Can you get rid of the .bak files created by Scite4AHK? Topic is solved

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Can you get rid of the .bak files created by Scite4AHK?

28 May 2018, 23:33

It's to a point where it is so annoying that I might even switch to a different IDE because of the .bak files. So my last hope is this thread, I'm hoping
there is a way to disable .bak files. It serves no purpose to me anyway, and especially when it is in the same folder. If I could switch the file path for the .bak files, then that would be fine too.

Also what do you guys use, or do you have any suggestions? Is AHK studio good?
I am your average ahk newbie. Just.. a tat more cute. ;)
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Re: Can you get rid of the .bak files created by Scite4AHK?

02 Dec 2018, 22:37

I also find the .bak files annoying, bump?
Posts: 2688
Joined: 08 Feb 2015, 20:55

Re: Can you get rid of the .bak files created by Scite4AHK?  Topic is solved

03 Dec 2018, 01:14

This works for me:

SciTE4AHK -> (menu) Tool -> (menuItem) SciTE4AutoHotkey setting ... -> (Popup window) uncheck Auto-backups

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