SciTE4AutoHotkey v3.1.0

The popular SciTE-based AutoHotkey Script Editor
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SciTE4AutoHotkey v3.1.0

15 May 2022, 07:06


Important note by Lexikos: v3.1.0 defaults to the "Default" platform, which is AutoHotkey v1. If you have only AutoHotkey v2 installed, you will need to install v1 if you want to run v1 scripts, else change to one of the v2 platforms using the platform selector (Image). Alternatively, you can manually update to the latest SciTE4AutoHotkey program files available at


With many thanks to the AutoHotkey Foundation for making this release possible.

Changes and new features:
Dropped support for Windows XP.
Upgraded to SciTE/Scintilla 5.2.2 and Lexilla 5.1.6.
AutoHotkey v1.1.34 syntax definition updates.
AutoHotkey v2.0-beta support, including a completely rewritten new lexer.
Keyword definitions are now almost entirely sourced from the AutoHotkey documentation instead of maintained by hand.
Introduced new SciTE4AutoHotkey style format ( Version 1 styles are automatically converted when edited by the style editor. Older legacy styles are no longer supported.
Introduced new default Light/Dark styles (replacing the previous collection of built-in styles).
The code font is now independently configured and no longer depends on the selected style.
Enhanced the graphical settings and style editors to support more common options.
Merged numerous Debugger improvements and bug-fixes, courtesy of Lexikos.
SciTE4AutoHotkey is now registered as an "Open With" application for .ahk files.
Added Swedish translation (courtesy of Mikael Hiort).
Added Korean translation (courtesy of joyfuI).
Added mechanism for disabling global Toolbar buttons.
Added support for passing parameters to debugged scripts.

Known issues:
Calltip functionality has been temporarily removed as a side effect of the new syntax definition autogeneration, as well as SciTE limitations.
Help file word lookup is currently broken as a result of (not so) recent changes in AutoHotkey's CHM file.
Debugging AutoHotkey v2 scripts is known to sometimes produce crashes under certain circumstances.
AutoHotkey v2 AutoIndent only works when control flow statements are typed in lowercase.

The auto-updater now behaves properly if the update server is down instead of behaving erratically.
Many other miscellaneous fixes, optimizations, code modernisation and cleanup.
Windows 11 Pro (Version 22H2) | AMD Ryzen 7 3700X with 32 GB of RAM | AutoHotkey v2.0.0 + v1.1.36.02
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Re: SciTE4AutoHotkey v3.1.0

15 May 2022, 12:41

@fincs, Thank you for your excellent editor and for the upgrade. Unfortunately, I am not able to install it. See the image below.

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Re: SciTE4AutoHotkey v3.1.0

15 May 2022, 12:49

SmartScreen acting up on a brand new file, that's normal. Right click on the file, select Properties, tick "Unblock", and click OK.
Windows 11 Pro (Version 22H2) | AMD Ryzen 7 3700X with 32 GB of RAM | AutoHotkey v2.0.0 + v1.1.36.02
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Re: SciTE4AutoHotkey v3.1.0

15 May 2022, 14:52

@fincs, Thank you. That worked and I was able to complete the installation. When I opened SciTE4AutoHotkey I saw the following error in the Output window:

Code: Select all

...\Documents\AutoHotkey\SciTE/AutoComplete.lua:81: invalid escape sequence near '"[\('
>Lua: error occurred while running startup script
Here's the version of @lexikos's AutoComplete.lua that I have in my SciTE folder:

Code: Select all

-- AutoComplete v0.8 by Lexikos (
Tested on SciTE4AutoHotkey; may also work on SciTE 3.1.0 or later.
To use this script with SciTE4AutoHotkey:
  - Place this file in your SciTE user settings folder.
  - Add the following to UserLuaScript.lua:
  - Restart SciTE.

