AHK Web Search Snippets

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AHK Web Search Snippets

05 Jun 2021, 10:05

Hi, :)
Remember the days when websites offered snippets for your own web page where typing in a search term and clicking the search icon would jump you to the site's search results page?
A typical minimal requirement was a table containing a framed thumbnail logo, above a search box coded with something like

Code: Select all

<form id ="search-box" action="http://www.targetwebsite/search?" method="post">
And of course, a button or image to activate the search.
A bog standard snippet template might be a nice idea for this site- perhaps a choice of small/medium/large (framed) tables ranging from something like 200X100 to 300X150 to 450X225 pixels.

The AHK logo is a candidate for the thumbnail above the search box, so there might want to be urls pointing to reduced sized versions as well.

Here's a very rough working draft of a snippet that fits in a medium table, without the logo:
Although the css class def isn't included, modifications go begging, and some other stuff can be removed altogether, it's a start. The "open new window" on search is an idea, too.

A downside of this is the well known AHK new user/not logged in search time count policy. This can also be construed as a gentle incentive for interested parties to login and use the site.

Snippets like this providing a link-out portal will want to come commonplace in appropriate content of various social media websites- just a search button in context can be a bit drab for some (it has to be said)- the budding snippet meister can always level up to new and exciting functionality- but what?

Edit: Fixed code, added images.
:arrow: itros "ylbbub eht tuO kaerB" a ni kcuts m'I pleH

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