AutoCorrect for v2

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AutoCorrect for v2

08 Aug 2023, 13:04

Okay... I think I've managed to correctly make a GitHub repository for this project. I'm still new to GitHub, so bear with me as I continue learning to use it correctly.
I'll keep the below zips down there, but newer versions probably won't be attatched as zips.

The old zip contains the below .ahk (with UTF-8 with BOM encoding) and contains a copy of AutoHotkey.exe (v2) that has been renamed to match the .ahk file. Keep both together.

Code: Select all

#Requires AutoHotkey v2.0
;	Discussion
;   AUto-COrrect TWo COnsecutive CApitals
;   Hotstring Helper -- Multi Line
;   Fix for -ign instead of -ing
;   Word endings
;   Word beginnings
;   Accented English words
;   Common Misspellings - the main list
;   Ambiguous entries - commented out

;   Disussion
;   This is based on the excellent 2007 AutoCorrect.ahk script by Jim Biancolo
;   and Wikipedia's Lists of Common Misspellings.  Please find download link
;   here
;   The original script has additional discussion and information.
;   See also, discussion here:

;       AUto-COrrect TWo COnsecutive CApitals
; This version by forum user Ntepa. Updated 8-7-2023.

fix_consecutive_caps() {
    ; Hotstring only works if CapsLock is off.
    HotIf (*) => !GetKeyState("CapsLock", "T")
    loop 26 {
        char1 := Chr(A_Index + 64)
        loop 26 {
            char2 := Chr(A_Index + 64)
            ; Create hotstring for every possible combination of two letter capital letters.
            Hotstring(":*?CXB0:" char1 char2, fix.Bind(char1, char2))

    ; Third letter is checked using InputHook.
    fix(char1, char2, *) {
        ih := InputHook("V I101 L1 T.4")
        ih.OnEnd := OnEnd
        OnEnd(ih) {
            char3 := ih.Input
            if (char3 ~= "[a-z]") ; If char is lowercase alpha.
            || (char3 = A_Space && char1 char2 ~= "OF|TO|IN|IT|IS|AS|AT|WE|HE|BY|ON|BE|NO") ; Fix two letter words.
                Send("{BS 2}" StrLower(char2) char3)

;       Hotstring Helper - Multi line
; By Kunkel321, with much help from forum members and others. Version 8-7-2023
; A version of Hotstring Helper that will support block multi-line replacements.
; Customization options are present throughout, and are flagged as such.
; Needs AHK v2. Partly auto-converted from v1, partly rewritten.
; Please get a copy of AutoHotkey.exe (v2) and rename it to match the name of this
; script file, so that the .exe and the .ahk have the same name, in the same folder.
; DO NOT COMPILE, or the Append command won't work. The Gui stays in RAM, but gets
; repopulated upon hotkey press. HotStrings will be appended (added) by the
; script at the bottom.Remove these comments as desired.

GuiColor := "F0F8FF" ; "F0F8FF" is light blue
FontColor := "003366" ; "003366" is dark blue

Global hFactor := 0 ; Don't change size here.  Change in TogSize() function, below.
Global wFactor := 0 ; Don't change here.  Change in TogSize() function.
FormName := "Hotstring Helper -- Muli-Line" ; Change here, if desired.

hh := Gui('', FormName)
hh.Opt("-MinimizeBox +alwaysOnTop")
hh.BackColor := GuiColor
hh.SetFont("s11 c" . FontColor)
; -----  Trigger string parts
hh.AddText('y4 w30', 'Options')
hh.AddText('vTrigStrLbl x+20 w250', 'Trigger String')
hh.AddEdit('vMyDefaultOpts yp+20 xm+10 w30 h24')
DefHotStr := hh.AddEdit('vDefHotStr x+28 w' . wFactor + 250, '')
; ----- Replacement string parts
hh.AddText('xm', 'Enter Replacement String')
hh.AddButton('vSizeTog x+5 yp-5 h8 +notab', 'Make Bigger').OnEvent("Click", TogSize)
hh.AddButton('vSymTog x+5 h8 +notab', '+ Symbols').OnEvent("Click", TogSym)
;RepStr := hh.AddEdit('vRepStr +Wrap yp+25 xs h' . hFactor + 100 . ' w' . wFactor + 320, '')
RepStr := hh.AddEdit('vRepStr +Wrap y+1 xs h' . hFactor + 100 . ' w' . wFactor + 320, '')
ComLbl := hh.AddText('xm y' . hFactor + 182, 'Enter Comment')
hh.SetFont("s11 cGreen")
ComStr := hh.AddEdit('vComStr xs y' . hFactor + 200 . ' w' . wFactor + 315)
; ---- Buttons
(ButApp := hh.AddButton('xm y' . hFactor + 234, '&Append')).OnEvent("Click", hhButtonAppend)
(ButVal := hh.AddButton('+notab x+5 y' . hFactor + 234, '&Validate')).OnEvent("Click", hhButtonValidate)
(ButSpell := hh.AddButton('+notab x+5 y' . hFactor + 234, '&Spell')).OnEvent("Click", hhButtonSpell)
(ButOpen := hh.AddButton('+notab x+5 y' . hFactor + 234, '&Open')).OnEvent("Click", hhButtonOpen)
(ButCancel := hh.AddButton('+notab x+5 y' . hFactor + 234, '&Cancel')).OnEvent("Click", hhButtonCancel)

#h::   ; HotString Helper activation hotkey-combo (not string) is Win+h. Change if desired.
{ MyDefaultOpts := ""
  DefaultHotStr := ""
  Global myPrefix := ""
  Global mySuffix := ""
  Global ClipboardOld := ClipboardAll() ; Save and put back later.
  A_Clipboard := ""  ; Must start off blank for detection to work.
  Send("^c") ; Copy selected text.
  Errorlevel := !ClipWait(0.3) ; Wait for clipboard to contain text.
  If !InStr(A_Clipboard, "`n") ; Only trim NON multi line text strings.
    A_Clipboard := Trim(A_Clipboard) ; Because MS Word keeps leaving spaces.

  ; If white space present in selected text, probably not an Autocorrect entry.
  If (InStr(A_Clipboard, " ") || InStr(A_Clipboard, "`n"))
   MyDefaultOpts := ""    ; PreEnter these multi-word hotstring options; "*" = end char not needed, etc.
   myPrefix := ";"        ; Optional character that you want suggested at the beginning of each hotstring.
   addFirstLetters := 5   ; Add first letter of this many words. (5 recommended; 0 = don't use feature.)
    tooSmallLen := 2      ; Only first letters from words longer than this. (Moot if addFirstLetters = 0)
   mySuffix := ""         ; An empty string "" means don't use feature.
    If (addFirstLetters > 0)
    { LBLhotstring := "Edit trigger string as needed"
      initials := "" ; Initials will be the first letter of each word as a hotstring suggestion.
      HotStrSug := StrReplace(A_Clipboard, "`n", " ") ; Unwrap, but only for hotstr suggestion.
      Loop Parse, HotStrSug, A_Space
      { If (Strlen(A_LoopField) > tooSmallLen) ; Check length of each word, ignore if N letters.
           initials :=initials . SubStr(A_LoopField, ("1")<1 ? ("1")-1 : ("1"), "1")
        If (StrLen(initials) = addFirstLetters) ; stop looping if hotstring is N chars long.
      initials := StrLower(initials)
      DefaultHotStr := myPrefix . initials . mySuffix ; Append preferred prefix or suffix, as defined above, to initials.
    {LBLhotstring := "Add a trigger string"
     DefaultHotStr := myPrefix . mySuffix ; Use prefix and/or suffix as needed, but no initials.
  Else If (A_Clipboard = "")
      LBLhotstring := "Add a trigger string"
  { LBLhotstring := "Add misspelled word"
    DefaultHotStr := A_Clipboard ; No spaces found so assume it's a mispelling autocorrect entry: no pre/suffix.
    myDefaultOpts := ""    ; PreEnter these (single-word) autocorrect options; "T" = raw text mode, etc.
  hh['MyDefaultOpts'].value := MyDefaultOpts
  hh['TrigStrLbl'].value := LBLhotstring
  hh['DefHotStr'].value := DefaultHotStr
  hh['RepStr'].value := A_Clipboard
  ButApp.Enabled := true
} ; bottom of hotkey function

{   If (hh['SizeTog'].text = "Make Bigger") {
    hh['SizeTog'].text := "Make Smaller"
    ; ======Change=size=of=GUI=when="Make Bigger"=is=envoked========
    hFactor := 200 ; Height of Replacement box, Y pos of things below it.
    wFactor := 200 ; Width of 3 of the edit boxes.
    SubTogSize(hFactor, wFactor)
    hh.Show('Autosize Center')
  If (hh['SizeTog'].text = "Make Smaller") {
    hh['SizeTog'].text := "Make Bigger"
    SubTogSize(0, 0)
  SubTogSize(hFactor, wFactor)
    DefHotStr.Move(,, wFactor + 250,)
    RepStr.Move(,, wFactor + 320, hFactor + 100)
    ComLbl.Move(, hFactor + 182,,)
    ComStr.move(, hFactor + 200, wFactor + 315,)
    ButApp.Move(, hFactor + 234,,)
    ButVal.Move(, hFactor + 234,,)
    ButSpell.Move(, hFactor + 234,,)
    ButOpen.Move(, hFactor + 234,,)
    ButCancel.Move(, hFactor + 234,,)

{ ;====assign=symbolss=for="show symb"=button=================================
  myPilcrow := "¶"    ; Okay to change symb here if desired.
  myDot := "• "       ; adding a space allows more natural wrapping.
  myTab := " -> "
  If (hh['SymTog'].text = "+ Symbols") {
     hh['SymTog'].text := "- Symbols"
     RepStr := hh['RepStr'].text
     RepStr := StrReplace(StrReplace(RepStr, "`r`n", "`n"), "`n", myPilcrow . "`n") ; Pilcrow for Enter
     RepStr := StrReplace(RepStr, A_Space, myDot) ; middle dot for Space
     RepStr := StrReplace(RepStr, A_Tab, myTab) ; space arrow space for Tab
     hh['RepStr'].value := RepStr
     ButApp.Enabled := false
  If (hh['SymTog'].text = "- Symbols") {
    hh['SymTog'].text := "+ Symbols"
    RepStr := hh['RepStr'].text
    RepStr := StrReplace(RepStr, myPilcrow . "`r", "`r") ; Have to use `r ... weird.
	RepStr := StrReplace(RepStr, myDot, A_Space)
	RepStr := StrReplace(RepStr, myTab, A_Tab)
    hh['RepStr'].value := RepStr
    ButApp.Enabled := true

#HotIf WinActive(FormName, ) ; Allows window-specific hotkeys.
$Enter:: ; When Enter is pressed, but only in this GUI. "$" prevents accidental Enter key loop.
  { If (hh['SymTog'].text = "Hide Symb")
    Else if RepStr.Focused {
      Send("{Enter}") ; Just normal typing; Enter yields Enter key press.
    Else {
      hhButtonAppend() ; Replacement box not focused, so press Append button.
  { hh.Hide()
    A_Clipboard := ClipboardOld
#HotIf ; Turn off window-specific behavior.

{ tMyDefaultOpts := hh['MyDefaultOpts'].text
  tDefHotStr := hh['DefHotStr'].text
  tRepStr := hh['RepStr'].text
  ValidationFunction(tMyDefaultOpts, tDefHotStr, tRepStr)
  If Not InStr(CombinedValidMsg, "-Okay.",,, 3)
  {    ; Msg doesn't have three occurrences of "-Okay."
    msgResult := MsgBox(CombinedValidMsg "`n`n####################`nContinue Anyway?", "VALIDATION", "OC 4096" )
    if (msgResult = "OK") {
       Appendit(tMyDefaultOpts, tDefHotStr, tRepStr) ; not valid, but user chose to continue anyway
       return ; not valid, and user cancelled
  else { ; no validation problems found
    Appendit(tMyDefaultOpts, tDefHotStr, tRepStr)

{ tMyDefaultOpts := hh['MyDefaultOpts'].text
  tDefHotStr := hh['DefHotStr'].text
  tRepStr := hh['RepStr'].text
  ValidationFunction(tMyDefaultOpts, tDefHotStr, tRepStr)
  MsgBox("Validation Results`n#################`n" . CombinedValidMsg,, 4096)

ValidationFunction(tMyDefaultOpts, tDefHotStr, tRepStr)
{ Global CombinedValidMsg
  ThisFile := Fileread(A_ScriptName) ; Save these contents to variable 'ThisFile'.
 ; ThisFile := Fileread("S:\AutoHotkey\MasterScript\MasterScript.ahk") ; <---- CHANGE later
  If (tMyDefaultOpts = "") ; If options box is empty, skip regxex check.
    validOpts := "Okay."
  else { ;===== Make sure hotstring options are valid ========
   NeedleRegEx := "(\*|B0|\?|SI|C|K[0-9]{1,3}|SE|X|SP|O|R|T)" ; These are in the AHK docs I swear!!!
   WithNeedlesRemoved := RegExReplace(tMyDefaultOpts, NeedleRegEx, "") ; Remove all valid options from var.

  If(WithNeedlesRemoved = "") ; If they were all removed...
     validOpts := "Okay."
   else { ; Some characters from the Options box were not recognized.
     OptTips := " ; Just a block text assignement to var
  Don't include the colons.
  ..from AHK v1 docs...
   * - ending char not needed
   ? - trigger inside other words
   B0 - no backspacing
   SI - send input mode
   C - case-sensitive
   K(n) - set key delay
   SE - send event mode
   X - execute command
   SP - send play mode
   O - omit end char
   R - send raw
   T - super raw
     validOpts := "Invalid Hotsring Options found.`n---> " . WithNeedlesRemoved . "`n`n`tTips:`n" . OptTips
    ;==== Make sure hotstring box content is valid ========
  validHot := "" ; Reset to empty each time.
  If (tDefHotStr = "") || (tDefHotStr = myPrefix) || (tDefHotStr = mySuffix) || InStr(tDefHotStr, ":")
      validHot := "HotString box should not be empty.`n-Don't include colons."
  else ; No colons, and not empty. Good. Now check for duplicates.
     Loop Parse, ThisFile, "`n", "`r" ; Check line-by-line.
      If instr(A_LoopField, ":" . tDefHotStr . "::") { ; If line contains tDefHotStr...
           validHot := "DUPLICATE FOUND`nAt Line " . A_Index . ":`n " . A_LoopField
   If (validHot = "") ; If variable didn't get set in loop, then no duplicates found
       validHot := "Okay."
  ;==== Make sure replacement string box content is valid ===========
  If (tRepStr = "") || (SubStr(tRepStr, ("1")<1 ? ("1")-1 : ("1"), "1")==":") ; If Replacement box empty, or first char is ":"
      validRep := "Replacement string box should not be empty.`n-Don't include the colons."
      validRep := "Okay."
  ; Concatenate the three above validity checks.
  CombinedValidMsg := "OPTIONS BOX `n-" . validOpts . "`n`nHOTSTRING BOX `n-" . validHot . "`n`nREPLACEMENT BOX `n-" . validRep
  Return CombinedValidMsg ; return result for use is Append or Validation functions.
} ; end of validation func

Appendit(tMyDefaultOpts, tDefHotStr, tRepStr)
{ WholeStr := ""
  tMyDefaultOpts := hh['MyDefaultOpts'].text
  tDefHotStr := hh['DefHotStr'].text
  tRepStr := hh['RepStr'].text
  tComStr := hh['ComStr'].text
  If (tComStr != "")
    tComStr := " `; " . tComStr
  If InStr(tRepStr, "`n") {
    WholeStr :=  ":" . tMyDefaultOpts . ":" . tDefHotStr . "::" . tComStr . "`n(`n" . tRepStr . "`n)"
  Else {
    WholeStr :=  ":" . tMyDefaultOpts . ":" . tDefHotStr . "::" . tRepStr . tComStr
  FileAppend("`n" WholeStr, A_ScriptFullPath) ; 'n makes sure it goes on a new line.
  Reload() ; relaod the script so the new hotstring will be ready for use.

hhButtonSpell(*) ; Called is "Spell" because "Spell Check" is too long.
{ tRepStr := hh['RepStr'].text
  If (tRepStr = "")
    MsgBox("Replacement Text not found.",, 4096)
  else {
    googleSugg := GoogleAutoCorrect(tRepStr) ; Calls below function
    If (googleSugg = "")
        MsgBox("No suggestions found.",, 4096)
    Else {
      msgResult := MsgBox(googleSugg "`n`n######################`nChange Replacement Text?", "Google Suggestion", "OC 4096")
      if (msgResult = "OK")
        hh['RepStr'].value := googleSugg

{ ; Original by TheDewd, converted to v2 by Mikeyww.
 objReq := ComObject('WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5.1')
 objReq.Open('GET', '' word)
  , 'Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 9.0; Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/5.0)')
 objReq.Send(), HTML := objReq.ResponseText
 If RegExMatch(HTML, 'value="(.*?)"', &A)
 If RegExMatch(HTML, ';spell=1.*?>(.*?)<\/a>', &B)
 Return B[1] || A[1]

{  ; Open this file and go to the bottom so you can see your Hotstrings.
  A_Clipboard := ClipboardOld  ; Restore previous contents of clipboard.
  WinWaitActive(A_ScriptName) ; Wait for the script to be open in text editor.
  Send("{Ctrl Down}{End}{Ctrl Up}{Home}") ; Navigate to the bottom.

{ hh.Hide()
  A_Clipboard := ClipboardOld  ; Restore previous contents of clipboard.

;######## Below parts are from original AutoCorrect 2007 ##################
#Hotstring R  ; Set the default to be "raw mode" (might not actually be relied upon by anything yet).

; Fix for -ign instead of -ing.
; Words to exclude: (could probably do this by return without rewrite)
; From: nds-with/gn/
#Hotstring B0  ; Turns off automatic backspacing for the following hotstrings.
return  ; This makes the above hotstrings do nothing so that they override the ign->ing rule below.

#Hotstring B  ; Turn back on automatic backspacing for all subsequent hotstrings.

; Word endings
:?:, btu::, but ; Not just replacing "btu", as that is a unit of heat.
:?:; btu::; but
::sice::since  ; Must precede the following line!
:?:t eh:: the
:?:t hem:: them

; Word beginnings
::develope::develop  ; Omit asterisk so that it doesn't disrupt the typing of developed/developer.

; Word middles
:?*:compatab::compatib  ; Covers incompat* and compat*
:?*:catagor::categor  ; Covers subcatagories and catagories.

; Accented English words, from, amongst others,
; I have included all the ones compatible with reasonable codepages, and placed
; those that may often not be accented either from a clash with an unaccented
; word (resume), or because the unaccented version is now common (cafe).
; 2023: Most of the definitions are from or from the WordWeb application.
; 2023: Several are converted to word endings to accommodate verb tenses, plural, etc.
::aesop::Æsop ; noun Greek author of fables (circa 620-560 BC)
::a bas::à bas ; French: Down with -- To the bottom.  A type of clothing.
::a la::à la ; In the manner of...
::ancien regime::Ancien Régime ; noun a political and social system that no longer governs (especially the system that existed in France before the French Revolution)
:*:angstrom::Ångström ; noun a metric unit of length equal to one ten billionth of a meter (or 0.0001 micron); used to specify wavelengths of electromagnetic radiation
:*:anime::animé ; noun any of various resins or oleoresins; a hard copal derived from an African tree
::ao dai::ào dái  ; noun the traditional dress of Vietnamese women consisting of a tunic with long sleeves and panels front and back; the tunic is worn over trousers
:*:apertif::apértif ; noun an alcoholic drink that is taken as an appetizer before a meal
:*:applique::appliqué ; noun a decorative design made of one material sewn over another; verb sew on as a decoration
::apres::après ; French:  Too late.  After the event.
::arete::arête ; noun a sharp narrow ridge found in rugged mountains
::attache::attaché ; noun a specialist assigned to the staff of a diplomatic mission; a shallow and rectangular briefcase
::auto-da-fe::auto-da-fé ; noun the burning to death of heretics (as during the Spanish Inquisition)
::belle epoque::belle époque ; French: Fine period.   noun the period of settled and comfortable life preceding World War I
::bete noire::bête noire ; noun a detested person
::betise::bêtise ; noun a stupid mistake
::Bjorn::Bjørn ; An old norse name.  Means "Bear."
::blase::blasé ; adj. nonchalantly unconcerned; uninterested because of frequent exposure or indulgence; very sophisticated especially because of surfeit; versed in the ways of the world
:*:boite::boîte ; French: "Box."  a small restaurant or nightclub.
::boutonniere::boutonnière ; noun a flower that is worn in a buttonhole.
:*:canape::canapé  ; noun an appetizer consisting usually of a thin slice of bread or toast spread with caviar or cheese or other savory food
:*:celebre::célèbre ; Cause célèbre An incident that attracts great public attention.
:*:chaine::chaîné ; / (ballet) noun A series of small fast turns, often with the arms extended, used to cross a floor or stage.
:*:cinema verite::cinéma vérité ; noun a movie that shows ordinary people in actual activities without being controlled by a director
::cinemas verite::cinémas vérit ; noun a movie that shows ordinary people in actual activities without being controlled by a directoré
::champs-elysees::Champs-Élysées ; noun a major avenue in Paris famous for elegant shops and cafes
::charge d'affaires::chargé d'affaires ; noun the official temporarily in charge of a diplomatic mission in the absence of the ambassador
:*:chateau::château ; noun an impressive country house (or castle) in France
:*:cliche::cliché ; noun a trite or obvious remark; clichéd adj. repeated regularly without thought or originality
::cloisonne::cloisonné ; adj. (for metals) having areas separated by metal and filled with colored enamel and fired; noun enamelware in which colored areas are separated by thin metal strips
:*:consomme::consommé ; noun clear soup usually of beef or veal or chicken
:*:communique::communiqué ; noun an official report (usually sent in haste)
:*:confrere::confrère ; noun a person who is member of your class or profession
:*:cortege::cortège ; noun the group following and attending to some important person; a funeral procession
:*:coup d'etat::coup d'état ; noun a sudden and decisive change of government illegally or by force
:*:coup de tat::coup d'état ; noun a sudden and decisive change of government illegally or by force
:*:coup de grace::coup de grâce ; noun the blow that kills (usually mercifully)
:*:creche::crèche ; noun a hospital where foundlings (infant children of unknown parents) are taken in and cared for; a representation of Christ's nativity in the stable at Bethlehem
:*:coulee::coulée ; A stream of lava.  A deep gulch or ravine, frequently dry in summer.
::creme brulee::crème brûlée ; noun custard sprinkled with sugar and broiled
:*:crepe::crêpe ; noun a soft thin light fabric with a crinkled surface; paper with a crinkled texture; usually colored and used for decorations; small very thin pancake; verb cover or drape with crape
:*:creme caramel::crème caramel ; noun baked custard topped with caramel
::creme de cacao::crème de cacao ; noun sweet liqueur flavored with vanilla and cacao beans
::creme de menthe::crème de menthe ; noun sweet green or white mint-flavored liqueur
:*:crouton::croûton ; noun a small piece of toasted or fried bread; served in soup or salads
::creusa::Creüsa ; In Greek mythology, Creusa was the daughter of Priam and Hecuba.
::crudites::crudités ; noun raw vegetables cut into bite-sized strips and served with a dip
::curacao::curaçao ; noun flavored with sour orange peel; a popular island resort in the Netherlands Antilles
:*:dais::daïs ; noun a platform raised above the surrounding level to give prominence to the person on it
:*:debacle::débâcle ; noun a sudden and violent collapse; flooding caused by a tumultuous breakup of ice in a river during the spring or summer; a sound defeat
:*:debutante::débutant ; noun a sudden and violent collapse; flooding caused by a tumultuous breakup of ice in a river during the spring or summer; a sound defeat
::declasse::déclassé ; Fallen or lowered in class, rank, or social position; lacking high station or birth; of inferior status
::decolletage::décolletage ; noun a low-cut neckline on a woman's dress
::decollete::décolleté ; adj. (of a garment) having a low-cut neckline
:*:decor::décor ; noun decoration consisting of the layout and furnishings of a livable interior
::decoupage::découpage ; noun the art of decorating a surface with shapes or pictures and then coating it with vanish or lacquer; art produced by decorating a surface with cutouts and then coating it with several layers of varnish or lacquer
::degage::dégagé ; adj. showing lack of emotional involvement; free and relaxed in manner
::deja vu::déjà vu ; noun the experience of thinking that a new situation had occurred before
::demode::démodé ; adj. out of fashion
::denoument::dénoument ; Narrative structure.  (Not in most dictionaries)
::derailleur::dérailleur ; (cycling) the mechanism on a bicycle used to move the chain from one sprocket (gear) to another
:*:derriere::derrière ; noun the fleshy part of the human body that you sit on
::deshabille::déshabillé ; noun the state of being carelessly or partially dressed
::detente::détente ; noun the easing of tensions or strained relations (especially between nations)
::diamante::diamanté ; noun adornment consisting of a small piece of shiny material used to decorate clothing
:*:discotheque::discothèque ; noun a public dance hall for dancing to recorded popular music
:*:divorcee::divorcée ; noun a divorced woman or a woman who is separated from her husband
:*:doppelganger::doppelgänger ; noun a ghostly double of a living person that haunts its living counterpart
:*:eclair::éclair ; noun oblong cream puff
::eclat::éclat ; noun brilliant or conspicuous success or effect; ceremonial elegance and splendor; enthusiastic approval
::el nino::El Niño ; noun the Christ child; (oceanography) a warm ocean current that flows along the equator from the date line and south off the coast of Ecuador at Christmas time
::elan::élan ; noun enthusiastic and assured vigor and liveliness; distinctive and stylish elegance; a feeling of strong eagerness (usually in favor of a person or cause)
:*:emigre::émigré ; noun someone who leaves one country to settle in another
:*:entree::entrée ; noun the act of entering; the right to enter; the principal dish of a meal; something that provides access (to get in or get out)
::entrepot::entrepôt ; noun a port where merchandise can be imported and then exported without paying import duties; a depository for goods
::entrecote::entrecôte ; Cut of meat taken from between the ribs
:*:epee::épée ; noun a fencing sword similar to a foil but with a heavier blade
::etouffee::étouffée ; A Cajun shellfish dish.
:*:facade::façade ; noun the face or front of a building; a showy misrepresentation intended to conceal something unpleasant
:*:fete::fête ; noun an elaborate party (often outdoors); an organized series of acts and performances (usually in one place); verb have a celebration
::faience::faïence ; noun an elaborate party (often outdoors); an organized series of acts and performances (usually in one place); verb have a celebration
:*:fiance::fiancé ; noun a man who is engaged to be married. fiancee ; noun a woman who is engaged to be married
::filmjolk::filmjölk ; Nordic milk product.
::fin de siecle::fin de siècle ; adj. relating to or characteristic of the end of a century (especially the end of the 19th century)
:*:flambe::flambé ; verb pour liquor over and ignite (a dish)
::fleche::flèche ; a type of church spire; a team cycling competition; an aggressive offensive fencing technique; a defensive fortification; ships of the Royal Navy
::Fohn wind::Föhn wind ; A type of dry, relatively warm, downslope wind that occurs in the lee (downwind side) of a mountain range.
::folie a deux::folie à deux ; noun the simultaneous occurrence of symptoms of a mental disorder (as delusions) in two persons who are closely related (as siblings or man and wife)
::folies a deux::folies à deux
::fouette::fouetté ; From Ballet: The working leg is extended and whipped around
:*:frappe::frappé ; noun thick milkshake containing ice cream; liqueur poured over shaved ice; a frozen dessert with fruit flavoring (especially one containing no milk)
:*:fraulein::fräulein ; noun a German courtesy title or form of address for an unmarried woman
:*:garcon::garçon ; A waiter, esp. at a French restaurant
:*:gateau::gâteau ; noun any of various rich and elaborate cakes
::gemutlichkeit::gemütlichkeit ; Friendliness.
::glace::glacé ; adj. (used especially of fruits) preserved by coating with or allowing to absorb sugar
::glogg::glögg ; noun Scandinavian punch made of claret and aquavit with spices and raisins and orange peel and sugar
::gewurztraminer::Gewürztraminer ; An aromatic white wine grape variety that grows best in cooler climates
::gotterdammerung::Götterdämmerung ; noun myth about the ultimate destruction of the gods in a battle with evil
::grafenberg spot::Gräfenberg spot ;  An erogenous area of the vagina.
:*:habitue::habitué ; noun a regular patron
::ingenue::ingénue ; noun an actress who specializes in playing the role of an artless innocent young girl
::jager::jäger ; A German or Austrian hunter, rifleman, or sharpshooter
:*:jalapeno::jalapeño ; noun hot green or red pepper of southwestern United States and Mexico; plant bearing very hot and finely tapering long peppers; usually red
::jardiniere::jardinière ; A preparation of mixed vegetables stewed in a sauce.  An arrangement of flowers.
::krouzek::kroužek ; A ring-shaped diacritical mark (°), whose use is largely restricted to Å, å and U, u.
::kummel::kümmel ; noun liqueur flavored with caraway seed or cumin
::kaldolmar::kåldolmar ; Swedish cabbage rolls filled with rice and minced meat.
::landler::ländler ; noun a moderately slow Austrian country dance in triple time; involves spinning and clapping; music in triple time for dancing the landler
::langue d'oil::langue d'oïl ; noun medieval provincial dialects of French spoken in central and northern France
::la nina::La Niña ; Spanish:'The Girl' is an oceanic and atmospheric phenomenon that is the colder counterpart of El Niño.
::litterateur::littérateur ; noun a writer of literary works
::lycee::lycée ; noun a school for students intermediate between elementary school and college; usually grades 9 to 12
::macedoine::macédoine ; noun mixed diced fruits or vegetables; hot or cold
::macrame::macramé ; noun a coarse lace; made by weaving and knotting cords; verb make knotted patterns
::maitre d'hotel::maître d'hôtel ; noun a dining-room attendant who is in charge of the waiters and the seating of customers
::malaguena::malagueña ; A Spanish dance or folk tune resembling the fandango.
::manana::mañana ; Spanish: Tomorrow.
::manege::manège ; The art of horsemanship or of training horses.
::manque::manqué ; adj. unfulfilled or frustrated in realizing an ambition
::materiel::matériel ; noun equipment and supplies of a military force
:*:matinee::matinée ; noun a theatrical performance held during the daytime (especially in the afternoon)
::melange::mélange ; noun a motley assortment of things
:*:melee::mêlée ; noun a noisy riotous fight
::menage a trois::ménage à trois ; noun household for three; an arrangement where a married couple and a lover of one of them live together while sharing sexual relations
::menages a trois::ménages à trois
::mesalliance::mésalliance ; noun a marriage with a person of inferior social status
::metier::métier ; noun an occupation for which you are especially well suited; an asset of special worth or utility
::minaudiere::minaudière ; A small, decorative handbag without handles or a strap.
::mobius::Möbius ; noun a continuous closed surface with only one side; formed from a rectangular strip by rotating one end 180 degrees and joining it with the other end
::moire::moiré ; adj. (of silk fabric) having a wavelike pattern; noun silk fabric with a wavy surface pattern
:*:moireing::moiré ; A textile technique that creates a wavy or "watered" effect in fabric.
::motley crue::Mötley Crüe ; American heavy metal band formed in Hollywood, California in 1981.
::motorhead::Motörhead ; English rock band formed in London in 1975.
:*:naif::naïf ; adj. marked by or showing unaffected simplicity and lack of guile or worldly experience; noun a naive or inexperienced person
::naive::naïve ; adj. inexperienced; marked by or showing unaffected simplicity and lack of guile or worldly experience
::naiver::naïver ; See above.
::naives::naïves ; See above.
::naivete::naïveté ; See above.
::nee::née ; adj. (meaning literally `born') used to indicate the maiden or family name of a married woman
:*:negligee::negligée ; noun a loose dressing gown for women
::neufchatel::Neufchâtel ; a cheese
::nez perce::Nez Percé ; noun the Shahaptian language spoken by the Nez Perce; a member of a tribe of the Shahaptian people living on the pacific coast
:*:noel::Noël ; French:  Christmas.
::número uno::número uno ; Number one
::objet trouve::objet trouvé ; An object found or picked up at random and considered aesthetically pleasing.
::objets trouve::objets trouvé ; See above.
:*:ombre::ombré ;  (literally "shaded" in French) is the blending of one color hue to another.  A card game.
::omerta::omertà ; noun a code of silence practiced by the Mafia; a refusal to give evidence to the police about criminal activities
::opera bouffe::opéra bouffe ; noun opera with a happy ending and in which some of the text is spoken
::operas bouffe::opéras bouffe ; see above.
::opera comique::opéra comique ; noun opera with a happy ending and in which some of the text is spoken
::operas comique::opéras comique ; See above.
::outre::outré ; adj. conspicuously or grossly unconventional or unusual
::papier-mache::papier-mâché ; noun a substance made from paper pulp that can be molded when wet and painted when dry
::passe::passé ; adj. out of fashion
::piece de resistance::pièce de résistance ; noun the most important dish of a meal; the outstanding item (the prize piece or main exhibit) in a collection
::pied-a-terre::pied-à-terre ; noun lodging for occasional or secondary use
::plisse::plissé ; (Of a fabric) chemically treated to produce a shirred or puckered effect.
:*:pina colada::Piña Colada ; noun a mixed drink made of pineapple juice and coconut cream and rum
:*:pinata::piñata ; noun plaything consisting of a container filled with toys and candy; suspended from a height for blindfolded children to break with sticks
:*:pinon::piñon ; noun any of several low-growing pines of western North America
::pirana::piraña ; noun small voraciously carnivorous freshwater fishes of South America that attack and destroy living animals
::pique::piqué ; noun tightly woven fabric with raised cords; a sudden outburst of anger; verb cause to feel resentment or indignation
::piqued::piquéd ;noun Animosity or ill-feeling, Offence taken. transitive verb To wound the pride of To arouse, stir, provoke.
::più::più ; Move.
::plie::plié ; A movement in ballet, in which the knees are bent while the body remains upright
::precis::précis ; noun a sketchy summary of the main points of an argument or theory; verb make a summary (of)
:*:protege::protégé ; noun a person who receives support and protection from an influential patron who furthers the protege's career.  protegee ; noun a woman protege
:*:puree::purée ; noun food prepared by cooking and straining or processed in a blender; verb rub through a strainer or process in an electric blender
::polsa::pölsa ; A traditional northern Swedish dish which has been compared to hash
::pret-a-porter::prêt-à-porter ; Ready-to-wear / Off-the-rack.
::Quebecois::Québécois ; adj. of or relating to Quebec
::raison d'etre::raison d'être ; noun the purpose that justifies a thing's existence; reason for being
::recherche::recherché ; adj. lavishly elegant and refined
::retrousse::retroussé ; adjective (of a person's nose) turned up at the tip in an attractive way.
::risque::risqué ; adjective slightly indecent and liable to shock, especially by being sexually suggestive.
::riviere::rivière ; noun a necklace of gems that increase in size toward a large central stone, typically consisting of more than one string.
::roman a clef::roman à clef ; noun a novel in which actual persons and events are disguised as fictional characters
::roue::roué ; noun a dissolute man in fashionable society
:*:saute::sauté ; adj. fried quickly in a little fat; noun a dish of sauteed food; verb fry briefly over high heat
:*:seance::séance ; noun a meeting of spiritualists
:*:senor::señor ; noun a Spanish title or form of address for a man; similar to the English `Mr' or `sir'. senora/señorita ; noun a Spanish title or form of address for a married woman; similar to the English `Mrs' or `madam'
:*:smorgasbord::smörgåsbord ; noun served as a buffet meal; a collection containing a variety of sorts of things
:*:soiree::soirée ; noun a party of people assembled in the evening (usually at a private house)
:*:souffle::soufflé ; noun light fluffy dish of egg yolks and stiffly beaten egg whites mixed with e.g. cheese or fish or fruit
::sinn fein::Sinn Féin ; noun an Irish republican political movement founded in 1905 to promote independence from England
::smorgastarta::smörgåstårta ; "sandwich-cake" or "sandwich-torte" is a dish of Swedish origin
::soigne::soigné ; adj. polished and well-groomed; showing sophisticated elegance
:*:soupcon::soupçon ; noun a slight but appreciable addition
::surstromming::surströmming ; Lightly salted fermented Baltic Sea herring.
:*:tete-a-tete::tête-à-tête ; adj. involving two persons; intimately private; noun a private conversation between two people; small sofa that seats two people
::touche::touché ; Acknowledgement of a hit in fencing or a point made at one's expense.
::tourtiere::tourtière ; A meat pie that is usually eaten at Christmas in Québec
:*:ubermensch::Übermensch ; noun a person with great powers and abilities
::ventre a terre::ventre à terre ; (French) At high speed (literally, belly to the ground.)
::vicuna::vicuña ; noun small wild cud-chewing Andean animal similar to the guanaco but smaller; valued for its fleecy undercoat; a soft wool fabric made from the fleece of the vicuna; the wool of the vicuna
::vin rose::vin rosé ; White wine.
::vins rose::vins rosé ; See above
::vis a vis::vis à vis ; adv. face-to-face
::vis-a-vis::vis-à-vis ; See above
::voila::voilà ; Behold.  There you are.

