[Script] KeypressOSD - Display key press on screen

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Re: [Script] KeypressOSD - Display key press on screen

06 Jan 2018, 15:36

Compared to the mod I posted earlier there are some regressions:
- didn't load the already saved custom colors but on exit all were reset in the ini :(
- no Hand cursor on color pickers (user needs a visual cue of the possible operation)
- in settings when drag mode enabled, preview window hides when attempting to drag it
- in settings when drag mode enabled, A/B position selectors should be disabled
- selection checkboxes are not as intuitive as a dropdown list, for the 3 different display modes (and new modes could easily be added or deleted)
- no Move cursor on drag (user needs a visual cue of the possible operation)

Otherwise it seems to be alright for a very quick test. My (so called) dead keys appear correctly, drag works, mouse functions are correct.

Now I'll go look at the code. In the mean time, could you please test the following script, see if you get a change in tooltips after more than one color change? Tooltips should match the corresponding text but for some reason from second color change on the tooltip won't change anymore. That's another one of AHK's quirks that wasted my time. Or maybe it's the OS - dunno.

Code: Select all

#SingleInstance Force
#KeyHistory 0
ListLines Off
SetBatchLines, -1
SetKeyDelay, -1, -1
SetMouseDelay, -1
SetWinDelay, -1
SetControlDelay, -1
SendMode Input
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%
CoordMode, Mouse, Screen
DetectHiddenWindows, On

; +LV0x24400 -0x8
cclvo := "-E0x200 +0x2000 +LV0x10400 +Border -Hdr -Multi +ReadOnly Report AltSubmit gsetColors"
cpW := 40, cpH := 24
global LV9:=0xFF55CC, LV10
h1 := DllCall("ImageList_Create"
		, "Int", cpW
		, "Int", cpH
		, "UInt", 33
		, "Int", 1
		, "Int", 1
		, "Ptr") 
Gui, Add, ListView, %cclvo% Background%LV1% vLV1 w%cpW% h%cpH% x50, 0
Gui, Add, ListView, %cclvo% Background%LV2% vLV2 w%cpW% h%cpH% xp y+5, 0
Gui, Add, ListView, %cclvo% Background%LV3% vLV3 w%cpW% h%cpH% xp y+5, 0
Gui, Add, ListView, %cclvo% Background%LV4% vLV4 w%cpW% h%cpH% xp y+5, 0
Gui, Add, ListView, %cclvo% Background%LV5% vLV5 w%cpW% h%cpH% xp y+5, 0
Gui, Add, ListView, %cclvo% Background%LV6% vLV6 w%cpW% h%cpH% xp y+5, 0
Gui, Add, ListView, %cclvo% Background%LV7% vLV7 w%cpW% h%cpH% xp y+5, 0
Gui, Add, ListView, %cclvo% Background%LV8% vLV8 w%cpW% h%cpH% xp y+5, 0
h2:= AddColorPicker(1, "LV9", "xp-40 y+5 w80 h24", "This is another color")
h3:= AddColorPicker(1, "LV10", "xp y+5 wp hp", "This is tenth color, dammit!")
Loop, 8
	Gui, ListView, LV%A_Index%
	LV_SetImageList(h1, 1)
	LV_Add("Icon1", "Click to select color for LV" A_Index)
Loop, 10
	Gui, ListView, SysListView32%A_Index%
	LV_GetText(lt, 1), y := 29*(A_Index-1)
	Gui, Add, Text, x100 ym+%y% w300 h24 +0x200 vtxLV%A_Index%, %lt%
Gui, Show, AutoSize, Test
OnExit, cleanup
AddColorPicker(gui, var, size, tip:="")
Static c,  hW, L, ctrl, clr, hIL
StringSplit, c, size, %A_Space%, %A_Space%
;Static cclvo := "-E0x200 +LV0x24400 +0x2000 -0x8 +Border -Hdr -Multi +ReadOnly Report AltSubmit gsetColors"
Static cclvo := "-E0x200 +0x2000 +LV0x10400 +Border -Hdr -Multi +ReadOnly Report AltSubmit gsetColors"