-- List of styles per lexer that autocomplete should not occur within.
local IGNORE_STYLES = { -- Should include comments, strings and errors.
    [SCLEX_AHK1] = {1,2,3,6,20},
    [SCLEX_AHK2] = {1,2,3,5,15},
    [SCLEX_LUA]  = {1,2,3,6,7,8,12}

local INCREMENTAL = true
-- local IGNORE_CASE = true
local IGNORE_CASE = false
local CASE_CORRECT = true
local WRAP_ARROW_KEYS = false
local CHOOSE_SINGLE = props["autocomplete.choose.single"]

-- Number of chars to type before the autocomplete list appears:
local MIN_PREFIX_LEN = 2
-- Length of shortest word to add to the autocomplete list:
-- List of regex patterns for finding suggestions for the autocomplete menu:
local IDENTIFIER_PATTERNS = {"[a-z_][a-z_0-9]+"}

-- Override settings that interfere with this script:
props["autocomplete.ahk1.start.characters"] = ""
props["autocomplete.ahk2.start.characters"] = ""

-- This feature is very awkward when combined with automatic popups:
props["autocomplete.choose.single"] = "0"

local names = {}

local notempty = next
local shouldIgnorePos -- init'd by buildNames().
local normalize

    normalize = string.upper
    normalize = function(word) return word end

local function setLexerSpecificStuff()
    -- Disable collection of words in comments, strings, etc.
    -- Also disables autocomplete popups while typing there.
    if IGNORE_STYLES[editor.Lexer] then
        -- Define a function for calling later:
        shouldIgnorePos = function(pos)
            return isInTable(IGNORE_STYLES[editor.Lexer], editor.StyleAt[pos])
        -- Optional: Disable autocomplete popups for unknown lexers.
        shouldIgnorePos = function(pos) return true end

local apiCache = {} -- Names from api files, stored by lexer name.

local function getApiNames()
    local lexer = editor.LexerLanguage
    if apiCache[lexer] then
        return apiCache[lexer]
    local apiNames = {}
    local apiFiles = props["APIPath"] or ""
    apiFiles:gsub("[^;]+", function(apiFile) -- For each in ;-delimited list.
        for name in io.lines(apiFile) do
            name = name:gsub("[\(, ].*", "") -- Discard parameters/comments.
            if string.len(name) > 0 then
                apiNames[name] = true
        return ""
    apiCache[lexer] = apiNames -- Even if it's empty.
    return apiNames

local function buildNames()
    -- Reset our array of names.
    names = {}
    -- Collect all words matching the given patterns.
    local unique = {}
    for i, pattern in ipairs(IDENTIFIER_PATTERNS) do
        local startPos, endPos
        endPos = 0
        while true do
            startPos, endPos = editor:findtext(pattern, SCFIND_REGEXP, endPos + 1)
            if not startPos then
            if not shouldIgnorePos(startPos) then
                if endPos-startPos+1 >= MIN_IDENTIFIER_LEN then
                    -- Create one key-value pair per unique word:
                    local name = editor:textrange(startPos, endPos)
                    unique[normalize(name)] = name
    -- Build an ordered array from the table of names.
    for name in pairs(getApiNames()) do
        -- This also "case-corrects"; e.g. "gui" -> "Gui".
        unique[normalize(name)] = name
    for _,name in pairs(unique) do
        table.insert(names, name)
    table.sort(names, function(a,b) return normalize(a) < normalize(b) end)
    buffer.namesForAutoComplete = names -- Cache it for OnSwitchFile.