; Common Misspellings - the main list

::avengence::a vengeance
::abouta::about a
::aboutit::about it
::aboutthe::about the
::accordingto::according to
::afterthe::after the
::againstt he::against the
::andone::and one
::andt he::and the
::andteh::and the
::andthe::and the
::anyother::any other
::asthe::as the
::aswell::as well
::askt he::ask the
::atthe::at the
::becausea::because a
::becauseof::because of
::becausethe::because the
::becauseyou::because you
::butthe::but the
::byt he::by the
::can't of::can't have
::capetown::Cape Town
::completedthe::completed the
::conditionsof::conditions of
::could of::could have
::couldthe::could the
::didnot::did not
::doe snot::does not ; *could* be legitimate... but very unlikely!
::don't no::don't know
::eight o::eight o
::everytime::every time
::fora::for a
::forthe::for the
::fromt he::from the
::fromthe::from the
::gameboy::Game Boy
::hadbeen::had been
::hasbeen::has been
::havebeen::have been
::hesaid::he said
::hewas::he was
::hitsingles::hit singles
::homestate::home state
::int he::in the
::inteh::in the
::inthe::in the
::inwhich::in which
::i snot::is not
::isthe::is the
::itis::it is
::itwas::it was
::its a::it's a
::it snot::it's not
::it' snot::it's not
::iits the::it's the
::its the::it's the
::lastyear::last year
::let's him::lets him
::let's it::lets it
::lightyear::light year
::lightyears::light years
::massmedia::mass media
::may of::may have
::might of::might have
::moreso::more so
::must of::must have
::newyorker::New Yorker
::ninties::nineties ; fixed from "1990s": could refer to temperatures too.
::noone::no one
::ofits::of its
::ofthe::of the
::oft he::of the ; Could be legitimate in poetry, but more usually a typo.
::ont he::on the
::onthe::on the
::oneof::one of
::onepoint::one point
::outof::out of
::overthe::over the
::overthere::over there
::partof::part of
::peacefuland::peaceful and
::percentof::percent of
::percentto::percent to
::pheonix::phoenix ; Not forcing caps, as it could be the bird
::protem::pro tem
::puertorrican::Puerto Rican
::puertorricans::Puerto Ricans
::receivedfrom::received from
::recordproducer::record producer
::saidhe::said he
::saidit::said it
::saidthat::said that
::saidt he::said the
::saidthe::said the
::shesaid::she said
::shortwhile::short while
::should of::should have
::silicone chip::silicon chip
::sot hat::so that
::sportscar::sports car
::tellt he::tell the
::tennisplayer::tennis player
::thatt he::that the
::thatthe::that the
::thecompany::the company
::thefirst::the first
::thegovernment::the government
::thenew::the new
::thesame::the same
::thetwo::the two
::there's is::theirs is
::their are::there are
::they're are::there are
::their is::there is
::they're is::there is
::thisyear::this year
::tot he::to the
::tothe::to the
::toldt he::told the
::undert he::under the
::unitedstates::United States
::unitesstates::United States
::wan tit::want it
::wanna::want to
::wa snot::was not
::whent he::when the
::whicht he::which the
::willbe::will be
::will of::will have
::witha::with a
::witht he::with the
::withthe::with the
::wouldbe::would be
::would of::would have
::youare::you are
::your a::you're a
::your an::you're an
::your her::you're her
::your here::you're here
::your his::you're his
::your my::you're my
::your the::you're the
::your their::you're their
::your your::you're your
::you're own::your own

; Ambiguous entries.  Where desired, pick the one that's best for you, edit,
; and move into the above list or, preferably, the autocorrect user file.
::a gogo::à gogo
::accension::accession, ascension
::achive::achieve, archive
::achived::achieved, archived
::ackward::awkward, backward
::addres::address, adders
::adress::address, A dress
::adressing::addressing, dressing
::afair::affair, afar, Afar (African place), a fair, acronym "as far as I recall"
::affort::afford, effort
::agin::again, a gin, aging
::agina::again, angina
::aledge::allege, a ledge
::alot::a lot, allot
::alusion::allusion, illusion
::amature::armature, amateur
::anual::annual, anal
::anual::annual, manual
::aparent::apparent, a parent
::apon::upon, apron
::appealling::appealing, appalling
::archaoelogy::archeology, archaeology
::archaology::archeology, archaeology
::archeaologist::archeologist, archaeologist
::archeaologists::archeologists, archaeologists
::assosication::assassination, association
::attaindre::attainder, attained
::attened::attended or attend
::baout::about, bout
::beggin::begin, begging
::behavour::behavior, behaviour
::belives::believes, beliefs
::boaut::bout, boat, about

::assasined::assassinated Broken by ":*:assasin::", but no great loss.
::buring::burying, burning, burin, during
::busineses::business, businesses
::calaber::caliber, calibre
::calander::calendar, calender, colander
::cancelled::canceled  ; commonwealth vs US
::cancelling::canceling  ; commonwealth vs US
::cant::cannot, can not, can't
::carcas::carcass, Caracas
::carmel::caramel, carmel-by-the-sea
::Cataline::Catiline, Catalina
::censur::censor, censure
::ceratin::certain, keratin
::cervial::cervical, servile, serval
::chasr::chaser, chase
::clera::clear, sclera
::comander::commander, commandeer
::competion::competition, completion
::coorperation::cooperation, corporation
::coudl::could, cloud
::councellor::councillor, counselor, councilor
::councellors::councillors, counselors, councilors
::coururier::courier, couturier
::coverted::converted, covered, coveted
::cpoy::coy, copy
::dael::deal, dial, dahl
::deram::dram, dream
::desparate::desperate, disparate
::diea::idea, die
::dieing::dying, dyeing
::diversed::diverse, diverged
::doub::doubt, daub
::dyas::dryas, Dyas (Robert Dyas is a hardware chain), dais
::efford::effort, afford
::effords::efforts, affords
::eigth::eighth, eight
::electic::eclectic, electric
::electon::election, electron
::emition::emission, emotion
::emminent::eminent, imminent
::empirial::empirical, imperial
::Enlish::English, enlist
::erally::orally, really
::erested::arrested, erected
::ethose::those, ethos
::extint::extinct, extant
::eyar::year, eyas
::eyars::years, eyas
::eyasr::years, eyas
::fiel::feel, field, file, phial
::fiels::feels, fields, files, phials
::firts::flirts, first
::fleed::fled, freed
::fo::for, of
::fomr::from, form
::fontrier::fontier, frontier
::fro::for, to and fro, (a)fro
::futhroc::futhark, futhorc
::gae::game, Gael, gale
::gaurd::guard, gourd
::gogin::going, Gauguin
::Guaduloupe::Guadalupe, Guadeloupe
::Guadulupe::Guadalupe, Guadeloupe
::guerrila::guerilla, guerrilla
::guerrilas::guerillas, guerrillas
::haev::have, heave
::Hallowean::Hallowe'en, Halloween
::herad::heard, Hera
::housr::hours, house
::hten::then, hen, the
::htere::there, here
::humer::humor, humour
::humerous::humorous, humourous, humerus
::hvea::have, heave
::idesa::ideas, ides
::imaginery::imaginary, imagery
::imanent::eminent, imminent
::iminent::eminent, imminent, immanent
::indispensable::indispensible ; commonwealth vs US?
::indispensible::indispensable ; commonwealth vs US?
::inheritage::heritage, inheritance
::inspite::in spite, inspire
::interbread::interbreed, interbred
::intered::interred, interned
::inumerable::enumerable, innumerable
::israelies::Israelis, Israelites
::labatory::lavatory, laboratory
::labled::labelled, labeled
::leanr::lean, learn, leaner
::lible::libel, liable
::liscense::license, licence
::lisence::license, licence
::lisense::license, licence
::lonly::lonely, only
::maked::marked, made
::managable::manageable, manageably
::manoeuver::maneuver ; Commonwealth vs US?
::manouver::maneuver, manoeuvre
::manouver::manoeuvre ; Commonwealth vs US?
::manouverability::maneuverability, manoeuvrability, manoeuverability
::manouverable::maneuverable, manoeuvrable
::manouvers::maneuvers, manoeuvres
::manuever::maneuver, manoeuvre
::manuevers::maneuvers, manoeuvres
::mear::wear, mere, mare
::meranda::veranda, Miranda
::mit::mitt, M.I.T., German "with"
::monestary::monastery, monetary
::moreso::more, more so
::muscels::mussels, muscles
::neice::niece, nice
::neigbour::neighbour, neighbor
::neigbouring::neighbouring, neighboring
::neigbours::neighbours, neighbors
::nto:: not ; Replaced with case sensitive for NTO acronym.
::oging::going, ogling
::onot::note, not
::orgin::origin, organ
::palce::place, palace
::performes::performed, performs
::personel::personnel, personal
::positon::position, positron
::procede::proceed, precede
::proceded::proceeded, preceded
::procedes::proceeds, precedes
::proceding::proceeding, preceding
::profesion::profusion, profession
::progrom::pogrom, program
::progroms::pogroms, programs
::prominately::prominently, predominately
::qtuie::quite, quiet
::qutie::quite, quiet
::relized::realised, realized
::repatition::repetition, repartition
::restraunt::restraint, restaurant
::rigeur::rigueur, rigour, rigor
::sasy::says, sassy
::scholarstic::scholastic, scholarly
::secceeded::seceded, succeeded
::seceed::succeed, secede
::seceeded::succeeded, seceded
::sepulchure::sepulchre, sepulcher
::sepulcre::sepulchre, sepulcher
::shamen::shaman, shamans
::sheat::sheath, sheet, cheat
::shoudln::should, shouldn't
::sieze::seize, size
::siezed::seized, sized
::siezing::seizing, sizing
::sinse::sines, since
::snese::sneeze, sense
::sotyr::satyr, story
::sould::could, should, sold
::speciallized::specialised, specialized
::specif::specific, specify
::spects::aspects, expects
::strat::start, strata
::stroy::story, destroy
::surley::surly, surely
::surrended::surrounded, surrendered
::thast::that, that's
::theather::theater, theatre
::ther::there, their, the
::thikning::thinking, thickening
::throught::thought, through, throughout
::tiem::time, Tim
::tiome::time, tome
::tourch::torch, touch
::transcripting::transcribing, transcription
::travelling::traveling   ; commonwealth vs US
::troups::troupes, troops
::turnk::turnkey, trunk
::unmanouverable::unmaneuverable, unmanoeuvrable
::unsed::used, unused, unsaid
::vigeur::vigueur, vigour, vigor
::villin::villi, villain, villein
::vistors::visitors, vistas
::wanna::want to - often deliberate
::weild::wield, wild
::wholy::wholly, holy
::wich::which, witch
::withdrawl::withdrawal, withdraw
::woulf::would, wolf
::Yementite::Yemenite, Yemeni
:?:t he:: the  ; Can't use this. Needs to be cleverer.

;  Capitalise dates

; ::march::March  ; Commented out because it matches the common word "march".
; ::may::May  ; Commented out because it matches the common word "may".

; Anything below this point was added to the script by the user via the Win+H hotkey.
AutoCorrect for
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Last edited by kunkel321 on 15 Apr 2024, 07:57, edited 9 times in total.
ste(phen|ve) kunkel
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Posts: 1162
Joined: 30 Nov 2015, 21:19

Re: AutoCorrect for v2

08 Aug 2023, 13:06

10-6-2023 edits interspersed below.

I’m a big fan of the 2007 AutoCorrect.ahk script compiled by Jim Biancolo from, mostly, Wikipedia’s lists of common typos and misspellings. And I’m not the only one. The script has a special place in the AutoHotkey documentation. and has had several web articles and blog posts written about it.
I’ve been slowing making (what I feel is) an improved version. As discussed below, processing the actual list of hotstrings has been a slow tedious process, but I wanted to share the two main tools, with are essentially complete – at least as early versions. The updated Case COrrector and Hotstring Helper are also discussed below. Because the processing of the list of Hotstrings is only partly complete, I’m not including that yet--It won't be ready for a while. As such, the above script has the updated tools, but still has the original autocorrect list from the 2007 version. Processing the list is complete and is posted in a 10-6-2023 reply, below. Please use the above CAse FIxer and HotStrHelper, with the below list (if desired).

This first thing you’ll see in the script is the “AUto-COrrect TWo COnsecutive CApitals” tool. I can’t be the only one who has erroneously typed “THanks" more times than I’ve typed the intended “Thanks.” It’s a useful tool! The original was made by Laszlo, using a loop to monitor for hotkeys. It was a smart idea, but would misfire under certain conditions, and so is commented-out, by default, in the original AutoCorrect.ahk script. A version posted and discussed here viewtopic.php?f=6&t=118807 was made by myself (with much help) using the InputHook() function. This was much better (I’ve been using it for months) but it introduced a couple of other limitations (as seen in the forum thread). Just a couple of days ago, forum member Ntepa posted an even better version (same forum thread). His uses a hotstring loop combined with InputHook and addresses the limitations of my own version, as well as adding a couple of additional improvements. It was so superior to mine that I removed my own version and included his (with permission) in the above code. Tip: Ntepa has cleverly included a 400 ms timeout because the double-capital effect usually occurs from typing too fast. If a person wants to experiment with the tool, they might like to temporarily remove the timeout. Do this by removing the T.4 from InputHook("V I101 L1 T.4"). You could also shorten/lengthen the timeout to fit you typing/typo speed.

The next component of the script is the "HotString Helper – Multi Line" tool that evolved earlier this year and is discussed here viewtopic.php?f=6&t=114688 I’ve recently joined the AHK-Hero group here and help from there as well as RaptorX’s videos, and help from Hellbent, Mikeyww, and others have helped me get the tool working for AHK v2. The tool incorporates the Google “Did you mean…” as a spell/grammar helper. The function for this was originally by TheDewd and updated by Mikeyww here viewtopic.php?f=82&t=120143 HotString Helper – ML was partly converted with the v1 to v2 converter by mmikeww and partly rewritten from scratch. The colors and several other things are customizable. Points of customization are flagged in the code.

It’s interesting that Jim converted two (but only two) words from the original list

Code: Select all

; Word middles
:?*:compatab::compatib  ; Covers incompat* and compat*
:?*:catagor::categor  ; Covers subcatagories and catagories.
After being inspired by one of Jack Dunning’s books, I began evaluating other words from the Wikipedia list, to see if they could be altered to fix multiple misspellings. I’ve been using the wildcard search feature of WordWebPro Dictionary for Windows, though there are online tools that can also be used for wildcard word searches. The key is to find word beginning, ending, or middles, that will potentially fix multiple words, but also don’t inadvertently break other words. An example is this

Code: Select all

; Fix for -ign instead of -ing.
; Words to exclude: (could probably do this by return without rewrite)
; From: nds-with/gn/
#Hotstring B0  ; Turns off automatic backspacing for the following hotstrings.
return  ; This makes the above hotstrings do nothing so that they override the ign->ing rule below.

#Hotstring B  ; Turn back on automatic backspacing for all subsequent hotstrings.
In the original 2007 version. According to WordWeb, there are 11,414 English words that end in “ing,” so that one hotstring can potentially fix any of those. It misspells “sign” and 35 other words though. Jim addresses this in the above code.
The process of identifying the “typo part” of the words in the Wikipedia list and seeing if that part of the word is used in multiple other words, but also, ensuring that the typo correction doesn’t also break other words, is a slow process. After many hours, I’m about one third the way through the list. Finishsed! In rare cases, I’ve found a hotstring that fixes several English words, but also misspells some obscure word. Please review this list and remove any a needed. The (current) list of words is: Removed screenshot. Please see below post with full list of autocorrects. At the beginning is a list of "nullifier" words. These are the would-get-misspelled words.

This process also makes several other words from the original 2007 list redundant. Those get removed as I process the list.
Also regarding my own version of the autocorrect list: Items that were added to the list by me are flagged with “ ; added by steve”. Use the Filter (Ctrl+Alt+f) feature in SciTE editor to view a list of them. Included in my own version is also the Wikipedia list of common grammar errors. Rather, about 1200 of them are included. See discussion here. viewtopic.php?f=6&t=118965&p=528053#p528053 I added “ ; from grammar list” then sorted the lot alphabetically.
10-6-2023 Update: I got rid of those flags. The main list is still sorted alphabetically though.

For the curious… Here is the one-third-processed list. Full list is posted in 10-6-2023 reply.
(Please see also, below comments about Accented Words and File Encoding.

I’ve moved them to the bottom and added definitions as comments. The definitions might not be perfect. I’ve found that, for the diacritic characters to (1) display correctly in SciTE and (2) send correctly when the text is auto replaced, the .ahk file has to be encoded with UTF-8 with BOM when the file is first saved. Pasting the accented words to the file, then changing the encoding afterward just makes it worse. I recommend this:
1) Open plain old Notepad.
2) Do “Save As”
3) Change “Save as type” from txt to “All files (.)”
4) Change the Encoding to “UTF-8 with BOM.”
5) Save (using .ahk extension) /close/reopen.
6) Paste in the code that contains the accented words and save again.
Also discussed here viewtopic.php?f=82&t=120193&p=533397#p533397

EDIT 8-10-2023: A couple of things I forgot.
1. Please note that in my in-process list, I've gone through the commented-out "amiguous" items from the 2007 list, and un-commented them, chosing the replacement text that I though was best.
2. If you use the 2007 list of autocorrects; here is a report of the duplicates present (this scan does not include the ambiguous items).

Code: Select all

Search of [AutoCorrect2] took 1 min, 17.266 seconds and found 9 duplicate groups.

 Location	Opts	Trigger		Full line
lines 673		glace		::glace::glacé ; adj. (used especially of fruits) preserved by coating with or allowing to absorb sugar
 and 2586		glace		::glace::glance
lines 1412		cxan		::cxan::can
 and 1870		cxan		::cxan::cyan
lines 1926		damenor		::damenor::demeanor
 and 1928		damenor		::damenor::demeanour
lines 2337		efel		::efel::evil
 and 2458		efel		::efel::feel
lines 2706		heirarchy	::heirarchy::heirarchy
 and 2727		heirarchy	::heirarchy::hierarchy
lines 3478		fo		::fo::of
 and 3479	C	fo		:C:fo::of
lines 4402		soveits		::soveits::soviets
 and 4403		soveits		::soveits::soviets(x
lines 4711		tyhe		::tyhe::the
 and 4740		tyhe		::tyhe::they
I scanned it using one of the scripts from viewtopic.php?f=6&t=115742

Note that a couple of other questionable items that I ran into while manually processing the list were as follows:

Code: Select all

 Questionable items from original 2007 AutoCorrect.ahk list
::abcense::absense			; Misspelled.  Should be "absence"
::abundancies::abundances	; Both are legit words.
::agin::again				; Agin is slag for against.
::alsation::Alsatian		; Overly specific.
::anyways::anyway			; Both are in the dictionary.
::awared::awarded			; Might misspell 'aware'
::belive::believe 			; In dictionary: "Forthwith; speedily; quickly"
::bernouilli::Bernoulli		; Overly specific.  "Swiss physicist."
::binominal::binomial		; In dictionary.  Means having two names.
::blessure::blessing		; Seems unlikely.
::carmalite::Carmelite		; Overly specific.  "A Roman Catholic friar wearing the white cloak of the Carmelite order."
::carthagian::Carthaginian	; Overly specific.  "A native or inhabitant of ancient Carthage."
::cattleship::battleship	; Both are legit words.
::causalities::casualties	; These are both legit, common words!!!
::cellpading::cellpadding	; Neither of these are words.
::ceratin::certain			; Both are legit words.
::childbird::childbirth		; Seems unlikely.
::chilli::chili				; Both are legit.  (Brit vs US)
::collectable::collectible	; Both are in the dictionary.
::complier::compiler		; Both are legit words.
::consideres::considered	; Might misspell 'considers'
::convertor::converter		; Both are in the dictionary.
::convertors::converters	; Both are in the dictionary.
::conveyer::conveyor		; Both are in the dictionary.
::cornmitted::committed		; Unlikely for a human (very likely for OCR tech.)
::countrie's::countries		; Might misspell 'country's'
::coverted::covered			; Might misspell 'converted'
::delusionally::delusively	; A more accurate correction would be ::delusionally::delusionary
::dieing::dying				; Might misspell 'dieting'
::ethose::those				; Seems unlikely.
::disover::dissolved 		; might misspell 'discover'
::disputandem::disputandum 	; Not in dictionary.  Is Latin for "dispute?"
::diversed::diverged 		; diversed is a legit word
::docuement::documents 		; changes single to plural?
::doign::doing 				; already redundant in autocorrect 2007
::efford::effort 			; might misspell afford
::effords::efforts			; might misspell affords
::eight o::eight o 			; Not sure what this is(?)
::firc::furc				; not a word
::flourishment::flourishing	; flourishment is also a word
::fontrier::fontier			; not a word
::formallise::formalise		; British spelling.  (Ambiguous?)
::foundland::Newfoundland	; Unlikely
::geometrician::geometer	; Geometrician is in the dictionary.
::geometricians::geometers	; Geometricians is in the dictionary.
::Guaduloupe::Guadalupe		; Overly specific. A fur seal of the Pacific coast of California and southward
::goign::going				; already redundant in autocorrect 2007
::idaeidae::idea			; seems unlikely
::incunabla::incunabula 	; Archaic.  "Plural of Latin word that refers to books printed with metal type from the invention of printing in the 1450s to the end of 1500."
::indite::indict			; indite is in the dictionary (to produce a literary work.)
::larrry::larry				; did they mean "lorry?"
::launchs::launch			; might misspell launches.
::leaded::led				; might misspell 'leaded gasoline'
::leibnitz::leibniz			; Word is only a person's name.  Should be capitalized.
::lightening::lightning		; lightening is a legitimate word.
::lippizaner::lipizzaner	; misspells triggerword. lippizaner (a type of small horse)
::lookign::looking			; already redundant in autocorrect 2007
::loosing::losing			; loosing is a legitimate word.
::lotharingen::lothringen	; Overly specific, and should be capitalized.  (An eastern French�region rich in iron-ore deposits)
::lukid::likud				; not sure what this is(?)
::mccarthyst::mccarthyist	; Should be capitalized.
::mediciney::mediciny		; Not in dictionary.
::medieval::mediaeval		; Changes it to a more archaic spelling. (note:  This trigger is the expansion of the next item "::medievel::medieval")
::mediterainnean::mediterranean ; Should be capatilized.
::monserrat::Montserrat 	; Obscure. "A volcanic island in the Caribbean; in the West�Indies"
::monts::months				; "mont" is a word for mountain.
::morisette::Morissette		; Great artist, but not a dictionary word!  (she has two appearances in AC 2007)
::morroccan::moroccan		; Capitalize?
::mottos::mottoes			; Is an alternate spelling, not a misspelling.
::mythraic::Mithraic		; Really obscure... Mithraism: Ancient Persian religion; popular among Romans during first three centuries a.d.
::nothign::nothing			; Already redundant in 2007 version.
::nullabour::Nullarbor		; Not in dictionary.  However "Nullarbor Plain" (A vast arid plain of southern Australia).
::nuremburg::Nuremberg		; Overly specific.  "A city in southeastern Germany; site of Allied trials of Nazi war�criminals (1945-46)
::originall::originally		; Might misspell "original."
::papanicalou::Papanicolaou	; Not in disctonary.  A Greek surname.
::pary::party				; Might misspell "parry."
::peleton::peloton			; Oddly specific:  "The main densely packed group of cyclists in a race."
::peloponnes::Peloponnesus	; Overly specific.  "The southern peninsula of Greece; dominated by Sparta until the 4th century BC."
::phonecian::Phoenecian 	; Not in dictionary.  Possible misspell of Phoenician, ancient people from coast of Syria.
::planed::planned			; Planned is also a word.
::postdam::Potsdam			; Overly specific. "A city in northeastern Germany."
::premonasterians::Premonstratensians ; Not in dictionary.  An old religious sect, founded in 1120.
::pucini::Puccini			; Overly specific. "Italian operatic composer noted for the dramatic realism of his operas (1858-1924)"
::rarified::rarefied        ; Both are legitimate spellings.
::recordproducer::record producer ; Overly specific
::renedered::rende			; rende is not a word.  Typo?
::reoccurrence::recurrence	; Both are legitimate words. (And slightly different in meaning.)
::resignement::resignment	; Uncommon.  Use 'resignation' instead.
::restauranteurs::restaurateurs ; Both are legit spellings.
::runing::running			; Might misspell 'ruining'
::sanhedrim::Sanhedrin		; Overly specific, "The supreme judicial and ecclesiastical council of ancient Jerusalem"
::seldomly::seldom			; Too picky.
::sepulchure::sepulchre     ; At odds with the item below. This is the US one.
::sepulcre::sepulcher		; At odds with the item above. This is the British one.
::shadasloo::shadaloo		; Overly specific and should be capitalized.  Fictional crime syndicate.
::shadoloo::shadaloo		; Fictional word, see above.
::siad ::said				; Duplicate of ::siad::said (without the space)
::sixtin::Sistine			; Might misspell 'sixteen'?
::skagerak::Skagerrak		; Oddly specific, and both are legit spellings. "A broad strait of the North Sea between Jutland and Norway"
::slippy::slippery			; Both are in the dictionary.
::spermatozoan::spermatozoon ; Both are in the dictionary.
::sponzored::sponsored		; Seems like an unlikely misspelling.
::talkign::talking			; Already redundant in AutoCorrect 2007.
::tendonitis::tendinitis 	; Both are in the dictionary.
::tennisplayer::tennis player ; Seems unlikely.
::thign::thing				; Already redundant in AutoCorrect 2007.
::tjpanishad::upanishad		; Obscure and should be capitalized.  "A later sacred text of Hinduism of a mystical nature dealing with metaphysical questions."
::tormenters::tormentors	; Both are in the dictionary.
::ukelele::ukulele			; Both are in the dictionary.
::unmistakeably::unmistakably ; Both are in the dictionary.
::valetta::valletta			; Overly specific, and should be capitalized. "The capital of Malta; located on the northeastern coast of the island."
::vell::well				; Seems unlikely.  V and W are not next to each other, and don't sound the same.
::virgina::Virginia			; Should be capitalized.
::wether::weather			; Wether: a male sheep.
::wintery::wintry			; Both are in the dictionary.
::withe::with				; "Band or rope made of twisted twigs or stems"
Last edited by kunkel321 on 18 Oct 2023, 19:50, edited 7 times in total.
ste(phen|ve) kunkel
Posts: 1462
Joined: 13 Aug 2016, 21:04

Re: AutoCorrect for v2

09 Aug 2023, 13:33

:*:anime::animé ; noun any of various resins or oleoresins; a hard copal derived from an African tree
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Re: AutoCorrect for v2

09 Aug 2023, 16:29

iseahound wrote:
09 Aug 2023, 13:33
:*:anime::animé ; noun any of various resins or oleoresins; a hard copal derived from an African tree
I suppose a more commonly seen use of the word is
A genre of film and television animation created in or influenced by the traditional style of Japanese 2D animation and characterized by highly stylized, colorful art, fantastic settings, and mature themes.
WordWeb lists the resin thing as the primary definition, though I see that most other dictionaries have the art form as the primary.
ste(phen|ve) kunkel
Posts: 18
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Re: AutoCorrect for v2

30 Aug 2023, 16:12

Thank you! I've used the autocorrect script for years and figuring out how to port it to 2.0 was beyond my ability. I'm super grateful!
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Re: AutoCorrect for v2

30 Aug 2023, 19:02

tomgoodell wrote:
30 Aug 2023, 16:12
Thank you! I've used the autocorrect script for years and figuring out how to port it to 2.0 was beyond my ability. I'm super grateful!
You are welcome!
FYI I've been adding to the above-mentioned "questionable" items from the original 2007 list of autocorrects...

10-6-2023: Code block removed, but the one above is updated (bottom of first reply).

These are items that you probably might as well remove from the list.
Last edited by kunkel321 on 06 Oct 2023, 13:10, edited 1 time in total.
ste(phen|ve) kunkel
Tom Sam
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Re: AutoCorrect for v2

06 Sep 2023, 09:08

I am using AutoCorrect.ahk. I deleted the ne to né script, but it still keeps autocorrecting to né. It's not in my personal scripts, and it's not in Windows or MS Office (that I can find). I turned Windows 10 autocorrect off. This happens across applications: WorkFlowy, Google, emails. Does anyone have any ideas? Thank you!
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Re: AutoCorrect for v2

06 Sep 2023, 15:42

Tom Sam wrote:
06 Sep 2023, 09:08
I am using AutoCorrect.ahk. I deleted the ne to né script, but it still keeps autocorrecting to né. It's not in my personal scripts, and it's not in Windows or MS Office (that I can find). I turned Windows 10 autocorrect off. This happens across applications: WorkFlowy, Google, emails. Does anyone have any ideas? Thank you!
Strange... It only seems to appear one place in the above autocorrect script... And it's commented out as an 'ambiguous' item.

Be sure to do Ctrl+f in your editor and search for :ne:: to ensure that you don't have duplicate autocorrect entries. Also, check your Windows Systray and even your process manager to ensure that you don't have any old scripts running that you forgot about.
ste(phen|ve) kunkel
Tom Sam
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Re: AutoCorrect for v2

07 Sep 2023, 14:31

Thank you. I'll try that.


Tom Sam
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Re: AutoCorrect for v2

08 Sep 2023, 07:49


I followed your advice. Autocorrect was, indeed, running in the Systray. I paused it, and the autocorrect stopped, so I knew that was the issue. I opened autocorrect in Edit and did Ctrl+f for :ne:: and it said "ne not found." Next I tried to search two other terms that were right there on the screen in front of me, and it didn't find them either. I copied-and-pasted the entire autocorrect into Word, searched for :ne::, and it found it immediately, right after résumé. I deleted the ne script and all is well. The failure of Ctrl+f to find anything is a separate issue, but I can live with that for now. Thank you for your help.


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Re: AutoCorrect for v2

08 Sep 2023, 14:58

Glad you got it working. What editor do you have (the one that isn't working right)?
ste(phen|ve) kunkel
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Re: AutoCorrect for v2

06 Oct 2023, 12:33

Entire converted list:
(Remember to ensure that your .ahk file is saved as "UTF-8 with BOM" before pasting the below items.)

Code: Select all

#Requires AutoHotkey v2+

;~ AutoCorrects -- Table of Contents
;~ Replacement nullifiers
;~ ==Word Parts===
; :*: - Word Beginnings
; :*?C: - Word Middles w/Case Sensitive
; :*C: - Word Beginnings w/Case Sensitive
; :: - Single-match
; :*?: - Word Middles 
; :?: - Word Endings
; :?C: - Word Endings w/Case Sensitive
; :C: - Single-match w/Case Sensitive
;~ -Multi-fix items are commented with " ; Fixes N words"
;~ -warning: several items break obscure words.  These are commented with " ; Misspells xxx" with an explanation.
;~ -as of 10-6-2023, >5k items, >300k potential fixes. 
;~ ================
;~ Accented non English Items (with definitions)
;~ Capatalize Dates

; Trigger strings to nullify the potential misspellings that are indicated. 
:B0:Savitr:: ; (Important Hindu god) Here for :?:itr::it, which corrects 366 words.
:B0:Vaisyas:: ; (A member of the mercantile and professional Hindu caste.) Here for :?:syas::says, which corrects 12 words.
:B0:Wheatley:: ; (a fictional artificial intelligence from the Portal franchise) Here for :?:atley::ately, which corrects 162 words.
:B0:arraign:: ; Here for :?:ign::ing, which corrects 11384 words. (This is from the 2007 AutoCorrect script.)
:B0:bialy:: ; (Flat crusty-bottomed onion roll) Here for :?:ialy::ially, which corrects 244 words.
:B0:callsign:: ; Here for :?:ign::ing, which corrects 11384 words.
:B0:champaign:: ; Here for :?:ign::ing, which corrects 11384 words.
:B0:coign:: ; Here for :?:ign::ing, which corrects 11384 words.
:B0:condign:: ; Here for :?:ign::ing, which corrects 11384 words.
:B0:consign:: ; Here for :?:ign::ing, which corrects 11384 words.
:B0:coreign:: ; Here for :?:ign::ing, which corrects 11384 words.
:B0:cosign:: ; Here for :?:ign::ing, which corrects 11384 words.
:B0:countersign:: ; Here for :?:ign::ing, which corrects 11384 words.
:B0:deign:: ; Here for :?:ign::ing, which corrects 11384 words.
:B0:deraign:: ; Here for :?:ign::ing, which corrects 11384 words.
:B0:eloign:: ; Here for :?:ign::ing, which corrects 11384 words.
:B0:ensign:: ; Here for :?:ign::ing, which corrects 11384 words.
:B0:feign:: ; Here for :?:ign::ing, which corrects 11384 words.
:B0:indign:: ; Here for :?:ign::ing, which corrects 11384 words.
:B0:kc:: ; (thousand per second). Here for :?:kc::ck, which corrects 610 words.
:B0:malign:: ; Here for :?:ign::ing, which corrects 11384 words.
:B0:miliary:: ; Here for :?:miliary::military, which corrects 4 words.
:B0:minyanim:: ; (The quorum required by Jewish law to be present for public worship) Here for :?:anim::anism, which corrects 123 words.
:B0:pfennig:: ; (100 pfennigs formerly equaled 1 Deutsche Mark in Germany). Here for :?:nig::ing, which corrects 11414 words.
:B0:reign:: ; Here for :?:ign::ing, which corrects 11384 words.
:B0:sice:: ; (The number six at dice) Here for :?:sice::sive, which corrects 166 words.
:B0:sign:: ; Here for :?:ign::ing, which corrects 11384 words.
:B0:verisign:: ; Here for :?:ign::ing, which corrects 11384 words.
:B0?:align:: ; Here for :?:ign::ing, which corrects 11384 words.
:B0?:assign:: ; Here for :?:ign::ing, which corrects 11384 words.
:B0?:benign:: ; Here for :?:ign::ing, which corrects 11384 words.
:B0?:campaign:: ; Here for :?:ign::ing, which corrects 11384 words.
:B0?:design:: ; Here for :?:ign::ing, which corrects 11384 words.
:B0?:foreign:: ; Here for :?:ign::ing, which corrects 11384 words.
:B0?:resign:: ; Here for :?:ign::ing, which corrects 11384 words.
:B0?:sovereign:: ; Here for :?:ign::ing, which corrects 11384 words.
Unfortunately, it doesn't work if the other multi-fix item has :*: in the options.  So these can't be nullified.  
If you hope to ever type any of these words, locate the corresponding autocorrect item and delete it. 
:B0:Ahvenanmaa:: ; also :Jahvey:, :Wahvey:, :Yahve:, :Yahveh: (Hebrew names for God.) Here for :?*:ahve::have, which corrects 47 words.
:B0:Basra:: ; (An oil city in Iraq) Here for :?*:asr::ase, which corrects 698 words.
:B0:Datapoint:: ; For username Datapoint. Here for :?*:apoint::appoint, which corrects 30 words.
:B0:Dennstaedtia:: ; (fern), Hoffmannsthal, (poet) Here for :?*:nnst::nst, which corrects 729 words.
:B0:Gadiformes:: ; (Cods, haddocks, grenadiers) Here for :?*:adif::atif, which corrects 50 words.
:B0:Illecebrum:: ; (Species of plan in Europe) Here for :?*:lece::lesce, which corrects 52 words.
:B0:Mephitinae:: ; (skunk), also :neritina: (snail) Here for :?*:itina::itiona, which corrects 79 words.
:B0:Minkowski:: ; (German mathematician) Here for :?*:nkow::know, which corrects 66 words.
:B0:Mulloidichthys:: ; a genus of Mullidae. Here for :*:dicht::dichot, which corrects 18 words.
:B0:Ondaatje:: ; (Canadian writer) Here for :?*:tje::the, which corrects 2176 words.
:B0:Phalangiidae:: ; (type of Huntsman spider) Here for :?*:giid::good, which corrects 31 words.
:B0:Prosecco:: ; (Italian wine) and recco (abbrev. for Reconnaissance) Here for :?*:ecco::eco, which corrects 994 words.
:B0:Pycnanthemum:: ; (mint), and Tridacna (giant clam).+ Here for :?*:cna::can, which corrects 1019 words.
:B0:Scincella:: ; (A reptile genus of Scincidae) Here for :?*:scince::science, which corrects 25 words.
:B0:Scirpus:: ; (Rhizomatous perennial grasslike herbs) Here for :?*:cirp::crip, which corrects 126 words.
:B0:Taoiseach:: ; (The prime minister of the Irish Republic) Here for :?*:seach::search, which corrects 25 words.
:B0:accroides:: ; (An alcohol-soluble resin) Here for :?*:accro::acro, which corrects 145 words.
:B0:ammeter:: ; (electrician's tool). Here for :*:amme::ame, which corrects 341 words.
:B0:braaivleis:: ; (Type of S. Affrican BBQ) Here for :?*:ivle::ivel, which corrects 589 words.
:B0:brodiaea:: ; (a type of plant) Here for :?*:brod::broad, which corrects 55 words.
:B0:ceviche:: ; (South American seafood dish) Here for :?*:cev::ceiv, which corrects 82 words.
:B0:darshan:: ; ((Hinduism - being in the presence of the divine or holy person or image) Here for :?*:rshan::rtion, which corrects 84 words.
:B0:emcee:: ; (host at formal occasion) Here for :?*:emce::ence, which corrects 775 words.
:B0:gaol:: ; British spelling of jail Here for :*:gaol::goal, which corrects 22 words.
:B0:grama:: ; (Pasture grass of plains of South America and western North America) Here for :?*:grama::gramma, which corrects 72 words.
:B0:indite:: ; (Produce a literary work) Here for :?*:indite::indict, which corrects 22 words.
:B0:itraconazole:: ; (Antifungal drug). Here for :*:itr::it, which corrects 101 words.
:B0:lisente:: ; (100 lisente equal 1 loti in Lesotho, S. Afterica) Here for :?*:lisen::licen, which corrects 34 words.
:B0:pemphigous:: ; (a skin disease) Here for :?*:igous::igious, which corrects 23 words.
:B0:seviche:: ; (South American dish of raw fish) Here for :?*:sevic::servic, which corrects 25 words.
:B0:spritual:: ; (A light spar that crosses a fore-and-aft sail diagonally) Here for :?*:spritual::spiritual, which corrects 31 words.
:B0:spycatcher:: ; (secret spy stuff) Here for :?*:spyc::psyc, which corrects 192 words.
:B0:unfeasable:: ; (archaic, no longer used) Here for :?*:feasable::feasible, which corrects 11 words.
:B0:vicomte:: ; (French nobleman) Here for :?*C:comt::cont, which corrects 587 words.
{	return  ; This makes the above hotstrings do nothing so that they override the indicated rules below.
:*:pinon::piñon  ; noun any of several low-growing pines of western North America (must be above ":?*:pinon::pion ; Corrects 44 words")

#Hotstring Z ; The Z causes the end char to be reset after each activation. 

