Pulover's Macro Creator v5.4.1 - The Complete Automation Tool

Advanced Macro Recorder/Editor.

Moderator: Pulover

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Re: Pulover's Macro Creator v5.0.5 - The Complete Automation Tool

17 Aug 2018, 21:10

GiefCat wrote:Hello! I just had a quick question as I'm having some issues with version 5.0.5 64-Bit.

When using the Mouse command for Move and Click, I click the ... for the coordinates, but when I right click nothing happens. I've just been entering the coordinates manually, but the same issue for the control click which is a lot of information to try and type in sometimes.

Also, if I try to do anything with the image search by clicking to hold and drag, it'll instantly just grab the entire window even while I'm still holding right click.

I've tried running as admin, uninstalling/reinstalling, running in windows compatibility mode, but still no luck. Running Windows 10, 64-Bit

Any advice on what could be happening?
GiefCat, I've discovered a workaround that fixes this. (but is not perfect, as I note below)

Go to OPTIONS > SETTINGS > GENERAL > Click on KEY HISTORY button at lower right.
The script window pops up.

Then, click the red "X" in the right top corner to close that window.
Don't use FILE > QUIT. That will close out Macro Creator altogether.

Here's teh suk:
The hotkeys to play, pause, stop, etc no longer work.
However, you can still use the control bar, the toolbar icons or the tray icon to do these things, so you still have the functionality.

Lastly, you can always grab your window data while the hotkeys are suspended and then turn them back on, after your window details have been populated.

Here's what the header looks like with hotkeys enabled and then disabled:

ENABLED: (default)

Window: Settings
Keybd hook: yes
Mouse hook: yes
Enabled Timers: 1 of 8 (WinCheck)
<~ I think the problem exists here
Interrupted threads: 0
Paused threads: 0 of 1 (0 layers)
Modifiers (GetKeyState() now) =
Modifiers (Hook's Logical) =
Modifiers (Hook's Physical) =
Prefix key is down: no


Window: Settings
Keybd hook: yes
Mouse hook: no
Enabled Timers: 0 of 8 ()
Interrupted threads: 0
Paused threads: 0 of 1 (0 layers)
Modifiers (GetKeyState() now) =
Modifiers (Hook's Logical) =
Modifiers (Hook's Physical) =
Prefix key is down: no

Re: Pulover's Macro Creator v5.0.5 - The Complete Automation Tool

10 Sep 2018, 09:09

I am running into a saving problem when I use PMC, the problem is when I reopen a script I was working on the code is scrambled or parts of it get moved around. Then I have to go back and debug the whole thing to figure out what changed . It also crashes at random intervals . It can be in 5 min sometimes 40 min. I am on windows 10. Anything I can do or any solutions out there ?
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Joined: 21 Sep 2018, 04:00

Re: Pulover's Macro Creator v5.0.5 - The Complete Automation Tool

21 Sep 2018, 04:13

Hi all. I have a unique question. I play a game called anarchy online and I need a way to easily delete items. To delete items in this game you hold down right click for 200ms (its changeable), then click the delete option and then finally hit accept when it asks if you're sure you want to delete. Problem is there are places where you're farming for a particular item and get many junk drops before you get what you want and you may have to delete hundreds of times in an hour of gameplay, at least.

So my question is...since the location/coordinates of the delete/click locations changes based on where the delete dialogue box is for any given item I want to know if there's a way to delete based on cursors current location. e.g. when i hover cursor over item and press the macro hotkey click rmouse button down>wait 200ms>release rmouse>move over and down x number of pixels>left click>wait 200ms>move over and down x number of pixels>left click

Appreciate any responses. If I could automate this this would make life so much easier. I spend more time doing this than i do playing lol

Thank you!