local lastAutoCItem = 0 -- Used by handleKey().
local menuItems

local function handleChar(char, calledByHotkey)
    local pos = editor.CurrentPos
    local startPos = editor:WordStartPosition(pos, true)
    local len = pos - startPos
    if not INCREMENTAL and editor:AutoCActive() then
        -- Nothing to do.
    if len < MIN_PREFIX_LEN then
        if editor:AutoCActive() then
            if len == 0 then
                -- Happens sometimes after typing ")".
            -- Otherwise, autocomplete is already showing so may as well
            -- keep it updated even though len < MIN_PREFIX_LEN.
            if char then
                -- Not enough text to trigger autocomplete, so return.
            -- Otherwise, we were called explicitly without a param.
    if not editor:AutoCActive() and shouldIgnorePos(startPos) and not calledByHotkey then
        -- User is typing in a comment or string, so don't automatically
        -- pop up the auto-complete window.
    local prefix = normalize(editor:textrange(startPos, pos))
    menuItems = {}
    for i, name in ipairs(names) do
        local s = normalize(string.sub(name, 1, len))
        if s >= prefix then
            if s == prefix then 
                table.insert(menuItems, name)
                break -- There will be no more matches.
    if notempty(menuItems) then
        -- Show or update the auto-complete list.
        local list = table.concat(menuItems, "\1")
        editor.AutoCIgnoreCase = IGNORE_CASE
        editor.AutoCCaseInsensitiveBehaviour = 1 -- Do NOT pre-select a case-sensitive match
        editor.AutoCSeparator = 1
        editor.AutoCMaxHeight = 10
        editor:AutoCShow(len, list)
        -- Check if we should auto-auto-complete.
        if normalize(menuItems[1]) == prefix and not calledByHotkey then
            -- User has completely typed the only item, so cancel.
            if CASE_CORRECT then
                if CASE_CORRECT_INSTANT or #menuItems == 1 then
                    -- Make sure the correct item is selected.
                    editor:AutoCShow(len, menuItems[1])
                if #menuItems > 1 then
                    editor:AutoCShow(len, list)
            if #menuItems == 1 then
        lastAutoCItem = #menuItems - 1
        if lastAutoCItem == 0 and calledByHotkey and CHOOSE_SINGLE then
        -- No relevant items.
        if editor:AutoCActive() then

local function handleKey(key, shift, ctrl, alt)
    if key == 0x20 and ctrl and not (shift or alt) then -- ^Space
        handleChar(nil, true)
        return true
    if alt or not editor:AutoCActive() then return end
    if key == 0x8 then -- VK_BACK
        if not ctrl then
            -- Need to handle it here rather than relying on the default
            -- processing, which would occur after handleChar() returns:
            return true
    elseif key == 0x25 then -- VK_LEFT
        if not shift then
            if ctrl then
                editor:WordLeft() -- See VK_BACK for comments.
                editor:CharLeft() -- See VK_BACK for comments.
            return true
    elseif key == 0x26 then -- VK_UP
        if editor.AutoCCurrent == 0 then
            -- User pressed UP when already at the top of the list.
            if WRAP_ARROW_KEYS then
                -- Select the last item.
                return true
            -- Cancel the list and let the caret move up.
    elseif key == 0x28 then -- VK_DOWN
        if editor.AutoCCurrent == lastAutoCItem then
            -- User pressed DOWN when already at the bottom of the list.
            if WRAP_ARROW_KEYS then
                -- Select the first item.
                return true
            -- Cancel the list and let the caret move down.
    elseif key == 0x5A and ctrl then -- ^z

-- Event handlers

local events = {
    OnChar          = handleChar,
    OnKey           = handleKey,
    OnSave          = buildNames,
    OnSwitchFile    = function()
        -- Use this file's cached list if possible:
        names = buffer.namesForAutoComplete
        if not names then
            -- Otherwise, build a new list.
    OnOpen          = function()
        -- Ensure the document is styled first, so we can filter out
        -- words in comments and strings.
        editor:Colourise(0, editor.Length)
        -- Then do the real work.
-- Add event handlers in a cooperative fashion:
for evt, func in pairs(events) do
    local oldfunc = _G[evt]
    if oldfunc then
        _G[evt] = function(...) return func(...) or oldfunc(...) end
        _G[evt] = func
Line 81 refers to this:

Code: Select all

name = name:gsub("[\(, ].*", "") -- Discard parameters/comments.
Any help to resolve that error would be appreciated.
Windows 10 Pro (64 bit) - AutoHotkey v2.0+ (Unicode 64-bit)
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Re: SciTE4AutoHotkey v3.1.0

15 May 2022, 15:11

@fincs, Never mind. I see you have a perfectly good AutoComplete feature in your latest version.
I removed the UserLuaScript.lua and AutoComplete.lua files from my SciTE folder and restarted with no error. :)

P.S.: Lexicos' AutoComplete auto-completes any word, e.g. variables, while the built-in AutoComplete only auto-completes commands.
Last edited by iPhilip on 15 May 2022, 20:37, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: SciTE4AutoHotkey v3.1.0

15 May 2022, 16:08

I am so glad to see this update after so long! :clap: :dance:
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Re: SciTE4AutoHotkey v3.1.0

16 May 2022, 07:21

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Re: SciTE4AutoHotkey v3.1.0

16 May 2022, 07:48

fincs wrote:
15 May 2022, 07:06
Added mechanism for disabling global Toolbar buttons.
So others don't need to go digging into the source code to find it, I'll point out...