:*:Buddist::Buddhist ; Fixes 3 words
:*:Hatian::Haitian ; Fixes 2 words
:*:Naploeon::Napoleon ; Fixes 6 words
:*:Napolean::Napoleon ; Fixes 6 words
:*:Pennyslvania::Pennsylvania ; Fixes 3 words
:*:Queenland::Queensland ; Fixes 3 words
:*:xoom::zoom ; Fixes 15 words
:*:a ab::an ab
:*:a ac::an ac
:*:a ad::an ad
:*:a af::an af
:*:a ag::an ag
:*:a al::an al
:*:a am::an am
:*:a an::an an
:*:a ap::an ap
:*:a as::an as
:*:a av::an av
:*:a aw::an aw
:*:a ea::an ea
:*:a ef::an ef
:*:a ei::an ei
:*:a el::an el
:*:a em::an em
:*:a en::an en
:*:a ep::an ep
:*:a eq::an eq
:*:a es::an es
:*:a et::an et
:*:a ex::an ex
:*:a ic::an ic
:*:a id::an id
:*:a ig::an ig
:*:a il::an il
:*:a im::an im
:*:a in::an in
:*:a ir::an ir
:*:a is::an is
:*:a oa::an oa
:*:a ob::an ob
:*:a oi::an oi
:*:a ol::an ol
:*:a op::an op
:*:a or::an or
:*:a os::an os
:*:a ot::an ot
:*:a ou::an ou
:*:a ov::an ov
:*:a ow::an ow
:*:a ud::an ud
:*:a ug::an ug
:*:a ul::an ul
:*:a um::an um
:*:a un::an un
:*:a up::an up
:*:abandonned::abandoned ; Fixes 2 words
:*:abcense::absence ; Fixes 2 words
:*:abera::aberra ; Fixes 15 words
:*:abondon::abandon ; Fixes 8 words
:*:abreviat::abbreviat ; Fixes 9 words
:*:absail::abseil ; Fixes 6 words
:*:abscen::absen ; Fixes 16 words
:*:absense::absence ; Fixes 2 words
:*:acclimit::acclimat ; Fixes 18 words
:*:accomd::accommod ; Fixes 16 words
:*:accordeon::accordion ; Fixes 4 words
:*:accordian::accordion ; Fixes 4 words
:*:achei::achie ; Fixes 12 words
:*:achiv::achiev ; Fixes 10 words
:*:aciden::acciden ; Fixes 8 words
:*:ackward::awkward ; Fixes 5 words
:*:acord::accord ; Fixes 15 words
:*:acquite::acquitte ; Fixes 3 words
:*:acuse::accuse ; Fixes 6 words
:*:adbandon::abandon ; Fixes 8 words
:*:adhear::adher ; Fixes 9 words
:*:adheran::adheren ; Fixes 5 words
:*:adresa::addressa ; Fixes 3 words
:*:adress::address ; Fixes 13 words
:*:adves::advers ; Fixes 11 words
:*:afair::affair ; Fixes 4 words
:*:afficianado::aficionado ; Fixes 2 words
:*:afficionado::aficionado ; Fixes 2 words
:*:agani::again ; Fixes 2 words
:*:aggregious::egregious ; Fixes 3 words
:*:agian::again ; Fixes 2 words
:*:agina::again ; Fixes 2 words
:*:agriev::aggriev ; Fixes 5 words
:*:aiport::airport ; Fixes 2 words
:*:aledg::alleg ; Fixes 46 words
:*:alege::allege ; Fixes 6 words
:*:alegien::allegian ; Fixes 5 words
:*:algebraical::algebraic ; Fixes 3 words
:*:alientat::alienat ; Fixes 8 words
:*:alledg::alleg ; Fixes 46 words
:*:allivia::allevia ; Fixes 12 words
:*:allopon::allophon ; Fixes 4 words
:*:alse::else ; Fixes 3 words
:*:alterior::ulterior ; Fixes 4 words
:*:alternit::alternat ; Fixes 15 words
:*:alusi::allusi ; Fixes 5 words
:*:amalgom::amalgam ; Fixes 11 words
:*:amature::amateur ; Fixes 7 words
:*:amme::ame ; Fixes 341 words, Misspells ammeter (electrician's tool).
:*:ammuse::amuse ; Fixes 6 words.
:*:amoung::among ; Fixes 2 words
:*:amung::among ; Fixes 2 words
:*:amunition::ammunition ; Fixes 2 words
:*:an large::a large 
:*:analag::analog ; Fixes 23 words
:*:anarchim::anarchism ; Fixes 2 words
:*:andd::and ; Fixes 73 words
:*:androgenous::androgynous ; Fixes 3 words
:*:anih::annih ; Fixes 9 words
:*:aniv::anniv ; Fixes 2 words
:*:anonim::anonym ; Fixes 19 words
:*:anoyance::annoyance ; Fixes 2 words
:*:ansal::nasal ; Fixes 20 words
:*:ansest::ancest ; Fixes 8 words
:*:antartic::antarctic ; Fixes 2 words
:*:anthrom::anthropom ; Fixes 27 words
:*:anual::annual ; Fixes 15 words
:*:anul::annul ; Fixes 17 words
:*:aproxim::approxim ; Fixes 14 words
:*:aquaduct::aqueduct ; Fixes 2 words
:*:aquir::acquir ; Fixes 12 words
:*:arbouret::arboret ; Fixes 3 words
:*:archiac::archaic ; Fixes 6 words
:*:archtyp::archetyp ; Fixes 6 words
:*:areod::aerod ; Fixes 10 words
:*:ariv::arriv ; Fixes 11 words
:*:armistace::armistice ; Fixes 2 words
:*:arogan::arrogan ; Fixes 6 words
:*:arren::arran ; Fixes 12 words
:*:arrou::arou ; Fixes 11 words
:*:artc::artic ; Fixes 26 words
:*:artical::article ; Fixes 3 words
:*:artifical::artificial ; Fixes 6 words
:*:artillar::artiller ; Fixes 6 words
:*:asetic::ascetic ; Fixes 6 words
:*:asphyxa::asphyxia ; Fixes 13 words
:*:assasin::assassin ; Fixes 10 words
:*:assesment::assessment ; Fixes 4 words
:*:asside::aside ; Fixes 2 words
:*:assisnat::assassinat ; Fixes 8 words
:*:assistent::assistant ; Fixes 4 words
:*:assit::assist ; Fixes 14 words
:*:assualt::assault ; Fixes 10 words
:*:asum::assum ; Fixes 19 words
:*:athenean::Athenian ; Fixes 2 words
:*:atn::ant ; Fixes 704 words
:*:atorne::attorne ; Fixes 5 words
:*:attourne::attorne ; Fixes 5 words
:*:attroci::atroci ; Fixes 5 words
:*:auromat::automat ; Fixes 36 words
:*:austrailia::Australia ; Fixes 14 words
:*:authorative::authoritative ; Fixes 3 words
:*:authoritive::authoritative ; Fixes 3 words
:*:autochtonous::autochthonous ; Fixes 3 words
:*:autocton::autochthon ; Fixes 10 words
:*:autorit::authorit ; Fixes 9 words
:*:autsim::autism ; Fixes 2 words
:*:auxilar::auxiliar ; Fixes 2 words
:*:auxillar::auxiliar ; Fixes 2 words
:*:auxilliar::auxiliar ; Fixes 2 words
:*:avalance::avalanche ; Fixes 3 words
:*:avati::aviati ; Fixes 3 words
:*:averagee::average ; Fixes 5 words
:*:aywa::away ; Fixes 4 words
:*:bananna::banana ; Fixes 2 words
:*:bandonn::abandon ; Fixes 8 words
:*:bandwith::bandwidth ; Fixes 2 words
:*:bankrupc::bankruptc ; Fixes 2 words
:*:banrupt::bankrupt ; Fixes 7 words
:*:barb wire::barbed wire  ; Fixes 2 words
:*:beachead::beachhead ; Fixes 2 words
:*:beastia::bestia ; Fixes 14 words
:*:begginer::beginner ; Fixes 2 words
:*:beggining::beginning ; Fixes 3 words
:*:begining::beginning ; Fixes 3 words
:*:bellweather::bellwether ; Fixes 2 words
:*:bergamont::bergamot ; Fixes 2 words
:*:beseig::besieg ; Fixes 9 words
:*:beteen::between ; Fixes 3 words
:*:betwen::between ; Fixes 3 words
:*:beut::beaut ; Fixes 20 words
:*:beween::between ; Fixes 3 words
:*:bewteen::between ; Fixes 3 words
:*:bigining::beginning ; Fixes 3 words
:*:biginning::beginning ; Fixes 3 words
:*:billingual::bilingual ; Fixes 7 words
:*:bizzare::bizarre ; Fixes 3 words
:*:blaim::blame ; Fixes 14 words
:*:blitzkreig::Blitzkrieg ; Fixes 4 words
:*:bodydbuilder::bodybuilder ; Fixes 2 words
:*:boyan::buoyan ; Fixes 5 words
:*:brasillian::Brazilian ; Fixes 2 words
:*:breakthough::breakthrough ; Fixes 2 words
:*:brillan::brillian ; Fixes 9 words
:*:brocolli::broccoli ; Fixes 2 words
:*:buddah::Buddha ; Fixes 2 words
:*:buoan::buoyan ; Fixes 5 words
:*:bve::be ; Fixes 1565 words
:*:cacus::caucus ; Fixes 4 words
:*:calaber::caliber ; Fixes 2 words
:*:calander::calendar ; Fixes 4 words
:*:calender::calendar ; Fixes 4 words
:*:califronia::California ; Fixes 3 words
:*:caligra::calligra ; Fixes 15 words
:*:cambrige::Cambridge ; Fixes 2 words
:*:camoflag::camouflag ; Fixes 4 words
:*:candidiat::candidat ; Fixes 4 words
:*:cannota::connota ; Fixes 5 words
:*:cansel::cancel ; Fixes 21 words ; Added be Steve
:*:cantalop::cantaloup ; Fixes 4 words
:*:carniver::carnivor ; Fixes 7 words
:*:carree::caree ; Fixes 12 words
:*:carrib::Carib ; Fixes 8 words
:*:carthogr::cartogr ; Fixes 9 words
:*:casion::caisson ; Fixes 2 words
:*:cassawor::cassowar ; Fixes 2 words
:*:cassowarr::cassowar ; Fixes 2 words
:*:casulat::casualt ; Fixes 2 words
:*:catapillar::caterpillar ; Fixes 2 words
:*:catapiller::caterpillar ; Fixes 2 words
:*:catepillar::caterpillar ; Fixes 2 words
:*:caterpilar::caterpillar ; Fixes 2 words
:*:caterpiller::caterpillar ; Fixes 2 words
:*:catterpilar::caterpillar ; Fixes 2 words
:*:catterpillar::caterpillar ; Fixes 2 words
:*:caucasion::Caucasian ; Fixes 2 words
:*:ceasa::Caesa ; Fixes 14 words
:*:cemetar::cemeter ; Fixes 3 words
:*:champang::champagn ; Fixes 5 words
:*:chauffer::chauffeur ; Fixes 4 words
:*:choclat::chocolat ; Fixes 7 words
:*:chuch::church ; Fixes 30 words
:*:ciel::ceil ; Fixes 10 words
:*:cilind::cylind ; Fixes 8 words
:*:cirtu::citru ; Fixes 7 words
:*:colate::collate ; Fixes 19 words
:*:colea::collea ; Fixes 2 words
:*:collaber::collabor ; Fixes 15 words
:*:collos::coloss ; Fixes 9 words
:*:comande::commande ; Fixes 11 words
:*:comando::commando ; Fixes 2 words
:*:comback::comeback ; Fixes 2 words
:*:comdem::condem ; Fixes 12 words
:*:commadn::command ; Fixes 22 words
:*:commemerat::commemorat ; Fixes 12 words
:*:commerorat::commemorat ; Fixes 12 words
:*:compair::compare ; Fixes 3 words
:*:comparit::comparat ; Fixes 6 words
:*:competion::competition ; Fixes 2 words
:*:compona::compone ; Fixes 5 words
:*:compulsar::compulsor ; Fixes 3 words
:*:compulser::compulsor ; Fixes 3 words
:*:concensu::consensu ; Fixes 4 words
:*:conciet::conceit ; Fixes 5 words
:*:condamn::condemn ; Fixes 12 words
:*:condemm::condemn ; Fixes 12 words
:*:conesencu::consensu ; Fixes 4 words
:*:confidental::confidential ; Fixes 5 words
:*:congradulat::congratulat ; Fixes 9 words
:*:coniv::conniv ; Fixes 11 words
:*:conneticut::Connecticut ; Fixes 2 words
:*:conot::connot ; Fixes 9 words
:*:conquerer::conqueror ; Fixes 2 words
:*:consorci::consorti ; Fixes 4 words
:*:consulan::consultan ; Fixes 4 words
:*:consulten::consultan ; Fixes 4 words
:*:copy or report::copy of report
:*:copy or signed::copy of signed
:*:corosi::corrosi ; Fixes 6 words
:*:correpond::correspond ; Fixes 12 words
:*:corridoor::corridor ; Fixes 2 words
:*:coucil::council ; Fixes 14 words
:*:councellor::counselor ; Fixes 4 words
:*:counr::countr ; Fixes 18 words
:*:creeden::creden ; Fixes 10 words
:*:creme::crème ; Fixes 2 words
:*:critere::criteri ; Fixes 6 words
:*:critiz::criticiz ; Fixes 7 words
:*:crucifiction::crucifixion ; Fixes 2 words
:*:culimi::culmi ; Fixes 8 words
:*:curriculm::curriculum ; Fixes 2 words
:*:cyclind::cylind ; Fixes 8 words
:*:dacquiri::daiquiri ; Fixes 2 words
:*:dael::deal ; Fixes 31 words
:*:dakiri::daiquiri ; Fixes 2 words
:*:dalmation::dalmatian ; Fixes 2 words
:*:deafult::default ; Fixes 6 words
:*:decathalon::decathlon ; Fixes 2 words
:*:definan::defian ; Fixes 5 words
:*:delapidat::dilapidat ; Fixes 6 words
:*:deleri::deliri ; Fixes 7 words
:*:derogit::derogat ; Fixes 11 words
:*:descripter::descriptor ; Fixes 2 words
:*:desease::disease ; Fixes 5 words.
:*:desica::desicca ; Fixes 11 words
:*:desinte::disinte ; Fixes 24 words.
:*:desktiop::desktop ; Fixes 2 words
:*:desorder::disorder ; Fixes 8 words.
:*:desorient::disorient ; Fixes 10 words.
:*:desparat::desperat ; Fixes 6 words.
:*:dessicat::desiccat ; Fixes 9 words.
:*:deteoriat::deteriorat ; Fixes 6 words.
:*:deteriat::deteriorat ; Fixes 6 words.
:*:deterioriat::deteriorat ; Fixes 6 words.
:*:detrement::detriment ; Fixes 5 words.
:*:devaste::devastate ; Fixes 3 words
:*:devestat::devastat ; Fixes 9 words.
:*:devistat::devastat ; Fixes 9 words.
:*:diablic::diabolic ; Fixes 4 words.
:*:diast::disast ; Fixes 5 words.
:*:dicht::dichot ; Fixes 18 words.  Misspells "Mulloidichthys" a genus of Mullidae (goatfishes or red mullets).
:*:diconnect::disconnect ; Fixes 9 words.
:*:diffcult::difficult ; Fixes 5 words
:*:dificult::difficult ; Fixes 5 words
:*:diminuit::diminut ; Fixes 6 words
:*:dimunit::diminut ; Fixes 6 words
:*:diphtong::diphthong ; Fixes 14 words
:*:diplomanc::diplomac ; Fixes 2 words
:*:diptheria::diphtheria ; Fixes 3 words
:*:dipthong::diphthong ; Fixes 14 words
:*:disasterous::disastrous ; Fixes 3 words
:*:disatisf::dissatisf ; Fixes 11 words
:*:disatrous::disastrous ; Fixes 3 words
:*:diseminat::disseminat ; Fixes 9 words
:*:dispair::despair ; Fixes 6 words
:*:dispele::dispelle ; Fixes 3 words
:*:dispicab::despicab ; Fixes 5 words
:*:dispite::despite ; Fixes 5 words
:*:disproportiate::disproportionate ; Fixes 6 words
:*:dissag::disag ; Fixes 16 words
:*:dissap::disap ; Fixes 37 words
:*:dissar::disar ; Fixes 25 words
:*:dissob::disob ; Fixes 15 words
:*:divinition::divination ; Fixes 2 words
:*:double header::doubleheader ; Fixes 2 words
:*:draughtm::draughtsm ; Fixes 4 words
:*:elphant::elephant ; Fixes 6 words
:*:embezell::embezzl ; Fixes 8 words
:*:emblamatic::emblematic ; Fixes 4 words
:*:emial::email ; Fixes 6 words
:*:eminat::emanat ; Fixes 6 words
:*:emite::emitte ; Fixes 3 words
:*:emn::enm ; Fixes 8 words
:*:emphysyma::emphysema ; Fixes 3 words
:*:empirial::imperial ; Fixes 18 words
:*:emporer::emperor ; Fixes 4 words
:*:enchanc::enhanc ; Fixes 9 words
:*:encylop::encyclop ; Fixes 16 word
:*:endevors::endeavors ; Fixes 8 words
:*:endolithe::endolith ; Fixes 2 words (which are not in WordWeb)
:*:ened::need ; Fixes 44 words
:*:english::English ; Fixes 8 words
:*:enlargment::enlargement ; Fixes 2 words
:*:enlish::English ; Fixes 8 words
:*:enourmous::enormous ; Fixes 3 words
:*:enscons::ensconc ; Fixes 4 words
:*:enteratin::entertain ; Fixes 10 words
:*:entrepeneur::entrepreneur ; Fixes 7 words
:*:enviorment::environment ; Fixes 8 words
:*:enviorn::environ ; Fixes 12 words
:*:envirom::environm ; Fixes 8 words
:*:envrion::environ ; Fixes 8 words
:*:epidsod::episod ; Fixes 6 words
:*:epsiod::episod ; Fixes 6 words
:*:equitor::equator ; Fixes 5 words
:*:eral::real ; Fixes 74 words
:*:eratic::erratic ; Fixes 4 words
:*:erest::arrest ; Fixes 14 words
:*:errupt::erupt ; Fixes 6 words
:*:escta::ecsta ; Fixes 5 words
:*:esle::else ; Fixes 3 words
:*:europian::European ; Fixes 15 words
:*:eurpean::European ; Fixes 15 words
:*:eurpoean::European ; Fixes 15 words
:*:evenhtual::eventual ; Fixes 4 words
:*:evental::eventual ; Fixes 4 words
:*:evential::eventual ; Fixes 4 words
:*:excede::exceed ; Fixes 8 words
:*:excelen::excellen ; Fixes 9 words
:*:excellan::excellen ; Fixes 9 words
:*:exection::execution ; Fixes 5 words
:*:exelen::excellen ; Fixes 9 words
:*:exellen::excellen ; Fixes 9 words
:*:exerbat::exacerbat ; Fixes 7 words
:*:exerpt::excerpt ; Fixes 6 words
:*:exerternal::external ; Fixes 22 words
:*:exhalt::exalt ; Fixes 10 words
:*:exhibt::exhibit ; Fixes 20 words
:*:exibit::exhibit ; Fixes 20 words
:*:exilera::exhilara ; Fixes 9 words
:*:exlud::exclud ; Fixes 7 words
:*:exonorat::exonerat ; Fixes 7 words
:*:expeiment::experiment ; Fixes 14 words
:*:explainat::explanat ; Fixes 7 words
:*:expropiat::expropriat ; Fixes 8 words
:*:exteme::extreme ; Fixes 6 words
:*:extraterrestial::extraterrestrial ; Fixes 3 words
:*:extravagent::extravagant ; Fixes 3 words
:*:extrordinar::extraordinar ; Fixes 3 words
:*:eyar::year ; Fixes 17 words
:*:faciliat::facilitat ; Fixes 10 words
:*:facillitat::facilitat ; Fixes 10 words
:*:facinat::fascinat ; Fixes 10 words
:*:faetur::featur ; Fixes 6 words
:*:fleed::freed ; Fixes 4 words
:*:forhe::forehe ; Fixes 5 words
:*:fortell::foretell ; Fixes 5 words
:*:foundar::foundr ; Fixes 5 words
:*:fouth::fourth ; Fixes 3 words
:*:fransiscan::Franciscan ; Fixes 3 words
:*:froniter::frontier ; Fixes 6 words
:*:fued::feud ; Fixes 28 words
:*:fuhrer::Führer ; Fixes 2 words
:*:furner::funer ; Fixes 6 words
:*:futhe::furthe ; Fixes 10 words
:*:fwe::few ; Fixes 5 words
:*:ganst::gangst ; Fixes 6 words
:*:gaol::goal ; Fixes 22 words ; Misspells British spelling of "jail"
:*:gauren::guaran ; Fixes 15 words
:*:geneolog::genealog ; Fixes 7 words
:*:gerat::great ; Fixes 12 words
:*:girat::gyrat ; Fixes 9 words
:*:gloabl::global ; Fixes 18 words
:*:gnaww::gnaw ; Fixes 8 words
:*:gouvener::governor ; Fixes 6 words
:*:governer::governor ; Fixes 6 words
:*:graet::great ; Fixes 12 words
:*:grafitti::graffiti ; Fixes 5 words
:*:gridle::griddle ; Fixes 5 words
:*:guage::gauge ; Fixes 6 words
:*:guerrila::guerrilla ; Fixes 2 words
:*:guidlin::guidelin ; Fixes 2 words
:*:gutteral::guttural ; Fixes 4 words
:*:haemorrage::haemorrhage ; Fixes 3 words
:*:halarious::hilarious ; Fixes 3 words
:*:halp::help ; Fixes 21 words
:*:hapen::happen ; Fixes 7 words
:*:harasm::harassm ; Fixes 2 words
:*:harassement::harassment ; Fixes 2 words
:*:hda::had ; Fixes 28 words
:*:headquarer::headquarter ; Fixes 4 words
:*:headquater::headquarter ; Fixes 4 words
:*:helment::helmet ; Fixes 5 words
:*:hemmorhage::hemorrhage ; Fixes 3 words
:*:hesista::hesita ; Fixes 19 words
:*:hge::he ; Fixes 1607 words
:*:hieght::height ; Fixes 6 words
:*:hlep::help ; Fixes 21 words
:*:holliday::holiday ; Fixes 6 words
:*:hosit::hoist ; Fixes 6 words
:*:hsa::has ; Fixes 64 words
:*:hte::the ; Fixes 402 words
:*:hti::thi ; Fixes 186 words
:*:hwi::whi ; Fixes 310 words
:*:hwo::who ; Fixes 76 words
:*:hygein::hygien ; Fixes 18 words
:*:hyjack::hijack ; Fixes 7 words
:*:iconclas::iconoclas ; Fixes 6 words
:*:idae::idea ; Fixes 40 words
:*:idealogi::ideologi ; Fixes 7 words
:*:illegim::illegitim ; Fixes 6 words
:*:illegitma::illegitima ; Fixes 6 words
:*:illieg::illeg ; Fixes 27 words
:*:ilog::illog ; Fixes 7 words
:*:ilu::illu ; Fixes 61 words
:*:iman::immin ; Fixes 11 words
:*:imcom::incom ; Fixes 78 words
:*:imigra::immigra ; Fixes 8 words
:*:immida::immedia ; Fixes 5 words
:*:immidia::immedia ; Fixes 5 words
:*:immunosupress::immunosuppress ; Fixes 9 words
:*:impecab::impecca ; Fixes 6 words
:*:impressa::impresa ; Fixes 4 words
:*:improvision::improvisation ; Fixes 4 words
:*:inagura::inaugura ; Fixes 11 words
:*:inate::innate ; Fixes 3 words
:*:inaugure::inaugurate ; Fixes 3 words
:*:inbalance::imbalance ; Fixes 3 words
:*:incread::incred ; Fixes 10 words
:*:indefineab::undefinab ; Fixes 4 words
:*:independan::independen ; Fixes 8 words
:*:indesp::indisp ; Fixes 16 words
:*:indigine::indigen ; Fixes 24 words
:*:inevatibl::inevitabl ; Fixes 4 words
:*:inevitib::inevitab ; Fixes 6 words
:*:inevititab::inevitab ; Fixes 6 words
:*:inmigra::immigra ; Fixes 8 words
:*:inocenc::innocenc ; Fixes 4 words
:*:inofficial::unofficial ; Fixes 3 words
:*:inot::into ; Fixes 36 words
:*:inpen::impen ; Fixes 22 words
:*:interelat::interrelat ; Fixes 10 words
:*:intertain::entertain ; Fixes 10 words
:*:intial::initial ; Fixes 25 words
:*:intrument::instrument ; Fixes 19 words
:*:intrust::entrust ; Fixes 4 words
:*:inumer::innumer ; Fixes 8 words
:*:inventer::inventor ; Fixes 6 words
:*:ireleven::irrelevan ; Fixes 6 words
:*:iresistabl::irresistibl ; Fixes 3 words
:*:iresistib::irresistib ; Fixes 5 words
:*:iritab::irritab ; Fixes 5 words
:*:iritat::irritat ; Fixes 12 words
:*:itr::it ; Fixes 101 words, but misspells itraconazole (Antifungal drug). 
:*:jeapard::jeopard ; Fixes 13 words
:*:jouney::journey ; Fixes 9 words
:*:lable::label ; Fixes 12 words
:*:lasoo::lasso ; Fixes 8 words
:*:lazer::laser ; Fixes 4 words
:*:leage::league ; Fixes 7 words
:*:lefr::left ; Fixes 22 words
:*:leran::learn ; Fixes 13 words
:*:leutenan::lieutenan ; Fixes 4 words
:*:levle::level ; Fixes 24 words
:*:lias::liais ; Fixes 6 words, Case-sensitive to not misspell Lias (One of the Jurrasic periods.)
:*:libell::libel ; Fixes 18 words
:*:lible::libel ; Fixes 18 words
:*:librer::librar ; Fixes 6 words
:*:liesure::leisure ; Fixes 5 words
:*:liev::live ; Fixes 58 words
:*:liquif::liquef ; Fixes 11 words
:*:lsat::last ; Fixes 11 words
:*:lsit::list ; Fixes 30 words
:*:lveo::love ; Fixes 42 words
:*:lvoe::love ; Fixes 42 words
:*:lybia::Libya ; Fixes 3 words
:*:maginc::magic ; Fixes 9 words
:*:magnificien::magnificen ; Fixes 5 words
:*:magol::magnol ; Fixes 7 words
:*:manisf::manif ; Fixes 17 words
:*:marrtyr::martyr ; Fixes 23 words
:*:masterbat::masturbat ; Fixes 9 words
:*:mataph::metaph ; Fixes 18 words
:*:mechandi::merchandi ; Fixes 12 words
:*:mercentil::mercantil ; Fixes 7 words
:*:mesag::messag ; Fixes 5 words
:*:meterolog::meteorolog ; Fixes 7 words
:*:micos::micros ; Fixes 40 words
:*:milion::million ; Fixes 9 words
:*:milleni::millenni ; Fixes 9 words
:*:minsitr::ministr ; Fixes 6 words
:*:mirrorr::mirror ; Fixes 6 words
:*:miscellanious::miscellaneous ; Fixes 3 words
:*:miscellanous::miscellaneous ; Fixes 3 words
:*:mischeivous::mischievous ; Fixes 3 words
:*:mischevious::mischievous ; Fixes 3 words
:*:mischievious::mischievous ; Fixes 3 words
:*:misdameanor::misdemeanor ; Fixes 2 words
:*:misdemenor::misdemeanor ; Fixes 2 words
:*:misouri::Missouri ; Fixes 5 words
:*:mispell::misspell ; Fixes 5 words
:*:misteri::mysteri ; Fixes 4 words
:*:monestar::monaster ; Fixes 2 words
:*:monicker::moniker ; Fixes 3 words
:*:monkie::monkey ; Fixes 10 words
:*:montain::mountain ; Fixes 17 words
:*:montyp::monotyp ; Fixes 3 words
:*:movei::movie ; Fixes 6 words
:*:muncipal::municipal ; Fixes 16 words
:*:munnicipal::municipal ; Fixes 16 words
:*:muscician::musician ; Fixes 5 words
:*:myraid::myriad ; Fixes 3 words
:*:mysogyn::misogyn ; Fixes 10 words
:*:mysterous::mysterious ; Fixes 3 words
:*:naieve::naive ; Fixes 9 words
:*:necessiat::necessitat ; Fixes 6 words
:*:neglib::negligib ; Fixes 4 words
:*:negligab::negligib ; Fixes 4 words
:*:negociab::negotiab ; Fixes 4 words
:*:nkwo::know ; Fixes 24 words
:*:norhe::northe ; Fixes 24 words
:*:northen::northern ; Fixes 8 words
:*:northereast::northeast ; Fixes 11 words
:*:noteri::notori ; Fixes 5 words
:*:nothern::northern ; Fixes 8 words
:*:notive::notice ; Fixes 10 words
:*:nowe::now ; Fixes 17 words
:*:nto::not ; Fixes 116 words
:*:numbero::numero ; Fixes 11 words
:*:nutur::nurtur ; Fixes 10 words
:*:nver::never ; Fixes 3 words
:*:nwe::new ; Fixes 123 words
:*:nwo::now ; Fixes 17 words
:*:obess::obsess ; Fixes 14 words
:*:obssess::obsess ; Fixes 14 words
:*:ocasion::occasion ; Fixes 12 words
:*:ocass::occas ; Fixes 12 words
:*:occaison::occasion ; Fixes 12 words
:*:occation::occasion ; Fixes 12 words
:*:octohedr::octahedr ; Fixes 5 words
:*:ocuntr::countr ; Fixes 18 words
:*:ocur::occur ; Fixes 8 words
:*:offce::office ; Fixes 11 words
:*:onot::not ; Fixes 116 words
:*:oponen::opponen ; Fixes 4 words
:*:opose::oppose ; Fixes 6 words
:*:oposi::opposi ; Fixes 17 words
:*:oppositit::opposit ; Fixes 15 words
:*:opre::oppre ; Fixes 11 words
:*:optmiz::optimiz ; Fixes 8 words
:*:optomi::optimi ; Fixes 22 words
:*:orthag::orthog ; Fixes 23 words
:*:oublish::publish ; Fixes 9 words
:*:oustanding::outstanding ; Fixes 3 words
:*:overwelm::overwhelm ; Fixes 6 words
:*:owudl::would ; Fixes 5 words
:*:owuld::would ; Fixes 5 words
:*:oximoron::oxymoron ; Fixes 3 words
:*:palist::Palest ; Fixes 7 words
:*:pamflet::pamphlet ; Fixes 6 words
:*:pamplet::pamphlet ; Fixes 6 words
:*:pantomine::pantomime ; Fixes 5 words
:*:paranthe::parenthe ; Fixes 15 words
:*:parrakeet::parakeet ; Fixes 2 words
:*:pastural::pastoral ; Fixes 11 words
:*:peageant::pageant ; Fixes 4 words
:*:peculure::peculiar ; Fixes 5 words
:*:pedestrain::pedestrian ; Fixes 15 words
:*:pensle::pencil ; Fixes 10 words
:*:peom::poem ; Fixes 2 words
:*:perade::parade ; Fixes 5 words
:*:peretrat::perpetrat ; Fixes 8 words
:*:peripathetic::peripatetic ; Fixes 7 words
:*:peristen::persisten ; Fixes 6 words
:*:perjer::perjur ; Fixes 9 words
:*:perjorative::pejorative ; Fixes 3 words
:*:perpindicular::perpendicular ; Fixes 6 words
:*:persan::person ; Fixes 55 words
:*:perseveren::perseveran ; Fixes 4 words
:*:persue::pursue ; Fixes 5 words
:*:persui::pursui ; Fixes 6 words
:*:philipi::Philippi ; Fixes 7 words
:*:pilgrimm::pilgrim ; Fixes 8 words
:*:plagar::plagiar ; Fixes 23 words
:*:plateu::plateau ; Fixes 5 words
:*:playright::playwright ; Fixes 3 words
:*:playwrite::playwright ; Fixes 3 words
:*:plebicit::plebiscit ; Fixes 3 words
:*:pomot::promot ; Fixes 14 words
:*:posthomous::posthumous ; Fixes 3 words
:*:potra::portra ; Fixes 15 words
:*:practioner::practitioner ; Fixes 2 words
:*:prairy::prairie ; Fixes 2 words
:*:prarie::prairie ; Fixes 2 words
:*:preample::preamble ; Fixes 3 words
:*:precurser::precursor ; Fixes 3 words
:*:preferra::prefera ; Fixes 5 words
:*:premei::premie ; Fixes 10 words
:*:premillenial::premillennial ; Fixes 6 words
:*:preminen::preeminen ; Fixes 4 words
:*:premissio::permissio ; Fixes 3 words
:*:prepart::preparat ; Fixes 5 words
:*:prepera::prepara ; Fixes 5 words
:*:presed::presid ; Fixes 18 words
:*:presitg::prestig ; Fixes 5 words
:*:prevers::pervers ; Fixes 10 words
:*:primativ::primitiv ; Fixes 8 words
:*:primordal::primordial ; Fixes 4 words
:*:principial::principal ; Fixes 8 words
:*:prinici::princi ; Fixes 17 words
:*:privt::privat ; Fixes 35 words
:*:procede::proceed ; Fixes 5 words
:*:proceding::proceeding ; Fixes 2 words
:*:proceedur::procedur ; Fixes 4 words
:*:profesor::professor ; Fixes 10 words
:*:profilic::prolific ; Fixes 5 words
:*:progid::prodig ; Fixes 10 words
:*:promiscous::promiscuous ; Fixes 3 words
:*:pronomial::pronominal ; Fixes 3 words
:*:propoga::propaga ; Fixes 25 words
:*:proseletyz::proselytiz ; Fixes 8 words
:*:protruberanc::protuberanc ; Fixes 4 words
:*:pseudonyn::pseudonym ; Fixes 9 words
:*:puch::push ; Fixes 34 words
:*:pumkin::pumpkin ; Fixes 4 words
:*:puritannic::puritanic ; Fixes 4 words
:*:purpot::purport ; Fixes 5 words
:*:pysci::psychi ; Fixes 12 words
:*:quantat::quantit ; Fixes 14 words
:*:quess::guess ; Fixes 14 words 
:*:quinessen::quintessen ; Fixes 4 words
:*:quize::quizze ; Fixes 4 words
:*:racaus::raucous ; Fixes 3 words
:*:raed::read ; Fixes 63 words
:*:rasberr::raspberr ; Fixes 2 words
:*:reasea::resea ; Fixes 18 words
:*:recie::recei ; Fixes 17 words
:*:reciv::receiv ; Fixes 13 words
:*:recomen::recommen ; Fixes 18 words
:*:recommed::recommend ; Fixes 12 words
:*:reconaissance::reconnaissance ; Fixes 2 words
:*:reconize::recognize ; Fixes 6 words
:*:recuit::recruit ; Fixes 9 words
:*:recurran::recurren ; Fixes 4 words
:*:redicu::ridicu ; Fixes 9 words
:*:refedend::referend ; Fixes 3 words
:*:refridgera::refrigera ; Fixes 11 words
:*:refusla::refusal ; Fixes 2 words
:*:reher::rehear ; Fixes 13 words
:*:reica::reinca ; Fixes 9 words
:*:reknown::renown ; Fixes 5 words
:*:reliz::realiz ; Fixes 12 words
:*:remenant::remnant ; Fixes 2 words
:*:remenic::reminisc ; Fixes 12 words
:*:reminent::remnant ; Fixes 2 words
:*:remines::reminis ; Fixes 12 words
:*:reminsc::reminisc ; Fixes 12 words
:*:reminsic::reminisc ; Fixes 12 words
:*:rendevous::rendezvous ; Fixes 4 words
:*:rendezous::rendezvous ; Fixes 4 words
:*:renewl::renewal ; Fixes 2 words
:*:repid::rapid ; Fixes 8 words
:*:repon::respon ; Fixes 22 words
:*:reprtoire::repertoire ; Fixes 2 words
:*:repubi::republi ; Fixes 15 words
:*:requr::requir ; Fixes 9 words
:*:resaura::restaura ; Fixes 8 words
:*:resembe::resemble ; Fixes 5 words
:*:resevoir::reservoir ; Fixes 2 words
:*:resignement::resignation ; Fixes 2 words
:*:resignment::resignation ; Fixes 2 words
:*:resse::rese ; Fixes 98 words
:*:ressurrect::resurrect ; Fixes 7 words
:*:restara::restaura ; Fixes 8 words
:*:restaurati::restorati ; Fixes 9 words
:*:resteraunt::restaurant ; Fixes 6 words
:*:restraunt::restaurant ; Fixes 6 words
:*:resturant::restaurant ; Fixes 6 words
:*:resturaunt::restaurant ; Fixes 6 words
:*:retalitat::retaliat ; Fixes 10 words
:*:retrun::return ; Fixes 10 words 
:*:reult::result ; Fixes 7 words
:*:reveral::reversal ; Fixes 2 words
:*:rfere::refere ; Fixes 20 words
:*:rockerfeller::Rockefeller ; Fixes 2 words
:*:rococco::rococo ; Fixes 2 words
:*:role call::roll call ; Fixes 4 words
:*:roll play::role play ; Fixes 4 words
:*:roomate::roommate ; Fixes 2 words
:*:rucupera::recupera ; Fixes 11 words
:*:rulle::rule ; Fixes 9 words
:*:rumer::rumor ; Fixes 6 words
:*:russina::Russian ; Fixes 13 words
:*:russion::Russian ; Fixes 13 words
:*:rythem::rhythm ; Fixes 8 words
:*:rythm::rhythm ; Fixes 8 words
:*:sacrelig::sacrileg ; Fixes 5 words
:*:sacrifical::sacrificial ; Fixes 2 words
:*:safegard::safeguard ; added by steve
:*:salery::salary ; Fixes 3 words
:*:sandwhich::sandwich ; Fixes 6 words
:*:sargan::sergean ; Fixes 6 words
:*:sargean::sergean ; Fixes 6 words
:*:saterday::Saturday ; Fixes 2 words
:*:saxaphon::saxophon ; Fixes 5 words
:*:say la v::c'est la vie
:*:scandanavia::Scandinavia ; Fixes 3 words
:*:scaricit::scarcit ; Fixes 2 words
:*:scavang::scaveng ; Fixes 6 words
:*:scrutinit::scrutin ; Fixes 18 words
:*:scuptur::sculptur ; Fixes 11 words
:*:secceed::seced ; Fixes 4 words
:*:secrata::secreta ; Fixes 14 words
:*:seguoy::segue ; Fixes 4 words
:*:seh::she ; Fixes 236 words
:*:seinor::senior ; Fixes 5 words
:*:senari::scenari ; Fixes 4 words
:*:senc::sens ; Fixes 107 words
:*:sentan::senten ; Fixes 9 words
:*:sepina::subpoena ; Fixes 4 words
:*:sergent::sergeant ; Fixes 4 words
:*:set back::setback ; Fixes 2 words
:*:shamen::shaman ; Fixes 15 words
:*:short coming::shortcoming ; Fixes 2 words
:*:shoudl::should ; Fixes 8 words
:*:shreak::shriek ; Fixes 8 words
:*:side affect::side effect ; Fixes 2 words
:*:side kick::sidekick ; Fixes 2 words
:*:sideral::sidereal ; Fixes 2 words
:*:siez::seiz ; Fixes 12 words
:*:simetr::symmetr ; Fixes 18 words 
:*:site line::sight line ; Fixes 2 words
:*:sneek::sneak ; Fixes 13 words
:*:socit::societ ; Fixes 4 words
:*:sofware::software ; Fixes 2 words
:*:soilder::soldier ; Fixes 15 words
:*:solatar::solitar ; Fixes 4 words
:*:soliders::soldiers ; Fixes 3 words
:*:soliliqu::soliloqu ; Fixes 12 words
:*:somtime::sometime ; Fixes 2 words
:*:sophmore::sophomore ; Fixes 2 words
:*:sorceror::sorcerer ; Fixes 2 words
:*:sorround::surround ; Fixes 6 words
:*:sould::should ; Fixes 8 words
:*:sountrack::soundtrack ; Fixes 2 words
:*:sourth::south ; Fixes 59 words
:*:souvenier::souvenir ; Fixes 2 words
:*:soveit::soviet ; Fixes 19 words
:*:sovereignit::sovereignt ; Fixes 4 words
:*:speciman::specimen ; Fixes 2 words
:*:spendour::splendour ; Fixes 2 words
:*:sportscar::sports car ; Fixes 2 words
:*:sppech::speech ; Fixes 18 words
:*:squared inch::square inch ; Fixes 2 words
:*:squared kilometer::square kilometer ; Fixes 2 words
:*:squared meter::square meter ; Fixes 2 words
:*:squared mile::square mile ; Fixes 2 words
:*:stale mat::stalemat ; Fixes 4 words
:*:staring role::starring role ; Fixes 2 words
:*:starring roll::starring role ; Fixes 2 words
:*:stilus::stylus ; Fixes 2 words
:*:stpo::stop ; Fixes 33 words
:*:strenous::strenuous ; Fixes 3 words
:*:strike out::strikeout ; Fixes 2 words
:*:strnad::strand ; Fixes 6 words
:*:stroy::story ; Fixes 12 words
:*:struggel::struggle ; Fixes 5 words
:*:strugl::struggl ; Fixes 7 words
:*:stuggl::struggl ; Fixes 7 words
:*:subjudgation::subjugation ; Fixes 2 words
:*:subsidar::subsidiar ; Fixes 6 words
:*:subsiduar::subsidiar ; Fixes 6 words
:*:subsquen::subsequen ; Fixes 5 words
:*:substace::substance ; Fixes 2 words
:*:substatia::substantia ; Fixes 22 words
:*:substitud::substitut ; Fixes 14 words
:*:substract::subtract ; Fixes 12 words
:*:subtance::substance ; Fixes 2 words
:*:suburburban::suburban ; Fixes 16 words
:*:succedd::succeed ; Fixes 7 words
:*:succede::succeede ; Fixes 3 words
:*:suceed::succeed ; Fixes 7 words
:*:sucide::suicide ; Fixes 3 words
:*:sucidial::suicidal ; Fixes 4 words
:*:sudent::student ; Fixes 7 words
:*:sufferag::suffrag ; Fixes 10 words
:*:sumar::summar ; Fixes 22 words
:*:suop::soup ; Fixes 14 words
:*:superce::superse ; Fixes 17 words
:*:supliment::supplement ; Fixes 10 words
:*:surplant::supplant ; Fixes 6 words
:*:surrepetitious::surreptitious ; Fixes 3 words
:*:surreptious::surreptitious ; Fixes 3 words
:*:surrond::surround ; Fixes 6 words
:*:surroud::surround ; Fixes 6 words
:*:surrunder::surrender ; Fixes 6 words
:*:surveilen::surveillan ; Fixes 3 words
:*:swiming::swimming ; Fixes 3 words
:*:synagouge::synagogue ; Fixes 2 words
:*:synph::symph ; Fixes 30 words
:*:syrap::syrup ; Fixes 4 words
:*:tabacco::tobacco ; Fixes 4 words
:*:tatoo::tattoo ; Fixes 8 words
:*:telelev::telev ; Fixes 14 words