if InStr(c3, "p") OR InStr(c4, "p")
	DetectHiddenWindows, On
	Gui, %gui%: +LastFound +hwndhW
	WinGet, L, ControlList, ahk_id %hW%
	Loop, Parse, L, `n, `r
		ctrl := A_LoopField
	if !ctrl
		Gui, %gui%:Add, Text, x%c1% y%c2%, [Error]
		return False
	GuiControlGet, pos, %gui%:Pos, %ctrl%
	StringReplace, w, c3, wp, %posW%,
	StringReplace, h, c4, hp, %posH%,
	StringReplace, w, c3, w,,
	StringReplace, h, c4, h,,
hIL := DllCall("ImageList_Create"
		, "Int", w
		, "Int", h
		, "UInt", 33
		, "Int", 1
		, "Int", 1
		, "Ptr")
clr := %var% ? %var% : %var% := 0
Gui, %gui%:Add, ListView, %cclvo% Background%clr% v%var% %c1% %c2% %c3% %c4% hwndh%var%, 0
LV_SetImageList(hIL, 1)
LV_Add("Icon1", (tip ? tip : "Click to select color for " var))
return hIL
setColors(hC, event, c, err:=0)
Static g, ctrl, lv, r, t, u
if (event != "Normal")
g:= A_Gui, ctrl := A_GuiControl, lv := A_DefaultListView, res := Dlg_Color(%ctrl%, hC)
if ErrorLevel
res := %ctrl% := hexRGB(res)
GuiControl, %g%:+Background%res%, %ctrl%
Gui, %g%:ListView, %ctrl%
LV_GetText(t, 1)
t := ((s := InStr(t, " (")) ? (u := SubStr(t, 1, s+1)) : t " (") "Current color is " res ")"
LV_Modify(0, "Col1", t)
GuiControl, %g%:+C%res%, %ctrl%
LV_GetText(t, 1)
GuiControl, %g%:, tx%ctrl%, %t%
Gui, %g%:ListView, %lv%
hexRGB(c) {
  setformat, IntegerFast, H
  r := ((c&255)<<16)+(c&65280)+((c&0xFF0000)>>16),c:=SubStr(r,1)
  SetFormat, IntegerFast, D
  return c
Dlg_Color(Color,hwnd) {
  if !cc {
    Loop, 16
Color := hexRGB(InStr(Color, "0x") ? Color : Color ? "0x" Color : 0x0)
  if !ret := DllCall("comdlg32\ChooseColor","UPtr",&CHOOSECOLOR,"UInt")
  setformat, IntegerFast, H
  Color := NumGet(CHOOSECOLOR,3*A_PtrSize,"UInt")
  SetFormat, IntegerFast, D
  return Color
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Re: [Script] KeypressOSD - Display key press on screen

06 Jan 2018, 15:53

The drag is only allowed in live version, not in the preview window.

The two positions, a/b, are in fact used. Please test it more. When you drag it, depending on the current preset, those are updated /saved.

I'll think about having those color picker custom colors or not :-).

I'll test that script tomorrow.

Best regards, Marius.
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Re: [Script] KeypressOSD - Display key press on screen

06 Jan 2018, 16:44

Logically, the drag should not depend on anything else and nothing else should depend on drag. It should be a completely independent mode.
OK, the drag may be used to quickly set the A and B positions instead of those L buttons, but moreso the OSD should be draggable in the preview. Right now the hiding of the OSD in drag mode when user wants to test if/how it works is at least baffling. :o

Custom colors were screwed up because you moved them after the LoadSettings() initialization - when they were supposed to be read from ini if existing - and are now all reset to 0x00FFFFFF, then saved to ini on exit killing user's customizations. Some things have a specific place where they should be. ;)

The Hand cursor together with the MouseMove() function are used in the settings panels regardless of the display mode, whereas you conditioned them on the drag mode. Not good. And they still don't work, even in drag mode, because the handle match in MouseMove() is missing.

Enough for now, I'm still going through the code. It's gonna be another long night… :roll:
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Re: [Script] KeypressOSD - Display key press on screen

06 Jan 2018, 17:02

Yes, you have a point about moving the OSD when it's in preview mode.

Please don't bother with the custom colors. I'll remove that.

Mouse move should remain conditioned by dragging feature being enabled. Please fix the matching issue. I was baffled that upon double click anywhere on screen, it began dragging. I had a hard time finding a way to avoid that.