To disable the toolbar buttons which are defined in the global file, add a file named $NODEFTOOLBAR to the directory containing your (normally %A_MyDocuments%\AutoHotkey\SciTE).

Maybe this should be mentioned in the global, under where it says "Do NOT edit this file"?
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Re: SciTE4AutoHotkey v3.1.0

17 May 2022, 16:19

I have been using SciTE4AutoHotkey for a few years now and really love it. I just updated to v3.1.0 and I am having an issue. The autocomplete for single words (like ControlClick, Loop, etc.) is working great. However, when I type the comma after the command, nothing pops up as it used to to suggest the syntax for the command (ex. ControlClick [, Control-or-Pos, WinTitle, WinText, WhichButton, ClickCount, Options, ExcludeTitle, ExcludeText]). Unfortunately, I'm not too familiar with changing settings and such in the program, so this may be something simple.
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Re: SciTE4AutoHotkey v3.1.0

17 May 2022, 17:28

workingclay wrote:
17 May 2022, 16:19
I have been using SciTE4AutoHotkey for a few years now and really love it. I just updated to v3.1.0 and I am having an issue. The autocomplete for single words (like ControlClick, Loop, etc.) is working great. However, when I type the comma after the command, nothing pops up as it used to to suggest the syntax for the command (ex. ControlClick [, Control-or-Pos, WinTitle, WinText, WhichButton, ClickCount, Options, ExcludeTitle, ExcludeText]). Unfortunately, I'm not too familiar with changing settings and such in the program, so this may be something simple.
same issue here, had to go back to the older version... :cry:
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Re: SciTE4AutoHotkey v3.1.0

17 May 2022, 17:39

Afaics, it is mentioned in the OP:
Known issues:
Calltip functionality has been temporarily removed as a side effect of the new syntax definition autogeneration, as well as SciTE limitations.
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Re: SciTE4AutoHotkey v3.1.0

18 May 2022, 09:39

Dear Fincs! You are a big and amateur fan of AHK! So far I have been using SciTEAHK with a dark background, but since installing SciTE4AutoHotkey Version 3.1.00 (May 18, 2022), the style settings do not work. Lest at least I can't darken the background.
I'm not an experienced programmer and a forumer, could I have messed up something during the installation? Is there a solution for this?
(Win10 op. System)
Thank you in advance for your help: Csaba, Veszprém
(Anyway, what programming language do we use in AHK?)
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Re: SciTE4AutoHotkey v3.1.0

18 May 2022, 10:14

Think I found another bug that was introduced with the update. I cannot set break points for the debugger with this update. Had a friend try as well and he was unable to set them either.
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Re: SciTE4AutoHotkey v3.1.0

18 May 2022, 13:22

Thanks @fincs for this great upgrade!

I'm having an issue with the use.tabs option (menu "Options, Change Indentation Settings"). I'm trying to keep this option off as it was with my previous version of Scite4AutoHotkey. I added "use.tabs=0" in and reloaded. But the option always shows up enabled when I'm in *.ahk files (not in other types of files). I can't find in global or user properties files where this option would be configured depending on the file types.

The issue for me is that as soon as I save an AHK source file, all spaces are converted to tabs (even if I did not click the "Convert" button) and this would make a huge "difference" if I was to commit this file to my GIT repo.

Thanks for your help.
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Re: SciTE4AutoHotkey v3.1.0