:*:televiz::televis ; Fixes 10 words
:*:televsion::television ; Fixes 2 words
:*:temerature::temperature ; Fixes 2 words
:*:temperment::temperament ; Fixes 5 words
:*:temperture::temperature ; Fixes 2 words
:*:tenacle::tentacle ; Fixes 3 words
:*:termoil::turmoil ; Fixes 2 words
:*:testomon::testimon ; Fixes 4 words
:*:thansk::thanks ; Fixes 6 words
:*:thegovernment::the government ; Fixes 4 words
:*:there final::their final ; Fixes 2 words
:*:thge::the ; Fixes 402 words
:*:thier::their ; Fixes 2 words
:*:thisyear::this year ; Fixes 2 words
:*:thna::than ; Fixes 35 words
:*:thne::then ; Fixes 9 words
:*:threee::three ; Fixes 17 words
:*:threshhold::threshold ; Fixes 4 words
:*:thrid::third ; Fixes 5 words
:*:thror::thor ; Fixes 57 words
:*:thsi::this ; Fixes 7 words
:*:thta::that ; Fixes 14 words
:*:tiem::time ; Fixes 49 words
:*:time out::timeout ; Fixes 2 words
:*:timeschedule::time schedule ; Fixes 2 words
:*:timne::time ; Fixes 49 words
:*:tiome::time ; Fixes 49 words
:*:tobbaco::tobacco ; Fixes 4 words
:*:todya::today ; Fixes 2 words
:*:tolkein::Tolkien ; Fixes 2 words
:*:tommorow::tomorrow ; Fixes 2 words
:*:tommorrow::tomorrow ; Fixes 2 words
:*:tomorow::tomorrow ; Fixes 2 words
:*:tortise::tortoise ; Fixes 4 words
:*:traffice::trafficke ; Fixes 3 words
:*:trafic::traffic ; Fixes 10 words
:*:trancend::transcend ; Fixes 17 words
:*:transcendan::transcenden ; Fixes 13 words
:*:transend::transcend ; Fixes 17 words
:*:transferin::transferrin ; Fixes 3 words
:*:translater::translator ; Fixes 2 words
:*:transpora::transporta ; Fixes 8 words
:*:tremelo::tremolo ; Fixes 2 words
:*:triathalon::triathlon ; Fixes 2 words
:*:triguer::trigger ; Fixes 8 words
:*:triolog::trilog ; Fixes 2 words
:*:tthe::the ; Fixes 402 words
:*:tust::trust ; Fixes 33 words
:*:tution::tuition ; Fixes 3 words
:*:twelth::twelfth ; Fixes 4 words
:*:tyo::to ; Fixes 1110 words
:*:tyrrani::tyranni ; Fixes 20 words
:*:ubiquitious::ubiquitous ; Fixes 3 words
:*:ubli::publi ; Fixes 37 words
:*:uise::use ; Fixes 20 words
:*:ukran::Ukrain ; Fixes 3 words
:*:ulser::ulcer ; Fixes 12 words 
:*:unanym::unanim ; Fixes 8 words
:*:under go::undergo ; Fixes 4 words
:*:under rate::underrate ; Fixes 3 words
:*:under take::undertake ; Fixes 5 words
:*:underat::underrat ; Fixes 4 words 
:*:undreground::underground ; Fixes 3 words
:*:uneccesar::unnecessar ; Fixes 3 words
:*:unecessar::unnecessar ; Fixes 3 words
:*:unequalit::inequalit ; Fixes 2 words
:*:unihabit::uninhabit ; Fixes 6 words
:*:univeral::universal ; Fixes 22 words
:*:univerist::universit ; Fixes 2 words
:*:univerit::universit ; Fixes 2 words
:*:universti::universit ; Fixes 2 words
:*:univesit::universit ; Fixes 2 words
:*:unkow::unknow ; Fixes 14 words
:*:unliek::unlike ; Fixes 11 words
:*:unotice::unnotice ; Fixes 4 words
:*:unplease::displease ; Fixes 5 words
:*:unuseable::unusable ; Fixes 2 words
:*:vaccum::vacuum ; Fixes 4 words
:*:vacinit::vicinit ; Fixes 2 words
:*:vaguar::vagar ; Fixes 4 words
:*:vaiet::variet ; Fixes 5 words
:*:varit::variet ; Fixes 5 words
:*:vasall::vassal ; Fixes 4 words
:*:vehicule::vehicle ; Fixes 2 words
:*:vengance::vengeance ; Fixes 2 words
:*:vengence::vengeance ; Fixes 2 words
:*:verfication::verification ; Fixes 4 words
:*:vermillion::vermilion ; Fixes 4 words
:*:versitilat::versatilit ; Fixes 2 words
:*:versitlit::versatilit ; Fixes 2 words
:*:vetween::between ; Fixes 3 words
:*:vigour::vigor ; Fixes 9 words
:*:villian::villain ; Fixes 11 words
:*:villifi::vilifi ; Fixes 6 words
:*:villify::vilify ; Fixes 2 words
:*:villin::villain ; Fixes 11 words
:*:vincinit::vicinit ; Fixes 2 words
:*:virutal::virtual ; Fixes 16 words
:*:visabl::visibl ; Fixes 3 words
:*:vistor::visitor ; Fixes 2 words
:*:vitor::victor ; Fixes 15 words
:*:vocal chord::vocal cord ; Fixes 2 words
:*:volcanoe::volcano ; Fixes 8 words
:*:voley::volley ; Fixes 8 words
:*:vriet::variet ; Fixes 5 words
:*:vulnerablilit::vulnerabilit ; Fixes 2 words
:*:wardobe::wardrobe ; Fixes 2 words
:*:whn::when ; Fixes 5 words
:*:whould::would ; Fixes 5 words
:*:wich::which ; Fixes 3 words, Case-sensitive to not misspell Wichita.
:*:widesread::widespread ; Fixes 3 words
:*:wih::whi ; Fixes 310 words
:*:withdrawl::withdrawal ; Fixes 2 words
:*:withold::withhold ; Fixes 6 words
:*:worsten::worsen ; Fixes 5 words
:*:woudl::would ; Fixes 5 words
:*:wreckless::reckless ; Fixes 3 words 
:*:yatch::yacht ; Fixes 9 words
:*:yelow::yellow ; Fixes 28 words
:*:yera::year ; Fixes 17 words
:*:yotube::youtube ; Fixes 4 words
:*:yrea::year ; Fixes 17 words
:*?:alell::allel ; Fixes 57 words
:*?:alsitic::alistic ; Fixes 98 words
:*?:onvertab::onvertib ; Fixes 18 words
:*?:sucess::success ; Fixes 19 words
:*?C:balen::balan ; Fixes 45 words.  Case-sensitive to not misspell Balenciaga (Spanish fashion designer). 
:*?C:beng::being ; Fixes 7 words. Case-sensitive to not misspell, Bengali. 
:*?C:hiesm::theism ; Fixes 19 words
:*C:aquit::acquit ; Fixes 10 words.  Case-sensitive to not misspell Aquitaine (A region of southwestern France between Bordeaux and the Pyrenees)
:*C:carmel::caramel ; Fixes 12 words.  Case-sensitive to not misspell Carmelite (Roman Catholic friar)
:*C:carrer::career ; Fixes 8 words.  Case-sensitive to not misspell Carrere (A famous architect) 
:*C:ehr::her ; Fixes 233 words, Made case sensitive so not to misspell Ehrenberg (a Russian novelist) or Ehrlich (a German scientist)
:*C:herat::heart ; Fixes 63 words, Case-sensitive to not misspell Herat (a city in Afganistan).
:*C:hsi::his ; Fixes 95 words, Case-sensitive to not misspell Hsian (a city in China)
:*C:ime::imme ; Fixes 35 words, Case-sensitive to not misspell IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identity)
:*C:yoru::your ; Fixes 4 words, case sensitive to not misspell Yoruba (A Nigerian langue) 
::Isaax ::Isaac
::Straight of::Strait of ; geography
::a English::an English
::a FM::an FM
::a Internet::an Internet
::a MRI::an MRI
::a businessmen::a businessman
::a businesswomen::a businesswoman
::a consortia::a consortium
::a criteria::a criterion
::a dominate::a dominant
::a falling out::a falling-out
::a firemen::a fireman
::a flagella::a flagellum
::a forward by::a foreword by
::a freshmen::a freshman
::a fungi::a fungus
::a gunmen::a gunman
::a heir::an heir
::a herb::an herb
::a honest::an honest
::a honor::an honor
::a hour::an hour
::a larvae::a larva
::a lock up::a lockup
::a lose::a loss
::a manufacture::a manufacturer
::a nuclei::a nucleus
::a numbers of::a number of
::a ocean::an ocean
::a offensive::an offensive
::a official::an official
::a one of the::one of the
::a only a::only a
::a parentheses::a parenthesis
::a phenomena::a phenomenon
::a protozoa::a protozoon
::a pupae::a pupa
::a radii::a radius
::a renown::a renowned
::a resent::a recent
::a run in::a run-in
::a set back::a set-back
::a set up::a setup
::a several::several
::a simple as::as simple as
::a spermatozoa::a spermatozoon
::a statesmen::a statesman
::a strata::a stratum
::a taxa::a taxon
::a two months::a two-month
::a urban::an urban
::a vertebrae::a vertebra
::a women::a woman
::a work out::a workout
::about it's::about its
::about they're::about their
::about who to::about whom to
::about who's::about whose
::abouta::about a 
::aboutit::about it 
::above it's::above its
::according a::according to a
::accordingto::according to 
::across it's::across its
::affect on::effect on
::affect upon::effect upon
::affects of::effects of
::after along time::after a long time
::after awhile::after a while
::after been::after being
::after it's::after its
::after quite awhile::after quite a while
::against it's::against its
::against who::against whom
::againstt he::against the 
::agree in principal::agree in principle
::agreement in principal::agreement in principle
::airplane hanger::airplane hangar
::all for not::all for naught 
::all it's::all its 
::all though::although 
::all tolled::all told 
::allot of::a lot of 
::alma matter::alma mater 
::along it's::along its 
::along side::alongside 
::along time::a long time 
::alongside it's::alongside its 
::alot::a lot 
::also know as::also known as 
::also know by::also known by 
::also know for::also known for 
::alter boy::altar boy 
::alter server::altar server 
::am loathe to::am loath to 
::amid it's::amid its 
::amidst it's::amidst its 
::among it's::among it 
::among others things::among other things 
::amongst it's::amongst its 
::amongst one of the::amongst the 
::amongst others things::amongst other things 
::an British::a British 
::an Canadian::a Canadian 
::an European::a European 
::an Hawaiian::a Hawaiian 
::an Malaysian::a Malaysian 
::an Scottish::a Scottish 
::an USB::a USB 
::an Unix::a Unix 
::an affect::an effect 
::an alumnae of::an alumna of 
::an alumni of::an alumnus of 
::an another::another 
::an antennae::an antenna 
::an film::a film 
::an half::a half 
::an halt::a halt 
::an hand::a hand 
::an head::a head 
::an heart::a heart 
::an helicopter::a helicopter 
::an hero::a hero 
::an high::a high 
::an historian::a historian 
::an historic::a historic 
::an historical::a historical 
::an history::a history 
::an hospital::a hospital 
::an hotel::a hotel 
::an humanitarian::a humanitarian 
::an law::a law 
::an lawyer::a lawyer 
::an local::a local 
::an new::a new 
::an nine::a nine 
::an ninth::a ninth 
::an non::a non 
::an number::a number 
::an other::another 
::an pair::a pair 
::an player::a player 
::an popular::a popular 
::an pre-::a pre- 
::an second::a second 
::an series::a series 
::an seven::a seven 
::an seventh::a seventh 
::an six::a six 
::an sixteen::a sixteen 
::an sixth::a sixth 
::an song::a song 
::an special::a special 
::an species::a species 
::an specific::a specific 
::an statement::a statement 
::an ten::a ten 
::an union::a union 
::an unit::a unit 
::and so fourth::and so forth 
::andone::and one 
::andt he::and the 
::andteh::and the 
::another criteria::another criterion 
::another words::in other words 
::any another::another 
::any resent::any recent 
::any where::anywhere 
::anyother::any other 
::apart form::apart from 
::are aloud to::are allowed to 
::are build::are built 
::are dominate::are dominant 
::are drew::are drawn 
::are it's::are its 
::are know::are known 
::are lain::are laid 
::are lead by::are led by 
::are loathe to::are loath to 
::are meet::are met 
::are ran by::are run by 
::are renown::are renowned 
::are set-up::are set up 
::are setup::are set up 
::are shutdown::are shut down 
::are shutout::are shut out 
::are suppose to::are supposed to 
::are the dominate::are the dominant 
::are use to::are used to 
::around it's::around its 
::as a resulted::as a result 
::as apposed to::as opposed to 
::as back up::as backup 
::as oppose to::as opposed to 
::asfar::as far 
::aside form::aside from 
::aside it's::aside its 
::assume the reigns::assume the reins 
::assume the roll::assume the role 
::aswell::as well 
::at it's::at its 
::at of::at or 
::at the alter::at the altar 
::at the reigns::at the reins 
::at then end::at the end 
::atleast::at least 
::avengence::a vengeance
::away form::away from 
::back and fourth::back and forth 
::back drop::backdrop 
::back fire::backfire 
::back in forth::back and forth 
::back peddle::backpedal 
::back round::background 
::badly effected::badly affected 
::baited breath::bated breath 
::baled out::bailed out 
::baling out::bailing out 
::bare in mind::bear in mind 
::basic principal::basic principle 
::be apart of::be a part of 
::be build::be built 
::be cause::because 
::be drew::be drawn 
::be it's::be its 
::be know as::be known as 
::be lain::be laid 
::be lead by::be led by 
::be loathe to::be loath to 
::be ran::be run 
::be rebuild::be rebuilt 
::be rode::be ridden 
::be send::be sent 
::be set-up::be set up 
::be setup::be set up 
::be shutdown::be shut down 
::be use to::be used to 
::be ware::beware 
::became it's::became its 
::became know::became known 
::because of it's::because of its 
::becausea::because a 
::becauseof::because of 
::becausethe::because the 
::becauseyou::because you 
::been accustom to::been accustomed to 
::been build::been built 
::been it's::been its 
::been know::been known 
::been lain::been laid 
::been lead by::been led by 
::been loathe to::been loath to 
::been mislead::been misled 
::been ran::been run 
::been rebuild::been rebuilt 
::been rode::been ridden 
::been send::been sent 
::been set-up::been set up 
::been setup::been set up 
::been show on::been shown on 
::been shutdown::been shut down 
::been use to::been used to 
::before hand::beforehand 
::began it's::began its 
::behind it's::behind its 
::being build::being built 
::being it's::being its 
::being lain::being laid 
::being lead by::being led by 
::being loathe to::being loath to 
::being ran::being run 
::being rode::being ridden 
::being set-up::being set up 
::being setup::being set up 
::being show on::being shown on 
::being shutdown::being shut down 
::being use to::being used to 
::below it's::below its 
::beneath it's::beneath its 
::beside it's::beside its 
::besides it's::besides its 
::better know as::better known as 
::better know for::better known for 
::better then::better than 
::between I and::between me and 
::between he and::between him and 
::between it's::between its 
::between they and::between them and 
::beyond it's::beyond its 
::both it's::both its 
::both of it's::both of its 
::both of them is::both of them are 
::both of who::both of whom 
::brake away::break away 
::breath fire::breathe fire 
::brew haha::brouhaha 
::by it's::by its 
::by who's::by whose 
::byt he::by the 
::can backup::can back up 
::can been::can be 
::can blackout::can black out 
::can breath::can breathe 
::can checkout::can check out 
::can playback::can play back 
::can setup::can set up 
::can tryout::can try out 
::can workout::can work out 
::can't breath::can't breathe 
::can't of::can't have 
::capetown::Cape Town 
::certain extend::certain extent 
::chalk full::chock-full 
::changed it's::changed its 
::chock it up::chalk it up 
::chocked full::chock-full 
::chomping at the bit::champing at the bit 
::closed it's::closed its 
::closer then::closer than 
::commonly know as::commonly known as 
::commonly know for::commonly known for 
::construction sight::construction site 
::could backup::could back up 
::could breath::could breathe 
::could setup::could set up 
::could workout::could work out 
::couldn't breath::couldn't breathe 
::criteria is::criteria are 
::criteria was::criteria were 
::daily regiment::daily regimen 
::darker then::darker than 
::deciding on how::deciding how 
::depending of::depending on 
::depends of::depends on 
::despite of::despite 
::didn't fair::didn't fare 
::didnot::did not 
::different tact::different tack 
::different to::different from 
::diffuse the::defuse the 
::direct affect::direct effect 
::discus a::discuss a  
::discus all::discuss all  
::discus any::discuss any  
::discus the::discuss the  
::discus this::discuss this  
::do to::due to 
::doe snot::does not ; *could* be legitimate... but very unlikely!
::dolling out::doling out 
::dominate player::dominant player 
::dominate role::dominant role 
::don't no::don't know 
::door jam::doorjamb 
::down it's::down its 
::down side::downside 
::due to it's::due to its 
::during it's::during its 
::during they're::during their 
::each phenomena::each phenomenon 
::eluded to::alluded to 
::en mass::en masse 
::eventhough::even though 
::everytime::every time 
::extract punishment::exact punishment
::extract revenge::exact revenge
::eye brow::eyebrow
::eye lash::eyelash
::eye lid::eyelid
::eye sight::eyesight
::eye sore::eyesore
::faired as well::fared as well
::faired badly::fared badly
::faired better::fared better
::faired far::fared far
::faired less::fared less
::faired little::fared little
::faired much::fared much
::faired no better::fared no better
::faired poorly::fared poorly
::faired quite::fared quite
::faired rather::fared rather
::faired slightly::fared slightly
::faired somewhat::fared somewhat
::faired well::fared well
::faired worse::fared worse
::farther then::farther than
::faster then::faster than
::figure head::figurehead
::filled a lawsuit::filed a lawsuit
::flag ship::flagship
::follow suite::follow suit
::following it's::following its
::for all intensive purposes::for all intents and purposes
::for along time::for a long time
::for awhile::for a while
::for he and::for him and
::for quite awhile::for quite a while
::for way it's::for what it's
::fora::for a
::fore ground::foreground
::forego her::forgo her
::forego his::forgo his
::forego their::forgo their
::forgone conclusion::foregone conclusion
::free reign::free rein
::fromt he::from the
::full compliment of::full complement of
::gameboy::Game Boy
::gave advise::gave advice
::get setup::get set up
::get use to::get used to
::gets it's::gets its
::getting use to::getting used to
::give advise::give advice
::gives advise::gives advice
::going threw::going through
::got ran::got run
::got setup::got set up
::got shutdown::got shut down
::got shutout::got shut out
::greater then::greater than
::ground work::groundwork
::guest stared::guest-starred
::gunanine::guanine ; It's in bat poop.  LOL
::had arose::had arisen
::had awoke::had awoken
::had became::had become
::had began::had begun
::had being::had been
::had broke::had broken
::had brung::had brought
::had came::had come
::had chose::had chosen
::had comeback::had come back
::had cut-off::had cut off
::had did::had done
::had drank::had drunk
::had drew::had drawn
::had drove::had driven
::had fell::had fallen
::had flew::had flown
::had forbad::had forbidden
::had forbade::had forbidden
::had gave::had given
::had grew::had grown
::had it's::had its
::had knew::had known
::had know::had known
::had lead for::had led for
::had lead the::had led the
::had lead to::had led to
::had meet::had met
::had mislead::had misled
::had overcame::had overcome
::had overran::had overrun
::had overtook::had overtaken
::had plead::had pleaded
::had ran::had run
::had rang::had rung
::had rode::had ridden
::had runaway::had run away
::had sang::had sung
::had send::had sent
::had set-up::had set up
::had setup::had set up
::had shook::had shaken
::had shut-down::had shut down
::had shutdown::had shut down
::had shutout::had shut out
::had sowed::had sown
::had spend::had spent
::had spoke::had spoken
::had sprang::had sprung
::had swam::had swum
::had threw::had thrown
::had throve::had thriven
::had thunk::had thought
::had to much::had too much
::had to used::had to use
::had took::had taken
::had tore::had torn
::had undertook::had undertaken
::had underwent::had undergone
::had went::had gone
::had woke::had woken
::had wore::had worn
::had wrote::had written
::hadbeen::had been
::hadn't went::hadn't gone
::half and hour::half an hour
::hand the reigns::hand the reins
::has arose::has arisen
::has awoke::has awoken
::has bore::has borne
::has broke::has broken
::has brung::has brought
::has build::has built
::has came::has come
::has chose::has chosen
::has cut-off::has cut off
::has did::has done
::has drank::has drunk
::has drew::has drawn
::has drove::has driven
::has fell::has fallen
::has flew::has flown
::has forbad::has forbidden
::has forbade::has forbidden
::has gave::has given
::has having::as having
::has it's::has its
::has lead the::has led the
::has lead to::has led to
::has meet::has met
::has mislead::has misled
::has overcame::has overcome
::has plead::has pleaded
::has ran::has run
::has rang::has rung
::has sang::has sung
::has set-up::has set up
::has setup::has set up
::has shook::has shaken
::has spoke::has spoken
::has sprang::has sprung
::has swam::has swum
::has threw::has thrown
::has throve::has thrived
::has thunk::has thought
::has took::has taken
::has trod::has trodden
::has undertook::has undertaken
::has underwent::has undergone
::has went::has gone
::has woke::has woken
::has wrote::has written
::hasbeen::has been
::have drank::have drunk
::have it's::have its
::have lead to::have led to
::have mislead::have misled
::have ran::have run
::have rang::have rung
::have sang::have sung
::have setup::have set up
::have sprang::have sprung
::have swam::have swum
::have took::have taken
::have underwent::have undergone
::have went::have gone
::havebeen::have been
::having became::having become
::having began::having begun
::having being::having been
::having it's::having its
::having ran::having run
::having sang::having sung
::having setup::having set up
::having swam::having swum
::having took::having taken
::having underwent::having undergone
::having went::having gone
::hay day::heyday
::he begun::he began
::he let's::he lets
::he plead::he pleaded
::he seen::he saw
::he use to::he used to
::he's drank::he drank
::head gear::headgear
::head quarters::headquarters
::head stone::headstone
::head wear::headwear
::held the reigns::held the reins
::help and make::help to make
::hesaid::he said
::hewas::he was
::higher then::higher than
::his resent::his recent ; not good for 'her' 
::hit the breaks::hit the brakes
::hitsingles::hit singles
::hold onto::hold on to
::hold the reigns::hold the reins
::holding the reigns::holding the reins
::holds the reigns::holds the reins
::homestate::home state
::hone in on::home in on
::honed in::homed in
::hotter then::hotter than
::house hold::household
::how ever::however
::i snot::is not
::if is::it is
::if was::it was
::ifb y::if by
::ifi t::if it
::ift he::if the
::ift hey::if they
::iits the::it's the
::imminent domain::eminent domain
::in affect::in effect
::in along time::in a long time
::in anyway::in any way
::in awhile::in a while
::in edition to::in addition to
::in lu of::in lieu of
::in masse::en masse
::in parenthesis::in parentheses
::in placed::in place
::in principal::in principle
::in quite awhile::in quite a while
::in regards to::in regard to
::in stead of::instead of
::in tact::intact
::in the long-term::in the long term
::in the short-term::in the short term
::in titled::entitled
::in vein::in vain
::incase of::in case of
::infact::in fact
::inspite::in spite
::int he::in the
::inteh::in the
::into affect::into effect
::into it's::into its
::inwhich::in which
::is also know::is also known
::is consider::is considered
::is front of::in front of
::is it's::is its
::is know::is known
::is lead by::is led by
::is loathe to::is loath to
::is ran by::is run by
::is renown for::is renowned for
::is schedule to::is scheduled to
::is set-up::is set up
::is setup::is set up
::is use to::is used to
::is were::is where
::it begun::it began
::it lead to::it led to
::it self::itself
::it set-up::it set up
::it setup::it set up
::it snot::it's not
::it spend::it spent
::it use to::it used to
::it was her who::it was she who
::it was him who::it was he who
::it weighted::it weighed
::it weights::it weighs
::it' snot::it's not
::it's current::its current
::it's end::its end
::it's entire::its entire
::it's entirety::its entirety
::it's final::its final
::it's first::its first
::it's former::its former
::it's goal::its goal
::it's name::its name
::it's own::its own
::it's performance::its performance
::it's source::its source
::it's successor::its successor
::it's tail::its tail
::it's test::its test
::it's theme::its theme
::it's timeslot::its timeslot
::it's toll::its toll
::it's total::its total
::it's user::its user
::it's website::its website
::itis::it is
::its a::it's a
::its the::it's the
::itwas::it was
::jive with::jibe with
::key note::keynote
::lack there of::lack thereof
::laid ahead::lay ahead
::laid dormant::lay dormant
::laid empty::lay empty
::larger then::larger than
::lastyear::last year
::laughing stock::laughingstock
::law suite::lawsuit
::lay low::lie low
::layed off::laid off
::laying around::lying around
::laying awake::lying awake
::laying low::lying low
::lays atop::lies atop
::lays beside::lies beside
::lays in::lies in
::lays low::lies low
::lays near::lies near
::lays on::lies on
::lead by::led by
::lead roll::lead role
::leading roll::leading role
::less dominate::less dominant
::less that::less than
::less then::less than
::lesser then::less than
::life time::lifetime
::lighter then::lighter than
::lightyear::light year
::lightyears::light years
::line of site::line of sight
::lions share::lion's share
::loose to::lose to
::loosing effort::losing effort
::loosing record::losing record
::loosing season::losing season
::loosing streak::losing streak
::loosing team::losing team
::loosing the::losing the
::loosing to::losing to
::lot's of::lots of
::lower that::lower than
::lower then::lower than
::made it's::made its
::major roll::major role
::make due::make do
::make it's::make its
::managerial reigns::managerial reins
::massmedia::mass media
::mean while::meanwhile
::might of::might have
::minor roll::minor role
::more dominate::more dominant
::more of less::more or less
::more often then::more often than
::more resent::more recent
::more that::more than
::more then::more than
::moreso::more so
::most dominate::most dominant
::most populace::most populous
::most resent::most recent
::must of::must have
::mute point::moot point
::nation wide::nationwide
::near by::nearby
::neither criteria::neither criterion
::neither phenomena::neither phenomenon
::new comer::newcomer
::newyorker::New Yorker
::ninties::nineties ; fixed from "1990s": could refer to temperatures too.
::no where to::nowhere to
::noone::no one
::note worthy::noteworthy
::of it's kind::of its kind
::of it's own::of its own
::ofits::of its
::oft he::of the ; Could be legitimate in poetry, but usually a typo.
::oil barron::oil baron
::on accident::by accident
::on going::ongoing
::on it's own::on its own
::one criteria::one criterion
::one phenomena::one phenomenon
::oneof::one of
::onepoint::one point
::ongoing bases::ongoing basis
::ont he::on the
::other then::other than
::our of::out of
::our resent::our recent
::out grow::outgrow
::out of sink::out of sync
::out of state::out-of-state
::out side::outside
::outof::out of
::over hear::overhear
::over heard::overheard
::over look::overlook
::over looked::overlooked
::over looking::overlooking
::over rated::overrated
::over saw::oversaw
::over see::oversee
::overthere::over there
::partof::part of
::past away::passed away
::past down::passed down
::peacefuland::peaceful and
::peak her interest::pique her interest
::peak his interest::pique his interest
::peaked my interest::piqued my interest
::per say::per se
::percentof::percent of
::percentto::percent to
::pheonix::phoenix ; Not forcing caps, as it could be the bird
::principle advantage::principal advantage
::principle cause::principal cause
::principle character::principal character
::principle component::principal component
::principle goal::principal goal
::principle group::principal group
::principle method::principal method
::principle owner::principal owner
::principle source::principal source
::principle student::principal student
::protem::pro tem
::rather then::rather than
::receivedfrom::received from
::reek havoc::wreak havoc
::regular bases::regular basis
::reign in::rein in
::reigns of power::reins of power
::runner up::runner-up
::saddle up to::sidle up to
::saidhe::said he
::saidt he::said the
::she begun::she began
::she let's::she lets
::she seen::she saw
::shorter then::shorter than
::shortly there after::shortly thereafter
::shortwhile::short while 
::should backup::should back up
::should not of::should not have
::should of::should have 
::should've went::should have gone
::show resent::show recent 
::silicone chip::silicon chip 
::single handily::single-handedly
::slight of hand::sleight of hand
::slue of::slew of
::smaller then::smaller than
::smarter then::smarter than
::sneak peak::sneak peek
::some how::somehow
::some one::someone
::some what::somewhat
::some where::somewhere
::soon there after::soon thereafter
::sooner then::sooner than
::sot hat::so that 
::spilt among::split among
::spilt between::split between
::spilt into::split into
::spilt up::split up
::spinal chord::spinal cord
::split in to::split into
::sq ft::ft²
::sq in::in²
::sq km::km²
::sq mi::mi²
::squared feet::square feet
::stay a while::stay awhile
::stronger then::stronger than
::student's that::students that
::suppose to::supposed to
::t he::the
::take affect::take effect
::take over the reigns::take over the reins
::take the reigns::take the reins
::taken the reigns::taken the reins
::taking the reigns::taking the reins
::tellt he::tell the 
::that him and::that he and
::thatt he::that the 
::the absent of::the absence of
::the advise of::the advice of
::the affect of::the effect of
::the affect on::the effect on
::the affects of::the effects of
::the both the::both the
::the break down::the breakdown
::the break up::the breakup
::the build up::the buildup
::the clamp down::the clampdown
::the crack down::the crackdown
::the dominate::the dominant
::the extend of::the extent of
::the follow up::the follow-up
::the injures::the injuries
::the lead up::the lead-up
::the phenomena is::the phenomenon is
::the rational behind::the rationale behind
::the rational for::the rationale for
::the resent::the recent
::the set up::the setup
::thecompany::the company 
::thefirst::the first 
::their are::there are 
::their had::there had
::their has::there has
::their have::there have
::their is::there is 
::their may be::there may be
::their was::there was
::their were::there were
::their would::there would
::them selves::themselves
::thenew::the new 
::there after::thereafter
::there best::their best
::there by::thereby
::there first::their first
::there last::their last
::there new::their new
::there next::their next
::there of::thereof
::there own::their own
::there where::there were
::there's is::theirs is 
::there's three::there are three
::there's two::there are two
::thesame::the same 
::these includes::these include
::these type of::these types of
::these where::these were
::thetwo::the two 
::they begun::they began
::they maybe::they may be
::they we're::they were
::they weight::they weigh
::they where::they were
::they're are::there are 
::they're is::there is 
::this data::these data
::this gut::this guy 
::this lead to::this led to
::this maybe::this may be
::this resent::this recent
::thn::then ; Fixes 9 words
::those includes::those include
::those maybe::those may be
::through it's::through its
::through the ringer::through the wringer
::throughout it's::throughout its
::throws of passion::throes of passion
::to back fire::to backfire
::to back-off::to back off
::to back-out::to back out
::to back-up::to back up
::to backoff::to back off
::to backout::to back out
::to backup::to back up
::to bailout::to bail out
::to bath::to bathe
::to be build::to be built
::to be setup::to be set up
::to blackout::to black out
::to blastoff::to blast off
::to blowout::to blow out
::to blowup::to blow up
::to breakdown::to break down
::to breath::to breathe
::to buildup::to build up
::to built::to build
::to buyout::to buy out
::to chose::to choose
::to comeback::to come back
::to crackdown on::to crack down on
