Looking for a program that uses mouse movements as hotkeys

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Looking for a program that uses mouse movements as hotkeys

13 Feb 2015, 20:02

I am looking for a program that can recognize a mouse movement, like a zigzag up and down five times in two seconds, and then execute an abritrary script. In other words, like AHK but uses mouse movements as hotkeys.

I seem to recall this being a standalone program you could download at one point, but I can't find anything - at least I don't want to search far into google, so I will see if anyone here knows it.

The reason I want this is because sometimes I just want to use the mouse, usually when I am reading, but have to periodically do actions switch documents or something.

Re: Looking for a program that uses mouse movements as hotke

14 Feb 2015, 03:28

You can use AHK as well http://ahkscript.org/docs/scripts/MouseGestures.htm - just google mouse gesture autohotkey for a variety of other scripts. Strokeit might the name of the program you were looking for.
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Re: Looking for a program that uses mouse movements as hotke

14 Feb 2015, 12:06

OK, that looks like what I wanted. Thanks to both of you!
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Re: Looking for a program that uses mouse movements as hotke

20 Feb 2015, 04:37

guest3456 wrote:Lexikos himself wrote a mouse gesture script:
http://www.autohotkey.com/board/topic/2 ... -gestures/
In this link the user pajenn made a variation of the original script. Works that variation of the script?
I think he wanted to paint the path on the screen but it is impossible for me to run the script.
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Re: Looking for a program that uses mouse movements as hotke

20 Feb 2015, 05:33

Have you tried StrokeIt? I've been using it for years.
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Re: Looking for a program that uses mouse movements as hotke

20 Feb 2015, 06:44

tmplinshi wrote:Have you tried StrokeIt? I've been using it for years.
I've just to see StrokeIt and It's not free,isn't?However, browsing and browsing I've just found this.Looks awesome!
Take a look!
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Re: Looking for a program that uses mouse movements as hotke

20 Feb 2015, 07:43

No, it's free for Personal Use!
http://www.tcbmi.com/strokeit/downloads.shtml wrote:StrokeIt Downloads

StrokeIt .9.7 Professional Enhanced Features Buy Now
StrokeIt .9.7 Home Personal Use Only Download
StrokeIt .9.7 Business Trial 10 Day Business Trial Download Trial
Thanks for the link, MouseGestureL.ahk looks nice.
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Re: Looking for a program that uses mouse movements as hotke

20 Feb 2015, 08:58

tmplinshi wrote:@empardopo
No, it's free for Personal Use!
http://www.tcbmi.com/strokeit/downloads.shtml wrote:StrokeIt Downloads

StrokeIt .9.7 Professional Enhanced Features Buy Now
StrokeIt .9.7 Home Personal Use Only Download
StrokeIt .9.7 Business Trial 10 Day Business Trial Download Trial
Thanks for the link, MouseGestureL.ahk looks nice.
Sorry, I was wrong.

And yes, I'm testing MouseGestureL.ahk and It works nice.
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Re: Looking for a program that uses mouse movements as hotkeys

28 Apr 2021, 08:26

Not exactly you're trigger criteria, but could be easily adapted. This triggers on 3 zigzag movements left to right

Code: Select all

#SingleInstance, Force				; Only 1
#Persistent								; Keep Live
global zigzag				:= false 	; false = last left zag (default), true = last right zig
global zzXSpread 		:= 100		; x mouse distance to trigger zig or zag count
global zzTimeReset     := 3000 	; milliseconds timeout before reset of zigzag counting 
global zzPoll 				:= 50 		; milliseconds between checking for zigzag
global zzCount			:= 0			; count of zigs or zags
global zzCountReq		:= 3			; zigs or zags needed to tigger event
global priorX				:= 0			; last x position of zig or zag
global zzStarttime		:= A_TickCount
SetTimer, ZigZagPOLLING, % zzPoll 	

	CoordMode, Mouse, Screen
	MouseGetPos, MouseX, MouseY
	zzElapsed := (A_TickCount - zzStarttime)
	if (zzElapsed >= zzTimeReset or priorX=0) { ; too much interval since last zigzag, or initial
		zzCount := 0
		zzStarttime	:= A_TickCount
		priorX := MouseX
	} else {
		if  ((MouseX - priorX >= zzXSpread and !zigzag) or (priorX - MouseX >= zzXSpread and zigzag)) {
			Loop { ; wait until zig/right or zag/left movement done
				MouseGetPos, x1, y1
				Sleep 10
				MouseGetPos, x2, y2
				;ToolTip, zigzag=%zigzag%, x1=%x1%, x2=%x2%
			} until ((zigzag and x1 <= x2) or (!zigzag and x2 >= x1))
			priorX := x2 ; save x postion for next comparison
			zigzag := !zigzag ; flip expected zig or zag
			zzCount := zzCount + 1
			if (zzCount >= zzCountReq) {
				zzCount := 0
				zzStarttime	:= A_TickCount
				gosub, zigzag
				Sleep, 1000 ; pause to account for extra zig/zag not to count
	;ToolTip, zzCount = %zzCount%/%zzCountReq%  zigzag = %zigzag% priorX = %priorX%


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