18 May 2022, 14:08

lexikos wrote:Maybe this should be mentioned in the global, under where it says "Do NOT edit this file"?
Good point. I should probably also add it to the "toolbar" section of the documentation...
babaviz wrote:Dear Fincs! You are a big and amateur fan of AHK! So far I have been using SciTEAHK with a dark background, but since installing SciTE4AutoHotkey Version 3.1.00 (May 18, 2022), the style settings do not work. Lest at least I can't darken the background.
I'm not an experienced programmer and a forumer, could I have messed up something during the installation? Is there a solution for this?
The easiest way to recover from unreliable settings is to rename or delete the %A_MyDocuments%\AutoHotkey\SciTE folder and start S4AHK again. This will apply a fresh new user profile. You can use the built-in Dark style too. (Don't forget to hit the "Update" button!)
babaviz wrote:(Anyway, what programming language do we use in AHK?)
Uhh... AutoHotkey? :P Unless you're talking about AutoHotkey-jk, which uses JavaScript.
ShatterCoder wrote:Think I found another bug that was introduced with the update. I cannot set break points for the debugger with this update. Had a friend try as well and he was unable to set them either.
I cannot reproduce this, breakpoints do work. Keep in mind S4AHK v3.1.0 has integrated lexikos' debugger improvement changes, and behaviour has slightly changed from the previous version of S4AHK. Can you provide a minimal test case?
JnLlnd wrote:I'm having an issue with the use.tabs option
In theory SciTE should be able to automatically detect the file's indentation settings. If you want to force your preference, add to your user properties. It's also entirely possible that SciTE upstream has changed in behaviour.
Windows 11 Pro (Version 22H2) | AMD Ryzen 7 3700X with 32 GB of RAM | AutoHotkey v2.0.0 + v1.1.36.02
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Re: SciTE4AutoHotkey v3.1.0

18 May 2022, 15:10

fincs wrote:
18 May 2022, 14:08
In theory SciTE should be able to automatically detect the file's indentation settings. If you want to force your preference, add to your user properties. It's also entirely possible that SciTE upstream has changed in behaviour.
Adding to the user properties fixed the "Use Tabs" checkbox issue. Thanks.

This being solved, I was still having an issue of multiple differences in the file. Investigating a bit deeper, I found that SciTE was automatically removing spaces at the end of lines. This is what was causing the multiple changes in the Diff tool. Adding strip.trailing.spaces=0 to the user properties file fixed the issue. Now, SciTE4AutoHotkey behaves as it was before, at least regarding automatic changes to the files.

I think that this option strip.trailing.spaces=1 is interesting if you always used it in your file. But changing this is all at once in a pretty big file which has grown for almost ten years is not a good idea for a Diff tool :-)

Back to my first post, I guess the use.tabs=0 and had nothing to do with that issue. I'll try changing them again to see what I prefer.

Thanks for your input.
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Re: SciTE4AutoHotkey v3.1.0

19 May 2022, 02:07

ShatterCoder wrote:
18 May 2022, 10:14
Think I found another bug that was introduced with the update. I cannot set break points for the debugger with this update. Had a friend try as well and he was unable to set them either.
It also happened to me in the ZIP version, but I closed the application and when I started it again it worked

Thanks @fincs for this great work
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Re: SciTE4AutoHotkey v3.1.0

19 May 2022, 09:20

jmeneses wrote:
19 May 2022, 02:07
ShatterCoder wrote:
18 May 2022, 10:14
Think I found another bug that was introduced with the update. I cannot set break points for the debugger with this update. Had a friend try as well and he was unable to set them either.
It also happened to me in the ZIP version, but I closed the application and when I started it again it worked

Thanks @fincs for this great work
Confirmed. No idea why I was initially unable to set the break points, but closing the app and re-opening did indeed resolve the issue. Thanks again for taking up this project again. Been using scite4autohotkey for something like 5 years now on a nearly daily basis and I appreciate your efforts. :bravo:
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Re: SciTE4AutoHotkey v3.1.0

24 May 2022, 07:32

hy fincs,
thank you for the new version.
But now my syntax highlightning doesnt work any longer. At the first install I had to permit the antivir to install. I also reinstalled, the antivir didnt ask any longer. but the syntax hightlighting ist gonge, even when I install the version from 2014.
In Scite4AHK I am not able to choose a language. I go on AHK, but there isnt a hook in front of autohotkey after that.
Do you know how I possibly could fix this?
Thank you!
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Re: SciTE4AutoHotkey v3.1.0

28 May 2022, 13:07

I have a persistent script which once an hour runs another script. With this new version, SciTE activates once an hour. It also opens the other script if it isn't already open. Has anyone run into this? If so, what have you done to disable this behavior? Thanks.

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