::to cut of::to cut off
::to cutback::to cut back
::to cutoff::to cut off
::to dropout::to drop out
::to emphasis the::to emphasise the
::to fill-in::to fill in
::to forego::to forgo
::to happened::to happen
::to have lead to::to have led to
::to he and::to him and
::to holdout::to hold out
::to kickoff::to kick off
::to loath::to loathe
::to lockout::to lock out
::to lockup::to lock up
::to login::to log in
::to logout::to log out
::to lookup::to look up
::to markup::to mark up
::to opt-in::to opt in
::to opt-out::to opt out
::to phaseout::to phase out
::to pickup::to pick up
::to playback::to play back
::to rebuilt::to be rebuilt
::to rollback::to roll back
::to runaway::to run away
::to seen::to be seen
::to sent::to send
::to setup::to set up
::to shut-down::to shut down
::to shutdown::to shut down
::to some extend::to some extent
::to spent::to spend
::to spin-off::to spin off
::to spinoff::to spin off
::to takeover::to take over
::to that affect::to that effect
::to they're::to their
::to touchdown::to touch down
::to try and::to try to
::to try-out::to try out
::to tryout::to try out
::to turn-off::to turn off
::to turnaround::to turn around
::to turnoff::to turn off
::to turnout::to turn out
::to turnover::to turn over
::to wakeup::to wake up
::to walkout::to walk out
::to wipeout::to wipe out
::to withdrew::to withdraw
::to workaround::to work around
::to workout::to work out
::today of::today or
::toldt he::told the 
::too also::also
::too be::to be
::took affect::took effect
::took and interest::took an interest
::took awhile::took a while
::took over the reigns::took over the reins
::took the reigns::took the reins
::tot he::to the 
::tothe::to the 
::tried to used::tried to use
::try and::try to
::turn for the worst::turn for the worse
::twelve month's::twelve months
::twice as much than::twice as much as
::two in a half::two and a half
::under it's::under its
::under wear::underwear
::under went::underwent
::undert he::under the 
::unitedstates::United States 
::unitesstates::United States 
::up field::upfield
::up it's::up its
::up side::upside
::upon it's::upon its
::upto::up to 
::use to be::used to be
::use to have::used to have
::use to::used to
::via it's::via its
::viathe::via the
::vise versa::vice versa
::wa snot::was not 
::waived off::waved off
::wan tit::want it 
::wanna::want to 
::warn away::worn away
::warn down::worn down
::warn out::worn out
::was apart of::was a part of
::was began::began
::was build::was built
::was cable of::was capable of
::was cutoff::was cut off
::was do to::was due to
::was drank::was drunk
::was establish::was established
::was extend::was extended
::was it's::was its
::was knew::was known
::was know::was known
::was lain::was laid
::was laying on::was lying on
::was lead by::was led by
::was lead to::was led to
::was leaded by::was led by
::was loathe to::was loath to
::was loathed to::was loath to
::was meet by::was met by
::was meet with::was met with
::was mislead::was misled
::was ran::was run
::was rebuild::was rebuilt
::was release by::was released by
::was release on::was released on
::was reran::was rerun
::was rode::was ridden
::was sang::was sung
::was schedule to::was scheduled to
::was send::was sent
::was sentence to::was sentenced to
::was set-up::was set up
::was setup::was set up
::was shook::was shaken
::was shoot::was shot
::was show by::was shown by
::was show on::was shown on
::was showed::was shown
::was shut-off::was shut off
::was shutdown::was shut down
::was shutoff::was shut off
::was shutout::was shut out
::was sold-out::was sold out
::was spend::was spent
::was succeed by::was succeeded by
::was suppose to::was supposed to
::was the dominate::was the dominant
::was though that::was thought that
::was tore::was torn
::was use to::was used to
::was wrote::was written
::way side::wayside
::weather or not::whether or not
::well know::well known
::went rouge::went rogue
::went threw::went through
::were apart of::were a part of
::were began::were begun
::were build::were built
::were cutoff::were cut off
::were drew::were drawn
::were he was::where he was
::were it was::where it was
::were it's::were its
::were knew::were known
::were know::were known
::were lain::were laid
::were lead by::were led by
::were loathe to::were loath to
::were meet by::were met by
::were meet with::were met with
::were overran::were overrun
::were ran::were run
::were rebuild::were rebuilt
::were reran::were rerun
::were rode::were ridden
::were sang::were sung
::were set-up::were set up
::were setup::were set up
::were she was::where she was
::were showed::were shown
::were shut-out::were shut out
::were shutdown::were shut down
::were shutoff::were shut off
::were shutout::were shut out
::were spend::were spent
::were suppose to::were supposed to
::were the dominate::were the dominant
::were took::were taken
::were tore::were torn
::were use to::were used to
::were wrote::were written
::wet your::whet your
::wether or not::whether or not
::what lead to::what led to
::what lied::what lay
::when ever::whenever
::whent he::when the 
::where abouts::whereabouts
::where as::whereas
::where being::were being
::where by::whereby
::where him::where he
::where made::were made
::where taken::were taken
::where upon::whereupon
::where won::were won
::whereas as::whereas
::which had lead::which had led
::which has lead::which has led
::which have lead::which have led
::which where::which were
::whicht he::which the 
::while him::while he
::who had lead::who had led
::who has lead::who has led
::who have lead::who have led
::who setup::who set up
::who use to::who used to
::who where::who were
::who's actual::whose actual
::who's brother::whose brother
::who's father::whose father
::who's mother::whose mother
::who's name::whose name
::who's opinion::whose opinion
::who's own::whose own
::who's parents::whose parents
::who's previous::whose previous
::who's team::whose team
::will backup::will back up
::will buyout::will buy out
::will of::will have 
::will shutdown::will shut down
::will shutoff::will shut off
::willbe::will be 
::with be::will be
::with in::within
::with it's::with its
::with on of::with one of
::with out::without
::with regards to::with regard to
::with who::with whom
::witha::with a 
::withi t::with it
::within it's::within its
::within site of::within sight of
::witht he::with the 
::won it's::won its
::working progress::work in progress
::world wide::worldwide
::worse comes to worse::worse comes to worst
::worse then::worse than
::worse-case scenario::worst-case scenario
::worst comes to worst::worse comes to worst
::worst than::worse than
::worth it's::worth its
::worth while::worthwhile
::would backup::would back up
::would comeback::would come back
::would fair::would fare
::would forego::would forgo
::would of::would have 
::would setup::would set up
::wouldbe::would be 
::wreck havoc::wreak havoc
::writers block::writer's block
::you're own::your own 
::youare::you are 
::younger then::younger than
::your a::you're a 
::your an::you're an 
::your her::you're her 
::your here::you're here 
::your his::you're his 
::your my::you're my 
::your the::you're the 
::your their::you're their 
::your your::you're your 
:?*:0n0::-n- ; For this-n-that
:?*:abaptiv::adaptiv ; Fixes 8 words
:?*:abberr::aberr ; Fixes 21 words
:?*:abbout::about ; Fixes 37 words
:?*:abck::back ; Fixes 410 words
:?*:abilt::abilit ; Fixes 1110 words
:?*:ablit::abilit ; Fixes 1110 words
:?*:abotu::about ; Fixes 37 words
:?*:abrit::arbit ; Fixes 53 words
:?*:abuda::abunda ; Fixes 15 words
:?*:acadm::academ ; Fixes 32 words
:?*:accadem::academ ; Fixes 32 words
:?*:acccus::accus ; Fixes 37 words
:?*:acceller::acceler ; Fixes 23 words
:?*:accensi::ascensi ; Fixes 7 words
:?*:acceptib::acceptab ; Fixes 10 words
:?*:accessab::accessib ; Fixes 14 words
:?*:accomadat::accommodat ; Fixes 23 words
:?*:accomo::accommo ; Fixes 23 words
:?*:accoring::according ; Fixes 3 words
:?*:accous::acous ; Fixes 10 words
:?*:accqu::acqu ; Fixes 89 words
:?*:accro::acro ; Fixes 145 words, but misspells accroides (An alcohol-soluble resin from Australian trees; used in varnishes and in manufacturing paper) 
:?*:accuss::accus ; Fixes 37 words
:?*:acede::acade ; Fixes 36 words
:?*:acheiv::achiev ; Fixes 33 words
:?*:achievment::achievement ; Fixes 8 words
:?*:acocu::accou ; Fixes 40 words
:?*:acom::accom ; Fixes 49 words
:?*:acquaintence::acquaintance ; Fixes 6 words
:?*:acquiantence::acquaintance ; Fixes 6 words
:?*:actial::actical ; Fixes 29 words
:?*:acurac::accurac ; Fixes 4 words
:?*:acustom::accustom ; Fixes 17 words
:?*:acys::acies ; Fixes 101 words
:?*:adantag::advantag ; Fixes 15 words
:?*:adaption::adaptation ; Fixes 8 words
:?*:adavan::advan ; Fixes 30 words
:?*:addion::addition ; Fixes 7 words
:?*:additon::addition ; Fixes 7 words
:?*:addm::adm ; Fixes 144 words
:?*:addop::adop ; Fixes 35 words
:?*:addow::adow ; Fixes 43 words
:?*:adequite::adequate ; Fixes 6 words
:?*:adif::atif ; Fixes 50 words, but misspells Gadiformes (Cods, haddocks, grenadiers; in some classifications considered equivalent to the order Anacanthini)
:?*:adiquate::adequate ; Fixes 6 words
:?*:admend::amend ; Fixes 15 words
:?*:admissab::admissib ; Fixes 9 words
:?*:admited::admitted ; Fixes 3 words
:?*:admition::admission ; Fixes 4 words
:?*:adquate::adequate ; Fixes 6 words
:?*:adquir::acquir ; Fixes 16 words
:?*:advanag::advantag ; Fixes 15 words
:?*:adventr::adventur ; Fixes 29 words
:?*:advertant::advertent ; Fixes 4 words
:?*:adviced::advised ; Fixes 8 words
:?*:aelog::aeolog ; Fixes 12 words
:?*:aeriel::aerial ; Fixes 9 words
:?*:affilat::affiliat ; Fixes 16 words
:?*:affilliat::affiliat ; Fixes 16 words
:?*:affort::afford ; Fixes 13 words
:?*:affraid::afraid ; Fixes 4 words
:?*:aggree::agree ; Fixes 28 words
:?*:agrava::aggrava ; Fixes 9 words
:?*:agreemnt::agreement ; Fixes 4 words
:?*:agreg::aggreg ; Fixes 19 words
:?*:agress::aggress ; Fixes 25 words
:?*:ahev::have ; Fixes 47 words
:?*:ahpp::happ ; Fixes 34 words
:?*:ahve::have ; Fixes 47 words, but misspells Ahvenanmaa, Jahvey, Wahvey, Yahve, Yahveh (All are different Hebrew names for God.) 
:?*:aible::able ; Fixes 2387 words
:?*:aicraft::aircraft ; Fixes 7 words
:?*:ailabe::ailable ; Fixes 12 words
:?*:ailiab::ailab ; Fixes 23 words
:?*:ailib::ailab ; Fixes 23 words
:?*:aisian::Asian ; Fixes 16 words
:?*:aiton::ation ; Fixes 5205 words
:?*:alchohol::alcohol ; Fixes 28 words
:?*:alchol::alcohol ;fixes 28 words
:?*:alcohal::alcohol ; Fixes 28 words
:?*:aliab::ailab ; Fixes 23 words
:?*:alibit::abilit ; Fixes 1110 words
:?*:alitv::lativ ; Fixes 97 words
:?*:allign::align ; Fixes 41 words
:?*:allth::alth ; Fixes 56 words
:?*:allto::alto ; Fixes 32 words
:?*:alochol::alcohol ; Fixes 28 words
:?*:alott::allott ; Fixes 8 words
:?*:alowe::allowe ; Fixes 24 words
:?*:altion::lation ; Fixes 448 words
:?*:ameria::America ; Fixes 28 words
:?*:amerli::ameli ; Fixes 41 words
:?*:ametal::amental ; Fixes 31 words
:?*:amke::make ; Fixes 122 words
:?*:amking::making ; Fixes 45 words
:?*:ammou::amou ; Fixes 99 words
:?*:amny::many ; Fixes 8 words
:?*:analitic::analytic ; Fixes 15 words
:?*:anbd::and ; Fixes 2083 words
:?*:angabl::angeabl ; Fixes 16 words
:?*:angeing::anging ; Fixes 38 words
:?*:anmd::and ; Fixes 2083 words
:?*:annn::ann ; Fixes 650 words
:?*:annoi::anoi ; Fixes 40 words
:?*:annuled::annulled ; Fixes 2 words
:?*:anomo::anoma ; Fixes 19 words
:?*:anounc::announc ; Fixes 9 words
:?*:antaine::antine ; Fixes 31 words
:?*:anwser::answer ; Fixes 20 words
:?*:aost::oast ; Fixes 75 words
:?*:aparen::apparen ; Fixes 8 words
:?*:apear::appear ; Fixes 22 words
:?*:aplic::applic ; Fixes 23 words
:?*:aplie::applie ; Fixes 11 words
:?*:apoint::appoint ; Fixes 30 words ; Misspells username Datapoint.
:?*:apparan::apparen ; Fixes 8 words
:?*:appart::apart ; Fixes 12 words
:?*:appeares::appears ; Fixes 3 words
:?*:apperance::appearance ; Fixes 8 words
:?*:appol::apol ; Fixes 64 words
:?*:apprearance::appearance ; Fixes 8 words
:?*:apreh::appreh ; Fixes 26 words
:?*:apropri::appropri ; Fixes 34 words
:?*:aprov::approv ; Fixes 23 words
:?*:aptue::apture ; Fixes 15 words
:?*:aquain::acquain ; Fixes 22 words
:?*:aquiant::acquaint ; Fixes 22 words
:?*:aquisi::acquisi ; Fixes 10 words
:?*:arange::arrange ; Fixes 27 words
:?*:arbitar::arbitrar ; Fixes 7 words
:?*:archaelog::archaeolog ; Fixes 8 words
:?*:archao::archeo ; Fixes 12 words
:?*:archetect::architect ; Fixes 20 words
:?*:architectual::architectural ; Fixes 4 words
:?*:areat::arat ; Fixes 136 words
:?*:arguement::argument ; Fixes 13 words
:?*:arhip::arship ; Fixes 10 words
:?*:ariage::arriage ; Fixes 24 words
:?*:arign::aring ; Fixes 140 words
:?*:ariman::airman ; Fixes 10 words
:?*:arogen::arrogan ; Fixes 6 words
:?*:arrri::arri ; Fixes 159 words
:?*:artdridge::artridge ; Fixes 6 words
:?*:articel::article ; Fixes 11 words
:?*:artrige::artridge ; Fixes 6 words
:?*:asdver::adver ; Fixes 67 words
:?*:asign::assign ; Fixes 27
:?*:asnd::and ; Fixes 2083 words
:?*:asociat::associat ; Fixes 34 words
:?*:asorb::absorb ; Fixes 31 words
:?*:asr::ase ; Fixes 698 words, but misspells Basra (An oil city in Iraq) 
:?*:assempl::assembl ; Fixes 33 words
:?*:assertation::assertion ; Fixes 4 words
:?*:assoca::associa ; Fixes 38 words
:?*:assoicat::associat ; Fixes 34 words
:?*:asss::as ; Fixes 9311 words
:?*:assym::asym ; Fixes 17 words
:?*:asthet::aesthet ; Fixes 48 words
:?*:asuing::ausing ; Fixes 2 words
:?*:atain::attain ; Fixes 28 words
:?*:ateing::ating ; Fixes 1117 words
:?*:atempt::attempt ; Fixes 11 words
:?*:atention::attention ; Fixes 5 words
:?*:athori::authori ; Fixes 45 words
:?*:aticula::articula ; Fixes 69 words
:?*:atoin::ation ; Fixes 5229 words
:?*:atribut::attribut ; Fixes 31 words
:?*:attemt::attempt ; Fixes 11 words
:?*:attenden::attendan ; Fixes 7 words
:?*:attensi::attenti ; Fixes 16 words
:?*:attentioin::attention ; Fixes 5 words
:?*:auclar::acular ; Fixes 32 words
:?*:audiance::audience ; Fixes 4 words
:?*:auther::author ; Fixes 56 words
:?*:authobiograph::autobiograph ; Fixes 8 words
:?*:authror::author ; Fixes 56 words
:?*:automonom::autonom ; Fixes 13 words
:?*:avaialb::availab ; Fixes 13 words
:?*:availb::availab ; Fixes 13 words
:?*:availib::availab ; Fixes 13 words
:?*:avalab::availab ; Fixes 13 words
:?*:avalib::availab ; Fixes 13 words
:?*:aveing::aving ; Fixes 60 words
:?*:avila::availa ; Fixes 13 words
:?*:awess::awless ; Fixes 12 words
:?*:awya::away ; Fixes 46 words
:?*:babilat::babilit ; Fixes 19 words
:?*:bakc::back ; Fixes 410 words
:?*:ballan::balan ; Fixes 45 words
:?*:baout::about ; Fixes 37 words
:?*:bateabl::batabl ; Fixes 5 words
:?*:bcak::back ; Fixes 410 words
:?*:beahv::behav ; Fixes 33 words
:?*:beatiful::beautiful ; Fixes 5 words
:?*:beaurocra::bureaucra ; Fixes 22 words
:?*:becoe::become ; Fixes 4 words
:?*:becomm::becom ; Fixes 11 words
:?*:bedore::before ; Fixes 4 words
:?*:beei::bei ; Fixes 40 words
:?*:behaio::behavio ; Fixes 25 words
:?*:belan::blan ; Fixes 60 words
:?*:belei::belie ; Fixes 49 words
:?*:belligeran::belligeren ; Fixes 9 words
:?*:benif::benef ; Fixes 41 words
:?*:bilsh::blish ; Fixes 56 words
:?*:biul::buil ; Fixes 46 words
:?*:blence::blance ; Fixes 7 words
:?*:bliah::blish ; Fixes 56 words
:?*:blich::blish ; Fixes 56 words
:?*:blihs::blish ; Fixes 56 words
:?*:blisg::blish ; Fixes 56 words
:?*:bllish::blish ; Fixes 56 words
:?*:boaut::about ; Fixes 37 words
:?*:bombardement::bombardment ; Fixes 4 words
:?*:bombarment::bombardment ; Fixes 4 words
:?*:bondary::boundary ; Fixes 2 words
:?*:borrom::bottom ; Fixes 14 words
:?*:boundr::boundar ; Fixes 3 words
:?*:boxs::boxes ; Fixes 44 words
:?*:bradcast::broadcast ; Fixes 13 words
:?*:breif::brief ; Fixes 22 words.
:?*:brenc::branc ; Fixes 70 words
:?*:broadacast::broadcast ; Fixes 13 words
:?*:brod::broad ; Fixes 55 words. Misspells brodiaea (a type of plant)
:?*:buisn::busin ; Fixes 17 words
:?*:buring::burying ; Fixes 4 words
:?*:burrie::burie ; Fixes 7 words
:?*:busness::business ; Fixes 14 words
:?*:bussiness::business ; Fixes 14 words
:?*:caculater::calculator ; Fixes 3 words
:?*:caffin::caffein ; Fixes 12 words
:?*:caharcter::character ; Fixes 38 words
:?*:cahrac::charac ; Fixes 45 words
:?*:calculater::calculator ; Fixes 3 words
:?*:calculla::calcula ; Fixes 41 words
:?*:calculs::calculus ; Fixes 3 words
:?*:caluclat::calculat ; Fixes 31 words
:?*:caluculat::calculat ; Fixes 31 words
:?*:calulat::calculat ; Fixes 31 words
:?*:camae::came ; Fixes 57 words
:?*:campagin::campaign ; Fixes 6 words
:?*:campain::campaign ; Fixes 6 words
:?*:candad::candid ; Fixes 15 words
:?*:candiat::candidat ; Fixes 6 words
:?*:candidta::candidat ; Fixes 6 words
:?*:cannonic::canonic ; Fixes 8 words
:?*:caperbi::capabi ; Fixes 5 words
:?*:capibl::capabl ; Fixes 10 words
:?*:captia::capita ; Fixes 69 words
:?*:caracht::charact ; Fixes 38 words
:?*:caract::charact ; Fixes 38 words
:?*:carcirat::carcerat ; Fixes 14 words
:?*:carism::charism ; Fixes 7 words
:?*:cartileg::cartilag ; Fixes 7 words
:?*:cartilidg::cartilag ; Fixes 7 words
:?*:casette::cassette ; Fixes 6 words
:?*:casue::cause ; Fixes 18 words
:?*:catagor::categor ; Fixes 52 words
:?*:catergor::categor ; Fixes 52 words
:?*:cathlic::catholic ; Fixes 28 words
:?*:catholoc::catholic ; Fixes 28 words
:?*:catre::cater ; Fixes 23 words.  Misspells fornicatress
:?*:ccce::cce ; Fixes 175 words
:?*:ccesi::ccessi ; Fixes 31 words
:?*:ceiev::ceiv ; Fixes 82 words
:?*:ceing::cing ; Fixes 275 words
:?*:cencu::censu ; Fixes 18 words
:?*:centente::centen ; Fixes 35 words
:?*:cerimo::ceremo ; Fixes 18 words
:?*:ceromo::ceremo ; Fixes 18 words
:?*:certian::certain ; Fixes 25 words
:?*:cesion::cession ; Fixes 51 words
:?*:cesor::cessor ; Fixes 33 words
:?*:cesser::cessor ; Fixes 33 words
:?*:cev::ceiv ; Fixes 82 words, but misspells ceviche (South American seafood dish)
:?*:chagne::change ; Fixes 58 words
:?*:chaleng::challeng ; Fixes 17 words
:?*:challang::challeng ; Fixes 17 words
:?*:challengabl::challengeabl ; Fixes 4 words
:?*:changab::changeab ; Fixes 25 words
:?*:charasma::charisma ; Fixes 6 words
:?*:charater::character ; Fixes 38 words
:?*:charecter::character ; Fixes 38 words
:?*:charector::character ; Fixes 38 words
:?*:chargab::chargeab ; Fixes 7 words
:?*:chartiab::charitab ; Fixes 6 words
:?*:cheif::chief ; Fixes 24 words
:?*:chemcial::chemical ; Fixes 34 words
:?*:chemestr::chemistr ; Fixes 31 words
:?*:chict::chit ; Fixes 72 words
:?*:childen::children ; Fixes 6 words
:?*:chracter::character ; Fixes 38 words
:?*:chter::cter ; Fixes 221 words
:?*:cidan::ciden ; Fixes 46 words
:?*:ciencio::cientio ; Fixes 8 words
:?*:ciepen::cipien ; Fixes 18 words
:?*:ciev::ceiv ; Fixes 82 words
:?*:cigic::cific ; Fixes 44 words
:?*:cilation::ciliation ; Fixes 8 words
:?*:cilliar::cillar ; Fixes 8 words
:?*:circut::circuit ; Fixes 14 words
:?*:ciricu::circu ; Fixes 168 words
:?*:cirp::crip ; Fixes 126 words, but misspells Scirpus (Rhizomatous perennial grasslike herbs)
:?*:cison::cision ; Fixes 22 words
:?*:citment::citement ; Fixes 5 words
:?*:civilli::civili ; Fixes 44 words
:?*:clae::clea ; Fixes 151 words
:?*:clasic::classic ; Fixes 38 words
:?*:clincial::clinical ; Fixes 7 words
:?*:clomation::clamation ; Fixes 10 words
:?*:cmo::com ; Fixes 1749 words
:?*:cna::can ; Fixes 1019 words.  Misspells Pycnanthemum (mint), and Tridacna (giant clam).+
:?*:coform::conform ; Fixes 46 words
:?*:cogis::cognis ; Fixes 36 words
:?*:cogiz::cogniz ; Fixes 42 words
:?*:cogntivie::cognitive ; Fixes 4 words
:?*:colaborat::collaborat ; Fixes 15 words
:?*:colecti::collecti ; Fixes 49 words
:?*:colelct::collect ; Fixes 69 words
:?*:collon::colon ; Fixes 89 words
:?*:comanie::companie ; Fixes 5 words
:?*:comany::company ; Fixes 6 words
:?*:comapan::compan ; Fixes 39 words
:?*:comapn::compan ; Fixes 39 words
:?*:comban::combin ; Fixes 40 words
:?*:combatent::combatant ; Fixes 4 words
:?*:combinatin::combination ; Fixes 5 words
:?*:combusi::combusti ; Fixes 17 words
:?*:comemmorat::commemorat ; Fixes 12 words
:?*:comemorat::commemorat ; Fixes 12 words
:?*:comision::commission ; Fixes 21 words
:?*:comiss::commiss ; Fixes 33 words
:?*:comitt::committ ; Fixes 27 words
:?*:commed::comed ; Fixes 18 words
:?*:commerical::commercial ; Fixes 33 words
:?*:commericial::commercial ; Fixes 33 words
:?*:commini::communi ; Fixes 117 words
:?*:commision::commission ; Fixes 21 words
:?*:commite::committe ; Fixes 16 words
:?*:commongly::commonly ; Fixes 2 words
:?*:commuica::communica ; Fixes 72 words
:?*:commuinica::communica ; Fixes 72 words
:?*:communcia::communica ; Fixes 72 words
:?*:communia::communica ; Fixes 72 words
:?*:comnt::cont ; Fixes 587 words
:?*:comon::common ; Fixes 33 words
:?*:compatab::compatib ; Fixes 16 words
:?*:compatiab::compatib ; Fixes 16 words
:?*:compeit::competit ; Fixes 17 words
:?*:compenc::compens ; Fixes 29 words
:?*:competan::competen ; Fixes 21 words
:?*:competati::competiti ; Fixes 14 words
:?*:competens::competenc ; Fixes 12 words
:?*:competive::competitive ; Fixes 12 words
:?*:comphr::compr ; Fixes 106 words
:?*:compleate::complete ; Fixes 17 words
:?*:compleatness::completeness ; Fixes 3 words
:?*:comprab::comparab ; Fixes 13 words
:?*:comprimis::compromis ; Fixes 12 words
:?*:comun::commun ; Fixes 140 words
:?*:concider::consider ; Fixes 31 words
:?*:concieve::conceive ; Fixes 13 words
:?*:concious::conscious ; Fixes 25 words
:?*:condidt::condit ; Fixes 36 words
:?*:conect::connect ; Fixes 52 words
:?*:conferanc::conferenc ; Fixes 12 words
:?*:configurea::configura ; Fixes 15 words
:?*:confort::comfort ; Fixes 21 words
:?*:conqur::conquer ; Fixes 16 words
:?*:conscen::consen ; Fixes 17 words
:?*:consdider::consider ; Fixes 31 words
:?*:consectu::consecu ; Fixes 4 words
:?*:consentr::concentr ; Fixes 32 words
:?*:consept::concept ; Fixes 46 words
:?*:consern::concern ; Fixes 17 words
:?*:conservit::conservat ; Fixes 41 words
:?*:consici::consci ; Fixes 45 words
:?*:consico::conscio ; Fixes 32 words
:?*:considerd::considered ; Fixes 5 words
:?*:considerit::considerat ; Fixes 12 words
:?*:consio::conscio ; Fixes 32 words
:?*:consitu::constitu ; Fixes 45 words
:?*:consoloda::consolida ; Fixes 18 words
:?*:consonent::consonant ; Fixes 8 words
:?*:constain::constrain ; Fixes 15 words
:?*:constin::contin ; Fixes 86 words
:?*:consumate::consummate ; Fixes 6 words
:?*:consumbe::consume ; Fixes 15 words
:?*:contian::contain ; Fixes 28 words
:?*:contien::conscien ; Fixes 13 words
:?*:contigen::contingen ; Fixes 8 words
:?*:contined::continued ; Fixes 4 words
:?*:continential::continental ; Fixes 10 words
:?*:continetal::continental ; Fixes 10 words
:?*:contino::continuo ; Fixes 11 words
:?*:contitut::constitut ; Fixes 40 words
:?*:contravers::controvers ; Fixes 10 words
:?*:contributer::contributor ; Fixes 4 words
:?*:controle::controlle ; Fixes 10 words
:?*:controling::controlling ; Fixes 4 words
:?*:controveri::controversi ; Fixes 9 words
:?*:controversal::controversial ; Fixes 8 words
:?*:controvertial::controversial ; Fixes 8 words
:?*:contru::constru ; Fixes 73 words
:?*:convenant::covenant ; Fixes 10 words
:?*:convential::conventional ; Fixes 23 words
:?*:convice::convince ; Fixes 10 words
:?*:coopor::cooper ; Fixes 26 words
:?*:coorper::cooper ; Fixes 26 words
:?*:copm::comp ; Fixes 729 words
:?*:copty::copy ; Fixes 78 words
:?*:coput::comput ; Fixes 46 words
:?*:copywrite::copyright ; Fixes 6 words
:?*:coropor::corpor ; Fixes 74 words
:?*:corpar::corpor ; Fixes 74 words
:?*:corpera::corpora ; Fixes 59 words
:?*:corporta::corporat ; Fixes 53 words
:?*:corprat::corporat ; Fixes 53 words
:?*:corpro::corpor ; Fixes 74 words
:?*:corrispond::correspond ; Fixes 12 words
:?*:corruptab::corruptib ; Fixes 10 words
:?*:costit::constit ; Fixes 45 words
:?*:cotten::cotton ; Fixes 21 words
:?*:countain::contain ; Fixes 28 words
:?*:couraing::couraging ; Fixes 7 words
:?*:couro::coro ; Fixes 53 words
:?*:courur::cour ; Fixes 144 words
:?*:cpom::com ; Fixes 1749 words
:?*:cpoy::copy ; Fixes 78 words
:?*:creaet::creat ; Fixes 75 words
:?*:credia::credita ; Fixes 13 words
:?*:credida::credita ; Fixes 13 words
:?*:criib::crib ; Fixes 119 words
:?*:crti::criti ; Fixes 59 words
:?*:crticis::criticis ; Fixes 13 words
:?*:crusie::cruise ; Fixes 9 words
:?*:crutia::crucia ; Fixes 22 words
:?*:crystalisa::crystallisa ; Fixes 5 words
:?*:ctaegor::categor ; Fixes 52 words
:?*:ctail::cktail ; Fixes 6 words
:?*:ctent::ctant ; Fixes 30 words
:?*:cticious::ctitious ; Fixes 14 words
:?*:ctinos::ctions ; Fixes 214 words
:?*:ctoin::ction ; Fixes 717 words
:?*:cualr::cular ; Fixes 256 words
:?*:cuas::caus ; Fixes 55 words
:?*:cultral::cultural ; Fixes 43 words
:?*:cultue::culture ; Fixes 48 words
:?*:culure::culture ; Fixes 48 words
:?*:curcuit::circuit ; Fixes 14 words
:?*:cusotm::custom ; Fixes 43 words
:?*:cutsom::custom ; Fixes 43 words
:?*:cuture::culture ; Fixes 48 words
:?*:cxan::can ; Fixes 1015 words
:?*:damenor::demeanor ; Fixes 4 words
:?*:damenour::demeanour ; Fixes 4 words
:?*:dammag::damag ; Fixes 11 words
:?*:damy::demy ; Fixes 28 words
:?*:daugher::daughter ; Fixes 12 words
:?*:dcument::document ; Fixes 26 words
:?*:ddti::dditi ; Fixes 14 words
:?*:deatil::detail ; Fixes 11 words
:?*:decend::descend ; Fixes 26 words
:?*:decideab::decidab ; Fixes 4 words
:?*:decrib::describ ; Fixes 19 words
:?*:dectect::detect ; Fixes 20 words
:?*:defendent::defendant ; Fixes 4 words
:?*:deffens::defens ; Fixes 26 words
:?*:deffin::defin ; Fixes 54 words
:?*:definat::definit ; Fixes 18 words
:?*:defintion::definition ; Fixes 5 words
:?*:degrat::degrad ; Fixes 31 words
:?*:degred::degrad ; Fixes 31 words
:?*:deinc::dienc ; Fixes 20 words
:?*:delag::deleg ; Fixes 42 words
:?*:delevop::develop ; Fixes 44 words
:?*:demeno::demeano ; Fixes 8 words
:?*:demorcr::democr ; Fixes 27 words
:?*:denegrat::denigrat ; Fixes 10 words
:?*:denpen::depen ; Fixes 50 words
:?*:dentational::dental ; Fixes 46 words
:?*:deparment::department ; Fixes 17 words
:?*:depedant::dependent ; Fixes 11 words
:?*:depeden::dependen ; Fixes 29 words
:?*:dependan::dependen ; Fixes 29 words
:?*:deptart::depart ; Fixes 27 words
:?*:deram::dream ; Fixes 40 words
:?*:deriviate::derive ; Fixes 9 words
:?*:derivit::derivat ; Fixes 13 words
:?*:descib::describ ; Fixes 19 words
:?*:descision::decision ; Fixes 5 words
:?*:descus::discus ; Fixes 14 words.
:?*:desided::decided ; Fixes 7 words.
:?*:desinat::destinat ; Fixes 11 words.
:?*:desireab::desirab ; Fixes 11 words
:?*:desision::decision ; Fixes 5 words.
:?*:desitn::destin ; Fixes 30 words
:?*:despatch::dispatch ; Fixes 7 words.
:?*:despensib::dispensab ; Fixes 10 words
:?*:despict::depict ; Fixes 10 words.
:?*:despira::despera ; Fixes 9 words.
:?*:dessign::design ; Fixes 51 words.
:?*:destory::destroy ; Fixes 8 words.
:?*:detecab::detectab ; Fixes 7 words
:?*:develeopr::developer ; Fixes 6 words.
:?*:devellop::develop ; Fixes 44 words.
:?*:developor::developer ; Fixes 6 words
:?*:developpe::develope ; Fixes 13 words
:?*:develp::develop ; Fixes 44 words.
:?*:devid::divid ; Fixes 61 words.
:?*:devolop::develop ; Fixes 44 words.
:?*:dgeing::dging ; Fixes 50 words
:?*:dgement::dgment ; Fixes 20 words
:?*:diapl::displ ; Fixes 33 words.
:?*:diarhe::diarrhoe ; Fixes 7 words
:?*:dicatb::dictab ; Fixes 14 words
:?*:diciplin::disciplin ; Fixes 22 words
:?*:dicover::discover ; Fixes 26 words
:?*:dicus::discus ; Fixes 14 words
:?*:difef::diffe ; Fixes 48 words
:?*:diferre::differe ; Fixes 41 words
:?*:differan::differen ; Fixes 40 words
:?*:diffren::differen ; Fixes 40 words
:?*:dimenion::dimension ; Fixes 17 words
:?*:dimention::dimension ; Fixes 17 words
:?*:dimesnion::dimension ; Fixes 17 words
:?*:diosese::diocese ; Fixes 4 words
:?*:dipend::depend ; Fixes 50 words
:?*:diriv::deriv ; Fixes 26 words
:?*:discrib::describ ; Fixes 19 words
:?*:disign::design ; Fixes 51 words
:?*:disipl::discipl ; Fixes 26 words
:?*:disolved::dissolved ; Fixes 19 words
:?*:dispaly::display ; Fixes 11 words
:?*:dispenc::dispens ; Fixes 23 words
:?*:dispensib::dispensab ; Fixes 10 words
:?*:disputib::disputab ; Fixes 12 words
:?*:disrict::district ; Fixes 10 words
:?*:distruct::destruct ; Fixes 21 words
:?*:ditonal::ditional ; Fixes 25 words
:?*:ditribut::distribut ; Fixes 37 words
:?*:divice::device ; Fixes 4 words
:?*:divsi::divisi ; Fixes 24 words
:?*:dmant::dment ; Fixes 28 words
:?*:dminst::dminist ; Fixes 27 words
:?*:doccu::docu ; Fixes 32 words
:?*:doctin::doctrin ; Fixes 14 words
:?*:docuement::document ; Fixes 26 words
:?*:docuemnt::document ; Fixes 26 words
:?*:documetn::document ; Fixes 26 words
:?*:documnet::document ; Fixes 26 words
:?*:doind::doing ; Fixes 21 words
:?*:dolan::dolen ; Fixes 12 words
:?*:doller::dollar ; Fixes 14 words
:?*:dominent::dominant ; Fixes 9 words
:?*:dowloads::download ; Fixes 9 words
:?*:dpend::depend ; Fixes 50 words
:?*:dramtic::dramatic ; Fixes 11 words
:?*:driect::direct ; Fixes 71 words
:?*:driveing::driving ; Fixes 5 words
:?*:drnik::drink ; Fixes 23 words
:?*:dulgue::dulge ; Fixes 23 words
:?*:dupicat::duplicat ; Fixes 26 words
:?*:durig::during ; Fixes 5 words
:?*:durring::during ; Fixes 5 words
:?*:duting::during ; Fixes 5 words
:?*:eacll::ecall ; Fixes 8 words
:?*:eanr::earn ; Fixes 60 words
:?*:eaolog::eolog ; Fixes 134 words
:?*:eareance::earance ; Fixes 12 words
:?*:earence::earance ; Fixes 12 words
:?*:easen::easan ; Fixes 33 words
:?*:easr::ears ; Fixes 102 words
:?*:ecco::eco ; Fixes 994 words, but misspells Prosecco (Italian wine) and recco (abbrev. for Reconnaissance)
:?*:eccu::ecu ; Fixes 353 words
:?*:eceed::ecede ; Fixes 35 words
:?*:eceonom::econom ; Fixes 50 words
:?*:ecepi::ecipi ; Fixes 28 words
:?*:ecomon::econom ; Fixes 50 words
:?*:ecuat::equat ; Fixes 22 words
:?*:ecyl::ecycl ; Fixes 15 words
:?*:edabl::edibl ; Fixes 11 words
:?*:eearl::earl ; Fixes 66 words
:?*:eeen::een ; Fixes 452 words
:?*:eeep::eep ; Fixes 316 words
:?*:eferan::eferen ; Fixes 35 words 
:?*:efered::eferred ; Fixes 5 words
:?*:efering::eferring ; Fixes 3 words
:?*:efern::eferen ; Fixes 35 words
:?*:effecien::efficien ; Fixes 10 words
:?*:efficen::efficien ; Fixes 10 words
:?*:egth::ength ; Fixes 33 words
:?*:ehter::ether ; Fixes 84 words
:?*:eild::ield ; Fixes 147 words
:?*:elavan::elevan ; Fixes 16 words
:?*:elction::election ; Fixes 20 words
:?*:electic::electric ; Fixes 40 words
:?*:electrial::electrical ; Fixes 13 words
:?*:elemin::elimin ; Fixes 14 words
:?*:eletric::electric ; Fixes 40 words
:?*:elien::elian ; Fixes 27 words
:?*:eligab::eligib ; Fixes 10 words
:?*:eligo::eligio ; Fixes 30 words
:?*:eliment::element ; Fixes 12 words
:?*:ellected::elected ; Fixes 11 words
:?*:elyhood::elihood ; Fixes 6 words
:?*:embarass::embarrass ; Fixes 17 words
:?*:emce::ence ; Fixes 775 words, but misspells emcee (host at formal occasion)
:?*:emiting::emitting ; Fixes 6 words
:?*:emmediate::immediate ; Fixes 3 words
:?*:emmigr::emigr ; Fixes 21 words
:?*:emmin::emin ; Fixes 32 words
:?*:emmis::emis ; Fixes 214 words
:?*:emmit::emitt ; Fixes 28 words
:?*:emostr::emonstr ; Fixes 45 words
:?*:empahs::emphas ; Fixes 42 words
:?*:emperic::empiric ; Fixes 10 words
:?*:emphais::emphasis ; Fixes 21 words