Thank you very much. Looking forward to seeing your updates.

Best regards, Marius.
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Re: [Script] KeypressOSD - Display key press on screen

06 Jan 2018, 17:15

Why remove custom colors? They don't bother anyone, it's just a matter of initialization. It was working correctly in my version, I'll move the declaration back where it belongs before LoadSettings() and all should be OK.

MouseMove() should be detecting the match, most likely ListViews weren't initialized and therefore handles were matching the desktop. I'll place a check to avoid such issue with null handles. It doesn't belong only to drag, the Hand cursor should always be available in the settings and without it it can't.

At this point I'm still keeping the logic with the dropdown list, it seems much clearer to me but you'll be able to spot the differences. I could try to patch your version too but I'd like to avoid a fork if possible. We'll see.

I just stumbled again into an issue that came up earlier today in the test script I posted above and before that in this script (you know, the part with … if I know why). First I'd like to ask what is the reason for making PositionB static in ShowOSDsettings(). I now realized this was the issue why I couldn't disable/enable the radio that has that variable assigned.

Apparently AHK has dissociated some things internally and I just can't understand it. When a variable is declared as static within a function, any operation on that variable will fail under certain conditions. So one can't disable/enable/hide/show a control whose variable was declared as static.
Moreover, creation of such variables would fail in commands such as GuiControlGet, pos, %gui%:Pos, %ctrl% where declaring posX, posY, posW and/or posH as static would result in blank values when command is executed.
This could drive one crazy (I'm a hair away from that myself). :headwall:
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Re: [Script] KeypressOSD - Display key press on screen

07 Jan 2018, 03:56

Hello! I just tested the small script and yes... I do not get any tooltips.

Looking forward to the updated AHK.

AHK_H http://marius.sucan.ro/media/temp/ahkdl ... master.zip

Best regards, Marius.
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Re: [Script] KeypressOSD - Display key press on screen

07 Jan 2018, 05:20

- my version of keypressOsd (not for brilance of the code but for idea for possible future option).
- my simple surrogat for keypressOsd (made it in time when keypessOsd wasn't woking well for me).


P.s.: It seems to me, that simple imput detects and binds dead key correctly for western keybords. Then I installed RO and it didn't work.
If so and since you detect user keybord, it would make sense to dynamically change method of key detection.
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Re: [Script] KeypressOSD - Display key press on screen

07 Jan 2018, 05:56

Thank you very much, but ... ; #Include C:\Users\RRR\My Ahk-s\Fnt\Fnt.ahk is missing.
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Re: [Script] KeypressOSD - Display key press on screen

07 Jan 2018, 06:21

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Re: [Script] KeypressOSD - Display key press on screen

07 Jan 2018, 08:56

Thanks for mirroring, I got it on third attempt. Dunno what's going on with this Internet.
robodesign wrote:I just tested the small script and yes... I do not get any tooltips.
Wait: no tooltips at all? Or just not updated to current color? According to the LV styles there should be tooltips when text is larger than column width. Maybe Win10 enlarges columns automatically disregarding control size? Anyway, I'll just drop that idea since it's unreliable.
robodesign wrote:Looking forward to the updated AHK.
You mean the script? It'll take a while longer, I need to check a few things again.
The usage of Critical in the autoexec section screws things up further down in functions. Had to feed MouseMove() a predefined list of LV handles for it to work correctly.
Still got a few things to do and check, so don't expect anything soon. After all it's Sunday, even Le grand ordinateur had some rest. :D
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Re: [Script] KeypressOSD - Display key press on screen

07 Jan 2018, 16:35


New version:

by Marius Sucan (robodesign.ro)
v3.97 (2018-01-07)
- [new] option to highlight text cursor/caret when its position is detectable [Keyboard settings]
- [bug fixes] for alternate typing mode
- various other fixes
- fonts list is now filtered
- now OSD always draggable in preview mode

Thank you.

