if no more references

:) I like that, nifty! Only downside is you need the function. Slightly less convenient but no function and same result would be

Code: Select all

myTask := new Task
class task {
	; ...
	del(byref r){
		r := ""
	; ...
Thanks for the idea ;) Cheers :beer:

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