:?*:emphsis::emphasis ; Fixes 21 words
:?*:emprison::imprison ; Fixes 11 words
:?*:enchang::enchant ; Fixes 27 words
:?*:encial::ential ; Fixes 244 words
:?*:endand::endant ; Fixes 19 words
:?*:endig::ending ; Fixes 109 words
:?*:enduc::induc ; Fixes 33 words
:?*:enece::ence ; Fixes 775 words
:?*:enence::enance ; Fixes 18 words
:?*:enflam::inflam ; Fixes 22 words
:?*:engagment::engagement ; Fixes 6 words
:?*:engeneer::engineer ; Fixes 17 words
:?*:engieneer::engineer ; Fixes 17 words
:?*:engten::engthen ; Fixes 17 words
:?*:entagl::entangl ; Fixes 19 words
:?*:entaly::entally ; Fixes 46 words
:?*:entatr::entar ; Fixes 81 words
:?*:entce::ence ; Fixes 775 words
:?*:entgh::ength ; Fixes 33 words
:?*:enthusiatic::enthusiastic ; Fixes 6 words
:?*:entiatiation::entiation ; Fixes 8 words
:?*:entily::ently ; Fixes 261 wordsuently
:?*:envolu::evolu ; Fixes 50 words
:?*:enxt::next ; Fixes 23 words
:?*:eperat::eparat ; Fixes 33 words
:?*:equalibr::equilibr ; Fixes 20 words
:?*:equelibr::equilibr ; Fixes 20 words
:?*:equialent::equivalent ; Fixes 8 words
:?*:equilibium::equilibrium ; Fixes 4 words
:?*:equilibrum::equilibrium ; Fixes 4 words
:?*:equivelant::equivalent ; Fixes 8 words
:?*:equivilant::equivalent ; Fixes 8 words
:?*:equivilent::equivalent ; Fixes 8 words
:?*:erchen::erchan ; Fixes 42 words
:?*:ereance::earance ; Fixes 12 words
:?*:eremt::erent ; Fixes 96 words
:?*:ernece::erence ; Fixes 54 words
:?*:ernt::erent ; Fixes 8 words
:?*:erruped::errupted ; Fixes 6 words
:?*:esab::essab ; Fixes 9 words
:?*:esential::essential ; Fixes 8 words
:?*:esisten::esistan ; Fixes 11 words
:?*:esitmat::estimat ; Fixes 15 words
:?*:esnt::esent ; Fixes 103 words
:?*:esorce::esource ; Fixes 11 words
:?*:essense::essence ; Fixes 4 words
:?*:essentail::essential ; Fixes 18 words
:?*:essentual::essential ; Fixes 18 words
:?*:essesital::essential ; Fixes 18 words
:?*:estabish::establish ; Fixes 34 words
:?*:estoin::estion ; Fixes 44 words
:?*:esxual::sexual ; Fixes 91 words
:?*:etanc::etenc ; Fixes 20 words
:?*:etead::eated ; Fixes 50 words
:?*:eveyr::every ; Fixes 12 words
:?*:exagerat::exaggerat ; Fixes 15 words
:?*:exagerrat::exaggerat ; Fixes 15 words
:?*:exampt::exempt ; Fixes 7 words
:?*:exapan::expan ; Fixes 42 words
:?*:excact::exact ; Fixes 25 words
:?*:excang::exchang ; Fixes 13 words
:?*:excecut::execut ; Fixes 27 words
:?*:excedd::exceed ; Fixes 9 words
:?*:excercis::exercis ; Fixes 15 words
:?*:exchanch::exchang ; Fixes 12 words
:?*:excist::exist ; Fixes 38 words
:?*:execis::exercis ; Fixes 15 words
:?*:exeed::exceed ; Fixes 9 words
:?*:exept::except ; Fixes 25 words
:?*:exersize::exercise ; Fixes 11 words
:?*:exict::excit ; Fixes 39 words
:?*:exinct::extinct ; Fixes 4 words
:?*:exisit::exist ; Fixes 38 words
:?*:existan::existen ; Fixes 22 words
:?*:exlile::exile ; Fixes 5 words
:?*:exmapl::exampl ; Fixes 7 words
:?*:expalin::explain ; Fixes 20 words
:?*:expeced::expected ; Fixes 6 words
:?*:expecial::especial ; Fixes 5 words
:?*:experianc::experienc ; Fixes 11 words
:?*:expidi::expedi ; Fixes 32 words
:?*:expierenc::experienc ; Fixes 11 words
:?*:expirien::experien ; Fixes 15 words
:?*:explict::explicit ; Fixes 7 words
:?*:exploitit::exploitat ; Fixes 9 words
:?*:explotat::exploitat ; Fixes 9 words
:?*:exprienc::experienc ; Fixes 11 words
:?*:exressed::expressed ; Fixes 52 words
:?*:exsis::exis ; Fixes 48 words
:?*:extention::extension ; Fixes 10 words
:?*:extint::extinct ; Fixes 4 words
:?*:facist::fascist ; Fixes 7 words
:?*:fagia::phagia ; Fixes 18 words
:?*:falab::fallib ; Fixes 10 words
:?*:fallab::fallib ; Fixes 10 words
:?*:familar::familiar ; Fixes 36 words
:?*:familli::famili ; Fixes 37 words
:?*:fammi::fami ; Fixes 57 words
:?*:fascit::facet ; Fixes 14 words
:?*:fasia::phasia ; Fixes 10 words
:?*:fatc::fact ; Fixes 200 words
:?*:fature::facture ; Fixes 10 words
:?*:faught::fought ; Fixes 7 words
:?*:feasable::feasible ; Fixes 11 words, but misspells unfeasable (archaic, no longer used)
:?*:fedre::feder ; Fixes 45 words
:?*:femmi::femi ; Fixes 53 words
:?*:fencive::fensive ; Fixes 15 words
:?*:ferec::ferenc ; Fixes 45 words
:?*:fereing::fering ; Fixes 16 words
:?*:feriang::ferring ; Fixes 6 words
:?*:ferren::feren ; Fixes 113 words
:?*:fertily::fertility ; Fixes 7 words
:?*:fesion::fession ; Fixes 40 words
:?*:fesser::fessor ; Fixes 12 words
:?*:festion::festation ; Fixes 8 words
:?*:ffese::fesse ; Fixes 10 words
:?*:ffesion::fession ; Fixes 40 words
:?*:fficen::fficien ; Fixes 20 words
:?*:fianit::finit ; Fixes 79 words
:?*:fictious::fictitious ; Fixes 4 words
:?*:fidn::find ; Fixes 22 words
:?*:fiet::feit ; Fixes 23 words
:?*:filiament::filament ; Fixes 16 words
:?*:filitrat::filtrat ; Fixes 21 words
:?*:fimil::famil ; Fixes 43 words
:?*:finac::financ ; Fixes 14 words
:?*:finat::finit ; Fixes 43 words
:?*:finet::finit ; Fixes 43 words
:?*:finining::fining ; Fixes 12 words
:?*:firc::furc ; Fixes 33 words, Case-sensitive to not misspell FIRCA (sustainable funding mechanism for agricultural development)
:?*:firend::friend ; Fixes 30 words
:?*:firmm::firm ; Fixes 85 words
:?*:fisi::fissi ; Fixes 35 words
:?*:flama::flamma ; Fixes 17 words
:?*:flourid::fluorid ; Fixes 25 words
:?*:flourin::fluorin ; Fixes 5 words
:?*:fluan::fluen ; Fixes 48 words
:?*:fluorish::flourish ; Fixes 13 words
:?*:focuss::focus ; Fixes 6 words 
:?*:foer::fore ; Fixes 340 words
:?*:follwo::follow ; Fixes 10 words
:?*:folow::follow ; Fixes 10 words
:?*:fomat::format ; Fixes 72 words
:?*:fomed::formed ; Fixes 37 words
:?*:fomr::form ; Fixes 1269 words
:?*:foneti::phoneti ; Fixes 24 words
:?*:fontrier::frontier ; Fixes 6 words
:?*:fooot::foot ; Fixes 176 words
:?*:forbiden::forbidden ; Fixes 7 words
:?*:foretun::fortun ; Fixes 18 words
:?*:forgetab::forgettab ; Fixes 7 words
:?*:forgiveabl::forgivabl ; Fixes 6 words
:?*:formidible::formidable ; Fixes 5 words
:?*:formost::foremost ; Fixes 5 words
:?*:forsee::foresee ; Fixes 16 words
:?*:forwrd::forward ; Fixes 16 words
:?*:foucs::focus ; Fixes 28 words
:?*:foudn::found ; Fixes 62 words
:?*:fourti::forti ; Fixes 31 words
:?*:fourtun::fortun ; Fixes 18 words
:?*:foward::forward ; Fixes 16 words
:?*:freind::friend ; Fixes 44 words
:?*:frence::ference ; Fixes 37 words
:?*:fromed::formed ; Fixes 34 words
:?*:fromi::formi ; Fixes 84 words
:?*:fucnt::funct ; Fixes 60 words
:?*:fufill::fulfill ; Fixes 16 words
:?*:fulen::fluen ; Fixes 64 words
:?*:fullfill::fulfill ; Fixes 16 words
:?*:furut::furt ; Fixes 16 words
:?*:gallax::galax ; Fixes 4 words
:?*:galvin::galvan ; Fixes 27 words
:?*:ganaly::ginally ; Fixes 8 words
:?*:ganera::genera ; Fixes 124 words
:?*:garant::guarant ; Fixes 9 words
:?*:garav::grav ; Fixes 128 words
:?*:garnison::garrison ; Fixes 5 words
:?*:gaurant::guarant ; Fixes 9 words
:?*:gaurd::guard ; Fixes 57 words
:?*:gemer::gener ; Fixes 151 words
:?*:generatt::generat ; Fixes 58 words
:?*:gestab::gestib ; Fixes 19 words
:?*:giid::good ; Fixes 31 words, but misspells Phalangiidae (typoe of Huntsman spider)
:?*:giveing::giving ; Fixes 20 words
:?*:glight::flight ; Fixes 16 words
:?*:glph::glyph ; Fixes 27 words
:?*:glua::gula ; Fixes 174 words
:?*:gnficia::gnifica ; Fixes 29 words
:?*:gnizen::gnizan ; Fixes 9 words
:?*:godess::goddess ; Fixes 5 words
:?*:gorund::ground ; Fixes 80 words
:?*:gourp::group ; Fixes 28 words 
:?*:govement::government ; Fixes 10 words
:?*:govenment::government ; Fixes 10 words
:?*:govenrment::government ; Fixes 10 words
:?*:govera::governa ; Fixes 11 words
:?*:goverment::government ; Fixes 10 words
:?*:govor::govern ; Fixes 46 words
:?*:gradded::graded ; Fixes 13 words
:?*:graffitti::graffiti ; Fixes 6 words
:?*:grama::gramma ; Fixes 72 words, but misspells grama (Pasture grass of plains of South America and western North America)
:?*:grammma::gramma ; Fixes 72 words
:?*:greatful::grateful ; Fixes 8 words
:?*:greee::gree ; Fixes 185 words
:?*:gresion::gression ; Fixes 27 words
:?*:gropu::group ; Fixes 28 words
:?*:gruop::group ; Fixes 28 words
:?*:grwo::grow ; Fixes 67 words
:?*:gsit::gist ; Fixes 585 words
:?*:gubl::guabl ; Fixes 8 words
:?*:guement::gument ; Fixes 21 words
:?*:guidence::guidance ; Fixes 4 words
:?*:gurantee::guarantee ; Fixes 5 words
:?*:habitans::habitants ; Fixes 3 words
:?*:habition::hibition ; Fixes 21 words
:?*:haneg::hange ; Fixes 69 words
:?*:harased::harassed ; Fixes 3 words
:?*:havour::havior ; Fixes 13 words
:?*:hcange::change ; Fixes 58 words
:?*:hcih::hich ; Fixes 15 words
:?*:heirarch::hierarch ; Fixes 14 words
:?*:heiroglyph::hieroglyph ; Fixes 6 words
:?*:heiv::hiev ; Fixes 49 words
:?*:herant::herent ; Fixes 10 words
:?*:heridit::heredit ; Fixes 19 words
:?*:hertia::herita ; Fixes 23 words
:?*:hertzs::hertz ; Fixes 12 words
:?*:hicial::hical ; Fixes 170 words
:?*:hierach::hierarch ; Fixes 14 words
:?*:hierarcic::hierarchic ; Fixes 6 words
:?*:higway::highway ; Fixes 6 words
:?*:hnag::hang ; Fixes 150 words
:?*:holf::hold ; Fixes 120 words
:?*:hospiti::hospita ; Fixes 27 words
:?*:houno::hono ; Fixes 99 words
:?*:hstor::histor ; Fixes 56 words
:?*:humerous::humorous ; Fixes 6 words
:?*:humur::humour ; Fixes 12 words
:?*:hvae::have ; Fixes 47 words
:?*:hvai::havi ; Fixes 37 words
:?*:hvea::have ; Fixes 47 words
:?*:hwere::where ; Fixes 27 words
:?*:hydog::hydrog ; Fixes 50 words
:?*:hymm::hym ; Fixes 125 words
:?*:ibile::ible ; Fixes 367 words
:?*:ibilt::ibilit ; Fixes 281 words
:?*:iblit::ibilit ; Fixes 281 words
:?*:icibl::iceabl ; Fixes 14 words
:?*:iciton::iction ; Fixes 89 words
:?*:ictoin::iction ; Fixes 89 words
:?*:idenital::idential ; Fixes 18 words
:?*:iegh::eigh ; Fixes 186 words
:?*:iegn::eign ; Fixes 83 words
:?*:ievn::iven ; Fixes 440 words
:?*:igeou::igiou ; Fixes 23 words
:?*:igini::igni ; Fixes 127 words
:?*:ignf::ignif ; Fixes 50 words
:?*:igous::igious ; Fixes 23 words, but misspells pemphigous (a skin disease)
:?*:igth::ight ; Jack's fixes 315 words
:?*:ihs::his ; Fixes 618 words
:?*:iht::ith ; Fixes 560 words
:?*:ijng::ing ; Fixes 15158 words
:?*:ilair::iliar ; Fixes 46 words
:?*:illution::illusion ; Fixes 16 words
:?*:imagen::imagin ; Fixes 40 words
:?*:immita::imita ; Fixes 41 words
:?*:impliment::implement ; Fixes 17 words
:?*:imploy::employ ; Fixes 38 words
:?*:importen::importan ; Fixes 10 words
:?*:imprion::imprison ; Fixes 11 words
:?*:incede::incide ; Fixes 21 words
:?*:incidential::incidental ; Fixes 6 words
:?*:incra::incre ; Fixes 28 words
:?*:inctro::intro ; Fixes 68 words
:?*:indeca::indica ; Fixes 40 words
:?*:indite::indict ; Fixes 22 words, but misspells indite (Produce a literary work)
:?*:indutr::industr ; Fixes 59 words
:?*:indvidua::individua ; Fixes 32 words
:?*:inece::ience ; Fixes 101 words
:?*:ineing::ining ; Fixes 193 words
:?*:inential::inental ; Fixes 10 words
:?*:infectuo::infectio ; Fixes 15 words
:?*:infrant::infant ; Fixes 31 words
:?*:infrige::infringe ; Fixes 7 words
:?*:ingenius::ingenious ; Fixes 4 words
:?*:inheritage::inheritance ; Fixes 4 words
:?*:inheritence::inheritance ; Fixes 4 words
:?*:inially::inally ; Fixes 46 words
:?*:ininis::inis ; Fixes 388 words
:?*:inital::initial ; Fixes 25 words
:?*:inng::ing ; Fixes 15158 words
:?*:innocula::inocula ; Fixes 16 words
:?*:inpeach::impeach ; Fixes 15 words
:?*:inpolit::impolit ; Fixes 7 words
:?*:inprison::imprison ; Fixes 11 words
:?*:inprov::improv ; Fixes 41 words
:?*:insitut::institut ; Fixes 42 words
:?*:institue::institute ; Fixes 8 words
:?*:instu::instru ; Fixes 44 words
:?*:intelect::intellect ; Fixes 42 words
:?*:intelig::intellig ; Fixes 27 words
:?*:intenational::international ; Fixes 27 words
:?*:intented::intended ; Fixes 7 words
:?*:intepret::interpret ; Fixes 39 words
:?*:interational::international ; Fixes 27 words
:?*:interferance::interference ; Fixes 4 words
:?*:intergrat::integrat ; Fixes 35 words
:?*:interpet::interpret ; Fixes 39 words
:?*:interupt::interrupt ; Fixes 15 words
:?*:inteven::interven ; Fixes 20 words
:?*:intrduc::introduc ; Fixes 16 words
:?*:intrest::interest ; Fixes 19 words
:?*:intruduc::introduc ; Fixes 16 words
:?*:intut::intuit ; Fixes 19 words
:?*:inudstr::industr ; Fixes 59 words
:?*:investingat::investigat ; Fixes 17 words
:?*:iopn::ion ; Fixes 8515 words
:?*:iouness::iousness ; Fixes 220 words
:?*:iousit::iosit ; Fixes 15 words
:?*:irts::irst ; Fixes 41 words
:?*:isherr::isher ; Fixes 71 words
:?*:ishor::isher ; Fixes 71 words
:?*:ishre::isher ; Fixes 71 words
:?*:isile::issile ; Fixes 6 words
:?*:issence::issance ; Fixes 11 words
:?*:iticing::iticising ; Fixes 3 words
:?*:itina::itiona ; Fixes 79 words, misspells Mephitinae (skunk), neritina (snail)
:?*:ititia::initia ; Fixes 41 words
:?*:itition::ition ; Fixes 389 words
:?*:itnere::intere ; Fixes 25 words
:?*:itnroduc::introduc ; Fixes 16 words
:?*:itoin::ition ; Fixes 389 words
:?*:itttle::ittle ; Fixes 49 words
:?*:iveing::iving ; Fixes 75 words
:?*:iverous::ivorous ; Fixes 17 words
:?*:ivle::ivel ; Fixes 589 words, but misspells braaivleis (Type of S. Affrican BBQ)
:?*:iwll::will ; Fixes 64 words
:?*:iwth::with ; Fixes 56 words
:?*:jecutr::jectur ; Fixes 8 words
:?*:jist::gist ; Fixes 587 words
:?*:jstu::just ; Fixes 83 words
:?*:jsut::just ; Fixes 83 words
:?*:juct::junct ; Fixes 58 words
:?*:judgment::judgement ; Fixes 11 words
:?*:judical::judicial ; Fixes 9 words
:?*:judisua::judicia ; Fixes 11 words
:?*:juduci::judici ; Fixes 20 words
:?*:jugment::judgment ; Fixes 12 words
:?*:juristiction::jurisdiction ; Fixes 4 words
:?*:kindergarden::kindergarten ; Fixes 4 words
:?*:knowldeg::knowledg ; Fixes 32 words
:?*:knowldg::knowledg ; Fixes 32 words
:?*:knowleg::knowledg ; Fixes 32 words
:?*:knwo::know ; Fixes 66 words
:?*:konw::know ; Fixes 66 words
:?*:kwno::know ; Fixes 66 words
:?*:labat::laborat ; Fixes 39 words
:?*:laeg::leag ; Fixes 21 words
:?*:laguage::language ; Fixes 12 words
:?*:laimation::lamation ; Fixes 10 words
:?*:laion::lation ; Fixes 448 words
:?*:lalbe::lable ; Fixes 122 words
:?*:laraty::larity ; Fixes 41 words
:?*:lastes::lates ; Fixes 212 words
:?*:lateab::latab ; Fixes 29 words
:?*:latrea::latera ; Fixes 70 words
:?*:lattitude::latitude ; Fixes 5 words
:?*:launhe::launche ; Fixes 6 words
:?*:lcud::clud ; Fixes 33 words
:?*:leagur::leaguer ; Fixes 8 words
:?*:leathal::lethal ; Fixes 7 words
:?*:lece::lesce ; Fixes 52 words, but misspells Illecebrum (contains the single species Illecebrum verticillatum, which is a trailing annual plant native to Europe)
:?*:lecton::lection ; Fixes 52 words
:?*:legitamat::legitimat ; Fixes 35 words
:?*:legitm::legitim ; Fixes 67 words
:?*:legue::league ; Fixes 13 words
:?*:leiv::liev ; Fixes 52 words
:?*:libgui::lingui ; Fixes 34 words
:?*:liek::like ; Fixes 405 words
:?*:liement::lement ; Fixes 128 words
:?*:lieuenan::lieutenan ; Fixes 6 words
:?*:lieutenen::lieutenan ; Fixes 6 words
:?*:likl::likel ; Fixes 14 words
:?*:liscen::licen ; Fixes 34 words
:?*:lisehr::lisher ; Fixes 14 words
:?*:lisen::licen ; Fixes 34 words, but misspells lisente (100 lisente equal 1 loti in Lesotho, S. Afterica)
:?*:lisheed::lished ; Fixes 27 words
:?*:lishh::lish ; Fixes 211 words
:?*:lissh::lish ; Fixes 211 words
:?*:listn::listen ; Fixes 19 words
:?*:litav::lativ ; Fixes 97 words
:?*:litert::literat ; Fixes 49 words
:?*:littel::little ; Fixes 15 words
:?*:litteral::literal ; Fixes 27 words
:?*:littoe::little ; Fixes 15 words
:?*:liuke::like ; Fixes 405 words
:?*:llarious::larious ; Fixes 6 words
:?*:llegen::llegian ; Fixes 7 words
:?*:llegien::llegian ; Fixes 7 words
:?*:lmits::limits ; Fixes 3 words
:?*:loev::love ; Fixes 111 words
:?*:lonle::lonel ; Fixes 9 words
:?*:lpp::lp ; Fixes 509 words
:?*:lsih::lish ; Fixes 211 words
:?*:lsot::lso ; Fixes 42 words
:?*:lutly::lutely ; Fixes 7 words
:?*:lyed::lied ; Fixes 50 words
:?*:machne::machine ; Fixes 8 words
:?*:maintina::maintain ; Fixes 14 words
:?*:maintion::mention ; Fixes 15 words
:?*:majorot::majorit ; Fixes 7 words
:?*:makeing::making ; Fixes 45 words
:?*:making it's::making its
:?*:makse::makes ; Fixes 7 words
:?*:mallise::malize ; Fixes 17 words ; Ambiguous
:?*:mallize::malize ; Fixes 17 words
:?*:mamal::mammal ; Fixes 13 words
:?*:mamant::mament ; Fixes 11 words
:?*:managab::manageab ; Fixes 9 words
:?*:managment::management ; Fixes 6 words
:?*:maneouv::manoeuv ; Fixes 17 words
:?*:manoeuver::maneuver ; Fixes 13 words
:?*:manouver::maneuver ; Fixes 13 words
:?*:mantain::maintain ; Fixes 14 words
:?*:manuever::maneuver ; Fixes 13 words
:?*:manuver::maneuver ; Fixes 13 words
:?*:marjorit::majorit ; Fixes 7 words
:?*:markes::marks ; Fixes 32 words
:?*:markett::market ; Fixes 49 words
:?*:marrage::marriage ; Fixes 13 words
:?*:mathamati::mathemati ; Fixes 17 words
:?*:mathmati::mathemati ; Fixes 17 words
:?*:mberan::mbran ; Fixes 26 words
:?*:mbintat::mbinat ; Fixes 18 words
:?*:mchan::mechan ; Fixes 54 words
:?*:meber::member ; Fixes 32 words
:?*:medac::medic ; Fixes 76 words
:?*:medeival::medieval ; Fixes 6 words
:?*:medevial::medieval ; Fixes 6 words
:?*:meent::ment ; Fixes 1763 words
:?*:meing::ming ; Fixes 410 words
:?*:melad::malad ; Fixes 21 words
:?*:memeber::member ; Fixes 32 words
:?*:memmor::memor ; Fixes 70 words
:?*:memt::ment ; Fixes 1763 words
:?*:menatr::mentar ; Fixes 71 words
:?*:metalic::metallic ; Fixes 9 words
:?*:mialr::milar ; Fixes 14 words
:?*:mibil::mobil ; Fixes 78 words
:?*:mileau::milieu ; Fixes 3 words
:?*:milen::millen ; Fixes 33 words
:?*:mileu::milieu ; Fixes 3 words
:?*:milirat::militar ; Fixes 54 words
:?*:millit::milit ; Fixes 85 words
:?*:millon::million ; Fixes 13 words
:?*:milta::milita ; Fixes 70 words
:?*:minatur::miniatur ; Fixes 27 words
:?*:minining::mining ; Fixes 15 words.
:?*:miscelane::miscellane ; Fixes 4 words
:?*:mision::mission ; Fixes 63 words
:?*:missabi::missibi ; Fixes 13 words
:?*:misson::mission ; Fixes 63 words
:?*:mition::mission ; Fixes 63 words
:?*:mittm::mitm ; Fixes 8 words
:?*:mitty::mittee ; Fixes 12 words
:?*:mkae::make ; Fixes 122 words
:?*:mkaing::making ; Fixes 45 words
:?*:mkea::make ; Fixes 122 words
:?*:mmorow::morrow ; Fixes 4 words
:?*:mnet::ment ; Fixes 1763 words
:?*:modle::model ; Fixes 29 words
:?*:moent::moment ; Fixes 15 words
:?*:moleclue::molecule ; Fixes 7 words
:?*:morgag::mortgag ; Fixes 18 words
:?*:mornal::normal ; Fixes 66 words 
:?*:morot::motor ; Fixes 72 words  
:?*:morow::morrow ; Fixes 4 words
:?*:mortag::mortgag ; Fixes 18 words
:?*:mostur::moistur ; Fixes 16 words
:?*:moung::mong ; Fixes 89 words
:?*:mounth::month ; Fixes 13 words
:?*:mpossa::mpossi ; Fixes 7 words
:?*:mrak::mark ; Fixes 175 words
:?*:mroe::more ; Fixes 72 words
:?*:msot::most ; Fixes 73 words
:?*:mtion::mation ; Fixes 119 words
:?*:mucuous::mucous ; Fixes 3 words
:?*:muder::murder ; Fixes 13 words
:?*:mulatat::mulat ; Fixes 110 words
:?*:munber::number ; Fixes 28 words
:?*:munites::munities ; Fixes 3 words
:?*:muscel::muscle ; Fixes 11 words
:?*:muscial::musical ; Fixes 15 words
:?*:mutiliat::mutilat ; Fixes 9 words
:?*:naisance::naissance ; Fixes 5 words
:?*:naton::nation ; Fixes 451 words but misspells Akhenaton (Early ruler of Egypt who regected old gods and replaced with sun worship, died 1358 BC).
:?*:naturely::naturally ; Fixes 6 words
:?*:naturual::natural ; Fixes 54 words
:?*:nclr::ncr ; Fixes 193 words
:?*:ndunt::ndant ; Fixes 34 words
:?*:necass::necess ; Fixes 24 words
:?*:neccesar::necessar ; Fixes 9 words
:?*:neccessar::necessar ; Fixes 9 words
:?*:necesar::necessar ; Fixes 9 words
:?*:necesser::necessar ; Fixes 9 words 
:?*:nefica::neficia ; Fixes 12 words
:?*:negociat::negotiat ; Fixes 19 words
:?*:negota::negotia ; Fixes 26 words
:?*:neice::niece ; Fixes 4 words
:?*:neigbor::neighbor ; Fixes 11 words
:?*:neigbour::neighbor ; Fixes 11 words
:?*:neize::nize ; Fixes 475 words
:?*:neolitic::neolithic ; Fixes 5 words
:?*:nerial::neral ; Fixes 103 words
:?*:neribl::nerabl ; Fixes 11 words
:?*:nessasar::necessar ; Fixes 9 words
:?*:nessec::necess ; Fixes 24 words
:?*:nght::ngth ; Jack's fixes 33 words
:?*:ngiht::night ; Fixes 103 words
:?*:ngng::nging ; Fixes 126 words
:?*:nht::nth ; Jack's fixes 769 words
:?*:niant::nant ; Fixes 147 words
:?*:niare::naire ; Fixes 30 words
:?*:nickle::nickel ; Fixes 14 words
:?*:nifiga::nifica ; Fixes 55 words
:?*:nihgt::night ; Fixes 103 words
:?*:nilog::nolog ; Fixes 223 words
:?*:nisator::niser ; Fixes 43 words
:?*:nisb::nsib ; Fixes 88 words
:?*:nistion::nisation ; Fixes 140 words
:?*:nitian::nician ; Fixes 8 words
:?*:niton::nition ; Fixes 37 words
:?*:nizator::nizer ; Fixes 44 words
:?*:niztion::nization ; Fixes 154 words
:?*:nkow::know ; Fixes 66 words, but misspells Minkowski (German mathematician)
:?*:nlcu::nclu ; Fixes 34 words
:?*:nlees::nless ; Fixes 89 words
:?*:nmae::name ; Fixes 100 words
:?*:nnst::nst ; Fixes 729 words, misspells Dennstaedtia (fern), Hoffmannsthal, (poet)
:?*:nnung::nning ; Fixes 107 words
:?*:nonom::nonym ; Fixes 40 words
:?*:nouce::nounce ; Fixes 47 words
:?*:nounch::nounc ; Fixes 54 words
:?*:nouncia::nuncia ; Fixes 47 words
:?*:nsistan::nsisten ; Fixes 17 words
:?*:nsitu::nstitu ; Fixes 87 words
:?*:nstade::nstead ; Fixes 6 words
:?*:nstatan::nstan ; Fixes 44 words
:?*:nsted::nstead ; Fixes 6 words
:?*:nstiv::nsitiv ; Fixes 62 words
:?*:ntaines::ntains ; Fixes 9 words
:?*:ntamp::ntemp ; Fixes 52 words
:?*:ntfic::ntific ; Fixes 28 words
:?*:ntifc::ntific ; Fixes 28 words
:?*:ntrui::nturi ; Fixes 21 words
:?*:nucular::nuclear ; Fixes 17 words
:?*:nuculear::nuclear ; Fixes 17 words
:?*:nuei::nui ; Fixes 37 words
:?*:nuptual::nuptial ; Fixes 7 words
:?*:nvien::nven ; Fixes 101 words
:?*:obedian::obedien ; Fixes 11 words
:?*:obelm::oblem ; Fixes 28 words
:?*:occassi::occasi ; Fixes 14 words
:?*:occasti::occasi ; Fixes 14 words
:?*:occour::occur ; Fixes 20 words
:?*:occuran::occurren ; Fixes 8 words
:?*:occurran::occurren ; Fixes 8 words
:?*:ocup::occup ; Fixes 39 words
:?*:ocurran::occurren ; Fixes 8 words
:?*:odouriferous::odoriferous ; Fixes 3 words
:?*:odourous::odorous ; Fixes 9 words
:?*:oducab::oducib ; Fixes 13 words
:?*:oeny::oney ; Fixes 83 words
:?*:oeopl::eopl ; Fixes 53 words
:?*:oeprat::operat ; Fixes 58 words
:?*:offereing::offering ; Fixes 4 words
:?*:offesi::ofessi ; Fixes 34 words
:?*:offical::official ; Fixes 24 words
:?*:offred::offered ; Fixes 4 words
:?*:ogeous::ogous ; Fixes 13 words
:?*:ogess::ogress ; Fixes 38 words
:?*:ohter::other ; Fixes 229 words
:?*:ointiment::ointment ; Fixes 10 words
:?*:olece::olesce ; Fixes 18 words
:?*:olgist::ologist ; Fixes 445 words
:?*:olision::olition ; Fixes 16 words
:?*:ollum::olum ; Fixes 69 words
:?*:olpe::ople ; Fixes 62 words
:?*:olther::other ; Fixes 229 words
:?*:omenom::omenon ; Fixes 7 words
:?*:ommision::omission ; Fixes 4 words
:?*:ommm::omm ; Fixes 606 words
:?*:omnio::omino ; Fixes 18 words
:?*:omptabl::ompatibl ; Fixes 7 words
:?*:omre::more ; Fixes 72 words
:?*:omse::onse ; Fixes 159 words
:?*:ongraph::onograph ; Fixes 31 words
:?*:onnal::onal ; Fixes 1038 words
:?*:onnsibilt::onsibilit ; Fixes 4 words
:?*:ononent::onent ; Fixes 18 words
:?*:ononym::onym ; Fixes 137 words
:?*:onsenc::onsens ; Fixes 19 words
:?*:onsern::concern ; Fixes 17 words
:?*:ontruc::onstruc ; Fixes 63 words
:?*:ontstr::onstr ; Fixes 165 words
:?*:onyic::onic ; Fixes 353 words
:?*:onymn::onym ; Fixes 137 words
:?*:oook::ook ; Fixes 427 words
:?*:oparate::operate ; Fixes 10 words
:?*:oportun::opportun ; Fixes 14 words
:?*:opperat::operat ; Fixes 58 words
:?*:oppertun::opportun ; Fixes 14 words
:?*:oppini::opini ; Fixes 12 words
:?*:opprotun::opportun ; Fixes 14 words
:?*:opth::ophth ; Fixes 47 words
:?*:ordianti::ordinati ; Fixes 21 words
:?*:orginis::organiz ; Fixes 34 words
:?*:orginiz::organiz ; Fixes 34 words
:?*:orht::orth ; Fixes 275 words
:?*:oridal::ordial ; Fixes 15 words
:?*:oridina::ordina ; Fixes 63 words
:?*:origion::origin ; Fixes 37 words
:?*:orign::origin ; Fixes 37 words
:?*:ormenc::ormanc ; Fixes 11 words
:?*:osible::osable ; Fixes 23 words
:?*:oteab::otab ; Fixes 22 words
:?*:otehr::other ; Fixes 229 words
:?*:ouevre::oeuvre ; Fixes 10 words
:?*:ouhg::ough ; Fixes 230 words
:?*:oulb::oubl ; Fixes 63 words
:?*:ountian::ountain ; Fixes 25 words
:?*:ourious::orious ; Fixes 30 words
:?*:owinf::owing ; Fixes 133 words
:?*:owrk::work ; Fixes 338 words
:?*:oxident::oxidant ; Fixes 4 words
:?*:oxigen::oxygen ; Fixes 40 words
:?*:paiti::pati ; Fixes 157 words
:?*:palce::place ; Fixes 94 words
:?*:paliament::parliament ; Fixes 11 words
:?*:papaer::paper ; Fixes 69 words
:?*:paralel::parallel ; Fixes 41 words
:?*:parellel::parallel ; Fixes 41 words
:?*:parision::parison ; Fixes 6 words
:?*:parisit::parasit ; Fixes 57 words
:?*:paritucla::particula ; Fixes 29 words
:?*:parliment::parliament ; Fixes 11 words
:?*:parment::partment ; Fixes 41 words
:?*:parralel::parallel ; Fixes 41 words
:?*:parrall::parall ; Fixes 44 words
:?*:parren::paren ; Fixes 65 words
:?*:pased::passed ; Fixes 10 words
:?*:patab::patib ; Fixes 16 words
:?*:pattent::patent ; Fixes 16 words
:?*:pbli::publi ; Fixes 67 words
:?*:pbuli::publi ; Fixes 67 words
:?*:pcial::pical ; Fixes 102 words
:?*:pcitur::pictur ; Fixes 25 words
:?*:peall::peal ; Fixes 31 words
:?*:peapl::peopl ; Fixes 38 words
:?*:pefor::perfor ; Fixes 43 words
:?*:peice::piece ; Fixes 60 words
:?*:peiti::petiti ; Fixes 34 words
:?*:pendece::pendence ; Fixes 12 words
:?*:pendendet::pendent ; Fixes 17 words
:?*:penerat::penetrat ; Fixes 19 words
:?*:penisula::peninsula ; Fixes 3 words
:?*:penninsula::peninsula ; Fixes 3 words
:?*:pennisula::peninsula ; Fixes 3 words
:?*:pensanti::pensati ; Fixes 13 words
:?*:pensinula::peninsula ; Fixes 3 words
:?*:penten::pentan ; Fixes 12 words
:?*:pention::pension ; Fixes 15 words
:?*:peopel::people ; Fixes 32 words
:?*:percepted::perceived ; Fixes 7 words
:?*:perfom::perform ; Fixes 31 words
:?*:performes::performs ; Fixes 3 words
:?*:permenan::permanen ; Fixes 17 words
:?*:perminen::permanen ; Fixes 17 words
:?*:permissab::permissib ; Fixes 9 words
:?*:peronal::personal ; Fixes 49 words
:?*:perosn::person ; Fixes 130 words
:?*:persistan::persisten ; Fixes 6 words
:?*:persud::persuad ; Fixes 20 words
:?*:pertrat::petrat ; Fixes 14 words
:?*:pertuba::perturba ; Fixes 12 words
:?*:peteti::petiti ; Fixes 34 words
:?*:petion::petition ; Fixes 11 words
:?*:petive::petitive ; Fixes 19 words
:?*:phenomenonal::phenomenal ; Fixes 11 words
:?*:phenomon::phenomen ; Fixes 21 words
:?*:phenonmen::phenomen ; Fixes 21 words
:?*:philisoph::philosoph ; Fixes 28 words
:?*:phillipi::Philippi ; Fixes 7 words
:?*:phillo::philo ; Fixes 61 words
:?*:philosph::philosoph ; Fixes 28 words
:?*:phoricial::phorical ; Fixes 6 words
:?*:phyllis::philis ; Fixes 33 words
:?*:phylosoph::philosoph ; Fixes 28 words
:?*:piant::pient ; Fixes 16 words
:?*:piblish::publish ; Fixes 17 words
:?*:pinon::pion ; Fixes 44 words
:?*:piten::peten ; Fixes 29 words
:?*:plament::plement ; Fixes 42 words
:?*:plausab::plausib ; Fixes 10 words
:?*:pld::ple ; Fixes 843 words
:?*:pleasent::pleasant ; Fixes 11 words
:?*:plesan::pleasan ; Fixes 14 words
:?*:pletetion::pletion ; Fixes 8 words
:?*:pmant::pment ; Fixes 38 words
:?*:poenis::penis ; Fixes 4 words
:?*:poepl::peopl ; Fixes 38 words
:?*:poleg::polog ; Fixes 59 words
:?*:polina::pollina ; Fixes 11 words
:?*:politican::politician ; Fixes 4 words
:?*:polti::politi ; Fixes 61 words
:?*:polut::pollut ; Fixes 20 words
:?*:pomd::pond ; Fixes 109 words
:?*:ponan::ponen ; Fixes 17 words
:?*:ponsab::ponsib ; Fixes 10 words
:?*:poportion::proportion ; Fixes 25 words
:?*:popoul::popul ; Fixes 71 words
:?*:porblem::problem ; Fixes 22 words
:?*:portad::ported ; Fixes 26 words
:?*:porv::prov ; Fixes 213 words
:?*:posat::posit ; Fixes 215 words
:?*:posess::possess ; Fixes 41 words
:?*:posion::poison ; Fixes 17 words
:?*:possab::possib ; Fixes 13 words
:?*:postion::position ; Fixes 103 words
:?*:postit::posit ; Fixes 215 words
:?*:postiv::positiv ; Fixes 36 words
:?*:potunit::portunit ; Fixes 4 words
:?*:poulat::populat ; Fixes 29 words
:?*:poverful::powerful ; Fixes 5 words
:?*:poweful::powerful ; Fixes 5 words
:?*:ppment::pment ; Fixes 38 words
:?*:pposs::ppos ; Fixes 90 words
:?*:ppub::pub ; Fixes 96 words
:?*:practial::practical ; Fixes 14 words
:?*:prait::priat ; Fixes 39 words
:?*:pratic::practic ; Fixes 42 words
:?*:precendent::precedent ; Fixes 11 words
:?*:precic::precis ; Fixes 20 words
:?*:precid::preced ; Fixes 18 words
:?*:prega::pregna ; Fixes 25 words
:?*:pregne::pregna ; Fixes 25 words
:?*:preiod::period ; Fixes 30 words
:?*:prelifer::prolifer ; Fixes 13 words
:?*:prepair::prepare ; Fixes 10 words
:?*:prerio::perio ; Fixes 46 words
:?*:presan::presen ; Fixes 90 words
:?*:presp::persp ; Fixes 33 words
:?*:pretect::protect ; Fixes 43 words
:?*:pricip::princip ; Fixes 20 words
:?*:priestood::priesthood ; Fixes 3 words
:?*:prisonn::prison ; Fixes 21 words
:?*:privale::privile ; Fixes 7 words
:?*:privele::privile ; Fixes 7 words
:?*:privelig::privileg ; Fixes 7 words
:?*:privelle::privile ; Fixes 7 words
:?*:privilag::privileg ; Fixes 7 words
:?*:priviledg::privileg ; Fixes 7 words
:?*:privledg::privileg ; Fixes 7 words
:?*:probabli::probabili ; Fixes 12 words
:?*:probal::probabl ; Fixes 9 words
:?*:procce::proce ; Fixes 49 words
:?*:proclame::proclaime ; Fixes 4 words
:?*:proffession::profession ; Fixes 33 words
:?*:progrom::program ; Fixes 46 words
:?*:prohabit::prohibit ; Fixes 17 words
:?*:prominan::prominen ; Fixes 8 words
:?*:prominate::prominent ; Fixes 4 words::prominately::prominently
:?*:proov::prov ; Fixes 213 words
:?*:propiat::priat ; Fixes 39 words
:?*:propiet::propriet ; Fixes 17 words
:?*:propmt::prompt ; Fixes 19 words
:?*:propotion::proportion ; Fixes 25 words::propotions::proportions
:?*:propper::proper ; Fixes 15 words
:?*:propro::pro ; Fixes 2311 words
:?*:prorp::propr ; Fixes 68 words
:?*:protie::protei ; Fixes 44 words
:?*:protray::portray ; Fixes 14 words
:?*:prounc::pronounc ; Fixes 24 words
:?*:provd::provid ; Fixes 21 words
:?*:provicial::provincial ; Fixes 10 words
:?*:provinicial::provincial ; Fixes 10 words
:?*:provison::provision ; Fixes 14 words
:?*:proxia::proxima ; Fixes 22 words
:?*:psect::spect ; Fixes 177 words
:?*:psoiti::positi ; Fixes 155 words
:?*:psuedo::pseudo ; Fixes 70 words
:?*:psyco::psycho ; Fixes 161 words
:?*:psyh::psych ; Fixes 192 words, but misspells gypsyhood.
:?*:ptenc::ptanc ; Fixes 9 words
:?*:ptete::pete ; Fixes 61 words
:?*:ptition::petition ; Fixes 11 words
:?*:ptogress::progress ; Fixes 24 words
:?*:ptoin::ption ; Fixes 183 words
:?*:pturd::ptured ; Fixes 6 words
:?*:pubish::publish ; Fixes 17 words
:?*:publian::publican ; Fixes 9 words
:?*:publise::publishe ; Fixes 7 words
:?*:publush::publish ; Fixes 17 words
:?*:pulare::pular ; Fixes 40 words
:?*:puler::pular ; Fixes 40 words
:?*:pulishe::publishe ; Fixes 7 words
:?*:puplish::publish ; Fixes 17 words
:?*:pursuad::persuad ; Fixes 20 words
:?*:purtun::portun ; Fixes 25 words
:?*:pususad::persuad ; Fixes 20 words
:?*:putar::puter ; Fixes 24 words
:?*:putib::putab ; Fixes 34 words
:?*:pwoer::power ; Fixes 67 words
:?*:pysch::psych ; Fixes 192 words
:?*:qtuie::quite ; Fixes 11 words
:?*:quesece::quence ; Fixes 21 words
:?*:quesion::question ; Fixes 26 words
:?*:questiom::question ; Fixes 26 words
:?*:queston::question ; Fixes 26 words
:?*:quetion::question ; Fixes 26 words