Best regards, Marius.
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Re: [Script] KeypressOSD - Display key press on screen

07 Jan 2018, 16:43

Was just about to post but you beat me to it. Well, since I already uploaded the files and wasted time typing, I'll leave it here. Will look into v3.97 tomorrow.
No wonder you don't grasp the whole picture of my changes - that WinMerge is a piece of sh!t. I couldn't look an entire minute at that screen, with huge fonts and colorful like a Christmas tree but completely lacking crucial functions. Or maybe I'm just weird, but I like things simple and clear. And I also like intuitive and logical options, such as 'Resume comparison from here'. Here's a sample of TotCmd's comparison function, see 'before' and 'after', how easy it is to spot the real changes:
(161.77 KiB) Downloaded 60 times
And here's what I broke did these days, you probably won't like it but I do. :) There's still room for improvement though:
(33.89 KiB) Downloaded 67 times
You'll notice I removed the mouse check timer and related functions since MouseMove() can do all that much faster. Hopefully there won't be any more unwanted drag issues.
I also changed the variable name from JumpHover to DisplayMode, which accurately reflects its new role. Still on the dropdown list, it's more intuitive that way and can be built upon with other modes, if necessary. For backwards compatibility it still reads JumpHover from ini, if present, but translates it to DisplayMode and only if DisplayMode was not yet defined.
Some minor fixes an optimizations are in there too, nothing fancy.
Hand cursor should appear now over all color picker controls.
Move cursor should now appear immediately when hovering the OSD in Drag mode, not only after clicking it. Also OSD can now be dragged by the Progress on the left too, not only by the Text/Edit field.
No changes to mouse-functions, whoever wants it can grab it from previous uploads above.

Please leave the value of positionText at 12 in CreateOSDGUI() (line 1967 in my version), otherwise it'll cut off the Progress border when typing, at least on my system (currently it's at 11, I forgot to change it before uploading). Not sure about the same var value (-10?) in line 1972, I can't set RTL text here, no support for RTL languages on this system.

The showPreview var is never saved/loaded to ini, is it intended or just an overlook? I'd like to have a permanent setting for that option.

I intended to implement dragging for A/B positioning too but never got to it, I wasn't quite myself today, can't take long nights anymore. Maybe some other time. But I still didn't understand what you tried to do with drag enabled in the other two modes, if you could please explain in more detail maybe we can work something out. Could be the same thing in different visions.

Gotta go now, I'm too tired. Hopefully I didn't break too much. Please use a real diff tool or at least try Total Commander, to understand the changes better. Good luck!
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Re: [Script] KeypressOSD - Display key press on screen

07 Jan 2018, 17:22

Thank you very much for your work, drugwash.

I will look into total commander and your version and see what I find delightful to merge into my edition.

I love big fonts. I barely see stuff on screen.

Best regards, Marius.
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Re: [Script] KeypressOSD - Display key press on screen

08 Jan 2018, 05:32

After a very brief testing of v3.97 and a quick look through the code I spotted a few issues (some may be much older):

- preview window gets stuck after a couple rapid clicks on the OSD, regardless of the display mode.
- checkIfRunning()'s messagebox is annoying when canceling a settings panel. It also appeared while script was NOT running, when I tried to launch it.
- too many IniRead/IniWrite during real-time/critical operations, ini stuff should be limited to script initialization and exit.
- too many timers, their operation may interfere with each-other making the script behavior unpredictable.
- line 1787: too often declaration of global for deadKeyPressed (there's another place with same global declaration for same variable too).
- why filter symbol fonts? User may want to use them, like having OSD as a large preview or something. At least make filtering optional, on by default.
- the new cursor hilighting halo is a bit lower, that is halo is not perfectly centered on the caret. (could be DPI-related or something)

I'll now get deeper into the code, merge latest keypress-related changes from 3.97 and see what else can be broken fixed. :)

Font can be changed in TotCmd's comparison panel so that shouldn't be a problem. The most important function is the 'resume comparison' which takes manually selected lines in left and right panel, allowing the user to skip certain blocks of code that are missing on either side, thus realigning the rest of the code. This can be done whenever necessary.

Good luck to both of us! :)
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Re: [Script] KeypressOSD - Display key press on screen

08 Jan 2018, 05:59

Please update to 3.97.1. Thank you. I fixed various bugs and improved the dragging behaviour.