Re: Pulover's Macro Creator v5.0.5 - The Complete Automation Tool

23 Sep 2018, 00:33

I know of a few ways you can do those. I tried to write them from easiest to implement to hardest IMO. They are all available from within P Macro Creator as well as can be coded manually as an AutoHotKey script.
You can use this command at the beginning of your script as you have described in the steps of your post to get the mouse cursor when you triggered the hotkey for delete. https://autohotkey.com/docs/commands/MouseGetPos.htm Then when you add your mouse movements https://autohotkey.com/docs/commands/MouseMove.htm you add the R flag to the MoveMouse command and it will make it relative to the mouse position
If omitted, the X and Y coordinates will be treated as absolute values. To change this behavior, specify the following letter:
R: The X and Y coordinates will be treated as offsets from the current mouse position. In other words, the cursor will be moved from its current position by X pixels to the right (left if negative) and Y pixels down (up if negative).
If you do not get the Relative to work you can calculate the distance manually and just add to the Mouse X and Y positions that were taken from the MouseGetPos (for example if the x is stored in FoundX and the delete button is 30 pixels away, then your new movement would look like MoveMouse, %FoundX%+30 %FoundY%+30)
You can combine this with any of the options below as well such as waiting for the window to be active and appear as well as finding the delete button with the windows commands, see below for links to the syntax.
Another method would be to use image search https://autohotkey.com/docs/commands/ImageSearch.htm and snag the image in your delete dialogue box that you would be clicking on when it finally appears. You can trigger the image search to happen after your 200ms . You can combine this method with the various windows commands such as WinWait or WinWaitActive etc https://autohotkey.com/docs/commands/WinWaitActive.htm to ensure that the delete dialogue box is present before triggering an image search.
You can use the ControlClick comand with the WinWaitActive and when the dialogue appears you can click the delete button by telling the ControlClick where exactly to click relative to the window dialogue that pops up. https://autohotkey.com/docs/commands/ControlClick.htm In the macro creator you would point to the dialogue box and the place you want to click on your game on after choosing ControlClick from the drop down menu, in AutoHotKey you can most likely use windows spy or another spy helper to get the window information.

Re: Pulover's Macro Creator v5.0.5 - The Complete Automation Tool

27 Sep 2018, 10:37

Good programm. How can i use this for an game.exe ("ingame") .
If i use the macro hotkey it jumps back to the desktop. Do i need to bind or implement it somehow?
Have the game to be "full screen mode" or "window mode" for it ?
Please help.

Re: Pulover's Macro Creator v5.0.5 - The Complete Automation Tool

10 Oct 2018, 07:10

MitsurugiZen wrote:Good programm. How can i use this for an game.exe ("ingame") .
If i use the macro hotkey it jumps back to the desktop. Do i need to bind or implement it somehow?
Have the game to be "full screen mode" or "window mode" for it ?
Please help.
good question dude im looking for an answer too if you know how to do that please update me i need it too

Re: Pulover's Macro Creator v5.0.5 - The Complete Automation Tool

10 Oct 2018, 07:22

Hi pulover is there a possibility that i can control a d3d window because its a game window i cant control it like i want to auto type in that game or maybe auto skill using keystroke thanks for the response ill wait you
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Joined: 20 Oct 2018, 00:33

Re: Pulover's Macro Creator v5.0.5 - The Complete Automation Tool

20 Oct 2018, 00:41

i love pullovers macro creator is amazing
I occupy it constantly to automate great apart from work.

said the above had a query regarding the text, I want to put a list,

"but that each line of text is put every time it is repeated, in the first line it says" hello ", it ends the macros begins again in the second line that says" goodbye "."

it is understood?

Can you do that?

Would I have to put each command line each time with a different text?

If anyone knows, a little help would be appreciated, thank you

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Joined: 22 Oct 2018, 14:32

Re: Pulover's Macro Creator v5.0.5 - The Complete Automation Tool

22 Oct 2018, 15:13

Hi. Congratulations on an excellent tool.

How do I clear (empty) a text field on a webpage before adding text please?

Thanks in advance!
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Joined: 13 Sep 2016, 09:51

Re: Pulover's Macro Creator v5.0.5 - The Complete Automation Tool

25 Nov 2018, 06:14

Nub2688 wrote:
10 Sep 2018, 09:09
I am running into a saving problem when I use PMC, the problem is when I reopen a script I was working on the code is scrambled or parts of it get moved around. Then I have to go back and debug the whole thing to figure out what changed . It also crashes at random intervals . It can be in 5 min sometimes 40 min. I am on windows 10. Anything I can do or any solutions out there ?
I have this same exact problem. My main macro has about 30-40 individual macros in it and finding a random change/mistake in all those macros can be like finding a needle in a haystack.

Just yesterday I opened up my macro file and found 14(!!) additional macros that were just copies of other macros. I know I didn't go through and make 14 copies of macros I already have. I reverted to a backup to get rid of them all.

I would love it if anyone knew a solution for this random problem. From my own testing it seems like the random changes happen more frequently if something interrupts PMC while I'm opening my macro.
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Joined: 26 Nov 2018, 12:02

Re: Pulover's Macro Creator v5.0.5 - The Complete Automation Tool

26 Nov 2018, 12:17

Dixao wrote:
25 Nov 2018, 06:14
Nub2688 wrote:
10 Sep 2018, 09:09
I am running into a saving problem when I use PMC, the problem is when I reopen a script I was working on the code is scrambled or parts of it get moved around. Then I have to go back and debug the whole thing to figure out what changed . It also crashes at random intervals . It can be in 5 min sometimes 40 min. I am on windows 10. Anything I can do or any solutions out there ?
I have this same exact problem. My main macro has about 30-40 individual macros in it and finding a random change/mistake in all those macros can be like finding a needle in a haystack.