:?*:quirment::quirement ; Fixes 4 words
:?*:qush::quish ; Fixes 27 words
:?*:quti::quit ; Fixes 86 words
:?*:rabinn::rabbin ; Fixes 9 words
:?*:radiactiv::radioactiv ; Fixes 5 words
:?*:raell::reall ; Fixes 24 words
:?*:rafic::rific ; Fixes 85 words
:?*:ranie::rannie ; Fixes 8 words
:?*:ratly::rately ; Fixes 30 words
:?*:raverci::roversi ; Fixes 19 words
:?*:rcaft::rcraft ; Fixes 11 words
:?*:reaccurr::recurr ; Fixes 8 words
:?*:reaci::reachi ; Fixes 18 words
:?*:rebll::rebell ; Fixes 17 words
:?*:recide::reside ; Fixes 34 words
:?*:recqu::requ ; Fixes 96 words
:?*:recration::recreation ; Fixes 5 words
:?*:recrod::record ; Fixes 26 words
:?*:recter::rector ; Fixes 26 words
:?*:recuring::recurring ; Fixes 3 words
:?*:reedem::redeem ; Fixes 22 words
:?*:reenfo::reinfo ; Fixes 9 words
:?*:referal::referral ; Fixes 2 words
:?*:reffer::refer ; Fixes 58 words
:?*:refrer::refer ; Fixes 58 words
:?*:reigin::reign ; Fixes 25 words
:?*:reing::ring ; Fixes 1481 words
:?*:reiv::riev ; Fixes 44 words
:?*:relese::release ; Fixes 13 words
:?*:releven::relevan ; Fixes 12 words
:?*:renial::rennial ; Fixes 6 words
:?*:renno::reno ; Fixes 85 words
:?*:rentee::rantee ; Fixes 9 words
:?*:rentor::renter ; Fixes 4 words
:?*:reomm::recomm ; Fixes 31 words
:?*:repatiti::repetiti ; Fixes 10 words
:?*:repb::repub ; Fixes 23 words
:?*:repentent::repentant ; Fixes 5 words
:?*:repetant::repentant ; Fixes 5 words
:?*:repetent::repentant ; Fixes 5 words
:?*:replacab::replaceab ; Fixes 8 words
:?*:reposd::respond ; Fixes 22 words
:?*:resense::resence ; Fixes 6 words
:?*:residental::residential ; Fixes 7 words
:?*:resistab::resistib ; Fixes 10 words
:?*:resiv::ressiv ; Fixes 80 words
:?*:responc::respons ; Fixes 25 words
:?*:respondan::responden ; Fixes 11 words
:?*:restict::restrict ; Fixes 25 words
:?*:revelan::relevan ; Fixes 12 words 
:?*:reversab::reversib ; Fixes 15 words
:?*:rhitm::rithm ; Fixes 20 words
:?*:rhythem::rhythm ; Fixes 34 words
:?*:rhytm::rhythm ; Fixes 34 words
:?*:ributred::ributed ; Fixes 10 words
:?*:ridgid::rigid ; Fixes 25 words 
:?*:rieciat::reciat ; Fixes 32 words
:?*:rifing::rifying ; Fixes 31 words
:?*:rigeur::rigor ; Fixes 13 words
:?*:rigourous::rigorous ; Fixes 6 words
:?*:rilia::rillia ; Fixes 11 words
:?*:rimetal::rimental ; Fixes 9 words
:?*:rininging::ringing ; Fixes 21 words
:?*:riodal::roidal ; Fixes 14 words
:?*:ritent::rient ; Fixes 74 words
:?*:ritm::rithm ; Fixes 20 words
:?*:rixon::rison ; Fixes 39 words
:?*:rmaly::rmally ; Fixes 11 words
:?*:rmaton::rmation ; Fixes 46 words
:?*:rnign::rning ; Fixes 77 words
:?*:rocord::record ; Fixes 26 words
:?*:ropiat::ropriat ; Fixes 39 words
:?*:rowm::rown ; Fixes 85 words
:?*:roximite::roximate ; Fixes 8 words
:?*:rraige::rriage ; Fixes 26 words
:?*:rshan::rtion ; Fixes 84 words, but misspells darshan (Hinduism)
:?*:rshon::rtion ; Fixes 84 words
:?*:rshun::rtion ; Fixes 84 words
:?*:rtaure::rature ; Fixes 8 words
:?*:rtnat::rtant ; Fixes 7 words
:?*:ruming::rumming ; Fixes 5 words
:?*:ruptab::ruptib ; Fixes 11 words
:?*:rwit::writ ; Fixes 88 words
:?*:ryed::ried ; Fixes 98 words
:?*:rythim::rhythm ; Fixes 34 words
:?*:rythym::rhythm ; Fixes 34 words
:?*:saccari::sacchari ; Fixes 31 words
:?*:safte::safet ; Fixes 5 words
:?*:saidit::said it ; Fixes 0 words
:?*:saidthat::said that ; Fixes 0 words
:?*:sampel::sample ; Fixes 20 words 
:?*:santion::sanction ; Fixes 7 words
:?*:sassan::sassin ; Fixes 12 words
:?*:satelite::satellite ; Fixes 4 words
:?*:satric::satiric ; Fixes 4 words
:?*:sattelite::satellite ; Fixes 4 words
:?*:saveing::saving ; Fixes 11 words
:?*:scaleable::scalable ; Fixes 4 words
:?*:scedul::schedul ; Fixes 12 words
:?*:schedual::schedule ; Fixes 9 words
:?*:scholarstic::scholastic ; Fixes 9 words
:?*:scince::science ; Fixes 25 words, but misspells Scincella (A reptile genus of Scincidae)
:?*:scipt::script ; Fixes 113 words
:?*:scripton::scription ; Fixes 32 words
:?*:sctruct::struct ; Fixes 171 words
:?*:sdide::side ; Fixes 317 words
:?*:sdier::sider ; Fixes 74 words
:?*:seach::search ; Fixes 25 words, but misspells Taoiseach (The prime minister of the Irish Republic)
:?*:secretery::secretary ; Fixes 4 words
:?*:sedere::sidere ; Fixes 7 words
:?*:seeked::sought ; Fixes 3 words
:?*:segement::segment ; Fixes 14 words
:?*:seige::siege ; Fixes 10 words
:?*:seing::seeing ; Fixes 14 words
:?*:senqu::sequ ; Fixes 91 words
:?*:sensativ::sensitiv ; Fixes 32 words
:?*:sensur::censur ; Fixes 12 words
:?*:sentive::sentative ; Fixes 15 words
:?*:seper::separ ; Fixes 36 words
:?*:sepulchure::sepulcher ; Fixes 7 words
:?*:sepulcre::sepulcher ; Fixes 7 words
:?*:sequentually::sequently ; Fixes 4 words
:?*:serach::search ; Fixes 25 words
:?*:sercu::circu ; Fixes 168 words
:?*:sesi::sessi ; Fixes 41 words
:?*:sevic::servic ; Fixes 25 words, but misspells seviche (South American dish of raw fish)
:?*:sgin::sign ; Fixes 243 words.
:?*:shaddow::shadow ; Fixes 31 words
:?*:shco::scho ; Fixes 117 words
:?*:sheild::shield ; Fixes 13 words
:?*:siad::said ; Fixes 9 words
:?*:sibile::sible ; Fixes 137 words
:?*:siblit::sibilit ; Fixes 110 words
:?*:sicion::cision ; Fixes 22 words
:?*:sicne::since ; Fixes 22 words
:?*:sidenta::sidentia ; Fixes 9 words
:?*:signifa::significa ; Fixes 20 words
:?*:significe::significa ; Fixes 20 words
:?*:signit::signat ; Fixes 35 words
:?*:simala::simila ; Fixes 38 words
:?*:similia::simila ; Fixes 38 words
:?*:simmi::simi ; Fixes 64 words
:?*:simpt::sympt ; Fixes 15 words
:?*:sincerley::sincerely ; Fixes 2 words
:?*:sincerly::sincerely ; Fixes 2 words
:?*:sinse::since ; Fixes 22 words
:?*:sistend::sistent ; Fixes 10 words
:?*:sistion::sition ; Fixes 135 words
:?*:sitll::still ; Fixes 62 words
:?*:siton::sition ; Fixes 135 words
:?*:skelaton::skeleton ; Fixes 19 words
:?*:slowy::slowly ; Fixes 2 words
:?*:smae::same ; Fixes 19 words
:?*:smealt::smelt ; Fixes 10 words
:?*:smoe::some ; Fixes 260 words
:?*:snese::sense ; Fixes 17 words
:?*:socal::social ; Fixes 47 words
:?*:socre::score ; Fixes 34 words 
:?*:soem::some ; Fixes 260 words
:?*:sohw::show ; Fixes 79 words
:?*:soica::socia ; Fixes 115 words
:?*:sollut::solut ; Fixes 42 words
:?*:soluab::solub ; Fixes 26 words
:?*:sonent::sonant ; Fixes 20 words
:?*:sophicat::sophisticat ; Fixes 13 words
:?*:sorbsi::sorpti ; Fixes 32 words
:?*:sorbti::sorpti ; Fixes 32 words
:?*:sosica::socia ; Fixes 115 words
:?*:sotry::story ; Fixes 23 words
:?*:soudn::sound ; Fixes 51 words
:?*:soverign::sovereign ; Fixes 10 words
:?*:specal::special ; Fixes 24 words
:?*:specfic::specific ; Fixes 20 words
:?*:specialliz::specializ ; Fixes 15 words
:?*:specifiy::specify ; Fixes 8 words
:?*:spectaular::spectacular ; Fixes 5 words
:?*:spectum::spectrum ; Fixes 4 words
:?*:speices::species ; Fixes 8 words
:?*:speling::spelling ; Fixes 9 words
:?*:spesial::special ; Fixes 48 words
:?*:spiria::spira ; Fixes 70 words
:?*:spoac::spac ; Fixes 83 words
:?*:sponib::sponsib ; Fixes 10 words
:?*:sponser::sponsor ; Fixes 12 words
:?*:spred::spread ; Fixes 37 words
:?*:spririt::spirit ; Fixes 70 words
:?*:spritual::spiritual ; Fixes 31 words, but misspells spritual (A light spar that crosses a fore-and-aft sail diagonally) 
:?*:spyc::psyc ; Fixes 192 words, but misspells spycatcher (secret spy stuff) 
:?*:sqaur::squar ; Fixes 22 words
:?*:ssanger::ssenger  ; Fixes 6 words
:?*:ssese::ssesse ; Fixes 17 words
:?*:ssition::sition ; Fixes 135 words
:?*:sssurect::surrect ; Fixes 15 words
:?*:ssurect::surrect ; Fixes 15 words
:?*:stablise::stabilise ; Fixes 10 words
:?*:staleld::stalled ; Fixes 6 words
:?*:stancial::stantial ; Fixes 40 words
:?*:stange::strange ; Fixes 12 words
:?*:starna::sterna ; Fixes 13 words
:?*:starteg::strateg ; Fixes 21 words
:?*:stateman::statesman ; Fixes 6 words
:?*:statment::statement ; Fixes 14 words
:?*:steriod::steroid ; Fixes 16 words
:?*:sterotype::stereotype ; Fixes 5 words
:?*:stingent::stringent ; Fixes 9 words
:?*:stiring::stirring ; Fixes 4 words
:?*:stirrs::stirs ; Fixes 2 words
:?*:stituan::stituen ; Fixes 7 words
:?*:stnad::stand ; Fixes 119 words
:?*:stoin::stion ; Fixes 53 words, but misspells histoincompatibility.
:?*:stong::strong ; Fixes 22 words
:?*:stradeg::strateg ; Fixes 21 words
:?*:stratagic::strategic ; Fixes 5 words
:?*:streem::stream ; Fixes 45 words
:?*:strengh::strength ; Fixes 15 words
:?*:structual::structural ; Fixes 12 words
:?*:sttr::str ; Fixes 2295 words
:?*:stuct::struct ; Fixes 171 words
:?*:studdy::study ; Fixes 8 words
:?*:studing::studying ; Fixes 4 words
:?*:sturctur::structur ; Fixes 39 words
:?*:stutionaliz::stitutionaliz ; Fixes 16 words
:?*:substancia::substantia ; Fixes 55 words
:?*:succesful::successful ; Fixes 6 words
:?*:succsess::success ; Fixes 19 words
:?*:sueing::suing ; Fixes 9 words
:?*:suffc::suffic ; Fixes 14 words
:?*:sufferr::suffer ; Fixes 19 words
:?*:suffician::sufficien ; Fixes 10 words
:?*:superintendan::superintenden ; Fixes 6 words
:?*:suph::soph ; Fixes 153 words
:?*:supos::suppos ; Fixes 30 words
:?*:suppoed::supposed ; Fixes 3 words
:?*:supposs::suppos ; Fixes 30 words
:?*:suppy::supply ; Fixes 8 words
:?*:suprass::surpass ; Fixes 14 words
:?*:supress::suppress ; Fixes 31 words
:?*:supris::surpris ; Fixes 16 words
:?*:supriz::surpris ; Fixes 16 words
:?*:surect::surrect ; Fixes 15 words
:?*:surence::surance ; Fixes 12 words
:?*:surfce::surface ; Fixes 15 words
:?*:surle::surel ; Fixes 11 words
:?*:suro::surro ; Fixes 13 words
:?*:surpress::suppress ; Fixes 31 words
:?*:surpriz::surpris ; Fixes 16 words
:?*:susept::suscept ; Fixes 21 words
:?*:svae::save ; Fixes 15 words
:?*:swepth::swept ; Fixes 7 words
:?*:symetr::symmetr ; Fixes 36 words
:?*:symettr::symmetr ; Fixes 36 words
:?*:symmetral::symmetric ; Fixes 16 words
:?*:syncro::synchro ; Fixes 72 words
:?*:sypmtom::symptom ; Fixes 11 words
:?*:sysmatic::systematic ; Fixes 11 words
:?*:sytem::system ; Fixes 62 words
:?*:sytl::styl ; Fixes 100 words
:?*:tagan::tagon ; Fixes 40 words
:?*:tahn::than ; Fixes 135 words
:?*:taht::that ; Fixes 26 words
:?*:tailled::tailed ; Fixes 16 words.
:?*:taimina::tamina ; Fixes 26 words
:?*:tainence::tenance ; Fixes 12 words
:?*:taion::tation ; Fixes 490 words
:?*:tait::trait ; Fixes 32 words
:?*:tamt::tant ; Fixes 330 words
:?*:tanous::taneous ; Fixes 29 words
:?*:taral::tural ; Fixes 140 words
:?*:tarey::tary ; Fixes 86 words
:?*:tatch::tach ; Fixes 105 words
:?*:tatn::tant ; Fixes 530 words
:?*:taxan::taxon ; Fixes 10 words
:?*:techic::technic ; Fixes 39 words
:?*:techini::techni ; Fixes 44 words
:?*:techt::tect ; Fixes 102 words
:?*:tecn::techn ; Fixes 87 words
:?*:telpho::telepho ; Fixes 23 words
:?*:tempalt::templat ; Fixes 14 words
:?*:tempara::tempera ; Fixes 22 words
:?*:temperar::temporar ; Fixes 11 words
:?*:tempoa::tempora ; Fixes 35 words
:?*:temporaneus::temporaneous ; Fixes 6 words
:?*:tendac::tendenc ; Fixes 7 words
:?*:tendor::tender ; Fixes 54 words
:?*:tepmor::tempor ; Fixes 73 words
:?*:teriod::teroid ; Fixes 21 words
:?*:terranian::terranean ; Fixes 4 words
:?*:terrestial::terrestrial ; Fixes 9 words
:?*:terrior::territor ; Fixes 28 words
:?*:territorist::terrorist ; Fixes 11 words
:?*:terroist::terrorist ; Fixes 11 words
:?*:tghe::the ; Fixes 2176 words
:?*:tghi::thi ; Fixes 827 words
:?*:thakn::thank ; Fixes 19 words 
:?*:thaph::taph ; Fixes 60 words
:?*:theather::theater ; Fixes 7 words
:?*:theese::these ; Fixes 13 words
:?*:thgat::that ; Fixes 26 words
:?*:thiun::thin ; Fixes 212 words
:?*:thnig::thing ; Fixes 103 words
:?*:threatn::threaten ; Fixes 10 words
:?*:thsoe::those ; Fixes 8 words
:?*:thyat::that ; Fixes 26 words
:?*:tiait::tiat ; Fixes 139 words
:?*:tiblit::tibilit ; Fixes 75 words
:?*:tibut::tribut ; Fixes 92 words
:?*:ticeing::ticing ; Fixes 9 words
:?*:ticial::tical ; Fixes 863 words
:?*:ticio::titio ; Fixes 68 words
:?*:ticlular::ticular ; Fixes 36 words
:?*:tiction::tinction ; Fixes 8 words
:?*:tiget::tiger ; Fixes 11 words
:?*:tihkn::think ; Fixes 43 words
:?*:tihs::this ; Fixes 57 words
:?*:tiion::tion ; Fixes 7052 words
:?*:tingish::tinguish ; Fixes 38 words
:?*:tioge::toge ; Fixes 74 words
:?*:tionnab::tionab ; Fixes 42 words
:?*:tionnal::tional ; Fixes 713 words
:?*:tionne::tione ; Fixes 108 words
:?*:tionni::tioni ; Fixes 265 words
:?*:tiosn::tion ; Fixes 7055 words
:?*:tisment::tisement ; Fixes 4 words
:?*:titid::titud ; Fixes 88 words
:?*:titity::tity ; Fixes 14 words
:?*:titui::tituti ; Fixes 83 words
:?*:tiviat::tivat ; Fixes 100 words
:?*:tje::the ; Fixes 2176 words, but misspells Ondaatje (Canadian writer (born in Sri Lanka in 1943)) 
:?*:tjhe::the ; Fixes 2176 words
:?*:tkae::take ; Fixes 83 words
:?*:tkaing::taking ; Fixes 23 words
:?*:tlak::talk ; Fixes 74 words
:?*:tlied::tled ; Fixes 18 words
:?*:tlme::tleme ; Fixes 21 words
:?*:tlye::tyle ; Fixes 81 words
:?*:tned::nted ; Fixes 288 words
:?*:tofy::tify ; Fixes 73 words
:?*:togani::tagoni ; Fixes 25 words
:?*:toghether::together ; Fixes 4 words
:?*:toleren::toleran ; Fixes 11 words
:?*:tority::torily ; Fixes 15 words
:?*:touble::trouble ; Fixes 25 words
:?*:tounge::tongue ; Fixes 15 words
:?*:tourch::torch ; Fixes 20 words
:?*:toword::toward ; Fixes 5 words
:?*:towrad::toward ; Fixes 5 words
:?*:tradion::tradition ; Fixes 19 words
:?*:tradtion::tradition ; Fixes 19 words
:?*:tranf::transf ; Fixes 72 words
:?*:transmissab::transmissib ; Fixes 5 words
:?*:tribusion::tribution ; Fixes 20 words
:?*:triger::trigger ; Fixes 10 words
:?*:tritian::trician ; Fixes 27 words
:?*:tritut::tribut ; Fixes 92 words
:?*:troling::trolling ; Fixes 8 words
:?*:troverci::troversi ; Fixes 19 words
:?*:trubution::tribution ; Fixes 20 words
:?*:tstion::tation ; Fixes 490 words
:?*:ttele::ttle ; Fixes 237 words
:?*:tuara::taura ; Fixes 12 words
:?*:tudonal::tudinal ; Fixes 12 words
:?*:tuer::teur ; Fixes 53 words
:?*:twpo::two ; Fixes 92 words
:?*:tyfull::tiful ; Fixes 20 words
:?*:tyha::tha ; Fixes 512 words
:?*:udner::under ; Fixes 803 words
:?*:udnet::udent ; Fixes 23 words
:?*:ugth::ught ; Jack's fixes 146 words
:?*:uitious::uitous ; Fixes 15 words
:?*:ulaton::ulation ; Fixes 192 words
:?*:umetal::umental ; Fixes 27 words
:?*:understoon::understood ; Fixes 4 words
:?*:untion::unction ; Fixes 79 words
:?*:unviers::univers ; Fixes 26 words
:?*:uoul::oul ; Fixes 207 words
:?*:uraunt::urant ; Fixes 34 words
:?*:uredd::ured ; Fixes 196 words
:?*:urgan::urgen ; Fixes 21 words
:?*:urveyer::urveyor ; Fixes 4 words
:?*:useage::usage ; Fixes 9 words
:?*:useing::using ; Fixes 78 words
:?*:usuab::usab ; Fixes 31 words
:?*:ususal::usual ; Fixes 7 words
:?*:utrab::urab ; Fixes 138 words
:?*:vacative::vocative ; Fixes 12 words
:?*:valant::valent ; Fixes 31 words
:?*:valubl::valuabl ; Fixes 7 words
:?*:valueabl::valuabl ; Fixes 7 words
:?*:varation::variation ; Fixes 5 words
:?*:varien::varian ; Fixes 17 words
:?*:varing::varying ; Fixes 5 words
:?*:varous::various ; Fixes 3 words
:?*:vegat::veget ; Fixes 31 words
:?*:vegit::veget ; Fixes 31 words
:?*:vegt::veget ; Fixes 31 words
:?*:veinen::venien ; Fixes 19 words
:?*:veiw::view ; Fixes 52 words
:?*:velant::valent ; Fixes 31 words
:?*:velent::valent ; Fixes 31 words
:?*:venem::venom ; Fixes 15 words
:?*:vereal::veral ; Fixes 20 words
:?*:verison::version ; Fixes 52 words
:?*:vertibrat::vertebrat ; Fixes 6 words
:?*:vertion::version ; Fixes 52 words
:?*:vetat::vitat ; Fixes 27 words
:?*:veyr::very ; Fixes 42 words
:?*:vigeur::vigor ; Fixes 26 words
:?*:vigilen::vigilan ; Fixes 13 words
:?*:visiosn::vision ; Fixes 51 words
:?*:vison::vision ; Fixes 51 words
:?*:visting::visiting ; Fixes 3 words
:?*:vivous::vious ; Fixes 28 words
:?*:vlalent::valent ; Fixes 31 words
:?*:vment::vement ; Fixes 26 words
:?*:voiu::viou ; Fixes 45 words 
:?*:volont::volunt ; Fixes 26 words
:?*:volount::volunt ; Fixes 26 words
:?*:volumn::volum ; Fixes 13 words
:?*:volvment::volvement ; Fixes 6 words
:?*:vrey::very ; Fixes 42 words
:?*:vyer::very ; Fixes 42 words
:?*:vyre::very ; Fixes 42 words
:?*:waer::wear ; Fixes 99 words
:?*:waht::what ; Fixes 34 words
:?*:warrent::warrant ; Fixes 24 words
:?*:wehn::when ; Fixes 6 words
:?*:weildl::wield ; Fixes 15 words
:?*:werre::were ; Fixes 31 words
:?*:whant::want ; Fixes 20 words
:?*:wherre::where ; Fixes 27 words
:?*:whta::what ; Fixes 34 words
:?*:wief::wife ; Fixes 28 words
:?*:wieldl::wield ; Fixes 15 words
:?*:wierd::weird ; Fixes 16 words
:?*:wiew::view ; Fixes 52 words
:?*:willk::will ; Fixes 64 words
:?*:windoes::windows ; Fixes 5 words
:?*:wirt::writ ; Fixes 88 words
:?*:witten::written ; Fixes 9 words
:?*:wiull::will ; Fixes 64 words
:?*:wnat::want ; Fixes 20 words
:?*:woh::who ; Fixes 92 words
:?*:wokr::work ; Fixes 338 words
:?*:worls::world ; Fixes 31 words
:?*:wriet::write ; Fixes 48 words
:?*:wrighter::writer ; Fixes 31 words
:?*:writen::written ; Fixes 9 words
:?*:writting::writing ; Fixes 18 words
:?*:wrod::word ; Fixes 92 words
:?*:wrok::work ; Fixes 338 words
:?*:wtih::with ; Fixes 56 words
:?*:wupp::supp ; Fixes 168 words
:?*:yaer::year ; Fixes 24 words
:?*:yearm::year ; Fixes 24 words
:?*:yoiu::you ; Fixes 51 words
:?*:ythim::ythm ; Fixes 38 words
:?*:ytou::you ; Fixes 51 words
:?*:yuo::you ; Fixes 51 words
:?*:zyne::zine ; Fixes 89 words
:?*C:Amercia::America ; Fixes 28 words, Case sensitive to not misspell amerciable (Of a crime or misdemeanor) 
:?*C:bouy::buoy ; Fixes 13 words.  Case-sensitive to not misspell Bouyie (a branch of Tai language).
:?*C:comt::cont ; Fixes 587 words.  Misspells vicomte (French nobleman), Case sensitive so not misspell Comte (founder of Positivism and type of cheese)
:?*C:doimg::doing ; Fixes 21 words but might be a variable name(??)
:?*C:elicid::elicit ; Fixes 26 words, :C: so not to misspell Lelicidae (snail).
:?*C:elpa::epla ; Fixes 92 words.  Case sensitive to not misspell CELPA.
:?*C:manan::manen ; Fixes 27 words.  Case sensitive, so not to misspell Manannan (Celtic god of the sea; son of Ler)
:?*C:mnt::ment ; Fixes 1763 words.  Case-sensitive, to not misspell TMNT (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles)
:?*C:moust::mous ; Fixes 445 words, Case-sensitive to not Mousterian (archaeological culture, Neanderthal, before 70,000–32,000 BC)
:?*C:oppen::open ; Fixes 91 words.  Case-sensitive so not to misspell "Oppenheimer."
:?*C:origen::origin ; Fixes 37 words, Case sensitive to not misspell Origen (Greek philosopher and theologian).
:?*C:pulic::public ; Fixes 50 words, Case-sensitive to not misspell Pulicaria (Genus of temperate Old World herbs: fleabane)
:?*C:sigin::sign ; Fixes 243 words. Case-sensitive to not misspell SIGINT "Info from electronics telemetry intel."
:?*C:tehr::ther ; Fixes 921 words. Case sesnsitive to not misspell Tehran (capital and largest city of Iran).
:?*C:tempra::tempora ; Fixes 35 words. Case sensitive to not misspell Tempra (type of medicine).
:?:'nt::n't ; Fixes 24 words
:?:, btu::, but ; Not just replacing "btu", as that is a unit of heat.
:?:; btu::; but
:?:Spet::Sept ; Fixes 2 words 
:?:abely::ably ; Fixes 568 words
:?:abley::ably ; Fixes 568 words
:?:acn::can ; Fixes 64 words
:?:addres::address ; Fixes 4 words
:?:adresing::addressing ; Fixes 3 words
:?:aelly::eally ; Fixes 23 words
:?:aindre::ained ; Fixes 81 words
:?:ainity::ainty ; Fixes 4 words
:?:alekd::alked ; Fixes 16 words
:?:alowing::allowing ; Fixes 8 words
:?:alyl::ally ; Fixes 2436 words
:?:amde::made ; Fixes 6 words
:?:ancles::acles ; Fixes 21 words
:?:andd::and ; Fixes 251 words
:?:anim::anism ; Fixes 123 words, but misspells minyanim (The quorum required by Jewish law to be present for public worship)
:?:aotrs::ators ; Fixes 414 words
:?:appearred::appeared ; Fixes 3 words
:?:artice::article ; Fixes 5 words
:?:aticly::atically ; Fixes 113 words
:?:ativs::atives ; Fixes 63 words
:?:atley::ately ; Fixes 162 words, but misspells Wheatley (a fictional artificial intelligence from the Portal franchise)
:?:atn::ant ; Fixes 506 words
:?:attemp::attempt ; Fixes 2 words
:?:aunchs::aunches ; Fixes 9 words
:?:autor::author ; Fixes 2 words
:?:ayd::ady ; Fixes 24 words
:?:aywa::away ; Fixes 24 words
:?:bilites::bilities ; Fixes 487 words
:?:bilties::bilities ; Fixes 487 words
:?:bilty::bility ; Fixes 915 words
:?:blility::bility ; Fixes 915 words
:?:blities::bilities ; Fixes 487 words
:?:blity::bility ; Fixes 915 words
:?:blly::bly ; Fixes 735 words
:?:borke::broke ; Fixes 5 words
:?:bthe::b the
:?:busines::business ; Fixes 3 words
:?:busineses::businesses ; Fixes 2 words
:?:bve::be ; Fixes 127 words
:?:caht::chat ; Fixes 8 words
:?:certainity::certainty ; Fixes 2 words
:?:certaintly::certainly ; Fixes 3 words
:?:cialy::cially ; Fixes 39 words
:?:cisly::cisely ; Fixes 4 words
:?:claimes::claims ; Fixes 10 words
:?:claming::claiming ; Fixes 9 words
:?:clas::class ; Fixes 8 words
:?:clud::clude ; Fixes 6 words
:?:comit::commit ; Fixes 3 words
:?:comming::coming ; Fixes 14 words
:?:commiting::committing ; Fixes 3 words
:?:committe::committee ; Fixes 2 words
:?:compability::compatibility ; Fixes 5 words
:?:competely::completely ; Fixes 3 words
:?:controll::control ; Fixes 3 words
:?:controlls::controls ; Fixes 3 words
:?:criticists::critics ; Fixes 2 words
:?:cthe::c the
:?:cticly::ctically ; Fixes 23 words
:?:ctino::ction ; Fixes 226 words
:?:ctoty::ctory ; Fixes 23 words
:?:cually::cularly ; Fixes 38 words
:?:cuarly::cularly ; Fixes 38 words
:?:cularily::cularly ; Fixes 38 words
:?:culem::culum ; Fixes 19 words
:?:currenly::currently ; Fixes 5 words
:?:decidely::decidedly ; Fixes 2 words
:?:develope::develop ; Fixes 5 words
:?:developes::develops ; Fixes 5 words
:?:dfull::dful ; Fixes 14 words
:?:difere::differe ; Fixes 41 words
:?:disctinct::distinct ; Fixes 18 words
:?:dng::ding ; Fixes 618 words
:?:doens::does ; Fixes 23 words
:?:doese::does ; Fixes 23 words
:?:dreasm::dreams ; Fixes 2 words
:?:dtae::date ; Fixes 59 words
:?:dthe::d the
:?:eamil::email ; Fixes 6 words
:?:ecclectic::eclectic ; Fixes 6 words
:?:eclisp::eclips ; Fixes 6 words
:?:edely::edly ; Fixes 674 words
:?:efel::feel ; Fixes 8 words
:?:efort::effort ; Fixes 8 words
:?:efull::eful ; Fixes 74 words
:?:efulls::efuls ; Fixes 18 words
:?:ehre::here ; Fixes 49 words
:?:elyl::ely ; Fixes 1076 words
:?:encs::ences ; Fixes 301 words
:?:equiped::equipped ; Fixes 4 words
:?:eraly::erally ; Fixes 26 words
:?:essess::esses ; Fixes 200 words
:?:establising::establishing ; Fixes 4 words
:?:examinated::examined ; Fixes 3 words
:?:ferrs::fers ; Fixes 72 words
:?:ficaly::fically ; Fixes 20 words
:?:fiel::file ; Fixes 9 words
:?:finit::finite ; Fixes 6 words
:?:finitly::finitely ; Fixes 4 words
:?:forceing::forcing ; Fixes 6 words
:?:frmo::from ; Fixes 3 words
:?:frp,::from ; Fixes 3 words
:?:fthe::f the
:?:fuly::fully ; Fixes 191 words
:?:gardes::gards ; Fixes 5 words
:?:getted::geted ; Fixes 8 words
:?:gettin::getting ; Fixes 4 words
:?:gfulls::gfuls ; Fixes 4 words
:?:ginaly::ginally ; Fixes 8 words
:?:giory::gory ; Fixes 7 words
:?:glases::glasses ; Fixes 11 words
:?:gracefull::graceful ; Fixes 3 words
:?:gratefull::grateful ; Fixes 3 words
:?:gred::greed ; Fixes 6 words
:?:gthe::g the
:?:hace::hare ; Fixes 9 words
:?:herad::heard ; Fixes 5 words
:?:herefor::herefore ; Fixes 2 words
:?:hfull::hful ; Fixes 30 words
:?:hge::he ; Fixes 147 words
:?:higns::hings ; Fixes 79 words
:?:higsn::hings ; Fixes 79 words
:?:hsa::has ; Fixes 62 words
:?:hsi::his ; Fixes 59 words
:?:hte::the ; Fixes 44 words
:?:hthe::h the
:?:iaing::iating ; Fixes 84 words
:?:ialy::ially ; Fixes 244 words, but misspells bialy (Flat crusty-bottomed onion roll) 
:?:iatly::iately ; Fixes 12 words
:?:iblilty::ibility ; Fixes 168 words
:?:icaly::ically ; Fixes 1432 words
:?:icm::ism ; Fixes 1075 words
:?:icms::isms ; Fixes 717 words
:?:idty::dity ; Fixes 67 words
:?:ienty::iently ; Fixes 36 words
:?:ign::ing ; Fixes 11384 words, but misspells a bunch (which are nullified above)
:?:ikn::ink ; Fixes 66 words
:?:ilarily::ilarly ; Fixes 5 words
:?:ilny::inly ; Fixes 18 words
:?:iosn::ions ; Fixes 3055 words
:?:isio::ision ; Fixes 27 words
:?:itino::ition ; Fixes 113 words
:?:itiy::ity ; Fixes 1890 words
:?:itoy::itory ; Fixes 23 words
:?:itr::it ; Fixes 366 words, but misspells Savitr (Important Hindu god) 
:?:ityes::ities ; Fixes 1347 words
:?:ivites::ivities ; Fixes 73 words
:?:kc::ck ; Fixes 610 words.  Misspells kc (thousand per second).
:?:kfulls::kfuls ; Fixes 7 words
:?:kn::nk ; Fixes 168 words
:?:kthe::k the
:?:l;y::ly ; Fixes 10464 words
:?:laly::ally ; Fixes 2436 words
:?:letness::leteness ; Fixes 5 words
:?:lfull::lful ; Fixes 13 words
:?:lieing::lying ; Fixes 46 words
:?:lighly::lightly ; Fixes 3 words
:?:ligy::lify ; ixes 15 words
:?:likey::likely ; Fixes 4 words
:?:lility::ility ; Fixes 956 words
:?:llete::lette ; Fixes 17 words
:?:lsit::list ; Fixes 244 words
:?:lthe::l the
:?:lwats::lways ; Fixes 6 words
:?:lyu::ly ; Fixes 9123 words
:?:maked::marked ; Fixes 15 words
:?:maticas::matics ; Fixes 26 words
:?:metn::ment ; Fixes 587 words
:?:metns::ments ; Fixes 577 words
:?:miantly::minately ; Fixes 6 words
:?:mibly::mably ; Fixes 16 words
:?:miliary::military ; Fixes 4 words, but misspells miliary ()
:?:morphysis::morphosis ; Fixes 4 words
:?:motted::moted ; Fixes 5 words
:?:mpley::mply ; Fixes 13 words
:?:mpyl::mply ; Fixes 13 words
:?:mthe::m the
:?:narys::naries ; Fixes 47 words
:?:natley::nately ; Fixes 42 words
:?:natly::nately ; Fixes 42 words
:?:ndacies::ndances ; Fixes 8 words
:?:nfull::nful ; Fixes 36 words
:?:nfulls::nfuls ; Fixes 17 words
:?:ngment::ngement ; Fixes 18 words
:?:nicly::nically ; Fixes 136 words
:?:nig::ing ; Fixes 11414 words.  Misspells pfennig (100 pfennigs formerly equaled 1 Deutsche Mark in Germany).
:?:nision::nisation ; Fixes 93 words
:?:nnally::nally ; Fixes 249 words
:?:nnology::nology ; Fixes 43 words
:?:ns't::sn't ; Fixes 4 words
:?:nsly::nsely ; Fixes 6 words
:?:nsof::ns of
:?:nsur::nsure ; Fixes 10 words
:?:ntay::ntary ; Fixes 34 words
:?:nyed::nied ; Fixes 15 words
:?:oachs::oaches ; Fixes 13 words
:?:occured::occurred ; Fixes 3 words
:?:occurr::occur ; Fixes 3 words
:?:olgy::ology ; Fixes 316 words
:?:omst::most ; Fixes 39 words
:?:onaly::onally ; Fixes 174 words
:?:onw::one ; Fixes 341 words
:?:otaly::otally ; Fixes 6 words
:?:otherw::others ; Fixes 16 words
:?:otino::otion ; Fixes 12 words
:?:otu::out ; Fixes 97 words
:?:ougly::oughly ; Fixes 3 words
:?:ouldent::ouldn't ; Fixes 3 words
:?:ouldnt::ouldn't ; Fixes 3 words
:?:ourary::orary ; Fixes 6 words
:?:paide::paid ; Fixes 7 words
:?:pich::pitch ; Fixes 3 words
:?:pleatly::pletely ; Fixes 4 words
:?:pletly::pletely ; Fixes 4 words
:?:polical::political ; Fixes 7 words
:?:proces::process ; Fixes 3 words
:?:proprietory::proprietary ; Fixes 2 words
:?:pthe::p the
:?:publis::publics ; Fixes 2 words
:?:puertorrican::Puerto Rican ; Fixes 2 words
:?:quater::quarter ; Fixes 4 words
:?:quaters::quarters ; Fixes 4 words
:?:querd::quered ; Fixes 5 words
:?:raly::rally ; Fixes 120 words
:?:rarry::rary ; Fixes 23 words
:?:realy::really ; Fixes 12 words
:?:receeded::receded ; Fixes 2 words
:?:reched::reached ; Fixes 6 words
:?:reciding::residing ; Fixes 2 words
:?:reday::ready ; Fixes 7 words
:?:resed::ressed ; Fixes 50 words
:?:resing::ressing ; Fixes 40 words
:?:returnd::returned ; Fixes 2 words
:?:riey::riety ; Fixes 8 words
:?:rithy::rity ; Fixes 120 words
:?:ritiers::rities ; Fixes 105 words
:?:rthe::r the
:?:ruley::ruly ; Fixes 4 words
:?:ryied::ried ; Fixes 70 words
:?:saccharid::saccharide ; Fixes 8 words
:?:safty::safety ; Fixes 2 words
:?:sasy::says ; Fixes 12 words
:?:saught::sought ; Fixes 3 words
:?:schol::school ; Fixes 5 words
:?:scoll::scroll ; Fixes 2 words
:?:seses::sesses ; Fixes 8 words
:?:sfull::sful ; Fixes 7 words
:?:sfuly::sfully ; Fixes 5 words
:?:sfulyl::sfully ; Fixes 5 words
:?:shiping::shipping ; Fixes 8 words
:?:shorly::shortly ; Fixes 2 words
:?:siary::sary ; Fixes 16 words
:?:sicaly::sically ; Fixes 24 words
:?:sice::sive ; Fixes 166 words, but misspells sice (The number six at dice)
:?:sicly::sically ; Fixes 24 words
:?:smoothe::smooth ; Fixes 2 words
:?:sorce::source ; Fixes 5 words
:?:specif::specify ; Fixes 4 words
:?:ssfull::ssful ; Fixes 7 words
:?:ssully::ssfully ; Fixes 5 words
:?:stanly::stantly ; Fixes 8 words
:?:sthe::s the
:?:stino::stion ; Fixes 14 words
:?:storicians::storians ; Fixes 4 words
:?:stpo::stop ; Fixes 8 words
:?:strat::start ; Fixes 5 words
:?:struced::structed ; Fixes 11 words
:?:stuls::sults ; Fixes 4 words
:?:sucesfuly::successfully ; Fixes 2 words
:?:syas::says ; Fixes 12 words, but misspells Vaisyas (A member of the mercantile and professional Hindu caste.) 
:?:t eh::the ; Fixes 44 words ; Made case sensitive for 'at EH.'
:?:targetting::targeting ; Fixes 3 words
:?:teh::the ; Fixes 44 words
:?:tempory::temporary ; Fixes 3 words
:?:teraly::terally ; Fixes 13 words
:?:tfull::tful ; Fixes 64 words
:?:theh::the ; Fixes 44 words
:?:thge::the ; Fixes 44 words
:?:thh::th ; Fixes 408 words
:?:thn::then ; Fixes 11 words
:?:thne::then ; Fixes 11 words
:?:throught::through ; Fixes 3 words
:?:tht::th ; Fixes 408 words
:?:thw::the ; Fixes 44 words
:?:thyness::thiness ; Fixes 32 words
:?:tialy::tially ; Fixes 57 words
:?:tiem::time ; Fixes 44 words
:?:timne::time ; Fixes 44 words
:?:tionar::tionary ; Fixes 68 words
:?:tooes::toos ; Fixes 4 words
:?:topry::tory ; Fixes 317 words
:?:toreis::tories ; Fixes 62 words
:?:toyr::tory ; Fixes 317 words
:?:traing::traying ; Fixes 4 words
:?:tricly::trically ; Fixes 72 words
:?:tricty::tricity ; Fixes 13 words
:?:truely::truly ; Fixes 2 words
:?:tust::trust ; Fixes 7 words
:?:twon::town ; Fixes 32 words
:?:tyo::to ; Fixes 185 words
:?:typicaly::typically ; Fixes 9 words
:?:ualy::ually ; Fixes 72 words
:?:uarly::ularly ; Fixes 66 words
:?:ularily::ularly ; Fixes 66 words
:?:ultimely::ultimately ; Fixes 2 words
:?:uraly::urally ; Fixes 44 words
:?:urchs::urches ; Fixes 4 words
:?:urnk::runk ; Fixes 8 words
:?:usefull::useful ; Fixes 2 words
:?:utino::ution ; Fixes 55 words
:?:veill::veil ; Fixes 3 words
:?:verd::vered ; Fixes 39 words
:?:videntally::vidently ; Fixes 3 words
:?:vly::vely ; Fixes 547 words
:?:wass::was ; Fixes 13 words
:?:wasy::ways ; Fixes 106 words
:?:weas::was ; Fixes 13 words
:?:weath::wealth ; Fixes 3 words
:?:wifes::wives ; Fixes 7 words
:?:wille::will ; Fixes 10 words
:?:willingless::willingness ; Fixes 2 words
:?:wordly::worldly ; Fixes 3 words
:?:wroet::wrote ; Fixes 7 words
:?:wthe::w the
:?:wya::way ; Fixes 113 words
:?:wyas::ways ; Fixes 106 words
:?:xthe::x the
:?:yng::ying ; Fixes 514 words
:?:ywat::yway ; Fixes 6 words
:?C:hc::ch ; Fixes 446 words ; :C: so not to break THC or LHC
:?C:itn::ith ; Fixes 70 words, Case sensitive, to not misspell ITN (Independent Television News) 
:C:ASS::ADD ; Case-sensitive to fix acronym, but not word.
:C:may of::may have
Important Comment: Consider these experimental... I've been using them for a while, with good results. I do see lots of corrections happening. :D The downside is that an unplanned-for typo will occasionally trigger an unwanted autocorrection. When this happens, the word I'm typing will get all messed up, which is super annoying. So it's a trade-off: Lots of cool autocorrections, but an occasional "fubared" word... So try it out if you want. Use it or not.