Now I am looking into the code you posted.
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Re: [Script] KeypressOSD - Display key press on screen

08 Jan 2018, 06:17

Thanks, I had just did that to update mouse-functions and didn't realize it was an updated version. You saved me quite some trouble. :thumbup:
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Re: [Script] KeypressOSD - Display key press on screen

08 Jan 2018, 08:51

Hello, drugwash!

I finished going through your version.

I see you found quite a few silly mistakes / bugs I had. Thank you very much!!. Merged into my version.

On dragging the OSD. Your edition begins dragging by simply double clicking on a desktop icon :-). This is a bug still present from your first iteration. In my version, it is fixed.

I also made it work with the two gui position presets and to always have it drag - enabled when the user displays it as a preview, at preferences.

I updated my version to 3.97.2

Questions I failed to answer:
- Why remove custom colors? because this is not MS Paint to require/really need custom saved colors. People should not waste time at preferences choosing colors :-).
- no idea what win10 does regarding controls
- why filter symbol fonts? KeyPress is not for symbols :-) ... It's for typing... I just filtered fonts by generic names. Particular symbol fonts can still be used.
- i use timers for things that do not need imperatively be executed.
- checkIfRunning should be fixed now

Best regards, Marius.
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Re: [Script] KeypressOSD - Display key press on screen

08 Jan 2018, 13:17

Hello, followers!

Today's release is only about fixes and polishing.

Download AHK file from or use the Update now option:
http://marius.sucan.ro/media/files/blog ... ss-osd.ahk
Please use AHK_H v1.1.27 [unicode] to execute this script.

by Marius Sucan (robodesign.ro)
v3.97.5 (2018-01-08)
- many bug fixes... and notably... fixed a crash on win32
- [improvements] made Ctrl+C/X/V/A work with the alternate typing mode

@burque505: Please test this version with default settings. I made many changes and improvements to the dead keys support. Please let me know if they work or not in the host app. Please also test typing with Ctrl+Insert [the alternate typing mode]. I am curious what's your feedback. Thank you very much.

Best regards, Marius.
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Re: [Script] KeypressOSD - Display key press on screen

08 Jan 2018, 14:04

Ah, dragging is a drag - I've said that before. :) However, I think I finally nailed it and got rid of extra code that didn't work (correctly) anyway.
- finally implemented drag in all modes in settings, my own way (that is, optional).
- added a (crude) checkbox for optional font filtering, letting the user decide.
- fixed the font list choice to update the preview (even when preview is disabled, it'll show on a 5 sec. timer).
- fixed the Show Preview option to be remembered between sessions
People should not waste time at preferences choosing colors
That's precisely why the custom colors should be there, to allow quick pick in case user changes their mind often, instead of "building" their preferred colors everytime. I, for one, am still experimenting with colors so I like them there at hand. Saves me time. ;)
why filter symbol fonts? KeyPress is not for symbols
Why impose artificial limitations to users? I've seen such applications that "think" I shouldn't choose certain fonts, when I actually need them badly. I've also seen applications that claim to be expert in a lot of drawing-related things but can't even "paint" a goddamn symbol font (try Wingdings/2/3 with RealWorld Paint, see if you get anything else but empty squares).
So I say let the user decide whether to filter fonts or not, and what fonts to choose. It's their system, after all. ;)

Something changed my settings recently (most notably typing mode was disabled) and didn't realize it until late. Now I see a weird squared question mark at the end of the text, I suppose you placed it there. Or was it intended to show something else? :crazy:
20180108204551_cr.png (2.48 KiB) Viewed 2819 times
I may post an updated version later after I sync with your latest 3.97.5. Or not. Where the heck is the feedback…? :?
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Re: [Script] KeypressOSD - Display key press on screen

08 Jan 2018, 14:18

I already did this in my latest version:
- fixed the font list choice to update the preview

The question mark should never appear again. If it does, let me know.

I only try to offer relevant options and not offer toooo many options. It already has too many!

Please tag your versions, with something like: global version := "3.97.5 by drugwash"

I want people to know which one is which, because things are starting to get different.... and I do not want to have people too confused... I will probably not merge all the changes you are making....

I am now looking forward to the feedback from burque505, on my version.

Best regards, Marius.
KeyPress OSD v4: GitHub or forum. (presentation video)
Quick Picto Viewer: GitHub or forum.
AHK GDI+ expanded / compilation library (on GitHub)
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