Just yesterday I opened up my macro file and found 14(!!) additional macros that were just copies of other macros. I know I didn't go through and make 14 copies of macros I already have. I reverted to a backup to get rid of them all.

I would love it if anyone knew a solution for this random problem. From my own testing it seems like the random changes happen more frequently if something interrupts PMC while I'm opening my macro.
you can use beyond compare to check your project ,just save as another file after editing your project.then compare two file for differences.if row mix bug happen ,you will find out, it's better to save as your project after editing one macro ,if you editing too many macro in a project,then compare will become harder to find bug ,Hi,I'm a chinese user ,and my english is not that good,but,this is a great tool.
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Joined: 03 Dec 2018, 02:27

Re: Pulover's Macro Creator v5.0.5 - The Complete Automation Tool

04 Dec 2018, 01:07

First of all thanks for putting such a nice video tutorial and making this tool, it is very helpful :)

Getting stuck at a point in creating this macro. Basically none of the options or control work on this dialog box which is to look for a file, below is the link to that screenshot. Any idea what could be causing this problem. Thanks


File for the screenshot attached too
2018-12-04_11-23-58.jpg (63.97 KiB) Viewed 19074 times
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Re: Pulover's Macro Creator v5.0.5 - The Complete Automation Tool

16 Dec 2018, 17:40

I'm a complete novice, but so far using Pulover's Macro Creator tool has been pretty easy for automating some basic point & click processes. Saved me hours of manual work :bravo:
But I want to try and expand on the automation i'm running and hope someone can help.

I have an excel sheet with reference ID's, which I need to paste into a separate system, pull up the record, look for a reference cell named RP and copy the text next to it. Some times the RP cell is found in the bottom left, sometimes in the top left - and the text needed is always next to RP. So point & click will not work. Is there a way for the automation to look for the key word RP in a screen, and copy the text next to it to then paste into excel? :?:

Thanks in advance!
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Joined: 18 Dec 2018, 10:21

Issue with Loop

18 Dec 2018, 13:17

I'm attempting to copy a value from an excel sheet (cell A2) and then run another macro that opens a webpage and pastes the value in and performs a function. I can do this fine for one value. I need to do this in a loop until the last row of the excel sheet.

This is the portion of the macro that has my attempt:

XL := ComObjActive("Excel.Application")
maxrow := XL.Application.ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows(XL.Application.ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count).Row
For i, 2 in XL.Cells(i, 1)
XL.Cells(i, 1).Copy
Goto, Macro2
Until, i := maxrow

Any help would be much appreciated.

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Joined: 12 Dec 2018, 16:43

Re: Pulover's Macro Creator v5.0.5 - The Complete Automation Tool

24 Dec 2018, 17:19

Hey guys Im having an issue in regards to pulovers Macro creator. Im having troubles "Storing" value to a variable. Suppose to exit out of "Chrome" via coordinates once condition has been met. However, for some odd reason its having a tough time storing it and comparing it to clipboard. Hopefully, someone can help me out its the last part of building this macro and Im tired of :headwall:

Code: Select all

oordMode, Pixel, Window
ImageSearch, FoundX, FoundY, 0, 0, 1920, 1080, C:\Users\ancie\Documents\Macro\Capture.PNG
CenterImgSrchCoords("C:\Users\ancie\Documents\Macro\Capture.PNG", FoundX, FoundY)  ; Image search ( Future note , may be able to get rid of If imagepixel found command by only letting it operate if image IS found, breaking if not). 
If ErrorLevel = 0  ; Found image 
    Click, 846, 760, 0  ; Checking if we won last round or not
    Sleep, 100
    Click, Left, , Down  ; Click Down
    Sleep, 100
    Click, 1246, 760 Left, Up  ; Let Go
    Sleep, 100
    Click, Left, , Up  ; Let go (Confirm again)
    Sleep, 100
    Send, {LControl Down}
    Sleep, 100
    Send, {c}
    Sleep, 100
    Send, {LControl Up}  ; (Copying to Clipboard)
    Sleep, 100
    If Clipboard > 10  ; 
        SendEvent, {Click, 1228, 556, Left Down}{Click, 1308, 558, Left Up}  ; Go to "Energy" amount. 
        Sleep, 500
        Send, {LControl Down}
        Sleep, 100
        Send, {c}
        Sleep, 100
        Send, {LControl Up}  ; (Copying to Clipboard)
        Sleep, 100
        If Clipboard >= Account
            Click, 1895, 26 Left, 1
            Sleep, 500
        If Clipboard < Account
            Click, 1368, 621 Left, 1  ; Hit "Play"
            Sleep, 100
            Click, 1769, 249 Left, 1  ; (Ridding the Blue highlighter)
            Sleep, 100
    If Clipboard <= 10  ;  
        SendEvent, {Click, 1228, 556, Left Down}{Click, 1308, 558, Left Up}  ; Go to "Energy" amount. 
        Sleep, 500
        Send, {LControl Down}
        Sleep, 100
        Send, {c}
        Sleep, 100
        Send, {LControl Up}  ; (Copying to Clipboard)
        Sleep, 100
        Clipboard := Account+2
        Click, 1368, 621 Left, 1  ; Hit "Play"
        Sleep, 100
        Click, 1769, 249 Left, 1  ; (Ridding the Blue Highlighter)
        Sleep, 100
So what Im trying to do is store the value "Once" and thats when it will continue to work until the energy amount is satisfied. (Which Click, 1895, 26 Left, 1 simply exits the game). However, no matter how many times it plays, it fails to compare the actual value. What am i doing wrong?

Thanks in advance.
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Re: Pulover's Macro Creator v5.0.5 - The Complete Automation Tool

09 Jan 2019, 13:23

I have downloaded this software to create macros to use in GTA. I am also using it in conjunction with luamacros to use only a second keyboard. First, thanks for developing such a great free piece of software, took me ages to find one but this is really good. Second, will there ever be support for individual keyboards. I use a second keyboard for my macros but currently have to use luamacros to work it. Finally, I am trying to get macros to run while GTA is open but it doesn't seem to run on pressing the key. All my other macros for windows/chrome work so it may be an issue with GTA but I would really like to get it working.

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Joined: 06 Jan 2019, 21:29

Re: Pulover's Macro Creator v5.0.5 - The Complete Automation Tool

11 Jan 2019, 20:01

Hard to say how i got into this forum , first of all i have no knowladge about programming and etc , i was looking surfing through to find some information regarding automatic tasks for computers which i urgently need , found out pullovers macro creator is aa good one well like everybody dowmloaded and looking now watching videos reading informations , for me this is all rocket science , so i just want to ask you if this software can do what i want it to do ...

Think of an excel table like this
1 ) 1-2-1-1-2-1-2-1-1
2) 2-2-1-1-1-2-1-2-1
3) 1-1-1-1-2-2-2-2-2
35) 1-2-2-2-1-1-1-1-
etc ...

and lets say another window also open from internet explorer(chrome) a www site .... i dont know if does it matter what kind of a site

so what i need is not just easy repetitive tasks which by the way i already can do ) but i need that computer looks at the excel table

1st row , consists 1st postion "1" 2nd position "2" 3rd position "1" and etc like above understand these 1,2,1,2,2 etc like in excel and click in www site i dont know if i am clear enough , so yes site have these options which can be clicked 1-2-1-2 ....
here more logical and maybe condtional thngs which is a mess for me i i dont know how to do this computer should look at excel table 1st row do the same in internet explorer and of course do this for each row where in each row different variables

sorry my english
Lord Crash
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Joined: 17 Jan 2019, 01:18

Re: Pulover's Macro Creator v5.0.5 - The Complete Automation Tool

17 Jan 2019, 01:23

Is there a way to use whether the numlock is on or off in an IF function?
Like i want to turn off a line when the numlock is on and have the line run when the numlock is off
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Re: Pulover's Macro Creator v5.0.5 - The Complete Automation Tool

08 Feb 2019, 05:36

Lord Crash wrote:
17 Jan 2019, 01:23
Is there a way to use whether the numlock is on or off in an IF function?
Like i want to turn off a line when the numlock is on and have the line run when the numlock is off
capslock := GetKeyState("Capslock", "T")
MsgBox, 0, , >%capslock%<


If capslock = 1
MsgBox, 0, , execute this
MsgBox, 0, , execute that
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Re: Pulover's Macro Creator v5.0.5 - The Complete Automation Tool

28 Mar 2019, 04:16

Hi everyone.

I need to verify that in a given area of the screen a graphic change occurs (text or image)

The pixel change event is not good for me as I do not have the certainty that the event has really occurred or not (it could happen that the pixel is identical but the content of the area has changed).

How can I fix it all? Some idea?

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