Regarding the potential fixes: The original 2007 AutoCorrect.ahk boasted about 5k or so potential fixes. In reality, if you count the number of items that might get fixed by the :?:ign::ing fix, that number is closer to 16k. The above list currentlu fixes a potential 309k different typo/misspell/poor grammar errors. However... I used the WordWeb dictionary (with several add-on word lists included). The WW list included about 159k words; so how can there be 309k fixes? It's because there are several different (and common) ways to misspell the same word. So when you see "; Fixes 105 words" there might be other autocorrect items that fix many of the same words, or even the same 105. The original 2007 AutoCorrect also had several items that corrected the same words.

10-7-2023 Update:
I noticed the above-posted code didn't have the accented items, or date fixes, as indicated in its Table of Contents. So I added those, and also added the CAse COrrector and Hotstring Helper from the top post. Lastly I added the little tool (a Mikeyww special) that tallies the number of potential fixes. (Currently it is indicating ~308.5k fixes... Not sure where the other thousand went...) I zipped up the .ahk and attached.
AutoCorrect for v2
(62.47 KiB) Downloaded 653 times
ste(phen|ve) kunkel
User avatar
Posts: 1162
Joined: 30 Nov 2015, 21:19

Re: AutoCorrect for v2

10 Oct 2023, 17:43

For the curious... As mentioned in the reply before this one, having an AutoCorrect file with thousands of multi-match "word middle" hotstrings inevitably results in occasional misfires, where the wrong string gets added to your edit field. So when there was a misfire, I wanted to be able to "look back" at what the last-triggered hotstring was. Unfortunately, you can not use A_ThisHotkey for auto-replace hotstrings. Mikeyww helped me set up a single-line function that gets triggered by the hotstring, types out the replacement text, but also records what the trigger was. That quickly evolved into two levels of logging, explained below.

Auto-Logging version of above AutoCorrect 300k script
*before using, see comments in next reply.

The zipped files
(1.25 MiB) Downloaded 631 times
The function and related parts of the code:

Code: Select all

; AHK v2 code
lastTrigger := "none yet" ; incase no autocorrects have been made
!+F3:: MsgBox(lastTrigger, "Trigger", 0) ; Peek at last trigger. 
!+l:: Run("LogOfErrors.ahk") ; View log of corrections that prompted backspacing. 
!^l:: Run("allTriggersLogged.ahk") ; View log of all autocorrections. 

; Mikeyww's idea to use a one-line function call. Cool.
f(replace := "", trigger := "", endchar := "") ; All the one-line autocorrects call this f(unction).
{	A_Clipboard := ""
	Global lastTrigger := StrReplace(trigger, "XB0", "") "::" replace ; set 'lastTrigger' before removing options and colons.
	trigger := SubStr(trigger, inStr(trigger, ":",,,2)+1) ; use everything to right of 2nd colon. 
	TrigLen := StrLen(trigger) + StrLen(endchar) ; determine number of backspaces needed.
	; Only select and replace rightmost necessary chars.  
	trigL := StrSplit(trigger)
	replL := StrSplit(replace)
	Global ignorLen := 0
	Loop Min(trigL.Length, replL.Length) ; find matching left substring.
	{	If (trigL[A_Index] = replL[A_Index])

	; select trigger that was just typed and get trigger text
	SendInput("{Shift down}{Left " (TrigLen - ignorLen) "}{Shift up}{Ctrl down}x{Ctrl up}") 

	replace := SubStr(replace, (ignorLen+1))
	If IsUpper(SubStr(A_Clipboard,1,1)) ; assess leftmost char
		replace := StrUpper(SubStr(replace,1,1)) SubStr(replace,2) ; make sentence case
	SendInput(replace endchar) ; Type replacemement and endchar. 
	FileAppend(A_MM A_DD " -- " lastTrigger . "`n", "allTriggersLogged.ahk") ; Logs all autocorrects. 
	Global IsRecent := 1 ; Set IsRecent, then change back in x second(s).
	setTimer TriggerRecency, -2000 ; run only once, in x second(s). 
	replace := "" ; Reset to blank string.
	SoundBeep(900, 60) ; Notification of replacement.
	;SoundBeep(1000, 40)

TriggerRecency() ; Gets called by above x-second timer. 
{	Global IsRecent := 0 ; no longer recent

Global IsRecent := 0 ; Start blank
OnBSLogger() ; Run at script startup.
OnBSLogger() ; Automatically logs if an autocorrect happens, then I press Backspace within one second. 
{ 	WordArr := []
	EndKeys := "{Space}{Backspace}{Tab}{Enter}"
	lih := InputHook("B V I1 E", EndKeys) ; "logger input hook"
	{	lih.Start(), lih.Wait()
		If !RegExMatch(lih.Input, "\d") ; Don't record strings with numbers.
		{ ; Exclude digits to avoid logging passwords and bank numbers. LOL.
			WordArr.Push(lih.Input "{" lih.EndKey "}")
			; ToolTip(lih.Input " & " lih.EndKey)
			If (WordArr.Length > 7) ; Use bigger number to capture more context.
			If (lih.EndKey = "Backspace" && IsRecent = 1) {
				For Idx, wArr in WordArr {
					LogEntry .= WordArr[Idx]
				LogEntry := StrReplace(LogEntry, "{Space}", "{-}")
				LogEntry := StrReplace(LogEntry, "{Backspace}", "{<-}")
				LogEntry := StrReplace(LogEntry, "{Enter}", "{e}")
				SoundBeep(900, 333)
				WinStamp := StrSplit(WinGetTitle("A"), " - ") ; Only use text on right of hyphen.  Too long otherwise...
				Stamp := "On: " A_MM "-" A_DD "-" A_YYYY "; In: "  WinStamp[2] ; Change date order according to locale.
				FileAppend("`n`n" Stamp "`n-last typing----> " LogEntry "`n-last replace---> " lastTrigger, "LogOfErrors.ahk")

^F3:: ; How many potential word fixes are there in the autocorrect items?
{	list := FileRead(A_ScriptFullPath)
	sum := 0
	Loop Parse list, '`n' ; mikeyww wrote this too.  
		If RegExMatch(A_LoopField, 'Fixes\h*\K\d+', &n)
			sum += n[]
	MsgBox sum, 'Sum', 64

:XB0*:trigger::f("replacement", A_ThisHotkey, A_EndChar)
Please note that there are a couple of .exe files in the zip. These are not compiled versions of the same-named .ahk files. They are merely renamed copies of AutoHotkey.exe (v2). I have my laptop set up so that double-clicking or Run()ing an .ahk file merely opens it. To run the script, I DoubleClick the exe. (Or have them in my Windows Startup folder.)

The main script is AutoCorrect-SL. In the reply above this one, the AutoCorrect file has the CAse COrrector tool embedded at the beginning. In this version, I have it as a separate file. This is only because I wanted that tool to have its own thread. Near the top of AutoCorrect-SL, is a run command to run the CaseCorrector tool, so you don't have to start it separately, but you do have to keep the files in the same subfolder.

The allTriggersLogged file and the LogOfError file have to be in the same folder too. As I'm writing this, it occurs to me that the hotkeys in the code (!+l and !^l) probably won't work for you. They are meant to open the logs for viewing. With the default installation settings of AutoHotkey, they will run the script file instead. I'll update the code soon.

As you are typing, whenever a typo is corrected, the function will beep, and it will log the item to the allTriggersLogged file. That file also has its own embedded code. When the script is run, it will show you how many of each autocorrection and/or CAse FIxes have happened, and order them by 'most-used.'

The LogOfErrors file is not formatted correctly as an .ahk file, and will throw an error if run. The function for the LogOfErrors is called OnBSLogger(). BS = Backspace. The rule is that IF an autocorrect is triggered, and IF you then press BS, THEN a log entry is entered for that one. You'll notice in the OnBSLogger() is an InputHook(). This constantly records keyboard input, but has a really short memory. It remembers approximately the last 7 words typed, and (on BS) logs them along with the autocorrect that was just triggered. NOTE: I didn't want it logging my passwords and bank/credit card information, so I made digits invisible to the InputHook. This shouldn't matter because the autocorrect items are all based on [a-z] characters. The idea with this log, is that, as I'm at work, typing, the misfires get logged. I can then go back and see the context of what I was working on, then figure out if the misfire was in fact caused by a poorly-conceived autocorrect item, or if it was just a coincidence that I happened to accidentally type a string that was associated with a different trigger. The logging process is not perfect.

Another noteworthy feature of the f() function: I needed to capture the trigger string to the clipboard, in order to assess whether the first letter was a capital (so that the replacement could match). It occurred to me that sometimes there isn't a need to replace the entire trigger string. For example, with the replacement because of it's --> because of its, only the last two characters need to actually be changed. The function assesses the similarity of the strings and only changes the right most necessary characters. This makes it a tiny bit faster... In theory at least. In reality, I'm not sure there's much difference.
ste(phen|ve) kunkel
User avatar
Posts: 1162
Joined: 30 Nov 2015, 21:19

Re: AutoCorrect for v2

14 Oct 2023, 12:36

I have to say, that I'm getting strange results from my f() function, posted in the reply before this one. If I can't get it debugged, I'll probably stop using it, and go back to normal ::trigger::expansion formatted hotstrings.

Currently, I've gotten rid of the "on backspace logging" part, though it still has the constant logger. I made it so the replacement is sent to the clipboard, then pasted into the edit field.

Code: Select all

lastTrigger := "none yet" ; incase no autocorrects have been made
!+F3:: MsgBox(lastTrigger, "Trigger", 0) ; Peek at last trigger. 
!+l:: Run("allTriggersLogged.ahk") ; View log of all autocorrections. 

; Mikeyww's idea to use a one-line function call. Cool.
f(replace := "", trigger := "", endchar := "") ; All the one-line autocorrects call this f(unction).
{	;BlockInput true ; Will block keyboard input, but only if script is run as admin. 
	;Critical 'On'
	A_Clipboard := ""
	Global lastTrigger := StrReplace(trigger, "XB0", "") "::" replace ; set 'lastTrigger' before removing options and colons.
	trigger := SubStr(trigger, inStr(trigger, ":",,,2)+1) ; use everything to right of 2nd colon. 
	TrigLen := StrLen(trigger) + StrLen(endchar) ; determine number of backspaces needed.

	; Only select and replace rightmost necessary chars.  
	trigL := StrSplit(trigger)
	replL := StrSplit(replace)
	Global ignorLen := 0
	Loop Min(trigL.Length, replL.Length) ; find matching left substring.
	{	If (trigL[A_Index] = replL[A_Index])
	; select trigger that was just typed and get trigger text
	SendInput("{Shift down}{Left " (TrigLen - ignorLen) "}{Shift up}{Ctrl down}x{Ctrl up}") 
	replace := SubStr(replace, (ignorLen+1))
	If IsUpper(SubStr(A_Clipboard,1,1)) ; assess leftmost char
		replace := StrUpper(SubStr(replace,1,1)) SubStr(replace,2) ; make sentence case
	A_Clipboard := ""
	A_Clipboard := replace endchar
	SendInput("{Ctrl down}v{Ctrl up}") ; Paste replacemement and endchar. 
	;BlockInput false
	;Critical 'Off'
	FileAppend(A_MM A_DD " -- " lastTrigger . "`n", "allTriggersLogged.ahk") ; Logs all autocorrects. 
	replace := "" ; Reset to blank string.
	SoundBeep(900, 60) ; Notification of replacement.
Still I keep getting misfires. You can see that I've tried running in admin, and using BlockInput. I've also tried Critical, but no joy. No doubt there are several factors that contribute to the misfires. For example: I wanted to update the Ctrl+F3 popup to give more information. The code works nicely, and is as follows:

Code: Select all

^F3:: ; Report information about the autocorrect items.
{	ThisFile := FileRead(A_ScriptFullPath)
	thisOptions := '', regulars := 0, begins := 0, middles := 0, ends := 0, fixes := 0
	Loop Parse ThisFile, '`n'
	{	If SubStr(Trim(A_LoopField),1,1) != ':'
		thisOptions := SubStr(Trim(A_LoopField), 1, InStr(A_LoopField, ':',,,2)) ; get options part of hotstring
		If InStr(thisOptions, '*') and InStr(A_LoopField, '?')
		Else If InStr(thisOptions, '*')
		Else If InStr(thisOptions, '?')
		If RegExMatch(A_LoopField, 'Fixes\h*\K\d+', &fn) ; Need a regex for this... 
			fixes += fn[]
	MsgBox( '   Totals`n=======================`nRegular Autocorrects:`t' regulars 
	'`nWord Beginnings:`t`t' begins  
	'`nWord Middles:`t`t' middles 
	'`nWord Ends:`t`t' ends 
	'`n=======================`n   Potential Fixes:`t' fixes  
	, 'Report for ' A_ScriptName, 64

Example output:

Report for MasterScript.ahk
Regular Autocorrects:	2231
Word Beginnings:		1061
Word Middles:		1924
Word Ends:		355
   Potential Fixes:	311160
Note the lines of code that look like '`nWord Beginnings:`t`t' begins. As it turns out, one of my word middle AutoCorrect entries was nwo ---> now, so the resulting code was '`nOwrd .... I "fixed" it by making the entry case-sensitive with :C:. This just shows how easy it is to have AutoCorrect entries that get triggered accidentally and result in unwanted misfires.

I'm also wondering if there is a problem with SendInput not always buffering manual-keypresses as expected. See also recent discussion here

An example happened just today: One of my word-middle autocorrect items is durring ---> during. I accidentally typed the misspelling, and got dur ing. Then I backspaced/removed the whole word and typed again and got the same effect. I'm pretty sure that my EndChar was getting added in the middle. My log file didn't give any clues to the problem. And if I type the misspelling right now, it the word gets fixed as expected. So IDK. I'll keep experimenting...
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Re: AutoCorrect for v2

10 Nov 2023, 12:44

Thank you for sharing, I have also switched to V2. The function

Code: Select all

doesn't seem to work for me, I try typing text like `AADfx` or `QQhs` but nothing happens. Windows 11 22H3 Italian, AutoHotKey V2.0.10.
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Re: AutoCorrect for v2

10 Nov 2023, 13:24

d_romeo wrote:
10 Nov 2023, 12:44
Thank you for sharing, I have also switched to V2. The function

Code: Select all

doesn't seem to work for me, I try typing text like `AADfx` or `QQhs` but nothing happens. Windows 11 22H3 Italian, AutoHotKey V2.0.10.
That is strange... I don't know why it's not working. Perhaps try getting the original script from here
and run it as its own script.

There are also two versions you can try (both for AHK v2). There is the one I just linked, with Ntepa's version, and there is the one in the reply just above it that I wrote.

Also be mindful that Ntepa's has a "timeout" of 400 milisecs. If you quickly type upper upper lower (such as AAa) then it should work. If you slowly type it, it won't work though.
ste(phen|ve) kunkel
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Re: AutoCorrect for v2

14 Nov 2023, 05:30

@kunkel321 - thanks for this excellent update to the AutCorrect AHK script.
I've been using the v1 script (& AHK v1.x for years) and didn't realise that an AHK v2 had even been released.
I spent a fair bit of yesterday updating my AHK to v2 and working out how to update my v1 AutoCorrect script to v2... eventually found your posts! Mega-thanks.
The reason I even bothered looking to upgrade my AHK is because my existing v1 AutoCorrect script - to which, I have been adding my personal "corrections" into for several years, got corrupted and I lost all that hard work. :-(
So I have had a look at your script and used it to add some of my personal correction text (appended) using the Win+H shortcut (very nice!).
I wanted to ask a few Q's please to see if you can help me achieve them.

1 - After a new entry is appended (using the GUI dialog from Win+H), does it auto-reload the script so that the new entry is ready to be corrected?
2 - Can the "Options" box in the Win+H dialog have a default value of * put in it?
3 - Can the "Enter Replacement String" text box be the default field in focus (i.e. cursor is already in it, ready for the user to "correct" the text) when the Win+H dialog appears with the clipboard text in it?
4 - When [Append] is clicked on the Win+H dialog, can the script do the append and then also make a backup copy of the updated AutoCorrect.ahk file - the backup copy can just be called "AutoCorrect_backup.ahk" (for simplicity) but if possible, can it be given a file name with a date-time stamp in it, so that we can keep the history of our additions to the file over time... i.e. a backup name of "AutoCorrect_YYYY-MM-DD_hh-mm-ss.ahk"

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Re: AutoCorrect for v2

14 Nov 2023, 08:54

@dorito Thanks for the feedback. I'm glad it's useful! Which version are you using? The one on the top post, or one of the others? The below answers should apply to any of them.
1 - It does reload the script? It does. The command that looks like

Code: Select all

  Reload() ; relaod the script so the new hotstring will be ready for use.

and is near the bottom of the Appendit() function is the command that does it. Be sure to read the part about not compiling the ahk file into an exe file, or the appending won't work.

2 - Default options: Yes, that can already be added. When Win+H is pressed: If there is a single word selected, then it will assume you are adding an AutoCorrect (typo fixer) item. The default options for that is located at the code that looks like this:

Code: Select all

    myDefaultOpts := ""    ; PreEnter these (single-word) autocorrect options; "T" = raw text mode, etc.
Find that, and change it to myDefaultOpts := "*" . If many words are selected, then the tool assumes you are making a boilerplate text entry thing. In that case, the initials of the first X number of words used (like an acronym) is suggested as a trigger. When that is the case, these default options:

Code: Select all

   MyDefaultOpts := ""    ; PreEnter these multi-word hotstring options; "*" = end char not needed, etc.
   myPrefix := ";"        ; Optional character that you want suggested at the beginning of each hotstring.
   addFirstLetters := 5   ; Add first letter of this many words. (5 recommended; 0 = don't use feature.)
    tooSmallLen := 2      ; Only first letters from words longer than this. (Moot if addFirstLetters = 0)
   mySuffix := ""         ; An empty string "" means don't use feature.
Are applied. Again, change the var to myDefaultOpts := "*" .

4 and 5 - Yeah these shouldn't be too hard to add. I will add them. :thumbup:

Regarding your corrupted v1 script; If it is saved as an .ahk file, you might be able to salvage the content. ahk files are just text (.txt) files, but with a different extension. Try Recuva or one of those apps. Also, you may notice that the actual hotstring items ::trigger::expansion have exactly the same syntax from v1 to v2. If you can recover the contents of your old ahk file you might be able to copy your custom items.
ste(phen|ve) kunkel
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Re: AutoCorrect for v2

14 Nov 2023, 10:31

@kunkel321. Many thanks for the quick response and useful info.

I'm using the one in this post (at the top) and I've added the extra items you mentioned in your other post...
(" Here are a bunch of hotstrings that have been added to my own installation of AutoCorrect.ahk over the years....")

I have been looking at the code today and found the Reload() line.

Yep, I also found the myDefaultOpts lines and put the * in all of them, as I wasn't sure how they differed.
Thanks for the explanation. I will remove the multi-word one as that doesn't need a default option of * (for me).
I mostly use the AutoCorrect script to correct misspellings of individual words, rather than for text-expansion.

I used "ControlFocus RepStr" after the "hh.Show('Autosize')" line in the main code to load the Win+H dialog. This sets the focus to the Replace String field.

I have also managed to build in the [simple] backup by adding "FileCopy "AutoCorrect.ahk", "AutoCorrect_backup.ahk", 1" after the Reload() line.
But, getting the date/time stamped backup version (AutoCorrect_YYYY-MM-DD_hh-mm-ss.ahk) would be the best!
(I've not worked that bit out yet. I am not a proper developer but I can fumble my way around script-style code and documentation and Google so that's helped me get this far; it just takes a lot of time when you're not an expert ;-) )

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Re: AutoCorrect for v2

14 Nov 2023, 13:17

dorito wrote:
14 Nov 2023, 10:31
I used "ControlFocus RepStr" after the "hh.Show('Autosize')" line in the main code to load the Win+H dialog. This sets the focus to the Replace String field.
Yeah you got it!
dorito wrote:
14 Nov 2023, 10:31
I have also managed to build in the [simple] backup by adding "FileCopy "AutoCorrect.ahk", "AutoCorrect_backup.ahk", 1" after the Reload() line.
But, getting the date/time stamped backup version (AutoCorrect_YYYY-MM-DD_hh-mm-ss.ahk) would be the best!
(I've not worked that bit out yet. I am not a proper developer but I can fumble my way around script-style code and documentation and Google so that's helped me get this far; it just takes a lot of time when you're not an expert ;-) )
I'm also still learning, and I've never actually setup a backup, but I think you are probably doing it correctly. Your example also looks like the one here: which is a good sign. LOL.

You can probably use A_Vars for the date....

Code: Select all

newName := "AutoCorrect_backup_" A_YYYY "-" A_MM "-" A_DD ".ahk"
FileCopy "AutoCorrect.ahk", newName, 1
Or whatever...
ste(phen|ve) kunkel

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